How to pickle cherry tomatoes the easiest way. Delicious recipes for pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter, lick your fingers, with and without sterilization

Cherries roll up in the same way as ordinary tomatoes. At the same time, they are much sweeter and look more aesthetic. Experienced housewives have a large number of interesting recipes, cherry has a special role. They are rolled up sweet, with spices, pickled, salted in jars or barrels.

For harvesting, choose slightly unripe fruits. The more elastic they are, the better they will behave during processing.

For pickling, not quite ripened fruits are needed. In this state, they respond better to boiling infusion. After processing, you will have a beautiful twist, with whole and not falling apart fruits. At the exit, get two jars of 0.5 liters.

Peel the vegetables, rinse, chop the onion with a ring or half a ring.

We put prepared vegetables, dill, peppercorns in the dishes.We lay the fruits, lay the middle of the dishes with vegetables, the remaining tomatoes to the top.

We fill the dishes with very warm water, defend for 7-10 minutes.We drain the infusion into a container, combine with bulk components. We send vinegar to the dishes and pour boiling infusion.

We twist with a processed lid. Cool upside down.

Sweet pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter

When ripe, the fruits acquire a delicate, sweet taste. During conservation, when using granulated sugar, it becomes more saturated. At the exit, get three jars of 0.5 liters. Pickling liquid at the rate of 1.5 liters.

Option 1

We prepare the dishes, rinse and clean the vegetables.We put chopped vegetables, cherry fruits, Bay leaf hiccup, peppercorns.Fill to the top with boiled and slightly cooled water. Infused for 7-10 minutes. We drain the liquid into a container, combine with bulk components and vinegar. The mixture must be boiled. Pour again, quickly twist. Cool upside down.

Option 2

To prepare such a twist, you must have celery. It gives the fruits a special spicy flavor.

First of all, we wash the vegetables, peel them. Prepare dishes and lids. Peeled vegetables need to be chopped, the width of the ring.We fill the bottom of the dishes with garlic, peas, bay leaves, vegetable slices. Do not forget about the exquisite, delicious celery.

Lay fruits under the very foundation. Fill it to the top with hot syrup. To do this, combine all the ingredients in a container, boil and cool a little. Fill the bowl with fruit to the top.Drain the infusion after 7-10 minutes. Boil again. Fill dishes. Spin. Cool the twist in an inverted state.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

Tomatoes can be preserved without sterilization. Many people worry about their spins. If you correctly approach this issue, nothing will take off. Not a single jar will become cloudy, and will not ferment. And when boiling dishes, tender fruits often spread and have an unaesthetic appearance.

Wash fruits and herbs. Peel the garlic, rinse, chop the cloves.Cover the bottom with a potion, garlic, fill to the top with tomatoes.

Fill with hot liquid up to the rim of the dish, cover with a lid. After 7-10 minutes, we drain the liquid into the container.Combine with the remaining ingredients, be sure to boil.

Fill the dishes to the very bottom. Spin. Cool upside down. It is necessary to cover the dishes with something warm.

Pickled green cherry tomatoes for the winter

It is green fruits that are so similar to olives. They have amazing taste and aroma. It doesn't take much time or effort to do this spin. All you need is beautiful, even, unripe fruits. The marinade is designed for three liters of liquid. Yield six jars of 0.5 liters.

We wash and clean the fruits from the tails. It is necessary to put them in a container, sprinkle with salt, marinate for 4-5 hours. After the time for pickling, the fruits should be washed.

We fill the bottom of the dishes with strips of hot capsicum, oregano. We lay the pickled tomatoes, very carefully so as not to damage them.

Boil water in a container, fill the dishes to the top. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid.Connect with it all the remaining components. Boil. Fill the container and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.

After the appointed time, we carry out another drain, boil the settled infusion, fill the dishes. We twist with a processed lid. Cool upside down.

At the output, we get a very tasty, and unlike anything, original twist.

Video pickle cherry for the winter

Pickled cherry tomatoes with basil

An original and very unusual twist of tomatoes with basil. In conjunction with apple cider vinegar we get an interesting and unusual aroma. Contrast twist gives a bright color of cherry and green.

Fruits and greens must be washed, cleaned.We put pepper, garlic and herbs on the bottom of the dish. We fill it with fruits to the ground.

Fill a bowl with warm water. Let it simmer for 7-10 minutes. We drain the liquid into the container.We warm it up, fill the dishes again, defend for 5-7 minutes. We drain the liquid. If necessary, add a small amount of water, the dishes should be filled to the very base.

