How to make a bibliographic description of an article. Basic rules for preparing a bibliographic list of references. Official and legislative materials

Changes that constantly occur in public life, - the growth in the volume of information, the rapid development of new technologies - stimulate the transformation of educational processes. Due to this special meaning acquired by the organization of library and bibliographic education of teachers, students, pupils. Data guidelines will help in mastering new knowledge of the information and library space.

Decor bibliography the literature used is a mandatory element of scientific work.

Bibliographic description of the document

A bibliographic description is the process and result of adding up, according to certain rules, a list of information about a document that identifies this document and allows it to be found among many others.

The description of documents is carried out in accordance with GOST. The bibliography must correspond GOST 7.1: 2006. “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation."

Abbreviations in document descriptions

Words and phrases are also abbreviated in accordance with GOST. When compiling a bibliographic list in the title of a description, the first three words cannot be abbreviated. If the name is very long, then part of it can be skipped by indicating the omission with an ellipsis.

How to create a bibliography: rules

Spelling when compiling a bibliography

The bibliographic list is compiled according to modern spelling. The first word of each defined area should begin with a capital letter. Also, all titles in all areas and the first word of the general designation of the material should be capitalized. The remaining elements of the description are written with a small letter, for example: Physics [Electronic resource]: textbook / ed. K. Yakovleva.

Punctuation when compiling a bibliography

Punctuation in a bibliographic description is used as dividing usual grammatical marks and prescribed punctuation marks. Recommended punctuation (conventional punctuation marks) helps to recognize individual elements in bibliographic descriptions.

Numerals in bibliographic descriptions

Numerals in a bibliography are written in the form (Roman, Arabic, verbal form) in which they are written in the publication. However, numerals that denote volume, issue, part, number, pages should be written down Arabic numerals:Vol. 1; in 5 volumes; T. 2; part 5; With. 12-16; 241 p. Also, numbers should be replaced with Arabic when indicating the number of classes and courses educational institutions; serial numbers of publications; year or dates of publication, distribution of the document. Ordinal numbers are written with an ending: 3rd ed.; 2nd year.

How to create a bibliography?

There are the following ways to group material in bibliography:

  • alphabetical;
  • systematic;
  • chronological;
  • numbering;
  • by sections of work.

The most common methods:

  • Numbered - the material is arranged in the order of references to literature in the text and citation.
  • Alphabetical—in the alphabet of authors’ surnames and work titles. Works by one author are arranged alphabetically by title or in chronology of their writing.


When writing a dissertation, coursework or thesis in the text in the reference to a publication included in the bibliographic list, you must indicate the number under which this publication appears in the list, in square brackets. For example:

Place of reference in the text

Most often in scientific works alphabetical grouping is used, that is, when bibliographic records are arranged according to alphabetical order names of authors and titles of works (if the author is not indicated or there are more than three authors):

  • placement of bibliographic records if the first word of the title matches - in alphabetical order of the letters of the second word, etc.;
  • placement of works by one author - in alphabetical order of the letters of the first word of the title of individual works;
  • placement of works by authors with the same last names - alphabetically by the initials of the authors;
  • if the surnames and initials of the authors coincide - in alphabetical order of works.

When posting bibliographic records in different languages:

  • first according to the Russian alphabet or a language with the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • then, in order of the Latin alphabet, literature in foreign languages.

A correct bibliography contains descriptions of the sources used and is located at the end of the work. List pages, like other text pages, are numbered. The numbering is continuous and continues the numbering of the pages of the text.

The name “Bibliography” is used .

Examples of design of bibliographic descriptions of books

Characteristics of sources

Design example

Alefirenko, N. F. Theory of language. Introductory course[Text]: textbook. allowance / N. F. Alefirenko. - M.: Academy, 2004. - 367 p. : table, fig. - (Higher professional education).

Fitzgerald F. S. The Last Tycoon: A Novel / Francis Scott Fitzgerald. - M.: Khud. lit., 1990. - 333, .

Golovakha, E. I. Psychology of human mutual understanding [Text] / E. I. Golovakha, N. V. Panina. - K.: Political publishing house. lit. Ukraine, 1989. - 187, p. : rice.

Repin, D. Mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics [Text]: beginning. information about the foundations of mathematics / D. Repin, D. V. Nyusom; lane Z. L. Voropakhovsky. - M.: Knowledge, 1972. - 45, p. - (New in life, science, technology. Mathematics. Cybernetics).

Ackoff, R. L. Idealized Design: How to Prevent Tomorrow's Crisis Today. Creating the future of the organization / R. L. Ackoff, D. Magidson, G. D. Edison; lane from English F. P. Tarasenko. - D.: Balance Business Books, 2007. - 265 p.

Kolasov, P.K. Psychology of management / P.K. Kolasov, A.D. Livnetsky, I.M. Kirova [etc.]; edited by D. S. Protasova. — 5th ed. — X.: Humanitarian. center, 2007. - 510 p.

History of the Middle Ages [Text]: textbook / ed. Kh. I. Irodova. - ed. 4th, add. - M.: Higher. school, 2015. - 520 p. : ill., table.

Number and thought [Text]: [collection]. Vol. 9 / [compiled by: L. I. Borodkin and I. N. Kiselev]. - M.: Knowledge, 1986. - 174, p. - (Knowledge).

