What is the correct name for Oilman's Day? When is the oil and gas industry holiday? Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers. How to congratulate on Gasman's Day, funny ideas and congratulations, in prose, poetry

We fly into space and travel thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to control giant mechanisms and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, and coal.

History of the fuel industry

The ancient people immediately decided on what to light a fire with - wood, and later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and generate heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as long-lasting oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, which in the north of the Komi Republic, during the time of Boris Godunov, was then called “fire water.”

The year 1846 (according to other sources - 1847) became a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first derrick was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. Man won them through enormous efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people capable of overcoming many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural areas- in Siberia, on Far East, in the Far North, where it’s hard to simply survive, and to work, no matter what, is three times harder.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, because on October 1, 1980, the Presidium Supreme Council The USSR included in the Decree “On Holidays and Memorial Days” the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, defining the date of the holiday as the first Sunday in September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. That’s why industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, “black gold”, as it is called everywhere, involves more than just fuel. Crude oil is used to consolidate sand dunes during construction, processed oil is used for motor oils, raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other necessary for a person products.

Considering the huge role of oil and gas in the economy of the entire country, Russian authorities value workers in this industry. Every year there are congratulations and awards for the best at the state level, concerts and films are shown on television telling about the difficult life of breadwinners natural resources. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just a reason for meetings.

Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once upon a time this holiday was celebrated throughout the territory Soviet Union. Now that the huge country no longer exists, some states have still preserved this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined depending on local laws and customs.

Oil and Gas Industry Workers' Day (Oilman's Day) is a professional holiday for workers in the gas and oil industry. The celebration is attended by employees of quality laboratories, drilling rigs, distribution stations, pipeline communications, engineers, designers, support staff, their colleagues, friends and relatives. Students, graduates and teachers of specialized educational institutions, as well as residents, join the celebration settlements, for which mining is a city-forming activity.

Gas and Oil Industry Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September and is an official holiday. In 2019, Oilman's Day falls on September 1 and is celebrated 39 times.

The essence of the holiday is to express gratitude to gas and oil industry workers for their work and to show the importance of these industries in the country's economy.

On Oilman's Day, festive concerts and themed events are held. The country's top officials and local authorities congratulate gas and oil industry workers on their professional holiday. Those who are related to the celebration gather for festive feasts.

history of the holiday

The celebrations date back to Soviet times. The event has been listed memorable dates October 1, 1980 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Decision about the celebration of Gas Worker Day on official level became a manifestation of respect and recognition of the merits of representatives of this profession. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of celebration was preserved in Russia.

Holiday traditions

On Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day 2019, colleagues organize feasts. Congratulations are said, wishes for health and success in responsible work are heard, and the clink of glasses is heard. Friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people join the event. The event is celebrated not only by those employed in the industry, but also by the majority of residents of the villages where deposits are being developed.

Authorities and local government, with the support of mining companies, hold folk festivals. Concerts of creative groups are organized in city squares, and stars are invited. The celebration ends with fireworks.

Television channels and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to the profession. The main characters tell stories from their lives and work days. Top officials Russian Federation give speeches in honor of Oil and Gas Workers' Day. They emphasize the importance of the industry and talk about its successes and difficulties. The best employees are awarded certificates of honor, medals, and valuable gifts.

Cultural institutions host exhibitions and thematic events. Students of universities and technical schools gather in cafes, restaurants or go out into nature. Celebrations are combined with active recreation: fishing, cooking over a fire. News is discussed, those gathered share plans for the future, and exchange gifts. Among them are T-shirts, cups, key chains, and sweets.

Daily task

Find and watch artistic or documentary about the work of oil workers.

  • Oil has been used by humans for over 6,000 years. Babylon knew about this mineral and used it for the construction of buildings and sealing of sea vessels. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used lamps fueled by oil to illuminate rooms. During the Byzantine Empire, the most formidable weapon was “Greek fire”. It was impossible to extinguish it with water, as this intensified the combustion. The composition of this substance is lost, but scientists suggest that it was made from petroleum products.
  • Most often, oil is black in color, but occasionally emerald-colored or colorless oil is found.
  • The leading countries in the global oil refining industry are Russia, Saudi Arabia and the USA. And the largest oil reserves are in Canada, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
  • The total length of Russian gas pipelines is more than 872 thousand kilometers. This distance is twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon and 20 times the length of the equator.
  • IN southern states In the United States, a reagent is mixed into the gas flowing through gas pipelines, which imitates the smell of rotten meat. Carrion vultures flock to the stench. Workers can easily find the leak by watching the birds circling above the gas pipeline.
  • In the global economy, rising oil prices lead to rising prices for all goods. This is because oil is used to manufacture and transport all consumer goods.


