What is the length of the longest snake in the world. The longest snake in the world, large snakes. Longest snake ever refuses water

Python named "Samantha"

“Fear has big eyes,” this is what they say about exaggerated fears, about invented things and phenomena that are actually much smaller than their imagined size. This fate did not spare information about the length and size of snakes. Very often you can find information about snakes 15-30 meters long, although such animals have never been recorded in nature. Only a specimen of a reticulated python, 9.75 m long, which was shot on the island, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Celebes (Sulawesi), Indonesia, in 1912.

It was also reliably known about the largest reticulated python kept in captivity - a female over 7.5 m long named “Samantha”, caught in Borneo and died in 2002 at the Bronx Zoo (New York).

Although there was information about another reticulated python, 14.85 meters long and weighing 447 kilograms, caught in 2002, in the same place, in Indonesia, but after a careful study of the facts, it turned out that the length of this python was actually no more than 7 meters, and all the rest turned out to be mere speculation and hoax to attract tourists.

On average, the longest snakes look like this:

Reticulated python

Representatives of the reticulated python are considered the longest snakes (Python reticulatus).

The largest individuals of the nominate subspecies can reach a length of 10 m or more. However, individuals 4-8 m long are more common.

It got its name “reticulated” because of the complex pattern on the body, which includes a chain of light diamond-shaped spots in the middle of the back and triangular, interconnected dark spots with light centers on the sides. The head is light. Scales with a strong rainbow tint.

This type of snake is widespread in the South and South-East Asia. The range covers Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Nicobar Islands and the Philippines.


Second by sizeis Anaconda (Eunectes murinus).

Her average length- 5-6 meters, and specimens of 8-9 meters are often found.

The main color of the anaconda's body is grayish-green with two rows of large brown spots of round or oblong shape, alternating in a checkerboard pattern. On the sides of the body there is a series of light small spots surrounded by a black stripe. This coloring effectively camouflages the snake when it lurks in calm water covered with brown leaves and tufts of algae.

Anaconda is not poisonous. Females are much larger and stronger than males.
Anaconda inhabits all tropical part South America east of the Andes, as well as the island of Trinidad.

There are many anacondas in zoos around the world, but it is quite difficult for them to take root in captivity. The maximum lifespan of an anaconda in a terrarium is 28 years, but usually in captivity these snakes live 5-6 years.

Indian python

Closes the top three longest snakes- Indian python orLight tiger python (Python molurus).

Large, up to 8 m long, snake, colored in brownish-brown tones. On the light brown background of the body there is a number of large and dark dorsal spots of a reddish-brown color and irregular quadrangular shape, connected here and there by bridges. On the sides of the body there are two rows of small dark spots with middle light “eyes”.

Found in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

Boa (Boa constrictor or Royal boa ) - the snake, which for some reason many people consider to be the largest in the world, barely reaches 5 meters.

Distributed in Central America and in the Lesser Antilles. Prefers to settle in dry places, but close to water bodies. It feeds on small mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles.

King Cobra

A King Cobra or hamadryad (Ophiophagus hannah) - the largest venomous snake in the world, has the greatest length among poisonous snakes. Some specimens reach a length of 5.5 m, although the average size of an adult cobra is 3-4 meters.

Life expectancy is more than 30 years. Grows throughout life.

The king cobra's habitat is the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia (India, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines).

The smallest snake in the world is only 10 centimeters long.

The fear of snakes is as old as humanity itself, and "snake stories" have been popular in myth and folklore different nations long before the advent of the Internet. Instinct makes us afraid of them, and it seems for good reason, since many of the most poisonous creatures in the world are snakes. And the smallest of them are the most deadly.

But most of largest snakes in the world are not poisonous and are often kept as pets.

We offer you a description and photo of the largest snakes in the world.

10. Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) - 3 meters long

In size, one of them is second only to its queen from the 6th line of our rating. It is also one of the most aggressive snakes in the world, as it often attacks without apparent reason. And it is very difficult to escape from a black mamba. At short distances it reaches speeds of up to 11 km/h.

