What documents are needed to obtain and apply for a mortgage? What documents are needed to obtain a mortgage loan from a bank

The process of obtaining a mortgage consists of several stages and requires careful preliminary preparation of documentation. Differing in nuances, the requirement what documents are needed for a mortgage is aimed at obtaining comprehensive information about the client, his solvency, and the liquidity of the acquired object.

Despite the fact that the list of documents for a mortgage transaction is very extensive, with the study of the issue and consistent actions, everyone will be able to get the necessary papers. Some of the papers are always available, others are requested from the relevant organizations and authorities, and others are prepared in the process of applying for a mortgage.


The main basis for considering the application of a potential borrower is his civil passport and personal information from it. With the help of a passport, the client confirms his compliance with:

  • acceptable age (from 21 to 60 years old, sometimes the age increases to 70-80 years);
  • marital status;
  • the number of dependents;
  • presence of registration in the region of presence of the bank ( Lately this requirement is unimportant for many creditors);
  • having Russian citizenship.

Before submitting a document, you must make sure that it is valid, because at the age of 45 a citizen is required to obtain a new passport.

Personal information about the borrower will make it possible to draw a preliminary conclusion about the reliability and responsibility of a person, as well as to judge the income distributed to all family members.

Consideration of a preliminary request for the possibility of lending is impossible without assessing the financial situation of a person, income level and the availability of stable employment in a reliable organization.

A certificate from the employer, a declaration of income 2-NDFL will help confirm the availability of work. There is an extended list of papers that provide for the characteristics of each citizen. The prospective borrower must confirm his financial situation primarily with the help of documents from the employer in case of hired work or a certificate of registration as an entrepreneur for an individual entrepreneur.

The lender pays attention to the duration of work with the current employer and the total length of service labor activity. This can be confirmed by a separate certificate, which indicates the period of work at the enterprise and the position of the employee. Most banks require that the future borrower work for last place at least 6 months (for payroll clients, the period can be reduced to 3 months) with a total experience of more than 1 year.

Persons receiving income from entrepreneurial activities must confirm the period of employment for more than 2 years.

The general list of documents that may be required under various circumstances is as follows:

  1. Certified copy work book requested from the accounting department of the current employer. If there are other places of work, they receive a copy of the agreement on the admission "part-time". Certification is made with a blue seal and signature of an authorized person, indicating the date. The copy of the employment record must contain a record that the candidate for a mortgage loan continues to work to the present.
  2. Certificate from the employer indicating the position, date of admission to the state and the total duration of work (issued on letterhead).
  3. The founder of the organization will require an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates from financial institutions in which settlement accounts are opened and an active movement of funds, income, profit and loss statements, a certificate from the Federal Tax Service on the absence of claims for tax deductions.
  4. In addition to the certificate, the individual entrepreneur submits a tax return, if necessary, a license to operate.
  5. Freelancers and persons with unearned income provide a 3-NDFL report with a mark of acceptance, a lease agreement.
  6. Contractors submit a copy of the contract with the employer.
  7. Owners of securities, metal accounts, valuable items represent Required documents, indicating their ownership and the right to dispose of them.
  8. The main document is an income statement in the form of a bank or a 2-NDFL declaration for the last six months.

When preparing, you should take into account the limited validity of the above papers. They can be submitted for consideration to the bank within 30 days from the date of registration.

The questionnaire can be filled out online, from the page of the official website of the lender, or completed in direct communication with the manager of the credit department. He also helps to correctly draw up an application, based on the information provided by the citizen.

You should be careful when transferring information about yourself and your income, because the slightest discrepancy in information, a typo, an error can be perceived as an attempt to deceive, with a guaranteed refusal to lend. To eliminate problems, a careful check of the entered information before sending a preliminary application will allow.

List of documents required for registration mortgage loan, largely depends on the individual circumstances under which the borrower receives income. In most cases, a successful borrower becomes an employee who has confirmed the existence of a stable, well-paid job by submitting a certificate to the bank on the form provided financial institution, or 2-personal income tax from the place of work.

For persons conducting entrepreneurial activities and having a business, tax certificates, profit and loss statements, tax returns will be required.

Documents containing information about real estate

According to the adopted legislation, in case of a mortgage, collateral is issued for the acquired property. For the lender, papers confirming the high liquidity and legal purity of the collateral will be important.

