How to clean moonshine from smell and fusel oils at home. How to clean moonshine from fusel oils and smell

The article describes in detail various methods of purifying moonshine using simple means. After reading the essay, you will be able to choose for yourself a suitable method for purifying a strong drink at home.

  • Unfortunately, many novice moonshine brewers believe that it is not necessary to purify the moonshine; homemade drink, therefore, is superior in quality to store-bought vodka
  • However, in addition to water and alcohol, this strong drink also contains harmful fusel oils, which you should still get rid of
  • Purifying moonshine will significantly improve the quality of the alcoholic drink. Moreover, cleaning is not such a labor-intensive process. Then you can see for yourself

Homemade methods for purifying moonshine

  • You need to know that not all fusel oils are harmful to the human body
  • Thanks to them, when drinking moonshine, you feel the taste and smell of this strong drink. You should get rid of isoamyl alcohol
  • This component has a negative impact on health. Such monohydric alcohol in its pure form it is toxic, upon contact with skin tissue it causes burns
  • If it accidentally ends up in the respiratory system, it may cause suffocation and a dry, severe cough.

There are many cleaning methods homemade alcoholic drink at home.

  • Biological method purification - first add milk and egg white to alcoholic drinks. At the same time, unnecessary fusel oils coagulate with these products and precipitate. After which the moonshine is distilled again. Next, the alcohol is diluted to 40 revolutions (degrees) with purified water and filtered using black, freshly prepared bread
  • Freeze cleaning- this option is effective in winter very coldy. It is enough to leave the moonshine in the cold. The water will freeze to the walls of the container, and carefully pour the moonshine into another container
  • Cleaning activated coal, potassium permanganate, soda, water filters, egg, bread, milk. We will talk about these methods in detail below.

Purification of moonshine with activated carbon in tablets

This cleaning option is quite simple. For the procedure you will need to buy pharmacy activated carbon.

Then, during the distillation process, place cotton wool into the funnel, and on top of it several crushed tablets of activated carbon. The moonshine will drip and filter immediately.

  • Another option: you can pour pre-prepared coal powder into the prepared moonshine. One liter of moonshine will require 45-50 grams of coal
  • After adding this component, the alcohol must be placed in a dark place for 14 days to filter. Shake the container every day so that the coal is not always at the bottom
  • After two weeks, strain the drink through gauze folded into six layers. The resulting purified product can be consumed without fear, the main thing is to know the norm and not to overdo it

Cleaning moonshine with water

Cleaning moonshine with water has already been mentioned above. To do this, you will need to carry out the procedure of freezing the alcoholic drink.

More precisely, take the alcohol composition out into the cold, after it begins to thicken, pour the moonshine into another bottle. The water will remain on the walls of the old bottle in the form of a thin crust of ice, and the fusel will also remain there. The moonshine will be purified and its quality will improve significantly.

Moonshine - after cleaning with water

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda

To remove residual acetic acid and harmful substances from homemade moonshine. fusel oils use cleaning with potassium permanganate and soda. The procedure is as follows:

  • First pour into a bottle of moonshine (per one liter) soda solution(per 100 milliliters of purified water, ten grams of soda)
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in a cup of water, proportions for moonshine: per liter of drink 1.5 grams of potassium permanganate
  • Then close the container, shake well, and let stand for 45-55 minutes.
  • Then shake again and leave for 14-15 hours.
  • At the end, filter the homemade moonshine, carefully, without shaking it through cotton wool or gauze.

Cleaning homemade moonshine with soda, potassium permanganate

IMPORTANT: After such filtration, you need to apply more distillation, then the moonshine will be crystal clear.

Cleaning moonshine with soda and salt

This purification method also requires re-distillation of the alcohol product. The process boils down to this:

  • In a cup of water (purified), dissolve a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda (based on one liter of moonshine)
  • Pour the resulting solution into the raw material, stir, let sit a little
  • Then re-distill your homemade alcohol product

  • Moonshine experts say that cleaning with barbecue charcoal is much better than filtering activated carbon
  • After all, activated carbon leaves an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. In addition, pharmaceutical charcoal contains starch, talc
  • And these components prevent the drink from purifying the heavy fractions of fusel oils (due to small pores)

IMPORTANT: When choosing charcoal, look at the label to ensure it does not contain any non-natural components.

