Rules of culture of behavior in society. Methodological development of the class hour "ethics and culture of behavior"

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Chapter 1. Ethics and culture of behavior

1.1 General information about ethical culture

1.2 Professional ethics

1.3 Business etiquette

1.4 Appearance person

1.5 Telephone culture

1.6 Business conversation

1.7 Business correspondence

1.8 Business card in business life

1.9 Business protocol

1.10 Interior of the workroom

1.11 Features of national ethics

Chapter 1.Ethics and culture of behavior

It’s easier to do something well right away than to explain later why it was done poorly.

Longfellow (1807- 1882), American poet

Currently, close attention is paid to the study of the ethics of business relations in order to improve the level of culture of these relations. Ethics covers a wide range of issues and must be taken into account in relationships within and between organizations. No compliance business ethics and culture of behavior, most people in the team feel uncomfortable and unprotected.

The most important aspect of professional behavior is business etiquette, which sets standards of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, in transport, etc. Speech etiquette, the art of conducting telephone conversations, rules of correspondence and appearance serve as signs of your good manners, respectability and self-confidence.

Remember that in business relationships there are no trifles.

1.1 General information about ethical culture

As you know, a person enters into business relationships with other people throughout his life. One of the regulators of these relations is morality, which expresses our ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice. Morality gives a person the opportunity to evaluate the actions of others, to understand and comprehend whether he is living correctly and what he should strive for. A person can make communication effective and achieve certain goals if he correctly understands moral standards and relies on them in business relationships. If he does not take into account moral standards in communication or distorts their content, then communication becomes impossible or causes difficulties.

Who created the rules of human behavior? Why is one behavior approved by society, while another is condemned? Ethics answers these questions.

Ethics - This is one of the oldest branches of philosophy, the science of morality. The term "ethics" comes from the Greek word " ethos" (“ethos”) - custom, disposition. The term "ethics" was introduced by Aristotle (384--322 BC) to designate the doctrine of morality, and ethics was considered " practical philosophy", which should answer the question: "What should we do to do the right, moral things?"

Initially, the terms “ethics” and “morality” coincided. But later, with the development of science and social consciousness, different contents were assigned to them.

Morality (from lat. moralis ~ moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. It regulates human behavior in all areas public life- in work, in everyday life, in personal, family and international relations.

“Good” and “evil” are indicators of moral behavior; it is through their prism that a person’s actions and all his activities are assessed. Ethics views "good" as objective moral significance act. It unites a set of positive norms and moral requirements and acts as an ideal, a role model. “Good” can act as a virtue, i.e. be moral quality personality. “Good” is opposed to “evil”; there has been a struggle between these categories since the foundation of the world. Morality is often identified with goodness, with positive behavior, and evil is seen as immorality and immorality. Good and evil are opposites that cannot exist without each other, just as light cannot exist without darkness, up without down, day without night, but nevertheless they are not equivalent.

Acting morally means choosing between good and evil. A person strives to build his life in such a way as to reduce evil and increase good. Other important categories of morality - duty and responsibility - cannot be correctly understood and, even more so, cannot become important principles in human behavior if he has not realized the complexity and difficulty of the struggle for good.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in commandments and principles about how one should behave. One of the first rules of morality in history is formulated as follows: “act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.” This rule appeared in the VI-V centuries. BC. simultaneously and independently of each other in different cultural regions - Babylon, China, India, Europe. Subsequently, it began to be called “golden”, as it was given great importance, Nowadays it also remains relevant, and we must always remember that a person becomes a person only when he affirms the human in other people. The need to treat others as oneself, to elevate oneself through the exaltation of others, is the basis of morality and morality.

The Gospel of Matthew says: “So in everything you want people to do to you, do so to them” (Chapter 7, Article 12).

The moral life of a person and society is divided into two levels: on the one hand, what is: existence, morals, actual everyday behavior; on the other hand, what should be: due, an ideal model of behavior.

Often in business relationships we are faced with contradictions between what is and what should be. On the one hand, a person strives to behave morally, as they say, properly, on the other hand, he wants to satisfy his needs, the implementation of which is often associated with violation moral standards. This struggle between ideal and practical calculation creates a conflict within a person, which is most acutely manifested in the ethics of business relations, in business communication. Because ethics business communication is a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics, then under ethics of business communication is understood as a set of moral norms and rules governing the behavior and relationships of people in professional activity. Therefore, when studying the course “Business Culture and Psychology of Communication,” we will talk about how to act in business relationships, so that you know about it, try to accept it and act accordingly.

The norms and rules of behavior in force in society require a person to serve society, to coordinate personal and public interest. Moral standards are based on traditions and customs, and morality teaches us to do every thing in such a way that it does not cause harm to the people who are nearby.

One of the main elements of the culture of business communication is the moral behavior of people. It is based on universal human moral principles and norms - respect for human dignity, honor, nobility, conscience, sense of duty and others.

Conscience is a person’s moral awareness of his actions, thanks to which we control our actions and evaluate our actions. Conscience is the most closely associated with debt. Duty - this is an awareness of the conscientious performance of one’s duties (civil and official). For example, when a duty is violated, thanks to conscience, a person is responsible not only to others, but also to himself.

For a person's moral character great value It has honor , which is expressed in recognition of a person’s moral merits, in reputation. The honor of an officer, the honor of a businessman, the honor of a knight - it is this that requires a person to maintain the reputation of the social or professional group to which he belongs. Honor obliges a person to work conscientiously, to be truthful, fair, to admit his mistakes, and to be demanding of himself.

Dignity is expressed in self-respect, in awareness of the significance of one’s personality; it does not allow a person to humiliate himself, flatter and please for his own benefit. However, excessive feeling self-esteem does not really decorate a person. The ability of a person to be restrained in revealing his or her merits is called modesty. A person who is worth something does not need to flaunt his merits, increase his worth, or instill in others the idea of ​​his own irreplaceability.

An integral part of the culture of business communication is nobility . A noble man is true to his word, even if it is given to an enemy. He will not allow rudeness towards people he does not like, and will not slander them in their absence. Nobility does not require publicity and gratitude for help and sympathy.

Self-test questions

1. How did the terms “ethics” and “morality” arise and what do they express?

2. What are “good” and “evil”?

3. Formulate " Golden Rule morality".

4. What are the main elements included in the concept of “business communication culture”?

1.2 Professional ethics

In the East and in Western Europe Since ancient times, great importance has been attached to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication. Their influence on the efficiency of business management was especially emphasized.

Professional moral standards There were and remain politeness, attentiveness, tact, and hard work.

Politeness is an expression of respect for other people and their dignity. The basis of politeness is goodwill, which is manifested in greetings and wishes. For example, we wish good night, good morning, success, health, etc. The words of the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616) are widely known that nothing costs us so cheap and is valued so dearly as politeness. A polite person is warning a person, he strives to be the first to show a courtesy, the first to give up his seat in transport, to hold the door.

A moral norm akin to politeness is correctness, which means the ability to maintain oneself within the bounds of decency in any situation, especially in conflict situations. Correct behavior is manifested in the ability to listen to a partner, in the desire to understand his point of view. Politeness is conditional tact And sense of proportion . To be tactful means to skillfully make a remark without humiliating a person’s dignity, to provide him with the opportunity to get out of a difficulty with honor.

The set of moral norms that determine a person’s attitude towards his professional duty is included in the concept professional ethics. Society places increased moral demands on certain types of professional activities and requires highly qualified workers in the performance of their professional duties. This applies to those working in the service sector, transport, healthcare, management, education and the like, since the objects of activity of these professional groups are people.

Each type professional ethics is determined by the uniqueness of professional activity and has its own specific requirements in the field of morality. For example, professional ethics military service requires strict performance of official duty, courage, discipline, and devotion to the Motherland. The uniqueness of medical ethics is focused on human health, its improvement and preservation. However, any specificity of professional ethics is impossible without taking into account universal human values ​​and ethical standards. Let's look at professional ethics using an example.

Regardless social status and age, we are all buyers. What does the buyer want from the sellers? Firstly, purchasing a high-quality, fashionable, comfortable product at an affordable price. Secondly, competence, attentive and polite attitude towards yourself when choosing a purchase. Therefore, the seller's task is to satisfy the needs and desires of the consumer. Therefore, the most important requirements of professional ethics of a trade worker in relation to the buyer are attentiveness, politeness, and goodwill.

The business relationship between the seller and the buyer begins with a greeting, which must be accompanied by a smile. Greetings are followed by the words: “Please, what are you interested in?” or "I'm listening to you." If the seller is already serving a client, he should apologize and ask to wait, and not say: “Can’t you see that I’m busy.” Once free, the seller finds out what product we are interested in and at what price, after which he reports the characteristics of the available goods.

A professional seller must take into account the gender and age of the buyer and strive to determine his psychological characteristics(aggressiveness, poise, decisiveness - indecisiveness, gullibility - incredulity). It has been established that the behavior of young and old people, men and women differs in the store. For example, men visit a store purposefully, they know what they need to buy, and if the product is available, they buy it. They are more susceptible to the influence of the seller than women and often expect advice from him and are guided by his opinion. Women rely on themselves to make their choices; They look at the product for a long time and therefore it is not recommended to rush them.

The professionalism of the seller is enhanced by his ethical education, which is manifested in speech, facial expressions, and gestures; rudeness, vulgarity and irritability are unacceptable. The seller must be discreet in different situations, for example, when a buyer examines a product for a long time, asks questions and is interested in details, although he does not intend to buy this product. He must be restrained even with an ill-mannered and aggressive customer, since rudeness does not respond to rudeness. positive effect. On the contrary, the atmosphere becomes tense, a conflict is brewing, which often leads to the intervention of the administration. The end of the sellers' communication with us, the buyers, is the acceptance of payment for the selected product and its packaging, after which the seller must thank us for the purchase.

In turn, we, buyers, should not forget about politeness and restraint of our negative emotions and bad mood.

A special place in the ethics of trade is occupied by the requirement for appearance and clothing. Tasteless and unkempt clothes, unkempt hair and dirty hands can turn a buyer away from shopping and visiting a store. In addition, trade workers need to monitor their speech when communicating not only with customers, but also with each other!

