How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of a man and a woman according to the shape of the face: examples with descriptions, photos. Ideal nose shape

The phenotype is determined by the genotype - the blood of which peoples flows in your veins, who was among the ancestors, the features of your face also depend. And it certainly affects some personal qualities and with due observation, parallels can be drawn. Let's say, between the shape of the nose and the character of the person - website will explain to you what you should start from.

Nubian nose

A fairly large, straight nose, the tip is down, which creates a line from the eyes to the lips. Such people are very curious, but cautious, which from the outside may seem shy. By nature, they are optimists and crave everything new, but the manner of expressing their thoughts and desires sometimes leads them into an awkward position.

Greek nose

A narrow, straight, pointed nose - these are people of deeds, but not words. It is generally difficult to get or learn something from them, and it is useless to elicit secrets. They do an excellent job with responsible tasks and are great at keeping secrets.

crochet nose

If an association comes to mind bird's beak, know - in front of you is an extremely selfless, persistent person. It may seem that we are talking about stubbornness, but no. Possessors of hooked noses are able to think deeply, to be creative natures, but diplomacy and the search for compromises are not their forte, because they eagerly undertake to fulfill what they want and do not get hung up on the consequences.

Roman nose

A large, bulging nose with a pointed tip is usually worn by superiors. high rank. Those who have achieved their position by personal qualities, and not by pull, managers from God, brilliant managers. But this does not mean that it is easy with them - parasitism is equated with sabotage, and for disloyalty they can demand their heads off their shoulders.

Nose button

Graceful, small, with a soft and wide tip. The most common nose for the most common type of people who can be called average. They tend to rely on intuition more often, but learn from their mistakes over time. Moderately ambitious, lazy and romantic, they are ready to take part in almost everything and often achieve success. If there are no problems along the way.

Straight nose

A flat, straight nose with wide nostrils belongs to empaths. Those who are extremely difficult to piss off, because they love to "read" the interlocutor, peer at him, patiently ignoring provocations. But it would be extremely unwise to offend them - realizing the threat, the empath is able to arrange a branch of hell on earth for his protection.

Aquiline nose

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 15 minutes


One of the landmarks in the science of physiognomy is the human nose. It is clear that for a complete picture it is necessary to use its connection with all facial features. How to determine the character of a person by his nose shape?

The character of a person by the length of the nose

We can say the starting point in the definition of character. The ideal length of this part of the face is considered to be one third of the entire length of the face . Nose exceeding this length - long , not reaching it - short .

  • Long nose. Common features: balance. Striving for power. Sexual activity. Pride, refined taste and a great sense of humor. Activity, seriousness, responsibility. Stubbornness.
  • Short nose. Common features: flexibility of character, impulsiveness, openness and attractiveness. The stimulus in love is approval; in work, praise. Open soul, optimism.
  • Big and long nose. Common features: willfulness, stubbornness, high demands on people around.

The shape of the nose and the character of a person

bulging nose

Character Features:

  • Efficiency.
  • Inability to easily express their emotions, a feeling of happiness, inner joy.
  • Aggressiveness in the pursuit of financial well-being.

sunken nose

Character Features:

  • The complete opposite of the owner of a bulging nose.
  • Ease in expressing emotions.
  • Peace of mind regarding the financial situation.
  • The generosity of the soul, which manifests itself both in relation to feelings and in spending finances.

narrow nose

Character Features:

  • Attitude towards love hard work- tense and responsible.
  • High efficiency.
  • The ability to value your own and other people's time.

Flat and wide nose

Character Features:

  • Thriftiness, coldness when making serious decisions. Especially regarding money.
  • Perfect mastery of the art of love.
  • Loyalty to a loved one.
  • Devotion to family.
  • Good nature.
  • Unassuming.
  • Sometimes carelessness.

Straight and smooth nose

Character Features:

  • Indifference to "high", earthiness.
  • materialistic mindset.

In conjunction with blue color eye:

  • The constant pursuit of the unattainable.
  • Inflated requests.

fleshy nose

Character Features:

  • Charm and kindness. Thrift.
  • Emotionality, bad luck.
  • Loyalty and devotion to family.
  • Easy going, love of travel.
  • Increased sexuality.

