Katasonov Valentin Yurievich Russian folk. Who are you, Mr. Katasonov? Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism

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Russia is being strangled with the help of the “financial cushion” of the National Welfare Fund The latest information on international reserves has appeared on the Bank of Russia website Russian Federation. As of September 1, 2019, their value amounted to $529.08 billion. For comparison, I note that the value of these reserves as of August 1, 2019 was equal to...


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Russia raises taxes for citizens of the country, China lowers them. In Russia, small businesses are experiencing a “nightmare”, and in China they receive credit support from banks. In a word, in Russia the effective demand of the population is shrinking, but in China it is supported and...


For several years in a row, Russia has seen a decline in real incomes of the population - the very incomes that determine effective demand in the economy. Allowing usurers to act openly has led to the fact that many have now become accustomed to looking at usury...


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Any literate person knows the word “pawnshop”. According to reference books and encyclopedias, this is a specialized commercial organization, whose main activities are the provision of short-term loans secured by the movable property of citizens, which they bring for storage to this organization….

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov(born April 5, 1950, USSR) - Russian scientist-economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of the department international finance MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project finance, investment management, monetary system, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and history of economic doctrines.


Graduated from the Faculty of International economic relations Moscow state institute international relations USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972 (specialty “foreign trade economist”).

In 1976–1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - Consultant of the Department of International Economic and social problems UN - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996. - Member of the Advisory Council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian program for organizing investments in health improvement environment(World Bank Environmental Management Project).
  • In 2000-2010 - Economic Advisor to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations at MGIMO University (University) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO (U) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 he has headed the Russian economic society them. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). Actively engaged journalistic activities. Prize winner International competition business journalism “Presszvanie” (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Chief Editor the print organ of REO - the magazine “Our Business”. Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film “World Cabal” (2014; four episodes). Regular author of the information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Well-known Russian economists Stepan Demura, Mikhail Khazin, Mikhail Delyagin and others highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph “Gold in the History of Russia,” noting its complexity and consistency in studying the issue posed.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, senior Researcher Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Renat Bekkin spoke critically about the journalistic book “On Interest: Loan, Judicial, Reckless,” noting the book’s permeation with conspiracy theories and the author’s desire to adjust historical facts according to a predetermined scheme, biased selection of sources and utopian economic “recipes” for solving the problem posed in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from VTB Bank.


Books on applied economics

  • Project financing as a new method of organization in real sector Economics / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project financing: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential economic activity: macroeconomic and financial-credit aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance/answer. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

Department of International Finance MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in environmental economics, international capital flows, project finance, investment management, monetary systems, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and the history of economic doctrine.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Non-kosher bankers (Educational TV, Valentin Katasonov)

    ✪ Sect "Economics" (Educational TV, Valentin Katasonov)



Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972 (specialty “foreign trade economist”).

In 1976–1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - Consultant of the UN Department of International Economic and Social Issues - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996. - Member of the Advisory Council to the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organizing Investments in Environmental Improvement (World Bank project on environmental management).
  • In 2000-2010 - Economic Advisor to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [ ] .
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations at MGIMO University (University) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Since 2017 - economic observer for Tsargrad TV
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at MGIMO (U) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 he has headed the Russian Economic Society named after. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). He is actively engaged in journalistic activities. Winner of the International Business Journalism Competition " Press title" (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Editor-in-Chief of the REO publication, the magazine “Our Business”. Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film “World Cabal” (2014; four episodes). Regular author of the information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Well-known Russian economists Stepan Demura, Mikhail Khazin, Mikhail Delyagin and others highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph “Gold in the History of Russia”, noting its complexity and consistency in the study of the issue posed.

Doctor of Economics, senior researcher Renat Bekkin spoke critically about the journalistic book “On Interest: Loan, Judicial, Reckless,” noting the book’s permeation with conspiracy theories, the author’s desire to fit historical facts into a predetermined scheme, tendentious selection of sources and utopian economic “recipes” for solutions task posed in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from VTB Bank.


