Swim in the sea for as long as possible. How long can you swim in the water? Effects of sea water

"The sea wave will wash away all diseases"


Compound sea ​​water

In my own way chemical composition sea ​​water is close to intercellular fluids and the salt composition of blood. Salt ions are dissolved in sea water sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), bromine (Br), iodine(I).

Four-fifths of the salts are sodium chloride ( salt), which determines its salty taste, and the remaining 1/5 is represented by various trace elements and chemical compounds.

Besides mineral salts And organic matter sea ​​water contains all atmospheric gases - nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, as well as inert gases in small quantities. The ratio of oxygen and nitrogen in the sea is 1:2. Where there is no oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is formed in the water - a gas that does not exist in the atmosphere. In the Black Sea, hydrogen sulfide is already present from a depth of 200 m, and at the bottom of the sea its content reaches 7 cubic cm per liter of water.

Effects of sea water

The human body temperature (+36-37 O C) is always higher than the water temperature in the sea (even in August, when the temperature reaches +28 O). Therefore, when you go into the sea, the body reacts to cooling (chills are felt): the superficial vessels of the skin (capillaries) narrow, as a result of which blood rushes to the internal organs. But this only lasts a few seconds. Then a favorable secondary reaction occurs: dilation of blood vessels occurs and blood outflows from internal organs. You feel warmth spreading throughout your body, your skin warms up, your breathing deepens, your heartbeat quickens. The narrowing and dilation of blood vessels is nothing more than vascular gymnastics. In addition, the temperature difference enhances metabolic processes and leads to the body losing energy. For overweight people, this is a good opportunity to lose weight, especially if they swim actively. But be careful! Excessively long stay in water leads to excessive heat loss (the so-called “secondary chills”), when the blood vessels of the skin remain dilated and the blood flow in them slows down. As a result, the skin turns blue, goose bumps, trembling, and chills appear. This can often be observed in young children who are difficult to “drive” out of the water. If you experience these symptoms, stop swimming immediately and take measures to warm yourself up: wrap yourself in a towel or do active exercises.

When swimming in the sea there is pressure on the body large mass water, which is not present in an artificial sea bath. This is a good hydromassage that increases muscle tone, skin elasticity and increases blood flow.

Sea waves gently massage the body and have a beneficial effect on biologically active points reflexively associated with internal organs.

What do doctors think?

Therapists They will advise you to go sea swimming in a dynamic mode (swimming) to train the heart muscle, improve blood supply to organs, lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, increase immunity, not to mention the unconditional hardening effect.

Immunologists We are convinced that magnesium ions present in the sea stimulate many vital processes associated with the formation of bone tissue and cell division. In addition, the saturation of sea water and air with iodine improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthens the nervous and immune system, increases the body's resistance and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Iodine stimulates brain function and activates memory.

Rheumatologists They will tell you that sea water is rich in minerals and trace elements, and therefore has a beneficial effect on osteochondrosis and arthrosis.

Neurologists will draw your attention to the fact that magnesium contained in sea water plays a significant role in the electrolyte systems of nerves and muscles, in particular in the conduction of nerve impulses, increasing the tone of smooth and striated muscles, and bromine acts as a sedative.

Pulmonologists know that regular drip irrigation will help prevent the development of serious respiratory infections, and healing properties sea ​​water and air, increasing the body's resistance to tuberculosis pathogens.

Otolaryngologists We are sure that rinsing the nose and throat with sea water relieves cold symptoms. Undoubtedly, they will recommend irrigation therapy using sea water in the form of irrigation or spraying with a spray of the nose and throat, rinsing the maxillary sinuses. There will be no objections from them when, when a runny nose appears, you draw sea water into your nostrils several times, and then expose your face to the sun for 10-15 minutes. And gargling with sea water will help stop a developing sore throat.

Ophthalmologists(ophthalmologists) consider sea water an excellent remedy for reducing inflammatory process eye. Daily eye baths in the evenings, before bed, with sea water, boiled for 2 minutes and then cooled, reduce irritation of the eyelids.

Dermatologists It is believed that sea water cures psoriasis. Its winter form is treated during the swimming and beach season. Those who suffer summer uniform psoriasis, winter swimming in a pool with sea water, wiping with sea water, prolonged exposure to sea air, of course, in comfortable clothes are recommended. By the way, seafood (seaweed, crabs, shrimp, fish) is good for them.

