How waste and garbage are disposed of. We recycle waste and get... energy resources. Effective waste recycling methods. How does waste disposal work?

Under the natural conditions of a modern landfill, waste decomposes within a month, newspapers, cardboard, fallen leaves - up to 4 months, cans and old shoes - up to 10 years, and batteries, tires, plastic bottles and glass - up to 100, 140, 200 and 1000 years, respectively. Considering their annually increasing volume, humanity very soon risks drowning in the waste products of its vital activity. Moreover, it is no longer possible to combat the problem through banal arson, since large-scale flows of smog can cause irreparable harm to the health of the population. In this light great value the issue of processing arises.

The state is taking certain steps in this direction, but business is more able to cope with the task more effectively. In Europe, waste recycling brings huge profits, which has caused high competition in this area. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the industry is still poorly developed, which gives excellent chances to eventually take a leading position, becoming one of the largest suppliers of secondary raw materials to industrial enterprises.

Industry Features

The profitability of a medium-sized waste recycling plant can reach 30% or more. However, when organizing production, an entrepreneur will face a number of difficulties.

The cost of a complex designed for the collection, delivery, reception, and processing of household solid waste (MSW) of most types (excluding hazardous ones, for which work requires obtaining separate licenses and high-tech equipment) will require more than tens of millions of dollars. Moreover most will be the cost of the installations themselves. In addition, you will have to look for a production area larger than 500 m² and corresponding warehouses. In most cases, building from scratch is more profitable than renting, despite the high costs. One of the additional items in this case will be the laying of communications, obtaining permits, licenses, approvals, and so on.

Government support, loans, grants and other ways to obtain additional funding will help make the start easier. During negotiations, remember that the introduction of modern and safe methods of waste recycling is beneficial to local authorities. This can be a good argument in favor of allocating land or providing optimal premises.

Entrepreneurs who are not yet ready for such large-scale investments can carve out their niche with local projects. For example, organize the reception of already sorted waste of a certain type. Or just its processing. In this case, you only need to purchase a complete line for working with one or another type of raw material (most often, we are talking about paper, glass or plastic).

Types of solid waste in terms of profitability

IN ideal a full-fledged plant must perform the full range of functions for sorting and processing waste:

  • reception of municipal solid waste (sorted and mixed);
  • sorting and processing of suitable resources (waste paper, polymers, broken glass, textiles, scrap metal);
  • production of structural products from recycled secondary raw materials.

However, in practice, novice entrepreneurs most often choose a narrow area of ​​activity. In this case, we can distinguish several typical “scenarios” for the operation of an enterprise, depending on the chosen type:

  • Cardboard and paper. In this case, you can organize a small enterprise that collects, presses and sells the resulting product, or open a full-fledged processing plant.
  • Polymers. Similar to the previous point. The most common companies for collecting waste and manufacturing from it secondary granules, which are then purchased by enterprises producing plastic products.
  • Glass. As a rule, entrepreneurs choose between collecting containers (cullet glass) and running a recycling business.
  • Tires. Here most often we're talking about about full-cycle enterprises - from collection to processing. Work can be carried out according to one of three algorithms: collection of worn-out materials from motor transport enterprises, purchase from the population with the organization of collection points, or paid acceptance for recycling.

The priority work strategy and type of raw materials are determined based on several factors, individual for each settlement. The most important of them is the standards for accumulation of solid waste. This indicator indicates their quantity formed per unit of time under certain conditions. Knowing this, you can quite accurately calculate how much raw material can be obtained by working at certain territory.

Speaking about profitability, the following data can be given:

  • aluminum, steel, other metal - almost 100% of the resulting raw materials are processed;
  • textiles - depending on the type of fiber, up to 50% of the material can be recycled;
  • waste paper - the share of useful raw materials in unsorted waste is about 35%;
  • glass - similar to waste paper.

