Dream Interpretation to wash the floors in the apartment. If the mother teaches to sweep in a dream. Floor color

Wash the floor at work, especially in the boss's office - weave intrigues and get a good place. Miller's dream book speaks of career success and even a personnel reshuffle. After such a dream, expect a promotion or an intriguing successful offer. Do not miss your chance to make a good future for yourself and your children.

The dream interpretation speaks of the possibility of getting rid of someone or something. This may be due to the dreamer's actions or life circumstances. Seeing in a dream how you wash the floor in your own house indicates that the unpleasant chores will finally end. Perhaps the dreamer will win the case in court, put an end to a family quarrel, or the situation will suddenly resolve itself in better side. However, the interpretation of this dream may suggest a good combination of circumstances. Most likely, an old or sick person who was difficult to care for will die, or an unpleasant relative will leave for another city.

As the dream book explains, washing floors in a dream means that in the near future in your love relationships changes will occur if you clean in an unfamiliar room, then your behavior and your decisions will actually have significant influence on the lives of others.

Why dream of washing the floor married woman- if you dreamed that you were cleaning in your house, then in real life you are not satisfied with your family life. You may have to change something in order to feel comfortable in a relationship with your husband.

Why dream of washing the floor in a dream in someone else's house or apartment according to Razgadamus' dream book? To dream about cleaning an unfamiliar room indicates that close friends or relatives are waiting for support and help from you. Perhaps, in this situation, the cure of a serious patient will depend on your decision or advice. You have to make a difficult choice, as you instill in your loved ones hope, faith in best result. Remember: all responsibility lies with you in this case, and a mistake can cost someone their life.

Wash clean water sex in a dream does not bode well. Quite the contrary - sleeping people indicate the future positive changes in his life, associated with career advancement, salary increase, etc.

Or maybe such a dream promises important transformations in life, for example, career advancement, new position Or a high salary? A dream book will help to interpret such a dream. So I want a dreaming clean house to really mean cleaning life of everything unnecessary, bringing something new and fresh in everyday gray days.

For example, washing the floor in which institution means getting rid of the negativity associated with this place. If this is an official institution, then the dreamer's affairs will go smoothly, and what kind of business this is depends on the function of this institution. Further, we can give examples when films to wash floors have a negative interpretation: To another person to wash floors in a dream means to yield to him in something or to lose something through him.

Under these conditions, sleep is very favorable. It means getting rid of negativity and renewal, pleasant changes and bright events in the life of the sleeper. It is better if the floor cleaning takes place in your own house, and not somewhere else, however, washing the floors in other places can also promise good.

Gender is a symbol of your life position, your habits. Sweep or mop the floor - you have to get rid of someone or something. Dirt, garbage on the floor - you cannot improve your life, you are subject to random circumstances. Falling to the floor is a disease. Repair or paint floors - up to a large cash outlay. A floor covered with linoleum or carpet portends an act for which your reputation may suffer.

Sex is the foundation or foundation of the body, mind and spirit; skewed floorboards - a distorted view of things; a rotten floor is an unreliable physical or spiritual foundation; the floor bends - a departure from belonging ideals and principles (the floor bends in the kitchen or in the dining room may indicate an unhealthy diet). The ceiling is the flight of the mind; restrictions; stairs - the way up or down; gradualness; climbing the stairs up - the achievement of higher consciousness; go down the stairs - immersion in the subconscious; the back staircase is a secret; corridor transition from one idea to another; changes, many dream books interpret such a dream.

Is it pleasant to wash floors in a dream? It is hard to say. The fact is that almost every film has its own special point of view on this issue. Therefore, we, as inquisitive people, have no choice but to simply take and conduct a small independent study. And it’s good if several sources would be involved in it at once instead of one. However, this article will gladly provide this opportunity to anyone.

Gender is a symbol of your life position, your habits. Sweep or mop the floor - you have to get rid of someone or something. Dirt, rubbish on the floor - you cannot get your life back on track, you are subject to random circumstances ...

I so want to dream of a clean house, which means really cleaning life from everything unnecessary, bringing something new and fresh to everyday gray everyday life. Can you interpret a dream as a positive innovation in the future? You can understand the meaning of the removed washed floor with the help of a dream book.