Add the rest of the ingredients to the container. The mixture must be boiled and immediately fill the dishes. Screw on the finished cap. Cools upside down.

It should be noted that sterilization is not carried out, the twist is poured with syrup three times.

Pickled gherkins with cherry tomatoes for the winter

Very tasty and unusual twist. But there is one caveat. Both tomatoes and gherkins have different densities. Accordingly, the recipe is not so simple. It is worth adhering to the rules of canning, so as not to digest the tomatoes, the cucumber did not give sediment, and did not lead to the fermentation process.

Well and winter evenings you can please your family with a beautiful and insanely tasty, crispy twist. Herbs in combination with hot capsicum give a special flavor to the marinade.

The cucumber must be carefully inspected, washed and cleaned. Prepare tomatoes and herbs. Tomatoes select only plump ones, better not quite ripened. Peel the garlic and chop. Dissolve hot pepper in a thin strip.

Fill the bottom of the dishes with prepared herbs, pepper, garlic. Fold the gherkin and tomatoes alternately.Combine all the ingredients for preparing the dressing in a container, boil. Cool a small amount, conduct a tasting. If it's too salty for you, add granulated sugar. Finally, customize the filling according to your taste preferences.

The first time we fill the dishes with a slightly cooled dressing. We drain the liquid, it must be boiled. Immediately fill the bowl to the very top. Screw on the finished cap.

Cools spin in an inverted state. She needs to be covered.

Marinated cherry tomatoes with gelatin for the winter

AT recent times marinades with the addition of gelatin have become very popular. In addition, they are also very useful. Gelling agents are made from natural ingredients. The use of products with the addition of such components strengthens the joints.

Also, as part of the twist, it softens the taste of the marinade, absorbs salt. The elasticity of the jelly mass depends on your taste preferences, adjust the amount of gelatin added will be at your discretion. Yield three jars of 0.5 liters.

It should be noted right away that finished products will be 3 to 0.5 liters. We select ripe, you can take weighty tomatoes. We clear the tails. We wash. Spread the peppers into thin strips.We put pepper, garlic, peas on the bottom of the dishes, fill to the top with fruits.

Fill a bowl with hot liquid. We stand for 7-10 minutes. We drain the liquid. In a container, combine it with the remaining ingredients. Boil the mixture.

In a separate bowl, quickly dissolve the gelatin. Mix thoroughly and combine with the main part of the marinade.Immediately fill the bowl to the brim.

Spin. The dishes should not be turned over. She cools down covered.

Cherry in its own juice for the winter

This recipe requires separate part peel the tomatoes. You need to put them in boiling water, on average for 5 minutes. Take out with a slotted spoon. Let cool and remove the skin. Pass through a meat grinder, scroll with a blender or knead by hand.

Tomato marinade will require about 2.5 kg of ripe large fruits, which is about 1.5-2 liters of liquid. For 3 jars of 0.5 liters each - you need about 0.7 kg of tomatoes.

Prepare tomato from ripe tomatoes. First remove the skin from them, chop. Place in a container, mix with salt and granulated sugar, boil.

The dishes are filled with cherry fruits, poured hot water, defend 7-10 minutes. After a while, the liquid is drained and filled with boiled tomato mass. Screw on prepared lid. They cool wrapped, upside down.

You can skip pouring and steaming tomatoes with water. Immediately pour in the tomato mixture. But at the same time it is necessary to carry out sterilization of 10 minutes. Roll up and chill upside down.

Canned cherry tomatoes for the winter with cucumbers

In order for canned vegetables to have a bright saturated color, cucumbers to be dense and crispy, they must be kept in water for at least three hours. Tomatoes can be kept for a shorter time. Before you start cooking, you need to process the dishes in which the future twist will be settled. Yield six jars of 0.5 liters.

We wash greens, vegetables. Each bowl should be filled to the bottom with leaves of horseradish, laurel, herbs, garlic.

We lay in the dishes, alternating cucumbers and tomatoes. Fill to the top with hot liquid. Drain it after 10 minutes into a container. We combine with the remaining components, be sure to boil the mixture. Immediately fill the dishes, twist.

Cool upside down. The twist must be covered with something warm.

Cherry for the winter with onions recipe

Quite an interesting combination of ripe cherry tomatoes and vegetables. For such a twist, you need a lot of onion chopped on the floor, a ring, and pepper loosened into a thin strip.

Rinse the fruits and free from the tail. Grind vegetables. Wash greens well. In a pre-prepared and processed dish, put greens, mustard, garlic on the bottom, fill with fruits. Lay chopped pepper and onion on the sides.Next, you need to pour hot liquid to the top. After 10 minutes, drain into a container, combine with the remaining ingredients, boil.

