Icon of a matron in a flat. Icon of the matron of Moscow

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow is known not only in Moscow, but also in other parts of the country. Every year, a huge number of pilgrims come to the icon to ask for help in solving their problems. Believers during the year celebrate the memory of St. Matrona three times: on the day of her death - May 2, on the day of her angel - November 22, and on the day of receiving the relics - March 8.

There are several varieties of the icon with the face of the Matrona:

  • a half-length image, where the saint holds a rosary in her left hand, and blesses with her right;
  • an image with prayerfully folded hands on the chest;
  • an image where the saint raises her hands to the Mother of God;
  • image, where the Matrona is depicted in full height;
  • image of the representation of the blessed Matrona.
Life stories of Saint Matrona

To figure out what helps the icon shown in the photo in this article, you should find out how she became a saint and why people believe that she can help in life. Matrona was born blind, and they wanted to leave her in a shelter, but her mother had a dream in which she was told that she had unusual child. Parents considered that this was a prophetic omen and left the girl. For the first time, Matrona showed her abilities at the age of 8, when she discovered the gift of healing. Another girl could predict the future.

At the age of 18, another tragedy happened - Matrona stopped walking, but this did not stop her from helping people. Her life reflects compassion, self-denial and patience. For her help, she did not ask for anything and did everything disinterestedly. Since 1917, Matrona wandered around Moscow, because she did not have her own home. By the way, she foresaw the Great Patriotic War and predicted the victory of the Russian people. Thanks to the gift of foresight, Matron knew in advance that she would soon die, so she told all the people who came to her that even after death they could turn to her for help. And so it happened, today many people pray in front of the icon, near the grave and relics of the saint.

There is information that in order to achieve the location of the saint, it is necessary to give alms to poor people in the name of the Lord and out of respect for the Matrona. You can also feed pigeons or stray dogs. The thing is that many during their lifetime treated the blind exactly like a mongrel, therefore, helping animals, you can earn the attention of the saint.

What helps the icon of the Matrona of Moscow?

There is a huge amount of evidence that the face of the saint works real miracles. Most often, prayers before the image are offered by women who would like to solve problems in their personal lives. They turn to her, asking for children. Many are interested in whether the icon of the Matrona of Moscow helps to get rid of diseases. To date, you can find many confirmations of the healing abilities of the image. Matrona helps to get rid of various kinds of diseases, both physical and mental. They turn to the saint during financial problems, as well as during natural disasters. Having an icon at home, you can protect yourself from the intrigues of enemies, various life troubles and misfortunes.

Understanding what helps and what is the significance of the Matrona of Moscow, it is worth saying that this saint is also considered an intercessor. Repentant sinners who want to beg forgiveness from God can turn to her.

Knowing how prayer before the icon of the Matrona of Moscow helps, it is necessary to figure out how to properly address the saint. You can pray both at home and in the temple, the place does not matter. It is important that the words are sincere and come from a pure heart.

The clergy say that you need to turn to the Matrona only after praying to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

There's a lot different prayers Saint Matrona, consider the most famous and universal:

“O blessed mother Matrono, soul on The heavens are standing before the throne of God, but the body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and situations, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but by your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen."

“Helped, of course, and more than once!”

Most important points in my life:

Through her holy prayers, I found my own housing in my favorite area of ​​Moscow (there was a real chance to go to the other end of the city);

I found very Good work, which I could not even dream of (it was twelve years ago, but I still work here!)

Since then, with any difficulties, we have no doubts where to turn. We are going to the Danilovskoye cemetery to the chapel above the place where Saint Matrona of Moscow was buried. We tell her everything and we know that through her prayer to the Lord God, our problem will be resolved without fail. My granddaughters often ask me to go with them to their mother even for no reason. Just pray and be by your side.

Many miracles happen through the prayers of Saint Matrona. A year ago, we decided to build a wooden temple in honor of the holy blessed Matrona in Pakseng. This is in the south of the Arkhangelsk region, in the Velsky district, in the devastated and plundered former millionaire collective farm "Russia". Wonderful people live there; kind, bright, sympathetic, but, as elsewhere in northern villages, low-income.

