Model Kristina Pimenova: parents, biography, parameters and interesting facts. What is known about Kristina Pimenova’s boyfriend? What school does Kristina Pimenova study at?

The youngest domestic model, Kristina Pimenova, is the most beautiful girl worldwide. IN in social networks the number of her subscribers has long exceeded millions. She has been working as a model for several years, her blonde hair Blue eyes look at life with confidence and interest.

Who is she

Young beauty born in December 2005 in the capital of Russia. The model’s mother is a housewife and takes care of Christina’s affairs, and her father is a famous football player who even played for the Russian national team. While still very young, she started doing gymnastics, but the child did not have enough strength - grueling training for 5-6 hours 6 times a week, lack of time for rest and even for eating, forced young gymnast leave this type sports

Since still in early age many advised my mother to try Christina to prove herself in modeling career, then she took her to a casting at a suitable agency. The girl successfully passed the competition, and now Christina’s beautiful face does not leave the pages of fashion magazines. But its popularity is more evident abroad than in home country.

Model career

Starting at the age of four, Christina began to appear on the catwalk, presenting designer clothes. She owes her success, first of all, to her ideal appearance, this is exactly the type that appears for a European model: blond hair, blue eyes, pretty face. Popular fashion houses Prada, Armani and others immediately wanted to collaborate with her; they waited their turn to work with the beauty. Until 2015, the Pimenovs lived in Moscow, but having signed a lucrative contract at the end of the year, they moved to live in America with a work visa. There she goes to school and works at fashion shows, traveling around the world with various famous fashion houses. From time to time, the whole family goes on vacation to some other country, realizing that the girl needs a break. Parents understand that behind the wild popularity lies not only an angelic appearance, but also a lot of work.

At the age of 5 young model appeared on the covers of more than 15 popular magazines. The number of photo shoots is off the charts, a huge part of them were carried out for advertising companies of famous fashion houses. Christina’s popularity on social networks is enormous, everyone becomes her subscribers more people. But the young model herself does not sit on social networks - her mother does this. She also takes on negative statements about her daughter. The mother publishes the most successful pictures from photo shoots on her daughter’s Instagram page.

Personal life

Christina has a rather “busy personal life” - you often meet her with boys in photographs for the next fashion house. She often travels around the world, meets new friends, communicates with representatives fashion industry. The girl admits that she really likes it; she treats her hard work like a game. Suddenly she gets tired of doing fashion shows and switches to something else. In her dreams, she sees herself as an actress or film director.

Contrary to rumors that the young beauty has a boyfriend, she herself answers on one of the forums on the Internet: “What a guy, I’m still 11 years old.” While she pleases her subscribers with charming photographs and lives an interesting life.

The girl herself does not consider herself extraordinary and wants to be loved not for her beauty, but for her kindness. She is a child like everyone else with her hobbies, friends, dolls and soft toys.

Childhood and family

When the girl was one year old, she and her parents moved to Moscow. Meanwhile, she remained abroad elder sister Christina. Despite the fact that the girl was born in France, her citizenship is Russian.

Kristina Pimenova’s dad, Ruslan, is a football player. Previously, he played for Dynamo Minsk, then for Lokomotiv Moscow and even for the Russian national team. The girl’s mother is Glykeria (Anzhelika in Russian) – former model. However, many argue that she did not shine on the catwalk at all. And colorful model photographs are just a professional studio photo shoot. Now Glikeria has completely devoted herself to her youngest daughter, taking care of Christina’s family and career.

Model business

Kristina Pimenova was brought into the modeling business, of course, by her mother. The girl was only three years old at that time. Glykeria did a professional photo shoot for her daughter, and sent the pictures to a well-known modeling agency called “President Kids”.

However, Glykeria decided to send test photos to the agency for a reason. Literally from the cradle, Christina loved to pose in front of cameras. The girl “froze” and waited for the camera shutter to click, and only then continued her childish fun. So mom and dad realized what a gift they had for their daughter and decided to develop this talent.

Now the baby is called the most promising and popular model in the world. She has a European appearance: huge gray-blue eyes, long brown hair. At the same time, Kristina Pimenova’s special feature is her eyes: she is even called a child with the look of an adult. The girl already has behind her great experience work in the modeling business not only in Russia, but also abroad. Now Christina collaborates with famous fashion houses Burberry, Prada and Silvian Heach. At her age, she has already managed to star in more than fifteen commercials and become a face trademark"Kinder" in Russia. And this is at a time when all the little girls are playing at being daughters and mothers, making Easter cakes in the sandbox and dreaming of becoming princesses. Christina already knows the taste of world fame, her photographs can be found in almost every children's fashion magazine, the girl constantly gives interviews and shines under the flashes of television cameras.

