How to unlearn bad habits. How to get rid of bad habits? Interest in action

66 days. This is how long a habit is formed, and the same amount of time it takes to get rid of it, if we are not talking about physical dependence.

Scientists from University College London found this out after conducting a study on how bad habits come and go.

Having collected enough data and analyzed it, the researchers divided the process of getting rid of a bad habit into several stages, explaining in detail the mechanisms of each of them.

If you are at a crossroads, not knowing how to overcome a habit that is boring you to death, you should start by becoming familiar with the principles of its formation, and then, after getting to know the enemy better, defeat him using a scientific approach.

How a habit is formed

Bad habits are not born out of the blue. For a habit to truly become a habit, and not just something you do occasionally, certain conditions are necessary.

First of all, a habit is formed when there is some kind of trigger that motivates you to do something. Many people don’t even notice these triggers, don’t attach importance to them, or don’t associate them with their habit.

For example, if you always look at your phone without apparent reason during some important events, the trigger for this behavior may be the stress you experience in an unusual environment.

The trigger can be anything, so identifying it is an important and primary task in the fight against a bad habit.

An equally significant element of habit formation is the behavior itself that the trigger pushes you towards. The actions that become the basis of a bad habit are often simple and do not require a long time to complete.

Typically, such activities bring you pleasure or allow you to take your mind off some stressors. And that is why it is so difficult to stop doing them, even if the momentary joy has serious consequences. Negative consequences in the long term.

According to this cyclical pattern: trigger - action - reward, and the habit formation mechanism works. And the more often you repeat this cycle, the more automated your behavior becomes.

As a result, you become a prisoner of habit, unconsciously starting the cycle over and over again because it's easier than making a conscious decision about what to do about the original trigger.

Once a habit has become automatic, breaking it becomes much more difficult and requires more time and conscious effort. But the 66-day rule works, and further we will tell you exactly how.

Days 1-10: Determine the cause

Once you've chosen a habit you want to break, the real challenge is identifying your triggers. This may be more difficult than it seems, especially if the habit has become automatic.

But if you take a good look at yourself, you will understand the reason for your behavior. It will take you about 10 days to identify the source of the habit, its psycho-emotional component and triggers, after which you will already know what you are dealing with and will be able to control your actions thanks to a clear understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship.

This will require skill, observation, self-reflection and analysis, so be prepared to do some thinking.

Days 11-40: Telling friends about our struggles

Responsibility and ability to adhere decisions made will be important at the second stage, when you have already figured out what provokes you to perform this or that action over and over again.

To strengthen your position in this difficult struggle, scientists advise enlisting the support of your immediate circle.

Tell your friends about your intentions and explain to them that it is important for you to stay away from triggers, and also ask them to remind you of your goal if you suddenly find yourself on a slippery slope and want to return to your bad habit at least once.

The more people who know what you're going through, the more likely you are to keep your promises without being seen as an irresponsible windbag.

Days 41-66: Continue to monitor triggers

As you reach the finish line, be prepared for the possibility that you may stumble. But you shouldn’t take possible mistakes as a defeat. If you are aware of the reasons for your actions and continue to monitor your triggers, even if you slip up a couple of times, it will not be a failure.

The main thing is to be persistent in your desire to give up a bad habit and not to lose heart if extreme situation you will consciously return to it. Everyone makes mistakes, but this is not a reason to erase all the previous progress and results you have achieved.

Still, it would be better for some time to completely avoid situations in which you do not feel confident in your willpower.

Day 67: Reward yourself for the work done

Of course, defeating a bad habit is already a decent reward for your work. But if you come up with some other reward, the positive result will become more firmly entrenched in your head, which means returning to destructive behavior will no longer seem so pleasant.

Treat yourself to something that brings you joy. Just don't celebrate your triumph by doing what you refused for so long and stubbornly.

Whether it's smoking, overeating or anxiety, we all have bad habits that we'd like to break. Behavioral psychology can help us with this. This is one of the most studied areas in psychology, and it offers many ideas on how to break bad habits and replace them with good ones.

Understand the benefits and harms of your bad habits

If you have a bad habit, it is because it currently has some benefit for you. Behavioral psychology argues that all our behavior is either rewarded or punished, which increases or decreases the chance of doing the same thing again.

