Where to donate your unwanted clothes or where are your old items guaranteed to be accepted? Rules for storing oily rags Documents for the removal of waste rags

Oily waste is formed after wiping various parts from oil contaminants. Such waste cannot be stored for a long time, as the risk of fire is high. That is, when the material coated with petroleum products rots, a lot of heat is created.

Disposal of such waste is carried out by car services, automobile enterprises, parts repair shops, as well as large productions. Due to the law, such waste is not just garbage that can be thrown away anywhere, it must be taken to special enterprises that are licensed to dispose of hazardous rags.

Oily rags and sawdust are classified as hazard class four. The initial collection of oily rags is carried out separately from other garbage in special metal containers.

Containers for storing oily rags, sawdust and sand can be located on or outside the production area. Such tanks must be numbered and have a lid on top. Containers should not be placed near a hot surface to prevent fire.

If the containers are located on the production site, then the area under them should be treated with oil-proof agents, and canopies should be created above them to prevent moisture from getting inside. All places where oily rags are stored are fenced. It is prohibited to store such waste in open containers or simply in the air.

Basic rules for storing used oily rags

  1. Containers intended for storing oily rags can be located both on the production site and outside it; they must be signed.
  2. When installing containers on the production site, the covering for storing rags must be hard, and a special canopy must be built to avoid the ingress of moisture and other objects.
  3. For used oil, containers are equipped with metal trays to prevent it from overflowing.
  4. The floor surface in the premises must have drainage ditches, and it must also be treated with special oil-proof agents.
  5. The room in which oily rags or used oil is stored must have good ventilation.
  6. Places with containers where oily rags are located must be fenced off and the containers must be labeled.
  7. In areas where used rags are stored, there should be instructions on how to properly handle such waste.

When storing oily rags and oil, the following is not allowed:

  1. Place containers with rags or oils near hot surfaces.
  2. Store tanks or containers together with other substances.
  3. Do not pour used oil down the drain or onto open ground.
  4. It is prohibited to burn oily rags in open areas; this is harmful to the environment.

How to properly store used filters?

  1. Used filters are collected separately from other rags in special metal containers. Containers should not be located near areas of possible fire.
  2. If containers are located on the production site, they must also be fenced, labeled, and covered with lids. The floor underneath should be hard, and a canopy should be built on top to prevent moisture from getting inside.
  3. Once the filter is removed from the machine, it is placed on a rack to allow the remaining oil to drain, and then placed in a special storage container.
  4. Do not store filters in open containers, in the air, or in direct sunlight.

How to properly collect oily waste?

If you transport waste yourself, you must follow all the rules:

  1. The container must be airtight, the plugs must be tightened tightly so that the oil does not leak out and the container does not become deformed.
  2. During transportation, the container must remain free place to compensate for the expansion of the liquid.
  3. The containers are installed tightly to each other to avoid falling and deformation.
  4. Used oily rags must be placed so that they do not fall out of the machine during transportation.

If all rules are followed, hazardous waste is collected efficiently, without harm to the environment and human health.

Why is it necessary to dispose of oily rags?

Some wastes have a high flammability, even if stored at normal temperatures, because they release a large number of heat. Such materials include solid elements, that is, sawdust, coal, peat and others. Oils that are located on an open surface can also ignite spontaneously.

Spontaneous combustion occurs when waste is located on the surface in a small layer, which, due to interaction with oxygen, releases a significant amount of heat. The surface can be heated for several hours or for a long time, that is, up to six months. Therefore, used oily rags must be removed as quickly as possible, and not stored for a very long time. It is prohibited to store oily rags in open containers or in the air, under direct sunlight.

How to properly transport oily rags?

When transporting oily rags, the following rules must be strictly observed:

  1. All containers must be hermetically sealed, without defects, that is, of the correct shape.
  2. The containers must be installed tightly to each other so that they are not subject to mechanical stress.

Oily rags have a high flammability, as they generate a significant amount of heat, so they must be properly stored and disposed of at the right time.