According to Tsvetkov, if you have to wash the floors in your dream, this does not bode well, but indicates the impending death of a person you know or is close to. Perhaps even the detergent itself is in danger of some kind of danger to life, and the dream signals the need to be more careful and more attentive to your safety.

Dream Interpretation Paul (stone), bridge on - Paul symbolizes healthy relationships in the house; wet floor dreams of quarrels, separation; new flooring is a sign that the shaft needs to be more attentive to its health. Wash the floor in a dream - to the guests. To walk on a floorboard that is not very hard, creaks and staggers, means to enter a field that is extremely unfaithful and dangerous.

Why Paul dreams - Washing the floor in a dream is a harbinger of success in work, on the condition that you do not object to the authorities and defend your case. In addition, it will be useful for you to be more lenient about shortcomings. influential people. If you dreamed that the floor was opening up under you and you were falling into a hole, it means that someone is making a lot of efforts to ruin your life. It is very likely that he will succeed.

Interpretation of dreams Wash the floor - such a dream promises you success in your work if you do not object to your bosses and defend your point of view, and also show indulgence to the shortcomings of influential people. If you dreamed that the floor was opening up under you and you were falling, then this means that someone is putting a lot of effort into ruining your reputation. And, apparently, he will succeed.

Do not take everything written to heart. Dream books can also be outdated, and the interpretation of each dream can be completely different, depending on the level and type of life of each person individually. You always need to be attentive and active in any situation in order to achieve what you want.

Now let's figure it out - why see washing floors in a dream in someone else's house? Such a dream means that you are too big influence to the owner of this house. If you do not know the house, then close people are counting on your support. Your influence on the situation can change the fate of people dependent on you for the better. This dream may portend applicants for money in loans or your other help. The condition of the floor, the quality of the water, and the presence of heavy dirt may indicate the outcome of this event. Excess dirt, debris, dirty water- harbingers of the fact that it is better to refuse these petitioners in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Pure water, quick removal of dirt is interpreted as a successful result. Your help will be useful for people and will bring positive emotions.

For an unmarried girl, wash the floor in her lover - soon she will receive a marriage proposal from him. This dream may portend your family life. A lot of dirt and debris, the floor is poorly washed - the marriage is unhappy, and most likely it will break up. Clean and clear water, the floor is easy to clean - life with this person will be easy and happy. Accept the offer with pleasure!

Why dream of washing floors at work? A dream where you wash the floor at work is a great sign foreshadowing a career increase, an increase wages, success in the case on which you have been working for a long time. If there is a lot of debris and dirt on the floor, the coating is uneven - evidence that the path to change for the better is not easy, but you can handle everything.

All dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of what dreams of washing floors at school. This means that the dreamer will soon change his school. So you can start preparing for this event in advance.

In this dream book, the vision of mopping is interpreted as a harbinger of major life changes. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the flooring. If it is dirty, then the changes will be negative. A clean floor speaks of success that will soon come into your life.

Although among the people such dreams are considered unfavorable - do not rush to panic. Such a vision may well tell you something pleasant. Why dream that you wash the floors is explained by many dream books, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of sleep.

Washing the floor in a dream is a bad sign. In truth, such dreams are quite common. For more accurate interpretation such dreams you need to remember such nuances as the room in which you worked, how you did it.

Many who saw such a dream did not begin to think about its interpretation, since such ordinary things sometimes seem completely insignificant. But if you dream that someone is washing the floor, this kind of dream can mean something important, despite the familiarity of this activity.

What if someone is washing the floor in a dream?

A dream that someone washes the floor in their own home or is engaged in general cleaning in an apartment, may mean imminent pleasant events for the sleeper. Cleaning up the kitchen or dining room may portend a new position or a promotion in an old position. Washing the floors in the bedroom or living room may portend good mood if at the same time linoleum is laid on the floor, then this additionally indicates the imminent achievement good results in an important matter for the sleeper. If there is parquet on the floor, this promises help from friends or relatives.

Sex in a dream often symbolizes the foundations of a person, everything on which his real life, dreams and achievements. Therefore, a dream in which it was first necessary to clean the carpets to wash the floors means that the person is currently out of place and feels like a stranger, but would really like not to hide his inner convictions. The dirtier the floor exposed under the carpet, the worse the situation, but the desire to clean the floor from dirt means that all is not lost. Seeing a dirty floor in your apartment most often also portends quarrels, misunderstandings, scandals with family and loved ones. If in a dream a spot was found on the floor that cannot be washed away, this can be interpreted by suddenly collapsed ideals, disappointment.

