How to humiliate a person who shows off. What is an insult? How to respond to the offender depending on the type of criticism

We all know that one word can hurt, offend and even humiliate a person. In the last century, honor and dignity were very valuable, and in order to preserve them, people fought duels. IN modern world It costs nothing to offend and morally humiliate any person. In this article we will look at what words can humiliate each of us. With the help of humiliation, you can bring a person to great stress. There are situations when some people deserve to be treated this way.

Moral humiliation of a person

Humiliation is when a person's feelings fall self-esteem in the eyes of other people. This happens for several reasons: in order to educational work or for self-affirmation of the one who insults. In any case, the person experiences psychological trauma and nervous shock. Everyone who has experienced humiliation in their life will henceforth subconsciously try to avoid such an attitude towards themselves. This will be an excellent lesson for those who have high levels of egoism and self-esteem and who do not accept the opinions of other people.

How can you morally humiliate a person?

Most often, moral humiliation and psychological attack occur in a married couple. When the relationship has reached a certain point, the husband and wife constantly try to humiliate and offend as painfully as possible. If partners humiliate each other every now and then, they thereby increase their self-esteem. Here the problem lies in internal complexes, mental trauma received in childhood, self-doubt, and selfishness. By insulting a partner, a person feels his inner strength. But this only indicates the failure and weakness of the offending person.

This applies not only to family people, but also to others who have relatives and friends. The most offensive thing is when loved ones reach the point of insulting, unreasonable humiliation. It is easy to offend a person if you know all his shortcomings.

How to humiliate a man with words

If a woman has such a desire, it means she has reached the boiling point. There is an opinion that men are weak morally. Even the most confident man can be infuriated by any criticism addressed to him. Let's consider the ways in which representatives of the stronger sex can be humiliated.

  • First find out his life criteria, his self-esteem. Men are proud of the fact that they are males, so you can play on this. Let him know that he does not satisfy you as a man. Some may be greatly offended and others may feel greatly humiliated. Everything will depend on the situation.
  • A great way to humiliate a man is to make an angry statement after a night out. Say he wasn't on high level, such words can deal a serious blow to manhood and even make a guy impotent for a while.
  • For men appearance plays a significant role. They are sensitive to their pumped up muscles. Therefore, it is worth saying that the other guy has more pumped up muscles, your partner will grind his teeth in resentment.
  • Hit on talent and dignity. All men want to be talented in everything, but they lack special data. Then constantly tell him about celebrities who at his age reached all the heights and became popular.
  • Call him " Sissy", a coward, a loser, a mumbler. Your statements will not leave him indifferent.

Methods of verbal humiliation

Let's look at how to humiliate with clever words and more.

  • All people are like people, and you are a real miscarriage of society.
  • Your intellect went for a walk and disappeared forever.
  • Don't pick my brains, go vacuum some cacti in the desert.
  • It’s better to leave in English, otherwise I’ll send it in other languages.
  • Don't rustle the holey bag at me.

Now you know many words that can be used to humiliate a person. Think carefully about whether you need to do this, because the properties of a boomerang can also work. You should learn to forgive and live in harmony with others. Because only in this case are you guaranteed good mood And positive attitude. By offending others, you will never become stronger and you should not take revenge either. We wish you good luck and wise decisions.

Of course, every person has encountered Everyday life with rudeness, hearing swear words and swearing addressed to you. Even if you accidentally step on someone's foot on a trolleybus, you may be insulted. Agree, it’s very offensive when a rude person calls you indecent words because of a trifle. It would seem that we need to answer him in the same form. However, take your time. Profanity in this situation is a bad help.

Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness

Try to put the person in their place in a “peaceful” way without humiliating them.

Don’t know how to insult someone without swearing? Then this article is especially for you.

There are often situations when, after the words “You are the last brute!” or “Oh, you bastard!” the man attacks the offender with fists. He does this because he simply has no idea how to behave in a civilized manner in such a situation.

Remember that the manifestation of aggression only leads to nervous depression, deterioration of health, and sometimes even to thoughts of suicide. It is for this reason that everyone should have information on how to insult a person without swearing.