The list that the seller presents to the borrower consists of the following securities:

  1. Certificate of registration of property in Rosreestr.
  2. A document establishing the basis for registering real estate for a specific seller (purchase deed, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance, privatization, exchange agreement).
  3. An extract from the USRR is prepared when contacting the Rosreestr or through the MFC and remains valid for a month.
  4. A written refusal of the other owners who have the priority right to redeem is issued for a share in common ownership.
  5. If there is a marriage, they prepare the consent of the second half to the alienation of jointly acquired property.
  6. If the owner is a child under the age of 18, a preliminary order is issued with permission for the transaction from the guardianship authorities.
  7. A cadastral passport, a certificate from the BTI with a floor plan, a registration certificate are prepared without fail.
  8. An extract from the house book, indicating the absence of registered tenants.
  9. If instead of the owner the transaction will be carried out by an authorized person, a notarized power of attorney and personal documents of the representative are prepared.

On the part of the buyer, it will be necessary to prepare documents related to the upcoming registration of the pledge:

  1. Conclusion of experts in real estate appraisal (required to determine the size of the required credit line, based on a certain percentage of the appraised value).
  2. A certificate, an extract from the bank, establishing the presence of sufficient savings to make the first installment. As confirmation, you can use a receipt from the seller on receipt of the amount in hand.
  3. Pier stock marital relations draw up the consent of the spouse to receive a mortgage loan and collateral. If the distribution of property is established by the marriage contract, it will also be required for the transaction.
  4. Single borrowers draw up a notarized certificate of the fact of the absence of marital relations by the time they apply to the bank.

The exact list of documents needed to obtain a mortgage on an apartment will take into account the type of real estate being purchased and the special circumstances of the transaction, which the lender will inform about after consideration of the preliminary application.

Mortgage - long-term loans provided by the bank secured by real estate. Most of the time it's hard enough to make money. full amount to buy an apartment or house.

It is for this reason that many families take out a mortgage loan. But, what documents are needed to apply and get a loan?

Documentation requirements for a mortgage

In fact, the list of documents may differ, depending on what kind of housing you are going to purchase. It can be a variant from the primary or secondary market, or you can also tackle the string yourself.

If this is a shared construction, for example, you will need a contract for participation in such construction, a permit for the construction of a building, a building contract, a copy of the registration of ownership, as well as a lot of title documents.

But, nevertheless, there is a standard list that must be observed in any case, and you will be notified of an additional one.

The passport. This is the most important document. And it should not be a copy, as the financial institution needs to verify its validity. No one will see your passport except the loan officer, because all information is stored electronically. You should also have a copy of all pages with you.

Copy of work book . You copy all spreads, each of which must be certified by the employer (position, signature of the person who made the entry, full name). All copies are additionally certified by the seal of the organization or company in which you work. Below, after the employment record, the following fields must also be filled in:

  • Date of;
  • record number;
  • What position does he work in?

All fields are filled exclusively in blue ink, and at the bottom of the last entry there should be two fixing signatures.

income statement . This can be either a certificate in any form, or a 2-personal income tax form. When you have such a certificate in your hands, you can determine offhand that overall size mortgage loan, which in this case can be counted on. As a rule, the norm is when the size of the annuity is not higher than 30% of the income of the borrower and possible co-borrowers.

Marriage registration certificate . Of course, it must be presented by those who are married. If you are divorced, provide proof of divorce.

References from creditor banks. This is for those who have already taken a loan. Such certificates are necessary in order to confirm your positive credit history.

A photocopy of the tax return for the specified period. Such a copy is needed if you, as a borrower, had additional income in addition to your main job (such as renting a car or real estate).

Children's birth certificates. Copies of certificates are provided if the children have not reached the age of majority.

Certificate from neuropsychiatric/narcological dispensaries or driver's license . They indicate that you are not on treatment and are not registered. All certificates are provided only in the original.

The problem may arise when such an institution refuses to issue you a certificate. Then you can refer to the fact that you simply need them to get a driver's license, because the fact of sanity is important here, and not the purpose of obtaining a certificate.

What else might be required?

The main list also includes those certificates and copies that confirm your education and specialty, confirm your right to own securities, photocopies of loan agreements, which confirm the payment of previous loans.