If you smoke, it helps you relieve stress. If you are too full, you have tasted the food well. If you procrastinate, you temporarily have more free time. Think about how your bad habits benefit you, and then figure out how to replace them.

Apply punishment and remove reward for bad habit

Determine your punishment or refuse your benefits bad habit. You need to have strong will for this step. You must commit yourself to either administering the punishment or removing the desired reward when you take up the old one. For example, if you overeat, you should skip dessert for the rest of the day or add 10 minutes to the next task. The reward or punishment you choose should be consistent with the habit.

Have a replacement ready

Remember when you figured out how your bad habit benefited you? This statement now comes into force. You must find out which habit replacement offers the same benefits without the negative consequences of your bad habit. If you are slow, enjoy not big amount free time (but at the same time you shirk work). Instead of procrastinating, create a schedule that includes regular breaks during which you can do something you enjoy.

Combine big and small rewards

It is clear that reward has a huge impact on the human brain, which is one of the biggest findings in behavioral psychology. Reward yourself often to stay away from a bad habit. Don't limit yourself to significant but infrequent rewards.

For example, if you want to overcome your lazy habit, reward yourself with new gym clothes after 30 workouts. This is a wonderful reward, but it seems too far away, so you may not have the patience to see it through. Include it in your plan, but in addition, regularly stimulate yourself after several workouts.

Tell others about your goals

When we tell others about a goal and don't achieve it, we are "punished" with shame and the feeling that we have let other people down. While shame is not necessarily a perfect motivator, it can be quite effective.

If you've told others about your goals, preferably people who will support you, you're more likely to achieve them since you don't want to tell your friends that you didn't succeed. Just be sure to tell them not to put you back into your bad habit and not to laugh at you if you do it again. You need support, not ridicule!

Good luck in your work on yourself!

We all have features that we ourselves don’t like. Some people are worried about how to get rid of the habit of biting their nails, smoking or overeating, while others are used to throwing things around to the great displeasure of their household. First, stop blaming yourself. Everyone has bad habits. Family members who are most outraged by scattered things also have the bad habit of constantly grumbling or lecturing others. But the situation is not hopeless! Here are 3 simple steps how to get rid of bad habits.

Create an alternative habit

Our brain needs habits to function properly. To escape the clutches of an old habit, give your brain a new one to replace it. Create an alternative that better suits your actual needs and plan how to implement it in your life.

For example, if you struggle with the habit of overeating, get into the habit of taking the smallest plate or even saucer. It is very difficult to overdo it on food if your plate does not fit the usual portion.

Make a new choice

Quitting an old habit isn't very pleasant, even when you've started a new one. The old one seems nicer, because the brain has long attached it to the hormone of happiness. This connection makes you expect good feelings, even if you end up completely miserable.

You can build a new similar connection with a better habit, but there's a catch. To create a new neural pathway in the brain, new actions are needed. But it is very difficult to perform new actions with old connections in the brain. The solution here is to build enough path for the next step.

Imagine that you are now on a familiar, busy neural highway. And you need to cut a new path through the jungle of neural connections. You will succeed if you put enough energy into it without wasting it.

It will be easier if you see other people doing this new habit and imagine how much fun you will have doing the same. This activates a new neural pathway and makes it easier to navigate through the jungle.

For example, it will be easier for you to start going to the gym regularly if your work colleague enjoys doing it and looks great. Imagine yourself doing it with pleasure and looking great too. You can even join a colleague to “drive” her highway first.

Repeat 45 days

Your new neural pathway will become wide enough and feel natural if you repeat it for six weeks. Until then, the old ways will be more familiar and without them anxiety may arise. The point is that your brain has already attached the old habit to survival. The anxiety will go away when the electrical impulses from the brain receive new road, along which they circulate.

As soon as the electrical impulses flow along the new highway, you will forget about the bad habit. But the old neural pathway will remain in the brain and can be activated again if something reminds you of it. But you have already learned to redirect the flow of electrical impulses in the desired direction. So don’t believe any “alarms” or “reminders” about an old habit.

How our favorite heroes got rid of bad habits

Winnie the Pooh and his sweet tooth

Winnie the Pooh had a habit of overeating on honey. The endless search for honey pots absorbed all his attention, and he wanted to get rid of this bad habit. He liked the feeling of control over a blank canvas, and he also liked to keep himself busy with something outdoors.

