The healing power of mud. Mudras are yoga for the fingers. Why are protective mudras needed?

According to Ayurveda, there is an inextricable connection between the physical and energetic structure of a person. It is not enough to take care of the material, physical shell; you need to pay the same, or even more, attention to the energy balance. One of the most powerful methods of influencing human energy channels is mudras. Energy mudra helps fight the depletion of a person’s energy potential. There is a whole “class” of mudras that nourish a person with energy, and we’ll talk about them in this article.

Shiva Linga - mudra of youth

With age, the energy in the human body becomes less and it is rapidly consumed. The body requires constant replenishment of energy so that vital processes are not disrupted. A mudra that can resist rapid aging and exhaustion of the body is “Shiva Linga”. Regular practice of this mudra helps slow down the aging process and can even stimulate the regeneration of tissues and organs, thus achieving a rejuvenating effect.

Also, this strongest mudra has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system; Shiva Linga cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels. Good blood circulation to the brain improves memory, calms the nerves and affects overall well-being. Indications for folding Shiva Linga are depression, stress, loss of strength. Shiva Linga mudra copes well with fatigue and feelings of dissatisfaction. It is imperative to use the capabilities of the Shiva Linga mudra to speed up recovery processes after suffering injuries or illnesses.

How to fold Shiva Linga mudra? The mudra is performed with both hands. The right hand is clenched into a fist, thumb raised up. You need to place your right hand on the open palm of your left hand. If the Shiva Linga mudra is “taken”, you will feel the blood pulsating in your body, how the body is filled with energy and warmth. To achieve the desired effect, you should fold the Shiva Linga twice a day for at least 5 minutes.

Chin mudra - mudra of consciousness

Another powerful mudra that is recommended to be performed by everyone without exception is chin mudra. The mudra is folded with two fingers - the index finger and the thumb. Chin mudra is very similar to jnana mudra; even experts in this field cannot accurately name the differences between them and their effect. By and large, the name of the mudra does not matter; the main thing is the end result. Both mudras are used to put thoughts in order, to concentrate on the main thing, discarding the unimportant.
The energy of chin mudra helps to cope with sleep disorders; it is used both for insomnia and to combat drowsiness. Depression is another indication for folding chin mudra.

The color of this mudra is considered to be white - pure and light. When folding the mudra, try to imagine White light, which your body emits. The mudra is a ring - a closed circle formed by two fingers. This symbol denotes endless energy, the close relationship between the earthly, human and divine, cosmic. Such a powerful flow of energy causes a rush vitality almost instantly, a few seconds after folding the mudra.

Apan Mudra – balancing energy

If energy is in full swing, but cannot get into the right direction and is wasted in vain, it is recommended to put together a special mudra called “Energy”. Regular practice of mudra has a balancing effect, brings harmony and helps achieve energy balance. Folding this mudra develops patience - an irreplaceable quality. IN physiologically“Energy” helps cleanse the body, helps with the removal of waste and toxins, and fights poisoning. The organ that feels the influence of Apan mudra more than others is the liver. The liver is a natural filter through which all unnecessary substances are removed from the blood.

The psychological influence of mudra helps to concentrate on a visual image, makes it possible to determine desires and highlight priorities. When planning your future, in any of its manifestations, use Apan Mudra.
You need to fold this mudra with three fingers: ring, middle and thumb. You should spend about 15 minutes three times a day performing the mudra to feel its effect.

Shield of Shambhala – protection from negativity

Energy brings more than just benefits to the human body. Powerful flow negative energy from the outside can cause a sharp deterioration in well-being, exacerbation of chronic diseases, feelings of anxiety and fear. Fortunately, almighty mudras are able to protect us from the negative effects of alien energy. One of the most important protective mudras is the “Shield of Shambhala”, we have already written about it in the article

Regular performance of mudra not only fights against external unwanted influences, but also develops the body's defenses, increases the level of one's own energy, and activates the Manipura chakra, which is responsible for self-confidence. In terms of physical health, the Shambhala Shield increases immunity, activates the liver and large intestine, and stimulates the functioning of the glands. On emotional level The Shambhala Shield increases self-esteem, fights indecision, fear and shyness.

This mudra should be performed as follows: a tightly clenched fist of the other is pressed against the straightened palm of one hand. It should be clarified that there is a difference in the technique of performing mudra for women and men. The left hand is clenched into a fist if the mudra is performed by a man, the right hand - if it is a woman.

Ksepana mudra - mudra of liberation

Often negative energy accumulates in the body and has a negative effect on the physical and psychological condition. It is vital to combat such energy. One of the effective methods of getting rid of negativity is mudras, especially Ksepana mudra. By performing it, a person clears his mind of evil thoughts.

If we consider the effect of performing mudra in physiological terms, then getting rid of negativity (waste, toxins, viruses and bacteria) occurs with the help of the human excretory system. Mudra activates the functioning of the kidneys, genitourinary system, skin, sebaceous and sweat glands. The effect of Xepan mudra is especially noticeable in the treatment of influenza and ARVI. If we consider illness as the result of an excess of negativity, then mudra helps to balance energies. The result is obvious - with profuse sweating after folding the mudra, noticeable relief occurs.

In order to take the mudra correctly, you should cross your bent fingers together, leaving only your index fingers straight. This mudra is performed for a limited amount of time, literally a few breaths, to prevent the “pouring out” of positive energy.

People are ready to spend a huge amount of money and time on maintaining their health, completely forgetting that effective proven methods have long existed. One of the most effective methods of maintaining health, energy balance and harmony in the human body are mudras.

Sacred gestures

Sacred mudras are a multifaceted concept. Most often, the word mudra refers to special yoga for the fingers: complex specific gestures, sacred positions of the hands, or combinations of fingers. However, mudras are not only a ritual special language of gestures through fingers. Mudras are also called special body postures, eye positions, and certain breathing techniques. The word “Mudra” itself is translated as “sign”, “seal” (in Sanskrit).

All mudras are expressed in outside world various processes or states of consciousness. Therefore, using such gestures or hand positions, a person can consciously evoke in himself the states of his consciousness that they represent. Thus, healing mudras are aimed at improving the condition of the diseased organ that they are intended to symbolize.

Each specific mudra always corresponds to a specific part of the brain (or soul), through which it affects the spirit and body. Therefore, mudras always affect the person who practices them at all levels: spiritual, physical and energetic.

Conscious use of mudras can help:

  • amazing changes and improvements in life;
  • generating huge amounts of energy;
  • instant relief from many ailments and diseases (ranging from a simple earache to a serious heart attack).
  • formation of the intellectual, physical and spiritual aspects of the human personality.
  • very quickly ensuring the balance of all elements of the body.
  • a complete review of various destructive changes in the body of a particular person.
  • true godliness, as well as the development of positive character traits.
  • awakening the Kundalini energy.

Yoga states that the flow of energy when using healing gestures is normalized not only in human body, but also in his surroundings. Therefore, mudras can heal even at some distance from the patient, simply by performing them next to those who need your help.

Yoga uses not only asanas and bandhas, but also a set of 25 mudras, which include special positions of the body and eyes. Particular importance is attached to finger gestures in Kundalini yoga; here they are used to enhance the effectiveness of special poses.

How to practice

You can very effectively influence your body with different interlaces and crossings of your fingers. How can this be done correctly?

