What is the meaning of potatoes in a dream? Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? What to do with her

Potatoes are rightfully one of the most beloved and popular vegetables in our country. As soon as it is not cooked: it is boiled, baked, and fried. What if this vegetable, which appears so often on our table, appears in a dream? Does such a dream prophesy the beginning of a well-fed life or, on the contrary, warns of possible problems and troubles? We invite you to find out the answers to these questions together by turning to the most famous dream books for help.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to"Dream Book of Gustav Miller"

This dream book interprets a dreamed potato as a sign of random events awaiting you of various properties. So, if in a dream you eat this vegetable, then soon you will be lucky enough to do some profitable business. Cooking potatoes promises Good work. Planting this vegetable in the beds predicts the fulfillment of all desires. Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Such a dream symbolizes success awaiting you in the near future. Rotten and spoiled potatoes foretell that soon all pleasures and joys will come to an end, and a bright future will be in question.

"Dream bookXXIcentury"

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream about potatoes symbolizes a fruitful year or tears. If you cook it in a dream, then the dreamer will experience various pleasures. Eating a vegetable predicts an interesting date. If you dream that you are digging potatoes, then they are waiting for you joyful events and having fun. Roasted tuber promises fast wedding the dreamer or someone close to him.

Why do you dream about potatoes, according to"A collection of tips received in a dream"

According to the compilers of this dream book, a dream about potatoes is a sign that happiness and prosperity will not come into your hands on their own. You will have to achieve them through hard and persistent work. A potato bush in a dream often acts as a clue. If in real life If you are puzzled by how to solve a problem, then perhaps you need to dig a little deeper to find the answer. Buying, selling or planting potatoes is interpreted as a sign that in the near future you will direct all your efforts to an activity that is not very attractive, but very profitable. Beautiful and strong potatoes promise prosperity and material well-being. A rotten tuber symbolizes future losses and damages.

Why do you dream about potatoes, according to "Dream Interpretation of Simon Canaanite"

If you see potatoes in a dream or even eat them, then the year will be fruitful, and good profits await you. Digging tubers means having to do some thankless work. Peeling a vegetable promises a situation in which you will happily avoid violence. Cooking potatoes predicts a visit from people you don't like.

According to the Dream Book for Lovers, why do you dream about potatoes?

Large, selected potatoes promise the dreamer great luck in matters of the heart, as well as a significant increase in wealth. If you dream that you are planting tubers, then all your cherished dreams and desires are destined to come true. Rotten, spoiled potatoes are a sign of future problems in your personal life and perhaps even a person.

The article gives different interpretations dreams about potatoes. Which dream book should you believe? Decide for yourself!

Potatoes are the most familiar and even native product for us. It is on the tables of the most modest and poor families, and on the menus of expensive restaurants. It is associated with satiety, home and family, but what does a potato mean in a dream and does it mean anything at all? Dream books say yes.

Moreover, potatoes in a dream are a wonderful sign that almost always means something good! To find out more precisely what potatoes mean in dreams, you need to remember various little things and nuances. For example, what you dreamed about, where, what you did. The interpreter describes many different options:

  • I dreamed about large or, on the contrary, very small potatoes.
  • Fresh or rotten.
  • Fried, boiled or raw.
  • Planting potatoes in a dream, digging them yourself, or collecting tubers from the ground.
  • Eat it, peel it or cook it.
  • Buy or sell.

This is a general, incomplete list, which already shows us that the usual tubers in a dream are not such a simple symbol. There are a lot of meanings, and let's find out why you dream about potatoes.

Appearance of tubers

The first thing you need to remember and interpret is what she was like. Its properties and appearance they will say a lot.

1. Potatoes themselves, as the dream book describes, are very auspicious sign. He hints that in reality many happy accidents await you and luck will begin to smile. Even where it seems nothing good can happen, something pleasant will definitely happen. And luck will begin to surprise you unexpectedly!

2. If you dream about rotten or old potatoes, it means that you will have to give up something familiar, since it has already outlived itself. Something - either an activity, or a person, or some kind of habit - must leave your life, and for future happiness you need to take this step, get rid of the old one.

3. Let's see why you dream of big, large potatoes? This is a symbol of great success, and major benefits await you from some project. You will be much richer and happier!

