What are the requirements for organizing employee workplaces? Organization of the chef's workplace. Requirements for workplace organization

Short and diminutive options: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katena, Katyasha, Katerinka.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Catherine, Kate, Belarusian Katsyaryna, Bulgarian Ekaterina, Katerina, Spanish Catalina, Italian Caterina, German Katharina, Kathrin, Polish Katarzyna, Ukrainian Katerina, French Catherine, Czech Katerina.

Latin transliteration in Russian passport- Ekaterina.

Origin of the name "Ekaterina"

The name Ekaterina translated from Greek language means "pure, undefiled", it comes from Greek word"katarios". In the mass consciousness, it is firmly associated with the image of Empress Catherine the Great and her era, and all Katenka’s entire life is a bit of a queen - either by the amount of pride, or by the royalty of her manners.

On December 7, they remember the Holy Great Martyr Princess Catherine, who lived in the fourth century AD. She was baptized after seeing the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus in a dream. She was not afraid to denounce the pagan king to his face for persecuting and torturing Christians, and then was beheaded on his orders.

Since childhood, Ekaterina, as they say, has been a child on her own mind. Moreover, she likes to stock up and is reluctant to share what she has received. She carefully puts candy, apples and small gifts from adults, touched by the girl’s intelligence, into her pockets and rarely treats her friends.

In her class, Katya is usually an excellent student, diligent and slightly arrogant, and she chooses the same excellent students, as well as strong and respected guys, as friends. Having matured, she loves to surround herself with people who are interesting to her and can benefit her. The living room in her house becomes a real reception room for the queen, even if in her heart Katya is extremely unsure of herself.

Catherine is usually a bright personality, and if she is unlucky with character or outstanding beauty, she takes her inadequacy hard own name and may become depressed. In general, it’s not worth hurting Catherine’s pride, although she will always understand a good joke and will gladly support it.

It is very important for Catherine to know what others think about her, and it is important for people to have an opinion about her. good opinion. But woe to anyone who suspects Catherine of this - she will never confess, but will consider such a person an offender. Offenders Catherine cannot forgive for a long time, and can often take completely cold-blooded revenge.

Katya may be a timid, unconfident woman, but her appearance will always be regal, and her anger will be regal. She generally loses her temper easily, especially since she tends to take everything personally. Catherine has a difficult character, and her life is rich and stormy.

She can dress extravagantly and behave provocatively, but usually this is a manifestation of internal anxiety that haunts Catherine all her life. Catherine has a rich imagination, so she shocks the audience with skill. In an effort to gain confidence, she can resort to unconventional methods, turn to psychics and fortune tellers.

Ekaterina easily copes with any tasks. They are not inclined to any particular type of activity, but they feel good everywhere. The main thing is that willpower should keep Catherine from her characteristic impulsiveness.

Catherine chooses her husband from among her many admirers for a long time and diligently. Usually remains faithful in marriage. Catherine’s husbands love them very much, and in general the marriages are successful, although Katya is not the best housewife, and life in general seems to her to be far from the most important thing in family life. And she often doesn’t know how to raise her children properly.

Horoscope named after "Ekaterina"

Catherine is ruled by Sagittarius and Leo, and her planets are the Sun and Jupiter. totem plant Catherine - lotus and strawberry, as well as cedar, the tree of kings. Her totems are the termite and the swan, which Katya has been like all her life in her royalty and coldness towards people. She is lucky if she wears blue or red clothes, and Catherine's talisman is chrysolite.

Name compatibility

It is best for Catherine to marry,. But her relationship with Victor, Kirill, Nikolai, Philip, Yakov most likely will not work out..

It makes sense to call a girl Katya if her middle name is Avgustovna, Yulievna, Yuryevna, Efremovna, Adamovna or Glebovna.

Catherine and pets

Catherine usually loves animals, but rarely has a dog in the house. She is too lazy to bother with her, she is too busy with her own problems. If the children insist, then she chooses a large dog: chow-chow, collie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland. Under no circumstances should she get a Boxer, Great Dane or Bull Terrier; she will not be able to cope with raising such a dog; her nervousness and irritability will make the dog unbalanced and uncontrollable.

