Name day in December: angel day according to the church calendar

The tradition of giving a child a name in honor of a revered saint appeared in Rus' with the advent of Orthodoxy at the end of the 10th century. The names of all the righteous, starting from the most ancient times, are included in the church calendar, which is called the calendar or calendar. It not only helps young parents choose a name for their baby, but also gives every person the opportunity to recognize the day of their guardian angel.

For many centuries in Orthodox calendar Not only information was included about all the saints and great martyrs whom believers honor, but also about various church festivals and celebrations. In addition, the monthly word contains female and male names, which for convenience are arranged in chronological order.

List of December birthday people

Who celebrates their name day in December? What name should be given to a child born this month? Instead of answering, let’s look into the calendar and get acquainted with the list of December birthday people.

date Male names Female names
December 1 , Nikolay,
December 2nd , Konstantin, Peter, Leonid, Yakov
December 3 , Alexander, Anatoly, Nikolay, Vladimir, Makar, Georgy , Thekla,
December 4 Alexander
5th of December , Ivan, Vasily, Valerian, Praskovya
December 6 Mitrofan, Grigory, Alexander,
December 7 , Mikhail, Porfiry, Semyon , Augustina, Anisia
December 8 Seraphim, Ivan, Clement Magdalene
9th December Innocent, Daniel, Mikhail, Tikhon, Peter
December 10 Ivan, Sergey, Fedor, Boris, Alexey, Roman
December 11th Vasily, Fedor, Nikolay, Seraphim, Stepan Anisya, Anna, Praskovya
12 December Paramon
December 13th Ivan, Andrey
December 14 Naum, Filaret, Ananiy
December 15 Vladimir, Ivan, Konstantin, Dmitry, Sergey, Fedor Margarita, Tamara, Matryona,
December 16 , Andrey, Fedor, Ivan, Georgy Glyceria
December 17 Nikolay, Gennady, Ivan, Alexey, Alexander , Ekaterina, Kira, Ulyana, Yuliana
December 18 Sergey, Gennady, Gury, Savva
December 19th Nikolai
20th of December Michael, Galaktion, Nikifor, Nile, Peter
21 December Kirill Anfisa
December 22 Stepan, Vladimir, Alexander, Vasily Anna, Euphrosyne
December 23 Anatoly, Evgeniy, Konstantin Alexandra, Tatiana, Evdokia, Anna, Eulalia
December 24 Daniil, Nikolay, Ivan
December 25 Alexander, Spiridon
December 26 Evgeny, Ivan, Vladimir, Yakov, Arkady, Arseny
27th of December Vassian, Filimon, Nikolai
December 28th Pavel, Hilarion, Tryphon, Alexander, Stepan Susanna
December 29th Vladimir, Fedos, Makar, Arkady, Ilya Marina, Sofia
December 30th Daniil, Sergey, Peter, Stepan
31th of December Mark, Victor, Semyon, Thaddeus, Mikhail, Nikolai Zoya, Vera, Elizaveta, Sofia

It is interesting that now in the monthly word you can see about a thousand names. Many of them came to us from time immemorial and gained popularity only in last years. As you can see, female baptismal names are less common, which is due to a large number male saints.

The most memorable days of December

By church calendar you can determine not only the dates of name days, but also receive information about Christian holidays, days of honoring saints, fasting and others important events. We'll tell you more about some of the December holidays.

December 4th. Presentation of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos into the Temple

According to legend, when righteous Joachim and Anna's long-awaited daughter Maria appeared, happy parents decided to dedicate her life to God. And when the baby celebrated her third birthday, they brought her to the temple, where the high priest Saint Zechariah met the girl. From this day until her engagement to her future husband Joseph, Mary lived in Orthodox church devoting time to prayers and reading divine books.

Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary in Russian Orthodox Church not transferable, that is, its date does not change. Since this day falls on the Nativity fast, it is allowed to eat only dishes made from vegetables, fish and seafood.

December 10. Celebration in honor of the icon “The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

One of the most revered icons in Orthodoxy, on which the Mother of God is depicted with her arms outstretched to the sides, palms facing outward (the so-called Orant type) with an image of a baby on her chest.

The miraculous power of the icon first appeared in the 3rd century, when the Russian land was torn apart by internecine wars. Deciding to enslave Veliky Novgorod, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and his retinue surrounded the city and began a siege. The Novgorodians understood that the forces were unequal, and were preparing for ruin and death.