Most of our entrepreneurs and manufacturers perceive waste processing and production of secondary raw materials as an important stage of their activities. However, recycling rags is a minor process for many of them. It is often believed that rags can be thrown into a landfill along with other household and household waste. On practice this type recycling is very important from the point of view of improving the environmental situation and preserving human health.

Who needs it?

Fabric rags are a material for wiping the surfaces of the body and parts. It is used for wiping cars, machine tools, office and household appliances, furniture elements, etc.

Therefore, the service for recycling rags is especially relevant:

for mechanical engineering enterprises

cleaning companies

motor transport services

At the same time, large volumes of fabric rags can be thrown into landfills by organizations such as banks, insurance companies, various funds, etc.

Why is recycling important?

It is important to understand: often before wiping the working surface, the fabric is moistened with special detergents. They may contain hazardous reagents. Then the fabric rag collects contaminated moisture from the parts being wiped and absorbs fuel, lubricants or paints.

All this, especially in the case of long-term storage under direct atmospheric influence, can cause significant harm to the condition environment. You should also not burn rags. After all, during the combustion process, hazardous substances will be released, which will enter the air and disperse in nearby areas.

The right step is to hand over oil-soaked rags to specialized enterprises for disposal. For example, to our company. We will carefully process the received material and minimize negative consequences for the environment and people.

Process steps

Like any industrial waste disposal, the processing of fabric rags takes place in several stages, including:

  • sorting;
  • defibration;
  • regeneration and secondary production.

In more detail, the procedure for disposing of oily rags is as follows. Used fabric is collected and carefully sorted. In this case, knitwear, wool mixture and wool are distinguished. During defibration, individual threads and fibers are isolated.

Then the purified materials are put into new production: tow, batting, gaskets, flooring, cleaning cloths, and cotton wool are made from it. Recycled fabric is also used in the production of building materials.

Benefits of work

The Crystals of Purity company professionally and efficiently disposes of oily rags. Our employees are highly qualified and familiar with everyone the slightest features production process. We provide customers with the entire package of permits, as well as relevant acts for financial statements. Many years of experience and the use of the most modern equipment gives us the opportunity to be confident in the results of our work.

We offer flexible pricing and a personal approach, provide transportation and loading and unloading services, and weigh waste.

Depending on the location of the customer’s enterprise, we can remove such waste using our own transport or receive it at our own specialized site. If we provide our own transport, the cost of waste transportation is included in the cost of disposal services.

On the website of the Crystal Purity company you can order recycling services for any product. If necessary, we can independently weigh, load, transport and unload the material. We are distinguished by flexible pricing and attention to each client. Contact us!

What to do with all this trash? With such a problem every time spring cleaning many people face. It’s just not clear where exactly to put those things that are no longer in use. It’s a pity to throw them into a landfill, but selling them is troublesome, so they are stored long years on balconies, in storage rooms and on mezzanines.

However, your old things can be useful, so it’s better to audit your bins and decide what to do with all the accumulated goods that you no longer need.

Why is decluttering necessary and why do you need to part with unnecessary things?

No matter how you look at it, you need to clear your home of unused things. This is evidenced by the Eastern teachings about the organization of life and everyday life - Feng Shui (so that energy flows freely throughout the apartment), and the recommendations of doctors (to minimize the risk of allergies and respiratory diseases), and advice for fly ladies (to facilitate the work of maintaining order and organization of space). IN different countries There are similar traditions for eliminating clutter and emptying the home of things that are no longer needed.

Popular wisdom says that by removing the old, you make room for something new.. It is customary to throw away the clothes of a seriously ill patient after recovery or personal belongings associated with former second half, in case of divorce. Everything that you haven’t used for more than a year can be considered junk, but you don’t need it, but someone else will find it very useful.

Where can you give your old things?

There are different places that will accept your old items for further use or recycling. Finding them today is not a problem.

Things to remember when decluttering:

  • It is not customary to hand over all things used - official social institutions will not accept them, despite the fact that it is completely free, and private foundations will not get involved with such property;
  • something is due recycling, which means your old things will get a second life;
  • Some things cannot simply be thrown away - they must be given for recycling.

