This is Victoria Korotkova's VK page. Victoria Korotkova: biography, personal life. Victoria's personal life

Victoria Korotkova born in Kaliningrad in 1995. She graduated from the Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Management of the Kazan State Budgetary Institution with a degree in zootechnologist.

When Victoria was 13 years old, her parents began to live separately from each other. Despite this, the girl has a close relationship with both her mother and father. As Victoria herself explained, her father became a friend to her and always defended himself in front of her mother, but in private he still instructed the girl.

Victoria Korotkova told in exclusive interview“Around TV”: “I have never been an ugly duckling. But if you take primary classes, then, it seems to me, I was such a complex girl, a little like a boy, super modest. My super-modesty still remains. I'm trying to fight this. In high school, probably starting from the 9th grade, not only popularity began to come, but boys began to pay attention to me. I began to acquire more feminine features and figures, so I was popular among my classmates.”

The girl took part in beauty contests several times: at the age of 16 - “Miss Kaliningrad 2011”, and at 19 - “Miss Russia 2014”.

Victoria met her future husband at the age of 17, in her last year of school. The young man was 9 years older than the girl. But after the wedding, the husband began to cheat on his young wife. Experiences and stress drove Vika to anorexia.

Now Victoria is actively involved in modeling shoots, travels a lot, maintains a popular blog on Instagram. The girl suffers from aerophobia and is looking for a loved one with whom she can walk to beautiful places.

After Victoria Korotkova took part in the show “Bachelor on TNT Season 6” and became popular on social networks, reproaches began to be heard against her that she never appeared without makeup. However, in an interview with Vokrug TV, she replied that such comments make her laugh.

Victoria Korotkova in the show Bachelor on TNT season 6

In 2018, Korotkova was casted to participate in the show “The Bachelor on TNT Season 6” to compete for the heart of singer Yegor Creed with Rosa Hertz, Olga Lomakina and other participants.

During her first conversation with the Bachelor, Victoria Korotkova admitted to him that she was not officially divorced yet, but had not been living with her husband for six months. Egor was shocked, but later he still gave it to the girl Red flower at the rose ceremony, and she continued on the show. In the eighth issue of the project, Victoria Korotkova put an end to the story with her ex-husband.

Victoria admitted that she was afraid of talking to her husband, but this step needed to be taken: “I decided to go and get a divorce. Without ending an old relationship, you will never be able to start a truly new one. I'm sitting and thinking how to call me ex-husband, and whether he will strike a pose.” After that, Vika showed everyone the divorce certificate.

In one of the episodes of “The Bachelor” Vika decided to take a bold step: she tattooed on her body the words depicted in the painting that Egor gave her in Barcelona on their first date. At the same time, Korotkova asked Yegor to act as a tattoo artist. Almost immediately after the episode aired where Creed gives Korotkova a tattoo, Yegor released a “Gucci” video along with it, where he ridiculed the participants of the reality show. The video also included footage of tattoos, and the actress played the role of a participant in the TV show. However, Korotkova herself reacted to the clip with irony. she published a video on social networks in which she and an Instagram model Anastasia Gizerskaya, sitting in the car, listens to the track “Gucci”, laughs and sings along.

At the end of May 2018, even before the release of the final episode of the show “The Bachelor,” a video appeared in the media in which Yegor talks with Victoria after performing on the show. That is, outside the project. At the same time, the contract of each of the participants clearly states that meetings outside the project until the end of filming and the airing of the last episode are prohibited.

There are three girls in the semi-finals of the show - Victoria Korotkova, and - met Yegor Creed's parents. At the same time, during a conversation with the singer’s parents and sister, Victoria, talking about her favorite designer, made a mistake in her last name: instead of Gvasalia, she said “Gvasralia.” Later, in her microblog, she ridiculed her mistake.

In the semi-finals, Egor Creed decided that he was only friendly towards Galina Chiblis (despite the fact that his family liked Galya the most), he sent her home. As a result, Victoria Korotkova and Daria Klyukina reached the final of the sixth season of the show “The Bachelor”.

In the finale of the show “Bachelor Season 6,” which viewers saw on June 3, 2018, Yegor Creed chose Victoria Korotkova over Daria Klyukina.

