Why see salted fish in a dream? The hidden meaning of dreams. Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

What does each dream mean: Why does a woman dream about salted fish? Dream book

Why do you dream about salted fish?

No matter what dream book you turn to, anyone will say that fish in a dream is almost always a sign of profit. Sometimes a dream where a fish appears is interpreted as some kind of inconstancy or duality, but at the same time health, fun and fertility.

They say that if you see a fish in a dream, it is definitely a sign of something good. And there are as many as three of them, this may mean that something will happen soon that will bring this person happiness. What does it mean if you dream of salted fish? Such a dream also promises profit or winnings, but unexpected or simply random. If you see fish being fried in a dream, then in reality this may mean studying in distant countries. If an older person saw salted fish in a dream, then in reality the old spiritual wounds of this person will be renewed.

Seeing dried salted fish in a dream may mean that in the near future you should expect a noisy and fun party. Such a dream can also foreshadow a pleasant pastime and relaxation in the company of your closest friends, relatives or in the company of a loved one. But if you touch dried salted fish in a dream, you should be careful, since such a dream promises that you can scare away good luck, which will lead to stagnation in business.

And to see in a dream how dried fish comes to life and jumps into the water - such a dream means that luck will not pass you by. But if gambling people dream of dried salted fish, this is a sign of a rather large loss and, in addition, a long-term failure in the game.

What if you make salty food in a dream? smoked fish? If you see someone smoking fish in a dream, this is a sign that you should expect failure. Eating smoked salted fish in a dream means that something was done wrong and a prison awaits ahead and the inability to make any choice. Deterioration of well-being and mood, rapid aging - this is also why salted fish is dreamed of, according to some sources of dream interpretation.

To dream of a school of fish swimming in a river or sea - such a dream promises huge profits or even wealth. If you see a lot of fish swimming in the water in a dream, this is a sign of a very good opportunities in a career, as well as fame and success in family affairs.

If you see in a dream a school of fish that does not move at all or swims very slowly, you should take charge of your future and not rely on chance, otherwise you can miss quite a lot of good chances in life.

There are a couple more interpretations of dreams where fish appear. For example, if you eat fish in a dream, then in reality this dream promises good news. But if you eat it quickly and greedily, then such a dream foreshadows worries and unnecessary anxiety.

They also say that when eating salted sea fish, you should be careful, as problems with the respiratory tract or legs may occur. For a young girl, this kind of dream promises a very gentle and pleasant suitor. But, if a girl eats fish and feels that it is too salty or bitter, this dream means separation from her loved one.

Eating boiled fish in a dream can mean illness in reality, as well as financial loss. And if you dream of an abundance of different tasty fish, and a person eats them with great appetite, this means success in business and material gain in the near future.

If young people had a dream that they were eating fish in a dream, this could be a sign that they will either receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

It is interesting to mention that for a woman who could not get pregnant, a dream about fish is very positive. Because if she dreams that she is fishing, such a dream means an early pregnancy. And if you watch a fish spawn, then this is a sign of great profit or multiple pregnancy.

It should be noted that if a man dreams of his wife treating him to delicious fish, it is considered very auspicious. Such a dream means that he has a very good, faithful wife, who will always be a reliable support for him and will always help him with practical advice.

Why do you dream of eating salted fish?

According to Christian canons, fish symbolizes renewal and rebirth. The image of a fish in a dream usually means a person’s non-standard psychological perception of any situation in his life. People began to interpret fish in a dream as a sign of pregnancy because of the beliefs of the ancient Babylonians and Phoenicians.

They considered the fish a symbol of fertility because of the large amount of caviar it produced.

In general, eating anything salty in a dream is a sign of well-being. This is true salted fish in a dream - a sign that in real life an unexpected pleasant moment will happen that will bring a lot of positive emotions. So, for example, a person may receive an unexpected profit, or find new job. If a person born under the zodiac sign of Pisces had such a dream, this promises him the fulfillment of all his dreams in the near future.