Multi-volume document

Kon, D. E. Programming and its art [Text] = The art of computer programming: in 3 volumes / D. E. Kon; edited by O. V. Kozachko. - M.: Higher. school, 2003.

T. 2: Search for information / D. E. Kon; [transl. from English Zh. N. Korbko] - 3rd ed. - M.: Higher. school, 2003. - 622 p. : table, diagrams

Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Learn to apply mathematics [Text]: (Mathematics without formulas). Vol. 1 / Yu. V. Pukhnachev, Yu. V. Popov. - M.: Knowledge, 1977. - 142, p. - (People's University. Faculty of Natural Sciences).


Dictionary English-Russian Russian-English [Text] = English-Russian Dictionary: / [comp.: O. V. Dmitriev, G. V. Stepenko] ; [under general ed. V. T. Busela]. - TO. ; M.: Perun, 1996. - 481 p.

Geography: dictionary / [author-comp. Tsepin R.L.]. — St. Petersburg : Khalimon, 2002. - 175, p.


Glazyrin, V. Synergy effect of the architect Topuz / V. Glazyrin, I. Novokhatsky, M. Rudkova // Passage. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 86 - 88.

Arsenyeva, T. Tourists want to see... museums in Odessa! / T. Arsenyeva // Evening. Odessa. - 2013. - April 6.


Ivanov, U.P. Young solar mass stars: dis. ... Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences: 12.05.01 / Ivanov Petr Grigorievich. - M., 2001. - 255 p.

Materials of conferences, congresses

Computational mechanics and strength of structures and their problems: collection. scientific works / scientific ed. V. I. Mossakovsky. - M.: Textbook. book, 1999. - 215 p.


Cuerda X. Atlas of Botany / Jose Cuerda; lane from Spanish V. I. Shavkun. - M.: Knowledge, 2002. - 98 p.

Anatomy of memory: an atlas of diagrams and drawings: a manual for students and doctors / K. B. Antonov, Z. G. Uvar, D. O. Stepnoy. — 2nd ed., add. - M.: Thresholds, 1998. - 125 p.

Electronic resources

Churko O.P. History lessons in 7th grade. [Electron. resource] / O. P. Churko, B. G. Urazov, G. S. Borovin. - 1999. - 43 p.

The table shows examples of bibliographic descriptions of books and documents that are used in compiling bibliographic lists.

Kit elements of a bibliographic record, the sequence of their racesprovisions, the method of presenting each element, the use of conventional dividing marks are determined by:

GOST 7.1 -2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliography"physical description. General requirements and rules for drawing up" (for printed publications)

GOST 7.82-2001 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographyphysical description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation"

The requirements of the above GOSTs apply toall types of documents: books, dissertations, patents, etc.


Legal acts

  1. 1. Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text] : official text. - M.: Marketing, 2001. - 39, p.
  2. Russian Federation. Laws. About the state civil service [Text]: Feder. law: [Adopted by the State. Duma July 7, 2004: approved. Federation Council on July 15, 2004] // Collection of Legislation Russian Federation. – 2004. - No. 31. – P. 3215.
  3. President (2000-; V.V. Putin). On the salary of federal civil servants [Text]: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2006 No. 763 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2006. - No. 31. – Art. 3459.
  4. Russian Federation. Government. Concept administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006 – 2008 [Text]: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2005 No. 1789-r // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2005. - No. 46. – Art. 4720.
  5. Stavropol region. Laws. On the Register of positions in the state civil service of the Stavropol Territory [Text]: Law of the Stavropol Territory: [adopted by the State. Duma of the Stavropol Territory on February 16, 2007] // Collection of laws and other legal acts of the Stavropol Territory. – 2007. - No. 19. – Art. 6318.

Books by one, two, three or more authors

  1. Cherepanov, V.V. Fundamentals of public service and personnel policy: textbook. allowance / V.V. Cherepanov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2007. - 575 p.
  2. Yanovsky, V.V. State and municipal management: textbook. allowance / V.V. Yanovsky, S.A. Kirsanov. - M.: KNORUS, 2010. - 208 p.
  3. Baranov, V. M. Diagnostics of materials and structures / V.M. Baranov, A. M. Karasevich, G. A. Sarychev. - M.: graduate School, 2007. -379 pp.
  4. State civil service in the Russian Federation: textbook. allowance / E.V. Maslennikova [and others]. - M.: Os-89, 2006. - 320 p.

Description under title

With editor, compiler:

  1. A brief technique for working with electronic meters nal devices: textbook. manual for universities / comp. N.F. Bolshakova; ed. A. G. Filippov. - M.: MEPhI, 1973.-42 p.
  2. Personnel management: textbook / ed. T.Yu.Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY, 2006. – 560 p.

Translated editions

  1. Novak, V. Mathematical principles of fuzzy logic / V.Novak; lane from English - M.: Fizmatlit, 2006. - 347 p.
  2. Clément, M. Fundamentals of physics of partially ordered media:liquid crystals, colloids, fractal structures, poly-measures and biological objects/ M. Clément; lane from English O.D. Lavrentovich. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2007. - 680 p.

Newspaper article

  1. Yanchilin, V. On the pulse of the Sun and the Earth: who predictsspace weather? / V. Yanchilin // Search. -2007. - No. 21. P. 5.