9. Olive python (Liasis olivaceus) - 4 meters

Sometimes this non-venomous snake, one of the largest in Australia, is confused with the mulga, a venomous snake from the adder family. The olive python suffers primarily from this similarity, as it is often killed, mistaking it for a dangerous “double.”

Olive pythons are harmless to humans and feed primarily on small mammals, birds and reptiles.

8. Common boa constrictor (Boa constrictor) - 4.5 meters

These chameleons of the snake world can fit into any habitat in which they live. The color of the common boa varies from green and brown to yellow or red.

Boa constrictors can be found in tropical Central and South America. They are excellent swimmers, although they prefer to live on land. They can eat anything - from birds to monkeys. Common boas are non-venomous and have small, hooked teeth that they use to latch onto prey before wrapping their entire body around it and squeezing it to death.

However, from hunters they often turn into prey, because there is a real hunt for the exotic skin of boa constrictors. That's why this type The snake is listed as critically endangered.

7. Indian python, also known as light tiger python (Python molurus molurus) - 5 meters

This snake was once the queen of the jungles of India, Sri Lanka and the East Indies. Indian pythons are among the oldest species of snake and have tiny projections on their skin that indicate they may have once had legs. They are not poisonous, but have two rows of very sharp teeth that can cause a very painful bite.

Pythons prefer to eat mammals, and like the world's largest snakes, they kill their prey by strangulation. They are capable of killing a deer and swallowing it whole.

Indian pythons live up to 20 years and are considered very useful creatures for controlling pests such as rats and mice. In areas where people have killed snakes or destroyed their habitat, pests that carry dangerous diseases have become a serious threat to human health.

6. King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) - 5.6 meters

This is the largest venomous snake in the world. It is considered a very dangerous reptile, since its poison can cause the death of a person in 15 minutes. However, when possible, the king cobra avoids confrontation with people. And when attacking, in order to drive away a two-legged enemy, it can make two or three “idle” bites, saving poison for hunting.

The Latin name Ophiophagus hannah means "snake eater". And it is completely justified, because the diet of the king cobra mainly consists of other snakes, including poisonous ones.

5. Dark tiger python, also known as Burmese python (Python bivittatus) - 5.74 meters

This snake has a beautiful patterned coloring reminiscent of a giraffe's skin and is known for its calm disposition. Burmese pythons are often kept as pets.

IN natural environment The habitats of these snakes can be found in South and Southeast Asia. Their diet consists of small mammals and birds, and, like the anaconda, Burmese pythons squeeze their prey until it suffocates. They then swallow the prey whole and may only feed two or three times a year.

Due to deteriorating living conditions and the demand for snake skin and flesh, these giant creatures are becoming an endangered species wildlife. However, in captivity their numbers remain high.

4. Hieroglyphic python (Python sebae) - 6 meters

Adult hieroglyph pythons typically reach a length of 4.8 meters. But there is unconfirmed information that in 1958 a seven-meter python was killed, in whose stomach a 1.5-meter one was found Nile crocodile. Now it is difficult to say whether this information was true, since there are no photos or videos of one of the largest snakes in the world.

These pythons also attack people. In 2002, a snake swallowed a ten-year-old boy in South Africa.

3. Amethyst python (Morelia amethistina) - 6 meters

This species is found in Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea. The amethyst differs from other pythons in its large and symmetrical scutes that cover top part his head. These snakes have a beautiful yellow-olive or olive-brown coloration with a rainbow tint.

Amethyst pythons feed on small animals (including chickens) and often crawl into the yards of people who keep birds.

2. Giant or green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) - 9 meters

There are many legends and rumors about the size of the anaconda. Briton Percival Fossett describes anacondas measuring over 18 and 24 meters. And in 2015, a photo of a giant anaconda 40 meters long and weighing 2067 kg, which allegedly killed 257 people and 2325 animals, spread across the Internet. It took British commandos in Africa 37 days to track and kill her.

However, this photo turned out to be a fake, and the largest anaconda specimen currently known is in New York, in the terrarium of the Zoological Society. She is about 9 meters tall and weighs 130 kg.