Seeing a dish of salted fish in a dream and eating it means a person has ill-wishers and they want to disturb his peace. But you can be calm, they will not succeed, and they will be left with nothing.

If the dreamer is interested in why he dreams of eating salted fish, then he need not worry - salted fish dreams of tenderness in love affairs. If your soulmate has not yet been found, then soon you will meet a person and change your life.

Is your lover or lover already nearby? Then you need to be prepared for another candy-bouquet period. The relationship will be full of affection and tenderness.

It is worth paying attention to your health if you dreamed of boiled, over-salted fish. Kidney problems may occur.

Eating smoked salted fish means problems with the law are possible. Imprisonment is possible.

Eating a very large salted fish and not finishing it before the end of sleep means enormous success in business and endeavors, a pleasant surprise at the outcome of the situation.

In general, according to Freud, any fish has a phallic sign. This is why fish in a dream is often equated to pregnancy in reality. A girl who sees a fish in a dream or eats fish in a dream immediately looks forward to replenishment. But this can also mean a happy marriage, happy love, or simply the subconscious desires of this person.

Someone may believe that eating salted fish in a dream will definitely lead to illness in real life. Most likely, this is a misconception. In all peoples of the world, fish has the meaning of clean, healthy food. Therefore, this interpretation of the dream is not correct. Seeing a lot of salted fish dishes in a dream and eating them with pleasure is an indication that in the near future a person will experience great success and great material benefits.

Life events can also bring the image of a fish into a person’s dreams. For example, when a person knows a secret that under no circumstances should he tell anyone. The expression “Silent as a fish” immediately comes to mind. Or difficult life circumstances may show salted fish in a dream. So it acts as a sign that a person “fights like a fish against ice.” And its salinity is the importance of the problems.

Cooking a dish of salted fish in a dream and then eating it means cooking in life important project or work and wait good result. And of course, wait. Although here everything depends on the end of the dream. If the dish was successful and turned out tasty, everything will be successful, but if the salted fish did not work out, then the result will not be what was expected.

Also, a dream about eating salted fish can be interpreted as problems in real life. intimate life.

Eating salted fish only yourself in a dream is a sign of selfishness in your intimate life. The main thing for the dreamer is to satisfy only his own desires; he is not very interested in his partner. Subconsciously, the egoist understands his problems, but does not rush to change anything.

You must always remember that a dream is the result of the activity of the subconscious. And in the subconscious, information is taken from real situations. This means that all dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s life, to which the brain makes its adjustments during sleep.

Dream interpretation salted fish

If in a dream you not only saw salted fish, but were trying to fry it, it means that in the near future you will be traveling abroad, to some distant country.

And only for older people, a dream in which salted fish appears has a negative interpretation - it foreshadows some unpleasant event that will stir up old grievances and open up emotional wounds.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about fish, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a fish in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Headless fish according to the dream book

Often it is in a dream that a person receives the most accurate clues regarding his future. Therefore, it is very important to understand what this or that symbol means. Why do you dream of a fish without a head? To understand this, the dream book recommends taking into account the nuances of the dream.

A touch of negativity

Traditionally live fish and a fish without a head has excellent meaning. In the latter case, it is assumed that she is already dead. This does not mean that the interpretation of sleep should be exclusively negative. However, this element sometimes really indicates that things are getting worse.

What does it mean to see salted ram on the table? Probably, in reality someone will disturb your peace and open up emotional wounds. If you dreamed about a fried fish, expect unpleasant news, and a smoked fish means a trip that will be ruined by an accidental event. It's not hard to guess what it means golden fish without head and tail. Desires and dreams are not destined to come true.

Miller's Dream Book

By the way, Miller’s dream book believes that if at the fish market you bought a fatty fish without a head and tail for frying, then in reality you will find joy and prosperity in your family. In general, a frozen or fresh carcass without a head and tail most often appears as a sign of preoccupation with household chores.

Keep silent!