4. Small tubers are a symbol of small, but still money. New sources of profit or some additional funds will appear. And it depends on you whether they will increase!

5. To see potatoes in a dream, of which there were a lot, entire scatterings, is a symbol of a large harvest, literally or figuratively. Prosperity and a full cup in the house - this is what is to come soon!

What do potato dishes mean? It is most common to see potato dishes on the table, in the kitchen, and not in dreams. Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or other dishes are not only loved by many, but can also indicate the future from the dream world.

As the dream book says, boiled or jacket potatoes are for guests. Maybe they will come unexpectedly, or maybe it will be a long-awaited meeting. You have to set a magnificent table to please your dear guests!

I wonder why I dream fried potatoes, which many people love so much? It brings you a pleasant omen and portends wealth. The house will be full, and your family will not be in need. You will be able to achieve great prosperity.

As the dream book describes, the potatoes that you happened to eat in your dreams are to great benefit and profit. It doesn’t matter whether the potato was boiled, fried or mashed - it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

If the potato you had to eat was tasteless, raw or even rotten, there is a lot of work ahead. It may not be the easiest or most enjoyable, but if you show hard work and diligence, try and don’t give up, you will eventually achieve very good results.


If you had to dig hard in your dreams, collect tubers from the garden or peel potatoes, this also matters. Let's see what the interpreters say.

So, why dream of digging potatoes - a simple, prosaic action that many have encountered? This good sign Digging potatoes in a dream means in reality you will become the owner of great luck and achieve success in some business.

Planting potatoes is also a great symbol. Your wishes will come true in reality, you can safely count on it! The period will soon come when dreams will come true.

Collecting tubers is a symbol of good fruits from labor and effort. It’s not for nothing that you work so hard and spend time on work; soon the time will come to enjoy the result. And, believe me, he will surprise you very pleasantly. So don't give up!

And peeling potatoes in a dream is a symbol that you are full of strength. You have great potential, and now is the ideal time to realize it. And vice versa - now it is simply contraindicated to do nothing, rest and be lazy! If you start putting effort into something, it will bring great results and rich rewards.

A potato dish is a wonderful symbol, it foretells big success in the work field. A fruitful and interesting job, or maybe a promotion or some special achievements.

Let's see what dreams mean about the potatoes you sold in your dreams. The dream book promises that you will soon get rid of any troubles, troubles and sorrows. A very bright, favorable period awaits you.

On the contrary, buying it is a symbol that you will receive something valuable. Maybe a gift or some necessary thing, or maybe something intangible.

You dreamed of such a simple, but pleasant and valuable symbol. Believe in the kindest interpretations, and everything will come true.

Why do you dream about such an ordinary product as potatoes? There are quite a few interpretations of this image and they are not always positive. Transcripts various dream books, taking into account the dreamer’s actions and the state of the fruits in the dream, they will tell you about the most current options.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Miller’s dream book?

In the work of this American psychologist, dreams about potatoes warn you of accidents, not all of which bring positive changes.

The process of planting potatoes indicates the fulfillment of a cherished dream in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the process of digging up potatoes, according to the dream book, foreshadows the success of your endeavors.

You can begin to prepare for significant benefits if you happen to eat potato dishes in a dream, and wait for a lucrative job offer if you happen to cook them yourself.

Did you dream about spoiled and rotting root vegetables? The image indicates the collapse of hopes, the end of a joyful and happy streak in life, a return to which will not be possible very soon.

What does potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The dream book of a blind fortune teller generally describes potato dreams in a positive way. If you happen to eat potatoes, your wallet will soon fill up. Planting means future prosperity, and digging up means brilliant career prospects.

Did you dream of flowering potato bushes that have not yet been dug up? They predict good news. The dream book also believes that a harvest harvested and stored in the basement warns of unforeseen difficulties. Let's start cooking tasty dish from potatoes in a dream? In reality, difficulties will be resolved and debts will be returned.

Potato – Modern dream book

A popular modern dream book is sure that if you dreamed of potatoes, then you should prepare for unexpected events.

Eating potatoes in a dream means that your bosses will very soon notice your diligence and diligence, the reward will be career advancement, a bonus or promotion wages.

