Competition “come on, guys! "Come on guys" competitive entertainment program

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A competitive competition between three teams of boys with the active participation of spectators and awards for all participants in the competition. Subject: military-patriotic. The script is accompanied by a presentation.

Purpose of the event: Fostering a sense of patriotism, respect for the heroes and veterans of the Great Patriotic War and to Russian Army.


  • to form in students an idea of ​​courage, honor, and duty;
  • preserving the memory of heroism Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War;
  • to instill in students respect for people who have fulfilled and are fulfilling their duty to the Motherland;
  • teach students to act collectively to achieve the task;
  • rally children's group, instill a sense of responsibility;

Form: competitive competition of 3 teams


  • presentation
  • multimedia equipment
  • necessary items (food, clothing for competitions)
  • prizes for the winners
  • songs about the army (audio recordings)

Progress of the event

Presenter 1:

Dear friends! Today we are holding a competition “Come on, guys!” among three 7th grade teams. Our competition is dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Slide 2

Presenter 2:

Everyone sacredly honors this glorious day.
All the courageous traits are evident in him.
Any man fragile world stores,
Serving the Fatherland, with valor “on your face.”

Slide 3

Presenter 3:

Not every feat can be accomplished,
Moreover, in the flow of peaceful days,
But everyone must serve the Motherland,
To ache with your soul and heart only about her .

Slide 4

Presenter 1:

February brought us a great holiday.
Viva to the defenders of the Fatherland!
Will protect you from storms and thunderstorms
Russia is a warrior - a valiant soldier!

Slide 5

Presenter 2: We give the floor to a student of class 10A Durov Artem. As an eighth-grader, Artem wrote a poem dedicated to his great-grandfather, who did not return from the war, “My grandfather did not leave me medals.” Watch his presentation dedicated to the feat of his great-grandfather, as well as to all the heroes of that terrible war.

Slide 6 (video presentation)

Presenter 3: By the way, Artem translated this poem into English language and took 1st place in international competition“St. George’s Ribbon” May, 2015, which was held by the interactive magazine Also. Artem became the laureate of the city essay competition “War in My Family”, held in Voronezh on May 5, 2016. We will ask Artem to join our jury of the “Come on, guys!” competition.

Presenter 2: In addition to Artem, our competition will be judged by: the head teacher of the school......, the music teacher......, the life safety teacher....... So here we go!

Presenter 3:

Competition 1 “Team Presentation”

Slide 7.

  1. Team name
  2. Motto
  3. Emblem
  4. a brief description of each participant.

Presenter 1:

Competition 2 “Intellectual”

Slide 8

Team members must compose a proverb from scattered syllables.

Presenter 2:

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only during training soldiers
He went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature awakens from sleep,
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!

Slide 9

Presenter 3:

Competition 3 “STARS”

Slide 10.

Members of each team must tie their arms and legs together so that each team forms a star. The “star” who runs to the finish line first wins! The difficulty is this. that the teams will have to overcome obstacles (obstacles: chairs, glasses of water, stretched ropes).

Presenter 1: And now we want our viewers to take part in the competition. We are holding a competition for them " Blind sniper". We choose "blind sniper" He stands in the center, and the rest form a circle around him. By command "Start" participants pass a bell to each other, and "blind sniper" must hit the small ball at the one who has it in this moment located. A participant caught with a bell becomes "blind sniper"

Slide 11.

Presenter 2:

On the borders of your country
The sons of the Fatherland stand,
And they look vigilantly into the darkness
Those who are on duty today.

Meet the blossoming of youth
Under the shadow of wings and rockets,
And guard the heights
Those who are on duty today.

In the hearts of maturing sons
The courage of grandfathers and fathers,
And they praise the red star
Those who are on duty today.

Indestructible they are
Stronger than proven armor:
After all, they protect the world in bloom
Those who are on duty today.

Competition 4 “Exposure and stance”

Slide 12.

Each team selects 1 participant who takes a marching step position with one leg raised. Whoever can stand like this the longest and show his endurance will receive 5 points as a reward.

Presenter 3:

The soldiers sing, and the song flows and the explosion subsides
And the battle will be interrupted,
When the soldiers sing, the guns fall silent
The soldiers sing, and the song flows, and a bullet rushes past
When soldiers sing about their native land and father's home.

Competition 5 “Musical”

Slides 13-14

Teams are asked to guess songs about the army using 1-2 words.

Presenter 1:

Competition 5 “Army Breakfast”

Slide 15

This competition is for the participants and their fans.

We invite one fan per team. You are provided with a loaf of bread, a stick of butter, a knife and mugs, and a pack of tea. The task of each participant is to cut the bread into equal pieces, spread the bread with butter and prepare and pour tea for each member of his team. Whoever eats sandwiches and drinks tea faster than others wins.

Presenter 2:

Competition 7 “Rest at a halt”

Slides 16-19

Each team receives a reproduction of a famous painting. After 5 minutes, you must (using what is in this room: furniture, clothes, cleaning items) reproduce (with the help of both team members and your viewers) this picture. The jury will evaluate the “living paintings” competition using a 5-point system.

Presenter 3:

Competition 8 "Titles"

Slides 20-21

Sort ranks by seniority. The one who does it faster and more correctly wins.

major general, senior lieutenant, colonel general, junior sergeant, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, major, marshal, lieutenant, sergeant major, corporal, captain, private, colonel, lieutenant general, sergeant, senior sergeant.