Fill the bowl with hot mixture to the bottom. Spin. Cools spin covered, upside down.

Cherry salted recipe for the winter

Pretty simple recipe. It does not contain acid. Such preservation is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, since without preservatives it will not stand for a long time and ferment. It comes out four jars of 0.5 liters.

Tomatoes must be washed well, freed from the tail. Place in a container, fill it with hot salted liquid.The dishes in which we will put the prepared tomatoes are filled with herbs, laurel, pepper.

We carry out the bookmark of tomatoes, on top you need to lay out the remaining greens.In the container we put the peeled and chopped garlic, dry bulk ingredients for pickling. Boil for about 5 minutes. ready mix be sure to chill.

We fill the dishes with fruits, put something heavy on top. Tomatoes need to be pressed down so that the salting is even. After a seven-day period, the workpiece must be moved to a cold place, basement or refrigerator.

Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter

Sweet tomatoes combined with hot peppers perfect option snacks on festive table. Output two jars of 0.5 liters.

We fill the prepared dishes with peeled and washed garlic, hot pepper, previously dissolved into stripes, we should not forget about peas either.We wash the tomatoes, free them from the tails. Place in a bowl, alternating with pepper strips.

Fill the bowl with hot liquid. After 7-10 minutes, pour into a container.We combine the drained water and all bulk ingredients, boil. Pour the acid directly into the bowl. Then fill with hot mixture.

Spin. We cool the covered twist, in an inverted state.

Cherry for the winter with mustard

Spin with the addition of mustard is special, has a delicate taste. These tomatoes will be a great addition to the side dishes. Yield four jars of 0.5 liters.

Wash and remove stems from tomatoes. We clean the pepper capsicum, dissolve it in a thin strip. Mince the garlic.We lay on the bottom, fill the dishes with fruits. We lay out laurel, greens along the walls, pour mustard.

In a container, combine all the remaining ingredients with water, boil. With the mixture boiled for 5 minutes, pour the fruits to the very base of the dishes.Quickly twist, turn over, place under the covers until completely cooled.

Cherry with grapes for the winter recipe

This recipe is designed for six jars of 0.5 liters. The marinade requires 1.5 liters of liquid. The peculiarity of this spin is that it contains a lot of herbs, greens, grapes work as an acid in it. It can be preserved on a branch and without it, it can be with or without a stone.

It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the herbs, greens, divide them according to the number of dishes.We prepare the fruits of tomatoes and grapes. Wash, peel and chop vegetables. Grind to your liking, you can use a half ring, you can dissolve it into strips. Horseradish and garlic should first be peeled, washed, chopped. You can use horseradish leaves, there is less red tape with them.

We put prepared herbs, chopped vegetables on the bottom of the dishes. Next, layers of tomatoes and grapes. We lay strips of vegetables along the walls.

In a dish filled with fruits, pour hot liquid. After 10 - 15 minutes, it must be drained into a container.Then we combine it with the remaining ingredients, the mixture should boil for about 5 minutes. Pour the boiled mixture over the fruits, twist.

It's not worth flipping. But you can hide. We clean in a cool place after the twist has completely cooled.

The future storage location should be considered. If it is indoors, the seaming must be covered with something warm, it stands like this until it cools completely. Likewise with dishes. When storing in an apartment, you must first fry it in the oven. Lay the tomatoes in an already chilled dish. The lids must be boiled for at least 5 minutes.

AT last month summer, the hostesses begin a “hot” period of conservation. At this time, the main varieties of tomatoes ripen, the harvesting of which accounts for the lion's share of all stocks for the winter. Cherry tomato canning is popular because of small size vegetable and its pleasant taste.

Selection and preparation of cherry tomatoes for preservation

There are many benefits of preserving cherry tomatoes. They fit in any small, for example, half- liter jar enough to eat at one time. Little tomatoes are very fond of kids because of their great taste and size.

Before harvesting, tomatoes must be selected and prepared. Only ripe fruits should be preserved. Each vegetable must be marketable, namely whole, without spots, rot. Before the process itself, the stalks from the tomato must be removed.

Rinse the tomatoes before putting them in jars. If they are clean, without traces of earth, then it will be enough to rinse them with water once. If they are soiled with earth, it is necessary to soak them in water for a while, which is then drained. This will remove the main dirt. Next - control rinsing.