Each of the mudras has its own, clearly defined combination of fingers. First of all, you need to carefully study the location of the fingers or hands in the photo or illustration, and only after that you can begin to reproduce the gesture. The pressure on your hands should be gentle and light, and your hands should be completely relaxed. If the reproduction of a gesture is very difficult, then this does not indicate its complexity, but existing problem in the area of ​​the body or organ corresponding to this gesture.

You can start by learning the position of one hand, then the other, and then combine the gestures of the two hands together. Don't force yourself to do yoga designed for your fingers. If you are not good at something, or your hands are very tired, temporarily stop this activity. With practice, your hands will become much more mobile, and then you can easily perform such finger exercises simultaneously with both hands. However, remember that you need to fold your fingers very carefully and carefully, since all mudras are not only healing, but also sacred gestures.

Healing mudras can be used standing, lying, sitting, even while walking. In this case, the body must be well centered, symmetrical and relaxed, since any imbalance in it prevents the flow of healing energy through the body and greatly weakens the direct impact of the mudras.

Healing mudras work most effectively if they are used in conjunction with meditation. Although it is traditionally recommended for them to use the now traditional Lotus pose, it is not at all necessary for a Westerner to sit in this position. It is only important to carefully ensure that your hands are on your hips, your knees are apart, your spine is straight and level, and your body is well relaxed and calm.

It is also necessary to take into account the requirements for proper breathing. While doing finger yoga, you can think about anything, but it’s still better to focus on your breathing. Light meditative music is a good helper, so take advantage of it. Affirmations and visualizations are excellent support.

Where and when to practice?

You can do finger yoga anywhere, at any time, but it is better to do it facing the east, in a calm, unhurried environment. But you need to learn gestures only in a relaxed and balanced state. Sacred gestures require turning inward rather than outward, and also treating oneself with respect.

The time of studying or playing mudras is a time of internal immersion, regardless of whether it is just ten minutes or several hours. A wonderful time for finger yoga is before or immediately after bedtime, during a leisurely walk or relaxation.

When starting to practice mudras, a person must be convinced that such healing gestures will bring him significant relief. It is important that the practitioner’s hands must be without any jewelry: no rings, no bracelets.

You need to start studying sacred gestures with the most necessary mudras, gradually adding new signs. The effect of healing signs can appear either immediately or delayed. Improvement in the condition of chronic patients may take a couple of weeks or months to appear.

Gyan is considered the basic mudra, one way or another included in the construction of almost all other mudras. Gyan is performed by simply connecting the pads of the thumb and index finger. Its main purpose is to increase the overall energy potential of a person. And besides this, Gyan perfectly improves blood circulation and enhances all metabolic processes in the body.

It is better to learn finger yoga for 45 minutes every day. If the practice of mudras is combined with meditation, then it lasts as long as meditation. You can practice sacred sign language for any amount of time, the main thing is that it brings you pleasure.

If yoga for your fingers is used to eliminate diseases or problems, it is better to do it daily for 15-20 minutes, at the same time three to four times.

Healing gestures that everyone should know

Apana Vayu

Everyone really needs to know the great mudra, since the use of this gesture helps to instantly save health or human life.

Alternative title: Life Savior, Guardian, First Aid.

Why: do it if you suspect a myocardial infarction, or if you have any unpleasant sensations in the heart. Apana regulates rapid heartbeat, removes unpleasant sensations caused by melancholy, anxiety or fear. It even treats chronic heart diseases. Relief for the heart occurs instantly, and the effect of Apana is similar to taking nitroglycerin. Apana is also used to prevent heart diseases.

How to do it: use both hands. Each bent index finger touches the base of the thumb with its end. The pads of the middle, ring and thumb on each hand should be joined together, and the little fingers pointed to the sides.

Duration of use: in the event of an acute attack, we perform it until noticeable relief occurs; if, as a long-term treatment to strengthen the heart, we perform it several times daily, for 20 minutes.

Dragon Temple

The Eastern Dragon is the personification of animal flexibility, strength, true wisdom, power, and longevity. The temple is a symbol of true holiness, intelligence, strict discipline, thought. The Dragon Temple represents the unity of our ideas, nature, and the Cosmos. Performing this sacred gesture directs a person’s actions and thoughts along the path of knowledge and worship of the Higher Mind, to good deeds. The Temple of the Dragon helps people achieve true nobility and feel their unity with the Universe.

Alternative name: Mudra of heart disease, Tuxe.

Indicated: for ischemia, arrhythmia, discomfort in the heart. It calms well and helps concentrate thoughts and energy.

Execution: bend the middle fingers, pressing them tightly to the palms. The remaining straightened fingers are connected in pairs. Pairs of index and ring fingers are connected at the tips above the middle ones, indicating the roof of the “Temple”.

The thumbs represent the head of our Dragon, and the little fingers on both hands represent the dragon's tail.

Important: thumbs and little fingers spread far apart.

The most famous image of Buddhism is the image of Buddha Shakya Muni, who has already known Nirvana. In the images that have come down to us, he is presented on a high throne made of diamonds in an original cone-shaped cap. It is this image that the Shakya Muni Cap personifies.

Alternative name: mudra that helps with headaches.

Indications: recommended for people who are depressed or have other mental problems. Exercising also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Excellent for helping to get rid of any localized pain, such as severe headaches or toothaches.

How to do it: done with both hands together. Index and ring fingers pressed to the palm right hand connect with the same ones on the left hand. The straightened little fingers and middle fingers are connected to each other. Both large ones touch on their sides.

Important: Shakya Muni is performed in a sitting position, facing east. Hands should be held freely and relaxed.

Alternative name: bronchial, breathing mudra.

What it is needed for: any breathing problems.

How to do it: done with two hands. The index finger is straight. The middle finger touches the top of the thumb, the ring finger rests on the top joint of the thumb. The little finger is located at the base of the thumb. We line up the fingers of the second hand in the same way.

Important: for acute asthmatic attacks, this mudra is performed with Asthma mudra.

Mudra Asthma

Alternative name: mudra for the treatment of asthma.

Why: treats asthma and other respiratory diseases. Relieves the nagging feeling of loneliness and isolation. Treats various sexual problems and grief.

How to do it: bend your middle fingers, pressing their nail plates, and spread all the other fingers. It is done on both hands.

Important: during an acute asthmatic attack, this exercise is done for five minutes, then bronchial mudra is performed until breathing returns to normal.


Alternative name: lifting, vertical.

For what: at low temperatures, problems of the upper respiratory tract. Gives resistance to colds and pulmonary infections. In addition, Linga stimulates the immune system, generates heat, and removes mucus from the lungs. This mudra is also effective as a way to lose weight.

How to do it: first we connect our fingers into a lock. The thumb of one hand rises vertically, surrounded by the index and thumb of the other hand.

Important: Linga generates heat, so it causes a feeling of sluggishness. When mudra is used for weight loss, a person should eat only cold food and drink at least two liters of liquid daily.


Alternative name: Sink.

Why: problems of the larynx and the entire throat, hoarseness of the ligaments. With regular practice of Shankh, the voice improves, so it is very useful for everyone who needs it.

How to do it: The sink is done with both hands. The four fingers of the right hand tightly clasp the thumb on the left hand. The right thumb touches the pad of the left middle finger. With the three remaining fingers of the left hand, we relax the fingers on the right hand.

Important: you must face the east side.


Alternative name: Needle, Intestinal mudra.

What it is needed for: chronic intestinal constipation.

