Article from a journal about nature. Interesting information about natural phenomena. Interesting events and phenomena of the world around

Young participants aged 7 to 14 were required to write a mini-essay on the topic "What adults and children should do to save our nature." Extracts from top three stories - one in each age group 7-9, 10-11 and 12-14 years old - we, as promised, publish in the newspaper.

Through the mouth of a child

Going on a literary journey into the world of plants and animals, green forests and deep rivers, schoolchildren shared their vision of how a person can support the health of the Earth.

Yesenia Marina, 8 years old

“All great things do not start with words, but with deeds, with small deeds, for example, supporting education in the field of ecology, creating in schools “ environmental groups", where they will be considered and studied contemporary issues. Education has a significant impact, it makes people think about the right use of resources.

It is necessary to hold subbotniks more often, and not just once a year, to divide the city into sectors and assign it to organizations and institutions. Organize more accessible places of recreation, with barbecues and places for waste disposal. Not all urban residents can afford to go on vacation to the "camps" because of the cost of such a vacation, they have to go to the forest, resulting in fires, not only the forest, but also its inhabitants die. We need to create more volunteer organizations that involve not only adults, but also children, for example, cleaning zoos, residential areas, etc.”

Victoria Sigova, 11 years old

“The world around us - water, earth, trees, animals and birds - is nature. But we not only admire its beauty, we live in it. And if a person does not take care of the protection of nature, the planet will gradually perish.

First of all, adults need to properly educate children. For example, from childhood to teach not to litter on the streets, not to break trees, not to offend animals and birds. We already have primary school there is a subject The world". There we are introduced to nature, its features, taught to love and protect nature.”

Sasha Yudina, 13 years old

“From an early age, parents should teach their children not to litter, not to break trees, not to trample on flowers. It is never too early to cultivate a respect for nature. Walking with children in the forest or in the park, parents can show by example how carefully one should behave in the wild so as not to harm it. You can arrange family subbotniks to collect garbage. In severe frosts, you need to take care of the birds. Making a feeder will not take much time and will save more than one bird from starvation.

The relationship of our prosperous existence and condition environment obvious. If nature suffers, it will not be easy for us either. The most terrible cataclysms, increasingly occurring on the planet, are often the sad result of the unreasonable activities of people. It's time to think about what's more important to us - material well-being or quiet life surrounded by beautiful nature."

In the Year of Ecology

Charitable Foundation UMMC "Children of Russia" has been operating since 1999. The President of the Foundation is CEO UMMC-Holding LLC Andrey Kozitsyn. The Fund operates in all regions of our country, including the Voronezh region. Here, thanks to the Foundation, holidays, exhibitions, Christmas trees, meetings with interesting guests - most strong girl planet Maryana Naumova, animators of the Wizard studio who created the cartoon " The Snow Queen". Opened three playrooms in hospitals and rehabilitation centers Borisoglebsk, Yelan-Koleno and Novokhopyorsk. Gifted young musicians, athletes, writers from cities and villages of the region have repeatedly received assistance from the Foundation.

It was not easy to choose the winners from dozens of submitted works, but the competition commission still selected several finalists. At the award ceremony in the editorial office of Arguments and Facts, the children were anxiously waiting for the results, and when they heard their names, they hurried to get certificates of honor and gifts — the children were given environmental encyclopedias and other educational books.

“We all live in nature, man is also a part of nature,” she presented her vision environmental issues 9-year-old contestant Sonya Moshurova. - When my mother told me about the competition in the newspaper, I also wanted to write how important it is to protect nature. We come with our parents to the beach, and it's dirty there. We don't like it very much. We never leave trash behind. It would be nice if other people didn't litter too.

- The topic is very relevant - firstly, because the country has declared the Year of Ecology, and secondly, for the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, nature protection is always a priority, - emphasized UMMC Press Secretary in Voronezh Margarita Glotova. “It is very important to hold such competitions for children. The children begin to think about the topical issue. It is also a great opportunity for self-expression and development. Moreover, such contests bring families together. After all, parents also think about the topic, help their children find the right words.