Cleaning process:

  • Pour barbecue charcoal into the moonshine (in a ratio of 1 part to 30, respectively)
  • Leave the alcoholic drink in this state for a week, or better yet, a week and a half.
  • Stir the moonshine periodically
  • Then filter the homemade moonshine through cotton wool

If everything is done correctly, the alcoholic drink will be transparent.

Purification of moonshine with filter Barrier and Aquaphor

Cleaning with the Barrier filter is carried out using filter cartridges. They are filled with adsorbents. One such filter is enough for 10-16 liters of homemade moonshine. For high-quality cleaning, the drink must be passed through the barrier five times.

Cleaning moonshine with a Barrier filter

Aquaphor for filtering moonshine is somewhat more profitable. After all, it uses triple purification. Therefore, you can “pass” an alcoholic drink through it only once.

How to use Aquaphor filters to purify moonshine?

Cleaning moonshine with bread

IMPORTANT: Clean strong drinks only with fresh black bread. Yesterday's baked goods will no longer work.

The process should be carried out as described below sequences:

  • Take a large watering can or make one from a two-liter plastic bottle
  • Lay a napkin and lightly push it into the neck of the watering can
  • Pour the crumb of fresh rye bread on top and compact it a little, but do not fill the neck with the crumb too much, otherwise the alcoholic drink will not pass through
  • Strain the moonshine

Cleaning moonshine with egg

  • For this method you will need egg whites, for every 700 grams of moonshine - one white
  • Then mix the whites thoroughly with warm water (25ºС). Purified water should be no more than 8% of the volume of moonshine
  • Add the water-protein mixture to the moonshine and mix well again
  • Place the mixture in a dark place for a week, shake it several times a day every day
  • On the seventh day, do not stir the moonshine, let the fusel with squirrels settle to the bottom
  • Then filter the moonshine through a watering can with cotton wool

Cleaning moonshine with milk, video

Video: cleaning moonshine with milk (part 2)

One of the main causes of withdrawal (hangover) is poisoning of the body with fusel oils contained in alcohol consumed.

Apparently, it’s worth starting with the fact that products with an alcohol content above 40 percent release fusel oils very reluctantly. And therefore, before cleaning, it must be diluted with clean spring or distilled water to 32-35 percent. Second: only cooled and settled (preferably for at least a day) moonshine can be cleaned, and not freshly distilled moonshine.

How to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate

Crystals of potassium permanganate are added to moonshine (about 0.5 teaspoon per three liter jar) and stir thoroughly. After settling, when the liquid reaches absolute transparency, moonshine is poured into a clean container using a hose - approximately the same as gasoline from fuel tank into a canister, - in no case affecting the bottom layer with sediment.

Purification of moonshine with activated carbon

Second mandatory stage- filtration. Required:

  • activated carbon (1 pack per 3 liters)
  • funnel
  • filter paper (or paper napkins).

Filter paper is placed at the bottom of the funnel, onto which activated carbon powder is poured. The coal is covered with a second layer of paper. To avoid the “floating” effect, the top napkin is lightly weighted along the edges.

After filtration, moonshine should be diluted with water to 26-28 percent alcohol content and subjected. After this, the cleaning process must be repeated. In principle, the resulting product can be consumed immediately without much harm to health. But if you subject it to tertiary distillation and tertiary purification, the result will be a drink with a minimal content of fusel oils.

How to clean moonshine even better: using charcoal

Birch charcoal is crushed into fine crumbs, poured into moonshine (for a three-liter jar of moonshine, one handful of coal), after which the jar is tightly closed. For a week, the liquid is shaken vigorously every day, and then left for another 10-12 days in a “resting state.”

How to clean moonshine with milk

IN industrial scale They use not milk, but milk protein - casein. It is a powder that adsorbs fusel oils and other unwanted impurities. The result is a highly purified product.

Great-grandparents used fresh milk and egg whites. Some of the fusel impurities coagulate and settle to the bottom. But the quality of cleaning leaves much to be desired.