So, if your field of activity is people, then, despite the specifics of the profession, you always need to pay attention to the rules and norms of behavior, to your responsibilities towards the client and colleagues; be able to control oneself, be patient, listen carefully to the visitor, as well as have an appropriate appearance and master the culture of speech.

Self-test questions

1. What do you understand by the concept of “professional ethics”?

2. What moral requirements do the actions of employees meet in the following situations:

a) The Sberbank cashier was absent from his workplace and this caused a delay in customer service. Returning to workplace, said: “Sorry for keeping you, I’ll quickly sort everything out now.”

b) In the self-service section, a customer took a pair of shoes to try on, and at the same time several pairs standing nearby fell off. The buyer was confused and confused. The saleswoman calmly walked over and put the shoes back in place, telling the customer: “It’s okay, this happens often.”

1.3 Business Etiquette

Decency is the least important of all the laws of society and the most revered.

F. La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moral writer

At first XVIII century, Peter the Great issued a decree according to which anyone who behaved “in violation of etiquette” was subject to punishment.

Etiquette - word French origin, meaning a manner of behavior. Italy is considered the birthplace of etiquette. Etiquette prescribes norms of behavior on the street, in public transport, visiting, at the theater, at business and diplomatic receptions, at work, etc.

Unfortunately, in life we ​​often encounter rudeness and harshness, disrespect for the personality of another. The reason is that we underestimate the importance of a person’s culture of behavior, his manners.

Manners - this is a way of holding oneself, the external form of behavior, treatment of other people, as well as the tone, intonation and expressions used in speech. In addition, these are gestures, gait, facial expressions characteristic of a person.

Good manners are considered to be modesty and restraint of a person in the manifestation of his actions, the ability to control his behavior, and treat other people carefully and tactfully. The following are considered bad manners: the habit of speaking loudly and laughing; swagger in behavior; use of obscene language; coarseness; sloppiness in appearance; manifestation of hostility towards others; inability to control one's irritation; tactlessness. Manners relate to the culture of human behavior and are regulated by etiquette, and a true culture of behavior is where a person’s actions in all situations are based on moral principles.

Back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote that the success of a person in his financial affairs 15 percent depend on his professional knowledge and 85 percent depend on his ability to communicate with people.

Business Etiquette - this is a set of rules of conduct in business, official relations. It is the most important aspect of the morality of professional conduct business man.

Although etiquette involves establishing only external forms behavior, but without internal culture, without compliance with ethical standards, real business relationships cannot develop. Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette, notes that every etiquette issue, from bragging to gift exchange, must be addressed in the light of ethical standards. Business etiquette prescribes compliance with the rules of cultural behavior and respectful attitude towards people.

Jen Yager articulated six basic commandments of business etiquette.

1. Do everything on time . Being late not only interferes with work, but is also the first sign that a person cannot be relied on. The "on time" principle applies to reports and any other tasks assigned to you.

2. Don't talk too much . The meaning of this principle is that you are obliged to keep secrets of an institution or a specific transaction as carefully as you keep secrets of a personal nature. Never tell anyone what you sometimes hear from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their personal life.

3. Be kind, friendly and welcoming . Your clients, clients, customers, colleagues or subordinates can find fault with you as much as they want, it doesn’t matter: you still have to behave politely, affably and kindly.

4. Think about others, not just yourself . Attention should be shown not only in relation to clients or customers, it extends to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Don't immediately start snapping when someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5. Dress appropriately.

6. Speak and write in good language*. (* Jager J. Business etiquette. How to survive and succeed in the world of business: Translated from English - M., 1994. - P. 17-26.)

Etiquette is expressed in a variety of aspects of our behavior. For example, a person’s various movements and postures that he takes can have etiquette meaning. Compare the polite position facing the interlocutor and the impolite position - with your back to him. This etiquette is called non-verbal (i.e. wordless). However, the most important role speech plays a role in the etiquette expression of relationships with people - this verbal etiquette.

The Persian writer and thinker Saadi (between 1203 and 1210 - 1292) said: “Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are big or small, we don’t know until you say a word.” The spoken word, like an indicator, will show the level of a person’s culture. I. Ilf and E. Petrov in the novel “The Twelve Chairs” ridiculed the pathetic set of words from the vocabulary of Ellochka the “cannibal”. But Ellochka and others like her often meet and they speak in slang. Jargon is a “corrupt language” whose purpose is to isolate a group of people from the rest of society. The most important aspect speech etiquette is the inadmissibility of slang words and obscene language.

Words of greeting, gratitude, appeal, and apology occupy a prominent place in business etiquette. The seller addressed the buyer on a first-name basis, someone did not thank him for the service, did not apologize for his misconduct - such failure to comply with the norms of speech etiquette results in resentment, and sometimes conflicts.

Business etiquette experts attach great importance to treatment, after all, the form depends on how we address a person further communication. The everyday Russian language has not developed a universal address, as, for example, in Poland - “pan”, “pani”, therefore, when addressing a stranger, it is better to use an impersonal form: “excuse me, how can I get through...”, “be kind, .. ." but it is not always possible to do without specific appeal. For example: “Dear comrades! Due to the repair of the escalator, entrance to the metro is limited.” The word “comrade” is originally Russian; before the revolution, it was used to designate a position: “comrade of the minister.” In the Russian language dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, one of the meanings of the word “comrade” is “a person who is close to someone in terms of common views, activities, living conditions, etc., as well as a person who is friendly towards someone”*. ( * Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - P. 652.)

The word "citizen" is also used in everyday life. "Citizen! Don't break the rules traffic!" - this sounds strict and official, but the address: “Citizen, get in line!” emanates coldness and a large distance between the people communicating. Unfortunately, gender-based addresses are most often used: “Man, move over!”, “Woman, remove the bag from the aisle!" In verbal communication, in addition, there are historically established stereotypes. These are the words "sir", "madam", "mister" and plural"gentlemen", "ladies". In business circles the title "Mr." is used.

When using any form of treatment, it should be remembered that it must demonstrate respect for the person, take into account gender, age and the specific situation. It is important to feel exactly who we are addressing.

How should you address your colleagues, subordinates, or manager? After all, the choice of address in official relations is quite limited. Official forms Addresses in business communication are the words “mister” and “comrade”. For example, “Mr. Director”, “Comrade Ivanov”, i.e. after the words of address it is necessary to indicate the position or surname. You can often hear a manager addressing a subordinate by name: “Petrov, bring me the report for the first quarter.” Agree that such treatment has a connotation of disrespectful attitude of the manager towards the subordinate. Therefore, such an address should not be used; it is better to replace it with a first name and patronymic. Addressing by first name and patronymic corresponds to Russian tradition. This is not only a form of address, but also a demonstration of respect for a person, an indicator of his authority and position in society.

A semi-official address is an address in the form of a full name (Dmitry, Maria), which involves using both the address “you” and “you” in conversation. This form of address occurs infrequently and can set interlocutors to the strict tone of the conversation, its seriousness, and sometimes means the speaker’s dissatisfaction. Typically this type of address is used by elders towards younger ones. In official relations you should always address yourself as “you”. While maintaining the formality of relationships, strive to introduce an element of goodwill and warmth into them. etiquette behavior good manners respectability

It is necessary to observe delicacy so that any address does not turn into familiarity and familiarity, which are typical when addressed only by patronymic: “Nikolaich”, “Mikhalych”. An appeal in this form is possible from an elderly subordinate, most often a worker, to a young boss (foreman, foreman). Or, on the contrary, a young specialist turns to an elderly worker: “Petrovich, try to finish your work by lunchtime.” But sometimes such an appeal carries a tinge of self-irony. With this form of conversation, the address “you” is used.

In business communication, great importance is attached to transitions in address from “you” to “you” and vice versa, the transition from official addresses to semi-official and everyday ones. These transitions reveal our attitude towards each other. For example, if your boss always addressed you by your first name and patronymic, and then, calling you into his office, suddenly addressed you by your first name, we can assume that a confidential conversation is ahead. And on the contrary, if in communication between two people who were addressed by name, their first name and patronymic are suddenly used, then this may indicate tension in the relationship or the formality of the upcoming conversation.

Greetings occupy an important place in business etiquette. When we meet each other, we exchange phrases: “Hello,” “Good afternoon (morning, evening),” “Hello.” People celebrate meeting each other in different ways: for example, the military salutes, men shake hands, young people wave, and sometimes people hug when they meet. In greetings, we wish each other health, peace, and happiness. In one of his poems, the Russian Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) wrote:


Having bowed, we said to each other,

Although they were complete strangers. Hello!

What special things did we say to each other?

Just “Hello”, we didn’t say anything else.

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

Why has life become a little more joyful?

We will try to answer the questions: “How to greet?”, “Who and where to greet?”, “Who greets first?”

When entering an office (room, reception area), it is customary to greet the people there, even if you do not know them. The youngest greets first, a man with a woman, a subordinate with a boss, a girl with an older man, but when shaking hands the order is reversed: the elder, the boss, the woman shake hands first. If a woman limits herself to bowing when greeting, then a man should not extend his hand to her. It is not customary to shake hands across a threshold, a table, or any obstacle.

When greeting a man, a woman does not get up. When greeting a man, it is always recommended to stand up, except in cases where this may disturb others (theater, cinema) or when it is inconvenient to do so (for example, in a car). If a man wants to emphasize his special affection for a woman, then when greeting him he kisses her hand. The woman puts her hand with the edge of her palm towards the floor, the man turns her hand so that it is on top. It is recommended to lean towards the hand, but it is not necessary to touch it with your lips, but remember that it is better to touch a lady’s hand indoors, not outdoors. The rules of greeting each other apply to all nations, although the forms of manifestation may vary significantly.

A prerequisite for business contact is a culture of speech. Cultural speech- this is, first of all, correct, competent speech and, in addition, the correct tone of communication, manner of conversation, precisely chosen words. The more lexicon(lexicon) of a person, the better he speaks the language, the more he knows (is interesting conversationalist), expresses one’s thoughts and feelings more easily, and understands oneself and others.