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In each issue of the presented travel magazine you can find interesting facts, historical commentaries, exciting descriptions of different countries of the world. Unique photographs, original shooting angles, beautiful views of cities and world-famous objects. The publication comes out every two weeks. As a gift to all issues, the reader receives a disc with a film about the country to which the issue is dedicated. The magazine can be bought at all newsstands in Russia.

The online magazine is engaged in monitoring and analysis of the world ecology and cataclysms. The main activity of the publication is the publication of articles that highlight the causes and mechanisms of various natural disasters and catastrophes. Find out where tsunamis originate, why volcanoes erupt, what triggers earthquakes, and to what tipping point urbanization is leading our Earth. By registering on the site, you can issue an electronic newsletter.

The presented resource is an online magazine that talks about nature, in particular about plants. Here you can read the latest and most important news regarding plants of all kinds and forms. The publication will share tips on how best to organize a garden with medicinal herbs, at what distance and what trees to plant in your garden, how to cut fruit-bearing bushes before winter, and many other useful materials for those who are not indifferent to plants.

The publication is designed for young, and not very, naturalists. The magazine will tell you everything you would like to know about nature. On its pages you will discover the secrets of the seas and oceans. Get to know rare endangered animal species. Read interesting stories naturalist writers. Thanks to the DIY section, learn how to make bird feeders and other animals with your own hands. You can also try yourself as an author by sending your work to the editor.

World famous publishing house national geographic presents you the Russian version of his magazine. Travels, colorful photographs, descriptions of the Earth and space, unknown places, news, reports of anthropological expeditions - it has everything. Stories about the brightest festivals in the world and incredible wonders of the world created by nature itself. You can read the publication online, purchase the printed version, download the texts of the articles to your computer, or buy the issue for your gadgets on iOS and Android.

Magazine about ecology, nature, travel and science. Everyone here will find a lot of interesting things for themselves: stories about different cities and countries, stories about strange animals, information about the rules of disposal household waste which will help to keep surrounding nature. Helpful Hints for those who are going on a trip: which country is better to go to and what you should take with you. Subscribe to news in groups VKontakte, Twitter, Google+, and also subscribe to the printed version.

The Discovery publishing house offers to get acquainted with the Russian version of the popular magazine. Here you will learn about everything: about the world, man, science, technology. On its pages you will be able to find the best guides to different countries world, lots of news about modern technologies and developments. The publication will also reveal the most mysterious secrets century - and all this especially for you. Subscribe to Facebook and VKontakte groups, stay tuned and don't miss the most interesting.

The Vokrug Sveta magazine will tell about the ghosts of Baikal, festivals in China, the center of the universe in Istanbul, and much more. If you are interested in the world, be sure to check out this edition and learn more about people, countries, cities. Read unusual news, admire breathtaking landscapes from around the world. Get to know the latest discoveries and achievements in science, and then join groups in social networks And don't forget to subscribe to the printed version.

A popular science journal specializing in the coverage of geomorphological problems. The publication is divided into such headings as "Theory of Geomorphology", "Methodology scientific research”, “History of Science”, “Chronicle”, “Reviews”, “ Scientific messages". Each scientist, researcher, teacher of any level, student or graduate student can send their scientific works to the editor for publication in a new issue. The advantage of the journal is its registration in the Scopus, Google Scholar, VAK databases.

Educational, scientific publication, recommended by the highest attestation commission, reviews the main issues of ecology and energy efficiency. The focus is on education and awareness in the field of environmental sciences. All materials that are published are divided into the following categories: Education, Management and Economics, Ecology. Man. Society", " Global problems". The journal publishes only high-quality scientific papers.

We do not notice that we live in a world full of interesting natural phenomena, because we are constantly busy with our own important things within the home, work, city. Nevertheless, the nature of Russia has created many amazing things that we can witness: the northern lights, forests and parks, oceans and seas, thousands of animals living in all corners of the planet.