Another old-fashioned method: freezing

It was noticed: when vodka is frozen, the water, freezing to the walls of the barrel, takes fusel impurities with it. All that remained was to carefully separate the unfrozen vodka.

Purifying moonshine at home without subsequent distillation

Cleaning moonshine at home
without subsequent distillation

There are several ways to clean moonshine at home. How less content alcohol in the drink, the better the cleaning process proceeds.
So, if you don’t mind distilling the moonshine a second time, it is better to dilute it with water and first clean it of bad odors and harmful impurities.
If subsequent distillation is not provided, then we clean the moonshine, first diluting it with water to the degree we need (but not higher than 70, and preferably 40 degrees).
To measure the strength we use a hydrometer (alcohol meter).

1st method. Cleaning moonshine with soda Since moonshine contains acetic acid, formed when alcohol combines with oxygen, then add soda to it. Baking soda neutralizes acid. Add 1 g of soda per 1 liter of moonshine, this is about 1/12 of a teaspoon (at the tip of a knife).
It is useful to clean with soda before cleaning with potassium permanganate.

2nd method. Purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate (slow oxidation reaction of fusel oils)
For one liter of moonshine, add 1-2 grams of potassium permanganate, stir thoroughly and leave for at least 10 hours. After clarification and sedimentation, filter the moonshine. You can filter it through household water filters.
You can make a filter for moonshine yourself from a plastic bottle or canister.
We make holes in the lid, cut off the bottom, turn it over, insert a cotton swab into the neck of the bottle and fill it with calcined river sand (we disinfect the sand by calcination).
It’s even better to take crushed birch charcoal instead of sand (you can crush Karbolen tablets bought at the pharmacy).

3rd method. Cleaning moonshine with egg whites
Egg white coagulates (coagulates) under the influence of alcohol, absorbing fusel particles (the particles “stick” to the white).
In cooking, boiling broth is clarified using egg whites.
Pour 2 beaten egg whites into 1 liter of moonshine while stirring, let sit and filter.

4th method. Cleaning moonshine with fresh milk
This cleaning can be applied either to mash before distillation, or to ready-made moonshine.
Purification of moonshine with milk occurs due to fusel sticking to milk particles and precipitating (the moonshine is then filtered).
Pour 1 liter of milk into 5 liters of mash. We drive out slowly. During the first distillation, cloudy moonshine is possible. If so, we distill it a second time.
Or pour 100-200 ml of fresh milk into 1 liter of ready-made moonshine, vigorously stirring; after curdling, the moonshine is strained (filtered).
After cleaning with milk, it is useful to clean with bread.

5th method. Cleaning moonshine using freshly baked black bread
It perfectly absorbs fusel oils and gives the moonshine a pleasant aroma. Stale bread is not used, because... will give an unpleasant taste due to microorganisms multiplying on it.
Stir bread broken into small pieces (100 g per 1 liter) in moonshine until the pieces become soggy and fall apart. Then let it sit for a day or two and filter.

6th method. Freezing moonshine
When exposed to low temperatures, water and impurities freeze. Fusel oils freeze to the walls of the vessel with moonshine. What remains is alcohol, which is poured into another container.
The freezing point of vodka is -28-29°C, dry wine -5°C.

7th method. Charcoal cleaning
It absorbs impurities and foreign odors. You can buy coal at any chain store; birch coal is better, because... it has greater absorption capacity.
The coal is first pounded in a saucepan, then poured into a container, 50 g per 1 liter. vodka.
All this is left to infuse for at least a week, shaking occasionally, then left to settle until a coal sediment forms and the liquid clears, drained from the sediment using a siphon tube and filtered.
If you drain carefully, no filtering is required.
You can purify moonshine with activated carbon tablets Karbolen or Entorosgel purchased at a pharmacy.

Ancient recipes for purifying moonshine and vodka

Method 1. “How to remove the bad spirit from vodka”

For six liters of moonshine, add 1 liter of fresh milk and distill so that it flows cleanly and there is not the slightest particle of distillation.

Or: pour 400 g of clean birch coals into 12.3 liters of moonshine.