Soft nicknames are suitable for Katya's pets: Lizzie, Jessica, Dune, Nessie, Bonnie, Hamilton, Geophan, Fanny, Mason, Jason, Til.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Ekaterina, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909: 63 (4th place)
  • 1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
  • 1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
  • 1978-1981: 42 (10th place)
  • 2008: (8th place)

The birth of a baby is small miracle for parents and relatives. No doubt they are trying to find a name that suits their daughter. One of the beautiful sonorous names that came to us from Ancient Greece and firmly established itself in Russia - the name Katya. But what does the name Katya mean in translation from ancient Greek? What kind of character will a girl with that name have, how does she behave in the family and how will her career develop? What, finally, is the history of the origin of this wonderful name? Let's figure it out.

Origin of the name

As already mentioned, this name comes from Ancient Greece. To understand how the name Katya is translated, it is necessary to turn to the etymology of this word. Many linguists suggest that it is directly related to the word “katharos”, which translated from ancient Greek means “pure”, “purification”. The literal meaning of the name Katya is “immaculate”, “pure”.

The most famous woman to ever bear this name is the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria. The name of this great woman and her life are associated with true faith, which cannot be violated even by a threat own life. They tried to convert this woman to paganism, but she not only did not betray her faith, but was also able to convert many people from among her tormentors to it.

Women named Ekaterina are still completely convinced that they are right. They are excellent leaders, capable of leading people. This is the meaning of the name Katya that is laid down from the birth of the baby. And more often than not, she completely confirms it.

Characteristics of the name


From the outside it seems that Katya really loves to act, but sitting still is not for her. However, when it comes to work, things are not so obvious. In this case, what does the name Katya mean when it comes to the need to work and build your own career? In fact, she doesn't feel much enthusiasm for her work. In truth, if there is an opportunity not to work, she will always take it. For example, it will allow solving problems that have arisen financial questions to my husband. Well, if he works independently, it will only be out of necessity.

One of the reasons for this attitude towards work is also the difficulty in choosing it. As already mentioned, Ekaterina is a comprehensively developed personality, so it is difficult for her to understand what exactly she wants from life and what she likes most. Having a huge list of hobbies, she may be confused about which one she likes best, and as a result be left with nothing.

If we are talking about own business, Katya most likely won’t have the patience to start it. And laziness will not be the last factor. There is no doubt that business ideas are constantly born in her head, but, according to Ekaterina, someone else must bring them to life.

Katya is best suited for professions related to marketing or advertising, for example, an advertising agent.

The mystery of the name

  1. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  2. The patronage of the planet is Jupiter and the Sun.
  3. Name days - February 5, February 17, March 20, December 7, December 17.
  4. The talisman stone is chrysolite.
  5. Talisman plant - cedar, lotus, strawberry.
  6. The talisman animal is a termite and a swan, which Catherine resembles in her royalty.
  7. The talisman color is blue and red.
  8. The day that brings good luck is Wednesday.

Famous people

After all the facts about what the name Katya means, it becomes clear: such a girl has powerful energy and is able to lead people. One of the most famous women of her time, who bore this name, became Catherine the Second. According to the memoirs of Catherine’s contemporaries, she was a woman who strove for power and invariably got what she wanted. She was characterized by assertiveness and inner individualism.

Among modern girls, bearing the name Catherine, you can remember Russian actress theater and cinema Ekaterina Klimova, TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova and Honored Actress of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Guseva.

Forms of the name Katya

Full name - Ekaterina. You can affectionately call her Katya, Katyusha, Katyusha, Rina, Katerinka, Kat, Kate, Katie. We must not forget about the forms Katka, Katenka, Katechka, Katyunya. Church name in Orthodoxy it will be consonant with the full - Catherine.

Name Ekaterina in other languages

In the countries of Europe and America, the name Ekaterina can sound both in the traditional version and in a slightly modified version - Catalina, Kathleen.

Depending on which country Catherine will go to, her name will sound in accordance with the traditional pronunciation:

  • Greece - Ekaterini.
  • Belarus - Katsyaryna.
  • Germany - Katharina.
  • America - Katherine.
  • Spain - Catalina.
  • Italy - Katerina.
  • France - Catherine.
  • Poland - Katarzyna.
  • Czech Republic - Katerzyna.
  • Slovenia - Katarina.
  • Ukraine - Katerina.
  • Türkiye - Hatace.