Books on applied economics

  • Project financing as a new method of organization in the real sector of the economy / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project financing: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary and financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential of economic activity: macroeconomic and financial-credit aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance/answer. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

Works, works

  • Great power or ecological colony? / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Young Guard, 1991. - 224 p.
  • About interest on loans, jurisdictional, and reckless. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Russia and the WTO: secrets, myths, axioms. (co-authored) - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Should Russia join the WTO? - M.: “ Soviet Russia", 2012
  • History: an attempt at Orthodox comprehension. (co-authored) - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2013
  • World bondage. - M.: Algorithm, 2013
  • Owners of money. 100-year history of the Federal Reserve System. - M.: “Algorithm”, 2014
  • Dictatorship of bankocracy. Organized crime in the financial and banking world. - M.: “Book World”, 2014
  • Ukraine: economy of turmoil or blood money. - M.: “Book World”, 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. New world order. Offshores and the “shadow” economy. - M.: “Book World”, 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. Racketeering and expropriation of the Washington Regional Committee. - M.: “Book World”, 2014
  • From slavery to slavery. From ancient Rome to modern capitalism. - M.: “Oxygen”, 2014
  • Bretton Woods: a key event in recent financial history. - M.: “Oxygen”, 2014
  • Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism. - M.: “Oxygen”, 2014
  • History as God's Providence. (co-authored) - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic theory Slavophiles and modern Russia. “Paper Ruble” by S. Sharapov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Jerusalem Temple as a financial center. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • America versus Russia. - M.: Book World, 2014
  • Behind the scenes of international finance. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • Owners of money. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Economics of Stalin. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic war against Russia and Stalin's industrialization. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Sanctions. Economics for Russians. - M.: “Algorithm”, 2015
  • Anti-crisis. Survive and win. - M.: “Algorithm”, 2015
  • Military power of the dollar. How to protect Russia. - M.: “Algorithm”, 2015
  • Stalin's response to Western sanctions. Economic blitzkrieg against Russia. - M.: “Book World”, 2015
  • The Genoa Conference in the context of world and Russian history. - M.: “Oxygen”, 2015
  • Russia in the world of reparations. M.: “Oxygen”, 2015
  • Ukrainian lawlessness and redistribution. Economic and financial crisis in Ukraine as global threat. - M.: Home country, 2015
  • Russian sociological thought on turn of XIX-XX centuries. K. Leontiev, L. Tikhomirov, V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, S. Sharapov. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Back home! The formation of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Orthodox understanding of society. Sociology of Konstantin Leontyev. Historiosophy of Lev Tikhomirov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Russia and the West in the 20th century. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Capitalism. History and ideology of “monetary civilization”. Ed. 4th, supplemented. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Battle for the ruble. National currency and sovereignty of Russia. - M.: “Book World”, 2016
  • World financial Pyramide. Financial imperialism, as the highest and last stage capitalism. - M.: “Book World”, 2016
  • Chinese dragon on the global financial stage. Yuan versus dollar. - M.: “Book World”, 2016
  • Death of money. Where are the “masters of money” leading the world? Metamorphoses of debt capitalism. - M.: “Book World”, 2016
  • Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. Metamorphoses of the century (1916-2016). M.: “Oxygen”, 2016
  • Metaphysics of history. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2016
  • It's time to return home! The formation of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2017
  • The global world of finance: from crisis to chaos. Series “Financial Chronicles of Katasonov”. - M.: “Book World”, 2017
  • Global elites in battle with Russia. Series “Collection of the Izborsk Club”. (co-author) – M.: “Book World”, 2017
  • Financial International and Trump. Series “Financial Chronicles of Katasonov”. - M.: “Book World”, 2017
  • Philosophy and Christianity. Polemical notes from a “non-professional”. - M.: Russian civilization, 2017
  • Digital finance. Cryptocurrencies and electronic economy. Series “Financial Chronicles of Katasonov”. - M.: “Book World”, 2017
  • False prophets of the last times. Darwinism and science as religion. - M.: Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017
  • The closed world of finance. Trusts and offshores. Series “Financial Chronicles of Katasonov”. - M.: “Book World”, 2017
  • Interest: Loan, Justiciable, Reckless. Financial History of Humankind. - Denver (Co.), USA: Outskirts Press, 2014

The time has come for another financier who dresses up in the toga of a patriot, although there is nowhere to put marks on his biography and modern connections. This is Valentin Katasonov.