“Let’s raise a glass to the oil and gas industry workers. I wish to live like a rich oilman, I wish to confidently press on the gas, I wish for an inexhaustible source of fuel - energy and strength. Good luck in your work and make the right decisions, interesting events and kind smiles every day.”

"Dear employees oil and gas industry Please accept my sincere words of gratitude for your such important work. The work of many areas of the economy depends on you, it is you who provide the country with black gold and blue flame. We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best. May all your dreams become reality, may luck always open doors for you, may your work bring you pleasure. All the best to you, happiness and goodness.”

“Let's raise a glass to the heroes of our country - oil and gas workers, for their work, for warmth in their homes, for the movement of traffic and many other earthly privileges. May the working team be friendly, may peace and quiet reign in the family, may every time you descend into the depths of the Earth, may you return from there unharmed and healthy.”


Memorable award. To the lover of practical jokes and comic gift You can present a memorable award in the form of a certificate, cup, medal or Oscar statuette for your contribution to the development of the oil or gas industry.

Souvenir. A keychain, figurine, cup, decorated in a holiday theme, will serve as an inexpensive and memorable gift. Such an item can be engraved with congratulations.

Gift based on interests. An unexpected and practical gift will be an item that is associated with a hobby. For those who love hunting, fishing or leisure, you will love the new high-quality equipment.


Gas pipeline
To hold the competition you need to prepare cocktail straws and scotch tape. Participants in the competition are given props and limited time They propose to make an improvised gas pipeline. The participant whose gas pipeline turns out to be the longest wins.

Cocktails for employees

Glasses and bottles with alcoholic and soft drinks. Participants are blindfolded and asked to blindly create signature cocktails. During preparation, you are allowed to smell and taste the drinks. To determine the winner, a jury is created, which chooses the best drink by voting.

Song competition
Two teams with an arbitrary number of participants are selected for the competition. Each team is given a theme: love, friendship, vacation, seasons, etc. In turn, team members must sing excerpts of songs on the presented topic. The winner is the team that fulfills large quantity compositions.

About the profession

Specialists carry out work to extract oil and gas deposits, ensure the functioning of infrastructure, and supply necessary materials and equipment. These usually include personnel involved in the processing of raw materials from which finished products are produced.

The path to the profession begins with training in a specialized educational institution. To occupy leadership positions, you must be a university graduate. In the Russian Federation, the development of many deposits takes place in harsh climatic conditions Urals, Siberia, Arctic, sea shelves. In this regard, labor is paid higher than in other areas. It falls into the category of hazardous to health.

This holiday in other countries

In Kazakhstan, as in Russia, this holiday falls on the first Sunday of September and is called the Day of Oil and Gas Complex Workers.

In Ukraine, Oil, Gas and Refining Industry Workers' Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Celebrated annually on the first Sunday, it is a professional holiday for representatives of various gas and oil specialties: geologists and drillers, developers and builders, transport workers, technologists; all those who have linked their fate with the oil and gas industry.

The history of the holiday dates back to Soviet times. It received state status in 1980 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Today is Oil and Gas Workers Day celebrated in some former Soviet republics, gas communications of which were created within the framework of unified system THE USSR.

The petroleum industry, which is one of the main branches of heavy industry, includes exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, oil production and associated gas, as well as pipeline transport of oil.

The work of a community of people from all these professions is incredibly important. The uninterrupted operation of all industries depends on the activities of the oil, gas and fuel industries National economy and the comfort of life of citizens.

However, the work of those who work in these industries is very difficult. These people often risk their lives and health. One can only express admiration for the courage and boldness, determination and resourcefulness, perseverance and patience of these extraordinary people.

Along with Russia, oil and gas workers in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of September.

It’s good in our country:
There is oil in it and there is gas in it!
Everyone who is busy in their production
Congratulations now!