How Kristina Pimenova changed

By the way, mother Glyceria follows her everywhere famous daughter. Together with the stylists, she selects for the girl different images and supports her on the set.

Kristina Pimenova has truly achieved high peaks, which are sometimes inaccessible even to adult models. She has already participated in photo shoots for fifteen fashion magazines. For example, she has photographs for the famous Italian publication Belle e Giocoso, the baby shone on the catwalk for shows such as the Monnalisa show, and also collaborated with the world-famous children's brands Zhanna Romashka and Pitti Bimbo.

At the same time, on stage Christina behaves like an adult professional model. The whims and weaknesses that most girls of her age succumb to are alien to her. The baby skillfully controls herself, her face and body. She behaves obediently with photographers and knows how to behave in front of the camera, has a unique manner, probably only characteristic of a salon lady, wearing furs and designer clothes, and most of all, she is famous for the uniqueness of her features, which seem to have been copied from the doll of Tutti’s heir, as a result This is what produces stunning photographs, looking at which no one can remain indifferent. Many are skeptical about Kristina Pimenova and claim that any little pretty girl can be turned into a celebrity thanks to cosmetics. However, experts say that during photo shoots, only blush and glitter can be applied to a child. But the rest is the work of a master and Photoshop. After all, without special computer processing, not a single photograph will be published in magazines.

All about Kristina Pimenova

“She has a perfect face, perfect poses and perfect facial expressions. In one word, Christina is perfection itself,” enthusiastic foreign fashion bloggers vying with each other write. However, for the girl herself, who participates in fashion shows and takes part in photo shoots, what remains in the foreground is private life, it is important to communicate with peers, do rhythmic gymnastics in the gym, and, of course, play with dolls.

The girl has one best friend. She is also a small model and her name is Evelina Voznesenskaya. Both constantly participate in shows together and go on work trips abroad. The main place of residence of the little model is the Russian capital, but the baby is rarely at home, since she is in great demand, has a busy work schedule and constantly travels; at such a young age, the girl has already flown halfway around globe. She visited Italy, Finland, Germany, United Arab Emirates, in the Maldives and other countries. Kristina Pimenova is truly the most expensive model girl. Her photographs cost no less than 5 thousand dollars.

By the way, Christina is professionally involved in rhythmic gymnastics. And in this field the girl reached considerable heights. She became a gold medalist at competitions among her peers. Her rhythmic gymnastics coach is Olga Kapranova.

In addition to Russian, the girl speaks Italian quite well, and she speaks it in a conversational style. And in the final ranking of queries in the Google search line for 2011, Kristina Pimenova found herself in third place in the list of the most searched people. It is worth noting that the baby tried her hand at the film industry.

She wanted to play Rinesmee in the acclaimed film Twilight. Saga. Dawn: part one." However, the girl did not pass the casting due to her poor English. As a result, the role was given to the American young model Mackenzie Foy. After such a small defeat, Kristina Pimenova actively began to study English.

Kristina Pimenova is the most popular little fashion model and the most beautiful girl (according to various ratings). She participates in large quantities photo shoots and shows. And who is her mother? Kristina Pimenova's mother— Glykeria Pimenova, who, contrary to rumors, was never a model herself (the rumors arose due to the appearance professional photo shoot in the Internet). Photo of Pimenova's mother below.

It was this photo shoot that gave rise to rumors that Christina’s mother is a former model. Well, really, you might think so - a beautiful, long-legged, bright girl.

Another photo from the same place, very nice.

Here is Kristina Pimenova with her mother - photo:

Here’s another photo of the mother, what can I say, she’s a beauty, it’s clear who her daughter is so cute.

Another photo of Pimenova with her mother. By the way, Glikeria Pimenova is now entirely occupied with her daughter’s career. The photo is of poor quality for some reason, apparently it was processed poorly.

Kristina Pimenova's dad

Christina’s dad is footballer Ruslan Pimenov, who is rumored to be divorced from Glikeria. It was not possible to find a photo of Christina with her dad, but there are as many photos of him separately as you like.

So, Kristina Pimenova's dad Ruslan:

Here is Ruslan's game, right in action.

The girl is very similar to her dad.

And finally photo of Christina with her sister:

Pimenova’s older sister’s name is Natalia.

A few more facts about the family:
Christina Pimenova's page on Wikipedia deleted because there is no evidence that it contains reliable data, and Wikipedia moderators are monitoring this.
Official site the most beautiful Russian girl.
Christina is increasingly involved in the modeling business; in 2011, she starred in dozens or even hundreds of photo shoots.

Let's see what a beauty this sweet girl will grow into (age or how old - she is currently 5 years old).