This symbol appears in a dream as a warning to remain silent. This event is especially symbolic if such an unusual catch was brought by fishing. You shouldn’t be surprised that you caught a fish without a head in a dream if you are privy to someone else’s secret.

If you dreamed that in your night dreams you were given such a product, then you really need to keep quiet. But usually this interpretation is relevant if the headless fish in the dream was fresh.

Loss of power

This dream is of particular significance if a woman dreams of it. Traditionally it is believed that the head is a symbol of power, control and knowledge. That is, what the wife is secretly endowed with in the family.

Isn’t it difficult to guess why a woman dreams of raw headless fish? Probably, the reins of family rule were lost for some reason.

Moreover, if a girl dreams of such a vision, then this indicates purely female health problems. According to another interpretation of the dream book, a frozen fish without a head represents a timid and indecisive admirer.

Small, but victories

Why else do you dream of a fish without a head? The dream book offers more positive interpretations. So to see fish carcasses prepared for frying is a sign of spending that will bring satisfaction.

A salted headless fish can dream of an unexpected and not very big profit, a smoked one - a small victory, a fried one - a sincere conversation with your husband. By the way, the dream book believes that positive value decreases somewhat if you are given a ready-made product.

To stagnation in business

It is important to remember that for a complete deciphering it is advisable to remember the type and breed of fish. The dream book states that the ruff symbolizes a pleasant surprise, frozen flounder symbolizes a minor eye disease, crucian carp promises a mild illness, and smoked carp promises that all the troubles will bring profit.

Seeing a bream in a dream means a wild life and dubious comrades, while a red fish may symbolize difficulties in implementing plans. But if you were given a fish, and it turned out to be frozen and headless, then the new case will freeze for an indefinite period.

Dream interpretation salted herring

Why do you dream of salted Herring in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of salted herring - to the emergence of problems, difficulties in business or at work. Things will get worse than ever, it’s time to think about other sources of income.

Salted herring on the table - a large number of debt prevents you from solving your problems, making them even worse.

Who dreamed of salted herring?

A woman dreams of salted herring

A woman dreams of salted herring - make a bargain purchase, which applies to both everyday goods and more expensive things. To be carried out romantic evening with a partner who will strengthen your relationship.

In what form did you dream about salted herring?

I dreamed of salted herring in pieces

Why do you dream of salted herring in pieces? You express dissatisfaction with your own situation. Careful planning will also not be able to improve the situation; force majeure circumstances cannot be excluded. It is better to postpone the implementation of the plans for now.

Why do you dream of salted herring with caviar?

A dream about salted herring with caviar foretells the appearance of unexpected guests. Despite the unexpected reception, it will benefit you; you will be able to relax and feel a taste for life. It's going to be a fun, spontaneous evening.

Why do you dream of dried, salted fish?

Maria Bychkova

If you dream of a fish in clean water- the dream foretells that fate will generously reward you.

Dead fish in a dream promises sorrow and foreshadows loss.

If a young lady dreams of a live fish, happy love awaits her.

Catching and catching fish foreshadows serious trials that you will endure, maintaining presence of mind.

If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise.

Watching fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

If you see that you haven’t caught anything and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires.

If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you.

Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

If in a dream you pick up fishhooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

FISH LIVE for WOMEN = pregnancy, for MEN = profitable occupation, DEAD = powerlessness. (most likely option 3.)

If you dream that a fish is splashing in a clear pond, then you will soon be able to achieve prosperity and power. See dead fish- to financial losses. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. If you dreamed that you caught a fish, this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and intelligence. In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then your lucky hour has not yet struck. If you eat fish, it promises tender and long-lasting love.

If in a dream you walk through rows of fish, prosperity and joy await you in reality. If you fish with nonsense, then your entrepreneurial spirit will help you achieve prosperity. But if you haven’t caught anything, it means that your desires are vain and shallow. A fishing net means profitable acquisitions, but if it is torn, then perhaps you will lose more than you gain.

Seeing dead fish means financial losses.

If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom.

If you dreamed that you caught a fish, this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you have the wisdom to avoid trouble.