Know that you need to respond to arrogance and impudence with beautiful, worthy, and most importantly, wise phrases.

What is an insult

Before we continue to consider the question of how to insult a person without swearing, let's define the very concept of insult. What it is? And this is nothing more than a deliberate insult, as a result of which the honor and dignity of a citizen are humiliated, and this is often done in a cynical form. Even actions that have a negative connotation, for example, a slap in the face, spitting, pushing, can in certain situations be regarded as an insult.

Currently, a huge number of psychological techniques, through which the problem of how to insult a person without swearing is solved.

Your task is to find out why your offender attacked you with abuse, and, of course, you must have a worthy response to swear words prepared in advance.

How to respond to insult

How to cleverly insult a person if you are accidentally or intentionally cursed?

First of all, there is no need to interpret swearing literally and take words to heart. It is possible that your opponent is simply in a bad mood, and you fell for him. hot hand" Perhaps he is poorly brought up, but this omission is not your fault.

Remember that people with an eccentric and scandalous character often cannot cope with the negative emotions that suddenly overwhelm them, so they “take it out” on others. Perhaps someone also offended them. And is it worth being angry with such people? Apart from pity, rude people evoke nothing.

The universal behavior here is to ignore offensive words and the opponent's barbs. Imagine that they are not addressed to you.

If your manager or an employee of the company you work for is rude to you, then it is better not to provoke development conflict situation, but try to smooth it out. Well, quarreling with your superiors makes no sense at all.

How to respond to the offender depending on the type of criticism

Before parrying the offender’s phrases, you need to mentally analyze them and if they contain a “rational grain”, then there is no need to challenge this fact. It’s better to say: “Yes, you’re absolutely right!” If, after the insults, you get the impression that you are being slandered, and you have absolutely no idea how you can insult a person with words, but in a civilized form, then ask him a clarifying question.

In particular, if we are talking about any sins and mistakes of which you are accused, while they know that you are not involved in committing them, but they still try to denigrate you in this way, then it is better to ask the following: “Do you have a specific proposal for solution to this problem? Believe me, this question often confuses people.

If constructive criticism is fair, but only partially, then, naturally, it should not be fully accepted. For example, if you were told in a rude manner: “You always don’t come to work on time!”, but you know that this is not so, then you can answer: “Yes, I was late today.”

A completely logical question arises about how to insult a person with words, but delicately, if his criticism is absolutely unfair. In this case, it is recommended to ask a response question directly related to the specifics of rudeness. They may be different. Let's take a closer look at them.


You can respond to attacks and barbs like this: “Why are you interested in this?” What subtext is hidden behind your words? Why do you think so?”

These questions can simply discourage a person, but this does not always happen, and sometimes the interlocutors begin to give detailed answers to them.


Such questions provoke the offender to speak specific facts and give examples. These include, in particular: “Give an example” or “Name a specific fact.” If the offender reacts as follows: “There are a huge number of them…”, then there is no point in continuing further dialogue - take a long pause.


Questions like these are designed to help your opponent express his or her real reasons discontent. For example, you can ask him: “Are you annoyed by my unpunctuality or what clothes I wear to work?” And believe me, the answer in most cases will be “sincere.”


These questions are asked so that the offender expresses all his complaints and does not pester you with them in the future.

These include, in particular, the following: “You are unhappy with the way I talk to clients, the way I dress, the way I make reports. What else am I doing wrong?”

Of course, every person begins to be tormented by the question of how to seriously insult a person after he has been cursed, and even in an obscene form. However, we emphasize once again that responding to rudeness with abuse is not a way out of the situation. Believe me, your abuser is waiting for this to get on your nerves and upset your mental balance. So don't give him such pleasure.

As a rule, in such situations you should show maximum calm and composure, and not think about how to insult a person to the point of tears.

Often, hearing critical remarks addressed to oneself, a person begins to look for excuses for himself: “No, I’m not like that. It's not about me. You are unfair to me,” and so on. Of course, this model of behavior is wrong. By making excuses, you thereby belittle yourself and put yourself in the position of guilt. In addition, in most cases, practically no one is interested in your excuses. It’s all the more stupid to “whiten” your honor in front of a person for whom humiliating or insulting someone is the same as drinking early morning Cup of coffee.

