Natalya Ivanovna Kasperskaya son Maxim. Natalya Kasperskaya is a mother, wife, businesswoman. Natalya Kasperskaya is a happy mother and wife

Perhaps Evgeniy Kaspersky would have remained a talented, but little-known programmer, if not for his ex-wife Natalia. It was she who established successful sale Husband's IT developments. And while the business began to flourish, the Kaspersky family fell apart. But Natalya and Evgeniy managed to maintain their relationship and are still co-owners of Kaspersky Lab.
A business woman told why she hid her divorce from the creator of an antivirus, how she copes with four children and what she dreams about. A business woman told why she hid her divorce from the creator of an antivirus, how she copes with four children and what she dreams about.

Divorce is not a hindrance to business

Natalya, the company was founded in 1997, and two years later you divorced Evgeniy Kaspersky, with whom you lived for almost 10 years and gave birth to two sons...

We both understood that the company was very dear to us. At that time, the “Laboratory” was a little over a year old, it was just beginning to rise. The divorce of the two founders could be perceived negatively by the market and put its future in jeopardy. Kaspersky and I agreed not to tell anyone about the divorce (according to rumors, Evgeniy was the initiator of the breakup, as if he left the family after meeting another woman. - Note). For a whole year we, like two partisans, remained silent and formally remained husband and wife. There was no talk of dividing the business at all.

It was for you difficult decision?

The interests of the company have always been higher than my personal experiences. I perceived Kaspersky Lab as my child, I saw prospects for growth. And even though emotions sometimes went wild, I understood that Kaspersky and I found ourselves in a bond that could not be broken. Zhenya was an important link - a unique analyst, one of the world's top ten information security experts. And the entire business part rested on me.

Kaspersky Lab

In 1989, a graduate of the “Higher Red Banner School of the KGB” (now the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation) Evgeny Kaspersky “cured” his computer from a virus using a program that he himself wrote. In 1991, his wife Natalya patented the AVP program (later Kaspersky Anti-Virus) in the All-Russian Authors Society. In 1997, the couple founded Kaspersky Lab. Two years later, the company increased its share in the Russian antivirus market from 5 to 50%. Kaspersky Lab's turnover in 2009 was $480 million. It employs more than 1,700 specialists. According to Finance magazine, Natalia Kasperskaya's net worth is estimated at $462 million.

They say that the success of Kaspersky Anti-Virus is your merit?

The fact is that if there were no anti-virus program that caught viruses well, there would be nothing to sell. My role as a leader was not the last, but I would not completely attribute the success to myself. Business is teamwork.

I don't care about ratings. I was disappointed in them. I think it would be interesting to rank entrepreneurs who built a business from scratch and calculate how much money they earned. Another issue is that such a rating is difficult to compile - the information is usually closed. For example, how much does Kaspersky Lab cost? $100 million or $5 billion? No one knows. This is a closed joint stock company whose shares are not for sale. Therefore, when I saw myself in the ranking of billionaires, I was very surprised. I would be glad to see my millions in some more tangible form.

Why didn't you change your last name?

I'm used to it. The divorce occurred two years after we stopped living together. By this time, I had acquired documents for this last name and decided that I would not change it. Besides, I was already known as Natalya Kasperskaya. To be honest, even at the age of 20, when I got married for the first time, I didn’t really want to change my maiden name. But Kaspersky said: “Then we are leaving the registry office!” And my second husband no longer persuaded me to change my last name.

You have two sons from your marriage with Kaspersky and two daughters were born in your marriage to Igor Ashmanov. How did you decide?
Natalya Kasperskaya with her sons Maxim and Ivan. Natalya Kasperskaya with her sons Maxim and Ivan.

I got new family- What about without children? If I had gotten married for the second time earlier, I would have given birth to more, but I only have four. I have something to compare with, and I can say that raising children is easier now. Instead of diapers - diapers, instead of washing in a basin - washing machines, give birth to health! Besides, communication with a child is so pleasant! Especially until he insists on his own opinion, doesn’t stamp his foot on you, doesn’t run away for the night: “I’m spending the night with a girl tonight.” The first year is the best. Now the youngest Masha, she is a little over a year old, has gone. He twists out of his hands and runs away. That's it, my lafa is over.
“I won’t take my children to the Laboratory”

What do your sons do?