(If the article is published on the front page of a newspaper, the page not specified)

Magazine article

  1. Babintsev, V. Youth personnel reserve of state and municipal services in the region / V. Babintsev, V. Zakharov // Civil service. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 14 – 20.
  2. Ksenofontova E. Personnel policy as a factor in increasing the efficiency of parliamentary service / E. Ksenofontova // Power.- 2007.- No. 10.- P. 76 – 80.

Book chapter

  1. Maly, A. I. Introduction to European legislationcommunity /A. I. Maly // Institutions of the European Union: textbook manual / A. I. Maly, D. Campbell, M. O'Neil. - Arkhangelsk, 2005. - Chapter 1. - P. 7-26.


  1. Moiseenko, A. V. Correlations and fractal propertiesstochastic processes: dis.... cand. physics and mathematics Sciences (05.13.18 - math modeling, numerical methods; 01.04.06 - physics of elementary particles and atomic nucleus) /A. V. Moiseenko; hands works by F. M. Sergeev. - M.: MEPhI, 2007. -135 p.
  1. Aravin, O.F. Formation and development vocational education in Kuban in the pre-Soviet period (XIX - early XX centuries): author's abstract. Sciences (07.00.02 – National history) /O.F. Aravin; hands works by B.A. Three brothers. – Stavropol, 2007. – 23 p.

Ongoing edition

  1. Computer systems: collection. scientific tr. / ed. N. G. Zagoruiko; Institute of Mathematics named after. S. L. Soboleva. - Novosibirsk, Issue.174: Analysis of structural patterns. - 2005. -178 p.

Multi-volume edition

  1. Potto, V.A. Caucasian War. In 5 volumes /V.A. Potto. – Stavropol: Caucasian region, 1994. T. 2: Ermolov time. – 1994. – 688 p.

Article from the collection

  1. Karpova, V.V. The essence and principles of effective budget policy / V.V. Karpova // Socio-economic development municipality: problems and prospects: materials of the round table. – Rostov n/D. – Pyatigorsk: SKAGS Publishing House, 2008. – P.114 – 123.

Examples of bibliographic descriptions of documents in accordance with new GOSTs(

    Articles from magazines and newspapers

    Article from an ongoing publication

    Articles from non-periodical collections

    Deposited scientific works

    Patent documents

    Standard (only underlined elements are required)

    Research report

    Combined bibliographic description

    Description of network documents

    Explanations for examples of bibliographic descriptions

    Features of compiling a bibliographic description of documents based on an abstract journal

1. Korenman, I. M. Photometric analysis: Methods for determining organs. connections / I. M. Korenman. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Chemistry, 1975. - 359 p.

2. Entelis, S. G. Kinetics of reactions in the liquid phase: Quantities, taking into account the influence of the environment / S. G. Entelis, R. P. Tiger. - M.: Chemistry, 1973. - 416 p.

3. Fialkov, N. Ya. Physical chemistry non-aqueous solutions / N. Ya. Fialkov, A. N. Zhitomirsky, Yu. N. Tarasenko. - L.: Chemistry. Leningr. department, 1973.-376 p.

4. Flanaut, J. Les elements des terres rares / J. Flanaut. - Paris: Masson, 1969. - 165 p.

5. Complex compounds in analytical chemistry: Theory and practice of application / F. Umland, A. Jansen, D. Thirig, G. Wünsch. - M.: Mir, 1975. - 531 p.

6. Ensuring the quality of chemical analysis results / P. Buytash, N. M. Kuzmin, L. Leistner, etc. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - 165 p.

7. Analytical chemistry and extraction processes: Sat. Art. / Rep. ed. A. T. Pilipenko, B. I. Nabivanets. - Kyiv: Nauk, Dumka, 1970. - 119 p.

8. Pyrazolones in analytical chemistry: Abstract. report conf., Perm, June 24-27, 1980. Perm: PSU, 1980.-118 p.

9. Experiments in materials science / E. S. Subbarac, D. Chakravorty, M. F. Merriam, V. Raghavan. - New York a.c: Mc Graw-Hill, 1972. - 274 p.

Articles from magazines and newspapers

10. Chalkov, N. Ya. Chemical-spectral analysis of high-purity metals / N. I. Chalkov // Plant, lab. - 1980. - T. 46, No. 9. - P. 813-814.

11. Kozlov, N. S. Synthesis and properties of fluorine-containing aromatic azomethines / N. S. Kozlov, L. F. Gladchenko // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Ser. chem. Sci. - 1981. - No. 1. - P. 86-89.

12. Marchak, T.V. Sorption-photometric determination of microquantities of nickel /T. V. Marchak, G. D. Brykina, T. A. Belyavskaya // Journal. analyte chemistry. - 1981. - T. 36, No. 3. - P. 513-517.

13. Determination of hydrogen in magnesium, zirconium, sodium and lithium on the S2532 installation / E. D. Malikova, V. P. Velyukhanov, L. S. Makhinova, L. L. Kunin // Zhurn. physical chemistry. - 1980. - T. 54, issue. 11. - pp. 2846-2848.

14. The influence of amines and anionic composition of the solution on the electroreduction of thallium on mercury /L. I. Gromik, T. F. Dyachenko, I. P. Bondarenko and others // Vopr. chemistry and chem. technology (Kharkov). - 1980. - No. 59. -S. 42-45.