ABOUT I clearly remember that I had an uncontrollable desire to master the bass guitar when I saw Paul McCartney in a video. Perhaps, like many in my youth, I simply fell in love with a star, and, most likely, this was the starting story...
Born in the city of Stavropol, under the constellation Leo in the year of the Tiger. My father s early childhood instilled a love of music, he himself was a respected musician, and I owe him the taste and flair that helps me now.
At that time I was already playing the piano and began to learn the bass guitar on my own. The available equipment was the Astra tape recorder, which served as both an amplifier and a “studio”. So you could record and listen to your “masterpieces”. The first experience of extracting sounds ended with the neighbor’s indignation: “What are you doing with the water supply there?”
After graduating from school, I entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational College for the conducting department, since they did not teach me how to play any guitar at all. When the first year was coming to an end, the music school was recruiting for the first time for the pop-jazz department, and I instantly transferred there in the bass guitar class. The head of the jazz department, Rudolf Leonovich Atanesov, had a huge influence on me, who captivated us all with his deepest love for music, sometimes even with some kind of detachment from the world. His dedication to music rubbed off on me.
At school, I annually took part in a jazz festival, receiving prizes, and also performed at the jazz festival in Rostov. Already from the second year I played at entertainment events, where I also had to sing. It was great practice. After graduating from college, I was invited to the municipal Dixieland, but it did not bring enough income and I had to work part-time in restaurants, performing imperishable hits of the Soviet stage. In the summer I went to work at sea - perhaps this was the hardest work. Our team consisted of excellent musicians. I would like to mention Zhenya Mazaev, who was actually my teacher.
Playing the bass guitar requires a huge amount of time and effort, just like playing any other musical instrument. My playing style was influenced by such musicians as Stanley Clarke, John Patitucci, Jaco Pastorius, The Beatles, Tower of Power, and Chicago. I mastered many elements of technology myself, intuitively. I once heard a slap in a recording and tried to reproduce it on a broom (!!!). I tore up the whole broom, “honing” the technique, and in the morning I ran to my bass guitar at the school.
Probably gone forever are the days when the bass guitar in an ensemble performed an exclusively accompanying function. These days, many bass players are band leaders and define the sound of bands. I have always dreamed of making my own program with original compositions. Now I perform in various concerts with my band, and also participate in other projects.
I play and sing in a trio, something like funk fusion, where I get help from my brother Lesha Korotkov- an excellent guitarist, and also Pasha Fedoseev- an amazing drummer, very young and professional beyond his years. I also collaborate with the rock quartet “EtnA”, where a vocalist is added to the listed musicians.
We have a friend Vitaly Lungu, who sometimes performs with us as a percussionist. In real life, he is the director of the AnimaTon studio. In the spring at this studio we recorded two of my songs on English language.
I wouldn’t like to talk too much about plans so as not to jinx it. I can only say that all my plans are connected with music, with the bass guitar and with creative activities with my friends, without whose help I would not have been able to do even a tenth of what has been done at this stage. * From funny cases:
. In the process of learning a song, I tried to get as close to the original as possible. Once in a restaurant she sang something from Uspenskaya’s repertoire. I learned not only the text and the exact melody, but also tried to parody its timbre and some defects in diction. And Uspenskaya herself had dinner after the concert in our restaurant and heard my performance. It was fun...
But best of all, it seems to me, I do Alla Pugacheva.