My eldest son Maxim is now graduating from the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University, and I don’t see my drive in him. Until he sets clear goals for himself. And sometimes I get the feeling that his parents are more concerned about his future than he is. The younger one was simpler, he followed in our programmer footsteps. He got a job in one company, something didn’t work out there and he quickly left. I noticed that children successful people Quite often they are unscrupulous, inert: they have everything. I try to keep mine in good shape. I heard that wealthy Americans “throw their children out onto the street,” forcing them to earn their own money for education and housing.

Children of successful people are quite often unskillful and inert: they have everything. But I try to keep mine in good shape.

But are you not ready?

I am not sure. Although I say: once you graduate from university, don’t expect any support from us. Next - myself.

Are you a successful mother?

Wait and see. Both sons entered on their own. Vanya won the Olympiad without exams, and the eldest is also a good student. But what they will do in life - time will tell. Of course, I would like to have someone to delegate matters to. But I won’t take them to the “Laboratory” until they gain experience: after all, the surname obliges.

You probably have nothing to dream about...

I'm not a dreamer at all. I have desires and goals. For example, now I really want to learn how to snowboard well.

Natalya Ivanovna Kasperskaya

Born on February 5, 1966 in Moscow.
In 1989 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering with a degree in applied mathematics.
In 1994, she headed her husband’s anti-virus project at KAMI.
In 1997, she became one of the founders and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.
In 2007, she took the chair of the chairman of the board of directors. In the same year, she registered the company InfoWatch.
Married for the second time. Husband is businessman Igor Ashmanov.
Mother of four children: from her first marriage - Maxim (21 years old) and Ivan (18 years old), from her second - Alexandra (4 years old) and Maria (1 year old).

Perhaps Evgeny Kaspersky would have remained a talented, but little-known programmer, if not for his ex-wife Natalya. It was she who established the successful sale of her husband’s IT developments. And while the business began to flourish, the Kaspersky family fell apart. But Natalya and Evgeniy managed to maintain their relationship and are still co-owners of Kaspersky Lab.

Divorce is not a hindrance to business

– Natalya, the company was created in 1997, and two years later you divorced Evgeniy Kaspersky, with whom you lived for almost 10 years and gave birth to two sons...

“We both understood that the company was very dear to us.” At that time, the “Laboratory” was a little over a year old, it was just beginning to rise. The divorce of the two founders could be perceived negatively by the market and put its future in jeopardy. Kaspersky and I agreed not to tell anyone about the divorce (according to rumors, Evgeniy was the initiator of the breakup, as if he left the family after meeting another woman. - Note). For a whole year we, like two partisans, remained silent and formally remained husband and wife. There was no talk of dividing the business at all.

– Was this a difficult decision for you?

– The interests of the company have always been higher than personal experiences for me. I perceived Kaspersky Lab as my child, I saw prospects for growth. And even though emotions sometimes went wild, I understood that Kaspersky and I found ourselves in a bond that could not be broken. Zhenya was an important link - a unique analyst, one of the world's top ten information security experts. And the entire business part rested on me.

Kaspersky Lab

In 1989, a graduate of the “Higher Red Banner School of the KGB” (now the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation) Evgeny Kaspersky “cured” his computer from a virus using a program that he himself wrote. In 1991, his wife Natalya patented the AVP program (later Kaspersky Anti-Virus) in the All-Russian Authors Society. In 1997, the couple founded Kaspersky Lab. Two years later, the company increased its share in the Russian antivirus market from 5 to 50%. Kaspersky Lab's turnover in 2009 was $480 million. It employs more than 1,700 specialists. According to Finance magazine, Natalia Kasperskaya's net worth is estimated at $462 million.

– They say that the success of Kaspersky Anti-Virus is your merit?

– The fact is that if there were no anti-virus program that caught viruses well, there would be nothing to sell. My role as a leader was not the last, but I would not completely attribute the success to myself. Business is teamwork.

– I don’t care about ratings. I was disappointed in them. I think it would be interesting to rank entrepreneurs who built a business from scratch and calculate how much money they earned. Another issue is that such a rating is difficult to compile - the information is usually closed. For example, how much does Kaspersky Lab cost? $100 million or $5 billion? No one knows. This is a closed joint stock company whose shares are not for sale. Therefore, when I saw myself in the ranking of billionaires, I was very surprised. I would be glad to see my millions in some more tangible form.

– Why didn’t you change your last name?

- I'm used to it. The divorce occurred two years after we stopped living together. By this time, I had acquired documents for this last name and decided that I would not change it. Besides, I was already known as Natalya Kasperskaya. To be honest, even at the age of 20, when I got married for the first time, I didn’t really want to change my maiden name. But Kaspersky said: “Then we are leaving the registry office!” And my second husband no longer persuaded me to change my last name.