Then Archbishop John took the icon out of the church Mother of God, raised it high above his head and began to walk around the fortress wall together with the believers. The prince's soldiers began to fire procession, and one of the arrows hit the face of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, tears flowed from her eyes, and she turned towards the city. At the same moment, the enemies, seized with mortal horror, threw down their weapons and stopped the siege.

This miracle happened on November 27 (December 10), 1170. Since then, on this day there has been a celebration in honor of the icon “The Sign”.

December 17. Varvarin day

Saint Barbara of Iliopolis is a Christian martyr who died at the hands of her pagan father in the 3rd century. In Orthodoxy, this saint is considered a protector against sudden or violent death.

Barbara's Day is celebrated by both Orthodox and Catholics. Among the Slavs there are many traditions associated with this holiday. So, in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, girls dress up in white clothes and walk around the courtyards with carols and gifts for children.

In Western Ukraine and Belarus they believe that Varvara protects domestic animals. Therefore, on December 17, special pies with poppy seeds and cookies in the shape of cow heads and hooves are baked here.

Polish miners and miners consider Saint Barbara their patroness and even established a holiday in her honor called Barburka. On this day, the custom of initiating young people into miners, known since the Middle Ages, is traditionally held.

December 19th. Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Pleasant or the Wonderworker is a Christian saint who lived in the 3rd century in the Roman province of Lycia. Throughout his life, Nicholas helped many disadvantaged Christians who were persecuted and arrested. In particular, this kind and compassionate man was sympathetic to children.

In some Slavic countries, Nicholas the Wonderworker became the prototype of Santa Claus and Father Frost. Therefore, many children, going to bed on the night of December 19, place a sock near their pillow, in which Saint Nicholas will definitely put a gift.

IN ancient Rus' Preparations for the Christmas holidays began with St. Nicholas the Winter. It was believed that on this day Nikolai Ugodnik descends from heaven to earth and walks around it from end to end. On Nikola's day they always baked pies with fish and cabbage, since it falls on the Nativity Fast, which ends only in January.

On any Orthodox holiday, you must visit the church, attend the service and take part in the prayer service. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the list of memorable and solemn dates in the church calendar so as not to miss an important event.

Our people love various holidays, so domestic calendars are simply filled with all sorts of dates that we usually celebrate. Now I would like to tell you what people’s names will have their name day in December.

All in all

At the very beginning, I would like to say that every day according to the Orthodox calendar is a name day. Some names are repeated several times a year, or even a month. So don’t be surprised if the holiday comes to someone more often. It is also important to say that there are also names in the calendar that today it is almost no longer customary to call children, but they still have a place.

From 1 to 10 December

So, who celebrates name day in December? The first number is legitimately occupied by Roman and Plato - men. The second of December belongs to a woman named Aza, as well as to the guys Illarion and Varlam. 3rd number: who celebrates their holiday today? Anna, as well as Anatoly, Ivan and Grigory. The fourth of December belongs to the ladies Ada and Maria, as well as defenders with such ancient names as Prokop and Yaropolk. December 5th is a purely men's day. Peter, Mikhail, Valerian and Arkhip celebrate. December 6th: Grigory and Mitrofan are only guys again. The seventh day of the name day in December ( female names exclusively) from Katerina and Augusta. 8th: Peter, Klim, and also Claudia. 9th - Innocent, Yakov, Yuri, Egor and Georgy. The tenth number again belongs only to men: Roman, Gabriel and Vsevolod.

From 11 to 20 December

Let's go further, now I want to find out who can celebrate in December, or rather, in the very middle of it. The 11th is again a purely men's day, celebrated by Vasily, Ivan, Stepan, Fedor. Olga and Neonila, as well as Paramon, celebrate their holiday. The next day, Andrei and Arkady are congratulated (on this day in Rus', girls on the 14th - Naum and Filaret - men with such beautiful old names. On December 15, only a male company gathered again from Stefan, Ivan, Stepan and Afanasy. 16- The 1st is for Ivan and Fedor, the 17th is for Ivan and Gennady, as well as the ladies Varvara and Juliana. Who else celebrates name days in December? The 18th: Zakhar and Anastasia, the 19th - Nikolai (a holiday for children when he brings them gifts under their pillow), and this block of Christmastide ends with Pavel, Ivan and Anton, who celebrate their name day on December 20th.