How to do it: hold clenched fists in front of you. While inhaling for a long time, move your right hand to the right and slightly upward, extending your index finger. The head is turned in the same direction. The left hand remains fixed. We remain in this position, take 6 breaths, then return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times in each direction.

Important: in case of severe constipation, do the exercise daily, four approaches during the day. For minor constipation, it should be done 6-12 such breaths in the morning.


Alternative name: Beak-Hand.

Why is it needed: a simple healing mudra, one of the “first aid” mudras, very effective method relieving acute pain. It is used for various diseases of the lungs, stomach, liver, and spleen. Mukula is effective for the kidneys, intestines, urinary and gall bladder.

How to do it: performed with one or two hands. We collect the brush into a pinch (to resemble a beak), then apply it to the sore spot. The pain will go away in just a few minutes. It would be good to support this action with a thought - imagine how energy flows from the hand to the diseased organ.

Important: when performing this mudra, place it over the internal organ that is painful or tense. This way you can direct a concentrated energy flow to this place.

Finger yoga for body, soul and mind


Alternative name: Wind Gesture.

For what: the specific purpose of Vayu is the instant elimination of gases in the stomach and intestines. Vayu mudra is effective for radiculitis, gout, and also in the treatment of Wind diseases.

How to do it: actively press with your thumbs on your index fingers. The remaining three fingers are straight and relaxed.

Important: the exercise should be done three times for a quarter of an hour for chronic flatulence.


Alternative name: Gesture of Heaven.

What is it for: helps with a variety of ear diseases, significantly improves hearing. Shunya relieves dizziness and nausea.

How to do it: lightly press with your thumbs on your middle fingers, pressed against your palms. The remaining fingers on the two hands are simply straightened.

Important: Shunya is performed three times a day.


Alternative name: Root, mudra of the Earth.

Why: stimulation of the stomach or liver. Prithvi activates muladhara when necessary, preventing energy deficiency.

How to do it: done on both hands at the same time. The thumb presses lightly on the top of the ring finger. The remaining three fingers are simply straightened.

Important: Prithvi is the ideal tool for preventing energy loss.


Alternative name: Gesture of Water.

What is it for: specifically for removing excess mucus.

How this can be done: the thumb of the right hand presses the little finger, which touches the base of the thumb. The palm of the left hand clasps the right from below, and its thumb is placed on the thumb of the right hand.

Important: the exercise removes the general energy block.


Alternative name: Liquid gesture.

Why: maintains fluid balance, therefore most useful for Bladder, for dry eye syndrome, for the kidneys.

How to do it: done with two hands. The tips of the thumb and little finger touch, the rest are straight.

Important: if it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid in the body, Bhudi is performed on the waning moon. When it is necessary to retain more fluid in the body, Bhudi is practiced on the growing Moon.


Alternative name: Cow.

Why: successfully works with inflammation of joints of various kinds, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis.

How to do it: the left little finger connects to the right ring finger, the right little finger touches the ring finger of the left hand, the middle finger of the right hand touches the index finger of the left hand, and the middle left finger touches the right index finger. The two thumbs are spread wide apart, like the horns of a cow.

Important: this exercise should be combined with a light diet and only positive thoughts.

Alternative name: dorsal.

What is it for: relieves back pain.

How to do it: three fingers of the right hand (thumb, middle, little finger) touch, index and ring are straight. The thumb of the left hand should be placed on the index nail.

Important: since back pain often appears as a result of stress, the exercise relieves nervous tension.

Mudra for joints

Alternative name: Marman mudra.

When to use it: narrow-profile mudra that balances the energy of the joints.

How to perform: Right hand - thumb and ring finger connected. On the left hand we connect the middle finger with the thumb.

Important: for chronic joint pain, do the exercise four times a day for a quarter of an hour.


Another name: mudra of flowing out, liberation from everything unnecessary.

Indications: Stimulates the elimination of body waste through the colon, skin (sweat) and lungs (through breathing). Helps to release any tension, get rid of negative energy, obsessive states.

How to do it: fingers intertwined in a lock, then straighten the index fingers, connecting them only with pads, thumbs crossed. The hands need to be relaxed. If this exercise for the fingers is done while sitting, then the index fingers point to the ground, but if in a lying position, then to the feet.

When performing Xepana, you first need to take 15 breaths. Then the hands, palms up, are placed on the hips.

Important: Xepana cannot be performed for a very long time, since the output of pure energy will begin.


Alternative name: Fist-Mudra.

Indications: effectively activates the full functioning of the liver and stomach, and also helps treat constipation. It has proven itself well for working through grievances. But in martial arts, Mushti is used to fight enemies (Vajra-Mushti technique - lightning fist).

How to do it: done on both hands. All fingers are clenched into a fist, the thumb is placed above the ring finger.

Important: works most effectively together with Suchi. If you overeat, use Mushti after eating, but then you should not drink anything for half an hour.


Alternative name: gesture of Dignity and Harmony.

Why it is needed: harmonizing mudra, very relaxing. Matangi has a calming effect on the excited heart, liver and stomach. Treats kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas. Instantly activates breathing, but any internal tension goes away.

How to do it: hands are clasped with palms near the solar plexus, and all fingers are intertwined. Straighten the middle fingers, connecting them. Attention is focused only on breathing.

Important: Matangi can help with minor pain and also relieves various spasms.

Vajra Arrow

Other names: flaming lightning gesture, Vajra.

What is it used for: for cardiovascular pathologies, for hypertension, to stimulate blood circulation and blood supply. It effectively lowers blood pressure. Vajra relieves general weakness and dizziness.

How to perform: fingers of both hands in a lock. The pressed index fingers and thumbs are straightened.

Important: after performing the Vajra, massaging the bridge of the nose, the forehead in the middle, the back of the head, and the neck with the middle finger will give an additional effect.


Alternative name: detoxification gesture.

What it is for: Helps detoxify the body.

How to do it: with your thumb we touch the side surface of the ring finger just above the palmar fold. The remaining fingers are extended. We do it with both hands.

Important: the exercise can be done as often as you want. The body will only be grateful to you for this.

Maha Sakaralna

Another name: mudra of the large pelvis.

Indications: Maha relieves diseases of the lower abdomen, has a positive effect on the sexual and excretory spheres. Mudra relieves menstrual pain and also provides effective assistance for diseases of the prostate and bladder.

How to perform: The sacred gesture is usually divided into 2 stages. First, the pads of the ring fingers are connected, and the thumbs and little fingers of the two hands are connected at one point. After 10 breathing cycles, the design is transformed: we connect rings from the ring and thumbs, and the little fingers simply rest on each other.

Other name: Immunity gesture.

Why is it needed: impaired metabolism, reduced immunity, restoration of strength.

What to do: the ring and middle fingers on the left hand, with palm surfaces facing towards them, are placed on similar fingers of the right hand perpendicular to them. The left little finger lies on the base of the ring and middle fingers of the right hand on the outside, and on top it is pressed with the other little finger. The right index finger is held between the index and thumb of the left hand.

Important: keep your hands at stomach level. The Three Columns of the Cosmos are practiced facing the east.

Other name: 9 Jewels.

Why it is needed: helps active digestion, completely eliminates stagnation.

How to do it: the fingers of the left hand (except the thumb) clasp the fingers of the right hand from below. The two thumbs extend outward to form the handles of this bowl.