Leave until all the coals settle and the moonshine becomes clean, then drain, dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (one part is water), add 800 g of raisins and distill again.

Method 2. “How to take away the bad taste of vodka”

Before distillation, depending on the size of the cube, add from three to six handfuls of sifted birch firewood ash with several handfuls of salt. The second distillation is carried out without ash and salt.

Method 3. Ready-made moonshine undergoes the following cleaning:
Add 1-2 g to the moonshine distilled from the mash baking soda for 1 liter of moonshine. The mixture is stirred and allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes. Mix thoroughly again and leave for 10-12 hours. Then the liquid is poured from above, and the sediment is removed.
Then pour 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate powder into a 3-liter jar (sold at any pharmacy), stir until the potassium permanganate dissolves (or you can pour a strong solution of potassium permanganate in water) and wait for a sediment to form (from several hours to 1 day).
Carefully drain the moonshine from the sediment.
To intensify the process, after adding potassium permanganate, you can seal the jar, shake it and place it in a water bath at 50-70 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Then, during the infusion process, shake the infusion periodically.
After these procedures, to completely eliminate foreign tastes and odors, soak moonshine alcohol for 12 days on orris root at the rate of 3-4 finely chopped orris roots with the addition of 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter.
After the product has infused, it should be filtered.

Good moonshine burns. The bad one, when you try to set it on fire, will not light up.

How to make alcohol close to 100 degrees in strength?
For this you need copper sulfate With constant stirring, ignite over a fire to dehydrate in an open glass, copper or aluminum container.
Then cool the vitriol and immediately pour it into the alcohol obtained after distillation. Since one molecule of vitriol, when forming a crystalline hydrate, attaches seven molecules of water to itself, the alcohol is dehydrated.
If you distill such alcohol again, excluding all contact with air, it will become 100 degrees.
It must be stored in a very tightly sealed container, because this alcohol is extremely hygroscopic - greedily absorbing water from the air, it will quickly reduce its strength to 96 degrees.
If the alcohol on hand has a strength of more than 96 degrees, it is poisonous after drying and cannot be taken orally at any dilution!

For entertaining viewing
In a small hunting lodge, three friends - Coward, Dunce and Experienced - are making moonshine.
The battery of bottles on the shelves is rapidly growing and increasing.
In those ancient times Soviet times It was strictly forbidden for people to distill moonshine.
So the communists held a monopoly and made their business on vodka.

A hangover is nothing more than intoxication of the body with fusel oils. This name hides propyl, isoamyl and isobutyl alcohols. They not only negatively affect the body as a whole, but also cause the unpleasant odor of the drink. And if purification of purchased products from these harmful substances lies on the shoulders of the manufacturer, then purification of moonshine is a task that you and I need to solve. There are several ways to clean moonshine from fusel oils, and today we will talk about each of them in detail.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils with potassium permanganate

Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 2 grams of potassium permanganate per 50 ml boiled water. This solution should be added to moonshine in a ratio of 1 to 20. After 10 hours, the drink must be strained through a piece of flannel cloth or cotton wool.

The moonshine purified in this way should be distilled again, and then use one of the cleaning methods suggested below.

How to clean moonshine with charcoal

Purifying moonshine from fusel oils, and, consequently, from unpleasant odors, with coal is considered the most popular, since this method is simple and affordable.

For cleaning, both activated carbon, which can be bought at any nearest pharmacy, and charcoal, which you can buy in a supermarket or make yourself, are suitable. For this purpose, it is necessary to heat birch, pine, linden or spruce wood, without access to air, until it completely burns out, and then grind the cooled coals into powder.

Add coal to moonshine at the rate of 50 grams of coal for each liter of drink. Shake this mixture daily for 2-3 weeks. Then leave it completely alone for a week. After the specified time has passed, strain through cotton wool. Moonshine is ready to drink.

Biological purification of moonshine

This type of moonshine purification has scientific name coagulation. To implement it, you need to prepare milk, kefir or beaten egg white. Add the selected product to the first distillation moonshine. Wait a bit. After sediment falls to the bottom of the container, the drink must be strained and distilled again.