From 21 to 31 December

Who else celebrates name day in December? Male names fall on the 21st: Kirill and Potap; 22nd: Stepan, Stefan and beautiful Anna. The next day, Foma, Ivan, Evgraf and Angelina are congratulated. December 24th belongs to Nikon and Daniil, the 25th belongs to Spiridon and Alexander. Next comes the day of Arkady, Arseny, Orest and Eugene, again, only men. December 27 belongs to Apollo and Philemon, the 28th belongs to Pavel, Stepan, Stefan and Tryphon, the 29th belongs to a girl with the southern name Marina, and the 30th and 31st again men's days. First, Stefan, Mikhail and Daniil will celebrate their name days, and then Semyon, Modest and Sevastyan.

Characteristics of the month

All people who celebrate their name day in December can be united according to certain criteria. Thus, those born in winter are talented, purposeful people, but very quick-tempered. Such persons are characterized by excessive emotionality; women can be very whiny. Positive side character: straightforwardness, but not everyone likes this. But such a comrade will never be cunning or deceive, and this is good. In addition, those born in December are open people, ready for new contacts, and very friendly. They are also big hard workers who take on everything at once. However, they do not always manage to finish the job they start, because often they simply lose interest in it. They also say that all those born this month are long-lived. However, such people more often than others suffer from pneumonia, sore throat, and have problems with blood circulation. Children often have adenoids.

We spent a long time choosing a name for the child, until a friend advised us to look at the Orthodox church calendar for name days: they say, we’re closer to God, and we’ll have less to choose from. Our Vanya was recently baptized.

I will be happy to tell you why confessors recommend naming your baby an Orthodox name, how many Angel Days a person can have, and what names can be given little miracle, born in December.

The clergy do not insist that even the child of believing parents receive an Orthodox name, since there is no such rule in Orthodoxy. Leaving the choice up to parents, they still recommend considering this possibility. And that's why.

It is believed that, being named after one or another Saint, the child strengthens the connection with him and receives protection that can help at the decisive moment. The Saint or Saint will look after the little one throughout his life and appeal to His mercy.

Angel Day: what a holiday

Even devout believers are not always familiar with church traditions, and therefore do not distinguish between the guardian angel and the Saint after whom the child is named. The first is a divine protector sent by Heaven at birth, and the second patron is acquired after the Sacrament of Baptism.

The Day of Remembrance of the Saint or the Saint whose name the baby bears, which is closest on the calendar to the date of birth of the child, will be his Angel Day. On this day, confessors recommend visiting the church and praying to your patron in front of the image.

The number of days a year when the Saint of the same name is remembered is not important. A person can only have Angel Day once a year.

Previously, a child received a name not from parents or relatives, but from a priest. The church charter stated that it was necessary to name the child on the 8th day of life. The priest independently chose the name according to the calendar so that the day the Sacrament was performed on the child coincided with the Day of Remembrance of the Saint or Saint.

When giving the newborn a name, the child was brought to the icon of the Mother of God, describing a cross in the air. Thus, the newly-minted Orthodox believer introduced himself to her patronage.

Birthdays were not then considered the main holiday in people's lives, so they were celebrated modestly (if celebrated at all), while Angel Day was celebrated on a grand scale. Festive pies were distributed, and the more, the more the birthday person was held in high esteem.

In the evening, gifts were given, guests came who might not even remember the date of birth, but they had no right to forget the day of baptism, especially godparents.

Choosing an Orthodox name for the baby

To make your choice easier, use the church calendar, which lists the Days of Remembrance of All Saints, divided by month. The sequence and content do not change, so in 2018 the list of names will be the same as in the previous one.

Behind the list of female and male names presented in the calendar are people with unusual life stories, Christians who went to Heaven thanks to the faith and support of the Lord. Before choosing what name the child will receive, get acquainted with the history of the intended patron so that you can tell your baby about it over time.

How to choose the right one

According to the rules, the name is chosen in accordance with the date of birth and the closest Saint’s Day according to the calendar. For example, a boy or girl was born on December 4th. You should refer to the church calendar and look at the names from 4.12 inclusive. Previously, it’s impossible!

Who celebrates name day in December?

There are traditionally fewer female names, since the vast majority of men are among the saints, but this does not mean at all that there are no options. The names of Saints presented below are given in secular form. The choice is yours!