When considering the prospects of this business, it is also necessary to take into account the liquidity of raw materials. It could be:

  • Highly liquid- a class of secondary raw materials from which, as a result of processing under existing conditions, it is possible to obtain products in demand by customers and sell them profitably. This is scrap metal of all types, clean waste from the paper and textile industries, glass waste without impurities, etc.
  • Moderately liquid- Solid waste of average quality, suitable for producing in-demand products, but not highly profitable (the cost of the finished material is approximately equal to the cost on the market). This is mixed waste paper, cardboard, plastic with impurities, textile items, large wooden elements, broken glass, tires.
  • Low liquidity- requiring significant effort for disposal and unprofitable for recycling. These are moisture-resistant cardboard and paper, polymer mixtures, bird fluff, glass cullet with significant contamination. In this case, you can earn income by recycling waste at the expense of the supplier.
  • Illiquid- hazardous waste that cannot be disposed of. For example, multilayer polymer packaging and laminated paper are not suitable for the production of secondary raw materials, therefore they are processed at the expense of the customer or special sources financing - municipalities, etc.

On this moment In the Russian Federation, about 93% of garbage is disposed of in landfills and landfills. Considering the volumes, many entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a worthy niche in a developing business.

Where to get raw materials?

The simplest, but also the most labor-intensive way is to negotiate with the management of landfills or the municipality about the possibility of independently selecting necessary trash. As a rule, at this stage it is beneficial to involve an “asocial element” in the work.

A “cleaner” technology is to conclude agreements with markets, institutions, and enterprises for the removal of sorted waste of the category you need. In this case, “they” reduce the cost of waste removal, the entrepreneur receives necessary materials. True, this does not work with all types of garbage.

Where to sell recycled waste?

One ton processed and compressed polymer waste on the market it costs about 15 thousand rubles, aluminum cans- about 50 thousand rubles, crumb rubber- about 16 thousand rubles, cardboard - about 12 thousand rubles. The daily productivity of the average capacity of a waste processing line is 8-10 tons of recyclable materials. Accordingly, the monthly turnover will be several million rubles, depending on other initial data.

For the most part, consumers of recycled waste paper, tin and polymers are various industries. Such companies are present in different regions and, as practice shows, they are happy to purchase raw materials from local producers. However, it must be remembered that the consumer is already accustomed to comfort and prefers to receive high-quality purified and carefully compressed raw materials, which are easy to work with and convenient to store.

What documents are needed to register a business?

Each country and even region will have its own characteristics of registering a waste recycling enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a number of authorities and consult with specialists from each of them. When opening a business abroad, it is advisable to immediately enlist the support of a qualified lawyer.

The priority form of business registration will be or its equivalent in your country. In the Russian Federation, for this you need to provide the company's charter, articles of association, minutes of the meeting of owners and an application (form 11001).

Large financial flows in the process of operations make the OSNO taxation system optimal for the plant. In this case, income tax will be 20%, and VAT - 18%. At the same time, the entrepreneur is not subject to restrictions on the number of personnel, the value of property, etc. When registering, code 38 is indicated, which allows you to recycle and dispose of everything.

Since most types of solid waste are classified as hazard class 4-5, it is necessary to obtain a processing license, which is issued by the district Rosprirodnadzor. Specialists will conduct an environmental assessment and issue a permit. Next, permission will be required from the SES, water and municipal services of the locality, as well as fire departments. In total, registration issues take from 3 to 4 months.


Since waste sorting and recycling are “dirty” processes with low wages, there are not many people willing to fill the vacant position. However, to launch even a small plant, it is necessary to include 25-30 employees on staff. And even if they are found from the first moment, you need to be prepared for staff turnover - not everyone can withstand prolonged contact with garbage.

In order to retain existing staff and attract new ones, an entrepreneur needs to optimize salaries for a particular region, take care of comfortable working conditions (uniforms, disposable protective items, showers), and think through ways of motivation. Wage employees is the main expense item, but at this stage industry development without people, the enterprise simply will not function.

Processing technology

At a universal plant, the waste recycling process includes the following stages:

  • Waste delivered from the landfill is unloaded onto a receiving site, where it is manually removed bulky waste- construction, Appliances, furniture items, etc.
  • Using a loader, the remaining mass is transferred to a receiving hopper, from where it is fed onto an inclined and then onto a horizontal conveyor.
  • On a horizontal conveyor, waste is sorted by type. This operation is performed manually by employees of 8-15 people.
  • Sorted waste is placed into carts through hatches in the overpass and delivered to presses (each for its own type of waste).
  • The waste is pressed into briquettes, tied and sent to a warehouse, and then to the customer, as a rule, for further processing.