If you are doing entrepreneurial activity you need copies constituent documents and copies of lease agreements for business space, necessary extracts from various credit institutions and data on the dynamics of settlement accounts for the reporting year.

We also need data that indicates the absence of debts for multi-level budgets and copies of tax reporting certificates, and photocopies of agreements made with the main counterparties.

Many banks also act at their own discretion, requesting other information. For example, most often this is a certificate of registration of ownership of movable and immovable property. What for? This confirms your ability to pay, increasing the chances of success by several times.

Additional documents for obtaining a mortgage

  • Copy of death certificate of children/parents/spouses;
  • certificate of registration at the place of permanent registration;
  • a copy of your pension certificate;
  • a copy of the certificate of the amount of the monthly pension for all non-working relatives;
  • copies of passports of all adults who live together with the borrower;
  • copies confirming that the client also has bank accounts (deposit, card, on demand, current, etc.). They rely on statements for the last six months.

What if there are several borrowers at once? What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage? If you decide to take out a mortgage with relatives, you need to prepare full list all of the above copies and certificates for each of the borrowers.

As long as you build the entire package ahead of time, instead of bringing in a new copy every day, and following all the instructions carefully, you won't have a problem getting a loan.

More about the map

  • Term up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Loan from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • According to the passport, without references;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Loan from Eastern Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Term up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Solution instantly;
  • Loan up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

More about the map

Which reaches incredible proportions when working with banks on the mortgage profile. Various certificates, photocopies, questionnaires are required - which is not invented by Russian bankers. But you need to understand that all the formalities accompanying the registration of housing loans are necessary, and be prepared to systematically overcome them.

What documents are needed for a mortgage issued in Russian banks is a very relevant question. Today we will try to draw up an action plan that can be guided by when overcoming the formalities that are characteristic of the banking system.

Two stages of workflow

The turnover of securities associated with obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing or a house can be divided into two stages. The first is when the borrower applies for a loan. The second is when he, having received a positive decision, draws up an apartment or house for himself (makes settlements with the seller, registers real estate, etc.).

So, the first stage.

Mortgage under two documents in the Security Council of the Russian Federation?

For starters, a little sensation. In the spring of 2014, the mortgage lending market was surprised by the news: Sberbank made it extremely easy to issue loans for the purchase of housing. Now, to apply for a mortgage loan, you need only two documents - one of them is a passport, the other is some other legal identity card (license, military ID, etc.).

This offer is relevant not only for customers who have previously had experience in obtaining loans at Sberbank, but also for completely new borrowers.

The new conditions apply not only to the two basic loan products of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on mortgages - the program for the purchase of finished housing and its analogue, through which you can purchase real estate under construction, but also for other credit solutions.

In addition to this innovation, Sberbank has simplified the document requirements for those borrowers who have salary accounts opened in this financial institution. Such clients can apply for a mortgage by presenting only a passport (you will also need to fill out a questionnaire at the bank's office). No other documents are required to obtain a mortgage.

True, in order to exercise the right to apply for a passport and a second identity card, the client must choose a loan that meets a number of criteria:

  • repayment period: no more than 30 years;
  • down payment: 40% (in the regions of presence of the South-Western Branch - 30%).

The management of Sberbank called this proposal revolutionary. According to the managers of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, clients can, by showing loan officers the documents they most often carry with them, acquire an apartment in short time. Formalities are kept to a minimum. Borrowers no longer need to think about what documents they need to collect for obtaining a mortgage.

Standard package of documents for Sberbank

What should borrowers do who need a loan that does not meet the above criteria? What documents are needed for a mortgage, which implies the issuance of a loan on terms with lower requirements for the amount of the down payment? What is the standard package of papers for Sberbank?

  • First, you need a basic Russian document, proving the identity of a citizen - a passport.
  • Secondly, a photocopy of the borrower's work book will be required in order to confirm employment and a permanent income.
  • Thirdly, you will need to provide a 2-NDFL certificate (or a document drawn up in the form of a bank). With the help of these securities, the bank analyzes the actual income of the borrower.

If the borrower individual entrepreneur, then he will need to provide Sberbank with a copy tax return. The document must bear the seal of the Federal Tax Service, confirming that the original has been handed over to this department.

These are the documents for a mortgage in Sberbank. Of course, this list is not exhaustive. Depending on the specific policy structural unit Security Council of the Russian Federation, it can be supplemented by other papers.