* monitor the correct use of words, their pronunciation and stress;

* do not use phrases containing unnecessary words (for example, “absolutely new” instead of “new”);

* avoid arrogance, categoricalness and self-confidence.

Saying “thank you,” being polite and courteous, using appropriate language, and dressing appropriately are among the valuable traits that increase the chance of success.

Self-test questions

1. What does the word "etiquette" mean?

2. Formulate the basic principles of business etiquette.

3. Why do we judge a person’s general culture by speech?

4. Prepare messages (reports): “The role of etiquette in my future profession"; "The importance of speech culture in a professional career."

5. Remember the film by E. Ryazanov " Love affair at work“, in which Liya Akhedzhakova wonderfully played the role of the “secretary”. What principles of business etiquette did her heroine violate?

6. What are the main forms of address and greeting you use in everyday life?

1.4 Human appearance

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.

Russian folk wisdom

You often hear that you can’t make a conclusion about a person based on their first impression. However, according to psychologists, in 85 out of 100 cases people base their attitude towards another person on the basis of external impressions. Features of a person’s appearance inform us about age, social, national and professional affiliation. That is why both spoken words and appearance are important in communication.

Since ancient times, people have strived for perfection. The ability to create an image for yourself, to create confidence in yourself and those around you in your own attractiveness and bright individuality is an art that has been comprehended for centuries. A person learned to create his own image with the help of clothes, makeup, and hairstyle. Ability to dress well in accordance with life situations- this is talent. The evening dress looks ridiculous daytime, and if you show up for a service in such an outfit, which you got to by public transport, this is a grotesque situation.

The main mistake, according to the recognized expert in the field of business clothing J. T. Molloy, is too exaggerated the importance of one’s attractiveness and diligent adherence to fashion. Indeed, people, especially young people, forget that fashion offers a general direction, a faceless standard that does not emphasize individuality. When choosing clothes, it is important to be able to choose a wardrobe in accordance with your appearance, age, taste and situation, and not blindly follow fashion. A person must develop his own style of clothing, since fashion changes, but style remains. You've probably noticed: clothes are fashionable, fit well on your figure and the color is yours, but they don't please the eye or warm your soul - this means that the clothes don't fit into your style, don't match your image and character.

Fashion experts advise wearing what really suits you, what makes you look elegant. An important condition for elegance is taking into account the volume of the body and the proportions of its individual parts when cutting clothes. It is recommended to select clothes according to your body type and face type. The main thing is to see the shortcomings of your silhouette and skillfully, with the help of clothes, correct them. Clothing is a kind of calling card that has psychological impact to communication partners. It can say a lot about our personality and situation (see more in section 2.3).

To create a visually attractive image, a person uses makeup, which helps not only to refresh the face, but also to correct small individual flaws in his features. When using decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to take into account the general appearance of a person, the color of his skin, hair, eyes, clothes, face shape, age, as well as the time and place where the person is (daily work, gala evening, disco, theater). Experts in the field of decorative cosmetics advise adhering to the following rules: “less is better than more”; “It’s better without than inept.” Good makeup is invisible makeup, which, as professionals say, should “fit well to the face.”

So, you have fashionable clothes, impeccable makeup, but the wrong hairstyle, and you no longer make a decent impression. Hair is a natural decoration that needs to be looked after daily. Hair makes a person attractive by choosing the right hairstyle. The hairstyle is chosen taking into account the person’s figure, face type and head shape. Professionals hairdressing We have developed recommendations on how, with the help of a good choice of hairstyle, you can divert attention from a stooped back and an unattractive neck.

All details of your outfit - from shoes to hair clips - should be in harmony with each other.

An expensive, but unkemptly dressed person with an unpleasant odor and greasy hair sticking out in different directions is unlikely to arouse sympathy. Neatness is the basic etiquette requirement for appearance.

And we must always remember that external beauty can only attract the attention of others, and in order to retain it, spiritual beauty is necessary. Outwardly handsome, but a rude, angry, uncultured person with a vulgar vocabulary and behavior makes an unpleasant impression.

Self-test questions

1. What are the basic requirements for a person’s appearance?

2. What does it mean to be elegant?

1.5 Telephone culture

The telephone is a convenient and quick means of communication, without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. They exchange personal and professional information over the phone, arrange meetings, establish and develop business contacts. Humanity has been using the telephone for more than a century: in 1876, the first, still imperfect, but already recognized telephone was created.

A telephone conversation allows for two-way exchange of information regardless of distance. IN short term the phone will connect you with a colleague from a neighboring department, with a subscriber on the other side of the ocean. But, as practice shows, you need to prepare for a conversation on the phone, especially a business one. For a civil servant or a business person, it is necessary to learn to value your time (and the time of your interlocutor). Poor preparation and the inability to express one’s thoughts concisely and competently take up 20 to 30% of a modern civil servant’s working time. In addition, the culture of telephone communication is a means of shaping your image and the image of the institution in which you serve among your partners.

1. It is useful to keep a pen, notepad and calendar next to your phone.

2. After the call, quickly pick up the phone. Do not hang up during a call: the current in electrical circuits increases sharply, which can lead to damage. Etiquette requires picking up the handset before the fourth ring of the telephone, since the impact of telephone calls has a negative impact on nervous system. You should not pick up the handset “without looking”, without looking up from your work, as it may touch the contact lever and the connection will be interrupted.

3. The handset is off-hook. The question arises: what is the first word to say so that contact is established? There are no strict limits here. As a rule, the person answers: “Hello,” “I’m listening,” “Yes.” It is believed that the first two options are preferable, since “yes” sounds dry and illogical, which can make it difficult to establish psychological contact. Often there are answers: “I’m listening to you,” which sounds somewhat mannered, and the archaic version “At the phone” or “On the wire.” All of the above answers are appropriate in a home environment. In business communication, it is preferable to use informative answers (who answered the phone and in what institution), and you should not call yourself and the company a tongue twister.

4. What to do if during your conversation with a client you hear phone call? The rules of telephone etiquette and politeness dictate the following: apologize to the client, pick up the phone and, citing your busyness, ask to call back. Another option is possible: write down the phone number of the caller and call him back as soon as you are free.

5. How to invite a colleague to the phone? "One minute" ("now")... Ivan Petrovich - you!" After this, the phone is handed over or carefully, without knocking, placed on the table. It is not recommended to invite by shouting or demonstrate your cool relationship with a colleague: after the review, "slam" the phone on table and say in a cold tone: “Ivanova!”

When calling someone who is absent from the phone given time The employee should not limit himself to answering: “He’s not there” and throwing the phone down. You should say: “He’s not here now. It will be then. Maybe I should tell him something?” If you are asked to do this, record the request and place a note on your colleague's desk. The answers sound very unfortunate: “He’s not there, I don’t know where he is. Maybe leave your phone number.” Moreover, you should not go into details: “Alla Viktorovna has not yet come from lunch,” “Probably in the buffet (smoking room),” etc.

6. Business telephone conversations should be brief. For example, a Japanese company will not keep an employee for long who does not solve a business issue over the phone in three minutes.

The person who called ends the conversation, so it is not recommended for the person receiving the call to be impatient and try to “wind up” the conversation. But what to do if the interlocutor is too chatty, distracted from the topic of conversation, and focuses on details? There are many techniques for stopping a conversation with a verbose interlocutor without offending him and at the same time maintaining politeness and delicacy. Usually they use phrases: “It’s very nice to talk to you, but now I have to leave”, “I would like to talk to you more, but I have very urgent matters”, “I was very glad to listen to you, but I have to go to a business meeting” and etc.

7. It is important that a business telephone conversation be conducted in a calm, polite tone. During a conversation, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, which is facilitated by a smile. The interlocutor does not see it, but feels it. Voice, timbre, intonation and tone can say a lot about you. According to psychologists, the intonation and tone of a conversation carry up to 40% of the information. Speaking on the phone, we can inspire trust in the interlocutor or, conversely, hostility.

It is recommended to speak evenly, restrain your emotions and not interrupt the interlocutor’s speech. If your interlocutor expresses himself in a harsh manner and is prone to arguments, then be patient and do not answer him in kind, do not object directly.

8. Never talk on the phone with your mouth full. It is unacceptable to chew, drink or talk to employees during a telephone conversation.

9. The telephone aggravates speech deficiencies, so it is recommended to monitor the pronunciation of numbers, proper names and surnames. In a conversation, it is better not to use specific, professional terms that may not be clear to the interlocutor. Jargon and expressions such as “goes”, “okay”, “good”, “bye”, etc. are not allowed.

10. Since telephone interlocutors do not see each other, they must confirm their attention (in the case of a long conversation alone) with the remarks: “Yes, yes,” “I understand”... If an unexpected pause occurs in a telephone conversation, then you can clarify: “ How can you hear me?", "Do you disagree?" and so on. If your hearing deteriorates, it is quite reasonable to call one of your interlocutors back. If the telephone connection is interrupted, the initiator of the conversation calls back.

You should end the conversation on time to avoid satiety with communication, which is expressed in unreasonable dissatisfaction and touchiness of partners, and sometimes in irritability. At the end of the conversation, you need to thank them for the call or the information received (news). “Goodbye, thanks for calling”, “It was nice talking to you”, etc.

What to do first, where to start and how to behave if you have to call?

1. Determine the purpose of the telephone conversation (maybe it is not important or necessary). Unnecessary conversations disrupt the work rhythm and interfere with the work of those nearby. If you have determined the purpose and tactics of conducting a telephone conversation, then draw up a plan for the conversation, sketch out a list of issues that you would like to resolve, as this will allow you not to lose sight of the main thing and will make the conversation logical and concise. As an analysis of telephone conversations shows, up to 40% is occupied by repetitions of words and phrases.

2. The number is dialed. Try to interest your interlocutor with your first phrase. First, according to the etiquette of a telephone conversation, it is advisable to identify yourself and say hello, for example: “Ivanova Maria Sergeevna. Hello (good afternoon).” Before you ask the person you need to answer the phone, wait for the answer “Hello” at the other end of the line, and then say: “Please call Pyotr Petrovich.” The phrases “Who is this?”, “Where did I end up?” are unacceptable. etc. If the subscriber does not answer your call, remember that on the 5th signal they hang up and the call is repeated later.