Necessary equipment


Equipment technological line waste processing depends on the type of solid waste and the scale of activity. A classic full-cycle installation (from waste reception to compaction and storage) includes a number of units:

  • Reception bunker. This can be a container or a concrete covered area where bulky waste is removed from the mass of waste. The supply of solid waste to the conveyor can be carried out automatically or using loading equipment.
  • Receiving hopper with plate conveyor. This unit is necessary for uniform supply of waste for sorting.
  • Separator. This is where small fractions of waste are sifted out.
  • Horizontal Belt Conveyor. In most cases, it is serviced by operators who select certain fractions and dump them into separate containers. Depending on the types of waste selected for processing, the number of operators (and the containers themselves) may vary.
  • Main separator for collecting ferrous metal(usually located at the end of the conveyor).
  • Receiving hopper for waste that cannot be recycled.
  • Storage bins for sorted ones.
  • Baling presses- separate for each type of waste.
  • Storage device for bulky waste.

In addition to the equipment listed, you may need Consumables for processing. For example, to prevent delamination and scattering of finished briquettes at the pressing stage, add special compounds. Another option to make transportation more comfortable is to purchase a binding line, where the briquettes are wrapped with strap tape or polyester film.

How much does the whole complex cost?

Construction from scratch of a universal plant designed to collect and process the maximum possible number of types of waste (from waste paper and plastic to rubber and glass) will cost about $20 million. A small workshop designed to work with a specific type of raw material can be organized for 50-200 thousand dollars.

A couple of years ago, people from RAO UES decided to get into the “garbage business”. The total investment in the Eco-System Group of Companies amounted to 16 billion rubles. The profitability of this area is estimated at 30%, which, together with the required volumes of cash injections, makes it unaffordable and uninteresting for small and medium-sized businesses. Contrary to popular belief, in Europe, the construction of solid waste recycling and processing plants is also mainly carried out by energy giants. For example, the German E. On is building a not very large plant in Cardiff.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. A complete set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

Using this form, you can submit a request for services, request a commercial offer, or receive a free consultation from our specialists.


What is waste management? Waste disposal is a priority task for all humanity.

Along with the growth of the planet's population and the level of consumption, the amount of household waste in Russia is also growing. In the near future it may reach alarming proportions. The obvious question arises about disposal, and ideally subsequent recycling ( reuse). But this is reflected in the lack of organizations that deal with the removal and disposal of household and industrial waste.

Naturally, this problem of household waste disposal cannot be solved at the local level; overcoming them is feasible by establishing clear norms and rules and strict control of their implementation at the state level. The legislation regulates the removal of household waste, but does not clearly monitor it. Therefore, it is unknown whether they are disposed of or simply stored in landfills, polluting the surrounding lands and residential areas.

Stages of household waste disposal

Before the final elimination of unnecessary waste from human life, you should clearly know the action plan and imagine the sequence of their implementation.

  1. Collection and removal of household waste. You can’t just collect and burn all the garbage without sorting it. You should first sort it by type; for this, near most residential areas there are containers with the name of the garbage corresponding to them. For each such container there must be an appropriate machine for loading and transporting the contents. Separate collection and removal of waste is effective way collection How things really happen can be observed from the outside. Often all containers are cleaned by the same machine, and the efforts of citizens are reduced to zero. After all, when arriving at the landfill, everything is probably dumped into one pile and, at best, sorted on the spot. A should be sent to appropriate places for disposal or processing of previously separately collected waste. Therefore, it is so important to develop legal documents that will specify the nuances and propose solutions that provide for the separate removal and collection of household waste.
  2. Garbage storage. There are special landfills or landfills for the accumulation of waste; according to city standards, the terms of its maintenance, volumes and area allocated for them are stipulated. Naturally, the faster it is disposed of, the less land will be used for it.
  3. Transportation of waste from landfills. Loading mechanisms and machines are needed to deliver waste to specific places and enterprises for disposal.
  4. Disposal. It is carried out differently in each region, based on the available firms and implementation resources. IN developed countries There are many ways to dispose of household and industrial waste. Based on the results they obtained and adopting their experience, it is possible to find the optimal solution to the problem that has arisen. environmental problem. In the meantime, the most common types are: incineration, burial and briquetting. Each of them has its own negative and positive sides. To understand the reasons for this, we need to consider each method separately.