A dream in which a person watches washing floors often means imminent changes in the dreamer's life. If a rag is used, this may mean the arrival of friends from afar.

Washing the floor and falling through it in the process - outgrow your original beliefs. This dream does not always symbolize the moral fall of a person; it may happen that the views instilled in him from birth were not the most correct.

Slipping in the process of mopping portends an awkward position in which a person can be put by his lack of awareness in some matters. Sometimes such dreams haunt a person who is very afraid of his own incompetence.

If, on the floor that needs to be washed, in a dream a person sees distinct dirty footprints or paw prints, such a dream speaks of the imminent possibility of having conversations on abstract topics, during which anything can be questioned. A washed floor that remains wet for a long time, speaks of the unwillingness of the sleeper to change and make contact with people whose worldview differs from his own. Washing the floor at work means defending your interests, such dreams often occur before known changes occur in the work team, such as a change of boss or transfer to another place.

A person who volunteers in a dream to clean up the workplace wants to be useful and convenient for all his colleagues. If in a dream a person washes and cleans his boss's office, this may indicate his desire to stay longer at work, especially if there is a fear of being fired. Washing the floors in a strange house portends an acquaintance with something very unusual that the dreamer may have in the near future.

If a person, while washing floors, finds a jewel or gem, then this person has a healthy self-esteem, which few people will be able to shake. Water spilled during mopping can portend gossip, unnecessary conversations, unpleasant rumors.

What portends?

A dream in which a person himself washes or watches the washing of floors and cleanliness in the house famous person speaks of readiness to resist public opinion. If you dreamed of washing the floors on the train, then this could mean a quick move to a new place, perhaps far enough away.

Cleaning a bathroom or toilet, especially if you dream of cleaning not at home, but at work or in some unfamiliar room, means the possibility of rivalry and dishonest play at work. If a person sees someone else washing the floor at his workplace, this may be a fear of dismissal and replacement by another employee.

If in a dream he washes the floor or helps with cleaning Small child, it can symbolize getting rid of anger or negative thoughts. Breaking a mop or tearing a rag during work portends repairs in the apartment.

Washing the floor and at the same time not dirtying the water taken for washing means the impossibility of changing the situation in which the dreamer finds himself. If the water is very dirty, and the sleeper sees how he pours it out and changes it to a new, fresh one, such a dream means financial well-being. But if this continues many times in a row and the water does not become clearer, the sleeper should consider whether he is wasting his strength trying to prove his point of view to someone who does not want to listen to him.

Did you wash the floors in a strange house in a dream? The plot warns of troubles, humiliations, conflicts, problems. But the dream book also gives positive interpretations: influence on other people, time for action. The details of the vision will help to correctly explain what it is dreaming of.

Great time for action

The dreamed plot indicates: you will gain influence on the owner of this house, which will become the reason for the success of your professional activities.

A vision in a dream, as it were, pushes: you need to start acting, you should not wait any longer favorable period. Timely actions will bring favorable changes, but excessive waiting can turn into failure.

Get rid of your shortcomings

Why dream of someone else's housing, where do you wash the dirty floor? The dream interpretation explains: you are used to achieving your goal by any means, but this does not color you.

Did you dream of seeing how you wash it with dirty water? This means: the sleeper only creates the appearance of fruitful activity, but in reality does not do anything useful.

Wiped a dirty stain in a dream? The dream book tells you: this speaks of your insincerity, you are trying to seem better, showing yourself not to be who you are. However, someday the mask will fall - then others will see your true face. Avoid falsehood - then the attitude of others will be sincere.

Where was the floor washed?

Remember whose house you saw:

  • parental - misfortune will happen at home;
  • mother-in-law - people will appear who will annoy;
  • deceased grandparents - you can resolve the conflict on your own;
  • acquaintances, relatives - help solve their problems;
  • in some old house - to a change of residence.

Miller's dream book: vain hopes

Washing floors in a strange house in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dreamed plot is a warning: hopes to achieve the goal will be in vain. The position you applied for will be taken by a more successful work colleague.