3. Call home phone to a colleague for a business conversation can only be justified for a serious reason. Calls to an apartment after 22:00 and before 8:00 (on weekends up to 10:00) are considered a violation of the rules of etiquette.

4. Failure to fulfill a promise to call back is considered a violation of etiquette. If you promised, you must call, otherwise you will create a reputation for yourself as a frivolous person.

Self-test questions

1. How to invite a colleague to the phone?

2. What should you not do during a telephone conversation?

3. Why can’t I use my office phone for personal conversations?

1.6 Business conversation

In business relationships, a lot depends on personal meetings, conversations, meetings. The advantage of conversation is undeniable, since business connections started in a letter or by telephone develop in personal contacts. During personal meetings, partners use all the richness of human communication: speech, gestures, facial expressions, movements and personal influence.

What could be simpler than a conversation? We met and talked. However, spontaneity is characteristic of everyday conversations - on the street, at home, during breaks between work.

A completely different approach is needed to a business conversation, which has its own patterns and traditions. A business conversation requires careful preparation and is based on ethical norms and rules.

The leading element in preparing a business conversation is planning, i.e. determining the purpose of the meeting and developing strategies and tactics for achieving the goal. Experts recommend thinking through the possible course of the upcoming conversation, testing the effectiveness of your arguments as a future opponent, logical connection formulations and predict the reaction of the interlocutor (the interlocutor can be a subordinate, business partner or colleague).

Of great importance right choice places for a conversation, it must be remembered that there should be no unauthorized persons in the room, and the interior of the room should help improve emotional state and relieving partners’ fatigue and tension.

The conversation is usually agreed upon two to three days in advance. This allows you to foresee its possible course in advance and think through the main details. If the person invited to the conversation is not an employee of your organization, then you need to explain to him how best to get to the meeting place and, if necessary, issue a pass in advance. The secretary must be warned about the meeting, know the name of the invitee and be the first to greet him.

A business conversation consists of several stages:

* transmission of information (statement of one’s position) and argumentation;

* listening to the interlocutor’s arguments and reacting to them;

* making decisions.

The beginning of the conversation influences its entire further course; tasks initial stage are establishing contact with a partner, creating a favorable atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, as well as attracting attention and awakening interest in the problem.

Whether the atmosphere of the meeting will be friendly and businesslike depends on your punctuality, because a visitor who has been waiting for you for half an hour in the reception area is unlikely to be in a friendly mood.

It is advisable to stand up to greet the guest, or even better, meet him at the door of the office, shake hands and show him where to hang his outerwear (if this has not been done in reception secretary). In order for the conversation to proceed “on equal terms”, it is recommended to conduct the conversation away from the desk. It is best to sit opposite each other. Good owner will always offer the guest tea or coffee, and in hot weather - cold drinks. It is advisable to place a watch nearby so that everyone can see how long the conversation lasts, since looking at your watch during a conversation is considered indecent and can be perceived as a signal to end the conversation.

It is better to address the interlocutor by his first name and patronymic and repeat this several times during the further conversation. American human relations specialist Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) argued that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

Try to encourage your interlocutor and win him over with the first phrases and questions that may not be directly related to the topic of conversation.

At the beginning of a conversation, an important signal for establishing contact is meeting eyes, since gaze is a powerful tool nonverbal communication. In general, the ability to “read” nonverbal signals in the behavior of the interlocutor can significantly facilitate understanding of the partner (see section 2.6). From the very beginning, the conversation should take the form of dialogue. It is very important to learn to listen to your interlocutor without interrupting him (for more details, see section 2.7), while you need to behave naturally, be honest, not play with your partner and not ingratiate yourself. In addition, it is unacceptable to take out your feelings on your interlocutors. Bad mood. Remember that your kindness and focus will help a person open up, especially if he is filled with negative emotions or is shy and unsure of himself.

During the conversation, it is recommended to use short, neutral remarks: “Continue, very interesting!”, “I understand you,” which relieve tension and help continue the conversation, as well as clarifying remarks: “What do you mean?”, “What do you think? " etc., helping to lead the conversation in the right direction.

A conversation with a business partner, colleague or subordinate excludes any tactlessness: a dismissive tone, cutting off the interlocutor mid-sentence, demonstrating one’s superiority.

At the final stage of the business conversation, the final decision is made, which must be stated clearly, clearly, and convincingly. The ending of the conversation should stimulate implementation decisions taken and lay the groundwork for future meetings. It is necessary to thank the partner for the conversation and express confidence in the success of future cooperation. Psychologists emphasize the importance of a farewell glance, when the owner of the office lingers on his interlocutor, demonstrating attention to his partner and interest in further cooperation with him.

Self-test questions

1. Why can’t a business conversation take place spontaneously?

2. What is included in the structure of a business conversation?

3. Prove the versatility of the task of the initial stage of a business conversation.

4. What techniques help your partner feel confident?

5. Reveal the main essence of the final stage of a business conversation.

1.7 Business correspondence

It is impossible to imagine the activities of a business person without working with documents. It is estimated that to compile official documents and some categories of management staff spend 30 to 70% of their working time working with them.

Official correspondence is an important part of business etiquette, “communication in miniature.” It helps to establish strong connections with consumers, improve the relationship between various services, and also increase the turnover of an enterprise or company.

Jen Yager in her book “Business Etiquette” noted that the quality of business text consists of four components: thought, intelligibility, literacy and correctness.

When writing a business letter, you must comply with the following requirements:

* the performer must clearly understand the message he wants to convey and know exactly how to express it in a clear, concise and accessible form;

* the letter should be simple, logical, specific and free of ambiguity. Laconic letters written in monosyllabic words characterize the writers as good conversationalists who master the art of communication. Phrases should be easy to read, it is not advisable to use large quantity involved and participial phrases;

* the letter should be written on only one issue, and its text should be divided into paragraphs, each of which addresses only one aspect of the issue;

* the letter must be convincing and sufficiently reasoned;

* the letter must be written in a neutral tone, the use of metaphors and emotionally expressive phrases is undesirable;

* the volume of a business letter should not exceed two pages of typewritten text;

* from a grammatical point of view, a business letter must be impeccable, since spelling, syntactic and stylistic errors make a bad impression and irritate the addressee;

* a business letter must be correct and written in a polite tone.

When writing business correspondence, it should be remembered that the perception of the letter depends not only on the content, but also on the envelope and the company’s letterhead. Posting paper must be good quality, and the color of the paper should be light: white, light gray, cream, etc. At the top or side of the sheet, the name of the organization should be printed in small letters, possibly its emblem or logo (the verbal form of the trademark), and in some cases, the name and the employee's last name and, perhaps, his position. In addition, business letters can also be written on regular lettering paper. The question of whether it is advisable to give an employee the right to use paper that indicates not only the name of the company, but also the surname and position of the employee, is decided by the management of the organization.

An expert in the field of business writing, American R. Tepper, believes that correctly composed business letters follow the same pattern. The opening lines grab attention, the next one or two sentences pique the reader's interest, then two paragraphs make a request, and the last part forces the reader to act.

The textbook “Psychology and Ethics of Business Communication”* (* Psychology and Ethics of Business Communication / Edited by V. N. Lavrinenko. - M., 1997.-P. 237.) provides an example of a business letter compiled according to this scheme.


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Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region

regional state autonomous educational institution

average vocational education

"Belgorod Polytechnic College"

Class hour

Prepared by the curator of group 5 TO

Antropova Oksana Sergeevna

Belgorod, 2015

It's easier to do something right away,

than then explain why it was done poorly.

Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet


Moral education students. Finding common ground between teachers, parents and students in educating the younger generation.


    develop self-control and self-discipline;

    awaken a sense of responsibility for your behavior;

    to instill practical skills in basic rules of decency in a public place and at the table.

    We often talked about culture and rules of behavior, got acquainted with etiquette different countries. During one of the class hours, we conducted a survey.

The results of the survey are presented in diagrams, and as you can see, cool colors predominate; the diagrams show how different the relationships are in your families. And it’s up to you to change the relationship in a warmer direction. And for this you need to know certain rules.

There is a reason to talk about these rules.

We have long ceased to be surprised when we heard profanity from a passerby on the street, when we saw a young girl walking with a cigarette, when we heard young people screaming in public transport, when we heard a bell in the theater. mobile phone etc. We encounter impoliteness, tactlessness, rudeness, rudeness, and untidiness at every step.

Many young people want to be different, but don’t yet know how to do it. They ask themselves and others thousands of questions, most of which do not receive qualified answers.

The need to comply with certain norms and rules of behavior accompanies us throughout our lives: in the family, at school, at work, in society, among friends, etc. The ability to dress, speak correctly and competently, good manners, politeness, good manners - these are an incomplete list of what a person needs to achieve success.

Today we will talk about an important component of our communication with each other, about the rules of etiquette and the culture of communication.

Have you heard the word etiquette? And what does it mean?

Etiquette - these are some kind of rules of conduct, good manners in any society, a unique set of laws, non-compliance with which is often punished much more severely than the Criminal Code defines certain offenses.

Communication culture presupposes the presence of certain character traits, such as respect for people, goodwill, sincerity, tolerance, etc.

When did etiquette begin?

The word etiquette itself did not exist, but rules of conduct, customs, morals, and traditions have always existed.

The development of etiquette is inextricably linked with the development of human society as a whole.

Etiquette (from fr. etiquette - label, inscription) - norms and rules of behavior of people in society. IN modern form and meaning the word was first used at the court of the king of France Louis XIV- the guests were given cards (labels) outlining how they should behave.

And the Greeks believe that this word is associated with “character”, “character”. Therefore, when speaking about behavioral etiquette, we mean not only the rules of behavior and “decency” in society, but also the moral character of a person.

Each era has its own morality, its own ethics. The first book, “On the Rules of Conduct,” was published back in 1204 by the Spaniard Petrus Alfonsi. In Russia, under Peter the Great, the Imperial Academy of Sciences compiled a book entitled “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Conduct.” At that time special ones were in fashion educational establishments, where students were taught good manners and rules of decency called etiquette.