As already emphasized above, you must understand the true motives of the offender’s behavior and determine why he scolds you.

How else to respond to an insult in an intelligent manner

As a rule, in order to upset a person with a “word,” people use standard templates. If you do not want to be taken by surprise in this way, then you must have elementary representation about how to insult a person in a smart way. At your leisure, take a piece of paper and a pencil, and then make a rough list of these expressions. All you have to do is think about the “dignified and polite” answers to them.

For example, if a rude person declares that after a fun party you look unpresentable, then you can offer a solution to the question of how to insult a person in a smart way, namely: “It’s amazing, you didn’t go to any party yesterday, but you still look “ not like a cucumber,” for some reason. Look at the bruises under your eyes.”

You can retort to offensive words through translation negative qualities in dignity. Let’s say you hear: “As always, you won’t shut up, rattling like a magpie.” In response, you can say: “I’m just a sociable person, unlike some.” Agree, good example, demonstrating how to insult someone in a smart way.

To calm down the offender, you can remind him of well-known expressions like “You don’t judge by yourself” or “We are what we think about.” Even if a person does not understand the meaning of these sayings, you must explain to him that, in trying to desecrate your personality, he is in fact using foul language against himself.

In any case, in order to get out of sensitive situations with dignity, there is no need to be rude.

For negative attitude Every woman has her own reasons for a man. And such sentiments are very noticeable if you are critical of women’s posts on the World Wide Web. Representatives of the weaker half are especially interested in the topic of humiliation. Simply put, ladies need phrases with which they can morally humiliate a man.

What words can humiliate a man?

It's rare when a lady throws out humiliating phrases at a guy just like that. This means that the limit of her patience has come. Although, as practice shows, the weak half of humanity does not have this patience.

However, women can only be called the weaker sex conditionally. After all, men are morally less resistant to stress and it is very easy to get them out of emotional balance. Because of this, any instructive conversations with a man should take place under the sign of dissatisfaction with his shortcomings.

Often it won't be difficult to find them. Few of them can simultaneously boast of the makings of a breadwinner, a master, and an excellent friend who knows how to empathize. Often a man is enough for only one role or none at all. But criticism can do its job. Her self-esteem definitely drops. Which means to humiliate so vulnerable person it won't be difficult.

Self-esteem. While puzzling over words for humiliation, it is worth understanding: men carefully protect their peace. This means that most of them have a “program” in their heads, according to which all criticism is a disadvantage to the one who presents it.

This makes it very difficult to shake the self-esteem of such a person. But there is a way out. It is necessary to put pressure on the most intimate thing - belonging to the male species. It is important to make him doubt the pride he feels about this. And hints of disappointment in his masculine strength will finish off even the most stubborn. In any case, a spark of doubt will already sink into the soul.

A cruel joke with a very transparent hint at his inappropriate behavior during sex will be especially unpleasant. This will hook any guy.

Most men pay great attention to appearance. Although they hide it carefully. It is not difficult to check his true attitude. You just need to sincerely admire the figure or facial features of another.

Talent. To offend a guy you don’t have to point out your inability to sing. After all, this is not always among his benefactors. But some talent will still be found. Therefore, it would be useful to use a celebrity with similar abilities as an example. And also to transparently hint that the latter had already shone on stage or among fans at his age.

Words like “coward”, “weapon”, “rag”, “mama’s boy” will act as catalysts for anger on the interlocutor.

What words can you use to humiliate a guy?

Apparently general information will be sufficient. After all, this is all theory. And most ladies really want to learn in practice what words to annoy their beloved.

You should immediately take into account the character and disposition of your interlocutor. Most likely, this is a person who knows what to answer in any situation. Otherwise there would be no need to humiliate him. It is for this reason that it makes sense to review the dialogue below. Many will see their relationship in it. Especially in the part where the man behaves offensively.

- You're a fool!

- Yes it is. I even have a certificate about this. And in the “reason” column it is written: I communicate a lot with fools.

-You don't know how to dance.

- What kind of dancing is there? The main thing with you is to have time to remove your leg quickly so that it doesn’t get crushed.