Waste disposal methods

Before using them, you should clearly understand the scale of the various garbage stored first in a single apartment, and then in the region, city and in the whole country. It immediately becomes clear that it is necessary to create and master alternative methods for processing this recyclable material, starting with establishing sorting and ensuring proper garbage disposal.


It is a cheap and common disposal option. It can be produced in several ways:

  • Chamber
  • Sloev
  • In a fluidized bed

The application of this method is the thermal elimination of industrial waste at very high temperatures, which will ensure the combustion of industrial waste without residue and partially absorb toxic substances.

The problem with disposal in this way is that the remaining substances have a detrimental effect on the air in the vicinity of the place. Modern industrial waste incinerators are equipped with cleaning systems and electricity generators. As a rule, the ash remaining after the combustion of industrial raw materials is subject to further removal and burial.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Small financial costs
  2. The released heat is used to generate electricity or for heating
  3. Significant reduction in mining volume

The main and probably the only drawback is toxicity, so burning is unsafe for environment. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to use systems for purifying gases released during waste combustion.

Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of waste without air; this method helps reduce harm to the environment.


The essence of the procedure is the usual burying of waste in the ground. This is done at special testing sites, the requirements for which are specified in the relevant documents. Landfills provide environmental protection. Special requirements apply to such areas, such as compliance with sanitary rules, as well as SNiP.

The following polygons are allowed:

  • Outside residential area
  • Medical institutions
  • Recreational areas
  • Water protection zones
  • Public recreation areas

Radioactive, toxic waste, as well as those suitable for recycling. As a result of the decomposition of burial sites, harmful gases and vapors are formed. Due to their composition, these formations cause harm to the soil, subsurface and surface waters, air and human activity.

There is a possibility of fires, explosions and, less dangerously, the spread of odors. Based on the above, it is clear that landfill gas also requires collection and disposal, which is what is practiced at landfills.

Currently, cases of waste removal and burial at unauthorized landfills are being recorded, which is punishable by law. It is for this reason that the legislation clearly regulates the requirements for landfills.

This method is cheap, but requires the availability of land, which subsequently cannot be used for economic work. To restore them will require much more money and time than if they are contaminated.


The process of decomposition of the organic part of consumer waste by microorganisms occurs in two ways:

  • Aerobic - in the presence of oxygen
  • Anaerobic - in the absence of oxygen

The output is compost - organic fertilizer, there is also a selection carbon dioxide. The composting site must be sufficiently moist and shady, and soil drainage must be ensured, i.e. removal of moisture.


  • Easy to implement method
  • Low cost
  • Subsequent use of raw materials
  • The number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil increases



This new way involves first sorting the waste, then arranging it into briquettes. And then they are stored in designated areas. Its feasibility has not yet been fully proven. It serves as the next step before processing and possibly further industrial use or sent for removal and disposal.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Reducing waste volume
  2. Reducing the likelihood of fire
  3. Reducing environmental damage
  4. Convenient further removal and storage at landfills

Removal and disposal of household waste require due attention. With the help of their proper organization, you can not only significantly speed up the process of waste disposal, but also protect the environment, and also reduce the use natural resources. Currently, this problem is relevant.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

We work with all regions of Russia. Valid license. A complete set of closing documents. Individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

Using this form, you can submit a request for services, request a commercial offer, or receive a free consultation from our specialists.


Garbage disposal is serious problem, which affects not only Russia. Garbage can be useful, the kind that can be reused, but we rarely think about the fact that the thing we throw away can find a second life. In fact, thanks to waste recycling plants, this is happening, and we are surrounded in everyday life by things that were once garbage.