Male names

  1. Memorial Day is celebrated by Anastasy and.
  2. Benjamin, Ignatius, Christopher and will be an excellent choice for a child. Think also about Valentin, Semyon, Hilarion and Varlam. Gerasim or , or Avdey, or - the choice is yours. Today they also remember Peter, Gennady, Porfiry, Sergei, Fyodor, Dmitry and Yakov.
  3. , Ivan, or - such names can be given to a boy today. Name the baby Arseny, Emelyan, Illarion or Alexander. Pay attention to Vasily, Joseph, Anatoly and Nikolai.
  4. The only option for today is .
  5. , Valerian, Peter and can celebrate their name day today. Mikhail, Thaddeus, Gerasim, and can keep them company. Excellent names for a boy could be Ivan, Procopius, Fedor or.
  6. The memory of Fedor, Boris and Alexei is honored. They also remember Gregory, Makar, Ivan and.
  7. Name the boy born today Mitrofan, Gregory, Procopius, Mark or Evgraf. Great options there will be Alexey, Ivan, and Mikhail.
  8. and, Paul and, Clement and Alexander - there are many names today. Let's not forget about Peter, Victor, Hilarion and Gregory. or Ivan, or Kuzma, Semyon or Nikolai – it’s up to you to decide.
  9. Opt for Tikhon or George, Julian or Nazar. Ilya, Mikhail, Vasily, Ivan and Peter are beautiful names. Nikolai, Innokenty and Yakov are suitable for the baby.
  10. Think, perhaps Nikolay, Roman and Alexey are what you need. Dmitry, Ivan, Vladimir, and Nikon will become beautiful names. You might be interested in Vasily, Fedor, or Yakov.
  11. Today they remember Vincent, Sergei, Andrei, Nikolai and Gregory, and honor the memory of Thomas, Peter, Erofey, Timofey and Constantine. Alexey and Nikifor, Vasily and Pavel, Seraphim and, and Fedor, Ivan and Khariton are options for male names for this day.
  12. Name the boy Nikolai or Ivan, Denis or Sergei.
  13. There are only two options: Ivan or Andrey.
  14. The Orthodox names Naum and Dmitry will strengthen the child’s connection with his patrons.
  15. Today we have to choose between Dmitry, Sergey, Afanasy, Matvey and Vladimir. Don't discount Stepan, Konstantin, Boris, Kuzma and Moses. Andrei, Nikolai and Ivan are familiar names to everyone, as are Pavel and Fedor.
  16. 16. This day is good for Fedor, Ephraim, George and Andrey. You can name your baby Nikolai, Gabriel, Savva or Ivan.
  17. Decide between Alexander, Dmitry, Vasily, Ivan, Gennady, Nikolai and Alexey.

A name is a very important component for a person. It should fit the person perfectly, since the first opinion is formed not by clothes, but by name. Therefore, young parents bear a huge responsibility for the future of their child. In order to be confident in choosing a name, you can look at the name day of the month in which the child was born. For example, more than 100 people celebrate their name day in December.

In addition to all the holidays, on the eve of the New Year there are also December name days. Girls who were born in December, whose names were chosen according to the calendar, celebrate their name days. For some reason, this holiday was forgotten and stopped being celebrated. Only true believers continue to celebrate the name days of saints and their children.

Some believe that this event is celebrated several times a year. But this is not true, it is celebrated only once a year for each name.

What is the difference from an angel's day

Some people confuse Angel's Day with name days. But these are slightly different holidays. Angel Day is the day when a child is baptized. And the name day is the day of the name of the saint in whose honor the baby is named. Angel days famous people December:

  1. Sergey Bezrukov.
  2. Andrey Anishchenko.
  3. Kirill Berkutov.
  4. Anna Semenovich.
  5. Maria Poroshina.

Girls' Day

In order not to get confused and know for sure the name day, you need to look at the church calendar which saints are honored on the day close to the child’s birthday. Women's names are rare in December according to the church calendar, but they exist. For example, names like:

  • Tatiana;
  • Anna;
  • Catherine;
  • Thekla;
  • Praskovya;
  • Antonina;
  • Anastasia;
  • Sofia.

Very beautiful and alluring female names. It is believed that if you choose a name for a child according to the calendar, then the Almighty will give a blessing on happy life baby. And a whole army of angels will protect a person all his life.

I wonder what names before It was given to the children by the priest, not by the parents. That's why there wasn't such a problem as there is now. Now, of course, there are still families who name their children exclusively according to the church calendar and give the names of saints whose days are honored on the child’s birthday. There are fewer and fewer such families, but they exist. That's why orthodox calendar The name day still exists as long as it is used.