– You have two sons from your marriage with Kaspersky and two daughters were born in your marriage to Igor Ashmanov. How did you decide?

– I have a new family – what can I do without children? If I had gotten married for the second time earlier, I would have given birth to more, but I only have four. I have something to compare with, and I can say that raising children is easier now. Instead of diapers - diapers, instead of washing in a basin - washing machines, give birth to health! Besides, communication with a child is so pleasant! Especially until he insists on his own opinion, doesn’t stamp his foot on you, doesn’t run away for the night: “I’m spending the night with a girl tonight.” The first year is the best. Now the youngest Masha, she is a little over a year old, has gone. He twists out of his hands and runs away. That's it, my lafa is over.

“I won’t take my children to the Laboratory”

– What do your sons do?

– My eldest son Maxim is now graduating from the Geography Department of Moscow State University, and I don’t see my drive in him. Until he sets clear goals for himself. And sometimes I get the feeling that his parents are more concerned about his future than he is. The younger one was simpler, he followed in our programmer footsteps. He got a job in one company, something didn’t work out there and he quickly left. I noticed that the children of successful people are quite often weak and inert: they have everything. I try to keep mine in good shape. I heard that wealthy Americans “throw their children out onto the street,” forcing them to earn their own money for education and housing.

Children of successful people are quite often unskillful and inert: they have everything. But I try to keep mine in good shape.

-But you're not ready?

- I am not sure. Although I say: once you graduate from university, don’t expect any support from us. Next - myself.

– Are you a successful mother?

- Wait and see. Both sons entered on their own. Vanya won the Olympiad without exams, and the eldest is also a good student. But what they will do in life, time will tell. Of course, I would like to have someone to delegate matters to. But I won’t take them to the “Laboratory” until they gain experience: after all, the surname obliges.

- You probably have nothing to dream about...

– I’m not a dreamer at all. I have desires and goals. For example, now I really want to learn how to snowboard well.


Natalya Ivanovna Kasperskaya

  • Born on February 5, 1966 in Moscow.
  • In 1989 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering with a degree in applied mathematics.
  • In 1994, she headed her husband’s anti-virus project at KAMI.
  • In 1997, she became one of the founders and CEO of Kaspersky Lab.
  • In 2007, she took the chair of the chairman of the board of directors. In the same year, she registered the company InfoWatch.
  • Married for the second time. Husband is businessman Igor Ashmanov.
  • Mother of four children: from her first marriage - Maxim (21 years old) and Ivan (18 years old), from her second - Alexandra (4 years old) and Maria (1 year old).

Today is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - our Russian answer Western Day Saint Valentine's. Our holiday is also associated with the saints - Peter and Fevronia of Murom, they are considered the patrons of the family, and their marriage is a model of love, marriage and harmony. Peter and Fevronia had five children: four sons and a sweet daughter. In honor of today's holiday, we decided to talk about modern famous large families.

The Raskovalov family, four children

Vadim and Yana Raskovalov met at a social event and already in the early 2000s formalized their relationship. The wedding took place in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo.

Vadim Raskovalov - former owner network of St. Petersburg fitness clubs, and now co-owner of Podium. Yana is not only a great mother, she has her own brand, Yana Raskovalova, where she brings her original ideas to life.

Now the couple has four children - three daughters and one son. Yana recently gave birth to her fourth child, and has been in excellent shape since the first days after giving birth. Even on recent months pregnancy, the jeweler and designer showed off her body without embarrassment in fashion shoots - and it’s not surprising, because even in interesting position The blonde looked great.

Kaspersky-Ashmanov family, five children

Natalya Kasperskaya met Igor Ashmanov back in 1996, at the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover, while still married to Evgeny Kaspersky. As Natalya recalls, she and Igor began dating three or four years after her divorce from her husband, and in 2001 they legalized their union.

Igor Ashmanov is a managing partner, general director of the Ashmanov and Partners company, one of the founders and most famous top managers of the Russian IT industry.

Since October 2007, Natalya Kasperskaya has been the CEO and owner of a controlling stake in InfoWatch. This company was part of her share in the division of business with her former husband.

Natalya has two sons from her first marriage - Ivan and Maxim, and three daughters from her second - Maria, Varvara and Alexandra.

In interviews, Natalya often says that she would like to spend more time with her family, but business is another child of hers that needs to be looked after all the time. At the same time, Natalya believes that it is children who give a person the understanding that someone needs him, that there is someone to work for. And Natalya calls children her true value.