Types of etiquette:

According to spheres of public life there are different kinds etiquette:

Office (business) etiquette.





Etiquette in in public places.

Who knows how etiquette and communication culture are connected?

Etiquette is a model, an ideal of how one should behave. And the culture of communication is real behavior, with its positive and negative manifestations.

Does etiquette change over time?

Of course, etiquette is a historically changing phenomenon. In our time, it is becoming less ceremonious, more democratic, but it also retains many of the rules and conventions of what is called good manners, decency, good manners.

    A little bit of history

For example, at the St. Petersburg Institute noble maidens taught a dozen types of curtsies alone. It turns out that the depth of the squat and the degree of bow of the girl’s head depended on who this bow was intended for: a peer, an elder, a minor official, or a general-governor.

Moral standards They were published, passed around, and diligently memorized. Ignorance and non-compliance with the rules were strictly condemned by representatives high society. In front of a young man who flouts all the rules and secular regulations, all the doors of decent houses would be slammed with contempt.

Communication skills –

Neglect of the rules of conduct, unceremoniousness, lack of restraint, and rudeness can cause a lot of trouble in communication in our time. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the rules of decency.

Do you know?(student messages)


It first appeared in Rus' in the 17th century as “I command you health”, “I wish you health”. “Greetings for many years to come” is written in a manuscript from 1057; this is the oldest wish of our ancestor that has come down to us. From the end of the 17th century, following a foreign model, “good evening”, “good afternoon” - similar wishes for health - began to appear among the gentry among us.


Also ancient Slavic word, it only meant “call”, “intention”. This is not a wish for good or health, but just broadcasting - a faceless appeal, not warmedfriendly participation. The word is usually used in conversations between close people.


Derived from “perhaps”, i.e. “Give” was formed a very long time ago, but came into literary speech after Pushkin. Ancestors used it in the form: “Perhaps into the house” - be kind. Nowadays you can hear: “Welcome to the house!” On modern language“please” can be translated as “be kind.”


The style is categorical. Previously there was only “Goodbye!” At the beginning of the century, letters ended like this: “Farewell. Goodbye!". As if they were saying: “Sorry - see you later!” Now: “All the best to you - goodbye!”

Inquiry Office

1.Human culture – the ability to behave in accordance with the rules of good manners accepted in society, an educated and enlightened person.

2. Cynicism – a deep manifestation of bad manners, lack of genuine internal culture, disrespect for people and society.

3.Politeness - the art of human communication. This is the sum of actions that determines a person’s internal culture.

4. Rudeness – lack of necessary social behavior skills. Rudeness, as a rule, is a consequence of lack of education or ignorance of the rules of decency.

5. Internal rudeness – poses a great social danger. It manifests itself in callousness, cruelty and bitterness.

6.Hooligan - a blatant violator of generally accepted norms of behavior. This word is of English origin. Around the 18th century, in the district of London, an innkeeper named Hooligan, along with his entire family, terrorized the entire district. His establishment was famous for its fights and wild antics. Since then, the name Hooligan has become a household name.

7.Tact is an unwritten agreement not to notice other people’s mistakes and not to correct them.

8. Foul language – a form of rudeness and bad manners.

9.Morality – norms and rules governing people’s behavior and their relationships.


1. There are two people standing at the bus stop - a man and a woman. The bus arrived, what did they do?

    The bus may have two open doors, so everyone will enter their own door.

    The one closest to the bus will enter first.

    The woman enters first, the man helps.

2. Passengers safely boarded the bus, in which only one seat was unoccupied. What should they do?

    Whoever manages to get to the place first will take it.

    A man helps a woman sit down.

    A verbal battle ensues, the winner of which takes the place.

3. You're on a crowded bus and accidentally step on someone's foot or elbow. You are immediately bombarded with a verbal stream of unpleasant words. Your actions?

    Apologize without taking undeserved epithets to heart.

    Immediately give verbal rebuff to the offender.

    If the opportunity arises, you will not receive any attention and will try again, now on your own initiative, to step on the foot or elbow an unrestrained and overly touchy passenger.

    Behavior rules inherent in a particular people,are reflected in folklore: proverbs and sayings. The Russian people also have such proverbs. Let's remember them!

    They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Seven do not wait for one.

    A bad peace is better than a good quarrel

    Don't throw stones at someone else's garden.

    Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

    Put the fool at the table, and he puts his feet on the table.

    Every cricket knows its nest.

    Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind.

    Speak boldly about a good deed.

    Life is given for good deeds.

    As you live, so will you be known.

    It’s bad to live without a kind word.

    Hello is not complicated, but it wins the heart.

    A kind word is better than a soft pie.

    Thank you - great deal.


    What kind of educated person is he?!


You can endlessly list the rules of behavior that no one should ever do, for example:

    it's bad to swear

    shock others with your way of dressing,

    clean your nose, ears, nails in public places,

    talk loudly, wave your arms, shout, whistle, etc.,

    talk only about yourself and your affairs,

    straighten clothes

    abuse perfume, etc.

The existing rules of behavior did not arise spontaneously. People came to them as a result of great experience, gradually, in life together and general work. Life is so complex and diverse that it is impossible to foresee all its circumstances, but one law should be remembered:

“Never forget about those who are close to you!”


At home as you wish,

The gift is not expensive -

Arguing about trifles -

Don't judge by clothes

The word is silver

Although not rich,

From the word salvation,

On uninvited guest

To the village where one-legged people live,

From one word

Look at the business.

silence is gold.

and when visiting - as ordered.

road love.

miss the point.

and from the word destruction.

I don't even have a spoon.

and I'm glad to have guests.

Yes, forever a quarrel.

you have to walk on one leg.


Questions for the crossword:

1. A person with whom you have a lot in common, but you are unlikely to be frank with him.

2. Established order of behavior.

3. ….. is a test of the heart.

4. By order of Peter the Great, a book of instructions and advice “Honest Youth...” was published.

5. Actions we perform daily.

6. Internal awareness of good and evil; your chief judge.

7. Your choice in a specific situation.

8. Dignity, that which commands respect.

9. The set of human properties that are manifested in behavior.

10. Knowledge of the rules of behavior in society.


It's easier to do something right away,

than then explain why it was done poorly.

Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet

Currently, close attention is paid to the study of the ethics of business relations in order to improve the level of culture of these relations. Ethics covers a wide range of issues and must be taken into account in relationships within and between organizations. Without observing business ethics and a culture of behavior, most people in the team feel uncomfortable and unprotected.

The most important aspect of professional behavior is business etiquette, which sets standards of behavior at work, on the street, at a party, in transport, etc. Speech etiquette, the art of conducting telephone conversations, rules of correspondence and appearance serve as signs of your good manners, respectability and self-confidence.

Remember that in business relationships there are no trifles.

1.1. General information about ethical culture

As you know, a person enters into business relationships with other people throughout his life. One of the regulators of these relations is morality, which expresses our ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice. Morality gives a person the opportunity to evaluate the actions of others, to understand and comprehend whether he is living correctly and what he should strive for. A person can make communication effective and achieve certain goals if he correctly understands moral standards and relies on them in business relationships. If he does not take into account moral standards in communication or distorts their content, then communication becomes impossible or causes difficulties.

Who created the rules of human behavior? Why is one behavior approved by society, while another is condemned? Ethics answers these questions.

Ethics- this is one of the oldest branches of philosophy, the science of morality (morality). The term "ethics" comes from the Greek word « ethos» (“ethos”) - custom, disposition. The term “ethics” was introduced by Aristotle (384-322 BC) to designate the doctrine of morality, and ethics was considered a “practical philosophy” that should answer the question: “What should we do in order to do the right things?” , moral actions?

Initially, the terms “ethics” and “morality” coincided. But later, with the development of science and social consciousness, different contents were assigned to them.

Morality(from lat. moralis ~ moral) is a system of ethical values ​​that are recognized by a person. It regulates human behavior in all spheres of public life - at work, at home, in personal, family and international relations.

“Good” and “evil” are indicators of moral behavior; it is through their prism that a person’s actions and all his activities are assessed. Ethics considers “good” as the objective moral meaning of an action. It unites a set of positive norms and moral requirements and acts as an ideal, a role model. “Good” can act as a virtue, i.e. be a moral quality of a person. “Good” is opposed to “evil”; there has been a struggle between these categories since the foundation of the world. Morality is often identified with goodness, with positive behavior, and evil is seen as immorality and immorality. Good and evil are opposites that cannot exist without each other, just as light cannot exist without darkness, up without down, day without night, but nevertheless they are not equivalent.

Acting morally means choosing between good and evil. A person strives to build his life in such a way as to reduce evil and increase good. Other important categories of morality - duty and responsibility - cannot be correctly understood and, even more so, cannot become important principles in human behavior if he has not realized the complexity and difficulty of the struggle for good.

Moral norms receive their ideological expression in commandments and principles about how one should behave. One of the first rules of morality in history is formulated as follows: “act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.” This rule appeared in the VI-V centuries. BC. simultaneously and independently of each other in different cultural regions - Babylon, China, India, Europe. Subsequently, it began to be called “golden”, since great importance was attached to it. Nowadays, it also remains relevant, and we must always remember that a person becomes a person only when he affirms the humanity in other people. The need to treat others as oneself, to elevate oneself through the exaltation of others, is the basis of morality and morality.

The Gospel of Matthew says: “So in everything you want people to do to you, do so to them” (Chapter 7, Article 12).

The moral life of a person and society is divided into two levels: on the one hand, what is: existence, morals, actual everyday behavior; on the other hand, what should be: due, an ideal model of behavior.

Often in business relationships we are faced with contradictions between what is and what should be. On the one hand, a person strives to behave morally, as they say, properly, on the other hand, he wants to satisfy his needs, the implementation of which is often associated with a violation of moral norms. This struggle between ideal and practical calculation creates a conflict within a person, which is most acutely manifested in the ethics of business relations, in business communication. Since the ethics of business communication is a special case of ethics in general and contains its main characteristics, then under ethics of business communication is understood as a set of moral norms and rules governing the behavior and relationships of people in professional activities. Therefore, when studying the course “Business Culture and Psychology of Communication,” we will talk about how to act in business relationships, so that you know about it, try to accept it and act accordingly.

