What special enrichment methods do you know? Basic (enrichment) processes Thermodynamic processes during mineral processing

Based on the type of environment in which the enrichment is carried out, enrichment is distinguished:

dry enrichment (in air and aerosuspension),

wet (in water, heavy media),

in a gravitational field,

in the field of centrifugal forces,

in a magnetic field,

in an electric field.

Gravity enrichment methods are based on the difference in density, size and speed of movement of rock pieces in a water or air environment. When separating in heavy media, the difference in the density of the separated components is of primary importance.

To enrich the smallest particles, a flotation method is used, based on the difference in the surface properties of the components (selective wettability with water, adhesion of mineral particles to air bubbles).

Mineral processing products

As a result of enrichment, the mineral is divided into several products: concentrate (one or more) and waste. In addition, intermediate products can be obtained during the enrichment process.


Concentrates are enrichment products in which the main amount of a valuable component is concentrated. Concentrates, in comparison with the enriched material, are characterized by a significantly higher content of useful components and a lower content of waste rock and harmful impurities.

Waste is a product with a low content of valuable components, the further extraction of which is technically impossible or economically impractical. ( This term is equivalent to the previously used term dump tailings, but not the term tailings, which, unlike waste, are present in almost every enrichment operation)


Intermediate products (middlings) are a mechanical mixture of aggregates with open grains of useful components and waste rock. Industrial products are characterized by a lower content of useful components compared to concentrates and a higher content of useful components compared to waste.

Enrichment quality

The quality of minerals and enrichment products is determined by the content of valuable components, impurities, accompanying elements, as well as moisture and particle size.

Mineral beneficiation is ideal

Ideal enrichment of minerals (ideal separation) refers to the process of separating a mineral mixture into components, in which there is absolutely no contamination of each product with particles foreign to it. The efficiency of ideal mineral processing is 100% by any criteria.

Partial beneficiation of minerals

Partial enrichment is the enrichment of a separate size class of a mineral, or the separation of the most easily separated part of contaminants from the final product in order to increase the concentration in it useful component. It is used, for example, to reduce the ash content of unclassified thermal coal by separating and enriching large class with further mixing of the resulting concentrate and fine unenriched screenings.

Losses of minerals during beneficiation

The loss of a mineral during enrichment refers to the amount of a useful component suitable for enrichment that is lost with enrichment waste due to imperfections in the process or a violation of the technological regime.

Installed acceptable standards mutual contamination of enrichment products for different technological processes, in particular for coal enrichment. The permissible percentage of mineral losses is reset from the balance of enrichment products to cover discrepancies when taking into account the mass of moisture, the removal of minerals with flue gases from drying plants, and mechanical losses.

Mineral beneficiation boundary

The mineral enrichment limit is the smallest and largest dimensions particles of ore and coal, effectively enriched in a concentration machine.

Enrichment depth

The enrichment depth is the lower limit of the size of the material to be enriched.

When enriching coal, technological schemes with enrichment limits of 13 are used; 6; 1; 0.5 and 0 mm. Accordingly, unenriched screenings with a particle size of 0-13 or 0-6 mm, or sludge with a particle size of 0-1 or 0-0.5 mm, are separated. An enrichment limit of 0 mm means that all size classes are subject to enrichment.

The rock mass is divided into: basic (actually enrichment); preparatory and auxiliary.

All existing methods enrichments are based on differences in physical or physical and chemical properties ah individual components of the mineral. There are, for example, gravitational, magnetic, electric, flotation, bacterial and other enrichment methods.

Technological effect of enrichment

Preliminary enrichment of minerals allows:

  • increase industrial reserves of mineral raw materials through the use of deposits of poor mineral resources with a low content of useful components;
  • increase labor productivity at mining enterprises and reduce the cost of mined ore through mechanization mining operations and continuous mining of minerals instead of selective;
  • increase the technical and economic indicators of metallurgical and chemical enterprises when processing enriched raw materials by reducing the costs of fuel, electricity, fluxes, chemical reagents, and improving quality finished products and reducing losses of useful components with waste;
  • implement complex use minerals, because preliminary enrichment makes it possible to extract from them not only the main useful components, but also accompanying ones, which are contained in small quantities;
  • reduce the cost of transporting mining products to consumers by transporting richer products, and not the entire volume of mined rock mass containing minerals;
  • isolate harmful impurities from mineral raw materials, which, during their further processing, can deteriorate the quality of the final product and pollute environment and threaten human health.