He bought paints, signed up for classes, and took carrot sticks with him to snack on. He thought a lot about honey and sometimes he even dreamed of honey. Sometimes it seemed to him that he would die without honey. When such feelings visited him, he went to his art corner with drawing supplies and soon became immersed in new thoughts.

After six weeks, he felt great, and he wanted to keep that feeling. He knew he could always focus on drawing if his thoughts started going in the old direction.

Homer Simpson, who got angry a lot

Homer Simpson wanted to get rid of his habit of losing his temper. He decided to read a book for 10 minutes every time he was ready to explode. He had long wanted to read Harry Potter, so he downloaded the first part and carried it with him everywhere.

He learned to notice when he began to lose control of himself and immediately opened the book. He really enjoyed immersing himself in the book, and began to wait for these moments. He planned more time for reading, so he didn't have to lose his temper to read.

Suddenly he felt that he could do what he wanted and that it softened his anger. After 45 days he finished the second book. He already knew how to feel good no matter what happened.

Tinker Bell and her self-pity

Tinker Bell had a habit of constantly feeling sorry for herself. She felt left out when other fairies were doing things, even though she didn't want to join in those things. What she really wanted was a brilliant career.

Tinker Bell loved computer graphics and decided to develop her skills in it. She rearranged her schedule to give her more time to study. When she felt sorry for herself, she pulled out her favorite creative project. After six weeks, she was proud of her portfolio and had learned to cope with self-pity.

Why changing habits is so difficult

You may be thinking, “I don’t have the time or money to start a new habit.” But actually you always have time and money for your old habit. Old paths are very strong because electrical impulses flow like water in a storm - finding the path with the least resistance.

We are born with a large number of neurons, but almost no connections between them. In childhood, connections are built so quickly that we don't even notice it. We are designed to build our “operating system” based on early experiences. The brain is not designed to allow old connections between neurons to be erased. On the contrary, he trusts the old tropes as if our lives depended on them.

IN natural conditions People start having children once they reach puberty. In addition, they lose their parents very early. They have to learn very quickly how to survive. " operating system”, based on early experience, helps them with this. As a child, you don't need to repeat the action for 45 days to build a connection.

Our brains have evolved to value early experiences and set off alarms when we try to change them. But using the method in this article, you can turn off this alarm and create a new healthy habit for yourself.

From the editor

Personally, I was very inspired by the example of Homer Simpson :) Most of us have emotions that are difficult to deal with. Some people are prone to fits of anger, like Homer. Some people tend to feel sorry for themselves, like Tinker Bell. Someone is sad all the time, like Eeyore. Why not try to catch the moment when an emotion takes over you and redirect your attention to something else? Read a book for 10 minutes, why not? Or go to the gym as soon as you feel sadness creeping in. This won't change the past experiences that created the old habit, but it will make your life easier in the present.

It is always difficult to uproot habits that time has strengthened and organized in us. Emile Durkheim

Everyone constantly talks about the dangers of smoking, okay, this has all been known for a long time, no one argues that you should quit. But in every person’s life there are several more things that bring him harm every day. They poison our lives, and we don’t even notice how this is happening, believing that everything is in order. We go to the gym, eat salads, give up alcohol and smoking, but we continue to envy, harbor resentment and constantly complain about our lives. Or maybe it's time to give it up?

Each of us has experienced these sensations at least once in our lives. It would be nice once, but we experience them much more often, and somehow we don’t worry much about it, as if it doesn’t affect the quality of life. But in fact it influences, and how! Fear, doubt, anxiety are stumbling blocks on the road. Almost everything we do is aimed at achieving the same thing - happiness.

But if you are poisoned by stupid habits, no matter what you do, there will be no happiness, and not because there is little money and friends, there is no loved one or favorite activity, but because no matter what excellent conditions life throws at you, you will still be unhappy.
Here are these 4 toxic habits that prevent you from winning the coveted prize:

1. Envy.
This is the kind of dirty trick that prevents you from enjoying your successes or the successes of others. Social media- an excellent tool for developing envy.

Sociologists from the University of Utah conducted a survey of 435 students and found that the time a person spends on social networks directly affects his attitude towards his life. How more people looked at other people's lives (or rather, their edited reflection), the more they believed that others lived happier and more fulfilling lives than they did.