Presenter 1:

Competition 9 "Attack"

Slide 22

There is a line (line) in front of the teams, beyond which attackers are prohibited from stepping. There is a waste paper basket at a distance of several meters from the line. Attacking team throws tennis balls, trying to get them into the basket. Wins team whose shells horrible more on target.

Presenter 2:

Dance soldier! May the spirit help you
Shake off the blues from above with your shoulders.
Dance soldier! Let the enemy's conscience gnaw at him,
That you got in his way.

Competition 10 “Dance”

Slide 23

We invite our lovely viewers to take part in this competition! Each team consists of 2 people who choose their partners from the audience. Between partners we place balloon ik.

The couple that can dance the longest wins. without dropping the ball.

Presenter 3:

Competition for female spectators “Nurse”

Slide 24

While the jury is counting the points of each team, we will hold a competition for the spectators.

Participants in the competition must roll the unwound bandage back into a roll as quickly as possible and bandage the hand of a member of their team. The most dexterous and efficient “nurse” wins.

Presenter 1: And now the floor is given to the chairman of the jury, who will name us the fastest, strongest, bravest team.

Slide 25

Presenter 2: We also want to reward the most active viewers!

Presenter 3: Guys! Your loyal viewers reward you with titles and titles

(Each team member receives a medal made by the girls' hands, on which the title is written.)

Slide 26

Presenter 1: We end our competition with words of gratitude to our Defenders of the Fatherland.

Slide 27

Russian Army Soldier

Mikhail Svetlov

One big family
peoples live
Strong Country Russia,
like granite.
On guard of Peace and happiness
and freedom
Russian Army Soldier

We are not afraid of anyone
bad weather!
The country of labor has
reliable shield -
On guard of peace and happiness
and freedom
Russian Army Soldier

Learn! Work!
Your country
cherishes and preserves.
On guard of peace and happiness
and freedom
Russian Army Soldier

Competitive– entertainment

“Come on, guys!” for Fatherland Day

for students in grades 9-11.

Target: 1. Education of patriotism;

2. Preparing pre-conscription youth for military service;

3. Foster a positive attitude towards military service;

4. Fostering a sense of collectivism, cohesion, responsiveness, and responsibility.

Location: gym

Equipment: computer

Progress of the event:

Good afternoon We gathered on the eve of a holiday called Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Defender of Motherland! How proud these words sound! Defense of the Fatherland is the duty of every citizen, the honorable duty of every man.

1. It’s not easy to be a man in our century,

To be the best, a winner like a wall,

A reliable friend, a sensitive person,

Strategist between peace and war.

To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,

Be rich, but don't spare money.

Be slim, elegant and casual.

Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.

We wish you patience on this holiday

In solving your life problems.

I wish you health, love and inspiration.

Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

2. On this day we congratulate all those who have already passed military service and those who have to carry it.

We hope that our competition program will distract you from your everyday worries and bring you a good mood.

It can’t be otherwise! After all, the best representatives will take part in the competitions strong half our school!

1. It’s fun in the hall today,

And the holiday is upon us again.

We meet the participants -

Top class teams!

To the song “Our Bogatyr Power...” the teams enter the hall.

2. Let's get to know our teams. Command View

1. The power is strong with its army,

And the army is a soldier.

There is great strength in a soldier,

Since it is sacred to remember this.

Russia has always been famous

With my own soldiers.

Yes, they know the past years,

How many victories are behind them?

The Fatherland is the mother, don’t forget.

Taking care of the warriors,

Strengthen their fighting spirit

You are for your freedom.

When a soldier is shod, dressed

And hunger doesn’t bother me,

He is the song of great victories for you

In the name of life he will fold.

2. And the competitions will be evaluated by a very fair and kind jury. We will evaluate teams using a five-point system.

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle
He will follow it without fail.
Who will be friendlier?
He will win in battle.



2. “Vivat, Russia!” - the heart says,

Since you are a proud son of Russia.

The Fatherland fills the soul with strength,

Kohl is a real citizen.

There is no higher honor to be a soldier,

To preserve your Fatherland.

I encourage you guys

It is worthy to serve him!

1. And now we present to your attention the competition program.

2. So that we can rest happily today,

We will continue our entertaining journey.

Fun awaits - the brave ones can't wait,

We invite young people to the first competition!

First competition “Get encryption”

1. Each participant, running past the chair, takes a card with a letter, runs to the table where the captain is waiting for him, leaves the card there and returns to pass the baton. The captain puts together a word from these letters and returns to his team. The winner is the participant who completes the right word the jury will show it faster.

Second competition “Hard in training - easy in battle”

2. 2 participants are invited from each team. The soldier is always ready to get into formation on alarm. Now both teams will demonstrate the ability to get into uniform and line up in a matter of seconds.

Third competition “Disassembling and assembling a machine gun”

1. The third competition is very serious - disassembling and assembling the machine gun. The whole team participates.

The first participant runs to disassemble the machine gun, the second one assembles it. The third participant runs to disassemble, and the fourth assembles, the fifth - disassembles and assembles.

We give the floor to the jury.

1. Where the paratrooper cannot go,

And the armored train will not rush by,

The soldier will crawl on his belly

And nothing will happen to him.