Mineral processing is carried out at processing factories, which today are powerful, highly mechanized enterprises with complex technological processes.

Classification of enrichment processes

Processing of minerals at processing plants includes a number of sequential operations, as a result of which the separation of useful components from impurities is achieved. According to their purpose, mineral processing processes are divided into preparatory, main (concentration) and auxiliary (final).

Preparatory processes

Preparatory processes are designed to open or open the grains of useful components (minerals) that make up the mineral and dividing it into size classes that satisfy the technological requirements of subsequent enrichment processes. The preparatory processes include crushing, grinding, screening and classification.

Crushing and grinding

Crushing and grinding- the process of destruction and reduction in the size of pieces of mineral raw materials (mineral resources) under the influence of external mechanical, thermal, electrical forces aimed at overcoming the internal adhesion forces that connect particles of a solid body to each other.

According to the physics of the process, there is no fundamental difference between crushing and grinding. It is conventionally accepted that crushing produces particles larger than 5 mm, and grinding produces particles smaller than 5 mm. The size of the largest grains to which it is necessary to crush or grind a mineral when preparing it for enrichment depends on the size of the inclusions of the main components that make up the mineral, and on the technical capabilities of the equipment on which the next processing operation of the crushed (crushed) product is supposed to be carried out .

Opening of grains of useful components - crushing and/or grinding of aggregates until the grains of the useful component are completely freed and obtaining a mechanical mixture of grains of the useful component and waste rock (mixed). Opening grains of useful components - crushing and/or grinding of aggregates until part of the surface of the useful component is released, which provides access to the reagent.

Crushing is carried out in special crushing plants. Crushing is the process of destruction solids with a reduction in the size of pieces to a given size, through the action of external forces overcoming the internal adhesion forces connecting the particles together solid. Grinding of crushed material is carried out in special mills (usually ball or rod).

Screening and classification

Screening and classification are used to separate minerals into products of different sizes - size classes. Screening is carried out by dispersing minerals on sieves and sieves with calibrated holes into small (under-sieve) product and large (over-sieve). Screening is used to separate minerals by size on screening (screening) surfaces, with hole sizes ranging from a millimeter to several hundred millimeters.

Screening is carried out special machines- with screens.

Minerals, the components of which have differences in electrical conductivity or have the ability, under the influence of certain factors, to acquire electrical charges of different magnitude and sign, can be enriched by the method of electrical separation. Such minerals include apatite, tungsten, tin and other ores.

Enrichment by size is used in cases where useful components are represented by larger or, conversely, smaller grains in comparison with grains of waste rock. In placers, useful components are found in the form of small particles, so the separation of large classes makes it possible to get rid of a significant part of rock impurities.

Differences in grain shape and coefficient of friction make it possible to separate flat, scaly mica particles or fibrous asbestos aggregates from rock particles that have a rounded shape. When driving along inclined plane fibrous and flat particles slide, and rounded grains roll down. The rolling friction coefficient is always less than the sliding friction coefficient, so flat and round particles move along an inclined plane at different speeds and along different trajectories, which creates conditions for their separation.

Differences in optical properties components are used in the enrichment of minerals by photometric separation. This method carries out mechanical separation of grains having different colour and shine (for example, separating diamond grains from gangue grains).

The main final operations are pulp thickening, dewatering and drying of enrichment products. The choice of dehydration method depends on the characteristics of the material that is dehydrated (initial moisture content, particle size and mineralogical composition) and the requirements for final moisture content. Often the required final moisture content is difficult to achieve in one stage, so in practice dehydration operations are used for some enrichment products different ways in several stages.


Waste is the final enrichment product with a low content of valuable components, the further extraction of which is technically impossible and/or economically impractical. (This term is equivalent to the previously used term dump tailings, but not the term tails, which, in contrast to waste, is the depleted product of any single enrichment operation).


Intermediate products (middlings) are a mechanical mixture of aggregates with open grains of useful components and waste rock. Industrial products are characterized by a lower content of useful components compared to concentrates and a higher content of useful components compared to waste.

Enrichment quality

The quality of minerals and enrichment products is determined by the content and extraction of valuable components, impurities, accompanying elements, as well as moisture and particle size.

Mineral beneficiation is ideal

Ideal enrichment of minerals (ideal separation) refers to the process of separating a mineral mixture into components, in which there is absolutely no contamination of each product with particles foreign to it. The efficiency of ideal mineral processing is 100% by any criteria.