What things can be donated to the shelter?

First of all, there is a desire to donate children's things, from which your kids have already outgrown, to a shelter or Orphanage or take it to the hospital in the department for refuseniks. That's just the harsh rules of these social institutions There is a clear list of things that can be accepted from philanthropists and given to children. The point is primarily about the safety and protection of the health of little charges. There is no need to be offended if some things are not accepted at the shelter.

Social children's institutions will definitely be happy to receive sponsorship in the form of unworn children's clothing and shoes, electronics and computer equipment, and toys. But definitely not soft, but made from easily washable materials.

What to give to refugees and the poor?

Fewer composition requirements humanitarian aid homeless and refugees. Usually such help will be gladly accepted as a gift at the church. This may include seasonal clothing and shoes (they are especially necessary in winter), warm blankets and towels, camping stoves, thermoses, etc. For low-income people with children, any children's clothes and child care products, as well as cribs, bathtubs, and high chairs, will be useful. feeding, etc.

As humanitarian aid, a similar set can be sent to disaster areas, for example, after a natural disaster or military operations, because more often than not people have to rebuild everything from scratch if their homes were damaged by such emergencies.

To make it easier to assemble a package of exactly the necessary things, simply imagine what it would take for a person to lose their home who wanders around social centers and dormitories, how will he start life in an empty and strange room, what will he move to another room with, is there any point in dragging a lot of things with him.

What items can be recycled and disposed of?

If you understand that there is simply nowhere to put your existing damaged clothing and it will definitely not find new owners, you need to take care of its disposal with minimal losses to the environment. Don't just take bags of tired and out-of-fashion clothes to the trash can: more likely it will all end up in a landfill, where it will sit for several years, simply decomposing. But you can use even seemingly worthless things for greater benefit.

Difference between recycling and disposal

When recycling old things, you can still get something useful. Clothing recycling includes such areas as:

  • recovery and reuse;
  • use as materials for creativity;
  • use for other purposes, for example for cleaning, as rags or bedding for animals in shelters.

Recycling centers for the processing and disposal of textile waste are ready to accept clothing and fabrics from the population that are not subject to reuse as a second hand item or for creativity. Any rags here can turn into They are sorted and ground, obtaining fibers that are completely suitable for further use.

What is obtained from textiles when recycling old items?

As a result of clothing processing, regenerated textile fiber is obtained, which in turn is the raw material for the production of a wide range of products. From such recovered fiber, non-woven materials are made (for example, covering for plants), as well as hardware yarn, from which textile products are subsequently re-produced. In addition, recycled old clothes serve as raw materials for the production of technical felt, soundproofing materials, floor coverings and lining materials in the furniture industry. There are a lot of options for using such semi-finished fiber, and all of them contribute to cleaning up our city from garbage.

Where to take textiles for disposal and recycling in Moscow?

There are more than 60 collection points for old clothes in the capital, including rags. You can bring things here in any condition. Choose a convenient recycling or social care center near your home.

  • The H&M store accepts any clothing in any condition and, after sorting, decides its fate. As a reward, you will receive a discount on your next purchase at this clothing store. Reception is carried out in all stores of the chain, their addresses can be found on the company’s website; almost every district of the capital has such a retail outlet, for example, the H&M department is located in the Metropolis shopping center on Leningradskoye Shosse, 16.
  • Society large families will accept clothing for children to distribute among those in need different ages and adults, as well as books and toys. This office non-profit organization is located in Rasskazovka, at the address: Borovskoe highway, 48, building 1, room. 15.
  • Hospital No. 29 also accepts items for adults according to the season; men's clothing and shoes are especially in demand. Address in the capital: Hospital Square, 2.
  • Social service center "Dorogomilovsky" on permanent basis collects wearable clothes and toys for children from low-income families. Address: st. Studencheskaya, 42, bldg. 1–2.