2. What are you talking about?

1. What I mean is that now we will test the dexterity of our soldiers. Competition "Throwing a grenade from a prone position." You need to throw a “grenade” into the “enemy trench”.

Competition 4 “Throwing a grenade from a prone position”

2. You need to throw such an improvised grenade into the box as accurately as possible from a prone position.

(Throwing grenades from paper into boxes)

1. Hero of the native land
And protector of the weak,
He won
In an evil bloody battle.
Nightingale the Robber
He forced me to serve
He commits robbery and evil
Left him forever.

Fifth competition "Intellectual Quiz"

2. The next competition is intellectual. You will be asked questions one by one, with 1 point for the correct answer. If a team does not know or gives an incorrect answer, the right to answer is given to the other team.

Name the hero.(Ilya Muromets)

What are the names of the three heroes depicted in Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”?(Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich)

Why was Alyosha called Popovich?(Popovich is a priest's son)

Why was Ilya nicknamed Ilya Muromets? (He was from “the city of Murom and the village of Karacharova.”)

Who is the creator of the Russian army?(Peter I)

Who is the creator of the Russian fleet?(Peter I)

What does the rank of midshipman mean?(Translated from French, “midshipman” means “sea guard,” that is, a midshipman is a person who has graduated maritime academy. This title was established by Peter I in 1716)

Who are the grenadiers?(Grenadiers are grenade-throwing soldiers walking in front of the column.)

What is the name of piercing weapon, attached to the barrel of a rifle?(Bayonet)

What do wood and a rifle have in common?(Both the tree and the rifle have a barrel.)

"Checked there are no mines." Who makes such inscriptions? They also say about them that they make mistakes only once.(Sappers)

What device can you use to protect yourself from poisonous gases?(Mask)

What is a military equipment warehouse called?(Arsenal)

What do you call a shooter who masters the art of marksmanship?(Sniper)

What is the name of the steering wheel that is used to steer a ship?(helm)

What is the most common clothing among sailors?(Vest)

What is the name of the device that holds the ship while it is moored?(Anchor)

What is the name of the tower with signal lights on the seashore?(Lighthouse)

What is the most cherished dream of a pilot?(“The most cherished dream is height,” line from the song.)

What does the word "ram" mean?(Hit with the hull of a tank, ship or aircraft.)

1. Being on duty in the kitchen is just heaven!

Peel the potatoes and rest.

I drank compote and ate pearl barley

And redid a thousand things.

Cleaned and scrubbed - the pots shine

The kitchen is a resort for hungry guys.

What specialist can no army do without? Of course, without a cook.

Competition sixth "Soldier's Cuisine"

2. 2 people from each team are called. Each team receives a plate and a set of cards with the names of products: meat, potatoes, cabbage, beans, beets, carrots, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, vermicelli. Your task is to cook naval borscht. Choose which of the proposed products you use when preparing borscht.

We give the floor to the jury.

2. Even if you are out of ranks today,

But under civilian clothes

Everywhere and everywhere I recognize

I have a soldier's bearing.

And may you not wear it for a long time

Your army outfit,

But people still say:

"A soldier is always a soldier."

Seventh competition "Relay"

1. To become a good soldier

You have to be hardened.

If a man, then someday

We must serve our Motherland

We'll check it now, brothers.

Whose hand is strong

Let's imagine you are new recruits,

Let's say I'm a foreman.

Who wants to compete?

Get competitive!

We will lift the weight,

The weight weighs exactly a pidd.

2. Any holiday is not complete without humor and laughter. Therefore, the next relay race is a humorous sports one.”

1) The participant starts on all fours, there is a tennis ball on the floor in front of him, he blows on it and moves it until the mark, then runs back to the starting place.

2) The participant places a tennis ball in a teaspoon, which he holds by the handle with his lips, and runs to the mark and back.

3) Participants start in pairs, holding a volleyball ball with their foreheads, run to the mark, and return to the starting point.

1. It is easy to serve a soldier when he knows that his beloved girl is waiting for him somewhere.

2. And, standing at his post, the soldier dreams of the moment when he will see her again, his only one...

1. And he will tell her... And, by the way, what will he tell her?

2. He will tell her those words that every girl dreams of hearing.

Eighth competition “Letter to my beloved”

1. Each team is given two rhyming words, with which they must compose a quatrain for their beloved girl. For example: I’m melting - I’m dreaming, etc.

Poetry competition

Competition ninth "Captains' Competition"

2. The next competition is for team captains.

1. In the army, every serviceman has a military rank. For example, your rank is captain. What other military ranks do you know? The captains take turns calling military ranks. The one who names the most wins.

We give the floor to the jury.

Tenth competition "Night driving"

1. The next competition is called “Night Driving”. One participant is blindfolded and given a hoop in his hands. His task is to pass without catching or knocking down the pins. The second participant guides him, indicating the direction. The main thing is not to lose your way and come first.

2. Our participants are already close to victory

This final competition is called "Soldier's Dexterity"

1. Everyone a real man must be physically developed and ready for service in the Armed Forces."

Eleventh competition "Strength competitions"

2. This competition consists of several stages.

Tug of War

push-ups from the floor the maximum number of times - all push-ups are done, the result is summed up.

pull-up on the crossbar – all team members do pull-ups, the result is summed up;

arm wrestling;

Kettlebell Lift – all team members, the result is summed up;

Twelfth Competition "Soldier's Dexterity"

1. In this competition, the first team to hammer a nail wins. Each of the team members, running up to the place, can hit the nail only once, the last participant hammers the nail to the end and returns to the team.