Articles, interviews, press

WITH Victoria Korotkova I met in the early spring of 2004 in one of the Moscow clubs, I simply could not help but come up and talk to this truly amazing girl. When she appeared on stage with a five-string Fender, I was, to say the least, “surprised,” but rather froze in impatience. I wanted to quickly find out whether Victoria’s command of the instrument was as convincing as she looked.
As soon as the drummer gave the count, the bass guitar in the girl’s hands came to life, so clearly that everyone who was in the club dynamically shook their head to the beat of the frisky, powerful slap intro. It was hard to believe that it was a girl playing - not every bass player can pull that out of an instrument! Here are the “swinging” beats and elusive syncopations, triplet “fills” of monstrous speed, excellent sound production in the most complex passages and immense melodic harmony - there was no doubt that this girl knows the bass guitar as much as anyone can know it.
During the game they merge into one collective whole, creating an amazing harmony. In some compositions, Vika showed excellent command of such a rare technique for a bass guitarist as tapping - with this she attracted the attention of absolutely everyone present in the hall.
During the hour-long concert of the EtnA group, in which Victoria plays, listeners received a lot of pleasure from excellent music and compositions varied in arrangement (the arranger, as it turned out, was Victoria) and virtuoso mastery of musicians' instruments. It should be noted that weak points there was no group with a “classic” line-up (drums, bass, lead guitar and rhythm guitar - vocals).
After the end of the performance, I approached Victoria - she turned out to be a very charming, cheerful and moderately eccentric person - and in the conversation I learned that Vika came to the capital from Stavropol, where she graduated from a music school in bass guitar, annually took part and won jazz competitions. festivals, where I gained experience and knowledge. Her playing style was influenced by such bassists as Stanley Clarke, John Patitucci, Jaco Pastorius, and the bands “Beatles”, “Tower of Power”, “Chicago”. As Vika said, she wanted to play bass as soon as she heard the Beatles and Paul McCartney.
In the spring of 2004, she participated in All-Russian competition"The Many Faces of Guitar" and won the title "Miss Bass Guitar 2004". She recorded a solo record, where she plays the bass guitar and sings her songs in fusion style and actively works in the young but promising group “EtnA” with her brother Alexey, who plays lead guitar in the band.
Of course, Vika has a great musical future and obvious prospects - there are only a few bass guitarists of this level even among men, and it is very pleasant that I was lucky enough to meet a girl who is not inferior to men in skill, and even surpasses many.

Vika, did you follow the work of Yegor Creed before the project, did you suspect that he would become the hero of “The Bachelor” on TNT? Who else do you think could become a star bachelor?

Before going to the casting, I, of course, saw information in the media that Yegor would be the new bachelor. But I thought it was a duck - so that as many people as possible could come to the casting more people. Or the media simply gave unverified information... In a word, when I went to the show, I doubted the person of the main character until the last moment. And I had no assumptions at all... I can’t say that I carefully followed Creed’s work, but I really liked his last album. And also, unlike many other participants in the project, I knew nothing about his previous relationships. I didn’t know what he was like, who his girls were.

Have you watched previous seasons of The Bachelor? Do you think it’s possible to meet on the set of this project? true love?

I watched the second season of the show with Maxim Chernyavsky. I can’t say that I immediately believed that you could meet true love on the project. But, living my little life in this show, I realized that it’s really possible to experience emotions and feelings here, even the feeling of love. I can’t answer for everyone, because everyone comes to the project with their own goals, but I initially went to the show for feelings, and in “The Bachelor” I experience the whole range of emotions.

How did your relatives and friends react to the fact that you became a participant in the project?

Only my mother knew that I came to the show. I kept this a secret from my loved ones. Of course, when the first episode of “The Bachelor” was released, both friends and relatives began to write to me. Everyone was surprised, but in general such a crazy act is quite in my style.

What impression did Yegor make on you? Why did you decide to fight for him?

I can’t say that I came with the goal of fighting for a specific person who will be the main character of the project. I can’t do this - go, not knowing who to go to, and set a super goal - to fight. But as I get to know Yegor, I understand that I want to get to know him even more, spend more time with him, I want to understand him, I want to have something in common with him, to have some memories that connect us, so that there is some history of our communication. I want to leave a flash in his memory. My feelings for Yegor intensify after each meeting. It happens like this: you are attracted to a person, but you cannot explain what is special about him and why exactly you are drawn to him.

What kind of relationship do you have with the other members? Do you perceive them as competitors or still as friends?

Despite the fact that each girl came to fight for her love, I met my three “hearts” here. Girls with whom we became friends and whom I had already fallen in love with. I value communication with them very much. I can’t say that I perceive any of the girls as rivals. And this is not because she is self-confident. I am confident in myself and I know that I have a lot positive qualities, which perhaps distinguishes me from others. Although this does not mean that any of the girls are worse than me.

What kind of young people do you like? What do you pay attention to first when meeting guys?

To be honest, I don't meet people very often. But, like many, first of all I pay attention to the “shell”, to the appearance. Because they really meet you by their clothes. If a person is not initially impressed, then it is unlikely that anything will work out. There must be some kind of visual appeal. And then you start to find out inner world person, his interests, hobbies. It is important for me to have a sense of humor so that a man can be confident and purposeful. And it is important to be partners, friends, and not just good lovers with a man. Being one team is what I need.