Green anacondas live mainly in tropical forests Amazons and can be found in swamps, rivers and streams. They are very agile in the water and never crawl far from it. Their diet mainly consists of iguanas, birds, turtles and other small to medium sized creatures. These scaly giants kill their prey by wrapping themselves around them and squeezing them in a deadly embrace, preventing them from breathing air. Their extremely elastic mouth allows them to swallow their prey whole, even if it is much larger than the anaconda itself. And it may take months before the snake wants to eat again.

1. Reticulated python (Python reticulatus) - 14.85 meters

The largest snake in the world was found in the jungle on the island of Sumatra. Its length exceeded 14 meters and its weight was 447 kg. Scientists have never seen a snake this size. The monster was given the name Guihua and entered into the Guinness Book of Records. It costs him nothing to swallow a person or even a medium-sized cow. And after such a meal, Guihua may not eat anything for several months.

Regular reticulated pythons reach a length of 5-7 meters and differ aggressive behavior. They can attack people and animals, both domestic and predators. In one of the videos with the largest snakes in the world, a python killed and swallowed a small alligator

These snakes are capable of dislocating their jaws in order to swallow prey close to their own weight and up to 1/4 the length of the body.

Despite the fact that the reticulated python is quite widespread in the wild, its numbers are gradually declining. Poachers actively hunt for snake skins, as well as gallbladder, which is used in Asian folk medicine.

The largest snake ever living on Earth

But even the world's largest reticulated python did not reach the size of Titanoboa. This extinct species of snake is close relative boa constrictor - lived on Earth about 61-58 million years ago. The titanoboa's body length reached 15 meters, and it weighed about a ton.

There lived a giant snake in the humid and hot jungle in what is now Colombia. And if she had lived to this day, then Korney Chukovsky would have urged children not to walk not in Africa, but where this huge monster crawls.

Snakes are amazing creatures, which cause mixed reactions in almost all people. These cold-blooded creatures are distinguished by intelligence, a certain mystery and even mysticism. Below is a rating of the 10 longest snakes on the planet.

1st place – reticulated python

Although most individuals reach a length of 4-8 meters, pythons are known to be 10 meters or more in length. A python caught by a resident of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia weighed 447 kg in 2000 and grew in length to almost 15 m. The snake is considered the largest living today.

Pythons are considered harmless to humans, as there are only 2 known cases of this snake attacking a person. They mainly feed on rodents and livestock, so they often “visit” nearby settlements.

2nd place - green anaconda (or giant)

The green anaconda subspecies, belonging to the boa constrictor family, is considered the largest in the world - its size reaches 9-10 meters, with females being larger. However, in the eastern part of Colombia, a completely gigantic specimen was caught - an anaconda 11 m and 43 cm long.

This snake lives in South America and most spends his life in water. It feeds on livestock that comes to the pond to drink water - these can be goats, sheep, ducks and even dogs. Leads an isolated lifestyle, with the exception of mating season, and loves to soak up the sunshine

3rd place – Burmese python

This python is also called the dark tiger python. The average length is about 5-8 m, but the world knows a specimen that has grown to 9 m 15 cm. The Burmese python lives in Indonesia, India, China, Java, Thailand and Cambodia. It loves humidity, so it prefers tropical forests and swamps. Swims well, and at a young age also climbs trees. It feeds on rodents, pigeons, and monitor lizards. Large individuals can even feast on a jackal or deer. These pythons are phlegmatic, so they rarely attack people.

4th place – Indian python

Also called the light tiger python and reaches a length of 6 m. It is found in the mountains, on rocky slopes and near water. Leads night look life, sleeping during the day and going hunting at night. This snake feeds on small animals of about 3-5 kg, although, if desired, it is capable of catching larger game.

5th place – king cobra

Among poisonous snakes it is considered the largest - reaches 5 m 60 cm in length. In fact, it does not belong to real cobras, but belongs to the asp family. It lives in South and Southeast Asia, sometimes swallows monitor lizards, but most often feeds on relatives, including poisonous ones. Unlike other snakes, it can control the dose of venom injected during a bite. Cobra has excellent memory and is said to be able to distinguish the person who caught it from other people.