2. Important for humanity

Defenders of the Fatherland.

Without them we are in this eternity

Well, just nowhere.

1. It’s great that you’re slim,

Always calm in battle

Truly worthy

We will always be protected.

2. I don’t hide it, I’m happy

I like you, friends

I am calm for my Motherland,

The army will be strong!

Your word in conclusion

The glorious jury will say.

Praise and awards

Waiting for someone ahead.

1. The jury's word.

2. Everyone here today is worthy of praise

The Russian spirit hovers in this hall

Yes, let Russia avoid war,

So that you, friends, don’t fight at all!

We cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday!

We present prizes and certificates to the most worthy!

1. Our holiday has come to an end. Once again we congratulate all men and boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish you happiness and success!



The holiday begins with the scene “Seeing off to the army”

Storyteller.Once upon a time I lived in a village

A brave guy - his name was Senka.

Once upon a time he lived, he did not grieve,

He was friends with the girl Nastya,

I went on a date with her.

Song "Seeds"

Senka.What should I do, what should I do?

How can I forget Nastya?

Storyteller. I didn't have to grieve for long

The guy suddenly found something to do...

One morning as a military commissar

Came to bow to him.

Brought a summons to the army

And he asked his eternal question:

Military Commissar. Will you become a tanker or a construction battalion?

Or maybe in a combat landing?

(hands over a large summons)

Storyteller. Hearing the guy trembled

And he called his mother for help.

Senka. Ma-ma-nya!

Mom runs out, he shows her the summons, Mom sobs, Senka sings “How my own mother saw me off.”

Military Commissar. Form up!

Senka seems to be getting into formation.

Military Commissar. Be equal! Attention! Right! Step march! Start singing!

Senya goes to the other end of the hall.

Military Commissar. Come on, boy, look

To our record holders!

Not ready to go yet

Join the army, Senya!

1 Presenter:

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men are an object of admiration!

And the reason for the big fuss is

Strength of spirit and glimpses of genius,

They become immediately visible

Once a year, on the threshold of spring.

2 Presenter:

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men - both military and civilian -

From Rostov to Kolyma

Gifts, flowers and applause await.

You are on the crest of a wave today -

Like heroes of a great country!

1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! I greet everyone sitting in this hall, and I congratulate you, dear men, on your holiday! Today in our competitive program the young men of the school will meet - the best of the best, the most worthy of the worthy, real men!

2 Presenter: Before we proceed directly to the competition program, I would like to introduce you to our competent jury, which will evaluate your skills.

Jury submission: _______________________________________________


1 Presenter: Before the competition starts, I would like to say...

2 Presenter: Leave it alone! There is no such thing in the Charter - “I would like to say.”

1 Presenter: What is in the Charter?

2 Presenter: There is “let me report.”

1 Presenter: Well, okay, let’s go according to the Charter. Allow me to report... Is something wrong again?

2 Presenter: I wonder, do our future soldiers know how to apply according to the Charter?

1 Presenter: Now we’ll check. The first competition will be called “Allow me to report.” Participants in the competition must submit a report on their readiness to participate in the competition program. The report will be accepted by the teacher - organizer of life safety Akulov V.I.

1 task of the competition “Allow me to report!”

2 Presenter: Where the paratrooper cannot pass,

And the armored train will not rush by,

The soldier will crawl on his belly

And nothing will happen to him.

1 Presenter: What are you talking about?

2 Presenter: What I mean is that we are now moving on to the next competition. Each participant must tell about himself in a form that is accessible to him and interesting to the audience. In other words, a business card.

Task 2 of the “Business Card” competition.

1 Presenter: Victory is within the reach of the brave,

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

2 Presenter: Very often the outcome of a battle depends on the accuracy of the artillerymen. And we can’t do without them.

1 Presenter: The cannon suddenly ran out of shells. You need to make them yourself: a sheet of newspaper must be crumpled with one hand, and in no case should you help with the other. Crumple it into a ball - this will be the projectile. One hand behind your back! Get ready, let's start!

Task 3 of the competition “Preparing shells”

2 Presenter: Commander Suvorov said: “In the army, the soldier is the first person!” Let us now check the intelligence quotient of our “Soldiers” to find out whether we can count on their intelligence in Hard time. Well, friends, let's begin!