The ions of the above electrolytes dissolved in sea water settle on the skin, creating a “salt cloak”, penetrating into the body (a kind of intradermal “injection” of salts). This process improves elasticity, increases tone, and reduces swelling of the skin. However, it is possible that in people with hypersensitive skin, sea salt can cause a rash, redness or itching. In such cases, after swimming in the sea, a fresh shower is necessary. And another warning - after sea bathing, the sensitivity of the skin to the effects increases ultraviolet rays. That's why you can get sunburned so easily on the beach!

How much and when to swim

A healthy person can start swimming at a water temperature of +18°C for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing their duration to 5-6 minutes. At +22°C, bathing time increases accordingly from 2-3 to 12-15 minutes.

It is recommended to swim in the sea twice a day - in the morning from 9.30 to 12.00 and from 16.30 to 19.00. The optimal number of swims is up to 3-4 times a day, with breaks of at least 30 minutes. With frequent bathing, the body becomes exhausted and fatigue appears.

The duration of sea bathing for sick or weakened people depends on the main diagnosis of the disease, concomitant diseases, the holiday season, the age of the person, the characteristics of his adaptation and acclimatization. For sick people, sea procedures should begin with wiping and dousing with sea water for 2 days.

It is better to swim 1.5 hours after eating. You should not swim immediately after prolonged sunbathing, physical activity, or when you are hot or sweaty.

In the cool half of the year (November-May), sea swimming is carried out in an indoor swimming pool with heated sea water, which is located in the Sudak recreation center.

Not just swimming

Walking on the sand and pebble beaches along the edge of the sea can also be of great benefit. Such walks make the reflex points on the foot work. This procedure will help to get rid of insomnia and excessive varicose veins. In addition, moving quickly through wet sand, in which your feet literally get stuck, is very difficult, which means physical activity receive almost all the muscles of the legs, abdomen and buttocks. The main requirement is that the leg must be completely removed from the water each time. Intense walking or jogging along the edge of the sea can be compared to a half-hour session on an exercise bike.

Iodine dissolved in coastal air is absorbed 12 times better than from the usual atmosphere. Excellent natural inhalation takes place. And as mentioned above, iodine is necessary for the endocrine system and the brain.

People living far from the sea experience a deficiency of selenium, a microelement that has antioxidant properties (editor's note - protecting the body from external and internal toxic influences). The sea helps replenish selenium reserves. Thanks to salt evaporation, increased ozone content, as well as the absence of dust and allergens carried away by the sea breeze, people can breathe so easily at the seaside. There are up to a thousand particles of sea salt in a milliliter of sea air. During a day spent by the sea, we inhale about 10 billion salt particles, which heal the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs. This is one of the secrets of healing on sea ​​coast frequently ill allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

It should be noted that ingestion of sea water has a harmful effect on human body, which is unable to ensure the removal of excess salts that linger in human tissues and organs, causing dehydration and severe disorders nervous system, with all the ensuing consequences.

And finally, about the bad. Nowadays, there is pollution of the surface layer of the waters of the World Ocean. This also applies to the Black Sea basin. Sea water contains many microorganisms, including pathogens, helminth eggs, and yeast organisms, especially in public bathing areas. Therefore, no matter how far you swim with a container to collect water so you can gargle your sore throat, clean water you still won't get it.

Danish artist Paul Gustave Fischer
"Sunbathing in the Dunes" (1916)

How disappointing it can be if, during a long-awaited vacation, you or your child suddenly develops a nasty runny nose and cough. And the elevated temperature means that all the holidays are going down the drain. Or not? Is it possible to swim in the sea with a cold? What if the temperature is caused by other factors? Will this affect the health of the holidaymaker? Read in this article.

Reasons for rising temperature

You cannot completely protect yourself from sudden changes in temperature. In response to the most harmless impact, the body can respond by increasing body heating.