15. Ivanov, N. Steel clamp: the EU is trying to limit metal supplies from Russia / Nikolay Ivanov // Kommersant. - 2001. - December 4. - P. 8.

16. Mukai, K. Determination of phosphorus in hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloys / K. Mukai // Talanta. - L972.-Uo1. 19, No. 4 - P. 489-495.

Article from an ongoing publication

17. Zhivopistsev, V.P. Complex compounds of thorium with diantipyrylmethane / V.P. Zhivopistsev, L.P. Pyatosin // Uchen. zap. / Perm. univ. - 1970. - No. 207. - P. 184-191.

Articles from non-periodical collections

18. Lyubomilova, G. V. Determination of aluminum in tantalum-niobium minerals / G. V. Lyubomilova, A. D. Miller // New methods, research. on rare earth analysis minerals, ores and forges, rocks. - M., 1970. - P. 90-93.

19. Markovich, J. Association of salts of long-chain tertiary amines in hydrocarbons / J. Markovich, A. Kertes // Chemistry of extraction: Dokl. Int. Conf., Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 Aug. - 1 Sep. 1966. - M., 1971. - P. 223-231.


20. Ganyukhina, T. G. Modification of PVC properties during the synthesis process: Cand. Dissertation. chem. Sciences: 02.00.06 / T. G. Ganyukhina. - N. Novgorod, 1999. - 109 p.

21. Balashova, T. V. Synthesis, structure and properties of bipyridyl complexes of rare earth elements: Author's abstract. dis.cand. chem. Sciences: 02.00.08 /T. V. Balashova. - N. Novgorod, 2001. - 21 p.

Deposited scientific works

22. Krylov, A. V. Heterophase crystallization of silver bromide / A. V. Krylov, V. V. Babkin; Redkol. "Journal" applied chemistry" - L., 1982. - 11 p. - Dep. in VINITI 03.24.82; No. 1286-82.

23. Kuznetsov, Yu. S. Change in the speed of sound in refrigeration melts / Yu. S. Kuznetsov; Moscow chemical technology int. - M., 1982. - 10 p. - Dep. in VINITI 05.27.82; No. 2641.

Patent documents

(only underlined elements are required)

24. A. s. 1007970 USSR, MKI4 V 03 S 7/12, A 22 S 17/04. Device for separating multicomponent raw materials / B. S. Babakin, E. I. Kaukhcheshvili, A. I. Angelov (USSR). - No. 3599260/28-13; Declared 06/2/85; Publ. 10/30/85, Bulletin. No. 28. - 2 p.

25. Pat. 4194039 USA, MKI3 V 32 V 7/2, V 32 V 27/08.Multi-layer poivolefin shrink film/ W. V. Muelier; W."R. Grace & Co. - No. 896963; Stated 04/17/78; Published 03/18/80. - 3 p.

26. Application 54-161681 Japan, MKI2 B 29 D 23/18. Method for producing flexible tubes/ Yoshiaki Inaba; K.K. Toe Kasei. - No. 53-69874; Declared 06/12/78; Published 12/21/79. - 4 s.

Standard (only underlined elements are required)

27. GOST 10749.1-80. Technical ethyl alcohol. Methods of analysis.- Instead of GOST 10749-72; Enter. 01/01/82 to 01/01/87. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1981. - 4 p.

Research report

28. Testing the thermal properties of the KHS-2 - 12-VZ chamber: Research report (interim) / All-Union. in absentia Institute of food industry (VZIPP); Head V. M. Shavra. - ОЦО 102ТЗ; Kg GR 80057138; Inv. No. B119699.-M., 1981. - 90 p.


29. Richardson, S. M. Simulation of injection molding / S. M. Richardson, H. J. Pearson, J. R. A. Pearson // Plast and Rubber: Process. - 1980. - Vol. 5, No. 2. - P. 55 - 60. - Ref. in: Chemistry: RZh. - 1981. - No. 1, issue. 19С - С. 38 (1 С138).

Description of network documents

Title of the document, date of viewing (access) and network address: History of MLM. [Document accessed: March 30, 2007]. Access via

Explanations for examples of bibliographic descriptions

If a document (book, article, etc.) has one, two or three authors, only the first of them is written before the title, a comma after the surname, then the initials. In the statement of responsibility (after the title followed by a slash), all authors are written down: one, two or three - in the same form as in the document, as a rule, initials before the surname.

If necessary, their number is reduced. At the same time, no more than four names of authors are given in the information about responsibility. If there are more than four authors, give the names of three with the addition of the words “etc.”

Features of compiling a bibliographic description of documents based on an abstract journal

In an abstract journal (RJ), documents are described not according to GOST, but in such a way that it is convenient to quickly find the necessary material. This is customary in news publications.

The RJ has all the elements to create a correct description. You just need to select them, arrange them in the right order and place the necessary dividing marks. In this case, you need to keep the following in mind.

The volume number of the journal in the Russian Journal is given without the word “volume”, but only in bold, the pages are also given at the end of the bibliographic description without the word “pages”. And according to the rules of bibliographic description, such designations are necessary. Here is a table of these notations for four languages.