If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and intelligence.

In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then your lucky hour has not yet struck.

If you eat fish, it promises tender and long-lasting love.

Salted fish

Dream Interpretation Salted fish dreamed of why you dream about Salted fish? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Salted fish in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

See big fish playing in clear water - to gifts of fate and great luck. Dead, a fish that has floated up with its belly up - your hopes will not come true. Fishing in clear water: for a girl - happy love, which will lead to a successful marriage, for a woman - to pregnancy, for a man - to profit. If you catch fish with nets, this means that in reality your entrepreneurial spirit will bring you considerable income. If you catch a fish, but it slips out of your hands, the dream warns you that your carelessness may cause an unfortunate mistake. Seeing fish during spawning - you will be offered a business that will provide not only for you, but also for your children. A river teeming with fish - to long-term well-being, meetings with friends and entertainment with your family. Gutting fish and extracting caviar from it - the business you are starting will bring you super profits. Eating well-fried fish will improve your health and good spirits. If the fish was raw or half-raw, you may get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

A fish splashing in clear water portends that fate will generously reward you.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish expresses deep unconscious processes, spiritual food.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Buying fish in a dream is a sign of deception and falsehood. Cleaning fish means serious trials lie ahead; cooking means you will achieve prosperity; eating it means hard work and low salary.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Hitting or grabbing fish is a minor ailment.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish - dreams of fish in rain or bad weather. If a man or a girl dreams of a fish, there will be a change in the weather; a young woman will have a child. Big fish means good money. Lifeless fish is a weakness. Dead fish means bad weather. Goldfish(fish) to see - the dreamed, expected will not come true. Fish - sabotage; someone is “digging” under you. A lot of fish - bad weather. Fish in hand - unsuccessful birth. Eating fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth. Fishing means profit, victory over rivals; Cleaning live fish is fun.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Traditionally: was a spiritual symbol of Christianity.

Dream Interpretation - Fish

Fish (or many fish) different colors) - intensification of the disease; if the dreamer is healthy - quarrels, resentments, suffering. Asleep or dead fish- disappointed hopes. Catching a big fish (or many fish) means profit, joy. Catching small fish means sadness and ruin, depending on how small the fish are. To be relieved of the burden of fish means the birth of a weak child.

It is believed that seeing a fish in a dream is good news. Although the interpretation of a fish, as a rule, predicts an unexpected profit, it can be viewed differently, depending on the state, sensations and feelings of the dreamer.

Many people pay special attention prophetic dreams, from Thursday to Friday.

Most often they talk about personal life, feelings and heartfelt emotions.

By modern dream book salted fish is considered auspicious sign. For example, if the dreamer feasts on it, this may mean that in real life he will have a successful outcome to an insoluble situation. As a rule, this will be associated with material benefits. For example, an unexpected bonus, promotion wages or a new job.

If in a dream you eat dried salted fish, then in life this will mean that in order to achieve material wealth, you don't have to put in any hard effort. This usually means that a person can successfully win the lottery, find some money, or receive an inheritance.

And also the interpretation of dreams can hide secrets about a radical change in fate. Often a tasty fish in your dream warns you of some secret event. If along with it you will see caviar, then the secret that you have to discover will be very significant for you.

If you act as a seller who sells a salty delicacy, you can soon expect important and fateful information. Proper Use This information can bring you great luck.

See a lot of fish fillets on the table or in trays may mean that you will soon attend a festive event in the company of relatives, colleagues, and friends. A noisy and fun party where everyone you know will be present.

Feel unpleasant or foul fishy odor during sleep carries a bad sign. Most often, this may mean an unsuccessful completion of a business from which you expected profit or loss of profit.

Freud's Dream Book

One of the most common dream books is Freud's dream book. Its interpretation is associated with the suppression of desire of a sexual nature. If a man sees salted fish product, then this may mean a bad harbinger of his health related to the reproductive organs. Eat, such a delicacy in a dream for a man means that he is not interested in the desires of his partner in love relationships, for this person the main thing is himself. But if a man is satisfied with the fish he eats, then in his intimate life, like his partner, he is satisfied with everything.