Important: 9 jewels that make up a person’s mind, his body and consciousness, as well as the world around him, symbolize spiritual wealth. A full cup means prosperity and prosperity.

Anyone can master the art of ancient gestures, incl. and children. The child easily learns this activity, since folding his fingers into fancy figures is a real game for him, which he always plays with pleasure. Teach your child at least the most basic mudras, and then in any difficult situation he will always be able to help himself.

Mudra is a ritual sign language known since ancient times. Gestures contain the energy of Buddha, the Indian poet Shankara and many other spiritual teachers of the East. With continuous practice, you will notice positive effects within 5-7 days. At acute pain improvement will come faster: in 2–3 days. Some gestures contain hidden power that acts instantly.

In this article

Operating principle

Mudra is a combination of fingers that directs the flow of energy in the human body. Performing mudras leads to:

  • improving mood;
  • healing from illnesses;
  • relief from pain;
  • personality formation;
  • developing confidence;
  • awakening the divine energy of kundalini.

Healers of the Ancient East practiced mudras in conjunction with mantras. Remember that in addition to gestures, the rules of execution and focus on the process are important. Many diseases are easy to get rid of if you allow the body to renew itself.

Used for apathy, melancholy, loss of strength.

How to do:

  1. Hands up.
  2. Bring your palms together.
  3. Close your fingertips.
  4. Point your little fingers up.

This is a strong mudra. 7 years ago, “The Staircase of the Heavenly Temple” helped me recover from melancholy and look at the world in a new way. Try it and you will succeed.

A few words about technology:

Activates the energy reserves of the subtle body. Used for lack of appetite, thinness, apathy.


  1. Raise your palms.
  2. Clasp your hands.
  3. Close your wrists.

Use “Sea Scallop” to stimulate appetite after illness and severe fatigue:

In Asia, the dragon is a symbol of struggle. Immortality and the acquisition of treasures through mystical rebirth are associated with the dragon. Indications for use: stress, breakdown, recovery after severe shocks.


  1. Bend your thumbs.
  2. Straighten your index fingers.
  3. The rest - press down.

The Dragon's Tooth mudra clears the mind of confused thoughts and helps to find peace of mind.

More information about "Dragon's Tooth":

By performing the “Turtle”, you will close the energy flows of your hands into a ring. You will stop wasting energy aimlessly and saturate your body with energy. Mudra will save you from cardiovascular diseases, overwork, and impotence.

How to do it:

  1. Interlace your fingers.
  2. Fold the larger ones together and point them forward.
  3. If the mudra is performed correctly, the result will be a figure that resembles a turtle shell.

The energy that accumulates under a turtle's shell has healing properties. By performing mudra, you will speed up the self-renewal of the body: prevent the onset of diseases and feel cheerful.

For the power of the “Turtle” to manifest itself, do not strain your arms and wrists:

Indications for use: pneumonia, sore throat, colds. The mudra soothes and cures headaches.


  1. Place your middle finger on your index finger.
  2. Put your palms together.
  3. Cross your ring and little fingers.
  4. Large ones - press down.

The Dragon Head mudra is not easy to perform, but after a few attempts you will succeed. Watch the video for a detailed description of the technique of performing the gesture:

Another mudra is called “Nine Jewels”. We are talking about spiritual riches that fill the human body like water in a cup. Recommended for bile stagnation, swelling, stomach problems, headaches.

How to do it:

  1. Raise your open arms to your chest.
  2. Place your palms together.
  3. Point your thumbs out to the sides.

When doing this, think about how the bowl in your hands is filled with the energy of the Cosmos.

Buddha has thousands of incarnations. Among them is Shakyamuni, who lived about 2,500 years ago and founded Buddhism, a world religion. Indications for use: brain pathology, anxiety states, attacks of fear.

Performance :

  1. Raise your hands to eye level.
  2. Bend and connect your ring and index fingers.
  3. Connect the middle finger to the little finger.
  4. Place the larger ones together.

Practice the Shakyamuni Cap mudra together with the Chandman Bowl if you are bothered by migraine attacks.

For more information about this combination, watch the video:

Vajra is an attribute of Indra, the Indian god of thunder, “diamond lightning” translated from Sanskrit. Spiritually it is concentrated mental strength. Recommendations for use: high blood pressure, vascular diseases, circulatory disorders.

How to do:

  1. Lock your fingers.
  2. Straighten your index fingers.
  3. Press the larger ones into your palms.

When performing, do not forget about breathing. Breathe slowly and calmly, imagining your body being enveloped in healing white energy.

A mudra that makes a person invulnerable to the forces of evil and destruction. Activates hidden energy reserves in the body, helps to recover. “Shield of Shambhala” is a protective mudra from the negative influence of other people’s energy. Recommended during recovery from injuries and fractures.


  1. Raise your arms to chest level.
  2. Straighten your palm.
  3. Make a fist and press it into your palm.

More information about the “Shield of Shambhala” and protection from negative influences:

The lotus represents spirituality. The petals of the flower do not touch the ground and are not moistened by water. The lotus blooms in the air and feeds on the energy of the sun. The lotus is a manifestation of the mother goddess, who controls the elements. It is recommended to use for the treatment of female diseases, as well as genitourinary organs.

How to do it:

  1. Connect your fingertips.
  2. Interlace your ring and little fingers.
  3. Relax your hands.

Perform mudra daily as a preventive measure against diseases and inflammation.

Another version of the mudra:

The coming Buddha is usually called Maitreya. With the coming of Maitreya there will come new era in the history of mankind: the era of love and kindness. The flute is the instrument with which the coming Buddha will announce the victory of good over evil. Recommended for problems with the throat, speech and thyroid gland. Has a beneficial effect on the Vishuddha chakra.

  1. Place your thumbs together.
  2. Place your index finger on your knuckles.
  3. Make a castle.
  4. Cover the fingers of the same name with the middle finger and little finger of your right hand.
  5. Interlock your little fingers.

To enhance the effect, practice at dawn with a lit purple candle.

More about technology and symbolism:

Indications for use: diseases of the bronchi, heart, weakness of the chest muscles. At the chakra level, it normalizes the functioning of the heart chakra - Anahata.

Correct technique:

  1. Raise your hand with your palm facing out.
  2. Bend your fingers.
  3. Clasp your hands.
  4. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides.
  5. As you exhale, relax.
  6. Repeat 10 times for each hand.

Ganesha mudra is a powerful tool for giving strength. To enhance the effect, use red paraphernalia: mandala, carpet, candles.

More details about the technique:

One of the popular healing mudras that normalizes blood pressure and improves well-being. Recommended for disorders of nervous regulation and hypertension.

Execution order:

  1. Place your palms together.
  2. Cross your fingers.
  3. Straighten one index finger, press the other one to the palm.
  4. Hide your thumb under your index finger.

Mudras fire element normalize heart function. One of them is the “Dragon Temple”, a symbol of the unity of mind and the fire element. Recommendations for use: arrhythmia, heart pain, tachycardia.

How to perform “Dragon Temple” correctly:

  1. Raise your arms to your chest.
  2. Place your palms together.
  3. Bend your middle fingers inward.
  4. Connect the pads of your index and ring fingers.

The index and ring fingers symbolize the roof of the temple, the thumbs symbolize the head of the beast, and the little fingers symbolize the tail. To achieve greater effect, use green things in your practice.


  1. Cross your arms at the wrists.
  2. On each hand, connect the thumb and middle finger.
  3. Cross your index finger and little fingers.
  4. Keep your ring fingers loose.