On December 3, Tatyana, Fekla and Anna celebrate their name days. Tatyana is a very strong and strong-willed name of Latin origin. Its meaning is “to establish” or “to establish.” A girl with this name will always be a ruler and will be able to put everyone in their place.

And here ancient Greek name Thekla has a certain magnetism. It is translated as “the glory of God” and fully justifies its meaning. The girl is very purposeful, charming and damn attracts attention. What can you say about the gentle, sweet and modest Anna, who translated from Hebrew means “the mercy of God” or “grace”.

December 5th marks the day named after Praskovya. The name is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as “Saturday eve,” which means “on the eve of a holiday” (in the ancient Greek lexicon, “Saturday” is a holiday). The girl Praskovya is very calm and stress-resistant, and also a good friend.

December 7 is the day named after Catherine, Augustine and Katarina. These three names have a similar sound and are of ancient Greek origin. Previously it was believed that this is the same name, which has different shapes. Ekaterina is a powerful and self-confident girl, whose name translates as “pure”, “immaculate”. Augustine has the same interpretation as Catherine. This name has long fallen into disuse, but the day of the name is still celebrated. And Katarina is derived from Catherine and also means “pure.”

December 8 is Magdalene Day. A very ancient and beautiful name, which was formed from the concept of “she who lives in Magdala” (Latin origin). Previously, on Magdalene's Day they used to tell the weather. People believed that on this day they should go out into the street and shout. If the echo is loud and clear, then the weather will be clear, and if it is quiet, it will be raining.

Anisiya celebrates her name day on December 11th. This ancient Greek name is similar to the Russian name Anna. It is translated as “benefactor” and has a special charm. Anisia's girls are very gentle, deep and good-natured.

December 15 is the day of the name of several names at once: Antonina, Tamara, Vera, Maria, Margarita and Matryona. Angel Days in December celebrates some of the most beautiful female names.

December 16 - Glyceria. Ancient Greek origin from Lukeria, meaning "sweet". The girl has an unimaginable leadership character. She loves to be the center of attention and to be obeyed. In life, he will choose a career rather than a family. But the trait of an unshakable careerist is the most negative thing about her. In real life she is a sweet and sociable girl.

December 17 is celebrated by Kira, Varvara, Ekaterina, Katarina, Yuliana and Ulyana. Anastasia is a very popular name these days. It has ancient Greek roots and the meaning “rebel”, which fully justifies human nature. Nastya has incredible charisma and always attractive appearance. In life he achieves his goals, for which he lives.

Unlike her, Kira is too calm and shy. But it’s precisely about her that we can say “in the still waters...”, because quiet image Kira's life is just a shelter from outside world. But Varvara lives life to the fullest and loves communication. The girl is endowed with charm and incredible wisdom.

December 21 is Anfisa's day. The name is Greek, which translates as “flower”. There are many variations of this name in different languages. Anfisa is quite a mannered person. She is characterized by capriciousness, power and pride. Girls with this name used to be associated with narcissistic guys. But thanks to her cold mind she achieves high altitudes in life.

December 22nd is Euphrosyne's name day. Better known as Frosya. You can’t find children with this name now, but 70 years ago it was quite popular name. Girls have beauty, kindness and devotion. Many guys associated this name with purity and innocence.

December 23 - Evdokia, Tatiana, Anna, Alexandra and Angelina. Evdokia - Russian name, which fell out of use around the same time as Frosya. Evdokia are very smart and nimble girls. Their special feature is optimism. And Alexandra has deeper roots. The name comes from the male version of the name Alexander during the reign of the kings and is popular to this day. It is translated as “courageous,” so the lady’s character contains notes of rigor, justice and courage. She is quite independent and does not like to depend on others.

December 27th is Suzanne's Day. The name has many other forms, such as Susana or Suzana. In the original Hebrew, Shoshana sounds and is translated as “lily.” Therefore, in the Russian language there is the name Lilia, which is the same as Suzanne. Suzanne has a hot-tempered and romantic nature. It is not uncommon for a girl with many talents to become successful in one of her hobbies. For example, a singer or an artist.

December 29 is the day of the beautiful Sofia. This name has a wonderful melody and lightness. Sophia's origin is Greek and means "wisdom". Sofia came with the advent of Christianity in Rus' and has not ceased to be popular since then. At that time, only high-ranking newborns were called this way.