May there always be health,
You bring good to people
After all, without fuel and gas
The world will collapse literally immediately.

Let your income increase
More often there are bonuses.
And for your hard work
They respect and honor you.

It seems that to modern man Almost everything is possible. He can move several thousand kilometers in less than eighty days, can go into space, can regulate the temperature in his home, can control and make huge mechanisms work, etc. However, all this would be impossible if in the world there were no people extracting and processing coal, gas and oil.

Oil holiday in the Russian Federation

It's no secret that the work of oil and gas workers is hard. In Russia it has always been highly valued. In 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR supplemented the decree on memorable and holiday dates. On October 1, Oil and Gas Workers' Day was included in it, and the first Sunday in September was set as the “Red” date.

Most likely, this day was chosen for a reason. After all, it is in the fall that the issue of fuel becomes especially acute. But don't think that " black gold"(as oil is popularly called) is used only as fuel. Refined petroleum is used to make chemical raw materials and motor oil. It is the basis of detergents, various dyes, plastics and other things that people use in everyday life. Crude oil is used by builders (it is used to fix dune sands). It is thanks to the value and irreplaceability of this natural raw material that we celebrate this holiday every year. On September 7, Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers' Day was celebrated in 2014.

Gas and oil play a significant role in the economy of the Russian Federation, so the country's leadership values ​​the people who work for its benefit. Every year, congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day are heard from TV screens, concerts are held and state receptions, where the best workers are rewarded.

How to celebrate this holiday

Most often on this day, company management organizes corporate parties for their employees. The celebration of the oil and gas industry is often accompanied by a variety of sporting events, in which both adults and children take part. Concerts are held in many cities, people are invited famous artists and singers, the lights of fireworks and fireworks bloom in the sky.

How can you congratulate a person who has dedicated his life to this difficult profession? We present to your attention several interesting ideas.

Holiday roll call

The presenter enters the hall and reads his text one line at a time. After each of them, the guests in the hall answer “Here!”


So, today we celebrate the day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries. I have a toast on this occasion, but is everyone here?

Are there drillers or bulldozer operators here?

What about welders and machinists?

Where are the operators, chemists, technologists?

Are there geologists and metrologists here?

And the KIP members are great?

And the laboratory assistants? And the specialists?

Locksmiths and craftsmen?

Engineers and accountants?

Where are our leaders?

Are the gas station attendants and drivers there?

Are you all here? Well done! I raise my glass to you, experts!

"Combustible" riddles

When the oil and gas industry celebration is in full swing, guests can be invited to solve themed riddles. Here are some of them:

Black as night, petroleum product,

The stokers are waiting impatiently for him.

As all the people say about him:

“It burns so brightly with a beautiful fire.”

It will be delivered to the road workers.

Well? Did you guess it? This is (the answer is fuel oil).

Take the fuel oil and mix it

Be careful with crushed stone and pebbles.

Then they add it a little at a time

When repairing roads repeatedly.

Eh, our route flies into the distance,

What do we need? (the answer is asphalt).

Ladies and men used to get angry:

“I’m so tired of burning candles and burning torches!”

And they filled the lamps (the answer is kerosene).

It is run by KrAZ and KamAZ trucks.

MAZs and BelAZs do not drive without it.

Right from the morning

Refueling the tractors.

Jeep is also happy with it.

No need for any other crap.

There is no better gift for an SUV,

What is good, flammable (the answer is diesel fuel).

I invited my beloved to dinner.

Why do we need chandeliers for light? We don't need him!

I want to create a romantic atmosphere.

We may feel a little awkward at first.

I'll take the candles. Looks innocent.

And they are made from (the answer is paraffin).

I see a brush in your hands, my friend.

So you suddenly decided to do the renovation?

Well, go for it! Move forward.

A huge amount of work now awaits you.

Feel free to add passion!

And oil paints will give you inspiration (the answer is paints).

Tasty and quick food for us

Delicious, filling pizza will help.

You can also eat sausages.

Well, those that you have had since last week.

Your iron horse also wants to eat.

However, your borscht is not appropriate here.

Our car eats what we won't eat.

After all, the best food is (the answer is gasoline).

So that for many, many years!

How to reveal the beauty of your nails?

So that they always look good!

Just do it! So!