Because of large quantity Syllables for the Chinese this name will be a little difficult to pronounce - Ekatelinna. What does the name Katya mean in Japan? In the Land of the Rising Sun, this name is translated as “unsullied” and pronounced Koheiri. But in accordance with the Katakana alphabet, the name is pronounced as Ekacherina.

No matter what country Ekaterina was born in, she will always remain a cheerful and ambitious girl who confidently follows her goal. If you want to see your daughter exactly like this, feel free to choose this name for your little girl.

Winter Catherine often silent and slow in action. Family life often brings disappointment due to its difficult nature. Catherine, born in winter, can be cunning, especially in relation to her rivals (she often treats them cruelly). Katya knows how to weave intrigues, and prefers to act alone. She loves to show her individuality, so she dresses brightly, without succumbing to the latest fashion trends. Her pride, pride and high self-esteem are perceived by Katya as advantages. The unpredictability of winter Catherine often borders on inadequacy. She is a rather mediocre housewife, but at the same time she loves her children and husband.

Spring Catherine is a suspicious homebody who does not like to stand out either in society or at work. Loves to receive guests and give pleasant surprises to friends. She is the life of the party, with whom it is always fun and pleasant to communicate. Loves life in all its manifestations. She is constantly improving, so it is always interesting to work with her. Her husband should be faithful, since Katya will not forgive betrayal. In the family, Catherine is the undisputed leader, so she expects complaisance and even obedience from her husband. Sooner or later, the husband leaves such a wife, wanting to feel like a free person, but the spring Catherine will never admit her guilt.

Summer Catherine is a restless woman who loves active pastime. Violent expression of feelings and beauty lead to the attraction of men from whom she has no end. Can stand up for himself and loved ones. She is a good housewife, knows how and loves to cook. She assesses the situation scrupulously and pragmatically, which helps her move confidently through life. Summer Catherine is the owner and true keeper of the hearth. She has many male friends, while she rarely makes friends with women.

Autumn Catherine - a serious, sensible, demanding lady who is doomed to occupy leadership positions. Her sense of justice will be appreciated by both her colleagues and her relatives. As a rule, Katya, born in autumn, is very beautiful and sexy. She sees her husband, first of all, as a sex partner, since sex occupies one of the leading places in her life. But at the same time, Catherine is a romantic, ready to go to the ends of the earth for her beloved. She does not tolerate stingy men. Autumn Katya’s pride will not allow her to live with a person who is superior to her in some way, because by nature she is a leader.


Agate and peridot are stones that suit Catherine.


This stone gives courage and calmness, it prolongs life and attracts success. For men, agate will help attract the attention of women.

It is believed that this stone protects against bad thoughts, and if you place it under your pillow, you will definitely have good dreams.

Agate should be worn on the left hand, which will calm the nerves and even remove the evil eye.


Peridot brings good luck and prosperity to its owner. This stone protects against unreasonable actions and bad dreams, protects against fires and many other dangers. In addition, chrysolite strengthens strength, brings happiness to family life, and relieves melancholy. Peridot talismans and amulets protect against night fears and the evil eye.


Catherine is patronized by the color blue (more about blue color can be read in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).





The globe is the symbol of Catherine. He promises Catherine good luck, respect in society and prosperity.

The globe is a reminder that time is fleeting, and therefore you should appreciate every day you live, trying to fill it with new knowledge.


Catherine's animal mascots are a swan and a termite.


The swan is a symbol of purity, fidelity, wisdom, pride and nobility. According to beliefs, a swan can personify both the light and dark principles, symbolizing life and death, good and evil.


This active insect cannot sit still, so it is not surprising that the termite is a symbol of the restless Catherine, who likes frequent changes.


Catherine's talisman is the rod, symbolizing not only power, but also masculinity. This talisman will give you strength to accomplish your goals and strengthen your spirit.



Most suitable plants for Catherine - cedar and lotus.


It is believed that a cedar amulet has healing properties:


The lotus is a symbol of spiritual life. The bud of this plant symbolizes the unity of a man and a woman. Lotus brings harmony and love to relationships.