Through prayers to the saint and by the grace of God, the foundation and walls were rebuilt in a year, the belfry and the dome were commissioned. Isn't this a miracle?! I am sure that we will do the interior decoration, we will erect the iconostasis, and we will equip the altar. Since the beginning of construction, more than a hundred local residents accepted holy baptism. The holy blessed mother Matrona prays and helps.

“They take me from the stock exchange to a very serious organization”

Then there was a deplorable state with my brother’s work, and for the second time I read an akathist to Matronushka, and the next day he was taken to permanent job into this city-forming enterprise, although it is completely unrealistic to get there, despite the fact that the brother was without higher education. I think those who live in such small towns will understand me.

And for the third time, just recently, Matronushka again helped me with a job, getting a job, I immediately became pregnant and went on maternity leave, which I am very happy about!

"I couldn't get pregnant"

Hello! I live in Australia. Arriving in Moscow, I always venerate the relics of Matronushka. I asked for a child, because I could not get pregnant for a long time, and my prayer was answered a month later.

A little later, Matronushka appeared to me in a dream and warned me about the coming big trouble, and how to endure this test. I can't imagine my life without Saint Matronushka. Even on such a distant continent, she hears us and helps. Thank God for everything!

Maria Ostapenko
"Helped Meet My Husband"

Matronushka helped me meet my husband!

Through prayers to her, numbness in the hands disappeared!

Thank you dear!!!

Tatyana Kashigina
“Doctors rendered a verdict: abortion for medical reasons”

In 2009 I got pregnant. I asked my husband to go to the second ultrasound together, as it turned out for good reason ... A female doctor, who, in front of me, gathered a council and delivered a verdict: “Girl. Six months (22-24 weeks). Teratoma of the sacrococcygeal region. Abortion for medical reasons.

Then I remember myself crying in the office of a geneticist, who inspired me that the child would be disabled, our pediatric surgeons do not know how to operate, they make tubes on the side instead of the rectum. And I doom the child to torment.

I remember how I went out to my husband and said: “Can you imagine! Girl!" And in my head there is such a confusion and the thought is spinning: “This is a girl, she is small, defenseless.” And I must say that since childhood (by God's providence) I had a great fear of abortion. More than anything, I was afraid of abortion!

Mom was also very worried, she cried, and soon she saw a program about Matronushka on the Soyuz TV channel (and it is a great miracle that an unbelieving mother was the first to “remember” about God!). Then, returning from work, I saw an announcement at the bus stop with an invitation to a pilgrimage trip to Matronushka in Moscow. Mom called me and said that I need to go.

Mother received me very warmly. We stayed near the shrine longer than expected, but no one said a word to us. Then we went to the temple and got some holy water. After that, I slowly began to get into the church. Congregated, took communion.

It's time to give birth. I prayed the best I could. The doctors made many diagnoses (preeclampsia, polyhydramnios), my legs gurgled from edema, there was a strong pinched nerve, only my husband lifted me up, she screamed in pain, she couldn’t get up, but she prayed normally! Stood, afraid to sit down! I prayed with trepidation! I trusted in the Lord and did not care about anything else.

In the prenatal room, I had to observe a “consilium” of doctors, when the doctors shouted at each other and refused to take delivery from me, finally, they “kicked me back” to the head, saying that it was her interesting case, so let her accept it. She suggested that I do cesarean section.

During the operation, I felt someone's presence. Female voice helped me read the prayer to Matrona of Moscow, explained that every word is important in prayer, every word has a meaning.

The daughter was taken to the children's hospital surgery department. On the second day, the husband baptized his daughter, and in the church where he turned, they gave him the icon of Matronushka and told him to pray to her. The operation was performed on the third day after birth, it lasted three hours. The child was all this time and the next few days on the verge of life and death. I remember how my parents and husband arrived at the maternity hospital after the children's hospital and stood with gloomy, even black faces. I ask them: “Well, what? Died? They shook their heads, but the look was such that everything was utterly bad.