Try not to strain your arms and monitor your breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Execution order:

  1. Connect your thumb and ring finger.
  2. Connect your thumb and middle finger.
  3. Place one little finger on top of the other.
  4. Connect your middle and ring fingers.
  5. Straighten your index fingers.

In addition to tracheitis, it is used for asthma, nausea and overeating.


  1. Hands up.
  2. Connect your thumb and index finger.
  3. Press your middle finger to the base of your thumb.
  4. Press your right thumb to your middle finger.
  5. Connect your ring fingers.
  6. Connect your little fingers.

In addition to treating chronic diseases, mudra weakens spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Remember to practice daily and combine spiritual practice with traditional medicine.

More about spiritual practice:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom. Mudras for health, vitality and inner peace.

Vayu-Mudra (Vayu-Mudra)

Mudra of the Wind.

Vayu Mudra cleanses the blood, relieves arthritic pain, treats joints, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, works well against radiculitis, rheumatism, knee pain, trembling of the hands, neck, and head. Improves gas formation, relieves pain in the neck and back.

The purpose of this mudra is to weaken the “wind” (air) in different parts of the body. Ayurvedic medicine is based on the fact that different types The “winds” present in the body can cause numerous disorders, including gout, rheumatism, sciatica, bloating, rheumatism, trembling of the hands, neck, and head.


Both hands: Place your index finger so that its pad reaches the base of the thumb and touches it. Use your thumb to lightly hold your index finger in this position while keeping your remaining fingers straight and relaxed.

How to treat daily 3 times for 15 minutes until recovery.

With timely use of this Mudra, improvements come very quickly. For chronic diseases, additional use must be made (see No. 6). You should stop practicing Vayu Mudra immediately after recovery.

Too much “wind” of the body can occur due to internal sludge (especially in the intestines), due to a state of strong excitement, or due to a violation of the respiratory rhythm. However, excitation and disruption of the respiratory rhythm are interconnected.

For intestinal slagging, in addition to Mudra, you can use following exercise:

Get on all fours. As you inhale, lift your head by arching your back, as shown in the figure. As you exhale, lower your head, arch your back upward and at the same time strongly draw in your abdominal wall. Inhale and exhale deeply. Do 15 - 30 repetitions, depending on physical condition, diligently, but not exhausted.

Breathing and Visualization:

Imagine that you are in the center of a storm. As you exhale, you blow in the direction of the wind. Now all your internal distortions and toxins come out of you and are carried away by the wind. Gradually the storm subsides, and you also become calmer, gradually slowing down and weakening your breathing. Now you pause after inhaling and exhaling, realizing how the air subtly rushed into your lungs as you inhaled; slowly and calmly exhaled. Immerse yourself in pleasant calm and draw new strength from there.


I am free and calm everywhere and at any time.

Plants, spices:

More green tea. Additionally, use infusions necessary for your specific disease.

Shunya-Mudra (Shunya-Mudra)

Mudra of Heaven(Ether).

This is a special Mudra necessary to solve problems related to hearing and ears in general. Quickly relieves ear pain; with longer use, it cures almost all diseases associated with the ears and hearing.


Both hands: bend the middle finger so that its pad touches the base of the thumb, and press the bent middle finger with your thumb. The remaining fingers are straight but not tense.

Home psychological reason Hearing problems are a reluctance to listen to anything or anyone. This protects a person from unwanted information, noise, etc. and thereby harms himself in the long term, damaging his hearing and depriving himself of a full life. Get rid of this problem.


Normal, calm.


Listen mindfully to soft, quiet, relaxing music and allow thoughts and pictures to arise freely. Bad thoughts and don’t run away the pictures, but redo them according to at will into good, pleasant ones.


I hear and love, love and hear.

In the heavenly sound I recognize and accept the goodness of the universe.

Plants, spices:

You can apply a geranium leaf to the sore ear.

Apan Vayu-Mudra (Apan Vayu-Mudra)

Life saving mudra(first aid for heart attack).

Use at the first sign of a heart attack or heart pain. Relief occurs immediately, the effect is similar to the use of nitroglycerin. Regulates heartbeat, eliminates discomfort in the heart area caused by anxiety or melancholy. Treats heart diseases.


Both hands: Bend your index finger so that its tip touches the raised area at the base of the thumb. Hold your index finger with your thumb. At the same time, connect the ends of the middle finger and ring finger to the end of the thumb. Move your little finger to the side.

If necessary (until relief occurs) and as treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Everyone should learn how to perform this mudra, since its timely use can save your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, relatives and friends..

Mudra can be used for preventive purposes.

Heart diseases (like all others, by the way) do not appear just like that, but it is also harmful to consider them a punishment. They are a signal that it is time to change your way of thinking and attitude towards life.

Any heart problems are a sign of a condition in which a person takes everything too personally. His efforts and experiences go beyond his emotional capabilities, which prompts him to excessive physical activity. The most important message that heart disease carries is “LOVE YOURSELF!” If a person suffers from some kind of heart disease, it means that he has forgotten about his own needs and is trying his best to earn the love of others. He doesn't love himself enough.

Breathing and Visualization:

Imagine a red rosebud in your heart. Each time you exhale, one petal opens, and so on until finally the entire bud opens. The petals form a rosette, and with each inhalation the rosette will expand slightly until big flower will not lie on your chest. You can even feel the weight. As your chest rises and falls rhythmically, the flower also moves up and down. You can probably even imagine the scent of a rose.


I love, appreciate and approve of myself.

I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions.

I always have the time and desire to pay attention to beauty and enjoy peace.

Plants, spices:

Vitamins found in wheat germ and essential oils of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) have a relaxing effect on the heart. Strengthening - hawthorn (Crataegus saraguinea Pill., Grataegus oxyacantha L.)

Prati-Mudra (Prati-Mudra)

Back-Mudra, Mudra for the back.

To solve back problems. First aid for spinal overload.


Left hand: Use the pad of your thumb to touch your index fingernail. The remaining fingers are straightened without tension.

Right hand: Place the pads of the thumb, middle finger and little finger together, extend the index and ring fingers without tension.

As treatment daily 4 times for 4 minutes, if necessary until relief occurs.

Back pain can have a variety of causes. Most people have deposits and wear. Pain can also be caused by a diseased organ whose nerve pathways extend into the spine. Prolonged mental and physical work, excessive demands on oneself and others, fears, junk food, lack of sleep and lack of exercise - all these can be causes of back pain. Eliminate the causes, and Mudra for the back will help you easily eliminate the consequences.

Mudra helps to quickly unload the spine, especially in combination with body position, shown in the figure.

In this case, you need to slightly tense your chin in the direction of the arrow, which will help stretch the entire spine, from the tailbone to the base of the skull. You must remain in this position for at least 20 minutes.

Breath: Smooth, calm.


Imagine that you are in a place that you really like and has a calming effect on you. For example, on the banks of a river, sea, or in the forest. You are enjoying this place. If thoughts still do not leave you alone, begin to carefully monitor your breathing.


I know that life always supports me.

My spine is strong, I am protected, I am safe.

Plants, spices:

A warming and relaxing massage for back pain is using olive oil, St. John's wort oil or poppy oil.

Kubera-Mudra (Kubera-Mudra)

Mudra for fulfilling desires. Kubera - God of wealth

Opens and cleanses the frontal sinuses. Mudra gives inner peace, confidence and equanimity. Gives confidence in achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire. .