How to preserve cherry tomatoes for the winter

There are many ways to close cherry tomatoes to eat them in winter and spring. They differ in the method of seaming and in fact its components. Over time, each housewife keeps a few favorite recipes for herself and then uses them. Among the recipes that will be offered below, you are sure to find the right one for you.

Classic way

In order to roll up two liters of cherry tomatoes in the classic way, you will need:

  • a kilogram or a little more vegetables;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • four leaves of bay tree;
  • medium bulb;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • approximately 1400 ml of water;
  • three tablespoons of vinegar;
  • salt about 40 g;
  • sugar - 60 g.

At the beginning of the process, the vegetables are washed well. Capacities for seaming, lids should be sterilized. The first are processed in the oven, double boiler, microwave oven. Boil the lids in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Wash the vegetables, drain the remaining water.

The conservation process will not take much time.

We start like this:

  • dissolve sugar, salt in liquid;
  • boil for up to five minutes;
  • at the end, pour in the vinegar.

Important!As a rule, a liter container holds no more than half a kilogram of cherry tomatoes.

The finished marinade is poured into jars, which should be tightly screwed with lids. The upside-down blanks are covered with any warm cloth and left like that for a day. During this time, the workpieces will completely cool down.

Video: Cherry conservation for the winter

Without sterilization

The method of preservation without sterilization is quite simple.

For a 1 liter jar, the following ingredients will go:

  • half a kilogram of cherry;
  • dill inflorescence;
  • clove of garlic;
  • part of the leaf and horseradish root;
  • sprig of parsley;
  • laurel leaf;
  • two or three peppercorns;
  • dried juniper berry;
  • a pinch of dried mustard seeds

Important!Standard filling of a liter jar- about 800 ml marinade.

The number of ingredients should be proportionally increased in accordance with the volume of the jar.

Put the water to boil.

At first, the conservation process looks like this:

While the workpiece is in this state for about twenty minutes, we use this time to prepare the marinade from:

  • liters of water;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 ml of apple cider vinegar or ordinary five percent concentration.
The marinade is prepared in the classic way - it boils with salt and sugar, and then vinegar is poured in. We no longer need water in banks, it drains. We replace it with marinade and seal the containers with lids. We leave the blanks to cool for a day in a convenient place, after turning them over. After we move to permanent place storage.

Video: Cherry conservation for the winter without sterilization


"You'll lick your fingers" - this is often called the method of preserving sweet cherry tomatoes. Children are delighted with these tomatoes, and, according to many reviews, they are the most delicious.

Ingredients per liter jar:
  • 500–600 g cherry;
  • a third of an onion;
  • parsley - a sprig or two;
  • half a garlic clove;
  • half a bay leaf;
  • pepper - two or three peas.

At the beginning of canning, we standardly prepare cherry tomatoes by washing and piercing the junction with the stem with a sharp object. Sterilize jars with lids.

The step by step process looks like this:

  1. Parsley with garlic, laurel are placed at the bottom of the container.
  2. Next, add cherry tomatoes mixed with onions.
  3. Add peppercorns.
  4. Pour boiling water over tomatoes.

Did you know? A wild tomato berry weighs about one gram.

The workpiece cools down while the marinade is being prepared.

For him, let's take:

  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 9% - 12 tbsp. l.

The water boils - add all the ingredients, and the marinade is ready. We change the water in the jars to the marinade, seal them with lids, turn them over and let them cool until the next day.

Video: Sweet Cherry Tomato Recipe


Spicy lovers will appreciate taste qualities spicy cherry.

To prepare a liter container, you need:

  • half a kilogram of cherry;
  • a small pod or half of hot red peppercorns;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • black peppercorns - about ten;
  • allspice - two or three peas.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • water - liter;
  • a teaspoon of salt and nine percent vinegar;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar.

Cherry spicy is prepared like this:

Blanks can be stored anywhere after they have been turned upside down for a day.

Did you know?During the heat treatment of tomatoes, their beneficial components improve, not deteriorate.

with celery

To harvest two liters of cherry tomatoes with celery, which enhances their taste, take:

  • from 800–1000 g of vegetables;
  • one celery green part;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • black pepper - five to six peas;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l, sugar and vinegar - 1 teaspoon each.

The conservation process is as follows:

  1. We pierce the washed tomatoes at the point of attachment of the stem with any thin sharp object.
  2. We sterilize containers for seaming.
  3. We cover the bottom of the jar with celery leaves, put garlic and spices on top.
  4. Fold the cherry tomatoes, cover them with boiling water. Let cool 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid from the cans into a large container.
  6. Add salt, sugar.
  7. Boil and add vinegar.
  8. Pour the blanks with the resulting liquid and seal with lids.