Partial beneficiation of minerals

Partial enrichment is the enrichment of a separate size class of a mineral, or the separation of the most easily separated part of clogging impurities from the final product in order to increase the concentration of the useful component in it. It is used, for example, to reduce the ash content of unclassified thermal coal by isolating and enriching the large class with further mixing of the resulting concentrate and fine unenriched screenings.

Losses of minerals during beneficiation

The loss of a mineral during enrichment refers to the amount of a useful component suitable for enrichment that is lost with enrichment waste due to imperfections in the process or a violation of the technological regime.

Acceptable standards for mutual contamination of enrichment products have been established for various technological processes, in particular for coal enrichment. The permissible percentage of mineral losses is reset from the balance of enrichment products to cover discrepancies when taking into account the mass of moisture, the removal of minerals with flue gases from drying plants, and mechanical losses.

Mineral beneficiation boundary

The limit of mineral enrichment is the smallest and largest sizes of ore and coal particles that are effectively enriched in a beneficiation machine.

Enrichment depth

The enrichment depth is the lower limit of the size of the material to be enriched.

When enriching coal, technological schemes with enrichment limits of 13 are used; 6; 1; 0.5 and 0 mm. Accordingly, unenriched screenings with a particle size of 0-13 or 0-6 mm, or sludge with a particle size of 0-1 or 0-0.5 mm, are separated. An enrichment limit of 0 mm means that all size classes are subject to enrichment.

International congresses

Since 1952 they have been held International congresses on mineral processing. Below is a list of them.

Congress Year Location
I 1952 London
II 1953 Paris
III 1954 Goslar
IV 1955 Stockholm
V 1960 London
VI 1963 Kahn
VII 1964 NY
VIII 1968 Leningrad
IX 1970 Prague
X 1973 London
XI 1975 Cagliari
XII 1975 Sao Paulo
XIII 1979 Warsaw
XIV 1982 Toronto
XV 1985 Kahn
XVI 1988 Stockholm
XVII 1991 Dresden
XVIII 1993 Sydney
XIX 1995

Preparatory processes for mineral processing


Purpose of mineral processing

The mined rock mass is a mixture of pieces of mineral complexes, mineral aggregates with various physical, physicochemical and chemical properties. To obtain final products (metal concentrates, coke, building materials, chem. fertilizers, etc.) it must be subjected to a number of processing processes: mechanical, thermal, chemical.

Processing of minerals at a processing plant includes a number of operations, as a result of which separation of useful components from impurities is achieved, those. bringing the mineral to a quality suitable for subsequent processing, for example, it is necessary to increase the content: iron from 30-50% to 60-70%; manganese from 15-25% to 35-45%, copper from 0.5-1.5% to 45-60%, tungsten from 0.02-0.1% to 60-65%.

According to their purpose, mineral processing processes are divided into preparatory, basic(enrichment) and auxiliary.

Preparatory processes are designed to open or open the grains of useful components (minerals) that make up minerals, and dividing them into size classes, satisfying the technological requirements of subsequent enrichment processes.

The preparatory processes include crushing, grinding, screening and classification.

Mineral beneficiation is a set of processes of mechanical processing of mineral raw materials, which makes it possible to separate useful minerals (concentrate) from waste rock.

Specialist enrichment engineers must solve the following tasks:

Comprehensive development mineral resources;

Disposal of processed products;

Creating new processes waste-free technology dividing mineral resources into final marketable products for their use in industry;

Environmental protection.

Mineral mixtures are separated based on differences in physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties to obtain a number of products with a high content of valuable components (concentrates) , low (industrial products) and insignificant (waste, tailings) .

The enrichment process is aimed not only at increasing the content of the valuable component in the concentrate, but also at removing harmful impurities:

sulfur in the coal phosphorus in manganese concentrate, arsenic in brown iron ore and sulfide polymetallic ores. These impurities, getting into cast iron and then into steel, worsen the mechanical properties. metal properties.

Brief information about minerals

Minerals are called ores, non-metallic and combustible fossil materials used in industrial production in natural or processed form.

TO ores refer to minerals that contain valuable components in quantities sufficient to make their extraction economically profitable.

Ores are divided into metal and non-metal.