Greek nose

Character Features:

  • Principle, leadership, dictate.
  • Pride, independence.
  • Ruthlessness to liars, devotion to friends.
  • Control over family budget but lack of greed.
  • Sarcastic, love of money.

snub nose

Character Features:

  • Sociability, kindness, generosity.
  • Resentment, morbid pride.
  • Integrity, loyalty, accuracy in everything.
  • Intolerance to intrigue and gossip.
  • Charm, cheerfulness.
  • Attention to spouses.
  • Great taste.

Potato nose

Character Features:

  • Slowness and phlegm.
  • Pain in childhood.
  • Short temper.
  • Directness. Intolerance to lies, squabbles and gossip.
  • Success with the opposite sex.
  • Slowness.

hawk nose

Character Features:

  • Kindness, promiscuity in partners, increased sexuality.
  • Flammability in relationships.
  • Unbalance, gambling.
  • unpredictability and conflict.
  • Intolerance to criticism, lies, to new circumstances, to injustice.
  • Energetic, easy going.
  • Love to beautiful clothes, comfort and decoration.

Hooked hawk nose with upturned nostrils

Character Features:

  • Analytical mind.
  • Ability to psychology, politics.
  • Peace of mind regarding the financial situation.
  • Demanding towards the opposite sex.
  • Erudition.


Character Features:

  • Sharp mind, excellent memory.
  • Easy attitude to money (spenders).
  • Wit, sociability.
  • Pickiness and tediousness in the family.
  • Irritability, laziness.
  • Indulgence even towards enemies.
  • Moderation in sex.
  • Grumpiness in old age.
  • Superstition and gullibility.

pointed nose

Character Features:

  • Intransigence and perseverance.
  • Sharpness, categoricalness, assertiveness.
  • The desire for leadership, condescension to other people's weaknesses.

We determine the character of a person by the tip of the nose

Human character according to the shape of the nostrils

It is impossible to say for sure whether the shape of the nose really has an impact on a person's life. And in particular, will the character change if you remove the hump or “meatiness” from the nose? There is an opinion that changing the shape of the nose (or, for example, the name given at birth), we change our destiny . And it is not known - for better or for worse.

Football player Wayne Rooney, according to a survey, turned out to be the owner of the cutest nose. In total, scientists have identified 14 types of human noses. Researchers led by Professor Avraham Tamir took 1300 photographs in shopping malls Europe and Israel, took old photographs, reproductions of famous portraits, studied and classified the material. The results of this scientific experiment are reported by the newspaper

So, the whole variety of noses fit into 14 groups. Slightly upturned noses, like those of Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney, evoke positive feelings in other individuals. But at the same time, it must be remembered that their owners often turn out to be direct people who retain a certain “childishness” for many years.

In women, an upturned nose is a sign of sophistication. And he looks very cute (example - actress Carey Mulligan).

The most common in men is the so-called "fleshy" nose (25%). An example is Prince Philip. The owners of such noses are generous, emotional people, ready to help. And Professor Tamir called "hawk" noses the least attractive. They turn people against their owners. Probably, for Barbara Streisand, her nose is a problem.

The classic straight nose (Kate Middleton) is adored by artists. A close type is an aquiline nose, like Daniel Radcliffe.

Another, more pronounced version of the aquiline nose is that of Jean Reno. A man with such a nose is ambitious and prudent. In relationships with women, these people are very temperamental, but they cannot boast of constancy in relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, the bulb-beak (Leo McKern) is not so common (one case in two hundred).

A Roman nose with a cut-off tip (Tom Cruise) is a sign of ambition and cold pragmatism.

The Lenin type of nose (with wide nostrils) occurs in four percent of people.

Owners of proboscis (Richard Nixon) and even less - one in a hundred people has this type of nose.

Speaking about how different types of noses evoke in the public, a member of the British Association plastic surgeons Simon Whitey emphasized that people like straight noses. Less sympathy is caused by fleshy and broken noses.

Greetings! I then remembered that in my youth I was very fond of physiognomy. Then this science only began to massively appear in our country, and many books on this topic were published. I spent all my pocket money on this literature, read, made notes and kept a notebook with various notes)))

What is physiognomy anyway. This is a science that studies the personality of people according to their external data. That is, in the aggregate of the forms of certain parts of the body, one can compose psychological picture person. As far as I know, physiognomy is an unofficial science, but I can be wrong, so whether to take this test seriously or not, let everyone decide for himself. If you are wondering how to find out the character from the shape of a person's nose, then read on!