IN real life Envy is also enough, which makes you feel sad over a failed life, thinking that this is really so.

What to do about it?
If you were to change places with another person (the one you envy) even for one day, you would not like it very much. Everyone has their own suffering and their own rewards, and others are no better than their own.

You cannot compare yourself with anyone, everyone has a special past, has their own talents and opportunities, problems and misfortunes. Just don't compare, there are no criteria by which to do this. You need to compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. All.

2. Resentment.
If you analyze the feeling of resentment itself, it turns out that this is a discrepancy between reality and your expectations.

Imagine, for example, that you tripped on the street, fell, hurt yourself and spilled food. Not far from this unfortunate incident stood a blind beggar begging for alms. You don’t expect him to rush to help you, so there can be no resentment against him. But if your employee from work was standing next to you and just watching you crawl along the asphalt, collecting scattered oranges, the offense would be serious and for life.

If you do not take the reasons for the offense, then it is a strong negative emotion that haunts you for a long time. At any mention of this person, a whole fireworks of negative emotions will flare up inside, and old grievances are generally dangerous to health, like untreated injuries.

How to get rid of this?
In order not to get upset, you just need to not expect anything from people. They don't owe you anything: they don't have to be polite, pleasant, caring, understanding, friendly. Take everything as it comes.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to communicate even with rude people, people who do not value you, and others unpleasant types. Just draw conclusions about who you want to continue communicating with and who you need to say goodbye to. Without grudges, life will become much easier.

3. Complaints.
Complaining becomes a habit, and if a person gets used to complaining, it doesn’t matter how his life goes, he will still find something to whine about. If a person constantly complains, it means that he only sees in his life negative sides, notices only problems, which he is in a hurry to tell everyone around.

There is no objective assessment of your life, there is only how you see it. If you see only negativity, that’s all there is. And all for what? For the sake of sympathetic views from the outside?

4. Condemnation.
Well, the last bad habit is the credo of grannies on a bench, in a world filled with drug addicts and prostitutes. We take such pleasure in judging others, individually and collectively. Everyone gossips, regardless of gender or age.

What's interesting about this: you can't judge other people without applying the same evaluation criteria to yourself. How many times have I noticed how people who explode and yell at others for some shortcomings scold themselves for mistakes in the same way, if not more harshly.

So there are two sides to condemnation. One of them is condemnation of others, and the second - oneself loved (only in this case no longer loved at all).

What to do?
In this world, everyone has the right to make a mistake, and everyone is so different that, again, there can be no objective assessment of actions. You have never been in the shoes of another person, you don’t know how he lives, how he lived before, what thoughts are spinning in his head. It's like commentating on a football match blindly based only on the screams from the stands. “Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Apostle Matthew, "Matthew 7:1-5"

Well, as for judging yourself - a person you know very well, just remember that it will lead nowhere. Never. Maybe this habit was left over from parents as a copied model of behavior, but it certainly doesn’t motivate anyone. On the contrary, it makes you feel like a failure, come to terms with it and suffer. Well, maybe complain.

All bad habits.
There is such a practice, probably many have heard about it, since it was very popular on the Internet for some time. The practice is called the “purple bracelet,” and I remembered it because it offers to get rid of all toxic thoughts at once.

There is such a practice, many have probably heard about it. The practice is called the “purple bracelet,” and I remembered it because it offers to get rid of all toxic thoughts at once.

Do you want the world around you to become much KINDER?
Do you want to change yourself and change your thinking to SUPER POSITIVE in just 3 weeks?

It's easy - put a purple bracelet on your hand!

In 2006, American priest Will Bowen, in his book “A World Without Complaints,” suggested that everyone who wants to change their life for the better should put a purple bracelet on their hand and wear it without taking it off for exactly 21 days.
During this period of time, a person must completely abandon negativity in his words and actions. You need to live three weeks without complaints, dissatisfaction, criticism and gossip.

If during this period (no matter on the first or 21st day) the promise is broken, the bracelet is put on the other hand and a new countdown begins. And so on until you can survive completely without negativity for 21 DAYS IN A ROW.

This idea came to the priest after he noticed that all his parishioners were complaining about the same problems.
Observing their behavior, he noticed that people's thoughts are mainly focused on the negative, which affects human emotions and then actions. People complain, gossip and criticize endlessly.