Video: Pickled tomatoes with celery

With soy sauce

If you add soy sauce to cherry pickles, it will be extraordinarily tasty. It will add spice to it and improve taste characteristics.

To prepare a liter container, take:

  • 500–600 g cherry;
  • parsley and dill - a pair of stems;
  • three garlic cloves and peppercorns;
  • two leaves of laurel.

The bottom of each pasteurized container is covered with spices, then cherry tomatoes are placed in them. Cover to the top with boiling water, then cover loosely with a lid.

In twenty minutes, while they cool, we cook the marinade, for which we need:

  • granulated sugar and soy sauce - two teaspoons each;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • vinegar - a teaspoon.
Further - classic recipe. We drain the water, change it to the marinade, turn it over, let it cool for a day.

How to store canned tomatoes and how long

After the jars of tomatoes have stood upside down for a day, they can be transferred to a place of permanent storage. Canned cherry tomatoes can be stored at home anywhere. The main condition is that the temperature in it does not fall to minus and does not rise above room temperature.

It is recommended to store canned cherry tomatoes for no more than a year. Many people store more of them, but the taste is lost, and the lid may deteriorate, therefore, when harvesting, one should take into account the volume of consumption of such preservation. You can do a little with a margin, but no more.

  • for canning, choose only ripe vegetables without external flaws;
  • a mixture of cherry varieties will look beautiful and unusual in a jar. To do this, you can add yellow, black, and other types to the classic red;
  • use coarse salt;
  • spring water is best suited for conservation. If it is problematic to find it, you can use the cleaned one;
  • fresh herbs for preservation should be High Quality, without rot, mold;
  • Tomatoes in a jar should be folded tightly, but carefully. It is impossible to crush vegetables;
  • During preservation, tomatoes should be at room temperature. If they are cold, they will burst;
  • you can’t preserve overripe cherry tomatoes, they will burst;
  • You can change the composition of spices in recipes to your liking.

Cherry tomatoes are very popular for canning. If the recipe is successful, then by the end of winter, many regret that they closed these tomatoes a little. In this regard, the classic never fails, but you also need to experiment.

Cherry - what could be more delicious than these small, spicy wonderful tomatoes that are so nice to take out of the jar and swallow whole! Many people ask themselves, how to make a harvest for the winter from such small and neat cherry tomatoes, and not from standard apple-sized tomatoes? About how to pickle cherry, we will now tell you and share several recipes

Cherry tomatoes for the winter recipe number 1

To salt the cherry, we need

  • garlic - seven to eight pieces
  • water - one liter
  • dill greens - one bunch
  • salt - one to two tablespoons
  1. Cherry tomatoes, to salt, wash and cut. Pour boiling water over the cherry and remove the skin. Place the tomatoes in a deep bowl. Wash greens, dry and chop. Garlic for pickling cherry tomatoes, peel and finely chop. Pour tomatoes with herbs and garlic.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan. Pour in the sugar and bring the liquid to a boil, stirring all the time so that the cherry salt dissolves completely. Then remove the brine to salt the cherry tomatoes from the heat and cool to room temperature. Pour the brine over the tomatoes so that they are completely immersed in the liquid. Leave the tomatoes to salt for one day.
  3. If desired, add one to two teaspoons of sugar to the cherry pickle brine and spicy pepper.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter recipe number 2

Preparing pickled cherry tomatoes. In order to salt the cherry, we need:

  • cherry tomatoes - one kilogram
  • dill greens - one bunch
  • sugar - one tablespoon
  • lemon juice - three to four tablespoons
  • boiling water - 1 liter
  • garlic - four to five cloves
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • clove buds
  • black peppercorns
  • bay leaf - one or two pieces

How to pickle cherry tomatoes for the winter?

  1. In order to salt, wash the cherry tomatoes and put in a jar, shifting with peeled garlic cloves and dill.
  2. To prepare marinade for cherry tomatoes, heat water to a boil. Add sugar with salt, cloves, bay leaf, lemon juice and peppercorns. Boil for two minutes.
  3. Pour boiling marinade for cherry tomatoes into a jar of tomatoes, cover and put for two days in a dark, cool place. After the time has passed, our cherry tomatoes can be served on the table.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter recipe number 3

In order to salt cherry tomatoes in this way, we need

  • three liters of water
  • three to four cloves of garlic
  • half a bunch of dill
  • one tablespoon of sugar
  • three tablespoons of salt
  • six to eight balls of allspice
  • vinegar
  1. All of the above ingredients in order to salt the cherry, pour cold water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. During this time, rinse the cherry tomatoes and place in a glass jar, permanently laying dill, bay leaves and garlic.
  3. Cool the cherry pickle (just do not pour boiling water - the tomatoes will burst) and pour over the tomatoes.
  4. Leave in warm place for 48 hours and store in the refrigerator.