The main reasons for temperature fluctuations are:

  1. Infection. It is often accompanied by fever. At first it is small, but over time it only increases. And here you need not wonder whether it is possible to swim in the sea with a temperature of 37, but run to the doctor for a prescription for antibiotics.
  2. Viral diseases. Their common symptom is fever, and treatment can be quite difficult. You will probably need the help of a specialist. When you feel sick, you feel so bad that bathing is the last thing you think about.
  3. Exacerbation of the old chronic disease. Think about your medical record: is there a record of periodic illness? Perhaps she is the cause of the current fever? Naturally, you will have to do without sea water.
  4. Poisoning. A common cause of fever. Accompanied by vomiting, nausea, loose stools, headaches and depression of consciousness during long absence treatment. These symptoms are especially dangerous if it is hot outside: in this case, dehydration will occur extremely quickly. Make sure that the poisoned person drinks plenty of water, even if he doesn’t feel like it. No bathing, at least until bowel movements return to normal and water balance sick.
  5. Ear infection. Another one common reason rising sea temperatures. It occurs due to water getting into the ear and an infection developing there as a result. Accompanied by swelling of the ear canal and concha, loss of hearing and shooting sharp pain. Swimming is strictly forbidden!

Other causes of fever

Fever also often occurs due to:

  1. Acclimatization. This is especially true if vacationers come from a cold climate; in such cases, the temperature can jump to 37.5 degrees. Is it possible to swim in the sea with the temperature caused by acclimatization? It is better to wait until the body gets used to it and returns to normal state.
  2. Hypothermia. May occur due to prolonged swimming in cold water or sleeping under air conditioning. By itself, it does not warm up the body, but it weakens the body. The result is illness and fever. Naturally, there can be no talk of any swimming.
  3. Heatstroke. They are no less dangerous than hypothermia. It is necessary to select clothes to suit external conditions. Young children especially suffer from overheating, caring parents They try to wrap up their children as best they can. Remember: the child should not wear too much clothing! The maximum is one layer more than on its parent. It’s better not to swim, but a short immersion in cold water can help with overheating of the body.

Is it possible to swim in the sea with a fever?

The question is often asked: is it possible to swim in the sea with a fever if it appears due to swimming? There are no contraindications for this, but it is better to wait until the temperature drops. It is necessary to give the body time so that it has time to cope with sudden changes in heat and cold.

Also, swimming during illness should be avoided if you are in poor health. In general, if you doubt whether you can swim in the sea with a temperature, then look at your condition and take into account the opinion of specialists.

Doctors' opinion

What do doctors in coastal cities hear most often from their visitors? Of course, there are sad questions and exclamations like: “Is it possible to swim in the sea with a temperature? 37 and 2 is only a little bit! Nothing will happen from a short swim, right?”

Disappointing news: when swimming even with a low temperature, you are at great risk. It is best to wait until the disease goes away so as not to provoke it. new round development. Swimming can be especially dangerous if you have infectious diseases, no matter where exactly the infection is located.

Swimming for children

A child's body is much weaker than an adult's. Is it possible to swim in the sea with a child with a fever? The answer is obvious: it’s not worth it. Even if he really wants to get into the water and keeps his eyes wet. From a short swim, a slightly elevated temperature can develop into a real fever in the evening.

Also exclude ice cream, cold drinks and milkshakes from your child's diet. Do not even give your child chilled fruits, as this can cause a sore throat. But you shouldn’t go overboard with hot food either. You don't want to cause your child to overheat, do you?

Bathing and medications

Read the instructions for the medications you take carefully. Some of the medications have a rather powerful effect on a person’s consciousness, so you should not go into the water after taking them.

A simple rule: if the instructions say that the medicine causes drowsiness, or that it is not recommended to drive after taking it, then you should not think about swimming either. It’s better to sit on the shore for a day than to test your luck.

The danger with these medications is that you may not feel sleepy. However, a short-term clouding of consciousness is enough to fill your lungs with water.

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer vacation I want to go to the sea coast away from the noisy city with polluted streets and hot asphalt. Air near the sea and salty water have always been considered the best means for recovery. But many are faced with the fact that when going on vacation, snot appears at sea not only in children, but also in adults. You have to devote several days not to a pleasant time on the sea sand, but to treating an annoying runny nose. Let's try to understand the reasons for this condition.