This nose has clear contours and a long, slightly curved down septum, due to which the nose in profile looks like an eagle's beak.

People with such a nose are very strong personalities. This does not mean that they are very impulsive, but all their activities take place in intensive mode. A person with a Roman nose has a sharp and clear look at any things and events: from the political situation in the country to the personality of the person with whom he communicates.

In another way, it is also called the nose-potato. This is a short but wide nose, which, by the way, is the least common of all.

People with such a nose are very passionate about their work. They are not bored or lonely, they just lose track of time when they spend it doing what they love. This is creative people who have great charm, and like a magnet attract friends to their surroundings.

How to recognize the character by the shape of a person’s nose, if this nose is snub?)) And it’s very easy, because a person with an upturned nose can be recognized even from the back. He is a very optimistic and goal oriented person. He is always full of enthusiasm and believes that his calling is to give people good. A person with an upturned nose is very good friend, husband, wife and colleague.

Well, the last type of nose is Greek. hallmark such a nose is a slight bend in the bridge of the nose and it sometimes has a slight hump. This nose was the epitome of beauty in the classical period. You will always see him on the sculptures of the ancient Greek gods.

People with such a nose are hard workers who always achieve what they want. They are rationalists, they know how to choose priorities well, they know what they want and, as a rule, they achieve a lot in life.

That's my whole story, how to find out the character by the shape of a person's nose. Of course, there are mixed types of noses, but still one of these 4 signs will prevail. And mixing psychological characteristics for each type of nose, you can create an individual personality portrait for each person.

And now a question for you. Do you recognize yourself in these descriptions or not? Share, we are very interested. I hug everyone. Till!

Physiognomy emphasizes the shape of the nose as a very significant aspect of reading a person's character traits. The disadvantage of such a diagnosis, and a very serious one, may be the fact of rhinoplasty among people. In this case, we can be very wrong. Although men do such operations much less often, therefore, the features of reading a person’s character in this way will still be useful to you.

To start, let's talk about perfect nose , which is also called the lion. This is average length, well-shaped wings of the nose, rounded tip, not too wide bridge of the nose. Such people are courageous, passionate and assertive. Especially if the nostrils are a little larger than necessary.

Big nose betrays courageous, rather conflicting personalities. Such people will not go into their pocket for a word and will defend their own. Such people strive to take a leadership position, they need to be organizers, they always want to contribute huge contribution in business, steer the process.

Long nose It is considered a sign of high intelligence, a pronounced individuality, although it is also often a sign of conservatism. Such a nose indicates a desire to control everything, to set the rhythm. If the nose is super long, then this is a sign not only of intellectual achievement, but also of capriciousness. A long and wide nose speaks of a stable character and a generally calm temperament.

The nose is bony and long- an indicator of pride, sometimes even arrogance and quarrelsomeness.

And here is the nose long, large with hanging tip speaks of the insight of the owner. Such a person keeps other people's secrets and knows the skeletons in the closet. Loves money.

aquiline nose indicates vanity and ambition.

Nose long and straight speaks of the logic, consistency of the owner. Such a person plans well and sees the future.

narrow nose talks about independence. Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life, to work hard. We are sure that nothing is given free of charge and they will always think how much any of your proposals costs.

If a nose short, then it speaks of responsibility and diligence. Such people are not afraid to work, they bring everything to the end and often do meticulous work. Also, a short nose is a sign of optimism and good nature.

At all small nose testifies to jealousy and pettiness.

And here snub nose betrays an emotional, often creative nature. They really want others to recognize merit and support. snub nose, as well as a short one, speaks of optimism, sociability, gullibility.

Aquiline nose betrays people who are creative, active and practical. Such people seek to control others, consider themselves experts in many ways. They love innovative ideas.

Bony hooked nose shows that the owner is stubborn, often arrogant, proud, but at the same time decisive and even aggressive.

The hump generally says a lot. First of all, self-control.

If a hump located closer to the tip of the nose, this indicates the ability to quickly mobilize, to self-defense, to constantly strengthen their positions.

Hump ​​in the central part of the nose indicates a desire to protect others and heroism. Such people are noble, protect the weak.

The hump is closer to the bridge of the nose speaks of an aggressive and cocky character. Such a person is always ready to fight back.