Both hands: Connect the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers. Place the remaining two fingers in the middle of your palm. To clear the frontal sinuses, when inhaling, inhale the air strongly, as if you want to smell the aroma of a flower.

If necessary (for prevention or for pain) and as treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Mudra can be used to speed up the fulfillment of various desires under various circumstances of life, from finding a parking space to..., to the most grandiose. In general, Mudra will help if we're talking about about goals that they want to achieve or desires that should be fulfilled; health is no exception.

The strength of the Mudra's influence depends on the intensity. The important thing is not how long it is practiced, but with what intensity. Purposefully using this Mudra in everyday life is truly a pleasure.

The practice is simple: You formulate mentally, absolutely clearly and clearly, without denial, your desire or your goal, ask your heart whether the fulfillment of this will be good for you, for other people and for the world around you. If so, you put 3 fingers against each other, express your desire loudly 3 times, pressing each time on your fingers. Ready!

If we are talking about parking or new clothes, or similar little things, then the mental preparatory work (visualization) is not so important, but otherwise it is necessary. The following visualization meditation should be done daily 1 - 2 times for several days or even weeks in a row.


Normal, calm.


Draw to yourself mentally your goal, your future or your special desire, color these pictures in all colors. Develop a feeling at the same time as if it were already reality. Thought is a witnessing force, father; feeling is the determining force, mother. The target is the child. She needs care, nutrition and patience. As with plants, which, after planting the seeds, need a lot of care for a long time until they reach full prosperity - also with goals and desires. We must put a part of ourselves into them.


I give my best and get what I need in return.

Kundalini-Mudra (Kundalini-Mudra)

Mudra awakens (activates) sexual energy. Helps improve the health of the genital and reproductive organs.

Good sex is essential to personal well-being. Orgasm with a regular partner is a blissful earthly act, but it can take us to the spiritual. Kundalini Mudra is associated with sexual power that needs to be awakened. It's about uniting the masculine and feminine, earth and sky. Several Yoga schools, and even martial arts recognized the enormous power of the source of human sexual energy - Kundalini. This is a vessel of rebirth and creation.


Lightly clench both hands: into fists, extend the index finger of your left hand up and insert it from below into the right fist, touch the pad of the thumb of your right hand to the end of the index finger of your left hand. Keep the Mudra as low as possible against the stomach.

If necessary, up to desired result, for prevention or as treatment daily 3 times for 5 minutes.

You need to know that the condition of the genital organs greatly affects the emotional state of a person, so it is very important that these organs are healthy. You also need to know that the desire for sex changes throughout life. If there is no sexual desire, but otherwise everything is fine, this is normal and not at all a reason to panic.


Normal, calm.


Just as sexuality is a wonderful thing, it gives joy and awakens vitality, then contemplation of blooming nature can also contribute to the awakening of vitality. Imagine yourself wandering through untouched civilization beautiful places. You admire flowering meadows, rushing streams, fragrant forests, and mountain gorges. All this is an environment for life, all this supports and gives life. Enjoy these inner pictures.


I love beauty, and beauty loves me.

Plants, spices:

Common cuff (Alchemilla xanthochlora) is used as a prophylaxis against many female diseases, and for menstruation accompanied by cramps, use Cinquefoil (Potentilla anserina L.).

Ksepana-Mudra (Kshepana-Mudra)

Mudra of liberation. Gesture of pouring out ambrosia*.

This Mudra stimulates colon emptying, sweating and cleanses the breath (as you exhale). Frees the body from spent (spoiled) energy.


Place your hands with your palms facing each other. Interlace all fingers except the index fingers. Extend your index fingers with their tips connected. The tip of the upper thumb in this position is in the hole between the thumb and index finger of the other hand. There is a small space between the palms. The index fingers are pointed down towards the ground (towards the “filled vessel”). If the Mudra is practiced lying down, then the bottom will be in the direction of the legs. After finishing, both hands completely relax and fall along the hips.

Performed, if necessary, for 7 to 15 breathing cycles, counting and concentrating on exhalation.

This Mudra cannot be performed longer, since after a few breaths it begins to remove pure energy from the body.

Man being surrounded large quantity other people, often perceives too much negative energy, especially if his own energy level is too low. Kshepana Mudra helps to release spent or negative energy and then ensures the acceptance of new, fresh and positive energy. Mudra helps to release any kind of tension.


The first 3 breaths are deep, the rest are normal, calm, but with concentration on the exhalation.


Visualize the following picture: You are sitting on a stone protruding from a stream in the middle of a stream and practicing Mudra. While you exhale, sweat “springs out” from every pore of your skin in such quantities that it simply flows off you into the stream. At the end you wash yourself, cooling yourself with water from the stream. When you place your hands on your hips, imagine yourself drying in the sun. After this, you will be open to fresh energy again.


Everything that is used up in body, spirit and soul comes out of me and disappears, and I accept everything that refreshes me with gratitude.

Plants, spices:

Linden tea or elderberry tea after a warm bath or sauna will relieve tension. Inhalations are also cleansing procedures, especially for colds.

Prithivi-Mudra (Prithvi-Mudra)

Mudra of the Earth. According to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to certain diseases.

This Mudra is necessary when the psychophysical state of the body deteriorates, when it is necessary to counteract mental weakness, hysterics, breakdowns, stress, physical weakness, as a consequence of all this and also to protect against negative, external, energetic influences.


Both hands: Apply light pressure to the top of your thumb and ring finger. The other fingers are extended without tension.

Do it if necessary or as a treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Earth mudra stimulates the root chakra*, thereby replenishing energy lost during nervous stress. This finger position enhances the sense of smell and is good for nails, skin, hair and bones, improves balance, instills confidence and improves self-esteem. In addition, body temperature, liver and abdomen are stimulated.

Breathing and Visualization:

Stand or sit on a chair. The legs are parallel, the soles of the feet are in full contact with the floor (ground). As you inhale, you imagine that you are receiving earthly energy with the soles of your feet, this energy rises from your feet through your body higher and higher, passes through your legs, torso, neck, head and goes further into space. Hold your breath for a few seconds. As you exhale, you imagine how the energy of the Cosmos washes you from top to bottom like a golden rain and flows down to the ground. After a short breath-hold, the cycle repeats.


The power of the earth gives me self-confidence and the ability to insist on my own, I am confident in myself.

The power of the cosmos gives me inspiration, desire and joy.

Plants, spices:

Teas made from calendula (Calendula officinalis L.), hawthorn (Grataegus), and motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) are very soothing.

Varuna-Mudra (Varuna-Mudra)

Mudra of Water- mudra of God Varun. In Indian mythology, Varuna is the God of water.

Water is one of the five primary elements that form our body and planet. The element of Water gives a certain coloring to people born in the zodiac group of this element, as well as a tendency to certain diseases. In a general understanding, Water is the basis of life, without which all life on the planet is unthinkable.

The main purpose of this mudra is to remove unnecessary mucus and excess fluid from the body. It has a beneficial effect on the body with various “wet” inflammations, with a runny nose, liver disease, colic, and bloating.


Bend the little finger of your right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, which, in turn, is placed on the little finger. With your left hand, clasp your right hand from below, while placing the thumb of your left hand with light pressure on the thumb of your right hand.

If necessary or as treatment daily 3 times for 45 minutes.