Trouble ahead, restraint must be shown

The interpretation of a dream about washing floors in a stranger's home can be as follows: where the plot of the dream developed, the sleeper will soon experience humiliation and serious trouble.

Why dream of washing floors in someone else's house with a mop? In reality, you will begin to quarrel and conflict with people because of some misunderstandings. But these excesses can bring sad consequences. Nevertheless, try to show restraint, calmness - only then will you cope with the difficulties.

Did you wash your hands in a dream? The dream interpretation says: there are many problems to be solved on the personal front and at work. It is necessary to deal with old troubles so that it becomes possible to move on. Show maximum attention.

Sometimes dreams are very, very realistic, so much so that, upon waking up, a person cannot always immediately understand that it was a dream.

Sometimes, for example, you have to wash floors in your sleep or do wet cleaning with a mop in your own or someone else's house, clean at work, take out the trash or mess around in the kitchen, as well as do various household chores that you have to do with one frequency or another in principle. But if in real life you can do this, as they say, on the machine, then this kind of dream arouses keen interest and a desire to understand what and why you dreamed. Nevertheless, washing the floor in a dream is brought much less often than in real life.

When you have to wash the floors in a dream in your own house or apartment, then in reality you can most likely expect good news, as more than one dream book says. If this happens in the kitchen, then the dream promises you a new position. When you clean with a rag in your hands in the living room, expect a bonus, but mopping the floors in your room portends a great mood.

If in a dream we are talking about laundering a linoleum floor, then in reality you will get an excellent result. The parquet look of the floors most likely indicates that good and old friends will provide you with help and support.

Basically, in order to answer why you dream of washing floors, you need to disassemble the dream into its components. The most common stories are:

  • Using a mop, as the dream book says, is a significant life event.
  • Seeing the cleaning in the room under the bed is a long journey.
  • Washing too dirty floors is a disappointment in alliance with your soulmate.
  • Use a rag when cleaning in someone else's house - to meet an old friend.
  • It is not possible to wash the dirt with your hands - to a new acquaintance.

Dream interpretation

Why dream of washing the floors, and then falling under them, cannot be answered unequivocally. Most likely, this indicates that you are overcome by dreams of a generous gentleman, as the dream book says. If during cleaning you slipped on the wet floor and fell, then in reality you will fall in love unrequitedly.

Also, the dream book will answer the question of why you dream of washing the floors, and then seeing traces on them, which means that guests will arrive. But it will be a pleasant meeting. If the floor remains wet for a suspiciously long time, then in life you most likely sincerely crave a big and noisy company. You want to have a lot of people around you with whom you can always talk.

Washing the floors near your place portends an easy and even relaxed relationship with subordinates and colleagues. While washing the entire workspace - to quarrels and gossip. Being a volunteer for cleaning means that in real life you will have a fun and colorful holiday. If the manager forced you to get out, then on your vacation you still have to work.

  • If you suddenly dreamed that you were doing wet cleaning not in your own way, then the dream book says: be prepared for a stormy showdown with dear and close people.
  • If the house where it happened to be cleaned belongs to friends, then an unpleasant conversation will be extremely short.
  • And if the owner of the home according to the plot of the dream is a completely stranger, then it will take a long time to sort things out in reality and, moreover, to no avail.

Washing the floor in an apartment of one kind or another famous person means that you should prepare for the creation of your family. If the celebrity in your dream pays for this process, then soon you will get to know a good and positive person. But gratuitous mopping suggests that you will have to figure out how to refuse an unloved person so as not to offend him.

As the dream book says, washing floors that are stagnant or just dirty speaks of financial well-being and reward. True, if the dream is about spilling a bucket of water, then this means that you will soon spend money on not very useful things.

If in a dream there is clean and clear water, which remains so even after rinsing a dirty rag in it, then this is a sign that you will soon borrow a large amount money. If you had a dream where, according to the plot, you washed the floors everywhere, then you can not be afraid to lend any money. You are guaranteed to get them back.

It should be interpreted as a messenger of moving to another, the best place residence. Cleaning the bathroom or toilet - to fierce competition in the workplace. If, in cleaning, your assistant is, and even a stranger, then in real life you will soon easily get rid of negative emotions.