ALIT M LLC provides waste disposal and disposal services in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Central region of the country.

*The final price depends on the amount of waste, their chemical composition, consistency, as well as the complexity of the work performed to remove waste from treatment facilities.

For many industrial enterprises, the urgent task of recycling used cleaning materials - rags. This problem is solved by ALIT M LLC. We have been working since 1991, and during this time a modern production base has been created.

Features of rag disposal

Using rags, leaks of oil compounds and fuel are eliminated, and various parts and equipment are cleaned of fuels and lubricants, paints and varnishes. This cleaning material, impregnated with petroleum products and paint and varnish waste, accumulates in significant quantities at enterprises. This type of waste can harm the environment and is also a potential source of fire hazard.

Our company uses cleaning material as an alternative fuel when burning cement clinker. In terms of caloric content, such waste is not inferior to coal. We collect, transport and dispose of rags. We have a fleet of specialized vehicles and our own production.

Would you like to leave a request or receive comprehensive advice on disposal issues? industrial waste? Contact ALIT M LLC.

Helpful information

Oily rags are waste textiles that were used to clean production workshops, machines, units, assemblies and parts (including for wiping hands) from motor oils, solvents, cutting fluids, gasoline, paints, varnishes and other harmful compounds. . For example, in enterprises associated with the manufacture, operation or repair of automotive equipment and lifting mechanisms, a huge amount of waste of this type accumulates. Impregnated with toxic substances, they seriously threaten human health. To prevent fire and avoid environmental problems, the collection, accumulation and transfer for destruction of oily rags must be carried out in a strictly established manner.

Types of oily rags and calculation of their standard quantity

Oily rags are divided into two types according to FKKO codes (Federal Classification Catalog of Waste) and are designated as follows:

  • 549 027 00 01 03 3 - wiping material contaminated with petroleum products by 15% or more;
  • 549 027 01 01 03 4 - cleaning material contaminated with oils, oil content less than 15%.

Do not forget to prepare safety data sheets in accordance with those received by the FKKO. From January 1, 2016, there is no need to confirm the hazard class.

According to the Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" dated June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ (in new edition) these categories of rags belong to class IV in terms of danger. Their collection and accumulation are carried out separately from ordinary garbage and other waste.

Only enterprises that have received, on the basis of the internal legal act of the enterprise (PNOOLR - Draft waste generation standards and limits on their disposal), limits from the bodies of Rosprirodnadzor (order dated 05.08.2014 N 349) are allowed to store oil-containing waste on the territory. Remember, it is mandatory to create standards for waste materials at an enterprise. And it doesn’t matter what you have, a parking lot or a confectionery shop. It is also necessary to prepare all permitting documentation for each “economic entity” if they are scattered across regions (administrative and territorial affiliation is important). But if, from the owner, in one city, in different production facilities, unequal volumes of waste textiles, then most likely it would be more correct to “stitch” the documents for each factory separately.

For improper provision of information, just like for failure to provide data at all, the law provides for liability (Administrative Code Article 8.46).

In addition, at the enterprise where the above waste occurs, internal legal acts must be developed and implemented:

  • instructions for handling hazardous waste
  • traffic log: on the formation, collection, accumulation, and transfer of oily rags and other oil-containing waste (Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated September 1, 2011 N 721)

Requirements for organizing places for temporary storage of oil-containing waste at production facilities

Oily waste is subject to mandatory inventory and systematic recording. Requirements for their collection, accumulation, transportation and disposal are set out in Federal law No. 89 dated June 24, 1998, Sanitary rules and standards─​03 dated April 30, 2003, Rules fire safety in the Russian Federation 01─​03, as well as in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 390 of 04/25/2012. These documents prohibit used cleaning materials from being left directly in the production workshop or thrown away in idle time. trash can together with TKO.