This Mudra should be used whenever excess mucus appears, anywhere: in the nose, frontal sinuses, stomach, intestines, bronchi, lungs, as well as for colds or allergic rhinitis.

Excess mucus, no matter where it occurs in the body, is necessarily associated with nervousness, internal tension and anxiety caused by overload, lack of time, frustration, fear, and the desire to control everything and everyone. Eliminating these causes will speed up recovery and prevent them from returning.


Normal, smooth.


Imagine that you are standing under a small waterfall, allow the water to wash away from the inside, wash away from the outside everything that carries negativity. See how the water under your feet is dark from your “dirt,” but a little further this dark substance brightens and is completely transformed. The water becomes spotlessly clean and transparent again.


I always have the desire and opportunity to free myself from unnecessary things and change everything for the better.

Plants, spices:

Horseradish, which you can also eat as a salad, helps against excess mucus.

Bhudi-Mudra (Bhudi-Mudra)

Mudra of Liquids.


Both hands: Connect together tips of the little finger and thumb. The remaining fingers are freely extended.

If necessary or for treatment daily 3 times for 15 minutes.

Doctors differ widely when it comes to how much a person should drink. Of course, it's not good to drink too little, but it's probably also bad to drink too much (even if it's just water). On average, 1-1.5 liters is considered good. liquids for drinking.

It is good to combine drinking water with some ritual. For example, drink with your eyes closed in small sips, imagining how the water washes and cleanses the esophagus and intestines.

You should not drink water that is either too hot or too cold.

Water quality is important. If it is not possible to take water from a clean source, then use so-called “charged” water.* The simplest way charge the water (liquid): with good thoughts, with love, move the filled glass for a long time, as if writing out the number 8 to them.


Breathing is normal and even.


Imagine a clear small mountain stream that gurgles merrily. Immerse your feet and/or hands in the water, feel how the water caresses you. Scoop up the water with your palms, drink, feel its coolness and refreshing effect. During visualization, say the affirmation at least 3 times.


The energy and power of water cleanses, refreshes and strengthens my body, spirit and soul.

Plants, spices:

Bearberry (bear's ear) (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L.) is a disinfectant and diuretic for inflammatory diseases of the bladder and urinary tract, and Goldenrod or Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea L.) helps with inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Mudras to increase energy, relieve fatigue, accumulate strength

Let's move directly to the mudras. First, let's look at mudras, which have a versatile effect on the body, increase our energy potential, serve as a kind of protection from external circumstances, and help build relationships with other people and with the outside world.

Ushas-Mudradawn mudra

To perform this mudra, the fingers are joined in a lock so that the thumb of the right hand for men is located on top, lightly pressing on the thumb of the left hand. For women, the arrangement of the fingers is different - the thumb of the left hand should be on top, and the thumb of the right hand, thus, is located above the left index finger (Fig. 12). The top finger (left) also applies light pressure to the right thumb.

This mudra must be performed daily for at least 5 minutes (average execution time is up to 15 minutes). But if the desired effect does not occur within 15 minutes, it is recommended to hold the mudra until you reach the desired state.

Rice. 12. Ushas mudra

Ushas mudra works very well if you perform it every morning before you get out of bed. Lying on your back, place your arms crossed in this way on the back of your head, stretch your spine a little (you need to pull your elbows and shoulders up, point your toes towards you and pull your legs away from you, thus stretching the spine). Then relax and, keeping your hands intertwined in ushas mudra, focus on your breathing: take several deep breaths in and out, while inhaling slightly increasing the pressure of your fingers and spreading your elbows to the sides, and as you exhale, completely relaxing. After this, to enhance the effect, you need to rub your wrists well with the inside of each other, while simultaneously rubbing the ankle joints with the inside of each other. Then you can rub your palms and feet until you feel hot.


It is believed that this mudra is dedicated to the god Pushan, the patron of roads, the messenger of the Sun. It brings people fertility and good luck.

At the physiological level of our body, performing Pushan Mudra regulates the functions of the autonomic nervous system, activates the intellect, thinking processes, detoxification of the body, has a positive effect on the solar plexus, thereby normalizing the functioning of the liver, spleen, and stomach.

This mudra exists in two versions, differing in the position of the fingers of the right hand; the fingers of the left hand are folded in the same way. When performing the first option on the right hand, you need to connect the tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers, the ring and little fingers should be straightened, but not strained (Fig. 13). On the left hand, the tips of the large, middle and ring finger. In this case, the index and little fingers are straightened (Fig. 14).

Rice. 13. Pushan Mudra: option 1 for the right hand

When performing the second option, the left hand is folded into the same position, and on the right hand the tips of the little finger, ring and thumb are joined together.

Rice. 14. Pushan mudra: position of the fingers of the left hand

If you have any chronic diseases, it is recommended to practice any version of mudra 4 times a day for 5 minutes.

The first version of the mudra stimulates the processes of digestion, absorption and digestion of food (joined fingers of the right hand), and the fingers of the left hand close the energy channels associated with the removal of toxins from the body. In addition, this Pushan Mudra stimulates breathing, increasing oxygen intake and excretion. carbon dioxide from the body. This moment significantly improves cellular respiration.

Performing mudra in the second option, in addition to regulating digestion (processes in the lower section, at the intestinal level, are especially activated), has an activating effect on memory, thinking processes, and the general tone of the body.

The effect of Pushan Mudra can be significantly enhanced through visualization: imagine that you are in a flow of energy yellow color, you inhale it. With the help of this energy, you cleanse yourself and remove polluted energy with your exhalation.

Prana Mudramudra of life

One of the main mudras of general action is prana mudra. It is used to align energy flows throughout the body, which leads to stimulation of all vital functions. The effect of mudra is especially pronounced during fatigue and exhaustion. It has a huge positive effect on eye diseases and restoration of visual acuity. Prana mudra helps with astheno-neurotic conditions, mainly by increasing vitality.

The mudra is easy to perform - both hands take the same position: you need to connect the pads of the thumb, ring finger and little finger (Fig. 15). The positive effect of mudra significantly enhances breathing control: slowing breathing promotes relaxation and has a strengthening effect on the nervous system. It is recommended to perform prana mudra from 5 to 30 minutes a day, and in the presence of any chronic diseases - up to 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Rice. 15. Prana mudra

Prithvi Mudramudra of the earth

It is one of the main mudras for maintaining health, increasing vitality, and achieving inner peace. As you have already read above, earth is one of the primary elements that participates in the structure of the entire universe, including our body. The primary element “earth,” among other factors, is involved in the formation of personality type, health status and susceptibility to certain diseases. Performing Prithvi Mudra is recommended for nervous overload, severe physical fatigue, and to protect against adverse environmental factors.

To perform this mudra, both hands are folded as follows: the tips of the thumb and ring fingers are connected, the remaining fingers are straightened (Fig. 16). Regular practice of mudra stimulates the muladhara chakra, thereby preventing energy loss. Also, at the level of our body, this mudra has a positive effect on the sense of smell, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which not only gives us balance, but also increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

Rice. 16. Prithvi mudra

Prithvi mudra renders positive influence on skin, hair and nails. It goes well with control of breathing, especially if you accompany the performance of the mudra with the following visualization: while inhaling, imagine that we are drawing in the energy of the earth through our feet, and with exhalation, energy from space descends on us. It is recommended to perform the mudra daily for up to 15 minutes, and if necessary, you can repeat it up to three sessions per day.