Metal ores - raw materials for the production of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare, precious and other metals - tungsten-molybdenum, lead-zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, chromite, gold-containing;

non-metallic ores- asbestos, barite, apatite, phosphorite, graphite, talc, antimony, etc.

Non-metallic minerals - raw materials for the production of building materials (sand, clay, gravel, building stone, Portland cement, building gypsum, limestone, etc.)

Combustible minerals - solid fuel, oil and flammable gas.

Minerals consist of minerals that differ in their value, physical and chemical properties (hardness, density, magnetic permeability, wettability, electrical conductivity, radioactivity, etc.).

Minerals- called native (i.e. found in nature in its pure form) elements and natural chemical compounds.

Useful mineral (or component)- called an element or its natural compound, for the purpose of obtaining which the extraction and processing of a mineral is carried out. For example, in iron ore useful minerals - magnetite Fe 3 O 4, hematite Fe 2 O 3.

Useful impurities- are called minerals (elements), the content of which in small quantities leads to an improvement in the quality of products obtained from useful minerals. For example, impurities vanadium, tungsten, manganese, chromium in iron ore have a positive effect on the quality of the metal smelted from it.

Harmful impurities- are called minerals (elements), the content of which in small quantities leads to a deterioration in the quality of products obtained from useful minerals. For example, impurities sulfur, phosphorus, arsenic negatively affect the steelmaking process.

Satellite elements are components contained in a mineral in small quantities, released during the enrichment process into separate products or the product of the main component. Further metallurgical or chemical processing satellite elements allows you to extract them into a separate product.

Gang minerals- are called components that have no industrial value. In iron ore, these may include SiO 2, Al 2 O 3.

Depending on the structure, minerals are distinguished interspersed and solid, for example, in disseminated - individual small grains of a useful mineral are scattered among the grains of waste rock; in solid - grains of useful mineral are presented mainly as a solid mass, and waste rock minerals are in the form of interlayers and inclusions.

Some minerals extracted from the depths of the earth are directly used in certain industries National economy(stone, clay, limestone for construction purposes, mica for electrical insulation, etc.), but most of they are preliminarily enriched.

Mineral beneficiation is a set of operations of mechanical processing of minerals in order to obtain products suitable for use in the national economy.

The process of mineral processing is carried out in specially equipped, highly mechanized enterprises. These companies are called processing plants , if their main task is to separate minerals and crushing and screening factories, if enrichment is reduced mainly to crushing rocks and separating them according to size and strength.

Minerals at processing plants undergo a number of sequential operations, as a result of which useful components are separated from impurities. Mineral enrichment processes according to their purpose are divided into preparatory, basic and auxiliary .

For preparatory include crushing, grinding, screening and classification processes. Their task is to bring the mineral components to a state in which it is possible to carry out separation (size reduction, separation by size, etc.);

To the main include the following processes:







The purpose of the main beneficiation processes is to separate the useful mineral and waste rock.

To auxiliary include dewatering, dust collection, cleaning Wastewater, testing, control and automation, unloading, transporting material in dry form and with water, mixing, distribution of material and reagents among machines, etc.

The task of these processes is to ensure the optimal flow of the main processes.

The set of sequential technological processing operations to which minerals are subjected at processing plants is called enrichment scheme. Depending on the nature of the information contained in the enrichment scheme, it is called technological, qualitative, quantitative, qualitative-quantitative, water-sludge and apparatus chain diagram.

Everything that goes into enrichment or a separate enrichment operation is called source material or food.

The starting material for the processing plant is ore. The percentage of a valuable component in the source material (ore) is usually denoted by (alpha). Products enrichment (or operation) refers to the materials obtained as a result of enrichment - concentrate, intermediate product (industrial product) and tailings.

Concentrate is called an enrichment product in which the content of a valuable component is greater than in the source material. The percentage of the valuable component in the concentrate is indicated by (beta).

Tails is a beneficiation product that has an insignificant content of a valuable component compared to the original ore. The percentage of the valuable component in the tails is usually denoted by (theta). Tailings are mainly waste rock and harmful impurities.

Intermediate product(industrial product) is a product in which the content of a valuable component is less than in the concentrate, and more than in the tailings. The content of a valuable component in it is indicated by. Industrial products are usually sent for additional processing.

Concentrates and tailings can be either the products of individual operations or the final products of the enrichment process. The quality of the final or so-called commercial concentrates must comply state standard(GOST). Each GOST provides for the minimum content of a valuable component in concentrates and the permissible content of impurities.