Catherine’s metal is iron, which is quite natural, because she has the same firm and tough character, which helps her cope with many difficulties. In addition, it is believed that rings and bracelets made of this metal can ward off evil spirits.

Auspicious day

Unfavorable day


The lucky time of year for Catherine is autumn.


Catherine's year is the year of the rooster, symbolizing courage, dignity and fidelity. By Chinese calendar The rooster is a symbol of the Sun, so fire is Catherine's element. Those born in the year of the rooster Katya are most often creative people or militant leaders.

Important years of life

Most important years for a woman named Catherine: 17, 20, 26, 29, 33, 37, 40, 50, 55.

Origin of the name Ekaterina

Name translation

The name Catherine comes from the Greek "Haykaterina" - "eternally pure", "rebellious".

History of the name

The first official mentions of the name Catherine were noted in the Moscow census for 1638. So, out of 441 women, 12 bore this name. The name's popularity increased when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich named his newborn daughter Catherine.

Interesting fact! Saint Catherine of Alexandria came to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in a dream. After this, he decided to build a monastery “Catherine Hermitage” (now the Orthodox St. Catherine Monastery) at the site of the events that took place in the dream and named his daughter Catherine.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Well-known analogues of the name Ekaterina: Katya, Katenka, Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina, Catalina, Katel, Rina, Kat, Katie, Katyusha.

The legend of the name Catherine

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria was a famous scientist who knew many books by poets and philosophers, spoke several languages ​​and practiced healing. When she converted to Christianity, she began to actively introduce other people to the faith. She went to Emperor Maxentius, who was known for his atrocities, and tried to convince him to convert to Christianity. The king was struck by her beauty and tried to convince her of the truth of faith in the pagan gods, for which he convened a council of 50 wise men, who lost an intellectual duel with Catherine, for which they paid with their lives (they were put on fire).

Maxentiy did not give up his attempts to convince Catherine to worship pagan gods, only now he tortured her. But the saint withstood this test with dignity. Moreover, she converted the king’s wife, Porphyria, into the Christian faith, as well as servants, a military leader and 200 soldiers, for which Maxentius executed all the converts, including his wife. Catherine of Alexandria, who refused to become the king's wife, was executed by beheading. According to legend, milk flowed from Catherine's wound, not blood.

The mystery of the name Catherine

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 2nd number.

February: 5th, 13th and 17th.

March: 3rd, 9th, 20th and 24th.

May: 5th number.

June: 26th.

July: 4th number.

September: 4th, 15th and 21st.

November: 23rd, 25th and 28th.

December: 7th, 17th, 28th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous singers named Ekaterina:

  • Katya Lel;
  • Ekaterina Semenova.

Famous actresses named Ekaterina:

  • Katharine Hepburn;
  • Ekaterina Guseva;
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva.

Famous TV presenters named Ekaterina:

  • Ekaterina Andreeva;
  • Ekaterina Konovalova;
  • Ekaterina Mtsituridze.

Famous writers named Ekaterina:

  • Ekaterina Eltsova;
  • Ekaterina Vilmont.

Catherine II - Empress of All Russia.

Kate Moss is a supermodel who ushered in a new era of models who look like hooligans from the streets.

The meaning of the name Ekaterina

The name Ekaterina contains, first of all, willpower, willfulness and love of freedom. Katya are born celebrities and generally professionals in their field, who have always followed a clearly defined goal since childhood.

For a child

As a child, Katya is calm and reasonable; she loves active games and knows how to find mutual language with his peers and rarely conflicts. Katya is smart and attentive, but at the same time vain: all her achievements (even the most insignificant) should be accompanied by praise and gifts.

Ekaterina, already as a child, begins to show her ambitions and think about the future. Katya doesn’t like to share with her friends, and besides, she must surpass other children in everything. The best student, with authority in the class, she wants to become a famous person. Power and perfection are her main goals. At school she studies well, and at the same time she chooses friends to match herself.

It is important to provide Catherine with a certain degree of freedom and independence, otherwise we can expect a “mutiny on the ship.” Such independence will benefit Katya, which will have a positive impact on her studies, and in the future on her professional career.