Interesting events and phenomena of the world around

We cannot observe absolutely all the interesting phenomena of the world around us, but we can learn about them. "MM" collects for its readers interesting facts about phenomena in nature and talks about how they work. What are these facts?

How to find out the age of a tree by the rings on its trunk? There is even a separate science for this -. People who have managed to unravel the language of trees are engaged in it: they extract events of the past from the memory of annual rings and restore history from them.

Why budgerigars colorful? This seems to us very beautiful and unusual, but in fact, the loss of the ability to highlight a special pigment.

Aurora borealis, volcanic eruption, meteorite fall - usually interesting physical phenomena in nature arouse the greatest interest in people. The Internet is instantly filled with hundreds of photographic evidence of what happened. Usually all these events have reasons, which scientists later talk about.

Rare animals are also in demand. Photographers "hunt" for them every day, but the animals manage to hide from cameras and cameras. But not always - for example, famous photographers of a rare white lion cub and this immediately became a sensation among biologists and photographers wildlife.

Articles about interesting natural phenomena

The MM magazine collects on its pages the most interesting information about natural phenomena that amaze and fascinate. Some of them can be full of mysteries and secrets, and some are quite simply explained by science. But every phenomenon in the surrounding world has its own mechanism, and we, in turn, must understand it.

Hi friends!

Copywriters are often faced with the task of writing articles in perfect different topics. It’s good if it’s a custom-made material with a clear specification, but what if it’s not? Here are expert tips on how to write nature articles in a way that people want to read and even buy.

Perhaps you like to travel and engage in active tourism, or maybe you like hunting? I want to write good article about wildlife that you would not be ashamed to post on your blog? Let's figure out how to create a quality article on such a topic.

Most texts about nature, animals, fishing or hunting can be divided into several categories:

  1. Descriptive articles (flora and fauna mixed forests, the beauty Ural mountains, hunting rifle XXX, etc.);
  2. Information articles (species of giraffes in central Africa, extinction Bengal tigers, ecological problems);
  3. Advertising articles ( the best equipment for tourism and fishing, Naroch is the best recreation area in Belarus).

Step One: Text Structure

Any quality text should consist of several parts:

  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.


Here we tell the reader that the article will be interesting, informative and useful for him. You can use interrogative sentences, exclamations, an interesting fact from the natural world.

Quotes from books are sometimes acceptable, but don't get too carried away with them so that the uniqueness doesn't suffer. The problem is solved by inserting a quote as an image.

Here is an example of introducing an article on the topic "the largest insects":

“There are more than 2 billion species of insects in the world, and they all differ in size, color, and habitat. What representatives can rightfully be considered giants? Consider the top 10 most large insects planets."

Main part

The main part is the information that we want to convey to the reader. It does not matter what we are discussing: animals, plants, the nature of some area, fishing or tourism. Here you need to lay out the maximum of interesting and useful information.

When writing the main part, do not forget about the purpose of the article. The content will differ if we are describing a plant or writing about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular brand of gun.


The last sentences summarize the main idea of ​​the text and prove full disclosure themes. Here we simply summarize, showing the reader that the information received is enough to solve the problem or prepare for the trip or what we were preparing for there.

By the way, the presence of a conclusion in an article is not always necessary. It can be omitted in some cases or written briefly at the end of the main part.

Here is an example of the conclusion of a “selling” article about spinning for your site:

No fishing trip is complete without a quality spinning rod. This model is perfect for both beginner anglers and regulars in dressage. I have been using a spinning rod for several years, so I recommend that you buy it too. You will not regret it!

Step Two: Literacy

Even a light informational article is difficult to read if it contains grammatical errors. Of course, "blunders" can occur spontaneously. Therefore, it is important to check the text for literacy before publishing the article.

There are many resources here to help you: textbooks on the Russian language, resources and sites with online verification, red underlines in MS Word. Remember that well-written text is a pleasure to read.

The same goes for punctuation. Watch out for punctuation marks.

Step three: useful chips

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You can talk endlessly on this topic: there are a huge number of ways to attract the attention of the reader. And these methods are used very often today.