So, let's learn how to salt cherry tomatoes. To do this, you need to take them, dill, parsley, garlic, black peppercorns, allspice, salt, bay leaf, sugar and a bite.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter recipe number 4

  1. It is better to salt cherry tomatoes in a small jar, a liter jar is perfect. You can not remove the tails from tomatoes, but leave them for greater beauty. Put different greens, garlic and spices on the bottom of the jar, then you can put cherry tomatoes directly and greens again.
  2. Now, in order to salt cherry tomatoes, you need to cook the marinade, it is in it that the answer lies, how to salt cherry tomatoes. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 1 tablespoon of salt (but if you need to pickle cherry tomatoes as quickly as possible, then take a little more salt), 1 teaspoon of sugar, pepper and bay leaf. Mix all the ingredients and bring the marinade to a boil. We cool it a little so that the cherry tomatoes do not burst, and then carefully pour the marinade into a jar.
  3. After that, you need to add 5% vinegar, add about 1-2 tablespoons. Close the jar of cherry tomatoes tightly with a lid, put in the refrigerator when it has cooled. According to this recipe, cherry tomatoes are obtained very quickly, you can eat the very next day.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter recipe number 5

  1. You can also try another way, how to salt cherry tomatoes. In it, the role of a container for salting is performed by an ordinary plastic bag. We select tomatoes of medium maturity, wash them, then prepare the leaves of cherries, currants, dill and celery. Should be chopped separately. sugar beet. It is necessary to delay oxidative processes. After that, put a layer of greens in the bag, then a layer of cherry tomatoes, put greens again, then add chopped sugar beets and again cherry tomatoes. And already on top of everything you still need to lay a layer of greenery. Then the bag is tightly tied and placed in a barrel or in a box.
  2. After about two days, such a vegetable mixture of cherry tomatoes in a bag must be poured with brine. To prepare this brine, you should take half the capacity of a plastic bag with water, salt, add a little dill, hot and allspice, bay leaf.
  3. It is prepared according to the following proportion: we take 100 grams of salt for one and a half liters of water, and add herbs and spices to our own taste. After that, everything needs to be boiled. And then the pickle for cherry tomatoes should be cooled and poured into a bag, which must immediately be tied tightly. We hide the bag in a dark place and wait a few weeks.

Time for preparing: Not specified

- cherry tomatoes - 500 g;

- fresh basil (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l. ;

- garlic - 3-4 cloves;

- pepperoni pepper - 1 pc.;

- olive oil - 100 ml;

- white wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;

- dry oregano - 1 tsp;

- a mixture of peppers - 0.5 tsp;

Prepare all ingredients.

Wash cherry tomatoes, dry and cut each into two parts. Put the prepared tomatoes in a deep glass salad bowl.

Peel the garlic and chop very finely with a knife. Cut the pepperoni pepper into thin rings. If you like spicy dishes, then use a whole pepperoni pod, I usually put half a pepper. You can exclude it altogether, then the dish will be tender and sweetish in taste.

Add chopped hot peppers and garlic to tomatoes. We also send basil there, which must first be washed well, dried and cut very finely. We use only the leaves, remove the rough stems. To make the appetizer fragrant and spicy, add 2 tablespoons of chopped greens. If for some reason you do not like basil, then you can replace it with parsley or cilantro.

Now we are preparing the dressing for the tomatoes. Combine extra virgin olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) and white wine vinegar. Add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar, ground pepper mixture and dry oregano. Mix everything with a spoon.

Pour dressing over vegetables and mix gently. Cover salad bowl cling film and send the finished snack to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Cherries should be well marinated and saturated with aromas and tastes. herbs, spices and condiments. To get the perfect taste, it is better to pickle the tomatoes in the evening and the next day you can enjoy a delicious snack and treat your loved ones to it.

This is how easy and quick you can cook marinated cherry tomatoes.

Instant pickled cherry tomatoes

Step-by-step recipe with photos of making delicious pickled cherry tomatoes. In three hours you will have on your table tasty snack. Detailed description and helpful tips help you prepare it.

Pickled Cherry Tomatoes Quick Recipe

Once I showed you the recipe salted tomatoes and threatened to pickle cherry tomatoes as soon as I found a suitable jar for the job. The jar was found tomatoes are salted and already eaten, so I am sharing the result of the experiment and the recipe.