6th place – common boa constrictor

The common boa constrictor belongs to the family Boa constrictors or pseudopods. On average it reaches 4-5 m, although there are individuals up to 6 m. It lives on mountain slopes, in forests, swamps, near rivers and lakes, in caves. It swims well and can stay in the water for a long time. Sometimes city residents replace cats with boa constrictors, as they are good at hunting rodents.

7th place – mamba

The black mamba is considered the most poisonous snake in the world. African continent. The Guinness Book of Records claims that she is also the most fast snake in the world, as it is distinguished by extraordinary agility, allowing it to glide along the ground even with its head raised. Hunts during the day for various small game - rodents, mice, etc. When meeting a person, she tries to avoid contact, but if she fails, she immediately attacks.

8th place – bushmaster

Most close-up view of the viper family grows up to 3-4 m. In South America it is considered the most poisonous snake. Leads a solitary lifestyle and is often found in uninhabited areas, so contact with people is rare. Surukuku - the local name for bushmaster - goes out hunting at night, feeding on rodents and small snakes. Its poison is dangerous to humans, but the mortality rate from it is quite low - up to 12%.

9th place – brown eastern snake

Mesh brown snake belongs to the asp family. It is found in Australia, New Guinea, and also in Indonesia. It reaches a length of 2 meters, and the largest recorded specimen has grown to 2 m 40 cm. The venom of a snake without medical attention can be fatal.

The eastern snake hunts rodents, mainly house mice; sometimes they eat reptiles, birds and even their own relatives.

10th place – viper

This snake, belonging to the genus of giant vipers, is also poisonous and can reach almost 2 meters. Found everywhere - in Turkey, Iraq, India, Asia and throughout former USSR. Prefers the mountain-steppe zone. Hunts in different time days, depending on the time of year. These snakes hibernate alone or in groups of up to 12 individuals. Eats small mammals, birds and snakes.

Snakes. Danger and fear. Poison and greatness. People treat snakes very differently. Those who simply adore them and are not afraid to pick them up, some have acquired snakes as their favorite pets. And some experience insurmountable panic at the sight of them. Now there are about 3 thousand species of snakes in the world. Many of them are completely harmless creatures. But now we will look at those creatures that simply amaze with their size and grandeur. This is a ranking of the largest snakes in the world. Make yourself comfortable, because these creatures are unique in their kind. And every person should learn about them.

King cobra - 5th place in the ranking of the largest snakes in the world

This creature, although it occupies last place in our rating, but nevertheless, she is the most poisonous among those characters whom we will describe further.

  1. 3-4 meters long
  2. A cobra lives for about 30 years
  3. grows all your life
  4. releases a dose of poison up to 7mm, which kills a person in 15 minutes.

The maximum specimen that has been encountered reaches 5.6 meters. King cobras live only in the tropical forests of South Asia.
This is a creature that primarily eats its own kind. The royal specimen allows itself to eat other snakes. The surprising thing is that a cobra can eat nothing or anyone for almost three months.

What else is different about the king cobra?

She has a kind of hood that reacts to the emotions of the creature. Fear or anger is expressed by the hood tightening. The ribs on the neck help.
What might a cobra be afraid of? Most main enemy- mongoose. He can simply bite through the neck of a cobra at crazy speed. As we have already said, the venom of the royal is considered the most poisonous. Only the venom of the Australian taipan, which does not have such an impressive size, can be compared with it.

Light tiger python is the 4th largest snake in the world

This creature lives in India. Length - 6 meters. What is the difference between a light python and a dark one?

  1. characteristic light spots on the body
  2. some individuals have a red and some have a pink stripe on both sides of the head
  3. is less than 3 meters
  4. long life span - from 20 to 25 years

Typically, the light-colored tiger python does not cause much harm. He can hunt small animals. To give you an idea, no one more sizes They won't harm an ordinary cat. It is extremely rare to find snakes that are capable of catching wild boars in their nets.
These creatures are incredibly beautiful. But there are fewer and fewer of them in the world. The reason for this is the constant production of shoes, belts and other products from their leather.