In fact, the biography of Valentinin Yuryevich speaks for itself

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank, Central Bank of Russia....

For those who are a little out of the loop, what is the EBRD:

In connection with the beginning of economic transformations in the post-Soviet space in the 1990s. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was established. Its goal is to promote market reforms in the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe. Its founders are all European countries (except Albania), the USA, Canada, Japan, other states (40 in total) and two international organizations (the EU and the European Investment Bank). Members of the EBRD can be not only European states, but any other countries are members of the IMF.

Washington. IMF. All the same “faces”. And on them is Valentin Yurievich, who is very worried about monetary policy our state, and worked for three years. Then five years of work for the World Bank, which, to put it bluntly, also has nowhere to put a stamp:

Condition of membership in World Bank is membership in the International Monetary Fund, that is, each member country of the IBRD must first become a member of the International currency board. Only those countries that are members of the IBRD can be members of other organizations within the World Bank Group.

USA - 16.39%

Japan - 7.86%

Germany - 4.49%

France - 4.30%

UK - 4.30%

China - 2.78%

India - 2.78%

Italy - 2.78%

Canada - 2.78%

Russia - 2.78%

Saudi Arabia - 2.78%

Netherlands - 2.21%

Brazil - 2.07%

Belgium - 1.81%

Spain - 1.75%

Switzerland - 1.66%

Australia - 1.53%

Iran - 1.48%

Venezuela - 1.27%

Mexico - 1.18%

Argentina - 1.12%

The remaining 164 countries - 29.90%

I think that the requirement for mandatory participation in the IMF to enter the capital of the World Bank, together with the distribution of votes of countries in the World Bank, speaks louder than a thousand words about in whose interests this organization works.

And after such an “internship,” Valentin Katasonov becomes an economic adviser to the Central Bank of Russia. I honestly admit that for me the title of this position is almost consonant with “supervisor”. By the way, it has not been possible to find this position in the central office of the Central Bank of Russia at the moment. An interesting nuance. Especially if we remember the fact that the Central Bank of Russia was one of those who took part in the deepening of the crisis of 2008-2009.

Among other interesting nuances concerning Valentin Yuryevich, it would be interesting to note his opinion about Evgeny Fedorov and Nikolai Starikov, which he expressed in August 2014. And Katasonov’s attitude towards Putin can be seen quite well in the statements of Valentin Yuryevich:

He walked through them dashingly, didn’t he? But less than a year has passed since Valentin Yuryevich took a different position and speaks together with Evgeniy Alekseevich:

What can I say: a person’s integrity is immediately obvious.

Well, for those who consider Valentin Katasonov an excellent economist and financier, I suggest listening to his accusations against the President that he almost gave direct instructions to speculators to attack the ruble (around the 4th minute):

Valentin Yuryevich's forecast for the dollar exchange rate in January-February 2015 is “for a hundred rubles” - no comment.

AND amazingly, Valentin Katasonov, like many of the current promoted different ways"patriots", surprisingly saw the light after leaving important posts and starting in 2011