A few days later, my daughter was on the mend. On the ninth day, I was discharged from the hospital, and my daughter was transferred from intensive care to the therapeutic department, where we met. They lay for a long time. There were many miracles, small and bigger! When we were discharged, journalists came to us, interviewed us, filmed our daughter on camera. Doctors did not believe that the child would walk, but he moved his legs.

My mother-in-law did not believe in God. When I was still going to go pregnant to Matronushka, she dissuaded me, assured me that there would be no miracle. And so, after our discharge, they and their father-in-law read in the newspaper, which they subscribed to all their lives, a small article under the heading “Saran doctors performed a miracle”, and in the article they recognized me and their granddaughter. After that, the mother-in-law ran and bought the Matronushka icon!

Since then, the temple has been an integral part of my life with my daughter. Matronushka is a member of our family, and even our, unfortunately, unbelieving dad (husband) agrees with this.

Wonderful is the Lord in His saints!!! Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!!!

!I dropped my wallet with the icon of Mother Matronushka a hundred kilometers from home!

Pray to God for us, Mother Matronushka! Helped ALWAYS!!!

I ardently asked for work - I received help the next day (more than once)!

She prayed for her son to determine who his friends were, threw a crooked path, mother Matronushka saved her son!

She dropped her wallet with the icon of Mother Matronushka with a consecrated petal a hundred kilometers from home. She grieved greatly that there was no other such icon. The wallet was brought to work by absolutely strangers three days later, the icon was in place! Thank God for everything!!! Pray to God for us, Mother Matronushka!

Anna. Odessa, Ukraine
And suddenly it opened up for me the whole world»

I believed in God in the way that was convenient for me: to go to the temple when there was no one there, cry about the pain, get what you asked for and forget about Him until the next problem...

Once, by chance, a friend invited me to visit, and we spent the evening over a cozy cup of tea. She had the book “The Life of the Holy Matrona of Moscow” on her bedside table, and I really wanted to read it, but I did not dare to ask ... And when I was about to go home, this girl unexpectedly offered me to take the book. I read it in two days on my way to work.

And suddenly a whole world opened up for me: a poor little old woman, persecuted all her life, gives herself entirely to the service of God and people ... And here I am - healthy and strong, but doing absolutely nothing good, even praying is a burden for me. ..

And from that moment everything turned upside down... A few months later I was able to take communion, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord! Now I can’t imagine life without God, without the Church... There are many mistakes, falls, but I don’t see any other way in life...

And for everything I thank Mother Saint Matrona. I ask her forgiveness that I rarely remember her in my prayers, but despite this, she is like a piece of my heart for me, always infinitely dear and dear.

Holy Blessed Mother Matrono, pray to God for us sinners!

In our turbulent age, more and more people turn to God, try to atone for their sins, hoping that soon their lives will get better. Each person has his own saint who patronizes him in difficult moment. Once, an icon of Mother Matrona of Moscow was brought to our city. Crowds of people reached out to the temple with fresh flowers, which was amazing for me. And I decided to study the life of this saint in more detail and find out what significance the icon of the blessed Matrona of Moscow has in the life of mere mortals. First of all, seriously ill people, people possessed by demons, women suffering from infertility, couples who have had a family breakdown, and many others go for help. She will never help people who live without God in their hearts, as well as those who come to her with impure thoughts. For the Russian people, the significance of the icon of the blessed Matrona of Moscow is very great, since this icon really works wonders not only for an individual, but also within the Russian land.

The image of the blessed mother Matrona of Moscow, embodied in the icon

Mother Matronushka lived a rather difficult and full of hardships life. She was born on November 10, 1881 in the Tula province (the village of Sebino) to a poor peasant family of Dmitry and Natalya. The girl was born completely blind, but her parents loved her no less than their older children, whom they already had three at that time. Blessed Matrona of Moscow began to treat all those in need from the age of 8, and when she turned 18, she lost the ability to walk. Since 1917, she wandered around Moscow and lived in different places, since she did not have her own roof over her head. Throughout her life, she helped those in need. It was she who predicted the beginning of the Great patriotic war, and said that the Russian people would win. She did not stop helping people even three days before her death, which she knew about. left our world on May 2, 1952 and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. However, on March 8, 1998, her remains were exhumed and placed in a tomb at the Intercession Monastery. And in 1999 she was canonized as blessed.