Provide interesting facts in the article

This is especially true for texts about nature. One can imagine countless interesting facts about animals and plants, about forests and mountains, about tourism and fishing.

  1. Using a separate article title. You can arrange it in this way as “interesting facts” and then fill it with relevant content. This is especially true for descriptive articles about nature (for example, interesting facts about brown bears);
  2. Insert in the middle of the text. Typically, such clippings from the article are highlighted in italics, bold, or just quotation marks. Facts that harmoniously fit into the narrative of the text look cool. For example, you write about the diet of a king cobra and then insert the following: “An interesting fact (or “Did you know that”): King Cobra can go without food for a whole month.”

Any article with such digressions becomes more beautiful and more attractive to the public. That is why the use of interesting facts will add expressiveness to the text and make it more “alive”.

Here the situation is the same: we are trying to attract the reader useful information. The use of tips in the text is relevant for informational and selling articles, because. they are really needed here.

Tips can also be highlighted in a separate heading or inserted along the text. And yet, we believe that such digressions in the course of the article will look more harmonious, because. they can perfectly complement the main text and make it better.

Here is an example advice:

"Important! When you go out into nature, do not forget to purchase means that repel any insects.

Insert pictures

This is very important point for any article about nature. How can you talk about animals or plants without appropriate illustrations? Banal information pictures, as they look in nature, are very important.

The reader must understand what is at stake. Not everyone can immediately guess what a flycatcher or sea mouse looks like. If you are publishing a descriptive article featuring animals, you can’t do without pictures.

In selling articles, you should also not forget about images. The reader should know what you are advertising, where you advise to go.

Perfect if you like taking photos yourself wildlife. It will be a great addition to your blog or electronic diary, such photos are always original and unique.

If you are looking for pictures on the Internet, consider the following:

  • Pictures must be clear;
  • Preferably large sizes
  • Without watermarks and other emblems that reveal someone else's authorship (unless, of course, it's yours).

Structure text and use lists

This is important because text broken into logical parts is read easier and faster. Feel free to use multiple headings at different levels to make it easier to find the information you need.

Perhaps the reader only wanted to know about acid rain or raising the level of the world ocean, and not about what ecology is and what goals this science pursues.

Lists are a great addition to any text. In general, everything that can be arranged in the form of a list, make out. This approach is always successful, because it significantly improves the readability of the text.

Also, structured information in this form is easier to remember. If the information is presented in continuous paragraphs, it is difficult for the reader to fish out the key idea.

Last but not least, make small paragraphs. It will also make the text easier to understand.


Good writing skills come with experience. Articles about nature combine a number of features, but they are quite easy to write. It does not matter what is the subject of discussion: birds, insects, plants, ecology or tourism. Always find something interesting for yourself and your readers. Be original!

  • Take all your trash with you!
  • Do not disfigure nature with inscriptions and ribbons!
  • Do not cut live trees!
  • The place where you were should look exactly like it looked before you!

Before leaving for nature

To avoid the problems associated with garbage disposal, take care of this at home:

  • We unpack all the new equipment, throw out the wrappers and labels, carefully read the instructions for use and leave them at home. Do not be in a hurry to laugh, I constantly find this kind of garbage in parking lots!
  • It is very important to prepare provisions - the main source of garbage in nature. In no case do we take glass, pour the contents from glass containers into plastic. Since, firstly, it will be easier for you to carry all this, and secondly, it is virtually impossible to dispose of glass in nature - only carry it back with you. Try to get rid of any extra packaging, even if you don't intend to litter, any label or plastic box anyway, it will fly away from the wind, roll under a bush, and you will not notice it.
  • Do not take disposable tableware! Not only does it scatter all over the neighborhood from any breeze, it is also impractical: it is inconvenient to eat from it, and forks and spoons break even from the most tender barbecue. Buy cheap aluminum plates from the tourist shop: they are light, quite durable and you can heat food on them. Advanced tourists can purchase sophisticated folding plates, spoons and even pots, since this goodness is now in bulk!
  • Bring more trash bags. They will help to avoid the inconvenience of collecting garbage, and can always come in handy as a protection for your belongings from moisture and dirt.