In general, the same thing as with ordinary tomatoes, cherry tomatoes can also be salted for hastily in order to enjoy their taste in a few days. Only in that recipe, I kept the tomatoes in the refrigerator for two days, and kept the cherry tomatoes for 5, since they were still in the peel to be better salted.

Quick Pickled Cherry Recipe

I prepared a kilogram of cherry tomatoes and a suitable jar.

Cherry washed them and left them aside for now.

I prepared products for the marinade and vegetables to put in a jar later.

sugar - two tablespoons

salt - one and a half tablespoons

vinegar - 4 tablespoons (I had 5%, you can use 6% three spoons)

bay leaf - 4 pieces

bunch of peppercorns

Everything else will go to the bank

If you are preparing these tomatoes for the winter, then the jar must be sterilized. For some reason, I also did this (probably hoping that the tomatoes would stand longer so that they would not deteriorate). I poured some water into the bottom of the jar and put it in the oven to ignite.

Then I put washed dill and parsley on the bottom of the jar, of course it is better to take dill with umbrellas or pour more dill seeds, but since I didn’t have fresh ones.

I cut the onion into rings, threw in the peppercorns, cut the chili pepper and the garlic into rings.

Sprinkled cherry tomatoes on top. But first I pricked them a little with a toothpick at the base so that the skin would not crack from boiling water and at the same time there would be holes into which the brine would penetrate.

I put onion rings on top of them, the rest of the greens.

Next we make the marinade. But first you need to boil a liter of water, pour it into a jar, scald the tomatoes and greens with this boiling water to kill all microbes, after all, the greens and the tomatoes themselves are not sterile and it’s better to play it safe so that they don’t suddenly go bad.

Then, after a few minutes, pour the water back into the pan, boil again and make a marinade.

To do this, we take all the marinade products that I mentioned above, throw them into a pot of water (except for vinegar), boil for five minutes. Turn off the fire, pour in the vinegar and pour the marinade into a jar.

I closed the jar with a lid, left it on the table until it cooled down and then put it in the refrigerator for 5 days.

I still have some of my cherry blossoms, punctures with a toothpick did not help, but in principle it does not matter.

Since I have already salted ordinary tomatoes and cherry tomatoes quick recipe, then I concluded that from now on I will salt ordinary tomatoes without skins in two days - this is both faster and no less tasty than cherry tomatoes.

And cherry tomatoes are so tasty in themselves, they can be eaten fresh. Although the recipe is good overall, the tomatoes turned out delicious!

Marinated cherry tomatoes, quick recipe with photo, All Dishes

How to marinate cherry tomatoes deliciously, a quick recipe in 5 days

Pickled cherry tomatoes

Pickled cherry tomatoes

Pickled cherry tomatoesdelicious preparation for the winter for your table. These little tomatoes have a sweeter, richer taste, so when pickled, they turn out simply incomparable. Try it! The calculation of products is given for a 1-liter jar of tomatoes.


Cooking steps

Wash small cherry tomatoes well.

At the bottom of cleanly washed jars, place dill, garlic, a cherry leaf, cut into pieces sweet bell pepper.

Fill jar with cherry tomatoes. Place a piece of hot pepper between the tomatoes, you can also add a piece of sweet pepper and garlic.

Pour boiling water over tomatoes for 10 minutes. Then drain the water.

Boil the water, pour boiling water over the jar of tomatoes again and soak the tomatoes for another 5 minutes, then drain the water. Prepare the brine: bring water to a boil, add salt, sugar, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Boil for 5 minutes, then pour in the vinegar.

Pour boiling brine over the tomatoes for the third time and immediately roll up the jar. Incredibly delicious marinated cherry tomatoes are ready. Banks turn over, wrap until completely cool. You can store in a city apartment.

Pickled cherry tomatoes - recipe with photo

Pickled cherry tomatoes are a delicious preparation for the winter for your table. These little tomatoes have a sweeter, richer taste, so when pickled, they turn out simply incomparable. Try it! The calculation of products is given for a 1-liter jar of tomatoes. Ingredients

Quick Pickled Cherry Tomatoes

3-4 sprigs of dill

5-6 garlic cloves

2-3 bay leaves

5-7 allspice peas

1 hot pepper (optional)

1 tbsp salt with top

1.5 liters of water (water should completely cover the tomatoes)

basil - optional

Boil water in another saucepan. Add sugar and salt to it, stir.

Pour over the tomatoes and leave to cool.