Task 4 of the Scrabble Quiz competition

1. Hercules performed 12 of them. (Feats)

2. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot)

4. The main song of the country. (Hymn)

5. A song that is listened to while standing. (Hymn)

6. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade)

7. Military position V. Putin. (Commander-in-Chief)

8. They call her in, and he mows her down. (Army)

12. Both lard and agent. (Spic)

13. Morning command. (Climb)

14. Colors of clothes in the military store. (Camouflage)

16. Cop from the USA. (Cop)

17. Special police. (riot police)

18. Bracelets for criminals. (Handcuffs)

19. The headdress of a real general. (Papakha)

21. Report to the general. (Rapport)

22. Chief Cossack. (Ataman)

25. Horse-drawn machine gun. (Tachanka)

26. On the shoulders of a military man. (Epaulettes)

27. Soldiers' House (Barracks)

28. Three platoons. (Company)

29. Garrison Square. (Place)

31. Weapon for kicking. (Knee)

32. Tank door. (Hatch)

33. Pants with boots. (breeches)

34. Chess horse. (Horse)

37. Chief on the ship. (Captain)

39. Private in naval style (Sailor)

40. Sea chef. (Cook)

41. Cook on the shore. (Cook)

42. Competition of knights. (Tournament)

43. Airplane garage. (Hangar)

44. Skilled pilot (AS)

45. Airplane staircase. (Ladder)

46. ​​Running to "Hurray!" (Attack)

47. "Banzai!" in Russian. ("Hooray!")

1 Presenter: Attention, Attention! Let's continue the competition. The next task is the simplest one. An ancient Russian game called “Tug of War.”

Task 5 of the competition “Tug of War.”

Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope is pulled under them. At the command of the leader, two participants walk around their chairs to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, they sit down on their chair and pull out the string from under it.

2 Presenter: But the solemn hour has come!

Very serious and important to you.

An hour of congratulations, jokes, success,

An hour of games, smiles and loud laughter!

Announcement of the results of the competition. The jury gives the floor.

1 Presenter: Dear boys! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish:

2 Presenter: - don’t offend us

Don't upset your parents

Be obedient

It’s only good to create

Listen to teachers

To have many friends

Be beautiful

If it’s difficult, then don’t whine.

1 Presenter: Today is a men’s holiday,

There's no reason to argue

No matter how the maidens grow stronger,

There are no more reliable men.

2 Presenter: In spirit you are heroes,

And if suddenly there is trouble,

She will protect you from any troubles

Defender's hand.

1 Presenter: Even though you don’t wear a uniform,

But we know that in difficult times

You are just like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland and us.

Host: Good evening!

From time immemorial, men not only defended the lands from foreigners, but also were the support of the family, obtained food, and protected the life and peace of their families. A man should always be strong, courageous, capable of defending his family and Motherland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not. Every man, be he Marine officer or an engineer, a businessman or a teacher, a scientist or a schoolboy - he is a Protector.

Today we will celebrate this holiday with a competition game program, in which our young men will have to show their bravery and ingenuity, and we called it “Come on, guys!” We invited a jury, after each competition they will evaluate the teams. And also today there were guests and fans who will support our guys.

And according to the tradition of team competitions, four teams will be presented to your attention.

And now we will meet the jury of the competition:

And I announce the first competition, which is called “Business Card”. Where each team takes turns presenting their business card to us. The Business Card competition is worth 5 points. And the first team to be invited is: ________________________________________________

Team “________________________________________________” is your business card

Team “__________________________________________________________” I invite you.

And the command “__________________________________________”, you have the floor.

And so we met the teams and their participants.

The next competition is “Captains Competition or Blitz Tournament” I invite the captains one by one to come out and take part in the competition:

You will be asked eight questions each in turn; you can earn eight points for your team by answering the questions correctly. Each correct answer is worth one point.

"Blitz tournament"
1. Hercules performed 12 of them. (Feats)
2. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot.)
3. Red fabric. (Kumach.)
4. The main song of the country. (Hymn.)
5. A song that is listened to while standing. (Hymn.)
6. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade.)
7. Military position of V.V. Putin. (Commander-in-Chief.)
8. They are called into it and mowed down from it. (Army.)
9. This revolution, despite the name, took place in March. (February Revolution.)
10. Both the order bearer and the suitor. (Cavalier.)
11. Graduate student in uniform. (Cadet.)
12. Morning command. (Climb.)
13. The song and the crime have it. (Motive.)
14. Bracelets for criminals. (Handcuffs.)
15. The headdress of a real general. (Papakha.)
16. Chief Cossack. (Ataman.)
17. On the shoulders of a military man. (Epaulettes.)
18. Soldier's house. (Barracks.)
19. Three platoons. (Company.)
20. Tank door. (Luke.)
21. Chief on the ship. (Captain.)
22. Sea chef. (Cook.)
23. Airplane garage. (Hangar.)
24. Airplane staircase. (Ladder.)

25. What is the name of the era in which the first mentions of knights appeared? (Middle Ages)

26.What was the name of the home of a real knight? (Lock)

27.What was the name of the community of knights? (Order)

28.What was the name of the competition held among the knights? (Tournament)

29. How much did you weigh Knight armour? (from 35 kg)

30.At what age were knights made? (from 21 years old)

31. What for a knight more valuable than life? (Honor)

32.What talisman, given by a woman, did the knights wear? (Scarf, glove, handkerchief)

And our third competition is for real men. “Sports” and this competition is not easy. It consists of four tournaments; a team can earn 20 points for winning each of them.

"The Power of Bogatyrskaya". Tug of war. The winner is the team that managed to pull the ribbon tied in the middle of the rope to its side. For a victory - 5 points.

"Push-ups."Whoever can do the most push-ups on the floor in one minute, four people from the team participate in this competition at once. The jury will add up the team's number of push-ups. For a team victory - 5 points.

« Horse racing."Who can jump rope the longest? This competition involves those two people who did not take part in the previous competition. Largest quantity jumping per minute also brings 5 ​​points to the winning team.