If you are simply interested in: “where and how are oily rags stored?” Use some common sense. Consider where this waste should be stored after it is removed. All municipal solid waste and all kinds of garbage (in accordance with the rules separate collection waste) will go to special areas for MSW and to processing plants for further disposal. But all oil-containing waste must be stored and destroyed separately. Therefore, in the workshop (on the site) it is necessary to determine the places where used oiled paper, a rag in lubricant (oil, solution, etc.) are most likely to appear. And there place a container for oily rags. There is no point in placing such boxes next to every machine or production line. You can definitely install it in a mechanic shop or repair bay. If we talk about one large industrial site (not divided by capital structures), the territory can be conditionally divided into several zones (although, we assume, you already have such a division on your plan). And in each, determine best places, taking into account all the standards and “production disposition”, where to place a stall for cleaning materials contaminated with oils and other harmful substances.

For the initial collection of oily rags, a special area should be set up on the territory of the enterprise (outside the workshop).

  1. Make a hard floor and treat it with oil-proof products.
  2. Install special metal containers and sign them for subsequent accounting. To prevent air from leaking inside and provoking a reaction with oils and other flammable substances, close the tanks tightly.
  3. To protect against foreign objects, moisture, direct sun rays build canopies over the containers.
  4. Install a fence around the site. Attach instructions in a visible place that outline the rules for handling oil-containing waste.
  5. Do not collect or store other packaging materials, pallets, solid waste and other waste in the immediate vicinity.
  6. And remember, those oily rags and other waste can catch fire. Therefore, this area must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment.

There should be no containers with other substances, heating devices, fires or smoking rooms near the equipped area. It is also necessary to provide in advance one or more convenient access roads to provide loading and vehicles free access to temporarily stored waste oil-containing materials.

Rules for the removal of oily rags from the territory of enterprises

Oily rags can only be stored indoors with good ventilation and for no longer than 7 days. At an equipped site, it is collected up to the volume of the transport batch (“accumulation object”), but the collection period should not exceed 11 months. Over the specified accumulation period, we get “accommodation object”. And these are other legal consequences. Here it is necessary to pay attention to this difference in concepts.

If the enterprise has suitable transport, Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011 (as amended) allows you to remove rags on your own. Transportation of such cargo is waste management and falls under a licensed activity. The frequency of removal must be determined in your “waste project” based on storage limits. In this case, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Before loading, containers must be weighed and hermetically sealed.
  2. Be sure to check the container for integrity. Avoid damage during loading and transportation.
  3. Place the containers so that they lean tightly against each other. This arrangement is necessary to avoid the possibility of falling or deformation.
  4. Transport oily materials in covered trucks to avoid losses and damage to the natural environment along the way.

These measures are taken to ensure the safety of workers, as well as to prevent unforeseen situations along the way. If it is not possible to pick up oily waste yourself, you should contact the services of specialized companies.

The neutralization and “removal” of waste rags is carried out only by organizations that have received a license for the relevant activity. They have special equipment and well-established technology for the destruction of hazardous materials. Their work makes it possible to significantly reduce the alarming volumes of accumulation of waste rags and minimize negative influences on the ecological environment.

Please note, for negative impact Entrepreneurs and legal entities themselves pay for the environment. faces. In other words, if you worked, produced a product, provided a service, consumed something and generated waste that needs to be “disposed”, you will have to pay for the NVOS.New! If your entrepreneurial activity has a negligible impact on the environment. Then, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ (as amended) and Government Decree dated September 28, 2015 N 1029, the business you are involved in can be classified as category IV of objects that are exempt from paying for the environmental assessment .

Dear managers and specialists, this article is for informational purposes only. Properly preparing all the necessary documentation is not so easy. Try it, study the n.p.a. yourself. And you will understand that it is better to contact the appropriate person (ecologist, company) who understands the topic (nowadays you can find suitable services). But not to the first one you come across. Read reviews, forums, recommendations. The specified n.p.a. contain imperative norms, i.e. rules of conduct are mandatory. But they can sometimes change. So please keep an eye on regulatory framework in this industry so that there is no misunderstanding.

Accept right decisions, work safely.

More on our website more information : buy rags in St. Petersburg, benefits from use, photos, reviews of use.

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