After the second distillation, the moonshine must be diluted to a strength of 40 degrees (use a hydrometer) and cleaned with fresh rye bread.

Place 100 grams of rye bread broken into small pieces for each liter of liquid. Leave for 5 hours and strain.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Prepare a solution of baking soda (10 grams of soda per 10 grams of water) and pour it into a liter of moonshine (if there is more drink, then the amount of soda solution should be increased in direct proportion). Seal the container tightly and shake well. Leave for half an hour, then mix the contents of the jar again and put it in a dark place for 12 hours. After the specified time, the moonshine must be filtered through cotton wool.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils with tannin

As you know, tannin is part of oak wood. It allows not only to improve taste qualities moonshine, but also to remove harmful components from it, which include fusel oils. There are several ways to purify an alcoholic beverage with tannin.

Method No. 1

Add 10 grams of tannin powder or oak shavings to moonshine for every liter of liquid. Leave for 10 days. After the specified time has passed, the drink should be strained. It is ready to eat.

Method number 2

Form 2-3 centimeter cubes from oak wood. Fill with spring water, change the water after a couple of hours. Repeat the procedure several times. Then fill the oak cubes with a solution of soda, prepared at the rate of a tablespoon per 5 liters of water. Rinse, pour boiling water. After the water has cooled, remove the cubes and dry them thoroughly, and then roast them in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 3 hours.

Place the cubes in a container with moonshine at the rate of 2 pieces for each liter. Leave for at least a week, but if the cubes simmer in moonshine longer, it will be even better.

Purifying moonshine by freezing

Fusel oils are not resistant to low temperatures As a rule, at sub-zero temperatures they simply freeze. All that remains is to pour the high-quality moonshine and filter it again using one of the methods you like.

The methods proposed above for purifying moonshine from fusel oils are the most common and effective. Perhaps those visitors to our portal who have experience in making this alcoholic drink at home know other options for how to clean moonshine from fusel oils; we will be grateful if they share them in the comments to this article.

Such a well-known craft as moonshine brewing has its roots in ancient times, so it has been improved through centuries of samples, tests, and methods. For those who are professionally involved in this business these days, it has long been no secret how to clean moonshine from fusel oils. And if you seriously decide to make the purest homemade vodka, then it won’t hurt you to learn a couple of secrets about how this is done. Below you will find a lot of interesting and useful information, which will help you get acquainted with all in effective ways cleaning moonshine.

The best way to purify moonshine: recipes and proportions

There are a huge number of recipes for cleaning moonshine at home, and each of them has a main component that serves as a filter for the drink. Some of the listed methods are even used in production, and you can choose the only correct one in your opinion, or you can try everything to find the best one. The main condition for the competent use of one method or another is strict adherence to the specified proportions and recommendations. Read more about the cleaning recipes below.

Cleaning with potassium permanganate: the benefits and harms of this method

There are two main methods for purifying moonshine with manganese, but not everyone considers sodium permanganate to be an effective and harmless product that can be safely used in the craft of home brewing. The fact is that manganese, when it precipitates along with other impurities in vodka, does not take all the substances with it. But this is not the worst thing.

Scientists have proven that potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent that interacts with alcohol (ethanol), releasing very dangerous substances and alkali. When the oxidation process of potassium permanganate in moonshine is activated, a very complex alkali is formed, which Food Industry referred to as potassium hydroxide or food supplement under the number "E-525". This substance is an effective preservative and acidity regulator.

Additionally, as a result of the described reaction, manganese oxide and acetaldehyde (acetaldehyde) are precipitated. The latter is a very dangerous carcinogen, which is found in tobacco smoke and causes strong addiction in people. If you talk to chemists about this topic in more detail, you will learn a lot more. negative reviews, which will testify to the bad effect on the health of those who will then use such moonshine. Therefore, think carefully about the benefits and harms of the methods that you are going to use to cleanse this drink. Check out the recipe itself below.


  • Liter of moonshine (40%).
  • 0.3 l hot water.
  • Two grams of potassium permanganate.
  • A tablespoon of salt (absolutely do not use iodized salt).
  • A tablespoon of baking soda.