-What were you barking there?

- Strange. I have no problems communicating with other people. Only with you. It's probably just you or your poor hearing.

-Are you very brave?

- Why are you so bold? Are you afraid that your discount coupon to the emergency room will be wasted?

These are all just approximate models of situations. You can choose a specific option and style of communication only taking into account the communication and character of the person.

It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to shake the self-esteem of a confident representative of the stronger sex. But there will be no problems with a weakling. One way or another, you shouldn’t endure bullying and moral pressure. To do this, you can use a number of universal phrases described below:

  • I probably need to look like a sucker to fit in with you;
  • there is no need to feel sorry for him, he is not sick, this is his usual appearance;
  • Yes, beauty is clearly not your advantage;
  • I would send you, but, apparently, you have already been there;
  • think, at least with some brains, maybe with the ones in your back, closer to your ass, you always do this;
  • a positive Rh factor is, apparently, the only “plus” in the list of your advantages;
  • It’s okay, I didn’t remember your name either;
  • I don’t have the strength to listen to your insanity.

Initially, the article was not conceived as a tutorial for losers: the offended, humiliated and offended, who secretly or openly feel sorry for themselves and hate other people, want to take revenge on “everyone” and find out how to humiliate, insult, “send” a person with words, preferably cultured, smart and beautiful, without swearing.

It is impossible to humiliate, insult and offend (“send”) a person who is wise and harmonious in his soul with words, because they are not offended by the truth, and lies do not deserve attention.

This article is still about how to use a psychological counterattack ( psychological judo, aikido or sambo, if you like), i.e. how to resist insults and humiliations, rudeness and offensive words, how to react (or not to react) and how to respond correctly, civilly and beautifully, naturally, with words without swearing, to those people with a low self-position who want to humiliate, insult, offend you ...(i.e. they want to elevate themselves by humiliating you - they, to put it mildly, are without harmony in their souls - they were previously also humiliated by someone, someone who was stronger than them and to whom they could not answer correctly insults and humiliations, keeping grievances in their souls, and now, working off them, they take revenge on others - don't be like them..., learn conflict-free communication... read this article more carefully).

Remember! No one can humiliate, insult or offend a person with words - only he himself, subconsciously interpreting the conflict situation not in his favor. Whatever beliefs and ideas you have about yourself, that is who you are...and no insulting, hurtful or demeaning words can diminish you...i.e. you belittle yourself by paying attention to bad words another man…

The power of words, or how to “humiliate”, “insult”, “offend” (“send”) a person with words without swearing

Words in the request how to “humiliate”, “insult” and “offend” (“send”) a person are enclosed in quotes because in reality, you and I will not humiliate, insult, or offend anyone...” - we won’t send anyone either - this is the lot of losers with a negative life scenario and disharmony in the psyche (soul), in which grievances and other negative emotions have accumulated and burst out in the form of revenge.

These words are used in the article only because there are too many similar queries on the Internet, i.e. a huge number of people have accumulated grievances within themselves and want to take them out (work them off), and without realizing it, drive themselves into a vicious circle of aggression and conflicts, primarily against themselves and with themselves, which ultimately will have an extremely negative impact not only on relationships with other people, but also on your own mental health, and throughout life in general...

With all this, many want to humiliate, insult and offend a person, to “send” him, man or woman, boy or girl, smartly, beautifully, even culturedly, and, of course, without swearing... (apparently, he still “breaks out”...) . Those. illusory goal - to get “pleasure”, “gloat”, laugh at a humiliated and insulted person who is confused, confused and fell into a stupor at the moment of a psychological counterattack on him - to feel vengeance - without upsetting his moral convictions (“without swearing"), and even amusing them (“clever”, “cultured”, “beautiful”...).

However, these people do not understand or are not aware that not every laughter prolongs life, and that they will not elevate themselves in the least by humiliating and insulting another... that they, in fact, will become the same as the one they offend, i.e. . disharmonious individuals with a low life position.
And as you know, everything in the world returns to normal (like this person whom you insulted and humiliated - you “returned”, and you will be “returned”, if not by him, then by someone else - such is the nature of life).