In the Russian Journal, before the end of the 80s, there was no designation of the ICI (International Classification of Inventions) with a specific index indicating its revision number. These data can be obtained from the information available in the RF. The alphanumeric designation of classes is taken from brackets, and the designation “MKI” is placed in front of them. The index is determined by the year of publication of the patent document, i.e. the year indicated in the Russian Journal after the word “Published.” Before 1975 - MKI1, 1975-1979 - MKI2, 1980-1984 - MKI3, etc.

After the words: “Pat.”, “A. c", "Application" is the first number that appears in the description of the patent document. The “No” sign is not placed. The second number that appears in the description of a patent document is the number under which it was filed.

Examples of bibliographic descriptions in accordance with GOST 7.1-84 “Bibliographic description of a document. General requirements and rules for compilation" (including Amendment No. 1 of 07/01/00), GOST 7.80-2000 "Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules for compilation" and GOST 7.12-93 "Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian” was compiled by Deputy. Director of the Fundamental Library of UNN L. S. Kazantsev. November 2002

(Book description)

Title. Title proper = Parallel title: information related to title proper/first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability statements. – Information about the publication. – Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. – Volume: illustrations + accompanying material. – (Series title proper: series title information/series statement of responsibility; series issue number). – Note.

  1. Description of a document with one author:

    Ezova, S. A. The world of library communication [Text]: scientific- practical guide/ S. A. Ezova. – M.: Litera, 2010. – 251 p.

    Reznik, S. D. Department management [Text]: textbook / S. D. Reznik. –3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2010. – 605 p. – (Management in higher education).

    Zotikov, I. A. Sagas of the polar seas [Text]: an unusual journey from Chukotka to Murmansk in August 1991 / Igor Zotikov; ill. auto – M.: Terra, 2002. – 414 p., l. ill.

    Dale, D. Bob, fidgety kitten [Text]: for children younger. school age / Jenny Dale; lane from English N. Dudnik. – M.: Egmont Russia, 2000. – 64 p. : ill. - (To the guys about kittens).

  2. Description of the document with two authors:

    Glukhov, Vladimir Viktorovich. Economic fundamentals ecology [Text]: textbook. manual for students, educational. according to special 060800 "Economics and management at an environmental management enterprise" / V. V. Glukhov, T. P. Nekrasova; St. Petersburg State Polytechnic univ. – 3rd ed. – St. Petersburg. : PETER, 2003. – 384 p.: ill.

    Glushakov, S.V. Self-instruction manual for working on a personal computer [Text]:: training course / S.V. Glushakov, A.S. Suryadny. – Moscow: AST; Kharkov: Folio, 2002. – 275 p. : ill.

    Shipitsyna, L. M. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing, speech and vision [Text]: textbook / L. M. Shipitsyna, I. A. Vartanyan. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 432 p. – (Higher professional education).

  3. Description of the document with three authors:

    Anisimov, Yu. P. Profitability of innovation activity [Text]: monograph / Yu. P. Anisimov, V. B. Artemenko, O. A. Zaitseva; Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance. – Voronezh: IMMIF, 2009. – 192 p. – Bibliography : With. 158-170.

    Kryuchkov, I. P. Electrical part power plants and substations [Text] / I. P. Kryuchkov, N. I. Kuvshinsky, B. N. Neklepaev. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Energy, 2008. – 456 p.

    Nikonov, D. A. Law social security Russia [Text]: short training course / D. A. Nikonov, A. V. Stremoukhov, S. V. Kryukov. – M.: NORM, 2004. – 208 p.

  4. Description of the document created by more than 4 authors:

    Designing men's and women's clothing[Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin, E. K. Amirova, O. V. Sakulina, A. T. Trukhanov; Development Institute prof. education. – M.: Academy, 2006. – 304 p.

    Design of men's and women's clothing [Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin [etc.]; Development Institute prof. education. – M.: Academy, 2006. – 304 p.

    Concepts. Categories: linguistic reality [Text]: collective monograph to the anniversary of Professor Maria Vasilievna Malinovich / M. V. Malinovich, D. A. Aripova, V. V. Batitskaya [and others]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Irkutsk State. linguistic university. – Irkutsk: IGLU, 2011. – 382 p.

  5. Description of a document without authors, created by compilers, editors, etc.:

    1000 and one dispute won against the tax authorities [Text] / ed. G. Yu. Kasyanova. – M.: Information center of the XXI century, 2004. – 320 p.

    100 terms of the Labor Code [Text]: explanatory dictionary / comp. S. Yu. Golovina. – Ekaterinburg: Humanitarian. univ., 2007. – 29 p.

  6. Description of collections scientific works

    Ethnosocial processes in Siberia [Text]: thematic collection of scientific works / rep. ed. Yu. V. Popkov. – Novosibirsk: Siberian Scientific Publishing House, 2007. – Vol. 8. – 312 p.

    Siberia in the system international relations[Text]: collection scientific articles/ answer ed. V. P. Zinoviev. – Tomsk: Tomsk University Publishing House, 2001. – 151 p.

    Development of languages ​​and cultures of indigenous peoples of Siberia in the conditions of a changing Russia [Text]: materials of the II International scientific conference, September 25-27, 2008 Abakan / Institute of Sayan-Altai Turkology; [rep. ed. T. G. Borgoyakova]. – Abakan: KhSU Publishing House. N. F. Katanova, 2008. – 400 p.