Cooking in nature

Friends, it's the twenty-first century in the yard, it's time to start using technological progress and use gas burners for cooking in nature instead of a primitive fire!

The use of burners not only preserves the forest and nature, but also facilitates and increases the comfort of your trips.

Pros of using burners instead of a campfire:

  • We spend less time cooking.
  • We spend less energy on cooking: we do not need to look for and chop wood, kindle and maintain a fire.
  • We do not depend on the weather: even in the heaviest downpour, in a forest soaked through, a small shelter is enough to cook a delicious lunch.
  • No need to wash the boilers from soot and figure out how to carry them during the trip. The soot from the fire is very difficult to wash off and, if you do not put the bowler hat in a tight bag, it will stain all your equipment.
  • We carry less weight with a short trip duration. You say you need to carry a burner and fuel, but even the heaviest folding burner will be lighter than the lightest good axe.
  • Autonomy. You are not tied to places with the availability of firewood, which means that you can put up a tent anywhere and build a route in a way that suits you, and not as dictated by the flora of the area. In addition, it is often forbidden to make fires in nature reserves and on trekking routes, but you can use a burner everywhere.
  • The smell of a fire will not permeate all your clothes and equipment. This is important if after a hike you cannot immediately change all your clothes, for example, when traveling long distances. It just so happens that taxi drivers, neighbors in a reserved seat or compartment, hotel administrators and other people you meet after the trip will snort at you with displeasure, smelling this very aroma of burnt wood.

Of course, the fire has one weighty argument: the fire is the romance of a hike, the crackling of firewood, the dance of flames and the aroma that permeates camp food. Therefore, no one says that it should not be bred at all, you just need to do it carefully and only where there are already bonfires, however, let's talk in more detail.

Bonfires in nature

If there is still a need to make a fire, then we we follow a few rules:

  • We make a fire at the old campfire. It is not necessary to produce such places, there are already enough of them. If there is a lot of garbage in the fire pit, then do a good deed - burn it before you settle in the parking lot or collect it in a bag and do it before leaving. If there was an emergency stop and you have to make a fire in a new place, then try to remove upper layer soil along with the grass, and after care, lay a piece of turf back. This will not only give the grass a chance to grow back in this place, but also protect against the fact that someone will stop here again.
  • We collect firewood correctly. Oddly enough, small branches that have fallen naturally - brushwood and "draught" (dry pieces of wood that can be easily found on the banks of reservoirs) are best suited for making a fire and cooking food on it. Both of them emit a lot of heat during combustion, easily ignite, and are easy to collect. It is much easier to go further into the forest and bring an armful of brushwood than to fell dry wood nearby, which will still need to be sawed and chopped. In addition, it is not so easy to find a real “dry forest”: a tree that seems dry can be completely wet inside, the presence of even one green leaf on the trunk indicates that the tree died not so long ago and it is not worth felling. If you are sure that the tree is dry, cut it as close to the ground as possible - think about how no one runs into the remaining stump. A wet tree will give you a lot of trouble, so I repeat: it is much easier and more efficient to bring a few armfuls of brushwood, even from afar, than to suffer with damp thick firewood. And please, do not strip the birch bark from living trees for lighting, birch bark collected from rotten dead wood burns as well as from a fresh tree!
  • Extinguish the fire after us! You must have come across signs warning you against careless handling of fire? And not in vain. Unextinguished bonfires very often cause terrible forest fires! And not only bonfires, one unextinguished cigarette can burn an entire region! Why is there a cigarette, a piece of glass lying in dry grass can start a devastating fire. And this is not only about protecting nature: such fires can destroy entire villages and small towns, remember this and watch what you leave behind in nature.

What to do with trash while traveling

If we lived in an ideal world, then we took absolutely all the garbage with us to the city, sorted it out there, and special factories would process it and reuse it. But back to reality, our cities are not yet ready for this and all the garbage lies in landfills. Of course, there are already initiative groups working on this problem, and we fully support them, however, for now, let's talk about how we can minimize the harm caused by tourists to the environment.