How to morally “humiliate” a person with clever words without swearing

Insults, hurtful and humiliating words are often perceived as psychological pressure on the individual, and therefore as stress. It is known that a negative perception of stress (not stress itself) significantly reduces a person’s intelligence (IQ), and with it rational memory along with vocabulary, so some people start using obscenities - a few words, but how many meanings... and most importantly - emotions...

Therefore, in order morally “humiliate” a person with clever words without swearing First of all, you need to learn to either quickly relieve stress or deal with it calmly.

And if at the moment of a psychological attack on you you remain calm, do not fall into confusion, stupor and stress, feeling like a “victim” of an emotional attack, then you will retain your intelligence and the acquired knowledge about conflict-free communication and methods of psychological counterattack will “float up”, i.e. .e. you can calmly, intelligently, culturally and beautifully morally “humiliate” a person with clever words without swearing and unnecessary emotions.

How to “insult” a person so that he shuts up, without swearing

It often happens in a conflict situation that the opponent constantly talks and says something abusive, insulting and humiliating, with corresponding gestures, a raised tone, and facial expression, i.e. exerts psychological pressure, which often leads to stress.
Of course, many people want to know how to “insult” a person so that he shuts up(shut up).

Because a conflict or pre-conflict situation presupposes dialogue, i.e. alternating conversation between two or more people, then psychological counterattack techniques will come in handy (some psychotherapists and psychoanalysts call this psychological judo, aikido and even sambo).

The essence of the psychological counterattack(psychological sambo - self-defense without weapons), as in ordinary, physical martial arts, is the use of the enemy’s strength against himself, with a minimum expenditure of one’s strength, in this context, mental energy, and not literally insulting a person so that he shuts up.

Those. here you must first “give in”, as if “humiliate yourself”, “be offended”, in order to then deliver a psychological counter-attack. But not so that your opponent loses and fails, but so that both “win” - otherwise, as mentioned above, everything will return to normal.

For example, if heavy, wet snow presses on a branch, “wanting” to break it, then the branch does not resist directly, does not resist, wasting its strength - it bends, as if down, and the snow under its own weight (“force”) slides off it and does not break the branch.

Also, a sambist, under physical pressure (attack) on him, uses the inertial force of the enemy, using a technique, throws him over himself and drops him to the ground, while practically not wasting his strength.

Very similar techniques and techniques are used in psychological sambo (psychological counterattack), i.e. in the event of an emotional and psychological attack on you (insult, humiliation, offensive words...), you need, as a sambo wrestler, not to resist and confront directly, but, on the contrary, to succumb, as if to “humiliate”, thereby unbalancing your opponent and putting him in confusion, a dead end... (and then he, you can say “Yours” - control this person and manipulate him as you want)...

But not for the sake of revenge and gloating over the “offended” enemy, but for the sake of justice, balance (congruence) in relationships, and, possibly, for cooperation (eventually compromise) and a way out of a conflict situation.

How to “offend” a person with words

Phrase how to “offend” a person with words, as you already understand, we will use it in the context of psychological self-defense (sambo), without exceeding its limits...

Remember! Each person is responsible for his own thoughts, emotions and behavior, and each person mentally healthy man can control his negative feelings, such as resentment, irritation, anger, and the corresponding behavior in the form of defensive aggression, including verbal aggression...

This is easy to check, for example, if a husband is angry and insults, offends his wife - it’s as if he cannot contain his anger - “bullshit”... firstly, she is simply weaker from the start, and secondly, she allows herself to be offended. Most likely this same anger aggressive husband he will restrain himself in front of his superiors or the police - they are stronger for him and will not allow themselves to be offended - the husband understands this, which means he is in control of the situation...

However, the subconscious desire to free yourself from internal negatives gives rise to such a defensive reaction of the psyche as “Displacement” (“Moving”), which can be expressed in "vicious circle" anger and aggression.
For example, the boss “offended” the husband... the husband, in order to work off the negative, may offend his wife with his words and behavior... she, in turn, will offend the child... and he will offend the family dog... the dog will go for a walk, and there... the husband’s boss - she will , for some reason, will bite... (this again means that everything in life returns to normal)...