Dark tiger python or the heaviest snake in the world

This is a snake that is not at all dangerous. Of course, her appearance is very impressive. After all, 9.15 meters of a creature that has no one knows what is on its mind scares almost every person.
We wrote about the maximum length of an individual snake. On average, their length is from 6 to 8 meters. But this is not the only surprising thing. Average weight- 70 kg. In 2005, a record was set: a snake living in the Snake Park of America, nicknamed “Baby,” weighed as much as 183 kg with a length of 8.2 meters.
As a rule, pythons live in swamps, tropical forests, and river valleys.

The python is distinguished by the fact that it swims and dives beautifully. It can spend about half an hour under water.
What is included in the diet of dark tiger pythons?

  1. birds: waterfowl, chickens, pigeons
  2. monkey
  3. Pets
  4. rarely jackals, pythons and leopards.

On average, this species lives 25 years. Females in the snake world are not the weaker sex, but large and massive creatures. It is the large representatives of this species that can not only attack their prey, but also swallow it. Very often goats, pigs and not the largest deer fell into such a trap.

How do pythons find their prey?
First of all, it is the smell. And the upper labial scutes are equipped with thermal locator pits that help detect prey thanks to thermal radiation. These pythons are also capable of long periods of fasting.
Brave and courageous residents of the southeast are not afraid to keep tiger pythons at home. As the superstitions of those parts say, snakes perfectly rid the house of mice and rats. The snake has a calm character and disposition, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with its beauty. Because dark tiger pythons are a real find for the very best zoo collections. Of course, caring for them is not easy. Here you need to have a large amount of knowledge and extreme calm and composure.
In captivity, pythons feel restless. They require special care and care when caring for them. Therefore, not every zoo employee can handle this mission.

Creature with crocodile eyes

Giant green anaconda - amazing snake, which belongs to the subspecies of boas. These creatures were once called water boas.

  1. Anaconda length is from 5 to 8 meters
  2. maximum length - 11.43 meters
  3. maximum weight - more than 130 kg
  4. average age - 6 years
  5. maximum age is 28 years.

Yes Yes. This is not a typo at all. Once upon a time, in a terrarium in South America, a green anaconda lived for 28 years.
This is a predatory and dangerous creature that attacks very unexpectedly. The anaconda cunningly lies in wait for its prey, then suddenly attacks.
These snakes live in flowing places of the river, periodically crawling out to bask on the ground under the sun. Sometimes, for the same purpose, the anaconda climbs onto the lower branches of trees. This creature is an excellent swimmer. The strange thing is not that a snake can stay under water for a long time. The paradox is that its nostrils are closed with special valves. During periods of drought, anacondas bury themselves in the mud. Some individuals prefer to fall into torpor. And only when the rains appear again will these individuals return to their normal activities.

The anaconda eats mainly mammals, but in history situations have been recorded when the creature quickly and mercilessly ate a jaguar.
Cannibalism is also inherent in them. Once at the zoo, a green anaconda quickly strangled and then ate a python, which was 3 meters long.
Does the giant anaconda have enemies? In general, no one is afraid of her. Very rarely have there been situations where a jaguar or large caiman managed to eat it. Of course, these prey anacondas were of the smallest size.
Surprising but true. Anaconda extremely rarely attacks humans. Such cases only happened by mistake. If a creature sees a person under water, then it thinks that this is a danger, and only in this case it attacks itself.
The only relevant case occurred in India. A giant anaconda swallowed a boy who was only 13 years old in a matter of seconds.
Surely you have seen films where the anaconda is an eternal predator of people. In life, they prefer to hide away from the human smell.

How do females reproduce? One individual can give birth to even 30 cubs. Babies are born 60 cm long. Interestingly, newborns can swim and even hunt.
The local population of the regions where the anaconda lives eats the meat of these snakes. It is considered incredibly tasty and juicy. That's why residents of South America constantly hunt anacondas. Do you think this is a very dangerous activity? In fact, these hunters have a huge amount of knowledge and experience. Therefore, they are confident that they will never fall into a trap. By the way, no one here catches such snakes alone. Groups of the most experienced and skillful hunters are specially assembled and set out for tasty prey.