Along with Sophia, among the most noble noble names are Maria, Catherine and Elizabeth.

Birthday boys this month

Birthday people in December according to the church calendar are endowed with talents. In ancient times it was believed that the last day of the month brings a lot of good things to people. Children who were born in this month were special and brought great happiness not only to their parents, but to the entire city or village. Since it was believed that a guardian angel was born who would protect everyone from evil and troubles. But this only applied to boys. Angel Day in December is celebrated by a lot of male names:

On December 1st they celebrate theirs and Roman’s. Very strong names, which previously belonged exclusively to nobles. Nicholas is translated as “conqueror of nations”, and Roman is “Roman”. Both names are Orthodox.

December 2 is the day named after Valentin, Sergei, Konstantin, Dmitry, Leonid, Ignat, Peter, Semyon, Ivan and Mikhail. These names usually belonged to musicians or painters. They have Russian origin and all owners of names have aptitude for art.

On December 3, Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Vladimir, Arseny, Voldemar, Denis, Makar, Joseph, Ostap and Demyan celebrate their name days. Very sonorous and strict names ancient origin. Some of them, for example, Joseph, Ostap and Demyan, are outdated. All the others are still popular today. Especially the name Alexander. The statistics of children named by this name over the past 2 years exceeds 20%.

December 5 is the day of Arkhip, Alexander, Afanasy, Boris and Fedor. A6 - Ivan, Seraphim, Theodor, Alexey, Gregory and Jan. Names of real workaholics. This was the name given to children who wanted to be taught farming. And in fact, nowadays there are real masters of their craft who are called exactly that.

December 7 marks the day named after Mark, Simon, Mikhail. Sociable and open guys who will always come to the rescue. Michaels used to be called priests because the name means “equal to God.” There are many forms of these names.

December 8 is the day of the angel Andrei, Victor, Klim, Pavel, Nikolai, Yaroslav and Seraphim. The ninth is the name day of Yegor, Athanasius, Daniil, Julian, Ilya and Nazar. Tenth - Andrey, Vladimir, Alexey, Voldemar, Grigory, Roman, Sergey and Ian. Names of true romantics. These people always make wonderful musicians, artists or poets. So many famous people that's their name.

December 13 - Andrey. 14 - Anton. These days, the name days of only two names are celebrated, which have similar meanings. Andrey means “brave”, and Anton means “courageous”. The personalities of people with these names are a bit similar. Both are characterized by a love of freedom and justice.

December 15 - Afanasy, Dmitry, Kirill, Kuzma, Stepan and Matvey. 16 - Gabriel, Egor, Savva. 17 - Gennady, Vasily and Nikolay. 18 - Zakhar, Sergey. People who have an analytical mind. It is easy for them to study something and therefore they grow up to be scientists, teachers or professors.

December 19 - Maxim. 20 - Anton, Leo, Ignat. 21 - Potap, Kirill. 23 - Anatoly, Evgeniy, Peter, Thomas, Yakov. Enough unusual names possessing secrecy and modesty. People are very uncommunicative and uptight. But they have a real masculine character.

December 24 - Emilyan, Emil. December 26 - Arkady, German and Yakov. December 28 - Hilarion, Stepan.

December 30 - Denis, Nikita, Sergey. December 31 - Victor, Mark, Ilya, Martin and Semyon. Beautiful names, whose owners achieve great success in the field of sports.

Church holidays

The first month of winter brings with it a huge number of holidays. In addition to name days, this month also celebrates some Orthodox holidays. Such as:

Few people celebrate these holidays now. But the church always remembers these days. St. Nicholas Day is famous for the fact that on the night of this day the Saint comes to obedient children and puts sweets under the pillow. And the next morning, happy children find gifts. Now they started putting anything under the pillow: sweets, toys and even money.

December is a very busy month for names, so there is a huge selection. Special talents are born this month. December boys are very obedient and intelligent. Most famous people were born in December.

Attention, TODAY only!

Such is female nature that we begin to come up with a name for our future children almost from childhood, building an ideal for ourselves in our naive childhood dreams. adult life. However, with the onset of pregnancy, former confidence most often dissipates, and choosing a name for the unborn baby becomes almost the most interesting activity for the whole family.

Each of the relatives considers it their sacred duty to offer their own option, and very often real debates begin on this topic, sometimes leading to a serious conflict. Common situation? Then we will offer you several options for names for December girls.