Sowing potato work seen in a dream predicts pleasant changes. Dream book guarantees new position or a marriage proposal from a loved one.

Why do you dream of a spoiled, diseased and rotting root vegetable? The image does not bode well. Enjoy the happy moments, because it is quite possible that they will not last long.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Hasse’s dream book?

Famous for her mediumistic abilities and ability to penetrate other people's dreams, Miss Hasse claims that planting potatoes in a dream speaks of good undertakings, and digging them up means receiving long-awaited income.

I dreamed about it big harvest vegetables folded in bags? The dream book indicates that financial matters in the near future you don’t even have to worry, everything in this regard will be good and cloudless.

If you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then your work will not be appreciated. Washing it suggests that because of your own honesty, you will not see income, but your conscience will be clear.

Planting, collecting, peeling potatoes in a dream?

Did you dream about the process of planting potatoes? This is a good sign, indicating that in reality things will work out for the best. You will be able to achieve your goal in your personal life and in business.

Why dream of planting potatoes in your own garden? The event foreshadows the receipt of a lucrative offer. When it finally arrives, you can safely cast aside your fears and, regardless of the circumstances, get involved in the proposed business.

Large potatoes dug up in a dream indicate that the desired salary increase is just around the corner. You don’t even have to “fight” for it, it’s just that in this way the manager decides to motivate you for further victories and work achievements.

Why do you dream about harvesting potatoes? Universal dream book? The reward you deserve will soon be received. Figuratively speaking, having worked hard, you can count on a big harvest.

Did you dream about digging out large, clean and uncontaminated root vegetables from the ground? You are guaranteed success in absolutely any endeavor.

If in the morning you open your eyes and remember that in a dream you had to peel potatoes, then most likely this indicates that, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get to the bottom of the truth in the issue that interests you. Another interpretation of such a dream says that you may have to change the worst side your opinion about a person.

Fried, boiled, raw potatoes in a dream

Did you happen to see raw, just dug up potatoes in a dream? This good sign, predicting the finding of a new source of income. Perhaps initially they will not be so significant, but every day your financial wealth will grow by leaps and bounds.

The dishes you prepare from your favorite root vegetable in a dream also have their meaning. Did you dream about fragrant fried potatoes? She foreshadows something an important event, perhaps it’s time for you to start mentally preparing for it.

Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? He warns of profits, as well as improved relationships with loved ones. According to Aesop's dream book, the process of boiling potatoes speaks of the arrival of guests from afar; meet them with all possible cordiality and hospitality.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of potatoes

Why do you dream of potatoes dumped in a big pile? This sure sign advantageous offer that awaits you in the near future. Your further material well-being will depend on whether you accept it or not. Planting a large volume of potatoes is a near fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why else do you dream about potatoes - dream options

  • Potatoes in the ground indicate a misconception about your surroundings. Try not to be superficial and not to judge people too harshly.
  • Rotten potatoes are not a very good omen. You probably won't have the most better times and major waste.
  • Did you dream about a potato field? The reward for the work done will be very generous.
  • Potatoes in the garden, planted in even rows on well-groomed beds, portend the successful implementation of your plans and ideas.
  • The process of frying potatoes in a frying pan - you are expecting a visit from a person whom you are not very happy to see.
  • Picking through potatoes means you need to do a less pleasant, but important and necessary job.
  • Washed potatoes are a good omen; events happening around you have a positive coloration.
  • Jacket potatoes - set the table, guests are coming to you.
  • Potatoes with mushrooms - most likely, holding a planned party will cost more than you planned.

Potatoes are popularly considered “second bread,” which is not surprising, because they are affordable and nutritious. If you saw this tuber in a dream, you know that they are coming Hard times. But you should not think that the dream book always gives a negative explanation for this dream. There are also directly opposite descriptions of what this vegetable is meant for in dreams. Remember all the details of what you saw, and you will probably be able to find out your future with utmost accuracy.

Do the cooking

Seeing in a dream how you are preparing potato dishes is a good sign. For example, boiling pre-peeled tubers is a good time for visiting guests. Moreover, Aesop’s dream book states that these guests will arrive from afar. Show cordiality, meet them with a richly laid table and kind words.