Description of cleaning method:

  1. Thoroughly dilute potassium permanganate with water.
  2. Combine moonshine with manganese-tinted water, stir with a wooden spoon (avoid metal utensils), and leave overnight.
  3. Filter in the morning. This can be done with a regular filter or multi-layer gauze, for example.

How to clean a drink with charcoal

The properties of wood ash are compared to activated carbon in tablets: it is an excellent adsorbent that effectively absorbs and removes harmful substances. An additional advantage of cleaning moonshine with barbecue charcoal (the popular name for charcoal) over other adsorbents is considered short term process. You can also use coconut charcoal in this process. There is absolutely no difference which charcoal is used to clean moonshine, because they are equally effective substances. Required ingredients:

  • Freshly cut stump young tree(less than 50 years). Beech, cedar or birch wood is preferable (you will get birch charcoal).
  • A liter of 40-degree moonshine.

How to clean moonshine with coal:

  1. Clear the tree of bark, cut out the core and knots.
  2. Light a fire. It is necessary to remove hot coals while the heat is still present. Shake off the ash, cover the charred pieces of wood, and wait for it to die out.
  3. Grind the resulting charcoal through a sieve.
  4. Dissolve the powder in moonshine and leave for three days.
  5. Filter.

Getting rid of odor and fusel with milk powder

Purify moonshine using coagulation (the process of binding fusel oils with albumin and casein, which are found in milk). When milk reacts with alcohol, a precipitate forms as flakes and the drink becomes soft, eliminating the unpleasant characteristic odor. This method involves the use of powdered milk, because it is the most reliable way get skim milk. This is important so that the moonshine does not become cloudy during the filtration process. Explore detailed recipe purifying homemade alcohol using this method.

What you will need:

  • 10 liters of 40-degree moonshine.
  • 6 grams of milk powder.
  • 10 liters of warm water.

Cleaning process:

  1. Divorce powdered milk warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly, break up all the lumps, and leave to steep for three hours.
  2. After the specified time has passed, mix the resulting milk with moonshine and leave for a week.
  3. Remove precipitate by filtration.

Method of cleaning with soda and salt

One of the popular ways to purify moonshine due to its availability and low cost. As a result, you will remove the main amount of fusel oils from homemade alcohol, and also bad smell. During consumption, the drink will have a mild taste, making it pleasant to drink. Be sure to try this cleaning recipe to appreciate all its advantages, and you’ll tell me how to clean homemade vodka using soda step by step recipe further.


  • 1 liter of 40-proof alcohol.
  • A tablespoon of salt.
  • A tablespoon of baking soda.

How to clean moonshine with soda:

  1. Thoroughly dissolve soda and salt in moonshine. Leave to infuse for half an hour.
  2. After the specified time has passed, stir the liquid again and put it in a dark place for 12 hours.
  3. The liquid of a cloudy consistency should have separated within the allotted time.
  4. Carefully drain the top.

How to properly clean moonshine with egg whites

Egg white is known for its coagulating property, which consists of precipitating along with harmful substances during a reaction with alcohol. Many people compare this method of purifying moonshine with a method that involves the use of milk (powdered or whole). This is an effective opportunity to qualitatively separate fusel oils from moonshine. Read more about how to easily clear your drink with egg whites.


  • Liter of alcohol (40%).
  • Two egg yolks, separated from the white.

How to clean:

  1. Beat the whites, but without foam.
  2. Add to the moonshine and mix thoroughly.
  3. Feathers and sediment should fall out immediately.

Rye bread instead of a filter

This method of purifying moonshine is more effective after separating fusel oils from alcohol using milk. However, if you try to use this method as the only way cleansing, the result will also be good. It is believed that gluten, which is contained in bread, wonderfully removes all impurities and debris from homemade vodka. Use only fresh bread so as not to spoil the taste and aroma of the drink. Here's how to clean moonshine rye bread.

Components of the method:

  • A liter of homemade vodka (40 proof).
  • 100 grams of rye bread.

How to clean:

  1. Break the bread into small pieces.
  2. Throw them into the moonshine and shake well.
  3. Leave for two days.
  4. Get rid of the sediment by filtering the moonshine.