  • Katasonov V.Yu. Economic theory of the Slavophiles and modern Russia. “Paper Ruble” by S. Sharapov.[PDF-4.1M] Author: Valentin Yurievich Katasonov. Compiled by V.B. Trofimova. Executive editor O.A. Platonov.
    (Moscow: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014)
    Scan, OCR, processing, Pdf format: ???, provided by: Mikhail, 2019
      Introduction (5).
      Chapter 1. S.F. Sharapov: a Slavophile’s view of economics and economic science (14).
      The main Slavophile among economists, the main economist among Slavophiles (14).
      S.F. Sharapov: a special look at reforms in Russia in the second half of the 19th century (16).
      What economic ideas formed the basis of the reforms? (17).
      The “theory” of competition as an economic version of social Darwinism (20).
      On the theory and practice of “state non-interference” (24).
      About state bureaucracy and neglect domestic experience (30).
      On the poisonous fruits of Western financial science (35).
      Not science, but a “hymn to gold” (39).
      Like-minded people and followers of S. Sharapov about the “secret of gold” (46).
      Russian financial reforms: carelessness, corruption and ignorance (54).
      A simple financial rule, or the strangulation of Russia on a “scientific” basis (58).
      Lessons from financial reforms: S. Sharapov’s warning to today’s Russia (64).
      About the Western “seeds” of economic “enlightenment” in Russia (66).
      "Science" instead of God (71).
      Saint Theophan the Recluse on “Western darkness” (75).
      S. Sharapov: economics as a paradox of Russian thought and culture (83).
      The Russian economy needs thought and creativity, not made-up science (86).
      On the originality of Russian economic thought and economics (92).
      Chapter 2. S.F. Sharapov: program for Russia's exit from the crisis (101).
      Three main directions of the S.F. program Sharapova (101).
      “Paralysis” of spiritual and church life (105).
      Program of spiritual and religious revival of Russia (111).
      One state and two peoples. Statehood crisis (115).
      Corruption and embezzlement are a virus of state decay (123).
      Program for strengthening Russian statehood (137).
      Recovery and Strengthening Program Russian economy (149).
      Program S.F. Sharapova and modern Russia (152).
      Chapter Z.S. Sharapov about foreign capital (156).
      About foreign capital: the deceit of S. Witte and the truth of S. Sharapov (156).
      “Benefits” of Russia from foreign investment (168).
      S. Sharapov on the reasons for Russian “non-competitiveness” (174).
      Foreign investment and the state “feeding trough” (180).
      Foreign investment and the “golden mousetrap” (187).
      On Russia's public debt (1) (191).
      On Russia's public debt (2) (204).
      Foreign loans as a means of promoting direct investment in Russia (208).
      Loans from Russia and the future war (213).
      The cost of relying on foreign capital (220).
      Debts of Tsarist Russia: some historical digressions (226).
      Chapter 4. Banks in capitalist Russia (231).
      Banks in pre-capitalist Russia (231).
      Banking “grundism” in Russia (234).
      Banks and financial capital (241).
      Foreign capital and banks (251).
      Something about “Russian” bankers (257).
      State bank in the service of moneylenders and “kings of the stock exchange” (272).
      Chapter 5. Witte’s gold ruble is a “mousetrap” for Russia (280).
      Gold and money turnover in Russia (280).
      Russia of the 19th century: coexistence of paper and metal money (283).
      "Classics" of political economy about gold (289).
      How “Golden” Europe was created (297).
      "Golden" Europe and " The Great Depression» 1873-1896 (303).
      The decline of industrial capitalism. Financial capital (311).
      Algorithm of financial “reforms”, or Russia’s path into the “golden mousetrap” (317).
      "Renaissance" by S. Witte in modern Russia (323).
      Witte: course to accumulate gold (331).
      Witte reform: fraud on an especially large scale (337).
      Russia after the introduction of the gold ruble. Not devaluation, but revaluation (343).
      Witte and Russian patriots (346).
      A. Nechvolodov about the absurdity of the gold ruble system (350).
      How to get out of the “golden mousetrap”: option by Nechvolodov and Kokorev (355).
      How to get out of the “golden mousetrap”: bimetallism (360).
      How to get out of the “golden mousetrap”: silver ruble (365).
      The gold standard is a relative concept (371).
      Chapter 6. S.F. Sharapov: what kind of money Russia needs (377).
      Gold and “human weaknesses” (377).
      About the war with Napoleon, or about the benefits printing press (382).
      S. Sharapov and the “nominalists” (387).