The largest snake in the world

This is a reticulated python. It is characterized by:

  1. average length from 4 to 10 meters
  2. life expectancy about 20 years
  3. 100 teeth, including fangs. They are considered non-poisonous.

The python got its name because of its unique color. Light diamond-shaped spots on the back are combined with triangles on the sides. These snakes live in South Asia, mainly on mountain slopes or in tropical forests. Pythons prefer life on land; sometimes they like to climb trees or swim in warm water.
Food preferences:

  1. all kinds of rodents
  2. birds
  3. monkey
  4. Pets.

A reticulated python once ate a 60 kg pig. And once on Borneo, a python almost 7 meters long swallowed a female malayan bear. These snakes also love to eat bats, which are caught in flight.
As for the record dimensions, there was a reticulated python in the zoo, which reached a size of 12.2 m. This information can be found in numerous sources. But when it came to officially confirming this record, the zoo staff chose to remain silent. Therefore, perhaps the anaconda should be considered the winner in our ranking.
The body structure is also very interesting. The python does not have large bones, its body weight is powerful, just iron muscles. It is thanks to them that a reticulated python can easily strangle a pig or goat. It was once believed that pythons break the bones of their victims. This is actually not true. If pythons broke bones rather than strangling their prey, they could be injured by fragments of the animal's bones.
The reticulated python is not afraid of people. In those parts, pythons can even climb into the chicken coop at night in order to steal their food. People have many chances to hunt pythons, however, it is not clear why no one uses these abilities to this day. There are only three stories in history based on real events how experienced hunters caught reticulated pythons.

Of course, snakes choose their activity time when there are fewer people. Therefore, if too large a population lives nearby, pythons hunt at night. IN daytime For days, they prefer a calm, quiet rest in the burrows of other animals or at the foot of trees.
Amazing fact. The reticulated python is the first creature to take up residence near Krakatoa after the 1888 eruption.
Information for lovers of exclusive animals as pets. The reticulated python needs a horizontal tropical terrarium. The required volume is several cubic meters. Pythons are heat-loving creatures. During the day they need temperatures up to 30-33 degrees Celsius, and at night - 25-25 degrees. It is recommended to keep one at a time. It is unlikely that you will be able to find this exclusive snake in your city. The exception is the zoo. And to feed them you need not only to sacrifice other animals, but also to have an impressive amount of wallet. Still, these creatures must live in a comfortable environment, namely in the wild.

Anyone who has at least once come face to face with a snake will confirm that an unexpected meeting is always unpleasant and evokes the only desire - to jump away.

But if you see a snake from afar, you can examine it and observe its behavior. It is worth noting that human fears regarding snakes are exaggerated. If you study their behavior, you can understand that the likelihood of dying in an accident is much higher than from a snake bite. Still, there are snakes that involuntarily evoke fear. So, what is the largest snake in the world? The longest or largest snake in the world is the Asian reticulated python. It, in its natural environment, grows up to 10 or even 12 meters in length. Each individual can reach 150 kilograms. But no more.

The largest snake is the anaconda

Giant or Green. It is only 10 meters long, but its weight can be 220 kilograms. However, the Green Anaconda can easily compete with the Asian Python both in size and length. The largest living snake lives in New York, in the terrarium of the Zoological Society. She is about 9 meters tall and weighs 130 kilograms. And here is the most long length anaconda, which was recorded - 11 meters and 43 centimeters. It was measured in 1944 by a petroleum geologist who was studying the jungles of Colombia and looking for deposits of “black gold”.