We'll take a wonderful one (the answer is varnish).

Pioneer gas worker

Since the day of oil and fuel industry workers is most often celebrated by the entire team, it is worth paying attention to the fact that gas and fuel industry workers oil companies increasingly rejuvenated. A traditional event is unlikely to please them. Young people, as always, are more attracted to humor, dynamism and a minimum of formality.

It falls at the very beginning of autumn, so you can organize a holiday in nature. For example, hold a holiday in pioneer style.

It is necessary to divide all the participants in the celebration into two teams, tie red ties around their necks and put them on their heads. The teams will take part in various competitions, and after active fun they will sit around the fire, prepare a camp lunch, sing with a guitar and dance on the lawn. Such a holiday will definitely leave all participants, regardless of age, with a lot of positive emotions.

Golden fever

Don't delay too much with the official part. After all the congratulations on Oil and Gas Industry Day have been heard, it is necessary to entertain the guests with something. For example, you can plan a themed party. One of the interesting ideas is a holiday in the style of the “gold rush” (after all, oil is called “black gold”). Let the hard-working oil workers become real “gold miners” for one evening. The boss needs to be given a sheriff's star, the chief accountant - a large wooden abacus, and the rest of the employees - wide-brimmed hats and scarves around their necks.

Organize competitions, joke, play - in general, fantasize.

By the way, this theme is also suitable for a corporate event for gas company employees (gas, as you know, is also called gold, only blue).

Where else is this holiday celebrated?

It is not only in the Russian Federation that coal, gas and oil are valued. Previously, the holiday of the oil and gas industry was celebrated by the entire union. A huge country has collapsed, but some countries continue to celebrate this day. In Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus, on the first Sunday in September they always congratulate their heroes of labor.

On the first Sunday of September, starting in 1980, by decree of the Supreme Council, a professional holiday was established: Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, which is often called simply - Oilman's Day or Gas Worker's Day. This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries of the former USSR.

In 2019 oil worker's day falls on September 1. On this day in Russia, the holiday Oil Worker's Day or Gas Worker's Day is celebrated by all those people who have connected their lives with the development of oil and gas fields, as well as their production and the design of equipment that is used in the process of extracting these minerals. In a word, oil worker day or gas worker day- this is a holiday of all those people from whom to a large extent The overall well-being of our huge country depends.

In Russia, both the oil and gas industries are developing very intensively. New mining methods are constantly being developed and implemented. Methods of transportation and processing of this type of minerals are being improved. About 15% of the total working population is employed in the oil, gas and thermal sectors of the national economy. Due to this Oilman's Day in Russia or gas worker day well deserves the status calendar holiday, however, at this moment it is not. If you are interested in what date oil worker's day will be next year, then there is no specific date. In 2019, this holiday will be on September 1.

Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day, Gas Worker's Day

The Oil Worker's Day holiday undoubtedly evokes respect. Agree, it is difficult today to imagine our life without the benefits that we receive thanks to “black gold” and “blue fuel”. Congratulations on Oilman's Day or Happy Gas Worker's Day not only close people, but even the state are in a hurry to present it. For example, September 1st concert on the occasion of this holiday. If your family and friends work in the oil, gas or thermal sectors of the national economy, then you can prepare original Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day (Gas Worker's Day).

On our portal you will find artists of different genres who will be happy to congratulate Happy Oilman's Day 2019 in the most unexpected and pleasant way. Congratulations on Oil Worker's Day - you can prepare your own greetings on Gas Worker's Day in poetry or prose. But even in this case, the help of professionals will be in demand. Just imagine, congratulations on Oilman’s Day in verses that were written for a specific person. Such a congratulation can be remembered for a lifetime.

Oil worker's day scenario

On September 1, 2019, you can organize a real celebration on the occasion of Oil Worker's Day (Gas Worker's Day), and on our portal you will find everything you need for this: vocalists and dancers, organizations that deal with this professionally, and much more. The key to a successful holiday is oilman's day scenario, which you can also order from a professional screenwriter. You can prepare gifts for Oilman's Day, but a holiday is also an excellent gift that will definitely impress and be remembered. long years. Happy Oil Worker's Day 2019! Happy Gas Worker's Day! We sincerely congratulate all those people who are associated with the oil, gas or thermal industries!

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