Documents for applying for a mortgage at VTB24

One of the main competitors of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in the Russian mortgage market is VTB24 Bank. To apply for a loan at this financial institution, you will need to provide almost identical documents for obtaining a mortgage.


  • the passport;
  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • a copy of the work book.

VTB24 also has its own income verification form. It can be an alternative to the 2-NDFL certificate.

We see on the example of VTB requirements - documents for mortgages in different Russian banks should be provided in general the same.

Do Gray and Unearned Income Matter?

Many Russians receive a "gray" salary (in an envelope). Banks, according to experts, are quite normal about this, and the Security Council of the Russian Federation is no exception. "Grey" incomes cannot replace those that are confirmed by the 2-NDFL certificate, but they are usually taken into account. There is a version that those very letterheads from banks were created just so that the actual income of a citizen (which may be higher than the figures indicated in 2-personal income tax) is registered in them.

The general rule for Russian financial institutions is to issue a loan only if the monthly amount of payments on it (as well as other existing debt obligations) does not exceed 40% of the client's income. In the past few years, however, many banks have liberalized this formula by issuing loans, even if the borrower gives about 70-80% of his income to pay off obligations.

The policy of banks regarding whether or not to take into account unearned and “gray” income in the formula for calculating the solvency of the borrower varies greatly. But letting the financial institution know that the borrower's cash receipts are formed not only at the expense of wages will not be superfluous.

Should I provide a credit report?

Some experts tend to give borrowers a recommendation that is still very new for most Russians. It's about about giving the bank a printout from the credit bureau along with the main package of mortgage documents. This is justified from several points of view.

First, the client emphasizes his openness to the bank, his willingness to play a fair game. Secondly, the presence of this extract from the credit bureau will speed up the process of making a decision on the loan by the bank's specialists. Thirdly, a unified information system that would correctly display the credit histories of Russians, as some experts say, has not yet been created. And therefore, the information that the bank will request from its sources may turn out to be incorrect in relation to a particular client. In this case, an extract from the credit bureau provided by the borrower will help the bank avoid mistakes in its work.

What documents are required for a mortgage if the client has unearned income (for example, proceeds from renting out other property)? Any papers confirming the fact of coming to the address of a citizen will do Money. For example, it can be an apartment rental agreement, where the amount of the monthly payment for housing is prescribed, and with it a bank statement confirming that the tenant pays everything properly.

Now we move on to the second stage - when a positive decision is made. Documents related to this stage of the process for a mortgage - in Sberbank, in VTB24 and in any other financial institution - will be the same.

Find an apartment on time

The main task of the client after the bank has approved the application for a mortgage is to find a suitable apartment within the time allotted by the rules of the credit institution. As a rule, it is 2-3 months. In the event that the client does not meet this period, the bank may decide to re-assess the borrower's solvency.

Which apartment will the bank approve?

It is not enough to find an apartment that will arouse the subjective sympathy of only one borrower. The property must be approved by the bank. This is quite logical: a credit institution wants liquid property to be pledged. Typical requirements for mortgaged housing are as follows:

  • there should be central heating, water supply;
  • building material - brick, concrete.

The bank will require papers confirming the condition of housing and containing other important information. So required documents for a mortgage can be:

  • assessment act;
  • house plan;
  • a copy of the current certificate of ownership.

Having received all these documents for an apartment for a mortgage, the bank decides whether or not to approve the choice of the borrower. The period during which a financial institution usually thinks is 2-3 days. Sometimes a week.

The bank approved. What's next?

If the bank said “yes”, then the client can proceed to the next phase of working with papers. The main actions at this stage, fortunately for the borrower, are carried out by employees of a financial institution. They prepare contracts for the transaction, carry out all the necessary related work on the preparation of calculations and draw up other necessary documents for obtaining a mortgage.

On the part of the client, you will need to provide the bank with the following basic papers:

  • a contract for the sale of housing;
  • insurance policy.

After the calculations, there is one more stage of work with documents - registration of the property in the property.

As soon as the client receives a loan, the main type of paper that is important for the bank will be a receipt for the timely monthly payment of the mortgage. Of course, you don’t need to show it to the bank every time, but it is still recommended to keep it in a safe place.

Having learned what documents are needed for a mortgage, we saw that the borrower will have to work hard collecting them. But these are today's realities.