"Throwing."Who will throw the balloon the farthest? For a victory - 5 points. The whole team participates in this competition.

And now, dear participants, we will collect eggs, the competition is called “Collecting Eggs”

I suggest the teams line up one after another. Now your task is this: there is a plate in front of you with eggs in it. Your task is to transfer the eggs to the cell without dropping any. Anyone who drops and breaks an egg will receive a fine of 10 points from the team.

And the next competition, “Heroic Lunch,” is an unusual competition consisting of three tournaments and the whole team will have to participate in it. Each tournament involves two people from a team.

The jury closely monitors the upcoming events and evaluates each competition with 5 points.

I invite two members from the team.

1.Your task is to eat a portion of spaghetti using a spoon faster than your opponents.

Next participants are your turn.

2.Now your task is to drink tea faster than your opponents through a straw.

3. And the final stage of this competition is to eat a piece of pie faster than your opponent.

While the jury is summing up the results of the competition

It's homework time. For each congratulation, teams earn an additional 10 points.

On Friday, February 26th, it was the name day of one of our teachers and the teams were given the task of preparing a congratulation. Better late than never. I ask the teams to take turns on stage (teams bring congratulations)

Well done to the team, thank you all very much and the jury now gives the floor.

Our evening is coming to an end. We thank all participants. You coped with the tasks perfectly, showed brave prowess, heroic strength, resourcefulness, and quick wits.

And in conclusion I would like to say to all our men.

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
But we know that in difficult times
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

Our school annually holds a traditional month of defense-mass work in January-February. It has also become a good tradition to hold sports and educational competitions among high school boys as part of this month. Such competitions are designed not only to show physical training young men and their general level knowledge on various subjects, including life safety, but also to instill in them a sense of patriotism, readiness to become defenders of the Fatherland, to be Men in in the best sense this word. To avoid monotony, we try to hold these competitions in different forms.

Sometimes this competition is held as an individual championship (“Knight’s Tournament”, “Mr. School”), but more often as a team championship. After all, the army is strong as a collective. Moreover, we form teams in different ways: when a 10th grade team competes with a 11th grade team, and when one team consists of boys from 9a-10a-11a, and the other from boys from 9b-10b-11b. Usually, before the competition, the task is given to name the teams, draw up a motto (sometimes an emblem) for the team, and a greeting to the fans and the jury.

The competition is usually held in the school gym. At the appointed time, competition participants and fans gather there. To conduct the competition, a strict jury is selected, which includes teachers, girls and those men who have already served in the army.

Usually before the start of the competition there is a short introduction to set the mood for the competition.

Today we are holding a traditional competition “Come on, guys!”, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Over the centuries-old history of the existence of the state, Russia has very often been forced to take part in wars for its independence, for the preservation of its territorial integrity.

“Defender of the Fatherland” is such a short, but such a meaningful phrase. We pronounce it - and before our mind’s eye we see the warriors of Prince Alexander Nevsky, the regiments of Dmitry Donskoy, the sailors and soldiers on the galleys and ships of Tsar Peter I, the “well done soldiers” of Suvorov, the partisans of Denis Davydov, the Red Army soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, the soldiers of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, our with you are peers who are in Chechnya today to maintain the Constitutional system.

Many defenders of the Fatherland laid down their lives in large and small battles. Let us honor with a minute of silence all those who died defending the freedom and independence of our Motherland - the Russian Federation.

Russian folk wisdom says: “Soldiers are not born, they are made.” Today we are holding a competition among future defenders of the Fatherland - boys in grades 9-10-11, let's see how ready they are to become our defenders. These are their first days of “service”, so the jury and fans should not be too strict with them.

COMPETITION No. 1. “One day in the army.”

Venue: school gym.


1. Morning exercise:

a) standing jumping (the result of each participant is summed up by the team);

b) pull-ups on the crossbar (the result of each participant is summed up by the team).

2. Morning toilet (captains competition):

a) knowledge military ranks by shoulder straps;

b) decipher the message (a message has been prepared, cut into words - you need to make up an initial sentence).


After breakfast in the army, training sessions begin in accordance with the schedule. The current schedule includes the following classes:

1-2 hours Drill.

Execution of identical commands by participants:

a) “Stand up!” Be equal! Attention!”;
b) turns in place;
c) changing from 1 line to 2 lines and back;
d) moving in place and stopping on command.

3-4 hours. Lesson on RCBZ (radiation, chemical and biological protection).

a) putting on gas masks at the command “Gas!”;
b) actions on the command “Flash from the left!”, “Flash from behind!”.

5-6 hours Public and state preparation.

Questions on knowledge of the structure and combat capabilities of the Armed Forces.

a) Which branch of the Russian Armed Forces is the most numerous?
b) List the types of troops that make up the Ground Forces.
c) “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” Which commander did these words belong to?
d) “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us.” Whose words are these and to whom were they spoken?
e) Decipher the abbreviations BMP, AKM, ICBM, RPK, ATGM.
f) Decipher the abbreviations BTR, PKT, RKG, AGS, MANPADS.