Therefore, instead of literally offending a person with words, you can use psychological counterattack techniques (sambo), even if the boss or another person in front of you is obviously stronger than you...
("twist the ropes" it’s possible from a strict boss, or from a despotic husband, or from a tyrant parent... but we’re not talking about that... we’re talking about psychological self-defense...).

How to “send” a person beautifully and culturally, without swearing

How sometimes you want to “send” (you know where) an annoying partner, an obsessive client, an annoying boyfriend, a stubborn friend, an overly demanding boss, an always dissatisfied subordinate... or another person. But internal " moral code” and external “administrative” forces you to restrain yourself and invite you to think, how to “send” a person without swearing, beautiful and cultural.

To understand how to send someone away culturally, in the context of psychological self-defense, i.e. without literally offending, insulting or humiliating him (otherwise he will take revenge later... maybe not on you... remember about “their own circle”?), we need to proceed from who is in front of us and what result we want from interaction with our counterpart.

So, how beautifully to “send” a person, based on who is in front of us and what we want from him:
  • If this is the boss, then we want from be less demanding and critical...and maybe a salary increase...or the implementation of our idea...
  • If this is a subordinate, then, on the contrary, so that he works better and fulfills his duties... does not “beg” for a raise in salary and promotion...
  • If this is a business partner, then, probably, good, trusting and honest cooperation, without “pulling the blanket” over oneself...
  • If this is an obsessive girl or boyfriend, then “fuck off”...
  • If a friend, then so that he not only listens and hears himself, but also others...
  • If this is a too strict or overprotective parent, then to begin to understand their teenage child...
  • And if this is a child, ours or whom we are raising and teaching, then he must be obedient and diligent...
  • If this is a seller, then so that the leftist doesn’t screw it up...
  • If a client or buyer, then to buy a product or service...

A lot of different people We encounter many different situations in life, including conflict situations that can arise in interaction with these people. Our task is not to humiliate and insult a person, with or without obscenities, but to respond correctly and wisely (psychologically counterattack) without harming ourselves and him...

In order to clearly and automatically master these techniques of “psychological sambo”, training (practice) is necessary, as in ordinary martial arts... otherwise, even if you know how to respond, but if you get into stress and confusion in a specific conflict situation, you will simply get confused and forget all your knowledge - you need skills, and practice and more practice give them...

Further, you will learn in PRACTICE (with examples from life) how to intelligently and beautifully respond to insult, rudeness, rudeness and humiliation using techniques and techniques of psychological self-defense (counterattack) - this is in continuation of this article...

This article contains expressions, quotes and phrases for responding to insults, without swearing, funny and in rhyme!!! The above quotes will serve as an answer to the question - how to humiliate a person without swearing, with clever words and at the same time do it beautifully. Conditions of use: use these phrases only for self-defense! :=) not for humiliation, so to speak - to send a person away in a civilized and polite way... So the first phrase on the list: I don’t scare you, I’m not a mirror. (short and clear), so let's continue...