Buy a holy icon of the Matronushka in every home

The relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow visited various Russian cities. Along with the relics, they bring the Orthodox icon of the Matronushka of Moscow. Each person can touch the original icon and ask for a miracle. Here in the temple, which receives pilgrims, you can buy consecrated icon of mother Matrona of Moscow, which will become the keeper of the hearth, protecting your home from all sorts of troubles and ailments. There are several varieties of the icon with the face of the Matronushka:

  • half-length image of the Matrona of Moscow, on which she holds a rosary in her left hand and right hand bless;
  • an icon with prayerfully folded hands on the chest; the icon on which the Holy Matronushka stretches out her hands to the Mother of God;
  • growth icon;
  • icon of the Holy Matronushka healing the sick;
  • as well as an icon representing the blessed Matrona.

Each icon has a different effect, and before you buy an icon of the Matrona of Moscow, you should ask what kind of help it provides.

There are not many women among the saints glorified in Russia. One of the most beloved Moscow saints is the Matrona of Moscow, whose icon is in the homes of Orthodox believers. She was one of those people to whom the Lord gave special spiritual abilities, taking away those ordinary opportunities that most people have. Despite this, the blessed one did not lose her patience, faith, and love for people.

Road to Holiness

What is holiness? This question can be answered in different ways. But the main thing, probably, is that a person has the Lord in the first place. By cultivating love for Him, you can love your neighbors, learn to act as Christians are commanded.

The saints did not care about earthly well-being, because their spiritual eyes are always looking at the sky. Someone becomes better year from a year, consciously choosing the path of self-restraint. Some are initially placed in such conditions that they live differently from those around them. In order to fully assimilate the meaning of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, one must delve into the circumstances of her life. She was not easy, but mother herself never complained.

Even Matrona was born in turbulent times - at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. When a simple peasant family living in the Tula region realized that a fourth child was on the way, at first they wanted to give it away. They lived very poorly, and patrons built a shelter in the neighboring village. At that time, people did not have abortions. Wealthy merchants, nobles, transferred money to charity in order to support those who cannot feed themselves and their children on their own.

But the girl's mother saw the unborn child in a dream and changed her mind. The girl was born without eyes, but she could see the world some sort of inner vision. She moved around the house on her own. Parents pitied their daughter, but she had a kind, cheerful disposition, as if she knew something unknown to others. Even then, she bathed in God's love.

Neither blindness nor poverty prevented the young girl from visiting many holy places; once she even saw Fr. John of Kronstadt. All thanks close friend Lydia, who took Matrona with her on trips. With her, she went to Moscow to seek food and shelter after the revolution.

Matronushka icons

The images of the saint are very recognizable - she is written with her eyes closed, in adulthood.

  • The saint is wearing a green tunic and a white kerchief tied in a knot in front.
  • The image can be either half-length or full-length, usually frontal.
  • In her left hand, the old woman holds a rosary (monks and ascetics of piety pray on the rosary).
  • On some icons, the saint holds the image of the Mother of God in her hands, as a sign that most she spent her life in prayer.
  • The right hand of the blessed Matrona is directed towards the worshipers, the palm is open. This gesture means the absence of guile, secret thoughts, anger.

Sometimes a temple is written behind the Matrona, sometimes her face is simply on a golden background. There are different icons of Matrona, one depicts her meeting with Joseph Stalin. However, historians consider this event fictional. And how could this be, if the authorities constantly persecuted the saint, tried to arrest her. If you want to purchase an icon approved by the clergy, you must consult with the priest so as not to make a mistake. There are many images, even in church shops you can buy something non-canonical.