For a girl

The matured Katya is a person of mood. Now she will be kind, affectionate and attentive, and in 15 minutes she will turn into a harsh, rude and cruel fury. One of negative traits Catherine’s character is the subjectivity of thinking: so, there is her opinion and the wrong one, and it is almost impossible to prove the opposite. At the same time, she tends to doubt herself, but she will never show it, so for those around her she is always reserved, smart and cheerful.

Catherine was used to achieving everything herself, without counting on the help of others.

For woman

Catherines are reliable and discreet women who know how to control their emotions, and therefore do not splash out anger or irritation on others. They are generous, fair, noble and reliable, but often their self-confidence and authority are regarded as arrogance.

A woman named Ekaterina can be successful in any activity. Scrupulousness, patience, and the ability to confidently pursue her cherished dream make her an unsurpassed specialist in her field. That is why there are so many Catherines among celebrities, because at all times they knew how to stand out among those around them, proudly bearing their name for centuries.

She clearly knows what she needs from a man and how she needs to adapt him to herself, but at the same time she does not greatly constrain her chosen one with family “chains”. We must give Catherine credit for her ability to create and maintain a “home.”

Description of the name Ekaterina


Catherine's morals are moderate, but at the same time ambitious and depend, first of all, on the environment and accompanying circumstances. If you need to be intelligent and well-mannered, Katya will be so, but at the same time she can be promiscuous, and at the same time she will feel equally comfortable in different images.

Catherine cannot be easily broken, because her strong spirit and desire for heights will destroy any obstacles standing in her way. Honor and devotion make Catherine a truly strong woman.


Ekaterina has been monitoring her health since her youth, but nature has not endowed her with strong physical qualities. Catherine is susceptible to fractures and often suffers from impaired metabolism, which threatens to become overweight. In addition, Katya has a rather weak nervous system, she is predisposed to diseases of the heart, stomach and respiratory system.

It should be noted that Catherine is trying to lead healthy image life, subject to a strict daily routine.


In love, Catherine needs reliability and confidence in her partner. Love games for her as a symbol of purity and unsurpassability. Catherine is capable of falling in love once and for all. A man who wants to take possession of her must try hard to win her attention and trust. But the reward for your work and patience will be high - this is love that is charming and faithful woman! She is in no hurry to “jump out” to get married, although she has many admirers. Such selectivity and unhurriedness allows her to find the only man with whom she is ready to spend her whole life.


Catherine never cheats on her husband, because her role is “the keeper of the hearth.” She knows how to organize comfort in the home and relaxation for the whole family. Catherine is usually a good mother to her children. During family adversity, he behaves proudly and with dignity. supporting my family in every possible way. Family is the goal of her whole life, so Catherine can go to great lengths to preserve and prosper it. For Catherine, marriage is a kind of protection, a stronghold in life. It is important that Catherine’s husband is not only an excellent family man, but also an excellent sexual partner.

Family relationships

In the family, Catherine is the unspoken leader, and not the submissive wife. But she can also make concessions, looking for a compromise in any family troubles. Classic family values are able to give Catherine spiritual food and give her life meaning. Ekaterina loves her children and husband, but is not always ready to implement their requests (for example, Katya does not really like to cook).


Katerina does not have a pronounced sexuality, and all because of her ostentatious arrogance and self-confidence, therefore she often pushes away the man who is interested in her. However, behind this screen stands, oddly enough, a sensual, passionate woman, which can be very distressing strong feelings. She needs real love, and not some ephemeral fairy-tale prince. In general, Catherine is endowed with increased sexual excitability, sensitivity and sensitivity.

Mind (intelligence)

Catherine is different high level intelligence, while in her actions she can be too hot-tempered, impulsive and proud, which often interferes with her career growth. It is difficult to accept the superiority of the people around her. This is due to the fact that this woman is constantly trying to find flaws in herself and suffers from a false feeling of inferiority.


Ekaterina is capable of being an excellent doctor or teacher. She can take upon herself a burden of responsibility and other people's suffering that is unbearable for others. She likes to create almost insurmountable difficulties for herself, which she successfully solves to the envy of her enemies and ill-wishers. And here Catherine’s qualities such as pride and vanity play an important role, because she is confident that without her the world will collapse. But at the same time, Catherine is ready to help people selflessly, showing kindness and tolerance.