  • To shock me greatly, you will certainly have to say something very smart.
  • Do you know that words can greatly offend a person? Well, I can do things...
  • I would have offended you very much... but nature has already done everything for me a long time ago!!!
  • Tell me please... Do you really think that you are right in this situation?
  • Are you on VK (VKontakte)? No! In MJ.
  • Listen dude! Turn down the brightness!
  • Oh, who are you? And I know - you are nobody!!!
  • I explained to you correctly that I do not intend to have anything to do with you!
  • Looking at you, I begin to understand that nothing human is alien to God.
  • You are as simple as the corner of a house...
  • Your caustic mockery calls into question our further communication...
  • Do you know how to troll a friend? Especially if he is your best friend. Here is a way: start your conversation with the words - Here recently to me best friend came in...
  • This insult will be the last in your life...
  • Just don't take the headphones out of your ears. God forbid you chill your brain from the inside with a draft.
  • Don't try to verbally offend me - I am above your insults!
  • Have you decided to besiege me? Did you remember to save before doing this?
  • Why don't you start saving nature? I have a surgeon friend who can sterilize you.
  • Pity humiliates a person, so I won’t feel sorry for you, you understand)))
  • The very smart don't insult - they act...
  • You're like a meme - funny at first, but then infuriating...
  • For guys, insults without swearing are not an insult, so try harder, I'll wait!
  • It’s a shame to the point of tears, but you are not the person with whom I will communicate!
  • I can shut a person up without insulting him - culturally, simply by not noticing his attacks and forgetting about his existence!
  • If you do this again, you will remember this time for a long time...
  • Why are you so (so) not smart (smart)...
  • A mind like a shell, a memory like a goldfish.
  • Shut it down, otherwise it’s fluffed up...
  • To tease a guy, I make him jealous... But in a way you don't...
  • With you, every time, it’s like hugging a toilet...
  • You Zin are in danger of being rude!)))
  • I bet you were conceived on a bet! (With humor!)
  • You remind me of the ocean... You make me just as sick.
  • It's like you're a suitcase without a handle...
  • Who's going to marry her? Suicide is not in fashion these days.
  • Make-up a la Valuev suits you...
  • I don’t need smart words to humiliate you, I’m above this, remember this once and for all!
  • What words are you trying to talk to me in? Where did you get them? In the trash heap?
  • The only thing you might be smart enough to do is turn a cigarette into ash.
  • You could go to the Kunstkamera during your lifetime!
  • If idiots could fly, your whole family would have to live at the airfield.
  • So you played Shrek in the movie?
  • If you have wings growing behind your back, don’t croak!
  • Apparently... you were dropped by a stork on the way... Then you can add - And not once, and not twice!
  • I know how to respond to rudeness with dignity and grace, you need to say - “Sorry, I’m allergic to your nonsense”, and then add “So... where did you stop?”
  • One more such humpbacked word and you will move in jerks all your life.
  • You're doing the right thing when you giggle, they don't laugh with your teeth!
  • Where do these come from? You seem to be from another planet, where the main slogan is stupidity and stupidity again!!!
  • How funny... Ha ha, you're a real troll... Well done! By the way, you look like him)))
  • You can continue to say insulting words to me, but know that I still love you!
  • Do you think that if you talk to me clever phrases, then does this make you smarter?
  • It’s not difficult to humiliate a person morally, with words, but I’m above that!
  • Teeth are not hair; if they fly out, you won’t catch them.
  • What a boor! Where do they breed you like this?!
  • Don’t know how to send a person beautifully? The answer is simple - invite him to lead a column of people who are marching together...
  • So he just wanted to ruin my day? You won't be able to do this!!!
  • A beautiful answer to the question - how to respond to an insult - beautifully, phrases: A stapler is crying on someone’s lips.
  • You have a rough tongue and head, but where were you raised?
  • Know that hidden ridicule is the height of cynicism...
  • Apparently having a brain is not an indicator of having a mind...
  • How do you think? However... Thinking is not about you...
  • Well, have you sharpened the ax of your stupidity?
  • No manicure, no conscience!
  • I don’t like boors, why do I need competitors?
  • Why would you argue with me, it’s a bad omen!
  • How can I send you? intelligently or honestly?
  • No, of course, thank you very much for useful advice, but you shouldn’t compare everyone to yourself.
  • Don't be afraid, I won't beat you. Nowadays, you can get a prison term for rough treatment of animals.
  • Do you know how dangerous a humiliated person is? No? I'll show you now!
  • How beautiful and easy it was on the street until you showed up)
  • Oh, what is this? is this a joke? okay, continue...
  • Go herd hedgehogs, local peacock.
  • If you fall under the hot hand, you will fly under the hot foot
  • You don’t know what to call a person to make him shut up? Here you go - Dry up and crumble the herbarium! It’s too much to call people names only this way and not otherwise - respect each other, don’t lose face!
  • Arrogance does not elevate a person, but humiliates him in the eyes of others...
  • Don't know how to touch someone with words? Just tell him the truth!
  • If you have wings growing behind your back, don’t croak!
  • You just think very poorly of people if you think they are your equal.
  • You are like a cat, you shit yourself and hide...
  • It’s funny how you open your mouth like that))) Ahhh, that’s what you say!))))
  • Yes... Sarcasm is not about you...

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