You studied at the Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Management, but decided not to work in your profession. Why?

This happens to many people. You choose a profession and think that you will connect your whole life with it, but in the process of studying you realize that it is not for you, that your ideas about this profession are deceptive. This happened to me too. I almost immediately realized that I didn’t want to be a zootechnologist; this is not exactly what I pictured in my head. I like other, more creative activities.

How long have you been modeling? Do you remember the first shoot, what did you spend your fee on?

I can’t say that I’m specifically involved in the modeling business. I have two beauty contests behind me in which I took part. At the age of 16, she participated in the Miss Kaliningrad competition, took second place, that is, she became Vice-Miss. After that, at the age of 18, she took part in the Miss Russia competition. This is where my modeling experience ends. Yes, I had photo sessions, filming, but I didn’t receive money for them, I did it only for myself... I can say that the work of a model seems very simple only at first glance: photo shoots, shows, creativity. This is cool for any girl, you can try it on yourself different images, make a beautiful make-up. But you won’t always like a new look. They dress you in what the customer needs, you look the way someone else needs. At the same time, you should not walk around with a sour face, you must work off your fee and be positive. Otherwise, next time they may not be invited to an interesting project.

Some people believe that if a girl works as a model, then she is easily accessible. Have you ever received indecent proposals?

I took part in two beauty contests, and this, as you know, is worse than working as an ordinary model. And – I have never received any indecent proposals! I think this happens to those people who can potentially agree to them. Such offers come only to weak individuals who are easily manipulated from outside. I consider myself smart girl, I have not received such offers.

In your questionnaire you wrote that you suffer from aerophobia. How did you overcome yourself for the filming that took place abroad?

About four years ago, I realized that I have a wild fear of airplanes and flying. The phobia appeared after a difficult flight with terrible air pockets. The flight became a real stress for me, a week before it I began to stress myself out and worry. When I boarded the plane, I listened to every rustle and noise overboard, and if the board fell into a zone of turbulence, I began to have panic attacks. But the more often you fly, the less afraid you are. It is a fact. I started reading special literature to calm myself down. It clearly explains what points you should pay attention to during a flight, and what points you shouldn’t even worry about.

How do you support yourself in such in great shape? Do you have a special diet? physical exercise do you prefer?

We are what we eat. It seems simple, but there is so much meaning in this phrase! I really believe that what I eat, in what quantity and of what quality is important. This affects both the figure and the skin. You need to eat balanced and healthy. I don't follow any diet, but my proper nutrition– this is my way of life. I don't like fried and fatty foods. I love anything steamed or grilled, I really love vegetables, and they contain a lot of fiber. I prefer fish and seafood, and do not exclude meat from my diet. I am not a vegan or a raw foodist, although I have practiced these nutritional methods. However, I came to the conclusion that I was not ready to give up meat... I have a big sweet tooth, and it is very difficult for me to give up sweets. Sometimes I give in to my friends’ provocations and get wild pleasure from it. Although I try not to get carried away. I replace sweets with fruit or protein bars. I go to the gym, sometimes I can go there twice a day, and sometimes I don’t go there for a month. It is important to understand your body and know what is good for you and what is bad. There is no need to listen to other people's advice, it is important to understand for yourself what is comfortable for you and what suits you.

You have a fairly popular Instagram with tens of thousands of subscribers. Are there any rules for blogging and communicating with followers? Do you often block haters?

Victoria Korotkova is one of the heroines of the sixth season of the most romantic project on TNT - the show “Bachelor”, an Instagram star.

Her life is actively discussed on the Internet, and her fate continues to interest Russians even after the end of the reality show. True, it should be admitted that not all Internet users admire the brunette beauty. Some, on the contrary, are critical of a number of her statements, for example, that she publishes only photos with “deep meaning that only she understands.”

Childhood and youth

The future star of “The Bachelor” was born on February 17, 1995 in Kaliningrad. There is practically no publicly available information about her family. It is known that her parents divorced when she was 13 years old. The daughter stayed to live with her mother, but supported a good relationship and with my father. She saw in him a true friend, to whom she could entrust all her secrets and girlish experiences.

ABOUT early years There is also little freely available information about the model. Information from those who once knew the girl personally is contradictory. Some argue that in school years Victoria was very modest, unsure of herself, shy and even complex. Others say that she was the life of the party, loved to be in the center, and enjoyed organizing school holidays and she actively participated in them, as a rule, in the role of a leader.