Correctness of documents is the key to success

It is extremely important that the documents submitted to banks as part of the mortgage are correct. Security services work very effectively in the largest financial and credit institutions in Russia. Their task is to identify incorrect information specified in the mortgage documents. If the security service considers that the person decided to mislead the bank, then those specialists who make a credit decision will most likely be advised to refuse to issue a loan to an unreliable client.

In a mortgage, you can purchase both primary (new buildings) and secondary housing

1. Understand the legal nuances of a mortgage agreement

Property purchased on credit remains with the borrower in his possession and use. The sale of an apartment by the owner is possible only with the consent of the creditor bank.

The mortgage agreement must include:

● subject of mortgage;
● its evaluation;
● the nature, amount and term of fulfillment of the obligation secured by the mortgage;
● area of ​​the property;
● the address where it is located;
● all essential conditions the main obligation secured by the mortgage;
● the right on which it belongs to the pledgor.

The mortgage agreement is considered concluded from the moment of its state registration.

2. To get a mortgage loan, be prepared to submit a number of documents

Usually, to obtain a mortgage loan, the borrower must provide the bank with the following documents:
● A copy of the passport or a document replacing it (for military personnel).
● A copy of the state pension insurance certificate.
● A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation (on assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN)).
● A copy of a military ID for males of military age.
● Copies of education documents (certificates, diplomas, etc.).
● A copy of the marriage/divorce certificate and marriage contract(in the presence of).
● A copy of the children's birth certificate.
● A copy of the work book certified by the employer.
● Documents confirming income (2 personal income tax, in free form, oral)

Additionally, the following documents may be required:

● Certificate of registration (form 9) at the place of permanent registration.
● Copies of passports of all persons living together with the borrower, as well as the closest relatives (spouse, parents, children) who do not live together with the borrower.
● A copy of the pension certificate and certificate of the amount of pensions for non-working relatives.
● Copy of death certificate of parents, children, spouses.
● Documents confirming the ownership of expensive property (dacha, car, land, etc.). In the case of ownership of an apartment (house), a characteristic of the dwelling is also provided (form 7). In the event that securities are owned, extracts from the registers of securities holders are provided.
● Documents confirming the existence of bank accounts (card, deposit, current, on demand, etc.), with statements for a period of six months.
● Documents confirming the borrower's credit history: copies of documents confirming the timely payment of rent, utilities, telephone services, etc. for the last six months to a year; loan agreements (if any) and documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations under these agreements.
● Certificate from the narcological dispensary.
● Help from a psycho-neurological dispensary.

Note! Copies of the listed documents are transferred to the bank. However, at the same time, at the time of submission of documents, it is necessary to present the originals themselves to the bank employee.

If the borrower has co-borrowers or guarantors, then they also need to submit the listed documents to the bank.

The final amount of the loan depends on what documents you can provide to the bank.

3. Get an idea about the procedure for drawing up a contract

Before the transaction, the borrower signs with the bank loan agreement, according to which the bank undertakes to provide the amount missing for the purchase of the selected housing. This housing, according to the loan agreement, becomes a security for the return of the selected housing.

Before signing loan agreement the borrower may refuse to receive a loan. Obligations to the creditor arise only from the moment of signing the loan agreement. The decision, as a rule, is valid for several months with a possible extension - each credit institution determines the term independently.

When signing a contract, you must carefully read its contents. Specify all the components of your monthly payment:
● the amount to repay the principal debt;
● amount of commission for using the loan;
● the sum of all additional payments, which may consist of:
● fees for maintaining a loan account
● fees for issuing a loan

Ask to be provided with your exact repayment schedule at the same time as signing the contract.

Find out the conditions early repayment loan. Find out in detail what methods of repaying a loan exist: payment at a branch or representative office of a bank, postal or bank transfer (some banks send ready-made receipts for payment by mail, some banks practice the possibility of paying a loan with electronic payments via the Internet), and more recently, it has become possible to pay loans using payment terminals cellular communication and other telecommunications services.

4. You must clearly represent all participants in the mortgage transaction

Mortgages involved:

1. Borrowers.
The borrowers are individuals who have entered into loan agreements with banks, the enforcement of which is a pledge of purchased housing.