The Vodianov-Arnault family

Antoine first saw Natalia in 2008 - at that time she was married to British lord Justin Portman. Arnault then headed the communications department of the Louis Vuitton fashion house, and Vodianova starred in an advertising campaign for this brand. For Antoine it was love at first sight. But he decided to write to Natalya only when he read in the newspapers that she had divorced.

Thanks to Natalya, Arno truly discovered Russia and began to better understand his beloved.

Natalya is sure that Antoine has a very strong sense of empathy. And that’s why they love each other so much - they both have something important and common in their souls.

The couple has two sons - Maxim and Roman. Natalia also has three children from her marriage to Justin Portman - Lucas Alexander, Neva, Victor.

Arno jokes that thanks to Natalia, five children appeared in his life in two and a half years. At the same time, he quite seriously claims that this is the best thing that happened in his life.

Thompson family, six children

Olga came to America at the age of 14. She studied ballet at a school in California, then at the art history department of Stanford University, and worked at the Legion of Honor Museum as an exhibition curator. Her chosen one was the English photographer Charles Thompson. They met in New York in 2000, and in 2002 they got married in Yasnaya Polyana. Olga’s passion for Tolstoy’s work apparently played a big role in choosing the venue for the celebration.

The family loves to travel around Russia - they have been to the Tver region, Vladimir, Suzdal, and love to look for old dilapidated buildings. According to Charles, he sees in them layers of previous realities superimposed on each other. The whole family speaks Russian perfectly.

Charles is still professional photographer. Olga is a co-owner of the company producing designer fabrics Tissus Tartares.

Now the couple has six children - Tatyana, Alexander, Anastasia, Maria, Anna, Natalya.

The Thompsons often attend social events. For example, last year the entire family was spotted at the Tatler debutante ball.

Aminov family

Stella and Vadim Aminov formalized their relationship in 2002. They have six children.

Vadim Aminov is a member of the board of directors of Neftetransservice, and his fortune in 2014 was estimated at $0.7 billion. Together with his wife, he owns part of the shares of the Simachev brand; Stella’s own business is also developing and generating good income. Stella is an example modern woman, who successfully combines raising children and business - she is the owner of the Five Kids boutique.

Photographer: Lena Sarapultseva

Over the years life together Stella Aminova’s husband transported his family from one country to another several times until they settled in Russia.

Aminov always wanted to have big family, and his dream came true. But Stella always dreamed of a career. Now the couple has six children. Daniel Nathan, twins Miriam and Rachel, Joseph and Aaron.

Stella Aminova is a very caring mother, and with each subsequent child her sense of responsibility for her children only increases. If she and her husband go somewhere, they definitely take their children with them, except, of course, for social events and events that do not include children’s company.

We hasten to congratulate all married couples on this wonderful holiday, glorifying love and strong relationships. We wish everyone a long and happy union!

The material was prepared by Polina Rtishcheva and Ilnara Sagandykova

Beautiful and with many children - on the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity was last modified: August 9th, 2017 by Polina Rtishcheva

She was born on February 5, 1966 in Moscow. As a child, Natalya loved animals and dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but chemistry at school absolutely did not work out. But everything was fine with mathematics, and her parents - her mother, a design engineer, and her father, a candidate in physics and mathematics - predicted a great future for Natalya in the technical path. Even before entering the institute, Natalya proved herself to be a leader - she was engaged in active pioneering and social activities.

After listening to her parents, Kasperskaya entered the “Applied Mathematics” specialty at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. In 1989 she received her diploma. She subsequently obtained a bachelor's degree from the UK Open University, majoring in Business.

Before moving into sales and management, Natalya worked for several years at the Central Research and Design Bureau of Moscow as a private research fellow. While still a student, she met the talented programmer Evgeniy Kaspersky, and when in 1994 the opportunity arose to go to work at the Kami Scientific and Technical Center - the one where Evgeniy began his career - Kasperskaya took the opportunity. In “Kami” she took up an unusual activity for herself. At first, Natalya worked as a sales manager in the computer equipment department, but soon she was transferred to manage the anti-virus development department, where Evgeny Kaspersky worked on AVP.

By 1997 - when Kaspersky's anti-virus product began to be sold, and things at the Kami Research and Development Center had completely deteriorated - Natalya raised the question of separating and creating her own company. At first Evgeny Kaspersky grumbled and did not want any changes - they say it would only interfere with work on the project. But Natalya still persuaded her husband.