Colds at sea are not uncommon, not only among children, but also among adult vacationers. This is due to climate change, to which the body will definitely react. If you go on vacation with your baby, then experts advise choosing resorts that suit your needs. climate zone so that the body does not experience severe stress.

Among the reasons why snot appeared at sea, we can also name the following:

  • change in day length;
  • other night and day temperature ranges;
  • high level of air humidity.

During acclimatization, all organ systems must rebuild their work taking into account new conditions, which leads to a decrease in immunity, and this provokes snot at sea.

Colds on the sea coast often affect adults, which is due to:

  • With a long stay of a hot body in water.
  • Consumption large quantity cold drinks.
  • Being in a draft or under air conditioning.
  • Contact with new people, which means the body encounters new strains of bacteria and viruses.

You should also not forget that other plants grow in the new climate, food products may differ, so a runny nose of an allergic nature cannot be ruled out.

The greater the difference in climatic conditions between the place of residence and the place of vacation, the higher the likelihood of long-term acclimatization and the fact that a cold at sea will definitely bother you.

Is it possible to swim in the sea with snot?

Most experts believe that there is no categorical prohibition. Swimming in sea water and inhaling clean air saturated with iodine provides:

  • Rinse the nasal passages. Sea water washes away excess mucus well, given that most babies do not know how to blow their nose.
  • During bathing, natural inhalation occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nasal mucosa.
  • If a child has snot at sea, then the bathing procedure is also a psychosomatic effect, when the baby switches attention from illness to receiving new positive impressions.

But it is better to postpone water treatments if:

  • there is a temperature;
  • the child or adult’s general condition has worsened;
  • no desire to go into the water;
  • A cold is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

When going on vacation even in the summer, you should always have with you medications, which are accepted in ordinary life when such symptoms appear.

How to treat colds and snot on vacation?

Going to South coast We must never forget that acclimatization in children takes longer severe symptoms, therefore, when planning a vacation, you need to make the vacation duration at least 2-3 weeks. This will allow the child’s body to adapt to new climatic conditions, enjoy healing water treatments and breathe in the sea air.

If a child develops snot at sea, how to treat it? The therapy is not much different from that in ordinary life, but it has been noted that colds go away faster under the influence of natural inhalations and sea air.

Among the medications to get rid of unpleasant symptoms you need to have on hand:

  • : Nazivin, Otrivin, Xylene, Naphthyzin.
  • Means for rinsing the nasal passages: Aquamaris.
  • Antihistamines if you are prone to allergies.

If the snot at sea is accompanied by a fever, then you cannot do without antipyretic medications.

The drug must be selected taking into account the age of the child. Most often, children are allowed:

  • Ibuklin. The drug in the form of a suspension or suppositories is allowed from 3 months of age, effervescent tablets can be given from 6 years of age, in capsules only after 12.
  • Paracetamol can be used in treatment from the age of 12.
  • Panadol, for small children use rectal suppositories.

The use of Acetylsalicylic acid to reduce fever by children under 15 years of age is strictly prohibited.

If your child’s snot does not go away after all measures taken for several days, and the condition only gets worse:

  • Discharge from the nose becomes purulent.
  • Pain appears in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.
  • I am worried about pain in my ears.
  • The temperature remains above 38 degrees.

All these symptoms should alert you and serve as a reason to visit a doctor.

  • Ensure the viscosity of the secreted mucus, and for this you need to give a lot to drink.
  • If there is no temperature, then swimming in the sea is not prohibited; inhaling sea air and inhalation are beneficial for the respiratory tract.
  • Ventilate the children's room more often.
  • To ensure moisture in the mucous membrane, instill Pinosol into the nose, you can use saline solution or prepare a salt solution in the proportion of a teaspoon per liter of water.

Komarovsky also has his own opinion about the situation when snot comes with a fever. The doctor believes that if the child is feeling well, if the appetite has not disappeared, the baby is cheerful and active, then there is no rush to give antipyretics. We must give the body the opportunity to fight the virus on its own.

But if the cold does not go away within 7 days, or the baby’s condition worsens, it is better to consult a specialist to find out the cause.


You can avoid snot and other unpleasant symptoms at sea if you take into account all the recommendations and take a responsible approach to planning your vacation. As preventive measures we can suggest:

  • Do not swim when your body is very hot.
  • Do not abuse cold drinks.
  • Avoid drafts.
  • Don't spend a lot of time in the water.