Among school subjects young Victoria gave preference to the humanities: world artistic culture, Russian literature, foreign language. However, having received a certificate of secondary education, she went to a local technical university and became a certified livestock specialist - a specialist in the field of ensuring optimal conditions for feeding and keeping farm animals. While still studying, she realized that she had made a mistake in choosing a profession. She did not work in the specialty she received, deciding to find a creative activity for herself.

First steps to success

At the age of 16, the girl took part in the city beauty contest “Miss Kaliningrad”, reached the final and took second place. At the age of 18, Victoria again entered the competition of beauties, but at the national level - she competed for the title of “Miss Russia”. Then she failed to even enter the top twenty participants.

Looking for promising opportunities self-realization, Vika posed for photographers and starred in commercials. But she did not consider herself a model, although she had an ideal appearance and shape that fully corresponded to the parameters of representatives of this profession. She liked this activity, but she treated it as a hobby.

Personal life of Victoria Korotkova

Victoria met her husband (now ex) in 11th grade. Her head was turned by a young man from her hometown named Mikhail Rozhnov, who was 9 years older than her.

A year later they got married and lived together for 5 years. By her own admission, Korotkova did not work until she was 22, did nothing for her own development, and could not imagine her life without travel. Having a lot of free time at her disposal, the girl actively maintained an Instagram page, constantly posted spectacular photos and acquired many subscribers.

Rules of life. Victoria Korotkova

The reason for the breakup is in sight ideal relationship began to betray her chosen one. Victoria lost a lot of weight from stress, but was soon able to pull herself together and get rid of her love-obsession. Her followers noticed that she had gained weight and stopped publishing posts with sad poems, replacing them with more optimistic comments and pictures from photo shoots.


In 2018, being officially married, but having already separated from Mikhail, Victoria decided to go to the “Bachelor” project in the hope of getting positive emotions, experiencing sincere feelings, and immersing herself in an atmosphere of romance. She successfully passed the selection, which involved more than half a million applicants for her hand and heart popular singer Yegor Creed, known not only for his 2017 income of $4 million, but also for his novels with Victoria Daineko, Nyusha, Olga Seryabkina.

At the very first meeting with the star bachelor and heartthrob, the Kaliningrad woman informed him about her status married woman, perplexing him and impressing him with the unusualness of the situation. After that, she went on an unforgettable date with the singer, organized in Barcelona, ​​receiving not only the pleasure of communication, but also a rose - evidence that she had made it to the next stage of the TV show. Then she was again at her best, having managed, on Yegor’s instructions, to quickly get ready in order to be among the lucky ones invited by him to the next date.

The girl noted in an interview that with each new meeting her feelings for the musician intensified. The seriousness of her intentions to win his heart was evidenced by her divorce from her husband, which she decided on during the TV show, and by a tattoo of the inscription “Amor” as a sign of love (this word was on the painting Yegor gave her).

The finale of the show "The Bachelor". Yegor Creed says goodbye to Vika Korotkova

Among other young ladies who dreamed of such enviable groom Like Yegor, Victoria did not see any competitors for herself. She has repeatedly stated without false modesty that she considers herself an intelligent and special girl with a lot of positive qualities. She really became the bachelor’s favorite and reached the finals. However, in the end he chose another girl, an actress and model, over her

Millions of girls lit up thanks to Russian show"Bachelor". And the long-legged beauty blogger Victoria Korotkova also decided to build her happiness in front of the whole country. There are many rumors and fables about her biography and personal life. And despite her growing popularity, she tries not to reveal all her cards at once.


Victoria Korotkova was born on February 17, 1995 in Kaliningrad, Russia. There is practically no information about the girl’s childhood and youth, but perhaps over time, she will decide to talk about herself in more detail.

After graduating from school, she entered the Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Management in Kaliningrad technical university. I wanted to study to become a livestock technician. But still in student years I clearly understood that I had made a mistake. She was increasingly attracted to the creative field of activity.

Victoria Korotkova

Before entering, she managed to take part in the city competition “Miss Kaliningrad” at the age of 16. Made it to the top three finalists. And being an adult, I decided to participate in Miss Russia. But failure awaited her: she didn’t even make it into the top 20.