Fishing is considered one of the most favorite activities for a man, however, if in real life it brings pleasure, then fishing in a dream It promises in reality that he is afraid of a fiasco in bed. Prepare delicious dishes with salmon - a sign of an attentive and understanding attitude towards your partner. Feeling its pleasant taste and aroma means physical, emotional and mental health.

Interpretation for a girl

According to Miller's dream book, salted herring for the fair sex interprets the meaning directly related to its social status and age. Why does a girl dream of salted fish? She will soon meet her lover. This can happen at a noisy and fun party or when friends meet. But also for a girl who has not yet gotten married, the fish interprets possible tears, sadness and melancholy. But they will have good value associated with the appearance of a lover.

A married woman dreams of her at the beginning of something new, for example, new stage in a relationship with her husband. The condition of the product, freshness, smell and taste can mean both a favorable and not entirely favorable stage.

In love experiences, for men and women, dreams about dried or dried fish foreshadow an increase in material wealth, quick enrichment, and receiving a good profit or harvest. After such a dream, well-being and spiritual comfort will come. But you shouldn’t count on a pleasant outcome; remember, our world is unstable and a “rainy day” may come. Eat fried fish may mean that you will be traveling in the near future. The distance you will have to travel will depend on the size of the piece. For example, obtaining a second education, advanced training, training and courses.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the dream book of Vanga, who was a Bulgarian clairvoyant, such a dream carries an unfavorable meaning. It is quite possible that you will have troubles from meeting bad people, which will subsequently bring financial losses. Feeling of a bad odor bad taste and the lack of marketability of the product promises bad news at work, as well as loss of income. Soon there may be a period of austerity in everything.

Eating salted fish treats in a dream means a warning. After such a dream, you need to look around carefully enough and find the person who can harm you. It could be a good friend, a colleague, or even close relative. However, there is also good moments, if you hold in your hands large-sized salted fish with a pleasant aroma and shiny scales, then you can soon expect a small profit. So, this could be an unexpected income from a business that you have long forgotten about.

What does the interpretation of Phelomen portend?

Based on Phelomen's dream book, red salted fish is a symbol of monetary profit. You can expect good profits in the near future. She will appear at a time when she is really needed. But for people whose profession is related to money, for example:

  • financiers;
  • accountant;
  • cashiers;
  • financially responsible persons

seeing a delicacy prompts you to make a decision that will help you avoid fatal mistakes related to finances.

Decoding for a woman

Most often, the interpretation may be the onset of tears and disappointments; they may be associated with an unpleasant and tragic event. A woman cannot influence this in any way, so having gained patience, she will just have to survive this time. If married woman dream of a herring, then expect strong financial losses. Recovery financial well-being, you will have to devote yourself completely to work. But for the young lady similar dream can be interpreted favorably. Eg:

  • the appearance of a young man in her life;
  • pleasant emotions;
  • a dizzying novel.

A man's dream of salted fish predicts that he will receive monetary profit from an unexpected source in the near future. If in a dream he buys it, then in real life he will have to appear at an official event or a fun party. But salting a battering ram in a dream interprets harmony and support in family life. If there are disagreements the day before, you can quickly and easily solve all your problems; the wife, without a doubt, will support her husband’s position. After which they will be able to live in perfect harmony.

Just like for a woman, enjoying the taste of fish in a dream is an unplanned have a nice trip. But it may also be associated with some kind of training or it will be a trip to scientific conference. The journey will be associated with the positive development of your destiny.

Depending on the size of the carcass, the further and further large quantity time will have to leave. The type of fish you see in your dream may determine how long your trip will be. A river product means a short, not far journey, but a sea product promises you a long trip, it is possible that it will take place in the company of friends and relatives. Your journey will bring a lot of bright emotions, will go quite well and complete it on time and successfully.

If you experience the unpleasant taste of fish in a dream, a trip may put you in minor difficulties and troubles, but you can easily cope with them and they will not entail any consequences.