What helps the icon of the Matrona of Moscow

Even during her earthly life, the saint became famous for her foresight and ability to work miracles with her prayers. And today, a request in front of the icon of the Matrona helps a lot. A stream of many thousands tends to the resting place of the relics of the saint, people stand in line for hours to ask for the most cherished.

  • The barren give birth to children.
  • Solved financial difficulties.
  • Families are saved.
  • Physical illness is gone.
  • The unemployed arrange their lives.

The saint quickly responds to heartfelt requests expressed with faith. You can turn to any saint of God, preferably after prayers to Jesus, Mother of God. After all, miracles are performed only by the power of God, which He endows ascetics of faith and piety. If there is an opportunity to come to Moscow, visit the Pokrovsky Monastery - this will be a good tribute to the pious tradition.

But you can pray anywhere and anytime. There are no definite rules for how prayer in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow will help. It is also not at all necessary to look for miraculous images - any of them can become such if a person has enough faith during prayer. If there is no answer, it means that the perspicacious old woman believes that this will not be useful for the person asking. Wise people advise once again to think carefully about what a person is asking for.

Holy place

Every Muscovite knows exactly where the icon of the Matrona is located - in the Intercession Convent, there are two of them. The monastery is open daily from early morning, you can reach it by getting off at the metro stations Taganskaya, Marksistskaya, Krestyanskaya Zastava, Proletarskaya. From there, walk to the Abelmanovskaya Zastava.

Many pilgrims bring fresh flowers with them - carnations, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums. The nuns bless the flowers on the relics and then distribute them to the faithful. The parishioners dry the flowers and keep them near the icons of the house. Some brew them like tea, but it's pure folk tradition which has no basis in Scripture.

One icon of the Matrona of Moscow is outside the Intercession Church, behind a special fence. The other is inside, like the relics of the old woman. She will listen to everyone, help to establish relations with the second half, raise a child, get out of the crisis. During life, deprived of a full-fledged family life in the usual everyday sense, through the Lord, the old woman became the patroness of many people. All Christians became her family.

The relics of the blessed Matrona are in a silver reliquary, it is also customary to pray near them, read akathists, and sing praises. Believers also leave notes with their requests. The old woman was buried first at the Danilovsky cemetery. In the late 1990s, the relics were transferred to the Intercession Monastery, where they are now. A chapel was erected over the grave, where pilgrims still go. To get to the cemetery, you need to take the Tulskaya metro station, from there on foot, following the signs.

What does the appearance of a holy image in a dream mean?

An ambiguous question that torments many. Sometimes the Lord really sends prophetic dreams- but this is such a rare event that it may not happen to everyone. Most often, the brain simply “works out” the information that it has dealt with during the day. If a person made a pilgrimage, visited a temple, it is not surprising that he dreamed of the icon of the Matrona. Should not be given much importance.

Recall: the girl dreamed of the Mother of God, but neither her mother nor the representatives of the clergy at first reacted to this in any way. This behavior is not accidental - most dreams really do not mean anything. The blessed old woman herself taught not to pay attention to dreams. It is possible that this is the machinations of the evil one. And attaching importance to such thoughts is a pure sin, which only gets worse the further one goes into reasoning.

The best thing is to just forget about everything. True, if one of the saints dreamed, it would not be superfluous to reconsider your life. Yes, the blessed Matrona herself had the gift of foresight, but how many can boast of the same spirituality? It’s better not to guess what the matron’s icon is dreaming of, after sleep, pray to the Lord for peace of mind.

How to ask Saint Matrona for help

Even during her lifetime, the blessed old woman predicted that people would come to her grave, seek support and consolation from her. And so it happened. During her lifetime, Matrona also received people, several dozen a day. Having neither a monastic rank, nor even a native corner, she continued to serve God until the very last day. She looked directly into the soul of a person, after departing to the villages of the righteous, this gift only intensified. She herself instructed that they turn to her as if she were alive, in any sorrows.

Prayers at the icon of the Matrona of Moscow can be read after the daily rule is completed. Compiled a special akathist, magnification. After them, you can add something from yourself, state a need, ask for your health or for loved ones. Behind your daily chores, it is important not to forget about spiritual growth - the saints can also help in this. If the request is fulfilled, one must thank the Lord and the saint, make a donation to the temple.