      A disease called “paper phobia” and its consequences for Russia (391).
      The struggle to maintain the ruble exchange rate, or the “costs” of Western science (396).
      “Paper phobia” developing into “Marat syndrome” (400).
      S. Sharapov on the functions and properties of money (403).
      Absolute money is “Terra incognita” for Western economic “science” (406).
      Absolute money: constancy and “neutrality” (409).
      Western economics in vicious circle"chicken and egg" (413).
      Absolute money as an “ideological unit” (417).
      Function of absolute money: “Revitalization and fertilization of national labor” (419).
      Absolute money is the “living nerve” of the people, and not a representative of dead things (421).
      Absolute money - an army ready for war (424).
      Mechanism for regulating absolute money (427).
      Absolute money among other nations: the example of America (432).
      Absolute money is impossible under the dominance of the stock exchange (438).
      How is absolute money secured? (443).
      Sharapov about the coming world war and paper ruble (446).
      Organization of the monetary system (452).
      About bureaucracy and absolute money (457).
      Absolute money in Russian history (461).
      Chapter 7. “Imaginary” and “reserve” capitals in the theory of S. Sharapov (469).
      About “imaginary” capital and the economic potential of Russia (469).
      Sharapov’s theory of “imaginary” capital: key provisions (472).
      Not all “imaginary” capital is good (474).
      “Imaginary” capital as a means of combating foreign domination (477).
      “Imaginary” capitals and the public sector of the economy (479).
      “Spare” capital as an important element of public finance (482).
      About “reserve” capital and gold reserves (485).
      Chapter 8. Russian ruble in the context of the world monetary system (490).
      National money. State currency monopoly (490).
      What ruble exchange rate does Russia need? (497).
      How to manage the ruble exchange rate? (501).
      Ruble exchange rate: after S. Sharapov (506).
      About gold reserves and gold mining in Russia (517).
      Chapter 9. Money after S. Sharapov (526).
      Soviet version of absolute money (526).
      Money in today's Russia (530).
      Was Sharapov a defender of usurious capitalism? (533).
      The world of money after S.F. Sharapova. Questions and doubts (543).
      Money has become paper and electronic, but not absolute (546).
      Paper money, gold and the “rake law” (549).
      On monetary idols and Christian money (553).
      Chapter 10. S. Sharapov: contours of the Russian economic model (558).
      S. Sharapov about capital and capitalism (558).
      The public sector of the economy and the state treasury (562).
      On the “division of labor” between state and private capital (566).
      On state monopoly (569).
      On people's self-government and a unified economic department (575).
      On the “withering away” of private capital (583).
      Insurance against vodka (585).
      About grain reserves (592).
      About agriculture (598).
      About industry: what S. Sharapov said and did not say (605).
      Industry: “costs” of Russian capitalism (608).
      DI. Mendeleev: industrialization in the context of the Russian economy (616).
      Industry and Agriculture as a single organism (621).
      Mendeleev and Sharapov on state protection of Russian producers (627).
      On the self-sufficiency of the Russian economy (631).
      Instead of a conclusion (638).

Publisher's abstract: The book explores economic works Sergei Fedorovich Sharapov (1855-1911), which incorporated many of the main ideas of the Slavophiles. Sharapov shrewdly foresaw the catastrophic consequences of the country's capitalist development in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, proposed alternative models of economic development, placing special emphasis on the need to restructure the Russian monetary system. He constantly emphasized that the economic revival of Russia is possible only on the foundation of Orthodoxy, strong church life, relying on the parish as the primary unit of society, which, in addition to everything, has a number of economic functions. In the alternative model of the economy and monetary system proposed by Sharapov, the key elements were absolute (paper) money, imaginary capital, reserve capital, state banks, state monopolies in a number of sectors of the economy, the state-regulated exchange rate of the ruble, etc.
The author notes that formed in Soviet period In our history, the monetary system had a number of elements that were contained in Sharapov’s model.
The current state of the Russian economy is very reminiscent of the situation that was a century ago, so many of the thoughts of Russian Slavophile economists remain relevant to this day.

What else to read