What if you take it and consciously give up complaining, whining, dissatisfaction with yourself and others? This is how the idea of ​​the purple bracelet came about.

Why purple?
Will Bowen puts it this way in his book:
- Do you need bracelets of a certain color?
I thought for a minute. Then he asked:
- What do you think about this?
- How about purple? - she suggested.
- This color is now in fashion, and for some people it symbolizes transformation. In addition, you can see yellow, pink, and orange bracelets everywhere, but somehow I haven’t seen purple ones.
“That’s not a bad idea,” I approved. Moreover, in all religions of the world purple is considered the color of goodness, peace and love for one's neighbor.

So, this unusual experiment became super successful!

The effect was amazing and exceeded all expectations! The lives of the people who went through this experiment, and they themselves, changed beyond recognition! And everything changed only in better side! The example turned out to be simply “infectious”!

People around and close to me noticed these wonderful changes and also began to wear “magic bracelets”. Their lives also began to change rapidly! And invariably in a positive direction!

Purple Bracelet Method

This simple method - living without complaints and claims - will change everything around you for the better!

What is its charm?

  • first, you will learn to control your thoughts. You will not only get used to “thinking positively,” but you will also put this mega-useful skill on “complete autopilot.”
  • secondly, the method of automatic self-control of the thought flow, which you will master perfectly during this time, will give you a control panel over your life, will help you always stay on the “positive wave” and, according to the Law of Attraction, attract only positive events, circumstances and people to yourself .
  • thirdly, during this “auto-training for self-development” you will better know and better understand yourself, your thinking and way of life.

You will definitely become better!
Do you agree to live for 21 days in a row without thoughts or words on a topic of 3 components:
– Complaints of any kind (about fate, about oneself, about others, about the weather, etc.)
– Criticism of any kind
– Gossip

The purple bracelet cannot be removed until the end of the experiment. It should preferably be made of rubber (so that it cannot be removed even in the shower); it should not be removed at night. That's the whole point - you have to want to get rid of it!

Let me tell you right away that it is not easy. It's very difficult. Sometimes it's even hard. And for some it is completely impossible.

Will Bowen admitted in his book that it took him 3 months to wear the purple bracelet for 21 days in a row on the same hand. And this is the result of the priest!

Now do you understand that this is not easy? What is this challenge to yourself? But it is very interesting, incendiary and instructive! Especially for those who are honest first of all to themselves and who will not “sneak” and pretend.

Friends, the purple bracelet really works!
When the bracelet gets pretty boring and the “counter” in Once again resets to zero, you begin to CONSCIOUSLY filter your thoughts, follow your words, and gradually it becomes a habit. At some point, you begin to notice that joyful and positive thoughts begin to crowd out negative ones, and then completely replace them! More and more pleasant events begin to happen in life!

In this article I will talk about how to get rid of bad and bad habits - how you can cope with them using Turbo-Suslik system. Moreover, the deliverance will be final, forever - due to the fact that all the internal reasons why you are doing this will be eliminated. And in general, with the newly formed awareness, you will, in principle, stop doing all sorts of bullshit and harming yourself in any way.

What habits will we be talking about? Well, it’s clear what bad habits are: smoking, excessive drinking, overeating or eating all sorts of nasty crap instead of healthy food, physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle), and you yourself know what bad habits you have if they are.

And now about how to deal with bad and bad habits and how to defeat them. Although don’t even fight and win, those are not the right words - but simply calmly remove the psychological basis on which your habits stand, cleanse yourself of the mental garbage that pushes you towards them - well, JUST STOP DOING SO. That's all. :) Well, without this rubbish in your head, the habits will not return.

To work as a Turbo Gopher you will need the following basic things:

  • Difficulty breaking the habit.
  • Benefits of habit.
  • Well, episodes of the past in which you did what you want to stop doing, did it for the first time, watched others do it, perceived various kinds of information about it, and other moments somehow related to your habit.

I will describe the first two points in more detail.

Is it really that difficult to unlearn a bad/bad habit?