Dried or dried fish may dream of minor delays and changes in planned activities. In order not to miss a favorable moment, it is necessary to carefully and carefully monitor the development of events. A man dreams of a red carcass in unfavorable situations and can mean minor regrets and disappointments. After waking up, you should not get hung up on this case; it is best to let go of this situation, pull yourself together and overcome the depression that is approaching you on your own.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets fish in different ways. Touching a salted carcass with your hands in a dream, experiencing a slight disgust, means an imminent illness. Eating salted fish means that you are a little worried about your material well-being and are afraid of being left without money. In this regard, you find new responsibilities and worries for yourself that distract you from bad thoughts.

If you smell a rotten aroma and the fillet falls into pieces, then this may portend unexpected wealth, profit or increased income. The larger the size of the fish, the larger the profit margin you will receive. Finding yourself fishing in a dream and catching a fish out of the water is an excellent sign for a woman. For an unmarried girl, it portends an acquaintance with a man who may soon become her chosen one. But for a married woman, such a dream promises the return of love, the husband will change his attitude towards her in a very good way for her.

A large amount of fillet with bones eaten in a dream is interpreted as the presence of secrets that close relatives and Good friends. The more you eat and find the seeds, the more secrets are hidden from you. Such secrets can turn out to be quite serious. When you discover such a secret, your life can change dramatically. Red fish with caviar in a dream can be a warning. The consequences of some of your actions can be very sad.

If you see rotten salted fish products, then in the near future all plans and ideas may be destroyed. According to the dream book, touching or holding such a fish means the absence of long-awaited profits from any valuable investments or dividends, as well as stagnation in business. However, if the fish suddenly comes to life in your hands and you release it back into the pond, then doubts about the failure of the business may be dispelled, and luck will visit you again.

The meaning of sleep for an elderly person

For an elderly person, seeing an image of salted fish may predict slight disappointment. Sad events that will happen soon will quickly fade into the background. It is possible that you may receive a lot of difficult news from close relatives from afar.

And also for an older person to feel in a dream bad smell means he has problems with digestive system in real life. He should pay attention to his immunity and health in order to avoid future serious problems long-term treatment. Such a dream occurs as a chance for a person to pay attention to existing problems in time.

Also, “fish” dreams have the following interpretations:

  • For a young girl, a dream about her eating herring may portend an imminent pregnancy in the future. happy marriage.
  • If a woman is elderly, then everything will depend on her feelings.
  • If a woman cooks with herring, this indicates a favorable solution to problems or new acquaintances.
  • An elderly woman will have to learn unpleasant news about her family and friends.
  • Buying salted herring means an imminent celebration.
  • Experiencing pleasant feelings means receiving gratitude.
  • A rotten product that looks and smells bad means trouble.
  • For a young girl, tasty fish portends happiness in love.
  • For a man to see his wife handing him a fish, the dream indicates that he has chosen the best and faithful woman who will not leave him in difficult times.

Attention, TODAY only!

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money You'll get.

Catch a lot small fish in a dream - a sign of great troubles, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eat in a dream raw fish means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they have given birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child He will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Did you have to eat salted fish in a dream? In fact, you can gain valuable life experience by surviving difficult circumstances. The same plot reflects deep and rather painful experiences. The dream book suggests establishing more specifically what he is dreaming about.

Work hard!

Did you dream about eating salted fish? Get ready to work a lot, but without proper pay. Seeing the same image means that by applying considerable effort you will solve the problems that have arisen.

Why else do you dream if you are lucky enough to eat salted fish? The dream book is sure: you will be entrusted with a task, the successful completion of which will determine your reputation and stable position.

In some cases, the interpretation of a dream is not so encouraging. This is an eloquent sign of approaching old age, serious illness, and depression.

According to Miller

Did you manage to eat salted fish in your dream? In the near future, serious difficulties related to money will arise.

Hold on!