However, the main evidence, the body of the “anaconda queen,” was missing. According to the geologist, after stunning and measuring, the snake came to its senses and crawled away. But the herpetological world still recognized the existence of a snake of this size. Since then, a length of almost 12 meters has been a generally recognized record. He was even included in the Guinness Book of Records. In the 30s of the last century, the zoological community announced a reward of 1 thousand dollars to anyone who could prove the existence of an anaconda more than 12.2 meters long. After this, former US President Theodore Roosevelt increased the prize to 6 thousand dollars, and reduced the size of the snake to 9.12 meters. Today the payment has already increased to 50 thousand dollars, but still no one can get it. Therefore, a 9-meter specimen from the New York terrarium is apparently the limit. This gives a trump card to supporters of the leadership of the Asian reticulated python. Although the only snake of the species whose length can be estimated with one’s own eyes is one meter shorter than the anaconda from New York. The python lives at the Philadelphia Zoo.

All about anaconda

However, it is worth noting that the remains of the Giant African Python, which lived 55 million years ago, were found in Egypt. Part of the spine suggests that the snake had a length of 11 meters and 80 centimeters. Today, the average length of an ordinary anaconda is about 6 meters. And cases of it growing up to nine meters are rare. The snake lives in the tropical forests of South America, in particular in the quiet backwaters of the Amazon. There the Giant Anaconda searches for its prey and guards it. It feeds on small and medium-sized mammals. She pounces on the victim, covers her with rings of her body, after which she strangles and swallows whole. An anaconda’s food is digested from several hours to several days. At this time, she does not eat anything, and also does not hunt. He just lies quietly, half asleep, in a secluded place. And, despite numerous cinematic and folklore legends, the anaconda is not dangerous for an adult. Cases of snake attacks on people are rare. Hunters, as a rule, do not experience fear when encountering anacondas. They destroy them in the same way as wolf farmers to prevent the snakes from destroying poultry and livestock.

Anacondas live in hard-to-reach places, so it is quite difficult to determine their numbers. However, it is already known that restoring the population of this snake species is not a problem. Giant anacondas are ovoviviparous. The average snake litter is up to 40 newborns. In addition, they reproduce calmly both in the natural environment and in captivity. Females and males are not picky about choosing a partner; it is enough for one to simply get into the visibility zone of the other. The largest snake on earth is not poisonous. She kills her victim by strangulation. And it doesn’t release venom like other snakes. This is the main difference Giant anaconda from the King Cobra - it is the largest venomous snake in the world. She has the most a large number of poison.

Burmese python or dark tiger python

Grows up to 9.15 meters. This is a record copy.

This python is the largest of the tiger python subspecies. It can grow up to 8 meters or more. However, individuals up to 5.5 meters in length are usually found. The snake weighs about 70 kilograms.

Indian python or light tiger python

Reaches 6 meters in length.

The light tiger python differs from the dark one by the presence of so-called light “eyes” in the centers of the spots, which are located on the sides of the body, as well as reddish or pink stripes on the sides of the head. In general, this subspecies is smaller than the dusky tiger python. Large individuals can grow up to only 6 meters.

King Cobra

This is the largest venomous snake.

It has the longest length among other poisonous ones. Individual individuals can grow up to 5.6 meters. However, on average, a cobra is only 3-4 meters in length.

Common boa constrictor

This is a snake from the family of pseudopods. Individuals can grow up to 3-4 meters in length.

Boa constrictor feeding common reptile and mammal birds.

Black Mamba

This snake is the most poisonous in Africa. In length it grows to 2.4 - 3 meters. Some individuals are up to 4.5 meters.

Aurora and Black Mamba

The black mamba can crawl at speeds of up to 11 kilometers per hour. But with short throws and on flat terrain, the snake can reach speeds of up to 19 kilometers per hour.


This is one of the most major representatives poisonous snakes in South America from the subfamily of pit viper snakes of the viper family.

Bushmaster can grow up to 3 meters in length, less often up to 4. At the same time, the body weight of the snake is quite low - only 3-5 kilograms.

Eastern brown snake

This snake can come in a variety of colors. But usually the color of the eastern brown is exactly brown.

Body length is about 2 meters.


This snake can be found in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The viper is the largest snake of the viper family.

Feeding the viper

Together with the tail, it has a length of up to 2 meters and a weight of about 3 kilograms. The venom of the viper has a pronounced hemolytic effect. In terms of toxicity, it can be second only to cobra venom.
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