Garbage that can be reused:

  • Waste paper: different kinds papers and cardboard.
  • Glass bottles and broken glass.
  • Aluminum cans.
  • Textiles and worn clothing.
  • Various types of plastic, each container has a recycling sign, thanks to which you can find out what material it is made from.

Even food waste, and they can be processed into compost to produce fertilizers for suburban areas.

The problem of disposal and recycling

Until recently, household waste disposal around the world was carried out in two ways:

  • burning in special furnaces or in open dumps
  • burial in burial grounds

With the first option, additional air pollution occurs with combustion products, and with the second, groundwater pollution, soil subsidence, as well as intensive formation of methane gas, which can explode at the slightest spark. Thus, fires in landfills are a very common event.

Attempts to radically solve the problems of recycling household waste are already being made in Japan, as well as in Western countries with highly developed industry. They practice high-tech sorting lines in factories and introduce separate collection in different containers. For example, in Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium, the recycling level is already over 60%. In Russia, the solution to the recycling problem looks completely different, for the worse.

Basic methods of recycling household waste

Household waste is disposed of using various methods. There are several ways to dispose of solid waste. Various ways Household waste disposal systems are suitable for different types of waste and different volumes.

The following methods are currently actively used:

  1. Garbage disposal. This method remains the most popular. The garbage is taken to landfills, where it is sorted (if this has not been done previously). Modern landfills for solid waste storage are equipped with special water and air purification systems to avoid environmental pollution. The main problem with solid waste disposal at landfills is the accelerated accumulation of waste.
  2. Composting. This method is based on the biodegradation of certain materials. Suitable for processing any non- hazardous waste biological origin. Virtually no harm to the environment. Despite many advantages, composting has not become widespread in Russia.
  3. Thermal processing. It is considered the most promising method. Allows you to obtain recyclable materials, which are also subject to subsequent disposal. The main difficulty is related to the need for initial investment.
  4. Plasma processing. A modern high-tech method that allows you to obtain gas from solid waste processing with a sufficient amount of organic components.

Global recycling practice consists of a combination of all of the listed methods, depending on the type of waste and the industrial processing capabilities of the country.

Waste recycling level in Russia

In Russia, the problem of waste disposal is quite acute. And first of all we are talking about household waste, since industrial waste must be disposed of in established by law order and their destruction is controlled. People don’t even think that the volume of garbage thrown away reaches 400 kilograms per person per year, according to the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. Subsequently, this waste is transported to a landfill, and in rare cases to waste processing plants, which are engaged in sorting and processing.

Waste disposal in Russia is a very acute problem, the solution of which is only possible with the right approach to it. According to statistics, 40% of all garbage is valuable recyclable materials that can be processed into a further product. Unfortunately, only 7-8% of all waste goes to factories; the rest is transported to solid waste landfills, then buried or burned.

There are no factories in Russia that would carry out the entire waste processing cycle, from collection, sorting and ending with the final product. Collection and recycling of waste is very profitable business, today the demand for recyclable materials is very high. It is also a business with low level risk, tariffs for solid waste disposal are very stable and are only growing every year.

Methods for recycling waste in Russia are very scarce; they consist of pressing and placing waste in landfills for solid waste. This is the most inexpensive way. In Europe, due to high environmental requirements, disposal of solid waste in landfills is the most unprofitable and expensive way to dispose of waste.

Unfortunately, waste disposal in Russia is not yet developed, as in Europe, and our environmental requirements are simpler, as is control over compliance with these requirements. The development of the industry is impossible without attracting public and private funds. Changes in legislation could have a positive impact on changing this situation.

Ways to solve the problem

An obstacle to solving such an issue as recycling is the mentality of our people. The ongoing experiments on the introduction of a separate waste collection system failed miserably. This separate collection system must be systematically practiced for years to obtain certain positive results.

Even establishing fines for violations did not have the desired effect, since it is impossible to track all offenders. The solution to this situation can be waste recycling. To do this, it is necessary to improve the collection and sorting of waste, as well as to encourage the creation of organizations that start this developing business option.

Some household and organic waste is processed through composting. They subsequently serve as fertilizer or a source of energy. When burning waste, it is necessary to use special equipment that will act as a filter and control air pollution. Heating stations are opening in Russia that will provide energy from waste.