The ridge of the nose says a lot about a person - its upper part under the bridge of the nose.

If a no spine at all, that is, a flat place under the bridge of the nose, or completely depressed, then this is a sign of a team player. Such a person always works better in a team, but it’s hard to work alone - there is always a need for communication.

But if nose with a high spine when the nose protrudes strongly from above, in the bridge of the nose, a person is used to working alone, on his own. He is responsible, he chooses the rhythm of work, assertive, does not tolerate strong control. At the same time, it is efficient and durable.

Nose with a high and wide ridge, as a direct continuation of the forehead, without notch. Such a nose is also called Greek when there is no nose bridge. People with such a nose are determined, have an iron will. They are stubborn, purposeful, with pronounced leadership qualities.

The nostrils are also a serious indicator that always corrects the first impression of the shape of the nose.

small nostrils talk about conservatism and thrift. Such a person may even turn out to be a miser, he appreciates the energy of money very much. No matter how many there are, they will always be few.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip noses speak of gullibility, conformism and a tendency to show off.

And here big nostrils on the contrary, they speak of generosity and ingenuity. Such a person is bold and desperate, often takes risks.

Long and narrow nostrils testify to the emotional generosity of the owner. He provides moral support, likes to share advice.

Huge, flared nostrils talk about energy, self-confidence, even extravagance. Life energy is overflowing. A person considers himself a winner, has creative potential. Such a person takes on excessive responsibility, goes from one extreme to another. Not always sustained.

Large nostrils, widely opened say that a person has been working all his life to increase wealth, for him the material aspect is the most important. He loves money, believes that they are the key to a happy life.

Nostrils are rectangular they talk about conservatism in spending: a person does not waste money, but he does not particularly value it either. calm attitude towards financial means.

Triangular and small nostrils indicate excessive thrift and stinginess. A person is very afraid that there will not be enough money.

Nostrils round talk about generosity and high dedication.

The tip of the nose is characterized by two aspects: the angle of inclination and its shape.

The angle of inclination is the degree of trust. The more strongly the tip of the nose is inclined, the less trusting the person is.

The tip of the nose is turned up betrays curiosity, gullibility and impressionability. A very upturned nose indicates a strong curiosity and attention to the secrets of others. At the same time, it is difficult for such people to keep other people's secrets.

Pointed and upturned nose, in addition to curiosity, also speaks of extravagance in financial affairs and accumulation difficulties.

Nose horizontal when there is no inclination either up or down, it gives out a reliable person, very practical and thorough. He moderately trusts others, but it is extremely difficult to deceive him.

Nose looks like it's bent down betrays strong suspicion and skepticism. The person is prudent, rarely believes in a word, as a rule, he manages finances well.

If a the nose is bent down and has a pointed form indicates selfishness and even cruelty.

The tip of the nose reminds eagle beak speaks of vindictiveness and cunning.

If a the tip of the nose is completely down, almost to the upper lip, then experts regard this as a tendency to betrayal and treachery.

The tip of the nose sags like a piece of meat: the owner is often obsessed with sex issues.

And here fleshy nose(potatoes) speaks of the kindness of the owner. At the same time, such a person gives great importance financial success, manages finances well, likes comfort around, often collects something. At the same time, she loves life and knows how to have fun, loves company.

If you notice a groove (or fossa) at the tip of your nose, your nose seems to forked. This person often searches for himself, often changes activities, as he needs work to bring emotional satisfaction. It also speaks of suspicion, shyness, although contact with people and communication is very important to him.

round nose tip(like a small ball) talk about the aesthetics of the owner. A person has an artistic taste, is drawn to elegant things, an esthete.

Nose narrow, as if squeezed from the sides does not save money and easily part with them. At the same time, such a person perfectly understands their price, while referring to financial resources as a tool, a means for acquiring something. This is especially true if the tip is thin and the nostrils are wide.

Sharp tip of the nose betrays musical ability and self-control, as well as a tendency to manipulation.

Heart-shaped tip of the nose speaks of stinginess.

As you could already understand from such a significant description, the nose is a very important element in physiognomy and in the competent reading of a person. The nose, as the most protruding part of the face, can tell a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. However, it is worth noting that the diagnosis should always be complex, in combination with other facial features. We will talk about this in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov

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