Characteristics of December girls

Of course, genetics plays the main role in character formation, laying down those traits that are inherent in parents or close relatives. However, you've probably noticed that people who have absolutely no family ties, but born around the same time, were incredibly similar in behavioral characteristics.

We can believe astrologers, or be skeptical about this teaching, but the fact that those born in the same zodiac sign have similar character traits remains a fact. In December, we may have a Sagittarius or Capricorn, what is remarkable about girls born under these signs?

Sagittarians are tireless explorers. Their thirst for knowledge is so strong that they sometimes do not pay attention to any obstacles. Parents may perceive this as clumsiness, but this is not entirely correct, it’s just that your child is busy only achieving his goal, and everything around him becomes completely unimportant. Already with early childhood December girls will strive to help and participate in all processes that they observe. If you direct their energy in the right direction, you can raise outstanding athletes, artists or scientists.

The main thing is to develop the inclinations inherent in nature. Based on these positions, choose a sonorous and serious name for your little ones, which will only emphasize this status with age (although this advice is relevant for any time of year and zodiac sign).

December has been under the sign of Capricorn since December 22. Children born during this period are distinguished by isolation and restraint. Capricorn girls are hardworking, but in all endeavors they need the absolute support of loved ones. It is better to give them strict names that will give them confidence and strength.

Choosing a name according to the calendar

Just a few generations ago, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not ask such questions at all, since there was an ancient tradition of naming the baby in honor of the saint on whose day of veneration he was born. However, with the prosperity of atheism in a certain period of our history, they gradually began to move away from this custom, giving preference to innovative names (we have all heard about Vladlens, Tractors and Dazdraperms).

But in Lately We increasingly began to return to tradition, and names according to the church calendar are chosen more and more often. Of course, it is unlikely to completely solve the problem, but at least here you can get a hint in which direction to move.

The December calendar is not very rich in female names, but there is plenty to choose from. If there is no saint holiday on your baby’s birthday, you can choose from the closest options.

On December 3, the memory of Anna and Tatiana is honored, on December 6 - Alice, on December 7, the name day of Catherine and August. The most birthday girls are on December 15, 17 and 23: 15 celebrate Angel Day of Maria, Antonina, Margarita, Tamara and Vera, 17 - Kira, Ulyana, Yulia, Varvara, Anastasia and Ekaterina, and 23 - Anna, Tatyana, Alexandra, Victoria, Angelina , Olesya and Evdokia. December 21 and 22 are the name days of Anna, Euphrosyne and Anfisa, and 28, 29 and 31 are the names of Yana, Marna, Sofia, Karina, Zoya and Vera.

From the entire list, we have selected the options that are most adapted to modern times. Among the more exotic names for girls, the calendar offers such as Lukerya, Vaufa, Thekla, Cecilia, Cypriana, Myropia, Christodoula, Feloveya, Stratia, Lucia and Suzanna (more precisely, there this name sounds like Sosanna). As you can see, the names are quite unusual and varied, and even the most demanding future parents will be able to find a suitable option.

Features of choosing a name

When thinking about what to name a girl born in December, do not forget that nature itself will give a certain severity to her character, which, being under the rule of Mother Winter, is extremely harsh and unpredictable during this period, so you will have to smooth out these manifestations in every possible way, and It’s worth starting with choosing a name.

Listening to the gentle sounds of his name, even the most mischievous and capricious child will become a little softer and more flexible. Names like Snezhanna, Vladislava, Ulyana, Angelina, Miroslava, Melanya (or modern versions of this name Milena and Milana), Anna, Alina, Anastasia or Sophia will suit you.

We must not forget that the name should always (always!!!) be consonant with the surname and patronymic. Combination of adapted foreign name with typical Slavic surname sometimes it sounds so ridiculous that over time it can become a reason for ridicule, especially in school age, when children do what they do, they are looking for a reason to make fun of each other.

The same applies to exotic names. Yes, you want your child to stand out from the crowd, but this can play a cruel joke on the baby herself. Before realizing the uniqueness of his name, a lot of time must pass, during which the child simply will not understand why he is not like everyone else. Listening to ridicule, antics and distortion of her name, she is unlikely to be able to appreciate the originality and non-standard thinking of her parents.

Therefore, when choosing a name, think about the fact that the decision you make once will influence the life of your little princess for the rest of her life, which means you should not give in to any emotional impulses or fashion trends, which will lose their relevance over time.

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