To assess the results of enrichment, the following main technological indicators and their symbols:

Exit(gamma) - the amount of the resulting product, expressed as a percentage (or fractions of a unit) to the original material.

The yield of concentrate, middling product, and tailings is determined from the following expressions:

where C is the amount of concentrate;

M - amount of processed ore;

P is the amount of industrial product.

Extraction degree e(epsilon) - expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the amount of a valuable component in this product(usually in concentrate) to its amount in the source material (ore), taken as 100%. The degree of extraction into concentrate, middlings, and tailings is determined from the formulas:

Degree of concentration(or enrichment factor) K - the ratio of the content of a valuable component in the concentrate to its content in the source material (ore):

Often the mass of products is unknown. But the content of useful components in products is almost always known.

The yield of concentrate and tailings and its recovery are determined through the contents by the following formulas:

Using such formulas, during work at factories, it is possible to evaluate enrichment, having only data chemical analysis ore () and enrichment products (,). In a similar way, equations and formulas can be obtained for the case when the enrichment process produces two concentrates and tailings, i.e., for two valuable components.

These equations are different expressions general rule, which consists in that the amount of material supplied for enrichment is equal to the sum of the products obtained

7. What is meant by the terms chemical and radiometric enrichment?

8. What is called enrichment by friction, decripitation?

9. What formulas technological indicators enrichment?

10. What is the formula for the degree of reduction?

11. How to calculate the degree of ore enrichment?

Seminar topics:

Main characteristics of enrichment methods.

Main differences from preparatory, auxiliary and main enrichment methods.

a brief description of main enrichment methods.

Brief description of preparatory and auxiliary enrichment methods.

The degree of sample reduction is the main role of this method in mineral processing.

Homework :

Study the terms, rules and basic methods of enrichment, consolidate the acquired knowledge on seminar lesson on one's own.



Purpose: To explain to students the main types and schemes of enrichment and the application of such schemes in production. Give an idea of ​​the methods and processes of mineral processing.


Methods and processes of mineral processing, their scope.

Concentrating factories and their industrial value. Main types technological schemes.

Key words: main processes, auxiliary processes, preparatory methods, application of processes, diagram, technological scheme, quantitative, qualitative, qualitative-quantitative, water-sludge, apparatus circuit diagram.

1. At processing plants, minerals are subjected to successive processing processes, which, according to their intended purpose, technological cycle factories are divided into preparatory, enrichment and auxiliary.

For preparatory operations usually include crushing, grinding, screening and classification, i.e. processes that result in the disclosure of the mineral composition, suitable for their subsequent separation during the beneficiation process, as well as averaging operations of minerals, which can be carried out in mines, quarries, mines and processing plants. When crushing and grinding, a reduction in the size of pieces of ore and the opening of minerals is achieved as a result of the destruction of intergrowths of useful minerals with waste rock (or intergrowths of some valuable minerals with others). Screening and classification are used to separate mechanical mixtures obtained by crushing and grinding by size. The task of the preparatory processes is to bring mineral raw materials to the size necessary for subsequent enrichment.

To the main beneficiation operations include those physical and physico-chemical processes of separation of minerals, in which useful minerals are separated into concentrates, and waste rock into tailings. The main beneficiation processes include processes of separation of minerals according to physical and physico-chemical properties (shape, density, magnetic susceptibility, electrical conductivity, wettability, radioactivity, etc.): sorting, gravity, magnetic and electrical enrichment, flotation, radiometric enrichment, etc. As a result of the main processes, concentrates and tailings are obtained. The use of one or another beneficiation method depends on the mineralogical composition of the ore.

To auxiliary processes include procedures for removing moisture from enrichment products. Such processes are called dehydration, which is carried out to bring the moisture content of products to established standards.

At the processing plant, the feedstock during processing is subjected to a number of sequential technological operations. A graphical representation of the totality and sequence of these operations is also called technological scheme of enrichment.

When beneficiating minerals, differences in their physical and physicochemical properties are used, of which significant importance is color, shine, hardness, density, cleavage, fracture, etc.

Color minerals are varied . The difference in color is used in manual mining or sampling of coals and other types of processing.

Shine minerals is determined by the nature of their surfaces. The difference in gloss can be used, as in the previous case, for manual picking of ore from coals or sampling from coals and other types of processing.

Hardness minerals that make up minerals is important when choosing methods for crushing and beneficiation of certain ores, as well as coals.