The main factor in achieving a 100% waste recycling rate is the creation of a sales market for recycled products. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the psychological factor; a person must learn to use and buy items that were created by recycling from waste.

Any living organism leaves waste in the process of its life. In this case, the first place here goes to the person. Huge landfills are proof of this. Mountains of garbage not only spoil the view and have bad smell, but are also a source of pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, including infectious and toxic agents.

At the same time, waste in landfills is often a resource base. Therefore, their recycling is not only necessary for preserving the environment, but also a cost-effective measure. And there are many technologies.

Garbage sorting

The separation of waste into certain components is rather a preliminary step in processing. Ideally, it begins at the stage of waste production and accumulation, that is, in citizens’ homes and apartments.

Several containers are used for this. In each of them it is thrown separate species waste: paper, glass, organic food waste, metal, plastic, etc. In Russia, this practice is taking root slowly, but residents European countries They don’t consider it particularly difficult to separate waste. This is especially true for pedantic Germany. Here even glass is sorted by color. But the Germans were faced with a problem such as lack of space for a huge number of garbage containers. And not every Russian apartment has space to accommodate containers for various wastes.

For this reason, waste sorting at waste treatment plants is more relevant, which includes several actions:

  1. Shaking trash, breaking plastic bags and paper and separation of adhered sand and dust particles.
  2. The separation of all waste into fractions is carried out in several stages. For this purpose, special gratings with different throughput diameters are used.
  3. Branch from total mass metal waste capable of magnetization. This procedure is carried out using special magnetic separators.
  4. Manual sorting of waste transported on a special conveyor. The use of robots allows people to be relieved of this monotonous work.

As a result of sorting, secondary raw materials are obtained, and the unselected material is also subjected to further processing: burning, burial, etc.

How to dispose of waste correctly and safely

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Universal equipment for waste sorting and highly specialized machines for crushing rock. Profitable, reliable, affordable

IN modern world Time and quality are valued in any work, including waste recycling. The bag opener is one of the reliable devices that saves time and gives excellent results.

According to statistics, a huge amount of bottles are recycled per year. In pre-processing, bottles are usually baled and sent for recycling.

With the help of crushers, large waste can be converted into crushed raw materials for secondary production. One of the most common means of crushing waste is rotary crushers. With the help of such a machine you can crush wood, crushed stone, plastic, cardboard, film.

To process recyclable materials, presses of horizontal or vertical type are used. Horizontal devices require significant space for placement. Vertical ones are compact and mobile, but less productive

Waste disposal in the cement industry - implementation paths, methods and necessary procedures. How to profit from trash

What legal subtleties await an entrepreneur when licensing waste processing and disposal?

Disposal of hazardous waste is a necessary stage in the development of industrial areas and megacities. It must be done in accordance with safety requirements and compliance with all rules.

Correct and strict adherence to safety rules when disposing of ammonia will allow you to recycle it efficiently and safely for the environment. Ammonia processing is a necessary step in working with gases in production.

Has the evolution of solid waste recycling technologies affected it? What methods of waste recycling have appeared in recent decades and are they used in Russia?

The problem of waste accumulation is one of the most pressing problems of humanity. There are many methods for recycling and neutralizing hazardous waste: incineration, burial, recycling, neutralization.

The problem of rice husk disposal is relevant all over the world. What technologies exist for processing rice husks and how can the secondary product be used?

This is one of the oldest and most common methods of waste disposal. Now large volumes of waste are disposed of using special furnaces in waste incineration plants.

This processing method has several advantages:

  • significant reduction in waste volume;
  • obtaining thermal energy;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora.

However, this recycling process also has one significant drawback: the formation and release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This led to the fact that waste incineration plants High demands are placed on the purification of gaseous waste, which often deprives enterprises of the required level of income. And the heat from combustion is rarely used in Russia.

This is one of the most common methods for treating animal waste, solid household and . Its essence lies in the natural decomposition of organic substances during the life of bacteria. There are several technologies.

They consist in the fact that periodically turned over heaps of organic waste are formed on special sites. The tedding of the piles is carried out using special tedding machines. In the very effective option processing is carried out in special bioreactors with aeration.