For her help, the blessed one never demanded money. All requests were treated with care and understanding. She advised everyone not to be afraid - in those years there were strong persecutions of the church - to wear a cross, to visit the temple. She urged me to confess, to go to Communion. In general, lead a virtuous Christian life. These tips are not outdated in our time. Therefore, if the answer to prayers is late, you should reevaluate your behavior. A person who is rooted in sin cannot draw near to God.

Saint Matrona spent her nights in prayer at the icons. I read "Our Father", psalms, other prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos. Such a spiritual feat is not for everyone, but it serves good example how to educate your heart. Let little by little, one step a day, in a lifetime you can go a long way leading to God.

Prayers to the Blessed Elder Matrona

First prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, who have learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; let your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help convey your worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on the earth, and the grace given to you from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but by your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Blessed Elder Matrona

Troparion, tone 2

God-wise, blessed old woman Matrona, prosperity of the land of Tula and the city of Moscow, glorious decoration, let us praise today, faithful. This for the light of day without knowing it, enlighten yourself with the light of Christ and be enriched with the gift of insight and healing. The clergyman and wanderer on the earth was, now in the devils of heaven, the Throne of God stands and prays for our souls.

Troparion, tone 4

The land of Tula vegetation, the city of Moscow, the angel-like warrior, the blessed old woman Matrono. From birth in bodily blindness until the end of her days, she remained. But she generously received spiritual sight from God, a seer and a prayer book. Most of all, she acquired the gift of healing diseases. Help everyone with faith flowing to you and asking in illnesses of the soul and body, our joy.

Thousands of people flock to the relics of St. Matrona, to her grave, to the icons. To many who turned to her in tearful and humble prayer, she helped, taught, enlightened, healed of spiritual and physical ailments.

Shortly before her death, Mother Matrona said: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear, and help you.”

She also instructed: “I’ll die, put candles on the canon for me, the cheapest ones, go to my grave, I will always be there, don’t look for anyone else. Trust me, and I will give you thoughts on what to do and how to act The time of charm is coming, do not look for anyone, otherwise you will be deceived.

Many ask the question:

How and where to ask for help from the blessed holy old woman Matrona of Moscow?

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov answers:

"You can pray to the holy blessed Matrona, just like to any other saint Orthodox Church whom we call for help following our Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Mother of God, remembering that first of all we must turn in prayers to the Savior and His Most Pure Mother.

You can turn to Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where you live, in the church you go to, and at home. It is true that there is an ancient and pious, correct custom of making pilgrimages to church shrines, including shrines miraculous icons or to the relics of the holy saints of God. And if the circumstances of your life allow you to visit the capital city, visit the Intercession Monastery there, standing together with many others Orthodox people in a series of pilgrims, to venerate the relics of the blessed mother Matrona is a good deed, and it can only be welcomed.

But by the way, let us remind again and again that the saints hear us in any place. If due to the circumstances of your life - economic or other practical - you do not have the opportunity to get to Moscow today, do not kill yourself too much because of this. The saint will accept your prayers where you live."

You can turn to Mother Matrona and ask for help in many ways:

  1. If you want to visit Mother Matrona, venerate her holy relics and ask for help, then come to the Moscow Intercession Monastery. For information on how to get to the monastery, see the page.
  2. You can visit the grave of Matronushka at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. See this page for more details.
  3. You can write a letter to Mother Matrona and send it by mail to the address of the Intercession Monastery: 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, d. 58. Your letter will be entrusted by the servants of the monastery to the relics of the blessed old woman.
  4. In many churches there is an icon of the blessed old woman, in any corner the globe You can contact Matrona for help. And even if you do not know and cannot read the full prayer, turn with faith with all your heart and mind to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow with a request to guide you on the path of truth and salvation. Pray and you will be heard.
  5. If you want to read the prayer to Mother Matrona, go to the page. Short Prayer: "Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!"

Watch a short video about the help of Mother Matrona:

What else to read