In 1997, the Kaspersky Lab company appeared. Evgeniy acted according to the principle of “the idea ... of the initiator” - he threw all organizational responsibility onto Kaspersky and returned to software development. At first, Natalya Kasperskaya had a hard time. But she did it. And in 1998, the hired technical, commercial and financial directors came to her aid.

In 1998, the family of Natalia and Evgeniy fell apart under the pressure of everyday squabbles. This did not appear to have affected the company. Until 2007, management and responsibility for Kaspersky Lab's activity in the market rested primarily on the shoulders of general director Natalia Kasperskaya. In 2007 her as major shareholder were elected to the post of head of the board of directors, while Evgeniy took the place of general director.

In 2004, in parallel with her work at the Laboratory, Natalya began to develop another area of ​​activity - the development of data protection systems in corporate intranet networks (DLP systems). After 3 years, Kasperskaya took the post of CEO of the company she founded, InfoWatch, a developer and distributor of such systems. Today this company has enormous potential for expansion into Western markets. In Russia, InfoWatch became the first in its field.

In Russia, the successful work of Natalya Kasperskaya was noted in 2008. She was ranked 4th in the top 10 most successful businesswomen in the country. By this time, Natalya already had many awards from foreign IT publications. In the same year, Kasperskaya was elected a member of the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade. By the way, in 2010 Natalya Kasperskaya received second place among the best top managers in the Russian IT industry.

In business, Natalia values ​​teamwork. As a leader, she knows how to listen to the opinions of experts before committing rash acts. At the same time, she does not accept all sorts of team building and other “nonsense” inspired from abroad. Working with Russian programmers requires a completely different approach, and Kasperskaya is aware of this. At the Laboratory, developers were never reprimanded for being late, but they had to complete their part of the job on time.

In her marriage to Evgeniy Kaspersky, Natalya became the mother of two children. After the divorce, she began to live with a prominent IT figure, Igor Ashmanov. By 2011, she became the mother of two more children. The last daughter was born, Masha, in March 2009. A month earlier, fans of Kaspersky Anti-Virus presented Natalya with a humorous list of possible names for a child, each of which was somehow related to the anti-virus field.

Natalya Kasperskaya knows two well foreign languages- German and English. He often goes on vacation to ski resorts, enjoys tourism and travel. Natalya plays the guitar well.

Natalya Kasperskaya is one of the most successful women Russia, she took 2nd place in the list of the 50 most influential business women in Russia according to Finance magazine for 2009. She has big business and four children. She managed to survive the divorce and become happy again. Natalya will be discussed in a new article in the section. « « .

Natalya Kasperskaya is a very famous person, therefore, as is now customary, the main thing read on Wikipedia: born in Moscow in 1966. Parents - typical representatives"technical intelligentsia". The only child was born late by those standards: the father was already 46 years old, the mother 30. The parents were engineers, worked in “closed” institutes, and were always busy.

We all come from childhood

She studied in a simple Soviet school. She was an ordinary schoolgirl, although very “socially active”: “I was involved in social activities and was even a member of the regional pioneer headquarters. In general, trips to Pioneer headquarters are one of the most vivid memories of childhood: we were always inventing something there - organizing performances, creating propaganda teams, traveling around the country.”

In addition, I went in for sports, enough for a long time played basketball at the Youth Sports School. In the winter I went skiing in the Moscow region, and in the summer I enjoyed swimming. She also collected stamps, badges and Soviet coins, painted portraits of her friends and sang in the school choir. She composed poems for all sorts of skits and school concerts.

But sometimes it was sad, there weren’t enough brothers or sisters... Then I decided that I would have three children myself.

In one of her interviews, Natalya Kasperskaya said that she dreamed of becoming veterinarian: “I really enjoyed working with animals. I even seriously thought about choosing such a profession, but when I moved to high school, I began to have completely insurmountable problems with chemistry. And since my parents are “techies,” there wasn’t much of an alternative. Naturally, I was advised to enter a technical university.”

Last two school year Studied at the Physics and Mathematics School at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM) at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. Later it turned out that Natalya’s vocation is not mathematics after all; she is more of a humanist by nature. Although mathematics was taught in exactly the same way as other subjects and problems were solved without problems, I couldn’t invent some kind of algorithm or prove a theorem without memorizing it before.

Institute and family in one bottle

Natasha studied at the institute with varying degrees of success. Thanks to the school habit of studying well, I studied diligently in the first three years and, as a rule, earned a scholarship. Then habits began to change and the University was graduated in 1989 without a honors diploma.

Article prepared by: Anna

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