However, this method is rarely used in Russia.

In addition, in our country composting is often carried out without preliminary sorting; the resulting compost is dangerous and cannot be used for its intended purpose as fertilizer for gardens, agricultural enterprises, etc.

But even with preliminary preparation it is not possible to get rid of heavy metals in solid waste. This compost can be used to cover landfills.

Another disadvantage of composting is the need to allocate areas.

High-quality purified compost from organic animal waste (manure and droppings) and plant residues is an excellent source of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are in a form that is digestible for plants. Composting also destroys helminths and pathogenic microorganisms.

The essence of the method is that garbage is distributed in special pits and covered with a layer of soil of 60-80 cm. Such treatment is carried out at landfills, the preparation of which prevents the penetration of contaminants into the soil and groundwater. In the most advanced version, landfills are equipped with special ventilation, a gas exhaust system and containers for collecting biogas, which can be used as fuel for heating.

The disadvantage of the method is that the risk of pollution of the atmosphere, soil and groundwater remains even if the most advanced filter systems are used. The accumulation of biogas for further use is rarely done today and mainly in Europe.

Thermal waste treatment

In addition to traditional incineration, this method of waste disposal includes pyrolysis, which is the decomposition of waste under high temperatures without oxygen. It is more advanced and technologically advanced than simple combustion.

Plasma waste treatment

Essentially this is gasification of waste. Processing occurs at temperatures from 900 to 5000 degrees. As a result, gas is obtained from organic matter, and slag is obtained from inorganic matter.

The first can be used to generate electricity and heat. The slag is absolutely harmless and compact.

At the same time, to dispose of waste using plasma treatment, there is no need to sort and dry the waste.

There are even small pyrolysis boilers for heating houses.

Many people believe that there are no recycling plants in Russia. But that's not true. We have had such enterprises for a long time. Where do they get raw materials from if almost no one sorts waste? Now they mainly process industrial waste or centrally collect, for example, cardboard in supermarkets. But all the directors of these factories tell us that they are ready and able to recycle more if Russians start sorting their garbage at home.

"Plarus" is the first Russian plant that operates using bottle-to-bottle technology. Recycled plastic is no different in quality from what comes to the enterprise. The finished raw materials are used to produce new plastic bottles. Raw materials are purchased from landfills, waste sorting plants and private collections. Purchase price: 25 rubles per kilogram. In one hour, the plant processes 1,200 kilograms of plastic bottles.

Every year in Moscow alone, millions of plastic bags are used and thrown away. It turns out that some of them are successfully recycled. Recycle correspondents went to the Moscow region to the plant of the Expert Vtor company. After sorting the packages a certain color put into the crusher. In it, using V-shaped knives, the film is crushed to particles of uniform size. The next stage is agglomeration. The so-called “cooking” occurs in it, as a result the mass is sintered into separate small balls.

A Recycle correspondent went to Lobnya near Moscow to see and photograph how electronics and equipment are recycled at the Petromax plant of the Finnish concern Kuusakoski recycling in Russia. Here, workers manually separate metal, wires and plastic. Cardboard packaging is pressed and sent to other enterprises for processing. What the workers did not separate by hand goes into the crusher. Then the iron fraction is demagnetized from the crushed raw materials and goes into black scrap. It is transported by rail for sale.

Charity stores “Thank you!” have been working in St. Petersburg for five years. Throughout the city, the project team installed more than 30 containers to collect unnecessary items. At some point they decided to launch their own processing line. Now with the help of a production machine they get new material- batting This fiber can be used in construction as a soundproofing material. It is also used in the manufacture of cotton pillows, mattresses, blankets, furniture, toys, workwear and other products.

CJSC Petromax actively participated in 2010 state program for car recycling. About 1,000 cars were scrapped then. If we take into account average weight car is approximately equal to one ton, then the plant receives from it: approximately 750 kilograms of iron. From the engine - approximately 10-20 kilograms of aluminum. Copper: wires and what is obtained after crushing from starters and generators, which is 3-5 kilograms. Interior trim (plastic or textile): 70-100 kilograms.

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