Catherine’s perseverance and conscientiousness help her achieve success and wealth, but only on condition that she shows her prudence, exercises caution and is able to choose the “golden mean.” Rationalism, dedication and determination will help her achieve success in any field. Overall it can become successful business"woman".


Catherine's favorite hobbies are studying history and exact sciences, reading and dancing.

She loves company, trips to nature, travel. Catherine is also noted for her affection and love for animals.

Character type

According to her internal energy, Ekaterina is not prone to aggression and accumulation of tension for a long time, and therefore her quarrels with her parents, and later with her colleagues, are not protracted.

If Katya was raised too harshly, then she may turn out to be a withdrawn person, which may develop an inferiority complex, accompanied by shyness, shyness and indecisiveness. It will be very difficult for her to live with such a character.

If Katerina was given freedom of choice, if she led an active and active lifestyle from childhood, then in the future Katya will give the impression of a self-confident person with a kind and vulnerable soul.


Ekaterina is an intelligent person, for which she is appreciated by those around her. She tends to take everything to heart. It is important to praise Katya more often, thereby stimulating her to overcome the following high peaks. Despite her difficult character, Ekaterina lives a full and rich life, in which there is rarely room for despondency and melancholy.


Intuition is completely closed mental abilities(Katya does not allow her emotions to take over her mind, which prevents her from trusting her inner feelings). Catherines are complacent and consider themselves smarter than everyone else, which is why they can suffer big defeats, while they will never give up on life’s obstacles.

Horoscope named after Catherine

Catherine - Aries

This is the type of luxurious and purposeful woman. Advancement towards lofty goals in life occurs too impulsively. She cannot think for a long time, going towards the goal, because Catherine-Aries needs everything at once. As a result, she makes annoying mistakes both at work and on the personal front. She likes mature and experienced men with whom she can feel protected.

Catherine - Taurus

An efficient and well-mannered personality. Polite, neat, takes her responsibilities seriously full responsibility. The men surrounding Catherine-Taurus feel like real “macho” men, so she is doomed to a productive marriage. She can dominate her partner, but at the same time be careful about his feelings.

Ekaterina - Gemini

This is a witty, dynamic and quick-witted nature, capable of doing several things at the same time (in the end, she does not complete any of them, but is willingly ready to shift things onto the shoulders of others). Cunning and very active Catherine-Gemini is the real life of the party. Her dynamism and activity do not allow others to follow the changes in Catherine’s life, so it is always fun with her and there is something to talk about. She can constantly change men until she comes to her senses and chooses the only one, but for how long?

Ekaterina - Cancer

Sensual and gentle woman. A family woman who values ​​a boring but stable life. Nevertheless, men go crazy about her, protect her and carry her in their arms. But Catherine-Cancer prudently chooses the one and only person to whom she is ready to give unearthly affection and love.

Catherine - Leo

This woman is passionate, spectacular and straightforward. She often confuses people with her emancipation, because she considers it a rule to tell people, without ceremony, the truth to their face. As a rule, she is very beautiful and sexy. The arrogant and cynical use of a man for his own needs lies at the heart of the character of Catherine the Leo.

Catherine - Virgo

Catherine, born under this sign, is practical and self-confident; she clearly knows what she wants from life, which is why indecisive people irritate her. For the sake of achieving a high position and material goods ready to go to great lengths. She needs a confident, strong, assertive man. And if a man is very temperamental, then she is ready to give him leadership in the relationship.

Catherine - Libra

Modesty and compliance, refined manners - this is Catherine-Libra. She likes noisy and crowded companies, meeting new people, and traveling.

She is attracted by natural spaces, she does not like to sit at home and arrange family holidays. Catherine-Libra is constantly surrounded male attention, so he often starts short novels. For a long time, Katya does not understand that it is time to get married and create a family home.

Ekaterina - Scorpio

It is difficult to find a common language with the contradictory and hot-tempered Catherine-Scorpio. Sometimes it seems that she is going against the whole world, having her own opinion on everything that happens. In reality, she has a gentle soul, a sensitive and receptive heart. A man who chooses such Catherine should be patient, because with age she changes for the better.