If you dreamed of baked potatoes, then good luck will accompany you in absolutely all your endeavors. Make the most of your opportunities: earn money, start a family, or get the profession you’ve always dreamed of. Now you will be able to handle any task.

If you dream of fried potatoes, then an important event will happen in real life. Modern dream book advises you to mentally prepare for it in advance.

Seeing boiled potatoes in a dream means profit and good relationship with your relatives and friends. In a dream, cutting tubers into small pieces before using them in the cooking process means that you will have to work quite hard to achieve what you dream of.

Sell ​​and buy

The modern dream book is convinced that buying potatoes in a dream is a big find. If the vegetables you dreamed about were large and fresh, then the item you found will bring a lot of benefits. The exact opposite explains why spoiled and sprouted tubers are dreamed of.

Grishina’s dream book believes that buying a lot of selected potatoes in night vision means a solid profit. This may include receiving an unexpected bonus, inheritance and big win to the lottery.

An explanation of what such a plot predicts is also given by Vanga’s dream book. The soothsayer promises the dreamer who buys potatoes that all his wishes will come true. And this will happen in the very near future.

Plant or collect

Seeing in a dream how you plant potatoes means that in reality all things will work out in the best possible way. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will be able to achieve your goal both in business and in your personal life.

Shereminskaya also explains in detail why she dreams of planting tubers in the ground in her garden. Shereminskaya’s dream book is convinced that what you dreamed predicts the receipt of an extremely advantageous offer. Cast aside your fears and feel free to get involved. Success will definitely await you.

Digging up large potatoes from the ground in a dream means an increase in wages. You don't even have to fight for this promotion. The boss will decide to stimulate you in this way for even greater career achievements.

The universal dream book believes that collecting potatoes means receiving well-deserved benefits in reality. You've done a great job and it's time to harvest.

If you dream that you are digging beds and choosing large and smooth vegetables from the ground, then get ready to experience success in absolutely any endeavor.

Do sorting

Seeing yourself sorting through potatoes in a dream is a good sign. In real life you will receive a lot advantageous offers, all that remains is to choose the most suitable and interesting one.

The modern dream book believes that collecting potatoes in bags in a dream means receiving a marriage proposal. If the vegetables you dreamed about were large, then future spouse or spouse will improve your life for the better.

If you dream that most of from the sorted potatoes is rotten or blooms, then the plan will not come true. But nevertheless, Aesop’s dream book claims that if you get down to business not now, but several months after the dream, then everything will probably work out.

Another option for why you dream of potatoes with sprouts is impending sadness and empty troubles.

Various interpretations

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that you will try to get to the bottom of the truth, but you will not succeed. Another option for explaining why you dream of cleaning it is a change in opinion about a person. If you thought exceptionally well about someone, then a series of events will force you to change your opinion for the worse.

The universal dream book believes that peeled potatoes can predict financial difficulties.

If you dreamed that you had to steal, then in reality the situation will force you to appropriate something that belongs to you. Try to return what you took as soon as possible. Otherwise you will face serious difficulties.

Eating young raw potatoes in a dream means discovering new sources of income. At first they will bring a small profit, but over time there will be more and more money.

If you dreamed of a flowering potato bush, then soon you will go on a romantic date. If it grows on your property in a dream, then light adultery will develop into a serious and long-term relationship.

Dreams take a person into the world of his suppressed fears and desires. Every detail of night vision will allow you to better understand yourself. If a woman dreams of potatoes or she does the work to obtain the root crop, dramatic changes will soon await her. The details of the dream determine the overall negative or positive message of the sign.

Dream interpretation for women

Dream interpretation is a separate science. She talks about the subconscious and the problems that are hidden in it.

Basically, potatoes in a dream promise problems at work or at home. But if it digs easily or lies on the surface of the earth, it is positive sign. Soon there will be changes that the dreamer has been waiting for a long time.

The interpretation depends on whether a woman or a man dreams of potatoes. In the article we will look at predictions for women.

Choosing a dream book

The dream book is a collection that reveals a synthesis of images and probable events in real life. Signs that you dream of do not always come true, so it is useful to keep your own diary of dream observations.