Washing the corridor at your work - to achieve tranquility and peace in the family. Tidy up and scrub the floors on your former job- to small and insignificant expenses. It won't blow your budget. Washing the floors in the boss's office is a very expensive, but also a long-awaited acquisition.

Find some jewel when washing floors - to successful implementation all plans. Spilling water accidentally during washing is a pleasant meeting. A broken mop in the process of mopping in a dream marks a repair in an apartment or house.

Whatever kind of washing we are talking about, most often a dream marks something with a “plus” sign, but not a “minus” at all, so you should seriously think about it if you dream like that. But any dream with its decoding will be correctly perceived as a harbinger and advice, but not as an inevitable given.

If you want to know why you dreamed of washing floors and what sleep means to clean up, it is recommended that you read this article, which describes everything famous interpretations such a dream.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's house, in your own, at the entrance, in your parent's house, store

If you have to wash the floors not in your house, we are talking that you will have the opportunity to help someone at work or in the family. Sometimes a dream to the death of a little-known person. If washing takes place in your own home, it means that you will have changes in your life, and for the better.

Mopping the floors at the entrance indicates the availability of opportunities to improve living conditions, including the promise of moving to a new place, for example, to rented apartment. As for the parents' house, in this situation it is worth preparing for a possible misfortune in the family. In the case of the store, we are talking about the presence of additional chores around the house.

In a dream, wash the floors in someone else's apartment, at my grandmother's, in a church, in a hospital, at school

In a strange house, washing floors in a dream suggests that your actions will cause a change in the lives of those who trust you or consider you an example to follow. In case of dead grandmother It's about what's inside your family worth the wait conflict situations, the resolution of which is entirely your concern.

If you dream of washing floors in a church, then it's time to be wary, because soon there will be a lot of troubles and dangerous life moments. Why dream of washing floors in a hospital or a large room? In such a situation, you need to prepare yourself for a series of failures in your personal life and at work.

In the case of school, the point is that it is possible to achieve success both at work and in educational process. Such a dream is positive and does not promise failure.

Wash floors in a dream with dirty (clean) water, what is it for

If the water is not polluted, you should prepare for good news. In the case when the washed floor is dirty, like water, then condemnation from the outside awaits you. A man will have such a dream for the appearance of envious people.

Why dream of washing floors in a dream in the kitchen, street, cemetery, work

If you dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen, then you have to wait for a new relationship with the opposite sex. If there are already any, you can count on strengthening mutual feelings.

If washing is on the street, then a dream can mean grief or numerous experiences. Your friends or relatives may have unpleasant situations in which you will be presented with a chance to help solve the problem. If you dreamed of a cemetery and mopping on it, then life begins light streak and don't expect to fail.

Washing the floor at work suggests that you are fed up with it and this is a good reason to find another job.

In a dream, wash the floors with foam, at home, at the mother-in-law

If foam or soapy water is used, soap bubbles in a dream, then joyful moments will not last long, and what was previously planned will not be destined to be completed.

To wash the floors in your home, what is it for? In such a situation, they talk about family well-being and improved health. Helping the mother-in-law always brings new troubles, both on the love front and in the workplace.

In a dream, wash the floors with a mop, with your hands, around the bed, in the bath

The use of a mop in a dream indicates that it is worth agreeing to the offer that was or will be made by a stranger. Washing the floor in a dream with your hands will symbolize the desire to whiten your reputation, including guaranteeing the elimination of any problems that have appeared in Lately. Cleaning under the bed or around it is a trip or a business trip, and seeing a bath is a desire to improve your reputation and become a new person.

Sleep to wash the floors of a pregnant woman

In this case, expect childbirth in the coming days.

To dream of washing dirty floors in an old house

Washing such a floor indicates future troubles or that you will get sick. old house in a dream, this is a change of place of permanent residence.

In a dream, mom washes the floors, husband, deceased (deceased)

If the mother washes the floor in a dream, then you will have problems with personal communication, and the husband will indicate the presence of envious people and ongoing slander. In the case of the dead who washes the floor, you can count on the restoration of trust from the one who is disappointed in you.

Wash floors in a dream Islamic dream book

Laundry and washing will talk about getting rid of many problems, burdens and misfortunes.

Wash floors in a dream Miller's dream book

You should beware of envious people who can interfere with career advancement or seek to ruin your reputation.

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