Catherine - Sagittarius

Catherine-Sagittarius is distinguished by her optimism, cheerfulness and frankness. She is trusting and never loses heart, despite all the troubles that befall her. life path. She doesn’t understand men, which is why she often suffers in family life. Treason, deceit, betrayal cannot break Catherine-Sagittarius, so she will look for her betrothed again and again, never losing faith in pure love.

Catherine - Capricorn

This Catherine has a changeable nature. He conducts his business according to his mood. She can be a cheerful and friendly enthusiast, or she can be gloomy, sarcastic and apathetic. Her relationships with men are also unstable. On the one hand, Catherine-Capricorn wants stability in relationships, and on the other hand, she does not want to be dependent on anyone.

Ekaterina - Aquarius

A romantic nature that looks at life idealistically. Her dreams are too lofty to come true. The character is characterized by good nature. Often Catherine-Aquarius is not understood by those around her, and then she withdraws into herself. She is surrounded by many fans, but loneliness weighs on her soul. She wants ideal feelings and relationships.

Catherine - Pisces

She is a sensitive and emotional person whose abstract thinking does not allow you to perform rational actions. This is very attractive woman who is passionate about endless novels, which eventually drains mental strength and contributes to complete chaos in life. She needs stability and understanding.

Compatibility of the name Ekaterina with male names

Ekaterina and Alexander

A very strong union - they are made for each other. They have many common aspirations and interests, they understand each other without words. Between Katya and Sasha there can be either a strong friendship or a lasting marriage. Both partners show best qualities while being together.

Ekaterina and Dmitry

This union is possible, but it is not very strong. Ekaterina and Dmitry are united by such qualities as independence and love of freedom, but all this does not contribute to their unambiguous unification. If they get together, then their romance is doomed to be bright and passionate. Catherine can give many reasons for jealousy, while perceiving her husband’s reproaches as an encroachment on personal freedom. The longevity of such a relationship depends, first of all, on the man - on his patience, endurance and ability to insist on his own.

Ekaterina and Sergey

This union is more suitable for friendship than for love (however, after a long friendship, love can also come). Support, mutual understanding and reliability reign in this couple. Since their characters are quite different, they will not be bored. Sergei is rational and calm, Ekaterina is cheerful and restless. They will make an original couple, from which everyone will take something new for themselves.

Ekaterina and Andrey

Often in such a couple both are crazy about each other. They fall in love with each other at first sight. But, as you know, the brighter the flash, the less the fire continues to burn. There is plenty of positive energy and strong emotions in such a tandem, but they won’t last long.

Ekaterina and Alexey

The couple wants to be friends more than to be sexual partners or have a long-term relationship. Often such couples converge by calculation. And without love, such a marriage is doomed to failure.
Alexey - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Ivan

Ekaterina and Denis

A very good tandem in all respects. Life's problems only bring them closer together. Despite minor troubles, a warm, good atmosphere will always reign between this couple.
Denis - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Pavel

There are more prerequisites for friendship than for creating a family. But if the stronger half of this couple is tactful and assertive, then everything will work out. Katya will keep an eye on Pavel for a long time, but in the end, pleasant surprises and perseverance will prevail and melt Catherine’s heart. Over time, their relationship can develop into quite strong love.

Ekaterina and Artem

Friends in life, lovers in bed, drawn by passion for each other. What else is needed for ideal relationship? They are able to take care of each other and make compromises. Both are ready to give their partner freedom, turning a blind eye to some situations. No matter how long they stay together, she and Artem will never be bored.

Ekaterina and Anton

The striking similarity of the independent characters of Katya and Anton does not imply either generally accepted values, or fidelity, or obligations, or a family hearth. However, all this comes to them over time, because they are made for each other.

Ekaterina and Mikhail

Not suitable pair. Only friendship is possible with the same interests. Everything is against them: statistics, history, and even the stars. Of course, hope always glimmers, but it rarely comes true.
Michael - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Roman

If such a union arises, then nature wants to show a lesson in opposition and unity. Katya and Roma are so different that their natures are in constant confrontation with each other. Catherine is charming, but at the same time frivolous, which leads to excessive overexertion of her companion. She is dissatisfied with her partner's attraction to family comfort. Both suffer from endless quarrels and resentments, so this relationship is unlikely to last.