9-year-old Kristina Pimenova holds the unofficial title of the most beautiful baby on the planet. Having invited her to the shoot, ELLE found out how the Russian girl became a famous model in the West.

Top, Nil & Mon; jacket, shako, everything - Arte Theater Gallery

PHOTO Anton ZemlyanoySTYLE Marta Vandysh

In terms of the number of Internet requests, Kristina Pimenova is confidently ahead of her namesakes - Aguilera and Asmus. And invariably takes first place in the lists of “the most beautiful children in the world.” Christina’s mother, Glikeria Pimenova, categorically disagrees with this formulation. “The youngest supermodel, but not the most beautiful girl,” she corrects.

And even though Christina is certainly the best for her mother, I still want to be objective. In Russia, little is known about the successful compatriot. Another thing is Europe. “Christina recently participated in a children's show in Spain. Usually very few journalists come to it, but here the whole press came. The next day, dozens of newspapers came out with huge articles about us. Lately organizers mass events They give us security. Other children start running to their daughter, asking for autographs,” says the mother.

Despite her popularity, you will not find reliable information about the Russian miracle girl on the Internet. Even Wikipedia lies. Born in Moscow, not Paris. Mom didn't work as a model. The girl doesn't speak Italian. And she didn’t participate in the casting of the Twilight saga. Although I probably could. Lately, Christina’s parents have been receiving scripts from Hollywood. “We refuse to film. My daughter doesn’t speak English fluently,” Glikeria Pimenova shrugs.

Christina’s work schedule, whose portfolio includes hundreds of shoots for Armani, Dolce & Gabbana and other brands, can be the envy of adult models. A second grade student flies around the world 3-4 times a month for work. Due to the heavy workload, the girl had to leave her beloved for a while rhythmic gymnastics. “At 8.00 we went to school. At 13.00 I picked her up to take her to training, which lasted 4-6 hours. The child ate in the car. And so every day, except Sunday. It was too much."

Pinko dress; Gucci ballet flats

PHOTO Anton ZemlyanoySTYLE Marta Vandysh

The history of the Russian fashion princess began in Europe. “She was not even a year old, and people began to come up to me on the streets abroad and say: “Your daughter needs to become a model.” When Kristina was about four years old, I chose a Russian agency, called, we came to a meeting with home photographs, they selected us and put us in the database,” recalls Glikeria. - The first jobs were stupid - shooting for catalogues. But we were terribly worried. One day, Christina was photographed by a female photographer who works in Russia and Italy. She invited us to join an agency abroad.” Over the years spent in the first echelons of children's modeling business Arm in arm with her daughter, Pimenova Sr. became a pro herself. “Any mother in our country who is trying to promote her child somewhere has only 10% of the real information. Look at which children star in famous brands. Dark hair, Brown eyes, thin lips- this is almost a hundred percent failure. The most popular type: blonde hair and eyes and a cute face. And then - photogenicity and performance.”

The title of “most-most” also has back side- insults on social networks. “It’s hard for me to imagine what’s going on in the souls of women who write all these nasty things about us,” comments Glikeria. But it seems that the main thing for her is to protect her daughter, who has not yet been spoiled by fame, from the collapse of popularity. To the question: “Do you know that they call you the most beautiful girl in the world?” - smiling Christina honestly answers: “Yes, but I’m only a little pleased. I want to be loved for my kindness.”

PHOTO Anton ZemlyanoySTYLE Marta Vandysh

Blitz interview

ELLE What do you want to become?

An actress! And then, perhaps, as a director.

ELLE Why not a model?

K.P. I'd like to invent more interesting movies. Well, show different emotions and feelings yourself.

ELLE Which film would you agree to star in?

K.P. One that would help me make a career.

ELLE What does it mean to be a model?

K.P. You travel a lot, meet new friends, learn something new... It's a lot of fun! This is such a game. For example, there is some small village in the world. You won’t go there yourself, but suddenly you find yourself there because of the filming.

ELLE Which designers do you know?

K.P. What is the name of Dolce and Gabbana? Gaban? The funniest ones are Dean and Den (Katen brothers, designers of the Dsquared2 brand. - ELLE note). I worked with them in Milan. They smile constantly, come up with different ideas and comment on everything very energetically.

ELLE What is beauty? K.P. Beauty is something that makes you smile or make you gape.

ELLE Do you consider yourself beautiful?

K.P. Yes. My mother often calls me beautiful.

ELLE Do you have any fans?

K.P. Mom said there is. But I don't pay attention to it.

ELLE What to do if you're in a bad mood?

K.P. I need my mom to cuddle me.

ELLE Do you have a dream?

K.P. Yes! If I go to heaven, I want it to be Hogwarts (School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where Harry Potter studied - ELLE note).

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