After lunch, classes in the army, unlike school, continue:

7-8 hours Physical training.

a) Relay race – dribbling 2 basketballs with both hands;
b) “wheelbarrow” relay race - one team member stands with his hands on the floor, another participant takes his legs and thus moves from one wall of the gym to the other, changing roles at the turning point;
c) relay race - dribbling one basketball to the opposite wall and throwing it to the team;
d) relay race - race walking: movement by placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other;
e) duel - standing on both legs in a circle, hands behind your back, push your opponent out of the circle with your shoulders;
f) duel - standing in a circle with your back to each other, hands on your chest - push your opponent out of the circle;
g) duel – standing on one leg in a circle, push the opponent out of the circle with your shoulders.


After dinner, the daily routine for soldiers includes personal time when they can write a letter to their beloved girlfriend, play sports, and chat with comrades.

1. Relay:

a) forward somersault;
b) jumping over a gymnastic bench - lengthwise;
c) throwing a basketball into the basket: until it hits;
d) running along an inverted gymnastic bench;
e) back somersault.

2. Tug of war.

3. Pantomime.

a) depict a tank;
b) depict an artillery piece.

V. EVENING COLLECTION and evening walk with drill song (homework).


At this point the competition is over, we sum up the results and make an award ceremony.

COMPETITION No. 2. Choosing a military specialty.

Participants are teams of classes “a” and “b”.

As you know, the army consists of a huge number of professions and positions. For example, only in Ground forces There are over 3,000 military specialties. But our Armed Forces also have a navy and an air force. In today's competition “Come on, guys!” 2 teams of students from grades 9-10-11 take part - team “a” and team “b”. No one knows what specialty you will have to serve in the army or navy, so you must be prepared for any challenge. And today we will hold a competition for various types of the Armed Forces and branches of the military.

  1. Team name and motto ( homework).
  2. Team emblem (homework).
  3. Drill.

Wherever you serve, performing drill techniques is mandatory for everyone, because it’s not for nothing that the Drill Regulations are general military regulations.

    Execution of identical commands by participants:
    a) “Stand up!” Be equal! Attention!”;
    b) turns in place;
    c) moving in place and stopping on command.

  1. Types of the Armed Forces and types of troops.

1) Ground forces:

a) motorized rifle – shooting from an air rifle at “p” targets from a distance of 5 m, each team member shoots, the team’s result is summed up;

b) rocket troops and artillery - throwing a basketball into the hoop while standing with your back to the backboard. Each team member makes three attempts, the rest of the players adjust the “fire”;

c) tank - assistants standing hold gymnastic hoops horizontally, two at a time, one hoop at waist height. Opposite each team, 2 hoops are held in this way at a distance of 3 m from each other. This is a relay race. At the command of the leader, the captain of each team, leaning on the shoulders of those holding the hoop, goes from above into the 1st hoop (jumps into the tank), then goose-steps to the next hoop (after all, it’s cramped in the tank, you can’t run away), and leaves the “tank”, getting out from the second hoop, leaning again on the shoulders of those holding the hoop. When the 1st participant returns to the team, the next one runs. The team that gets to the construction site the fastest wins.

a) knowledge of military ranks according to shoulder straps in the Navy;

b) test for resistance to motion sickness (state of the vestibular apparatus) - both teams line up facing each other in one line, making up a corridor 2 meters wide. Their task is to prevent the subject from falling if his vestibular apparatus is not resistant to motion sickness. The subject stands at the beginning of the “corridor”. He is given a task: after the test, reach the wall (4-5 m) and touch a certain object. The subject stands with his feet shoulder-width apart, his hands clasped at the back of his head, and his body tilted horizontally. On command, he makes 10 revolutions on the spot (with the help of a leader) - preferably at a fast pace - straightens up and walks to the wall. Not every subject can complete this task, which seems simple at first glance.

3) Troops of central subordination:

a) Airborne Forces (airborne troops) - relay race: each team member makes a standing jump, the result of each is summed up by the team;

b) railway troops: each team is a railway train. Participants tilt their body parallel to the floor and grab the belt of the person in front. The train’s task is to get to the final destination along the perimeter of the gym as quickly as possible, while overcoming the “tunnel”: hoops held vertically on the floor, and the “mound”: two inverted benches. Naturally, when the train moves, you cannot detach from it.

4) Special troops:

a) reconnaissance - the participant is given the task of reaching a specific point on the opposite side of the gym, after which his eyes are covered (for example, with a winter hat), and he begins to move. The participant is stopped at the designated point. The winner is the team whose member deviates less from the given goal;

b) troops chemical protection– one representative from each team puts on a combined arms protective kit for a while;

c) military topographical - determination of azimuth by compass;

d) communications troops - team representatives are given Morse code and an encrypted message: who can decipher it faster;

d) engineering troops- relay race: each team is given a tennis racket and a tennis ball - you need to run to the opposite wall of the gym, holding the ball on the racket, return to the team and pass the racket to the next team member. The team that completes the task faster wins;

f) automobile troops - carried out in the form of a relay race, “wheelbarrow.” One team member takes a lying position, the other takes him by the legs, and thus the first participant “reaches” on his hands to the opposite wall of the gym, where the participants change roles.

The army at all times has been distinguished by collectivism, because it is not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” In addition, a warrior must be physically strong and resilient. We will now check how well you meet these requirements with the following competitions:

a) tug of war;

b) pull-up on the crossbar – all team members do pull-ups, the result is summed up;

c) push-ups from the floor the maximum number of times - all push-ups are done, the result is summed up.