Ekaterina and Nikolai

Ekaterina and Igor

The compatibility of these names is minimal. In such a tandem, Katerina strives for the sublime, while Igor is interested in ordinary things: meetings with friends and family dinners. As a result, Ekaterina and Igor often diverge.

Ekaterina and Ilya

She is cheerful, flies in the clouds, and he is persistent and stands firmly on his feet, so this union is not often strong, because there are many misunderstandings and resentments. At first, the dissimilarity of Katya and Ilya can serve as a source of something new and unusual, but over time, quarrels are inevitable. If they want to be together, then she needs to become more responsible, and he needs to become less demanding.

Ekaterina and Vladislav

They are united by determination, hard work, energy and respect for traditions. For business relationships, they are ideal for each other, but in friendly and love relationships, boredom can reign. But these relationships do not require significant emotional investment, so they can be aimed at developing a joint business.
Vladislav - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Vadim

The couple has a spirit of adventurism and adventure. Ekaterina and Vadim long for a life full of colors. And if they get bored, they will, without hesitation, change their place of residence or work. But such a lifestyle is unstable, which can lead to the fact that for a long time they will not have time to arrange housing and have children.

Ekaterina and Konstantin

The union is quite rare: she is carefree, and he is businesslike and punctual. But their relationship is built on ambiguity and opposition, against the backdrop of which true love flares up. His thriftiness clashes with her indifference to money, his efficiency with her desire to organize a holiday every day, his homeliness with her restlessness.
Konstantin - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Vyacheslav

The partners have enviable creative potential. Their living together is based on the fact that both have an unusual view of some things. If Katya and Vyacheslav share each other’s hobbies, then the love between them may not fade away for a long time.

Ekaterina and Egor

Ekaterina and Yuri

This is a wonderful tandem of independent and bright people. Being very freedom-loving and inquisitive, Ekaterina and Yuri are perfect for each other. They love to travel, but they are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship, not wanting to turn their bright life V gray everyday life. A bright life and family happiness await Ekaterina and Yuri.

Ekaterina and Anatoly

These are two different personalities: she loves to travel, he is a homebody; she goes to a restaurant, while he prefers home cooking. Despite the dissimilarity of characters, Katya and Anatoly can be together (it all depends on patience and fullness of feelings for each other).

Ekaterina and Ruslan

This couple complements each other with their energy. Ekaterina is smart, charming and good-natured, Ruslan is honest and faithful. As a result, as a rule, they have more than two children who have someone to follow as an example in life. Their family life prosperous and extremely successful.

Ekaterina and Nikita

Catherine and Arthur

The perfect couple. They say about such people that they marry in heaven. Catherine and Arthur dote on each other, and there is also passion in their relationship. At the same time, they are concerned about the financial side of life.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay Special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Ekaterina, manifestation of love

Ekaterina, for you, marriage symbolizes the beginning of the ascetic path, and your partner must be prepared for the fact that every day he will receive the “moon from the sky.” At first glance, this is wonderful, but there is a small problem: you definitely need the same “moon” in response, since the adequacy of the reaction, gratitude and admiration are necessary for you to peace of mind. The slightest doubt that you are selflessly loved and highly valued demoralizes you, and then your carefully built well-being can collapse overnight.


Your heart is full of love and compassion for others. The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to protect everyone for whom you can do this from troubles. Even to the detriment of their own interests. To do good and not ask for rewards for it is your choice in any situation.

At first glance, this is the life of a saint. But not everyone enjoys constant care and intrusive expressions of participation. Even the closest people can get tired of everyday care. Moreover, you will suffer, because by relieving them of the need to do at least something on their own, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop, turning them into “plankton”.

This means that sooner or later you will probably hear a reproach. And your confidence that self-sacrifice can really bring the results you expected will be dealt a severe blow. Then instead of satisfaction you will get disappointment.

Therefore, the desire to nurture and protect should be limited within reasonable limits. Remember this, and your peace of mind will be preserved.

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