  7. Description of dissertations, abstracts of dissertations

    Lagkueva, I.V. Features of regulation of labor of creative theater workers: dis. ...cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.05 / Lagkueva Irina Vladimirovna. - M., 2009. - 168 p.

    Lukina, V. A. Creative history of “Notes of a Hunter” by I. S. Turgenev: abstract. dis. ...cand. Philol. Sciences: 01/10/01 / Lukina Valentina Aleksandrovna. - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 26 p.

  8. Official publications

    Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: official text. – M.: Marketing, 2007. – 39 p.

    Russian Federation. Laws. Family Code of the Russian Federation [Text]: the federal law: accepted State. Duma on December 8, 1995: as of January 3, 2007 - St. Petersburg. : Stone Country, 2007. – 94 p.

Multi-level bibliographic description (Description of a multi-volume book)

Level 1

Title proper [General designation of material] = Parallel title: information related to title proper / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability statements. – Information about the publication. – Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Series title proper: series title information/series statement of responsibility; series issue number).

Level 2

Volume number: Volume title proper: title information/first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability statements. – Information about the publication. – Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Series title proper: series title information/series statement of responsibility; series issue number). – Notes.

    Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]: at 3 hours / V.D. Kazmin. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2001–.

    Part 2: Childhood diseases. – 2002. – 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V. D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]. At 3 hours. Part 2. Childhood diseases / V. D. Kazmin. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. – 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V. D. Childhood diseases [Text] / V. D. Kazmin. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. – 503 p. : ill. – (Directory of a Household Physician: at 3 o’clock / V. D. Kazmin; part 2).

Analytical bibliographic description (Description of an article from a publication)

  1. Scheme of analytical bibliographic description of an article from a collection, book:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part of the constituent part: Information relating to the proper title of the constituent part / Statements of responsibility relating to the constituent part // Title. Title proper of the book: Information related to the title of the book / Statement of responsibility. – Information about the publication. – Place of publication, Date of publication. – Volume (issue) number. – Designation and number of chapter, paragraph. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the article from the book (collection) and ongoing publications:

    Dvinyaninova, G. S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse [Text] / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social power language: Sat. scientific tr. / Voronezh interregion. Institute of Societies. Sciences, Voronezh State. University, Faculty of Romano-German. stories. – Voronezh, 2001. – P. 101-106. – Bibliography : With. 105-106.

    Pushkov, Yu. G. On standardization of the quality of liquid electrates during their production by the repercolation method [Text] / Yu. G. Pushkov // Scientific and technical progress and optimization technological processes creation medicines: abstracts of the All-Union report. scientific conference, May 21-22, 1987 - Lvov, 1987. - pp. 282-283.

    Bulatova, T. A. Social anxiety in context psychological defenses[Text] / A. T. Bulatova, E. I. Chernykh // Tomsk State Bulletin pedagogical university: Science Magazine/ ch. ed. V. V. Obukhov. – Tomsk: TSPU, 2010. – Issue. 2 (92). – pp. 107-113.

    Description of the article from the collected works:

    Engels, F. Socialism in Germany [Text] / K. Marx, F. Engels // Essay. – 2nd ed. – M., 1987. – T. 22. – P. 247-264.

    Pasternak, B. L. Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers [Text] / B. L. Pasternak // Favorites: in 2 volumes - M.: Khudozh. Lit-ra, 1985. – T. 2. – P. 280-283.

    Description of the encyclopedia article:

    Korndorf, S. F. Electronics [Text] // Quick reference mechanical engineer / S. F. Condorf; edited by S. A. Chernavsky. – M., 1966. – P. 143-166.

    Medvedev, B.V. Quantum field theory [Text] / B.V. Medvedev, D.V. Shirkov // Physical encyclopedia. – M., 1990. – T. 2. – P. 300-308.

  2. Scheme of analytical bibliographic description of an article from periodical:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part: Information relating to the title of the constituent part / Statement of responsibility relating to the constituent part // Title proper: Information relating to the title of the publication / Statement of responsibility. – Date of publication (year of publication). – Edition number. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the newspaper article:

    Ishcheeva, Ksenia. Brass band for the soul [Text]: [in December 2005, the municipal brass band of Abakan will turn 15 years old] / K. Ishcheeva // Khakassia. – 2005. – July 5 (No. 122). – P. 5.

    Description of the magazine article:

    Divnogortsev, A. L. Hard time Professor Shamurin [Text] / A. L. Divnogortsev // World of bibliography. – 2010. – No. 3. – P. 33-36.

    Arslanov, G. Reforms in China: Change of Generations [Text] / G. Arslanov // Asia and Africa today. – 2002. – No. 4. – P. 2-6.

    Description of conversations, interviews:

    Tikhomirov, S. With the “Code” you can safely get down to business [Text] / S. Tikhomirov; the conversation was conducted by E. Malinin // Economics and life. – 2004. – Jan. (No. 4). – P. 6.

    Description of regulations and documents:

    RF. Ministry of Education and Science. On orders of the Russian Ministry of Education on accreditation issues educational institutions[Text]: order dated December 29, 2005 No. 259 / RF. Ministry of Education and Science // OVD: interdepartmental information bulletin. – 2006. – No. 7. – P. 49-50.