The norms and rules of behavior in force in society require a person to serve society and coordinate personal and public interests. Moral standards are based on traditions and customs, and morality teaches us to do every thing in such a way that it does not cause harm to the people who are nearby.

One of the main elements of the culture of business communication is the moral behavior of people. It is based on universal human moral principles and norms - respect for human dignity, honor, nobility, conscience, sense of duty and others.

Conscience is a person’s moral awareness of his actions, thanks to which we control our actions and evaluate our actions. Conscience is closely related to duty. Duty- this is an awareness of the conscientious performance of one’s duties (civil and official). For example, when a duty is violated, thanks to conscience, a person is responsible not only to others, but also to himself.

For the moral character of a person, it is of great importance honor, which is expressed in recognition of a person’s moral merits, in reputation. The honor of an officer, the honor of a businessman, the honor of a knight - it is this that requires a person to maintain the reputation of the social or professional group to which he belongs. Honor obliges a person to work conscientiously, to be truthful, fair, to admit his mistakes, and to be demanding of himself.

Dignity is expressed in self-respect, in awareness of the significance of one’s personality; it does not allow a person to humiliate himself, flatter and please for his own benefit. However, an excessive sense of self-esteem does not really decorate a person. The ability of a person to be restrained in revealing his or her merits is called modesty. A person who is worth something does not need to flaunt his merits, increase his worth, or instill in others the idea of ​​his own irreplaceability.

An integral part of the culture of business communication is nobility. A noble man is true to his word, even if it is given to an enemy. He will not allow rudeness towards people he does not like, and will not slander them in their absence. Nobility does not require publicity and gratitude for help and sympathy.

Self-test questions

1. How did the terms “ethics” and “morality” arise and what do they express?

2. What are “good” and “evil”?

3. Formulate the “golden rule of morality.”

4. What are the main elements included in the concept of “business communication culture”?

Original the barometer of our communication is the concept communication culture, cat. interconnected with culture of behavior. Knowledge of norms of behavior and adherence to them, restraint and the ability to control one’s actions, attention and respect for people - in a word, everything that is considered good manners in society belongs to the culture of human behavior and is regulated by etiquette.

Etiquette(from the French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of behavior, cas. ext. manifestations of attitude towards people (forms of address, behavior in public places, manners, clothing, etc.), tired. order of conduct, adherence to the sea, general. standards

Behavior happens real(practical actions and deeds) and verbal(verbal). These two behaviors must be consistent with each other. You can't be polite or obliging. a man in name only. A person who has knowledge of ethics is considered cultured. principles, moral standards of society has become internal. belief. He does this not because it is necessary, but because he cannot act otherwise.

TO cultural norms Behaviors include:

politeness- goodwill in the process of relationships with the environment. people;

correctness- ability to behave within the framework of general pr. decorum in all situations;

tact- a sense of proportion that must be observed in conversation, in personal and work. relationships; the ability to “feel the border”, for a cat. words and actions can cause resentment. Tact is internal. flair, call unmistakably feel the reaction of another person;

delicacy- ability to identify and take into account individual characteristics of people;

modesty- lack of posing, the ability to maintain one’s individuality in all situations and not play inappropriately. roles for yourself;

simplicity- is by no means a rejection of generally accepted principles. etiquette standards, not familiarity, but communication, with a cat. people don’t think about who is “higher” and who is “lower” on social media. stairs;

obligation- the ability to keep your promises, which indicates not only honesty, but also the reliability of a person.

Of course, the culture of speech. behavior is formed in a person in complex from the list rules and regulations. It is no coincidence that in the list of norms of cultural behavior the first place is given to politeness: politeness is the main thing. postulate and condition of communication in society.

33. Culture of speech behavior. Speech etiquette

Speech etiquette- these are speech norms. behavior, adj. in a given society; this is national spec. rules of speech behavior, appl. when interlocutors come into contact and to maintain communication in favourites. tonality resp. communication environment, social characteristics of communicants and the nature of their relationships.

Speech etiquette verbally serves etiquette behavior and constitutes a system of mouths. communication formulas. The choice of one or another etiquette communication formula depends on a number of parameters, characteristics. Dan. commun. situation and def. relevance under. speech behavior. Thus, speech culture implies intersection of a number of related disciplines:

sociolinguistics- the issue of social services is being considered. roles of communication participants;

stylistics- constancy of choice def. speech formulas and the frequency of their use depending on the sphere of communication;

psycholinguistics- interpersonal problems interaction between communicants;

linguistics- study of language and speech units.

Complex language. social information in naib. degree is included in the formulas of speech. etiquette. Using these formulas, we make cf. unsl. speech actions: greet, address, thank, ask, apologize, congratulate, etc. However, there are more than 40 expressions of greeting, many forms of farewell and other models for various. situations. The choice of one form or another depends on specific communication situation, Moreover, all extralinguistic (or pragmatic, i.e. non-linguistic) factors are taken into account: the addresser (the one who speaks or writes), the addressee (to whom the speech is addressed), the communication situation (where and when communication occurs), the communication channel (direct or indirect ), form of communication (oral or written), presence of other participants in communication (personal communication or public speaking), etc.

Signs of the situation This can be simplified as a diagram: "who - to whom - about what - where - when - why - why." For some speech formulas For etiquette, the circumstances of where and when are important (for example, an announcement on a station radio begins with the words: “Dear passengers!”), for others, the place of their application: “To your health” (in response to gratitude for the food); for others - the time of their application: “Good night!”; "Good morning!" There are national – specific communication formulas, communication. with ritualization stereot. rules. Without taking into account any indicators in a communication situation, you can not only offend a person, but also distort the essence of speech. etiquette - for example, saying little sign. or not young. person "Hello!" And vice versa, when communicating with friends or loved ones, style. overestimated expressions like "Let me thank you!" will turn out to be completely inappropriate. Each situation involves the presence of a number of synons. expressions, use of cat. takes into account the characteristics of the addressee and the communication situation.

  • in psychology of deviant behavior [lecture]
  • Political culture and ideology [document]
  • Organizational behavior [lecture]
  • Soviet etiquette [document]
  • The culture of ancient Greece, its periodization and main features [document]
  • Primitive art and culture [ abstract ]
  • Organizational behavior [lecture]
  • 1.rtf

    ^ Ethics of business communication

    The first rule of business communication ethics is to be punctual in everything.

    Lateness of any employee interferes with work, in addition, they indicate that this person cannot be relied on. For a business person, it is very important to be able to calculate the time required to complete a particular task.

    The second rule of business communication ethics is don’t say too much.

    Any employee is obliged to keep the secrets of his organization. This rule applies to all matters of a company or institution: from personnel to technology. The same applies to conversations of colleagues about their personal lives.

    The third rule of business communication ethics is that in business, think not only about yourself, but also about others.

    It is impossible to conduct business successfully without taking into account the opinions and interests of partners, clients, and customers. Often the reasons for failure in business are the manifestation of selfishness, fixation on one’s own interests, the desire to harm competitors, even colleagues, in order to advance within one’s own enterprise. Always strive to listen patiently to your interlocutor, learn to respect and understand other people’s opinions, get rid of intolerance to dissent. Never humiliate your opponent, keep in mind that sooner or later you will encounter a person who will be forced to do the same to you.

    The fourth rule of business ethics is to dress appropriately.

    The main thing is to dress appropriately for your surroundings at work, without standing out from the contingent of workers at your level. Your clothes should show your taste.

    A few more rules of behavior from D. Carnegie:

    Six rules that allow people to like you if you follow them.

    Rule 1: Be genuinely interested in other people.

    Rule 2. Smile.

    Rule 3. Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

    Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

    Rule 5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

    Rule 6. Instill in your interlocutor an awareness of his importance and do it sincerely.

    Twelve rules, the observance of which allows you to persuade people to your point of view.

    Rule 1. The only way to gain the upper hand in an argument is to avoid it.

    Rule 2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor. Never tell a person that he is wrong.

    Rule 3: If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.

    Rule 4: Maintain a friendly tone from the very beginning.

    Rule 5. Make your interlocutor immediately answer you “yes.”

    Rule 6. Let most time your interlocutor speaks.

    Rule 7. Let your interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him.

    Rule 8. Sincerely try to see things through the eyes of your interlocutor.

    Rule 9. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others.

    Rule 10. Appeal to nobler motives.

    Rule 11. Dramatize your ideas, present them effectively.

    Rule 12. Challenge, touch a nerve.

    Talking on the phone

    There are some rules to keep in mind regarding telephone conversations.

    1. Answer the phone call (especially at work) immediately.

    2. Don't forget to say hello on the phone and only then make a request. The caller must identify himself if, without finding the person he needs, he asks to convey some message.

    3. Do not dial a number from memory unless you are sure it is correct.

    4. Do not make phone calls in the morning before 9 o'clock or in the evening after 22 o'clock (except for urgent messages or if you know for sure that your call is expected and you did not go to bed).

    5. If during a conversation the phone accidentally turns off, the person who called will call back.

    6. Never ask at the beginning of a conversation: “Who is speaking?”

    7. It is inconvenient to have private conversations in the presence of other people. Therefore, when calling about a personal matter, first ask if there is an opportunity to speak.

    8. Do not call unless absolutely necessary to work for a personal matter.

    9. Keep your phone conversations short at work.

    10. If the caller has the wrong number, answer politely. After all, it often happens that it is not the person who is to blame, but the automation. IN Once again If you are in the wrong place, you should apologize and specify the phone number.

    11. If you need to make a call while visiting, do not forget to ask permission. At the same time, the owner of the house does not have to leave you at all (unless such a need becomes obvious).

    12. If they don’t answer you on the 5th or 6th signal, hang up.

    13. Considering the possibility of incorrect connections telephone numbers for technical reasons or due to your own error, it is useful, before giving instructions and orders, to inquire where you are.

    14. Three miracle words that are often missing from our speech - "sorry", "please" and "thank you" - are especially useful when telephone conversations.