When it cools down, pour the water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat, add honey and vinegar, basil (optional), stir and pour over the tomatoes.

Cool, transfer to a jar and refrigerate for 1-2 days.

Svetochka, I use 5% vinegar.

Glad you liked the recipe. Get ready! Hope you won't be disappointed!

Is it really so fast? And I take a recipe, sometimes I really want something like that. they are sooooo appetizing in the photo nyamki just thank you, Zhanchik

Svetochka! I'll be waiting for your impressions!

Natasha, good health!

Yes, very fast! According to the recipe, 1-2 days, but the next day (almost a day later) we already took a sample. Not only do they look appetizing, but they are delicious! Very suitable for our meat dinner.

I have prepared half of the serving for testing and I am going to cook more, because. In 2 days they ate almost everything. So cook with pleasure and come share your impressions!

Quick Pickled Cherry Tomatoes: Snacks & Sandwiches

Quick pickled cherry tomatoes 3-4 dill sprigs 5-6 garlic cloves 2-3 bay leaves 5-7 allspice peas 1 hot pepper (optional) 1 tbsp salt with

How to Pickle Cherry Tomatoes

Need a proven recipe for how to pickle cherry tomatoes? Prepare sugar cherry tomatoes "Lick your fingers"

Preserving cherry tomatoes for the winter is no different from rolling the tomatoes we are used to. For example, the recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter “Lick Your Fingers” can be used for almost all varieties. However, cherry tomatoes are good because they are sweeter and, in my opinion, even decorate the festive table.

Try the tried-and-tested recipe for Pickled Cherry Tomatoes "Lick Your Fingers" with Spices. They turn out to be sugar almost in the truest sense of the word thanks to a delicious sweet and sour marinade, and you can adjust the amount of spicy spices yourself or not add at all.

Cold sugar cherry tomatoes are especially good as an appetizer for strong spirits for adults, and tender mashed potatoes children.

5 delicious homemade tomato recipes or with the addition of:

Pickled Cherry Tomatoes Recipe "Lick Your Fingers"


  • cherry tomatoes - 3 kg
  • onion - 3-4 pieces
  • sweet pepper - 3-4 pieces
  • large bunch of fresh parsley
  • garlic - 1-2 heads
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp each per can 0.5 l

For marinade in 1 liter of water:

  • sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.
  • peppercorns - a pinch
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces (optional)

The number of cans and marinade is calculated something like this: for one 0.5 l jar you need about 300 g of tomatoes and 250 ml of water. But these are approximate calculations, since I didn’t weigh it on purpose. Focus on these numbers conditionally.

How to Pickle Cherry Tomatoes

So, step by step recipe how to prepare cherry tomatoes for the winter.

Wash the fruits and make punctures with a toothpick near the stem - this will keep the tomatoes whole.

Peel the pepper from the seed box, peel the garlic. Chop peppers and onions into fairly large pieces.

Wash the greens thoroughly, dry, sort out.

Put the cherry tomatoes in clean sterilized jars, putting in each slices of sweet pepper, garlic cloves cut lengthwise, onion cloves and sprigs of greens.

Top with a few peppercorns and 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds.

If you do not like too spicy tomatoes, put 2-3 peppercorns. If you really want spicy sugar cherry tomatoes, put more pepper and you can add cloves as well.

Boil water in the right amount and pour the tomatoes to the very top. Cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, drain the water, put on fire and boil. Mustard grains and peppers will fall into the pan, it's not scary.

Pour over the tomatoes again and leave for 15 minutes.

The second time, drain the water from the tomatoes, add salt, sugar, vinegar, bay leaf to the pan and boil.

You can even add a little more sugar to make the cherry tomatoes sweeter. You can experiment with 2-3 jars to find the ratio of marinade ingredients to your own taste.

Pouring in turn the marinade boiling over the slowest fire, roll up each jar of sugar cherry tomatoes.

Turn the jars over onto a clean towel and leave to cool completely. It is not necessary to cover with a blanket. After cooling, remove to the basement.

Sugar cherry tomatoes are ready to go! But do not rush to open banks. Cherry tomatoes will be ready in about a month, when they have sufficiently marinated in a sweet-spicy marinade.

Do not forget to tell your friends how to prepare sugar cherry tomatoes for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

Olga Viktorovna told how to pickle cherry tomatoes.

How to Pickle Cherry Tomatoes

A proven recipe for pickling cherry tomatoes. Delicious sugar cherry tomatoes for the winter in jars. This is an incredible meal! You haven’t rolled this up for the winter yet!

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