Freezing method without distillation

Freezing is one of the cheapest and available ways cleaning moonshine. In the process simple method all harmful substances freeze and fall out on the walls of the vessel in which homemade vodka is located. Alcohol will not freeze at the freezing temperature of the freezer and even at high frost outside up to -13 degrees, so it will be easy to separate it from impurities and fusel oils by draining it into a clean container. Read on to learn how the method of freezing moonshine without distillation works below.

What you will need:

  • Moonshine - quantity is not important.
  • Pot.
  • Freezer.

Algorithm of your actions:

  1. Pour the available amount of moonshine into a saucepan, place it in the freezer or outside on a frosty day.
  2. Wait until part of the drink freezes (at least three to four hours, or better yet, leave it overnight).
  3. Drain the unfrozen portion of the moonshine into a clean container.

Cleaning with vegetable oil at home

Scientists say without a doubt that fusel oils and other impurities effectively dissolve in vegetable oils, are separated from alcohol diluted with water, and can be quickly removed from moonshine. It is important to remember that only sunflower or olive oil, which are odorless (refined), will help. Please note: the good thing about this method is that it is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly, so feel free to use it to clean homemade vodka. And then you will find how this is done.


  • Liter of moonshine (40%).
  • Water - three liters.
  • 80 ml sunflower oil.

How the cleaning method is performed:

  1. Dilute moonshine with the specified amount of water.
  2. Add sunflower oil, shake for one minute.
  3. Let the moonshine brew for three minutes.
  4. Shake again for one minute.
  5. Leave the container with the contents in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 16 degrees. Let it sit for a day.
  6. After the specified amount of time, you will see an oil film appear on the surface of the moonshine (it already contains impurities, fusel oils).
  7. Using gentle movements, make a funnel in the resulting film, then lower the tube or thin hose. Try not to touch the greasy film. Drain off all the moonshine.
  8. Double-filter your homemade vodka to completely remove any remaining oil droplets.

Second distillation

If you want to get a crystal clear alcoholic drink at home, the stage of re-distillation of moonshine is an inevitable process. This way you will finally remove all heavy fractions from homemade vodka, remove foreign odors, and give the drink a soft, pleasant taste. Even if you use very good equipment for distilling moonshine, the excellent result is still worth repeating the whole process a second and maybe a third time. This is the only way you will achieve High Quality moonshine.

Is it possible to clean cloudy moonshine with Barrier or Aquaphor filters?

If you are not a supporter of chemical cleaning (with bentonite, for example), you can clean moonshine from cloudy sediment using ordinary Barrier or Aquaphor filters. They contain excellent cleaners with baking soda, charcoal, calcium and other ingredients that are used in some at-home methods. This is not at all difficult to do: just pass homemade vodka through a special container with a filter cartridge to end up with the purest drink.

How to make a carbon filter column with your own hands

A carbon filter column is a means for purifying moonshine using coal. It gives excellent results, and immediately after distillation the product is ready for use. It is not difficult to make such a device at home. Thanks to detailed description, which you will find below, the manufacturing process will be possible. Check out step by step algorithm making a carbon filter column with your own hands.

What you will need:

  • Two necks from plastic bottles.
  • A pair of lids (one should have a spout).
  • Plastic bottle 5 l.
  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 32.
  • Scissors.
  • Saw.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Coal for cleaning moonshine.
  • Drill.
  • Cotton wool.

Manufacturing step by step:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a 5-liter eggplant.
  2. Insert one end of the tube into the neck of the eggplant and wrap it with electrical tape.
  3. Insert the plastic necks into each other. Drill holes in the lid with a drill, screw it onto the neck and insert it into the second one. Wrap the parts with electrical tape. Use the second cap with the drinking bowl to close the second neck (first put cotton wool in the outer neck).
  4. Tape the resulting part with electrical tape to the other end of the tube.
  5. Hang the pipe by the handle of the bottle (the bottle should be on top).
  6. Place a container below.
  7. Pour coal into the pipe through a five-liter bottle. Cover the neck of the eggplant with a cotton swab.

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