After this, the results of the competition are summed up and the participants are awarded.

COMPETITION No. 3. Knight's tournament.

An individual competition, for which one representative from each class is selected among students in grades 9-10-11.

Venue: school gym.

A short introduction. Knight (from German Ritter, originally a horseman), in Western Europe in the Middle Ages a feudal lord, a heavily armed mounted warrior. For knights, such moral standards as courage, fidelity to duty, and nobility towards women were considered mandatory. Hence (figuratively) a knight is a selfless, noble person.

Knightly education is a system of educating the sons of secular feudal lords in the Middle Ages (up to 7 years of age - in the family; at the court of a lord - up to 14 years of age for pages and up to 21 years of age for squires). It included training in religion, court etiquette and the so-called “seven knightly virtues”: horse riding, fencing, wielding a spear, swimming, hunting, playing checkers, writing and singing poetry in honor of the lady of the heart.

It is these “seven knightly virtues” that we will hold today’s competition. But let's start the competition with knightly coats of arms - after all, you probably know that each knight had his own coat of arms. This was homework for the participants: draw a coat of arms and explain its meaning.

1)Horseback riding:

a) hold a basketball between your legs and, holding it without using your hands, jump to cover a certain distance - the time it takes to cover the distance is taken into account;

b) riding a “bouncing” ball, gallop to the other side of the gym and return back - the number of falls and the time spent are taken into account.

2) Fencing:

A circle is drawn on the floor with chalk. Take one gymnastic stick. Two “knights”, being in a circle, take hold of the opposite ends of a gymnastic stick and push each other out of the circle. The one who stays in the circle wins.

3) Spear Proficiency:

Dartsling competitions - each participant throws three darts at a target, the results of the three throws are summed up.

4) Swimming:

a) sitting on a piece of cardboard and pushing off the floor with your hands, overcome the marked distance;

b) the ability to swim also includes the ability to provide assistance to a drowning person. One of the elements of providing assistance is to accurately throw a life preserver. The game “throw the ring” is played - racks are installed on the floor of the gym, and the “knights”, from a distance of 3-4 meters, take turns throwing five rings onto these racks.

5) Hunting:

a) shooting from an air rifle at cubes, each participant fires 3 shots;

b) traces of animals and birds living in our area are drawn on paper, and participants are asked to identify which animal the depicted traces belong to.

6) Checkers game:

Previously, outside of school hours, a checkers tournament is held between the competitors in a round-robin system, where each participant plays three games with each other, and at the competition only the results are read out.

7) Writing and singing poems in honor of the lady of the heart:

The epigraph to this competition is the statement of L. N. Tolstoy: “The best thing that a person has achieved is the ability to love a woman, to worship her beauty: from love for a woman everything beautiful on earth was born.” Since this is quite long and difficult to learn, here participants are given Blank sheet paper, glue and two quatrains of famous poets, cut line by line. Participants must paste the lines of poems in the correct sequence and read them out with expression, for example:

As a result of the tournament, the winner is awarded the title “Master of the Knightly Order of Atagai high school”, and all other participants - the title “Honorary Knight”.

COMPETITION No. 4. “Mr. School.”

Participants - 1-2 boys from each of the 9th - 10th - 11th grades.

Location - Assembly Hall schools.

This competition is held at the end of February, on the eve of the spring holiday - March 8. Therefore, we will start the competition with compliments.

  1. Compliments. 2 girls are called from the audience, the boys participating are given a pen and a piece of paper, and each of them must write as many compliments as possible to the ladies standing in front of them in three minutes.
  2. Every gentleman should always look impeccable. In a civilized society it is customary to formal clothes put on a tie. Now our young men will demonstrate the ability to tie a tie correctly, and the jury will evaluate the quality of the task (previously, during extracurricular hours, classes were held with the young men on how to perform this exercise, which was a huge plus - almost all high school students mastered this “craft”).
  3. Writing a letter of congratulations. We assume that the spring holiday is coming soon. Therefore, the contestants are invited to write an original congratulation to their mother or girlfriend on this holiday. A time of 5 minutes is given, and while the contestants are writing letters, a competition is held for the erudition of fans.
  4. Guess the melody. Participants in the competition are invited, after listening to part of the melody of a wartime song, to say the name of the song, author and performer.
  5. A well-mannered person applying for the title “Mr. School” must be able to read a written text competently, clearly, with expression, and emotionally. Young men are given the opportunity to show their skills by reading a proposed classic poem about love, selected from books. Literature teachers evaluate this competition.
  6. The ability to convey information using symbols. This task is also creative. Imagine that you are - primitive. And you were very lucky today - you managed to catch a large fat moose. Writing is still unknown to you, but you already have a chisel and a hammer (handle), with the help of which you must “carve” on a “stone” (sheet of paper) an invitation to the lady of your heart from a neighboring tribe for a hearty dinner, indicating the place, time and occasion. While completing this task, the contestants play a quiz game with the fans. The results of this competition are assessed by the art teacher.
  7. Sports competition:
  8. a) arm wrestling;
    b) weight 16 kg.

    Hobby. Each participant in the competition presents his favorite activity to the audience and fans.

At the end of this competition, the jury sums up the results, assigns the title “Mr. School” to the winner and awards the remaining participants.

What else to read