    Russian Federation. President (2008; D. A. Medvedev). On holding the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation [Text]: decree of the President of Russia. Federation dated March 10, 2009 No. 259 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. – 2009. – No. 7. – P. 31.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

According to access mode, electronic resources are divided into:

  • Local (resources distributed on machine-readable media and accessible only at individual workstations or local networks, incl. CDs, floppy disks).
  • Remote access or network (resources distributed through global telecommunication networks, in particular via the Internet, posted on a website and having a network address, accessible to a potentially unlimited number of users via the network).

A bibliographic description of an electronic resource allows you to identify an electronic resource, i.e., get an idea about it:

  • content;
  • purpose;
  • physical characteristics;
  • system requirements;
  • access mode;
  • methods of distribution;
  • sources of information.

Scheme of bibliographic description of an electronic resource:

Title proper [General designation of material]: / disclaimer. – Publication information/responsibility statements related to the publication, additional information about the publication. – Designation of the type of resource (volume of the resource). – Place of publication: name of publisher, date of publication (Place of manufacture: name of manufacturer, date of manufacture). – Specific material designation and number of physical units: others physical characteristics; size + information about accompanying material. - (Title proper of a series or subseries = Parallel title of a series or subseries: information related to the title of the series or subseries / statements of responsibility related to the series or subseries, ISSN; numbering within the series or subseries). – Note. – Standard number = Key title: conditions of availability and/or price.

For electronic resources of remote access, a note is given about the access mode in which it is allowed instead of words "Access mode"(or their equivalent in another language) use the abbreviation for the email address "URL"(Uniform Resource Locator - unified resource locator).

Information about the protocol for accessing a network resource (ftp, http, etc.) and its email address are provided in a uniform resource locator format.

After the email address, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given in parentheses: after the words “date of access” the day, month and year are indicated. Information about the date of access to the document is very important, since the Internet is characterized by such a concept as variability. Within a year, any directory of network resources becomes outdated by one quarter. This or that document can be deleted or moved.

  1. Bibliographic description of an electronic document located on a physical medium (local electronic document):

    Baburina, Nina Ivanovna. 1917. Poster in the revolution - revolution in the poster [Electronic resource]: from the history of Russian. and owls poster early XX century : multimed. computer. course / Nina Baburina, Klaus Waschik, Konstantin Kharin; Ross. state humanitarian University and Moscow. scientific center for culture and information. technologies, Institute of Rus. and owls culture named after Yu. M. Lotman (Bochum, Germany) – Electron. Dan. – M.: RGGU, sor. 1999. – 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color. ; 12 cm. – System. requirements: IBM PC 486 (Pentium or higher recommended); Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Russian version recommended); 20 MB; video card and monitor supporting 800 x 600, 65 thousand colors. ; mouse or similar device; sound card compatible with Microsoft Windows. - Cap. from the disc label.

    Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich. Dictionary living Great Russian language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic resource]: prepared. according to the 2nd oven ed. 1880 – 1882 - Electron. Dan. – M.: ACT [etc.], 1998. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM); 12 cm + hands. user (8 sec.) – ( EBook). – System. requirements: IBMPC with 486 processor; RAM 8 MB; oper. Windows system(Zx, 95, NT) ; CD-ROM drive; mouse. - Cap. from the screen.

    Tsvetkov, Viktor Yakovlevich. Computer graphics: working programm[Electronic resource]: for correspondence students. forms of geodesy training. and other specialties / V. Ya. Tsvetkov. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: MIIGAiK, 1999. – 1 floppy disk. – System. requirements: IBMPC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. - Cap. from the screen. – State No. registration 0329900020.

    Description under the title:

    Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The story of two emperors / Panorama Museum “Battle of Borodino”, Intersoft. - Electron. Dan. – M.: Intersoft, coll. 1997. – 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color 12 cm. – System. requirements: PC with 486 DX2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; video card SVGA 256 colors ; sound 16-bit MPC standard card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Cap. from the disc label.

    Atlas-98 [Electronic resource]: 3D: the most detailed. completely three-dimensional. world atlas. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – [B. m.], 1998. – 1 electron, opt. disc (CD-ROM): sound, color. ; 12 cm. – (abc) (The whole world is in 3D). – System. requirements: PC 486 DX-33; 8 MB RAM; 15 MB HDD; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed drive; 256 colors SVGA display; sound map; mouse. - Cap. from the container.

    Bibliography on social and human sciences, 1993 – 1995 [Electronic resource] / Institute of Science. information by society Sciences (INION). - Electron. Dan. and prog. (33 files: 459658539 bytes). – M. , . – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM); 12 cm. – System, requirements: IRS “IRBIS” 500 KB; DOS 3.3 and higher. - Cap. from the container liner. – Contents: 1. Bibliography: 241280 entries. 2. Categories INION: 4901 entries.

  2. Description of remote access resources:

    Description of Internet resources is very difficult to adapt to standards, since it is not always possible to determine the source of complete and accurate information about a site, server, or portal. That's why mandatory elements here are: title proper with a general designation of the material and access mode.

    Valeev, Ramil. “I try to treat various publications about the East with all my soul” (Letters from N.F. Katanov to E.K. Pekarsky) [Electronic resource] / R. Valeev // Gasyrlar avazy = Echo of Centuries: scientific and documentary journal. – URL: (access date: 01/12/12) .