  • We burn what we can burn. If paper can be burned without thinking, then there is disagreement about plastic. The fact is that when burning plastic, harmful substances are released. This is a large and controversial topic that you can read about on the Internet (), but the bottom line is that so far there is no single right solution. If possible, take the plastic with you, in other cases it is still better to burn it than to leave it lying for tens, even hundreds of years. Just do not burn old tires, full of holes rubber boats and huge pieces of polyethylene; you can’t do anything with them - leave them to those who can or drag them to the nearest signs of civilization (forest hut, railway station, etc.).
  • Tin cans are also better to take away, but if this is problematic, then at least carefully burn them in a fire. Thus, you will burn the top layer that protects tin can from corrosion. After firing, the jar must be pressed and buried, or placed under a large stone where no one will see it. A burnt tin can decomposes within one or two seasons.
  • Anyuta and I try to pick up garbage lying along the trail, burning it in the parking lots on long trips, and taking it to civilization on short trips. What we advise you, plus to karma is guaranteed, besides, the chances of good weather increase significantly, - checked!

Washing dishes, toilet and other hygiene during the trip

A toilet in nature is a sensitive topic, but there is nothing to worry about, just remember a few rules:

  • If there is an organized toilet, then use it. I know sometimes they look like nightmare, but such toilets are placed in places where the whole district begins to turn into a nightmare. Be reasonable, let it be disgusting only in these toilets, and not throughout the district! In addition, not everything is so scary: they try to follow this in paid parking lots, and if not, then you have every right to demand that those who collect money from you get out.
  • If there is no toilet, your task is to make sure that no one sees and does not fall into your traps. There are many ways, it is enough to show a little ingenuity: for example, imagine yourself as Archimedes and, having found a fulcrum, move a large stone with a lever, and after your secret operation, return it to its place, so that all the pieces of paper also remain under the stone. Or you can cut off a layer of turf with a sharp branch and then lay it back. I think you yourself can come up with an interesting maneuver, imagine yourself as Bear Gryls alone with nature, use improvised means, and no one will know about your adventures. In addition, there is special tool to mask a dirty deed -
  • Toilet paper although not so quickly, it still decomposes, but some hygiene products can lie for ages. This applies to girls and couples in love, everyone understands perfectly well what I mean, and precisely because everyone knows everything, you should not be shy to go to the fire where your comrades are sitting and burn what does not rot. As a last resort, wrap your garbage in a napkin, ask everyone to turn away, throw it into the fire and put firewood on top. Much more shameful to pollute the forest than to be in a slightly awkward situation around the fire!

Washing dishes in nature is also worth taking care of nature. Try not to use detergents, heavy dirt can be washed off with sand, moss, grass and other improvised means. Some tourists use ordinary mustard powder to wash dishes. But if you still cannot do without chemistry, buy a special eco-friendly product in a travel store.

Eco-friendly hair shampoos, hand soaps and laundry detergents are also on sale. All this, of course, works worse than evil chemicals, but it does not pollute the reservoirs from which you drink water!

Anyuta has long thought of a way not to wash dishes in ponds: she always takes paper napkins with her, after a meal it is very easy to wipe dishes and cutlery with them, besides, fat is removed with napkins better than when rinsing in water. And the used paper can be burned right there.


I think, general principle careful attitude to nature from the side of tourists you are already well understood. The main thing is to leave nature in the form in which it existed without us. Why all this is necessary is a rhetorical question, but we do not ask ourselves why a person needs health. So taking care of the environment is taking care of the health of the planet, if we let it get sick, then we will get sick too.

Finally, folk wisdom: if you think that your desires will come true after beautiful place If you leave your rubbish behind (be it a tied ribbon, an abandoned shoe, a hat, a piece of a tent, etc.), then you are greatly mistaken - nature will only be angry with you. There is a true sign: take with you some of someone else's garbage from a sacred place and all your desires will be fulfilled. The sign works, we have checked it repeatedly!

Travel friends and love nature, because she really loves you!

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