Did you dream about eating salted fish? In reality, expect bad news from distant relatives. You can see and eat salted fish before an outburst of your own discontent, which will lead to a loud quarrel with loved ones.

Did you eat a particularly salty piece of fish fillet last night? The situation will inadvertently worsen, and to this will be added the worry of unpaid debts. Why dream of eating a clearly over-salted dish? The dream book promises a long-term, but very difficult relationship.

More specifics

For greater clarity, it is advisable to establish as accurately as possible the type of food that happened to be eaten in a dream.

  • Herring - you have to return an old debt, not necessarily monetary.
  • Ivasi - an extremely unpleasant conversation is coming.
  • Sprat - insignificant profit, minor troubles.
  • Trout – a happy occasion, confidence.
  • Salmon - you will suddenly get sick or the disease will overtake your loved ones.
  • Pink salmon - expect a gift.

Good luck or trouble?

Did you dream that you were lucky to eat red fish? In the near future, circumstances will take a favorable direction for you. The dream book also considers the image a symbol of the acquisition of power, strength, and wealth.

Did you try well-salted red fish in your dream? You risk collapsing from moral or physical exhaustion. Have you ever seen a familiar character gobble up a red fish? IN real world It is this person who will suffer from a serious illness.

Love and its consequences...

Why does a young woman dream that she happened to eat salted fish? The most popular decoding promises an unwanted pregnancy.

If a woman dreamed that she ate lightly salted fish fillet, then the dream book promises her real bliss in bed with her beloved man.


However, a woman can eat obviously over-salted food in a dream before a situation that will revive difficult experiences received in the past.

Night dreams leave behind not only memories and misunderstandings, but also emotional sensations. It has long been believed that in a dream the soul of a sleeping person travels to other worlds, gains experience there and re-experiences life events in a different interpretation. Waking up in the morning, a person asks questions about why he dreamed about this or that event, why he had to experience certain sensations. It is not easy to get an answer to most questions, since the characters and plots of dreams are unpredictable: suddenly I dreamed fresh fish, did you dream of frozen mushrooms or... why do you dream of salted fish?

Waking up in the morning, a person asks questions about why he dreamed about this or that event, why he had to experience certain sensations

People have always had an ambivalent attitude towards dreams with a fish character: on the one hand, fish is a revered product and, to some extent, a symbol of income and prosperity. On the other hand, sea and river inhabitants that are cold to the touch remind of illness and cause unpleasant associations. Salted fish in a dream causes even more bewilderment, like any inanimate creature.

  1. If the dreamer touched salted fish in a dream, choosing a product for the table, then in real life he should beware of empty labor and unrewarded efforts. Perhaps you should take care and reconsider your priorities.
  2. Salted fish in a dream, which the sleeper does not touch but simply looks at, foreshadows the approach of unexpected income and financial well-being. The more fish a person dreams about, the more financial profit is expected.
  3. Rotten salted fish symbolizes impending troubles; you should be careful with financial fraud and transactions.
  4. If a sleeping person dreams of high-quality salted fish, then in reality he will have a fun time with friends and family.

In addition, to see a dream in which fish treated with salt appears symbolizes different meanings depending on what subjects and characters of the dream were additionally dreamed.

Why do you dream about red salted fish (video)

Why do women, girls, and men dream about salted fish?

The interpretation of a dream in which salted fish appears should also be considered depending on who had this dream

The interpretation of a dream in which salted fish appears should also be considered depending on who had this dream. Different meaning salty sea and river inhabitants in a dream mean for a girl, woman, elderly person or man.


Dream details

Emotional sensations


Young unmarried girl

Eating salted fish in a dream

Pleasant and prosperous

To the upcoming happy marriage and early pregnancy

Middle-aged woman

Buy or prepare salted fish for the table

Pleasant feelings

Receiving gratitude soon

Disgust from rotten and rotten fish

Troubles, including financial and personal life

Old woman

Buy or serve salted fish to the table

Neutral or anxious

To soon unpleasant news about loved ones and relatives

Wife feeds salted fish

Neutral or pleasant

An indication that the wife is her husband’s faithful companion, ready to help at any moment

In addition, for a woman or girl to dream of a lot of salted fish containing caviar is an unfavorable sign. In the near future, we should expect unpleasant and negative changes in the environment.