    15. A person who does not want to get into a stupid position should remember one more circumstance: even people you know well are in different moods depending on the circumstances and their state of health. Therefore, if you want to joke during a conversation, try to determine their mood by intonation, and then conduct the conversation in an appropriate tone.

    16. Don't burden your friends or relatives with your phone calls.
    troubles, complaints about illness, stories about grief that your husband or children caused you, do not discuss your next purchase for an hour, etc. Telephone conversations should be as short, calm and polite as possible.

    If you are calling but to a pay phone, remember: others are waiting their turn. But those waiting should not interfere with the conversation: do not grumble, wait patiently for their turn. Some pay phones that have limiters discipline us themselves.

    1. And one last thing. Even if you are offended by something and very angry, please refrain from shouting and threatening on the phone. Try to behave correctly.


    1. Do you know how to objectively evaluate people?

    2. Are you a conflict-ridden person?

    3. Do you know how to listen to the truth about yourself?
    Lecture 5 (2 hours)

    Introduction and greeting

    Etiquette is organically connected with the moral norms and values ​​of society. A system of moral principles that determine the nature of communication among the most different nations, includes a set of universal human values: respectful attitude towards elders, parents, women, concepts of honor and dignity, modesty, tolerance, benevolence.

    IN modern etiquette There are four main principles:

    The principle of humanism and humanity, which is embodied in the requirements: to be polite, tactful, correct, courteous, courteous, modest and accurate

    The principle of expediency of actions, according to which etiquette allows a person to behave reasonably, simply and conveniently for himself and for others;

    The principle of beauty, or aesthetic attractiveness of behavior;

    The principle of following the customs and traditions of the country in which a person is currently located.

    ^ Greeting rules

    In all countries of the world, in a civilized society, people greet each other when they meet, thereby expressing sympathy and goodwill. The greeting is usually followed by a short conversation. The greeting is accompanied by words and actions - shaking hands, bowing, kissing hands, removing a hat. According to existing etiquette, the first to greet is:

    Man woman

    Young man - older man

    A person occupying a lower level in the social hierarchy, one who is at a higher level

    If two women meet, one of whom is in the company of a man, and the other is alone or in the company of another woman, then according to etiquette, the first one greets first. A woman is also the first to greet a man if she overtakes him. When married couples meet, the women greet each other first, then the men greet the women, and then each other.

    If a woman or an older man approaches a sitting man, then the sitting man should stand up to greet them, however, if they pass by, it is enough to just rise slightly

    The one who approaches the person standing greets him first. The person who is late is also the first to greet the company, even if it is a woman.

    At official receptions and guests, first of all, the hostess and host are greeted

    A long pause during a meeting looks very awkward. Therefore, one should not spend too much time “assessing” differences in age or social status person, especially if they are not obvious. Don't be afraid to say hello first. Follow in such situations famous aphorism: The one who is better mannered says hello first.

    Different nations have their own peculiarities in the order of greeting. So, in Muslim countries a man should not be the first to greet beautiful woman. If you do not have the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the customs of a particular people, follow generally accepted norms.

    The greeting is accompanied by the words “hello” or, depending on the time of day, “ Good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening". This is followed by the name (or surname, title) of the person you are greeting, for example: "Hello, Ivan Ivanovich" or "Good afternoon, Mr. Professor". With a less formal greeting, the address is omitted .

    The words of greeting are pronounced clearly, not too quickly, but not too slowly. At the same time, the speaker looks straight. When greeting, it is indecent to look away or look at the room or other guests. Words of greeting are usually accompanied by a smile. The tone must be friendly.

    It happens that you did not notice the person and did not greet him. If this happened, then, upon learning about it, you should apologize.

    In youth companies, less formal words of greeting are often used: “hello”, “salute”, “great”, which is quite acceptable. However, if a young man or girl finds himself at a reception or greeting elders, they are required to follow the rules of etiquette. In turn, elders, finding themselves in a youth company (for example, among friends of a son or daughter), should use generally accepted words of greeting. Otherwise they will look quite ridiculous.

    The form of greeting depends on who you are greeting. If you are seeing a person for the first time, then the greeting should be more restrained. Patting on the shoulder, warm hugs or kisses are inappropriate here. Although one should take into account cultural norms and traditions, which, depending on the country, allow more or less expression of feelings.

    When greeting stranger or during official meetings, it is unacceptable to keep one hand in your pocket, lean on any objects, or stand leaning against the wall.

    Greeting a familiar person usually does not raise any questions. In this case, etiquette is more liberal. However, here it is important to follow a number of rules:

    It is impolite, having seen the person you want to greet, to make your way across the room to him, pushing aside others;

    No matter what your relationship with a person is, you should not call him too loudly;

    If you meet an acquaintance on the street, you should not detain him for a long time. It is better, if desired or necessary, to arrange a meeting or call;

    According to strict rules of etiquette, a man, having met a woman he knows on the street, should not detain her after words of greeting (with the exception of friendly relations or urgent business);

    When meeting in a cafe or restaurant, acquaintances should be greeted with a smile and a nod of the head.

    A woman, meeting a man she knows on the street, may stop herself to exchange a few words with him;

    If you live in big house, then you are unlikely to know all the residents. Those whom you often encounter in an elevator or at a bus stop should be greeted. In a small house, neighbors usually know each other and greet each other when they meet.

    ^ Business card

    Until recently, business cards in our country were considered the prerogative of diplomats and high officials. But in Lately this useful custom is becoming increasingly widespread.

    The history of the use of business cards is quite deep, but by now certain generally accepted norms for their use have emerged. They are based on a simple understanding that your business card is what your friend, interlocutor, business partner remains with after a face-to-face or correspondence meeting with you.

    The card should not only contain the information that you would like to leave about yourself, but also help maintain with your partner the image that you strive to create.

    IN modern practice business, personal and family business cards are used.

    There are also cases of combined business cards containing both official and personal data about their owner.

    As a rule, a business card is a rectangular piece of good quality white thick cardboard, on which your last name, first name and (usually) patronymic name are clearly and beautifully printed along with other information that you want to communicate about yourself. There are no clear rules about business card sizes, but typically men's may be slightly larger than women's - say 90x50mm and 80x40mm (in the UK, women's business cards are larger than men's).

    A young girl's business card can be even smaller - usually 70x35 mm.

    Large business cards are gradually going out of practice - with the spread of special albums for storing them. You should consider ensuring that the card has standard size, and it didn’t have to be bent or trimmed.

    The general requirements for a business card font is that it should be easy to read. The name is usually in an easy to read, slightly bold font. bigger size. It is not recommended to use complex gothic or decorative fonts. You need to be careful when using italic fonts, especially if you have a rare or difficult to pronounce last name or if the card is in a foreign language.

    Typically, a business card should have black text on a white background printed across the card without any borders or flourishes. Recently, printing houses have been offering a wide range of color cards, cards on plastic or even on leather, but strict etiquette standards do not recommend deviating too far from the black and white palette.

    It is preferable to focus on choosing excellent quality paper, which can be slightly tinted and have a satin surface. The glossy surface of cards should also be avoided. Colored and unusual cards are still the preserve of artists, typographers, as well as traveling salesmen, service workers and advertising agents.

    Black frame on business card allowed as a sign of mourning.

    In Ukraine and many other bilingual countries, double-sided cards are widely used - with text in another language on the reverse side.

    ^ Lecture 6 (4 hours)

    Culture of behavior in public places

    In a cafe, canteen, restaurant

    Most cafes, canteens, and restaurants have a cloakroom. If a man accompanies a woman, he helps his lady take off and put on her coat, without allowing the cloakroom attendant to do this. The man keeps the number.

    They tidy up their appearance in the lobby or in the toilet. In the hall, as in other public places, people do not comb their hair or use cosmetics and do not put their hands and clothes in order.

    ^ How to enter the hall

    If a man comes with a lady, she enters first front door(a man opens it), but the man enters the hall ahead of the woman to find seats and bring his companion to them. Before heading to the table, every attentive man should inquire whether she likes the chosen place.

    In a large restaurant, where the entire room is not visible, they turn to the waiter, who indicates where to sit. If a waiter brings you to the table, the man follows his companion.

    You need to move between tables carefully and silently, without disturbing or touching those sitting. If you happen to offend someone, you need to apologize. When passing by, they do not look at those sitting or the food placed in front of them. If there are no free tables, but there are seats behind occupied ones, before sitting down, they turn to those sitting: “Excuse me, may I sit down?” or “Excuse me, is this seat free?” If the answer is positive, thank you. There is no need to say hello when entering the hall. If you see someone you know from a distance, bow to him silently. The person sitting at the table usually says hello without getting up from his seat. A man may stand up if he is greeting a significantly older person or a woman. If an acquaintance stops near the table, the man stands up and talks to him while standing. He sits down only when the person who comes up moves away or sits down at his table.

    You can refuse an invitation to sit at a table only for very serious reasons. good reason, for example, if you did not come alone or are waiting for someone. If an acquaintance approaches accompanied by a person you do not know, he should, before sitting down, introduce the latter as sitting at the table.

    When you see friends at a table, you can’t always approach them, even if there’s no one in the room. free seats. It all depends on the degree of familiarity and the situation. You cannot stop near a friend’s table to talk if he is not alone. This can only be done if absolutely necessary and you must apologize.

    During lunch, when canteens and cafes are crowded, you should not take a seat for a long time.

    ^ At the table

    The most comfortable seats are provided to elderly people and women. The man pulls out a chair and pushes it towards his companion as she sits down. Only after all the women have sat down do the men sit down too. Those who come together (a man and a woman) sit opposite each other at a small table; at a large table, a man sits left hand your lady, next to or across the corner of the table to serve her dishes. The person who came alone chooses a small table for himself.

    A man, before choosing for himself, will always hand the menu to a woman or an older man sitting at the same table (even a stranger). The host offers the invitee (whether a woman or a man) to take this or that dish or drink without serving a menu. The host orders and pays.

    They sit neatly at the table. Do not place a handbag, gloves, handkerchief, comb, powder compact or other toiletries on it.