In one TV show, answering questions about modeling business, Victoria frankly said that it was too early to call her a model. Since two competitions are very few. And in various photo shoots, filming, shows, she took part in at will, without payment.

Photo from personal page Victoria

Despite this, the girl considers this type of activity quite serious, which must be approached responsibly. Energy is also important good mood, otherwise they will stop inviting you.


In the biography of beauty blogger Victoria Korotkova great place personal life takes over. The first time she truly fell in love was while still a schoolgirl. I met my future husband while finishing 11th grade. He was 9 years older than her. According to Korotkova, at that time feelings turned out to be stronger than common sense.

We dated for 2 years, then got married. The marriage lasted only 3 years. According to the beauty blogger, she tried to be an exemplary wife. At the beginning of relationships in the family, the topic of children often arose, but then at some point everything collapsed.

Victoria Korotkova with her ex-husband

The girl became aware of the adventures of her beloved. Knowing the truth, she began to torture herself, even to the point of nervous breakdowns. This resulted in dramatic weight loss. Noticing such changes in her figure, relatives and friends sounded the alarm. And subscribers on Instagram began to speak out under the posts that Victoria had anorexia.

Fortunately, she came to her senses in time, took control of the situation, and soon returned to her previous form. Occasionally, on her VKontakte page she posted posts with gloomy content. But now all her photos and messages radiate only optimism and happiness.

Victoria with a bouquet of roses from fans

Some sources highlight Victoria Korotkova, whose biography interests many viewers, as one of the popular bloggers in Russia. It is also noted that she already had a certain demand even before participating in the “Bachelor” project. But after appearing on television, she was inundated with questions about very thin waist And plump lips. Newly made fans in the audience decided that she had plastic surgery. Whether this is true or not is not yet known.

Korotkova monitors her physical fitness, tries to eat right, but at the same time there are no special diets does not adhere. True, she has already tried veganism and a raw food diet. Loves meat, seafood, and sweets. Everything he eats is then worked off through grueling training. Also very fond of:

On the show “The Bachelor” while meeting Yegor Creed

  • communicate with interesting people;
  • walk alone in beautiful places;
  • pets (there is a cat Barsa);
  • listen to good music.

In 2013, I discovered that I had a phobia. It turns out that she is afraid of flying on airplanes, after the incident when she once fell into an air pocket during another flight. To overcome fear, he studies special literature and, surprisingly, does not avoid flying.

Victoria Korotkova and Yegor Creed

Last news

Now the TV project “Bachelor” occupies a certain place in the biography. Victoria Korotkova came first to Yegor Creed for the sixth season. No one knew about this except my mother. This act shocked all relatives and friends. Fan musical creativity She had never been a singer before. Victoria thought it was just a publicity stunt when she found out that he was the main bachelor.

At the very first meeting, I presented the popular performer with a package chewing gum. But at the welcoming rose ceremony, the girl was pretty nervous, finding herself second to last out of 17 participants. At the first conversation in private, the beauty blogger openly said that she had not yet divorced her husband, although they did not live together.

Former participant in the show “The Bachelor”

But she was one of the first to go on an individual date in Barcelona. I walked with Yegor around the outskirts of the city, painted graffiti on the walls. In the end I received a rose as a kind of immunity for the project.

The next day, the brown-haired beauty was lucky again. Yegor Creed said that he would invite on a date only those who get together in half a minute. Together with Victoria, Nicole Sakhtaridi, Galina Chibis and

Korotkova did not see any rivals in the other participants. But this is not because of self-confidence, but because, thanks to the characteristics of her character and external data, she knows how to stand out from the crowd. In addition, she made friends on the project, but their names are not disclosed.

Victoria Korotkova today

For Victoria, appearance is very important and not only her own. If from the first minutes she does not like her new acquaintance, then at this stage their communication stops. IN strong half values, above all, self-confidence and a good sense of humor. While filming, she was inexorably drawn to Yegor. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the bachelor to create pleasant memories of myself.

In the finale, the audience was 100% sure that the singer would choose the beautiful brunette, but the man gave his heart to Dasha Klyukina. Thus, she became the winner of the show. Time will tell how long they will stay together.

This is definitely not the last project for Victoria Korotkova. At the very least, those who want to receive information about the biography of their idol, so to speak, “from first-hand experience,” should subscribe to her account on Instagram.

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