    Dankina, Nadezhda. What was the passion of the scientist [Electronic resource]: [to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkic scholar Nikolai Fedorovich Katanov] / N. Dankina // Khakassia: daily republican newspaper. – URL: (access date: 03/22/2012).

    Description under the title:

    Russian state library[Electronic resource] / Information Center. RSL technologies; ed. Vlasenko T. V.; Webmaster Kozlova N.V. – Electronic. Dan. – M.: Ros. state b-ka, 1997–. – Access mode:, free. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English

    Katanov Nikolay Fedorovich [Electronic resource]: biographical index // Chronos: The World History on the Internet / ed. V. B. Rumyantsev. – URL: (access date: 01/12/12).

  3. Description of reference and legal systems:

    These include reference and legal systems “Garant”, “Consultant Plus”, “Code” and others.

    About public associations: federal Law of May 19, 1995. No. 82 - Federal Law: amended. and additional 07/22/2010 [adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 04/14/1995] // Consultant Plus: comp. reference legal system [Electronic resource] / Company "Consultant Plus". - Electron. Dan. - [M.]. - URL: (access date: 09/10/2010).

Examples compiled from materials:

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules. When copying information, link to the electronic version of the method. instructions is required.

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules.

GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules.

GOST R 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules.

In more detail on the rules of bibliographic description (complex cases of description), you will be advised by the staff of the scientific and bibliographic department - building No. 1, room. 124.

Compound. Doroganova, T.V. Bish, T.I. Istomina;
Responsible for updating the page: Istomina Tatyana Igorevna
Page updated 07/09/2013

Description of a book, article from a newspaper, magazine, collection, multi-volume publication, electronic document

Bibliographic description of the book

Author's last name Initials. Title proper: information related to the title (information clarifying the main title of the book) / information about responsibility (authors, editors, compilers). – Information about republication. – Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication. - Number of pages. – (Series).

Examples of bibliographic descriptions

Bachinin: encyclopedic Dictionary/ . – St. Petersburg: Publishing House, 2005. – 288 p.

Gerchikova: textbook for universities /. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005. – 511 p. – (Golden fund of Russian textbooks).

If a publication has a parallel title (in a different language or in a different graphic), it is separated from the main one by a = sign

English on Economics = English for economists: textbook. manual for universities in economics. specialties / . – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001. – 515 p.

If the book is translated from another language, this is indicated in the continuation of the title and separated by a colon. The translator's name is indicated in the statement of responsibility.

Steele in business: a practical guide: trans. from English / , T. Bizor; lane T. Ptashnaya. – M.: HIPPO, 2004. – 270 p.

At the beginning of the description, the surname of the first author is indicated, in the information about responsibility (after a slash) the surnames of all authors are listed (the initials are placed before the surname).

Belousova / , . – 2nd ed., add. and processed – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003. – 256 p. – (Secondary vocational education)

Maslova / , . – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – 400 p. – (Textbooks for universities)

If the book is written four or more authors, then the statements of responsibility indicate either all authors or the first author With by adding in square brackets the abbreviation “and others” [et al.] or its equivalent in Latin [ et al .].

Merchandising in retail trade: per. from English / S. Esterling [et al.]; lane S. Lukin. – 3rd ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. – 304 p.

Description of the book under the title

The title describes collective textbooks, monographs, collections of articles, etc.

Business conversation. Business etiquette: a textbook for university students / author – compiler. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2004. – 431 p.

Ecology: tutorial/ ed. . – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M., Rostov-on-Don: MarT, 2004. – 672 p. - (Training course)

Separate volume of a multi-volume publication

Big Soviet Encyclopedia: in 30 volumes. T. 3: Bari-Bracelet / ch. ed. . – 3rd ed. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. – 640 p.

Economic law: anthology in 3 volumes. T. 1 / under general. ed. . – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. – 416 p.

Articles from magazines, collections and newspapers

Bibliographic description

Author's surname Initials. Title proper : information related to the title (information clarifying the main title of the article)/ information about responsibility // Name of the publication (magazine, newspaper, collection of articles in which the article is published). - The year of publishing. - Number. – Pages on which the article is posted .

Magazine article

Kondratov complex economic analysis in managing the activities of a commercial organization // Economic analysis: theory and practice. – 2005. - No. 23. – P. 47-51.

Muratov’s declaration is not a reason for a fine: tax reporting // Glavbukh. – 2005. - No. 13. – P. 46-50.

Daskovsky and the conditions for the transition to innovative development industry / , // Food industry. – 2005. - No. 6. – P. 34-35.

others" [etc.] or its equivalent in Latin [ et al .].

Blinov forecasting the development of regional GSM cellular communication markets / [etc.] // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2005. - No. 5. – P. 3-16.

Article from the collection

Ivanov corporate economic education/ , // Resource and economic potential of the region. Actual problems. – Vologda, 2003. – pp. 78-82.

Newspaper article

Factoring agreement: legal basis and accounting / G. Savitskaya // Financial newspaper. – 2006. - No. 2.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

Computer from scratch! [Electronic resource]: video course. - Electron. Dan. and program - M.: Best books, 20 electrons. wholesale disk. - Cap. from the screen.

Internet step by step [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. and prog. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 20Zagl. from the screen.

Bychkova / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http//www. *****/edu/ref/enc/k. htm1.

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