    A man can serve his companion: serve a dish, pour wine. And a woman can look after a man at the table if they are close people or know each other well (fiancé, husband, father, friend, brother).

    Refreshing and strong drinks are always poured by men. Women only do this in sorority settings. They clink glasses very rarely, only if it is necessary to emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Usually the man raises his glass with a slight nod and looking into his companion's eyes. The woman responds in kind. If a man sitting at the next table begins to bother a woman with his glances and raised glass, then it is best if she pretends not to notice this.

    The conversation should be subdued, appropriate to the atmosphere of the room. As elsewhere in public places, you need to behave with restraint and modesty. A public place is not suitable for intimate conversations. It is impolite to whisper to a neighbor with your hand over your mouth. It is necessary to avoid quarrels and altercations that may arise where too much alcohol is consumed. A self-respecting person ignores quarreling and offensive remarks from drunks.

    On a date set in a cafe, canteen or restaurant, the man arrives before the woman, the younger one arrives before the older one, and the inviter arrives before the invitee. A man can meet his friend halfway and take her to the table. If he doesn't do this, then at least he gets up when a friend approaches the table.

    The waiter is approached politely, accompanying each request with the word “please”. It is indecent to call the waiter by shouting “Hello” or by knocking on the plate with a knife; They do this with a nod of the head. If necessary, the waiter is called quietly if he is nearby.

    If they want to move to another table, they do not run with glasses and plates to a new place, but ask the waiter to move them. If you notice flaws in the serving, food or drinks, there is no need to enter into a conflict because of this, attracting attention to yourself, simply ask them to eliminate them.

    Who pays the bill? Usually everyone pays their own bill. The inviter pays for those invited. Nowadays, women have equal rights with men and support themselves. Therefore, it is quite natural in some cases for a woman to want to pay for herself. A man should not feel that his manhood is being humiliated by this. If a woman wants to pay for herself, even if she is invited by a man, she should inform her companion about this before paying the bill, so as not to argue in the presence of the waiter and not make him wait. First the woman pays, then the man. Checking the account is not a pettiness, as some people think out of a sense of false shame, but compliance with basic order. If you make a mistake, you should quietly tell the waiter about it.

    ^ In the store

    Before entering the store, you need to let those leaving it pass. If someone is following you, hold the door.

    There is no smoking in the store, and taking your dog into the grocery store is strictly prohibited. It is also prohibited to touch the products with your hands. Every buyer, regardless of gender, age or social status, must respect the queue. It is advisable to let customers with small children skip the queue. Do not push between those standing in line and do not look at the goods over their shoulders. A salesperson who is talking to another customer or counting is not bothered with questions. What and in what quantity you need to buy should be thought out in advance. Anyone who suffers from forgetfulness should first make a shopping list. Products on sale must be handled with care, do not crush or touch things with sweaty, dirty hands. When trying on a dress, women should take care not to stain it with lipstick.

    Some people have a habit of criticizing a product after a long decision to hide the embarrassment caused by the decision not to buy it. If you find that the item does not suit you, you need to thank and apologize for the trouble.

    You should not get into the habit of shopping aimlessly. The stores are already full of customers.

    ^ At an exhibition, in a museum, in a library

    A visitor to an exhibition and museum usually leaves an umbrella, briefcase, bag, packages, etc. in the wardrobe along with outerwear.

    When visiting museums and exhibitions, one must take into account the fact that a person is able to concentrate attention and ability to perceive only for two to three hours, therefore big museums It is advisable to draw up an inspection plan using the catalogue. It is pointless and useless to quickly run through the halls of the museum. You need to select for inspection either certain works, or the work of one artist, or some department.

    People enter the exhibition hall quietly, without disturbing others. When viewing works, do not stand in front of or too close to another visitor. You need to behave in such a way that your presence does not disturb others: do not speak loudly, do not laugh, do not cough, do not blow your nose.

    It is prohibited to touch the exhibits with your hands. If you walk around the museum accompanied by a guide, then you need to listen to his explanations in silence, even if they are not interesting to you. It is impolite to talk to your neighbor or make comments. If you have questions, they should be asked during the pause.

    A true connoisseur of art does not noisily express his admiration for famous works and does not flaunt his erudition in the field of art.

    In the library, as at the exhibition, they try not to disturb others.

    When using a book, do not forget that you need to treat it as if it were your own. best friend. The book is taken with thoroughly washed hands, since even apparently clean hands leave traces of sweat on the book. Reading book should be kept in a cover. When leafing through a book, your fingers don’t slobber and the corners of the pages don’t curl. The book page is carefully taken by the middle or top and turned over. The cover of the book, as well as the brochure, is not folded back, as this spoils the binding. To mark the place where you finished reading, use a bookmark. The pages of the book are not stained with various inscriptions and drawings. If you want to write down something important, you need to do it in a notebook, noting the title of the book, the author and the page.

    ^ At the cinema, at lectures, at the theater

    They go to the cinema and lectures in ordinary street clothes. Men take off their hats. A woman should also do this if she has a large and tall hat that interferes with those sitting behind her. They come to the theater or concert in advance, knowing that it will take time to put their outerwear in the wardrobe, get themselves in order and find seats.

    The man helps the woman take off her coat and puts it in the cloakroom, keeping her number.

    A man enters the theater, concert and cinema halls first. The woman comes out first. If two couples enter, the man goes first, then the two ladies, followed by the second man. They sit in the same order: women in the middle, men on the edges.

    ^ Your places. If you know your seats are in the middle of a row, you should sit early without waiting last call so as not to disturb other viewers. If you still have to disturb those sitting, they apologize to them. The disturbed person does not make a dissatisfied face and does not wait until he is asked for permission to pass, but he himself gets up in advance, noticing those walking along narrow passage. The polite people who stood up to let you through should be thanked.

    You need to walk facing those sitting. Man goes first. He helps his companion sit down, silently lowering the seat of the chair, and only then sits down himself. The man usually sits on the woman’s left hand, but if his place turns out to be more convenient (for example, the stage is better visible from there), then an attentive man will give it up to the lady. When getting up and sitting down, avoid noise. When standing up, hold the seat with your hand so that it does not hit the back of the chair. It is impolite to occupy both armrests, since the neighbor also wants to lean on his elbow. Do not lean on the back of the front seat or rest your feet on it.

    Everyone purchases the program and binoculars themselves, rather than borrowing from a neighbor. Theater binoculars are designed to follow the stage, and not to look at those in the audience.

    Do not sit in someone else's seat, as this can cause a lot of trouble, especially if the owners of these seats are late.

    If for any reason you are late, then enter the hall quietly, stand near the door or sit silently in the nearest free chair, and after intermission, change to your seat.

    When the program starts, you need to stop all talk. The interrupted conversation is continued during the break. During a performance or film show, they do not talk or comment, but listen and watch. Even if the program is uninteresting, politeness obliges a person to sit silently. Of course, you can leave the hall at the right time, especially during a break. In the hall they try not to do anything that could disturb their neighbors: they don’t rustle with candy papers or programs, don’t click the lock of their handbags, don’t shake their heads, etc.

    A person who has a severe cough or runny nose should think about the health and peace of mind of others and refuse a concert or performance.

    It is tactless to react out loud to acting mistakes. It is indecent to accompany applause with exclamations and stomping. Sincere applause is the best gratitude. Symphonies, chamber works with several movements and song cycles are not interrupted by applause. Therefore, during the concert you need to be especially careful not to start applauding too early.

    When passing by strollers during intermission, they do not look at them. If a man comes to the theater with a companion, he does not leave her there for a long time one. Neither does a woman.

    If you are hungry, you can go to the buffet during intermission. You should not eat in the hall or foyer. If a man comes with a lady, he takes care of his companion at the buffet, bringing her what she wants.

    ^ The curtain falls. At a theater or concert, wait until the curtain falls rather than running to the cloakroom to get your coat. If someone is in a hurry to catch a train or the last bus, such haste is excusable, but provided that everything is done quietly and quietly.

    ^ Behavior on the street

    On the street. Before going outside, you need to take a look at yourself, should you clean your coat or suit? Maybe your stockings or trousers are splashed? You cannot go outside in dirty shoes.

    Gloves are worn at home, because dressing and adjusting clothes on the street is not decent. To tie a shoelace or put on a raincoat on the street, they step aside.

    It is indecent to throw a jacket and coat over your shoulders. It's not good if your braces are visible. If it’s warm outside, you can carry a coat, jacket or jacket on your arm.

    ^ How to pass by. Where possible, pedestrians should avoid walking against the flow of traffic. Oncoming people must be bypassed on the right side. If you notice someone is in a hurry, move aside. Give way to the oncoming person.

    Particular attention is paid to people with disabilities, young children, parents with children, and the elderly on the street.

    If the road is narrow or bad, then the more convenient part of the road is given to those who are entitled to privileges. If necessary, the man steps off the sidewalk. If, when passing by, you need to turn around, do so, if possible, to face the oncoming person. If you both step in the same direction at the same time, you need to stop and let the oncoming person pass. It is not customary to walk between two nearby pedestrians.

    The package, bag and briefcase are carried in right hand so as not to hurt passers-by. A man can always help a woman carry heavy things, but the woman herself always carries a handbag.

    You need to watch the metal parts of bags and briefcases so as not to accidentally snag your own or someone else’s stockings or clothes.

    The umbrella should always be kept in a vertical position; carrying an umbrella in a horizontal position is dangerous, as small children may stumble upon its tip. They don't wave an umbrella. An open umbrella should be held above your head so that water does not flow onto passers-by. If two people are walking under an umbrella, it is held by the man or the younger one (unless the companion is very tall). When holding an umbrella, you need to be careful and make sure that your companion does not get wet. When meeting other pedestrians, the umbrella is raised or tilted in the other direction. With a wet umbrella (especially in public transport) they try not to touch others.

    Walking arm-in-arm is considered a bit old-fashioned. This makes driving difficult, especially on crowded narrow streets. Only in a slippery place can a young man offer his hand to an older man or lightly support him by the elbow; a man walking with a woman does the same. In uncrowded places, for example in a park, a woman can lean on the arm of her companion. It is not customary to walk in a line, disturbing passers-by.

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