The child should not be allowed to spend a lot of time in the water. After bathing, be sure to dry your baby and change into dry clothes. Then your vacation will not be overshadowed by snot or other unpleasant symptoms.

What to do if your period starts at sea: how to swim and is it possible to delay it?

Is your company's vacation schedule drawn up, as expected, 2 weeks in advance? And you are in a hurry to “borrow” a convenient month, dreaming of a trip to warmer lands and enjoying the gentle sea waves. But here’s the problem: literally only a few people manage to match their vacation days to their own “critical days” (or rather, to the period when they definitely won’t exist).

Most women cannot calculate their cycle a year in advance: for some it “jumps” by 2-3 days, for others it is always uneven. In addition, even with an ideal cycle, there is a danger of failure due to stress, illness, climate change, and finally. Menstruation at sea on vacation: let's think about how we can avoid this problem, and if this was not possible, how to get through this minor trouble easier.

Menstruation at sea: what to do

First, let's look at the situation when it is too late to take preventive measures: you are already at sea and feel the imminent approach of day (or rather, not the day, but the hour) “X”.

All women are interested in whether it is possible to swim and sunbathe during this period.

Reviews from doctors in this case are clear: gynecologists are against taking water and sunbathing on the days when menstruation occurs. The reasons are as follows: on the days of menstruation female body experiencing hormonal stress. If the body “feels” that, it reduces the level of progesterone, which entails an increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Under the influence of these hormones, the uterus spasms, and the functional layer of the endometrium begins to be rejected - the same one that was supposed to serve as the site of attachment of the embryo. Part of the endometrium is rejected, and the dead egg is released.

Spasms and hormonal surges cause. A woman may experience:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness, lethargy.

If the first days of menstruation fall at the beginning of sea swimming, all these manifestations may intensify. Impact high temperatures unfavorable for any bleeding: blood loss in the heat is always greater than in the cold, since the blood vessels are dilated. Therefore, swimming during a holiday at sea should begin no earlier than on the third or fourth day, when blood flow decreases.

The same applies to sunbathing. Overheating will cause an extension of this phase of the cycle, and you will have to suffer longer with the gaskets. In addition, when you come out of the sea into the heat and sun, your body experiences sharp temperature fluctuations. And immunity during menstruation is somewhat weakened. Therefore, it is easy to catch a cold or catch an infection.

If you don't know what to do in such a situation, it is best to ask your doctor for advice. Most likely he will say that the best solution will wait a few days and start bathing only when your periods begin to subside.

Of course, you should listen to the recommendations of doctors. But sometimes it’s upsetting to tears: I flew (or drove) to this sea far away, waited six months for vacation, mentally marking every day I lived on the calendar, and here you go - you can’t swim!

“Experienced” travelers will tell you what to do so that menstruation does not turn into an annoying obstacle to proper rest. Surely you have friends who conquer the world no matter what surprise their own body has prepared.

To the question: “How to swim in the sea during menstruation?” they have the answer ready. They assure that you can swim, swim and generally have a good rest if you follow some rules. Let's list them:

  • you need to wait out the first 1-2 days, staying in the shade if possible, away from sun rays, and go into the water up to your knees;
  • For the first couple of days, you should wear a pad, as the discharge is abundant - using a pad reduces the likelihood of developing an infection;
  • on the 3-4th day you can swim with a tampon (you need to change the hygiene product before swimming);
  • bathing time no more than 20 minutes;
  • After swimming, the tampon should be changed immediately.

By observing these simple rules, you will “kill two birds with one stone”: gradually accustom the body to climate change, which will facilitate acclimatization, and enable the reproductive organs to function as usual, without exposing them to stress.

On the fifth day you can already swim without a tampon. Most often, by this time the discharge almost stops. But in a hot climate, things may not go according to the usual scenario, so remedies intimate hygiene Carry it with you until the process is complete.

Going to the sea: how to induce menstruation or how to delay it

Yes, you understand that it is better not to disrupt the body from its well-established schedule, but the desire to plunge into the sea waves immediately after arrival overpowers everything? Let's see how to delay your period before going to the seaside.