Yes! But only if you think so. :) You see, what’s the matter: quitting a bad habit is difficult for only one reason - because you are convinced of it. Or rather, others convinced you of this, and you believed it. Others, of course, didn’t specifically convince you, but you just hear from childhood that you should quit smoking/drinking/eating, etc. - difficult, almost impossible, few people succeed, and even then only after the tenth attempt. Also observe the unsuccessful experiences of others. Well, you believe in all this, you make other people’s words and other people’s experiences “real” for yourself, and that’s why it becomes so difficult for you to unlearn your bad habit.

In fact, overcoming any harmful or bad habit is very simple. And I'm not giving it to you at all new installation“simple” instead of your old “difficult” - your mind needs to be cleared of ANY, even the most positive attitudes, in order to live consciously, act according to the situation, and not under the influence of something there! So, you just need to work through the imaginary difficulty of getting rid of a habit, and you will see for yourself that it is very easy - a simple volitional decision of a person, free from any attitudes, beliefs and other mental garbage.

Now the second point.

How does your habit benefit you?

We need to think about what does a bad habit do for you?. For example: calming down when smoking; confidence, courage, “knee-deep sea” from alcohol; joy and reduction of stress from cute things, etc.

I don't mean to say that smoking doesn't actually bring peace, and eating delicious food doesn't bring joy. But it is necessary to eliminate this mental connection - that in order to calm down, you need to smoke, and in order to be happy, you need to eat a donut (and not in some harmless way to achieve peace or joy).

Well and also more important pointwhy do you need to calm down or be happy?? This means that something is bothering, alarming, upsetting, etc., that is, there are some problems, stress - and here again Turbo-Gopher comes onto the scene, which will help deal with the subconscious causes of these things - and then with the problems you will begin to calmly understand the working order (and some problems will stop happening altogether), but you will simply forget how to fall into a stressful state - and then there will be absolutely no need to calm down or painfully search for joy, because there will be no problems or stress left.

The same things that alcohol may give you (it once gave me exactly that :)) - courage, confidence, a sense of strength - here you just need to Turbo-Gopher work through all your fears, insecurities, “weakness” - and alcohol You will no longer need it, the need for it, the craving for it will disappear, you will be able to calmly decide whether to drink or not drink. Although I can say for myself that alcohol has completely disappeared from my diet - not only because, thanks to the gopher, I said goodbye to all fears, complexes, insecurities and other shit that interferes with life, and not only because alcohol is basically harmful, hangovers are unpleasant and all that - but it’s just that being intoxicated is no longer a pleasure; it’s much cooler, as it turns out, to always be adequate and conscious. Well, in the end, it’s tasteless, and some alcoholic drinks are completely disgusting. :)))

Do the same with any and all of your harmful, bad or simply unnecessary habits that you want to give up: find the “benefits”, and work with Turbo-Gopher both the connection of the “benefit” with the habit, and the “benefit” itself, as well as everything that stands behind it - and get rid of your habit easily and forever.

Perhaps the things I said are obvious to some - psychologists and not only them on the Internet, in books, in videos also sometimes point out the “benefits” of habits, their psychological foundations. However, how helpful are the ways they offer to wean yourself from a bad habit? Is it possible to use them to achieve what is possible with Turbo-Suslik, namely:

  1. Get to everyone and anyone episodes of the past (including those that you do not remember at all, which occurred, perhaps, in the early days of your life), which contributed to the development of your habit, or in which you manifested it, in which you observed other people exhibiting the same habit, and other episodes associated with your habit, and then process them in such a way as to eliminate any influence of these past episodes on you today.
  2. Clear your mind from everything and everyone mental garbage that supports your habit: all sorts of harmful beliefs (“what Russian doesn’t drink vodka?”), attitudes (“treat yourself to something sweet”), advertising memes (“always Coca-Cola”), as well as all the times or the decisions you made, conclusions, conclusions based on the events that occurred or the information received, and everything that you write down bad habit- fears, complexes, low self-esteem, self-dislike, suppressed grievances, anger, anger, dissatisfaction with life, psychological trauma of the past, and so on and so forth.
  3. Do what is described in the first two points quickly and as efficiently as possible, while only taking you about half an hour to an hour of time a day.

Well, really, I don’t know of a single method or tool, other than Turbo-Suslik, that could do all this. Therefore, do not sit idly by - download and at least read the book manual for the system. What if you become interested and start studying seriously? And then there will be results - comprehensive and deep, and not just in terms of eradicating bad habits.

What else to read