2. Banks.
The bank that gave you the loan also becomes the mortgagee of your apartment. The borrower also becomes the pledger. In case of default on the part of the mortgagor, the mortgagee has the right to sell your apartment and take the money received towards your mortgage loan.

3. Bodies of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.
The mortgage agreement is subject to state registration and comes into force from the moment of its state registration.

4. Notaries.

The contract of sale and mortgage of the apartment is subject to mandatory notarization. You will have to pay a fee for certifying the contract. It will be 0.3% of the amount of the entire contract, but not more than 3,000 rubles.

5. Home sellers.
Individuals and legal entities owning residential premises.

6. Real estate firms.
Legal entities that are either direct participants in real estate transactions or are engaged in servicing such transactions. The services of a realtor come down mainly to the selection of options and related services (for example, providing a meeting room, showing a property to a client, agreeing with a notary on the time and place of signing a transaction, etc.).

7. Appraisers.
When making a mortgage transaction, appraisal companies are involved in order to determine the market value of the apartment that you intend to purchase using the mortgage loan funds.

8. Insurance companies.
Today, each bank has insurance companies accredited to it, in which the borrower has the right to obtain the necessary insurance. Mortgage insurance - necessary measure security for banks: if the borrower is unable to repay the loan due to disability, the insurance company will take over the business of returning the loan.

5. Understand the nuances of mortgage insurance

Insurance is a prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage loan. By law, the borrower is obliged to insure not only the subject of the pledge against damage and complete destruction, but also his life and ability to work and the risk of loss of ownership of housing (title) (Article 31 of the Federal Law "On Mortgage").

The term of insurance is equal to the term of mortgage lending. The insurance company is approved by the bank. The insurance contract is concluded before the conclusion of the loan agreement.

Rates for risk insurance are determined individually for each borrower.

On average, with a mortgage, the borrower's total insurance costs are 1-1.5% of the loan balance per year, including interest.

Insurance contract. The insurance contract must specify:

1. Location of the property;

2. Characteristics of the property;

3. The actual value of the property;

4. Maximum sum insured;

5. The period during which the client must deliver insurance company to be aware of the fact of the occurrence of an insured event;

6. Conditions for receiving insurance payment.

Mortgage insurance payments are made once a year. When the payment deadline approaches, the bank informs the insurance company of the balance of the borrower's debt, and, based on this amount, the insurance premium is calculated. Thus, the amount of insurance payments decreases every year along with the loan debt.

When concluding a mortgage insurance contract, you should carefully study the list of insured events for which losses will be reimbursed.

6. Keep in mind, non-payment of the loan threatens with criminal liability

For malicious evasion of repayment of accounts payable after a judicial act, the perpetrator may be punished by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, or by compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or by arrest for a period of four to six months, or by imprisonment for a period of up to two years (

Any family wants to live separately from their parents, no matter how a good relationship with relatives. And at this moment, many families are thinking about a mortgage loan. Who is eligible for it, and what documents are needed for a mortgage?

What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage

It's no secret that the list of documents for obtaining a mortgage is quite large. The entire list of documents for obtaining a mortgage can be divided into three large groups:

  • documents that confirm the identity of the borrower;
  • documents that testify to financial position the applicant;
  • real estate documents;
  • other papers.

Personal Documents Required to Apply for a Mortgage

The main document confirming the identity of the applicant is a citizen's passport Russian Federation. At the bank branch, the employee himself will make copies of all pages and certify them.

In the personnel department at the place of work, the applicant must take a copy of the work book certified by the signature of the personnel officer, which indicates the length of service in this position.

What financial documents are needed for a mortgage in a bank?

Of greatest interest to a banking organization are papers that testify to the financial solvency of a potential borrower. In order to obtain a mortgage, you need to bring documents from work to the bank. Most often, this is a certificate certified by the signature of the employer and printed on the letterhead of the enterprise. This certificate confirms that wages received by the applicant.

If the applicant has additional income, then information about them should also be provided to a bank employee. This may be part-time work, income from the rental of property, and so on. All this confirms the availability of income, thanks to which the borrower will be able to repay the loan taken.

If the applicant owns any property, then it makes sense to provide information about it. This will increase the level of confidence on the part of the bank and increase the chances of obtaining a mortgage.

An extract from his bank account usually acts as a document indicating the possibility of a mortgage lender to make a down payment.