Density minerals varies widely. The difference in density between useful minerals and waste rock is widely used in mineral processing.

Cleavage minerals lies in their ability to split from impacts in a strictly defined direction and form smooth surfaces along the split planes.

Kink has significant practical significance in beneficiation processes, since the nature of the surface of the mineral obtained during crushing and grinding has an impact during beneficiation by electrical and other methods.

2. Mineral processing technology consists of a series of sequential operations carried out at processing plants.

Processing plants are industrial enterprises in which mineral resources are processed using beneficiation methods and one or more commercial products with a high content of valuable components and a reduced content of harmful impurities are isolated from them. A modern processing plant is a highly mechanized enterprise with a complex technological scheme for processing minerals.

The set and sequence of operations to which ore is subjected during processing constitute enrichment schemes, which are usually depicted graphically

Technology system includes information about the sequence of technological operations for processing minerals at a processing plant.

Qualitative scheme contains information on the qualitative measurements of the mineral during its processing, as well as data on the mode of individual technological operations. Qualitative scheme(Fig. 1.) gives an idea of ​​the adopted ore processing technology, the sequence of processes and operations to which ore is subjected during enrichment.

rice. 1. High-quality enrichment scheme

Quantitative scheme includes quantitative data on the distribution of minerals among individual technological operations and the yield of the resulting products.

Qualitative-quantitative scheme combines data from qualitative and quantitative enrichment schemes.

If the scheme contains data on the amount of water in individual operations and enrichment products, and on the amount of water added to the process, then the scheme is called slurry. The distribution of solids and water across operations and products is reported as a solid to liquid ratio S:L, such as S:L = 1:3, or as a percentage solid, such as 70% solid. The T:W ratio is numerically equal to the amount of water (m³) per 1 ton of solid. The amount of water added to individual operations is expressed in cubic meters per day or cubic meters per hour. Often these types of schemes are combined and then the scheme is called qualitative-quantitative slurry.

Introductory-sludge scheme contains data on the ratio of water and solids in enrichment products.

Device circuit diagramgraphic image paths of movement of minerals and enrichment products through devices. In such diagrams, devices, machines and vehicles are depicted conventionally and their number, type and size are indicated. The movement of products from unit to unit is indicated by arrows (see Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Device circuit diagram:

1.9- bunker; 2, 5, 8, 10, 11 - conveyor; 3, 6 - screens;

4 - jaw crusher; 7 - cone crusher; 12 - classifier;

13 - mill; 14 - flotation machine; 15 - thickener; 16 - filter

The diagram in the figure shows in detail how the ore undergoes complete enrichment, including the preparatory and main enrichment processes.

Flotation, gravitational and magnetic enrichment methods are most often used as independent processes. Of two possible methods that give the same enrichment rates, the most economical and environmentally friendly method is usually chosen.


Enrichment processes are divided into preparatory and basic auxiliary.

When beneficiating minerals, differences in their physical and physicochemical properties are used, of which color, shine, hardness, density, cleavage, fracture, etc. are essential.

The set and sequence of operations to which ore is subjected during processing constitute enrichment schemes, which are usually depicted graphically. Depending on the purpose, the schemes can be qualitative, quantitative, or slurry. Except specified schemes Usually they draw up circuit diagrams of devices.

A qualitative beneficiation scheme depicts the path of movement of ore and enrichment products sequentially through operations, indicating some data about qualitative changes ore and enrichment products, for example, size. A qualitative scheme gives an idea of ​​the stages of the process, the number of cleaning operations of concentrates and control cleaning of tailings, the type of process, the method of processing middlings and the number of final enrichment products.

If a qualitative diagram indicates the amount of ore processed, the products obtained in individual operations and the content of valuable components in them, then the scheme will already be called quantitative or qualitative-quantitative.

The set of diagrams gives us a complete understanding of the ongoing process of enrichment and processing of minerals.

Control questions:

1. What applies to preparatory, basic and auxiliary processes enrichment?

2. What differences in mineral properties are used in mineral processing?

3. What are concentrating factories called? What are their uses?

4. What types of process flow diagrams do you know?

5. What is a circuit diagram of devices.

6. What does a quality diagram mean? technological process?

7. How can you characterize the qualitative-quantitative enrichment scheme?

8. What does the water-slurry scheme mean?

9. What characteristics can be obtained by following technological schemes?

What else to read