Garuda Mudra

The main effect of mudra is to relieve fatigue by stimulating blood circulation, metabolism and breathing. To perform this mudra, both hands must be turned with the palms facing you, crossing (clasping) the thumbs (Fig. 17). The remaining fingers should be kept apart (in this position, the hands resemble the wings of a bird, hence the name - Garuda is a mystical bird).

Rice. 17. Garuda mudra

In this position, place your hands on your lower abdomen and focus on your breathing. It is preferable to use full yogic breathing or ujjayi breathing (this is described in the “Pranayama” section). After making 10 breathing cycles, you need to move your hands, connected in the same way, to the navel area and repeat 10 breathing cycles, the third position for holding is the center of the sternum, the holding time is the same. Then the hands are separated and moved towards the shoulders, while the fingers remain spread apart. The mudra can be repeated up to 3 times a day, holding it for approximately 4 minutes.

The influence of Garuda Mudra is very strong; it improves metabolism and evens out the flow of energy in our body. But! It is not recommended to perform it with high blood pressure or with overstimulation of the central nervous system - due to the tonic effect, mudra can worsen the situation.

Hakini Mudra

This is a mudra that affects the ajna chakra. Its effect is to improve memory and concentration. It is recommended to perform mudra if you have lost the thread of a conversation or are frantically trying to remember the right thing, but the information eludes you. Don’t worry or fuss - it is for these situations that it is recommended to use Hakini mudra (in Indian mythology, Hakini is a six-faced and six-armed goddess).

To perform the mudra, connect the fingertips of both hands so that the closed thumbs and little fingers form a ring, the remaining interconnected fingers are raised up, forming a comb (Fig. 18). Keep your hands joined in this way in front of you and focus on breathing: during deep, slow breathing, as you inhale, raise your eyes up and touch the upper palate with the tip of your tongue (this position of the tongue in yoga is called nabhi mudra). As you exhale, you can keep your eyes up and your tongue back in place. Literally after a few breathing cycles performed in this way while holding the mudra, the necessary information should surface.

Rice. 18. Hakini mudra

In addition, this mudra has a positive effect if you need to concentrate or remember what you are studying. for a long time. By the way, the effect of mudra during mental work is reduced if your legs are crossed (this position of the legs is not recommended at all).

Research by physiologists confirms that the considered position of the fingers helps the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, improving and enhancing the functions of the right hemisphere, where all long-term information is stored.

The performance of Hakini mudra is very well combined with the practice of trataka - fixing the gaze on a burning candle. In yoga, the concept of trataka is much broader; I will introduce you only to those points that will help in the practice of mudras. Trataka with a candle is performed as follows: sit in a comfortable position, place a burning candle at a distance of 1 meter at eye level and, without looking up, watch the flame (while keeping your hands in Hakini Mudra). When your eyes get tired, close them and watch the flame with your inner gaze. It is recommended to practice this mudra in combination with trataka practice for up to 15 minutes a day.

Tshe-mudramudra of three secrets

Tshe mudra is a panacea for troubles and problems, as well as a powerful weapon against stress. Regular practice of mudra increases charisma and personal charm, stimulates intuition, creative processes and thinking. It is believed that the use of this mudra promotes good luck in life and helps to cope with difficulties.

Tshe mudra itself is quite simple to perform, but it is very important to control your breathing during practice - it is recommended to breathe with a delay after inhaling. Place your hands on your hips with your palms facing up and place your thumb at the base of your ring finger (Figure 19). At the same time as you inhale slowly, clench your fingers into a fist so that your thumbs remain in the middle. Then hold your breath comfortably while inhaling, pronouncing the mantra “Om” (“Aum”) to yourself; listen to the inner sound of this mantra. This is followed by a slow exhalation, after which uddiyana bandha is done (we will get to know the bandha technique later). While performing bandha, imagine that all worries, fears, and troubles are leaving you.

Rice. 19. Tshe-mudra

I must tell you that this practice of visualization while performing mudras works very powerfully. Tshe mudra is not one of those mudras that needs to be performed daily. If you have problems in life, depression, endless worries, then it’s time to remember about it. You need to do it at least 7 times, the maximum number of repetitions during the day is 49.

A small note: Ayurveda names the weakening of the primary element “water” in the body as one of the causes of depression. An additional way to cope with depression is ordinary water - visualization of the sea, a mountain river, or just a shower.

Vajra-Mudramudra of igniting lightning

The effect of this mudra is to stimulate blood circulation and normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to perform it if you feel tired, are experiencing the consequences of stressful situations, or just want to relax. For both hands, vajra mudra is performed in the same way: the middle, ring and little fingers are bent and closed in the area of ​​the nail phalanges, and the thumb is located in the area of ​​the nail phalanx of the middle finger, slightly to the side (Fig. 20).

As a treatment and general strengthening effect, you can perform mudra up to 3 times a day for 5 minutes. It is believed that reduced arterial pressure is associated with the weakness of the primary element “earth” - this deficiency at the level of our body is manifested by a decrease in heart function and, as a consequence, poor blood circulation, general weakness, and fatigue. The abdominal organs, in particular the spleen and pancreas, are also affected.

Rice. 20. Vajra mudra

Uttarabodhi Mudramudra of perfect awakening

Some schools call this mudra the gesture of highest enlightenment. It is recommended to use it for physical or spiritual weakness. Uttarabodhi mudra can be performed to get rid of nervous tension and fears, or before starting a new difficult task.

To perform the mudra, connect the thumbs and index fingers with pads, the remaining fingers are crossed. Hands connected in this way are located in front of the solar plexus, index fingers pointing upward (Fig. 21).

The main effect of this mudra is considered to be strengthening the metal element, that is, normalizing the energy of the lungs and large intestine.

Rice. 21. Uttarabodhi mudra

The metal has a pronounced effect on the nervous system and helps connect people with cosmic energy. This is explained by the fact that it controls all energy impulses along the meridians passing inside our body

When performing Uttarabodhi mudra, breathing must be kept even, deep, but without excessive effort.

Mukula Mudra

It is believed that this mudra nourishes with energy those areas of our body to which we apply the fingers folded into the mudra. In addition to the general strengthening effect, energy has a pronounced healing effect in the presence of any painful manifestations. This is due to the fact that many diseases are caused by weak energy potential, and mudra has a powerful stimulating effect on energy.

Mukula mudra is performed symmetrically with both hands. To do this, the tips of all five fingers of both hands are connected together (Fig. 22). In this position, your fingers are applied to the place that bothers you.

Rice. 22. Mukula mudra

The mudra can be performed up to 5 times a day for 5 minutes or as needed. An important point when performing this mudra is to use full yogic breathing.

Shivalinga Mudra

Shivalinga mudra energizes you, it is recommended to use it when you feel tired, lethargic, or depressed due to constant nervous tension. Mudra promotes a speedy recovery, regardless of illness. It is performed as follows: the right hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is raised up, the left hand is cupped, the fingers are tightly closed (Fig. 23). Place your right hand on your left and place both hands at the level of your stomach, elbows pointing forward and to the sides. It is recommended to perform this mudra 2 times a day for 4 minutes, and if necessary, you can do it more often. Watch your breathing, it should remain even and calm.

Rice. 23. Shivalinga mudra

These are the main mudras that have a general strengthening effect, acting through energy channels on many organs and systems at the same time.

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