Seeing red salted fish in a dream

Red fish in real life is considered a delicacy, which is why there is a special attitude towards it

In real life, red fish is considered a delicacy, which is why there is a special attitude towards it. There is probably no person who would refuse a piece of freshly salted red fish or red caviar. Such a positive attitude towards this sea ​​dweller, for the most part, is transferred to dreams. However, understanding what red salty sea life means in a dream also depends on the gender of the dreamer and what details accompanied the dream.


Dream details

Emotional sensations


Young unmarried girl

Eating red fish with caviar in a dream

Pleasant and prosperous

To a profitable acquaintance and a rich admirer, an upcoming magnificent wedding

Middle-aged woman

Eating red fish with caviar in a dream

Pleasant feelings

Relatives hide information from the sleeping woman, the disclosure of which will lead to positive changes

Bad taste

Close people hide negative information

Old woman

Buy or eat red fish

Neutral or anxious

Towards the approach of a difficult period in the life of the dreamer and the people around him

Eat red salted fish

Neutral or pleasant

Approaching financial well-being and a good summer harvest

If the red inhabitant of the sea in a dream is rotten and smells a little, then in reality the sleeping man should be wary of the difficult life situation in which he will find himself. At the same time, you should know that, according to the interpretation given by the dream book to this dream, friends will definitely come to the aid of the sleeping person.

Salting and eating fish in a dream

Processing fish in dreams means looking for ways out of different situations

The image of a fish is subconsciously associated in a person with the need to get one’s daily bread and the need to satisfy needs and requirements. Processing fish in dreams means looking for ways out of various situations, including those related to financial difficulties.

  1. Self-treating and salting a resident of rivers and seas in a dream is considered a negative warning sign. Dream interpreters claim that a person who has had such a dream should monitor his actions and actions and control his relationships with others. Otherwise, he will face quarrels and disputes with loved ones.
  2. Eating salted fish in a dream is a prediction of an upcoming journey. The dreamer should definitely remember what kind of fish he ate: river fish - the journey will be short and short, sea fish - the sleeper will have a long and long journey.

It is also worth paying attention to the size of the fish that a sleeping person eats in a dream: the larger the fish itself, the longer the time you will have to spend outside the house in reality.

Buying salted fish in a dream

Buying fish with caviar inside in a dream predicts that a sleeping person will soon receive valuable information

The interpretation of a dream in which a sleeping person goes to buy salted fish depends on the events that accompanied the dream and on what goods he was able to purchase in the dream.

  1. Buying salted herring of normal size and fresh appearance foreshadows pleasant unexpected events in reality that will have a positive impact on the dreamer.
  2. If in a dream you buy small salted fish, such as sprat, then in reality you should expect fun in a noisy company, a pleasant time and meetings with pleasant people.
  3. Buying fish with caviar inside in a dream predicts that a sleeping person will soon receive valuable information, which should be used correctly and wisely.

If the dreamer purchased spoiled seafood, then in real life he should pay attention to his state of health, especially to the functioning of the digestive tract.

Why do you dream of salted sprat?

Sprat in a dream, despite the fact that this fish is small and, from the point of view of gourmets, frivolous, always promises positive changes in reality.

  1. If you dreamed of sprat on the table, then the dreamer should prepare for positive changes in the near future. Dream interpreters claim that these changes will primarily affect events in your personal life and in relationships with the environment.
  2. If in the dream, in addition to the sprat, there are people and funny company, then the person will soon have to take part in a wedding celebration or a noisy birthday party or anniversary.

Why do you dream about herring (video)

Other people, as well as animals, are also important in such a dream. They mean friends, loved ones, environment; At the same time, it is important for the sleeping person to remember his attitude towards them and the emotions experienced in the dream.

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