The most true dream books that are suitable for a woman:

  • Miller - it is one of the most popular and universal;
  • For the woman who believes in magic and magic higher powers, a collection of Vanga’s interpretations will be useful;
  • The modern dream book is used to make predictions for any person;
  • Tsvetkov's collection;
  • The seasonal dream book is useful in cases where you need to analyze dreams related to agriculture.

An important detail of any prediction is the sensations that remain after sleep. They define its overall message.

Interpretation according to Miller

Planting and then digging up potatoes is a sign of favorable changes.

The dream book warns that success will come if you dream only of a large and whole fruit. If it is damaged, then expectations will turn out to be illusions.

Seeing other people's fruits, stealing them or spoiling them - such a dream speaks of a loss of authority. If a person starts a risky game, it will not work.

The increase promises a rich harvest in the garden.

Interpretation of Vanga

During her lifetime, the Bulgarian healer offered her own version of the interpretation of the unusual dream.

Planting root crops for a girl means false hopes. The young lady has feelings for an unworthy man - he is either a traitor or a deceiver.

For an older woman, boiling fruits in their “uniform” means poverty. Her man will not be able to provide for his family and be good example for children.

Digging up root crops means profit or a long-awaited event. Life will get better soon.

A modern collection of interpretations

On the pages modern collection The following predictions have been collected:

  • keep in hand big fruit- To rapid increase or to promotion;
  • clean - to new acquaintances;
  • cutting dirty potatoes means betrayal;
  • collecting small fruits means empty accumulation of money.

It’s a joy to plant and harvest big fruits. The deeper they are planted, the more reliable the dreamer’s relationship with his close circle.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book suggests important changes.

If there are a lot of potatoes in a dream, changes will come at the most unexpected moment. The faster they can be collected, the better things will go in the near future.

Seeing potatoes with soil means temporary difficulties. They can be overcome with a little effort.

If you dream of mashed potatoes or fried potato slices, you should expect guests. They will appear suddenly and bring a lot of joy.

Seasonal dream book

The seasonal collection describes one sign, but depending on the time of year.

Planting root crops in the spring in a dream means big trouble. New opportunities will appear, but people will not be able to take advantage of them.

If you dream of such work in the fall, the dream symbolizes difficulties; they will drag on for a long time. In summer, such a sign is positive. All human affairs will be transformed.

In winter, dreams about potatoes are associated with a calm flow of life and stability.

Dream details

Every detail is additional information. It allows you to consider problems that have arisen in the subconscious from different angles.

Seeing a bag of potatoes means winning. Looking for this bag means great difficulties. Strangers constantly interfere with development and spiritual growth.

Buying equipment to dig up crops is a waste. It is better for a woman not to fulfill all her whims.

Seeing dug up earth with root crops sticking out in a dream means a waste of energy: a woman is constantly busy with things that only distract her.

Raw potatoes

Raw potatoes represent hope. A woman hopes for circumstances or a specific person. If the root crop is perfectly smooth, your expectations will be justified.

Frying raw potatoes in a frying pan means a quick change of partners. It will be difficult for a woman to decide on her likes.

A young girl dreams of boiled or fried potatoes before meeting a potential groom. You cannot refuse proposals or invitations to go on dates. A raw product lying around the house speaks of quarrels with close friends.

Root size

Dreaming of large root vegetables means good luck. Success will overtake a woman at work or in her personal life. If such a sign has to be cleaned, but it does not decrease in size, all the difficulties that exist at the moment will soon disappear.

Why do you dream about Potatoes (Dream Interpretation)

Dig the ground

Tearing up the ground means struggling with difficulties. Dream books warn that such work in a dream promises:

  • for a pregnant woman - difficult childbirth;
  • losses if you have to dig hard ground;
  • quarrels if a large potato crumbles in your hands as soon as you manage to get it;
  • profit if the potatoes on top are clean and light.

Digging in a dream means finding yourself. It is not so important whether the root crop is found or not, the process itself represents important internal changes.


For a woman of any status and position, dreams are an important clue. If she dreams about the process of planting and harvesting, she will be able to realize herself.

The harder she works, the more profit and other benefits she will receive. Details such as the size of the potato, its shape and appearance are important.

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