If you decide to take the issue seriously, you should go to the gynecologist in advance (several months in advance) for an appointment and ask him a question: “Doctor, in 3 months I’m going to swim and sunbathe in Cuba - how to prevent menstruation before the trip so that it doesn’t spoil the long-awaited a week's vacation?

The doctor will suggest that you drink during these 3 months hormonal drugs– monophasic COCs ( birth control pills). The choice is great, there are many such tablets now. Gynecologists often advise:

  • "Yarina";
  • "Janine";
  • "Regulon";
  • "Logest" and other time-tested products.

If your immediate plans do not include the appearance of an heir, COCs will perfectly solve the problem of untimely arrival of menstruation. The secret is that they maintain a constant level of “female” hormones, ensuring their supply from the outside. Ovulation is impossible, the hormonal levels are the same - therefore, “menstruation” will always come exactly on a certain day of the week. You drink a pack (21 tablets), wait 2-3 days - and menstrual-like discharge always begins. Convenient: you know exactly when it will happen, and you can adapt to them.

Option two: you drink the second pack without a week’s break - then “menstruation” (in quotes, since these are not real menstruation) will not appear for 2 months. True, if you do not take a seven-day break, slight spotting is possible - the body “compensates” for the lack of usual bleeding. Swimming on such days is allowed.

Of course, such a delay is not always good for the body. Moreover, your doctor may not allow you to take hormonal pills due to the individual characteristics of your body (for example, a tendency to thrombophlebitis). But we have to go, tickets have been bought. What to do - maybe just speed up the arrival of your period folk remedies without resorting to hormonal support?

You can bring the onset of your critical days closer with the help of parsley decoction. Brew a bunch of parsley in a glass hot water and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Everything should start 3-4 days after such a course. Sometimes it is recommended to eat lemons for the same purpose - the vitamin C they contain accelerates the onset of critical days.

A teenager's period at sea: what to do

The first menstruation in a teenager aged 11-12 years can begin at sea due to a sharp change in climate, “spurring” hormonal changes. What to do on vacation - do you need to take any special measures?

The mother’s task is to explain to the young girl that during this period it is necessary to be very careful about observing the rules of personal hygiene. The cervix is ​​slightly open at this time - therefore, it is easier for any infections to enter the reproductive organs. In girls, active bathing can cause increased discharge and inflammation if some microbe, “taking advantage” of the temperature difference, gets inside. You cannot swim in the first 2 days. To prevent your vacation from being ruined by some kind of inflammation, it is better to wait until the end of the process. Or go swimming on day 4-5 (the first menstruation usually does not last long).

Delayed menstruation after a holiday at sea

After a holiday at sea, a delay in menstruation is quite likely. This is due to climate change. It’s normal if critical days, which according to the calendar should have started immediately after the trip, come a week later. The hormonal system reacts very sensitively to sudden change situation. Ovulation may be slightly delayed (or, conversely, happen earlier). Perhaps there will be no ovulation at all in this cycle, and menstruation will make itself felt a little later and will be somewhat scanty.

A delay in menstruation at sea is also possible. There is no need to worry - the reasons are the same. But if you had unprotected sexual intercourse during this cycle, it’s worth doing a test for your own peace of mind.

How to reduce bleeding during menstruation at sea

We already know why menstruation takes a long time at sea: it’s all unnecessarily to blame warm weather and shift climatic conditions. In addition, the increased physical activity: during vacation, they walk a lot, sightseeing, exploring the area, dancing at night in discos.

To reduce the duration of bleeding, try taking Dicinon. This medicine, which helps reduce bleeding and turn long and heavy periods into short ones.

Take one tablet per day. Treatment lasts 3 days. To prevent menstruation from going longer than expected, athletes sometimes use this method before competitions. True, you must definitely coordinate your actions with your doctor.

Nettle decoction helps reduce the duration of bleeding.

Another possible option is scanty menstruation. Don’t be alarmed: it’s just because of the change in climatic conditions and daily routine that the ovaries worked this way.

If your period at sea changes its character or comes at the wrong time, don’t worry. By the next cycle everything should be back to normal. But if this does not happen, then it’s time to see a doctor: perhaps there really are health problems.

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How to swim during your period

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