The most important document is a certificate indicating a stable and sufficiently high income of the borrower.

Real estate documents

An apartment or a house taken on a mortgage is the subject of collateral from the bank, and therefore the bank carefully examines the property before issuing a loan to the borrower. To do this, you should provide the conclusion of the appraiser, which indicates the market and liquid value, on the basis of which the amount of the issued mortgage is calculated.

Dilapidated housing and houses that are in disrepair and require major repairs are rarely the subject of a mortgage loan, due to the extremely low liquid value.

The list of documents for obtaining a mortgage on an apartment depends on whether the housing is a new building or not.

If the apartment is purchased in a new building, then it is necessary to provide copies of the constituent documentation construction company, as well as papers indicating the right of the developer to sell apartments.

If the apartment is purchased on the secondary housing market, then you should provide documents showing that the owner has the right to alienate it (for example, a privatization document or a sales contract), a copy of the technical passport and an extract from the house book.

Mortgage home documents additionally include title deeds for land plot and an extract from the USRR for the land.

Additional documents

Since the list of required papers at the legislative level is not clearly spelled out, what documents are needed to obtain a mortgage on an apartment, each bank approves itself. Most often, banks need to provide:

  • certificate of medical examination. The certificate confirms that everything is in order with the potential borrower. It is usually not necessary to go through all the doctors; to obtain a mortgage, a certificate from a psychiatric and narcological dispensary is enough. This confirms the full legal capacity of the applicant;
  • certificate of family composition, certificates of marriage and birth of children;
  • military ID or registration certificate for men;
  • if the applicant works as a director, it is advisable to provide a certificate confirming that he is not the founder of the company. The fact is that the founders and participants legal entities carry greater financial risks than other employees, and therefore they are more likely to be rejected.

What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage at Sberbank?

Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation. It accounts for the bulk of issued mortgage loans. The following must be attached to the application for a mortgage at Sberbank:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • certificate from the place of work indicating the amount of wages;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a personnel service specialist.

If there is additional income, then it is worth providing papers confirming them.

The list of documents for real estate is standard and includes a technical passport, expert assessment, an extract from the house book and so on.

What package of documents is needed for a mortgage under preferential programs?

The state has developed a number of programs that allow certain categories of citizens to receive housing on preferential terms. The list of documents for obtaining a preferential mortgage is somewhat different from the standard list of required documentation. In this case, it must be proved that the applicant belongs to a preferential category and has the right to receive a mortgage loan under a particular program:

  • "Young family". The applicant is required to confirm the existence of a family and children. To do this, you must provide a marriage certificate and certificates of birth or adoption of children. In order to calculate the solvency of applicants, you need to provide income statements for all family members;
  • "Mortgage under maternity capital." In this case, you need to issue a certificate at the Pension Fund, indicating the right to receive maternity capital. The certificate has a limited validity period (only one month), then you should not delay applying to the bank with an application for a mortgage loan;
  • Military Mortgage. To use this program, a soldier must obtain a certificate that confirms that he is a member of the funded system and can use the funds that are on his personal account.

If the borrower wants to use one of the government programs, you must provide documentation proving that it meets its requirements.

Intermediaries preparing documents for mortgage lending

You can often come across proposals: we will prepare the documents necessary for obtaining a mortgage. In this case, the borrower turns to the services of an intermediary - a mortgage broker.

A mortgage broker is a specialist who helps solve all the problems that may arise in the process of obtaining a mortgage. One of its functions is to assist in the collection and execution of the necessary papers. In addition to assistance in collecting documents for a house for a mortgage, a mortgage broker provides full legal support for the transaction. He checks the legal purity of the selected apartment, helps to correctly write an application and fill out a questionnaire, and choose the most advantageous offer.

The average cost of a broker's services is 1% of the cost of a mortgage, but thanks to him, the mortgagee can save a much more significant amount. It is advisable to choose not a narrow specialist, but an expert who will undertake the full support of the transaction until the signing of the contract for the sale of real estate.

Contacting a mortgage broker will speed up the process of collecting documentation and guarantee the correctness of its execution.


Having decided on the bank, the future mortgage lender should go to the branch of the financial institution and clarify what documents are needed to take a mortgage. First you need to take a certificate of income, all other papers can be collected a little later. Moreover, a number of certificates have a limited validity period, so do not rush too much and collect them in advance.

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