Short Easter stories for children. What to tell your child about Easter. N. Gogol. Bright Sunday

We often forget to explain to our children what holiday we celebrate, why and why. Be sure to tell your children about the bright and good holiday of Easter and its traditions. Let's tell the children about Easter today.

The simplest short version for kids, it may be explained that this is the birthday of our Son of God, and for those who are older, you can add that the resurrection of Jesus personifies the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and life over death.

history of the holiday

Easter is the main religious holiday in Christianity. All over the world, believers celebrate the resurrection of God's Son Jesus Christ. The history of the holiday goes back more than 2000 years.

According to the Bible, the son of God Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and died a martyr's death right there on Mount Golgotha. According to legend, after the body of Jesus was removed from Christ, it was buried in a small rock in the garden of his disciple Joseph. The entrance was blocked with a huge stone, and a guard was placed near the entrance to prevent the body from being stolen.

But on the third night a miracle happened: an angel descended from heaven to earth and helped open the entrance to Jesus’ cave. The guards froze in amazement and could not move out of fear. Having come to their senses, they ran to the temple to notify the priest about the incident. At this time, several girls who came to the cave to anoint the body with fragrant myrrh did not find Jesus there. But they were met by an angel who said: “You are looking for Jesus crucified, he is not here. He rose from the dead." Jesus himself appeared before Mary Magdalene and one of his disciples and talked about God's kingdom for 40 days.

Easter traditions

The holiday of Easter is traditionally celebrated in accordance with the lunisolar calendar, so the date of the holiday changes every year. The date of the holiday falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. It is symbolic that Easter is celebrated only on Sunday. There are several other main traditions associated with the celebration of Easter.

Tradition of dyeing eggs

According to one legend, when Mary Magdalene presented the good news to Emperor Tiberius that Christ is Risen, he replied that it would be more likely for a chicken egg to suddenly turn red than for a dead person to be resurrected. Immediately the egg that Maria showed to Tiberius turned red. Therefore, the red egg is considered a symbol of Easter.

This video suggests interesting master class egg coloring, which is interesting to involve children in too. Dripping different colors and making discoveries in each egg is what you need to interest children:

Curd Easter

The tradition of making cottage cheese Easter is associated with the site of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The curd mass in the shape of a hill represents Mount Golgotha, on which the son of God was crucified.

How to make cottage cheese Easter watch in the video:

Easter cakes...

The tradition of baking Easter cakes is explained by the fact that, according to legend, the shroud of Jesus Christ was the same round shape as the Easter cake. Kulich is baked only from butter yeast dough. Here is one of a million recipes for baking Easter cakes:

My children are always waiting for their mother to bake Easter cakes and delicious baked goods))) What about you?

There is another interesting legend about the tradition of dyeing eggs. King Louis the Saint of France had been released from captivity and was going home. At the feast, the main decoration was multi-colored eggs. This day coincided with the celebration of Easter.

There is an interesting Easter custom in Ukraine. The boys pour water on the girls on Easter Monday, and on Tuesday the girls pour water on them in retaliation. cold water Guys.

In Belgium, children are told that the bells don’t ring until Easter because they went to visit Rome and will return after Easter with gifts in the form of eggs and rabbits.

In Bulgaria, clay pots are prepared for Easter different sizes, beautifully painted and with good wishes. On Easter, they are thrown from roofs and upper floors in honor of victory over evil, and anyone passing by can pick up a pot shard for good luck.

In Catholicism, the main symbol of Easter is the rabbit. Children believe that if they behave well, they will Easter Bunny will come on the eve of the bright holiday and bring colorful eggs as a gift.

Easter inspired many masters to create masterpieces. One of these was the famous jeweler Peter Carl Faberge, who created world-famous masterpieces - Faberge eggs.

In many countries Easter day is public holiday and weekends. In some countries, not even one, but several days.

How to spend Easter with your children

Spending Easter with your children can be useful, fun and entertaining if you prepare in advance. We offer some universal ideas, as well as some unusual activities that you can do with your little ones this Easter.

In the process of preparation, you can tell your child the history of the holiday, traditions and introduce him to baking Easter cakes, painting eggs and decorating the house.

It is customary to start Easter day with a hearty festive breakfast with freshly prepared Easter cakes, eggs and other goodies. It is also customary to congratulate each other and have leisurely conversations. After breakfast, be sure to play Easter games, ask riddles, read poems and sing songs.

On a bright Easter day, hospitable hosts open their doors to numerous visitors. It is also customary to visit the temple on this day. Also, be sure to go to the folk festivities dedicated to this holiday!

If you are very lucky and you live in a private house, then most likely there is at least one tree on your property. Decorate with your child with decorative Easter eggs, perhaps even made with your child. This tradition comes from Western Europe, but has taken root well in Russia. The tree symbolizes the heavenly tree of Life. It will definitely add positive emotions, will delight others and add a festive mood.

Ideas for Easter crafts at home with children

Usually at Easter it is customary to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. But for children, especially small ones, even a little help difficult and uninteresting. Therefore, it’s better to come up with something else. As a rule, at Easter more attention is paid to the festive table, but much less attention is paid to interior decor. This is where you can and should ask your child to help decorate the house for the holiday or make a children's craft for Easter. kindergarten or school. There are a lot of ideas for this.

Here are the crafts we offer for Easter:

Drawing "Easter"

To create an Easter drawing, you can use one of our past master classes:

Egg garland

The most easy craft is a garland of painted paper eggs. Cut out eggs from paper, paint them using any available means, including paints, gouache, pencils, felt-tip pens, and then use clothespins or paper clips to attach them to a rope one after another or separately.

Styrofoam craft eggs or empty eggshells are perfect for the same purpose:

Origami Easter Bunny

Chicken from a disposable paper plate.

Also a very simple craft. We cut off half of the plate - this will be the body of our chicken. From the second part we cut off one sector - this will be the tail, which we attach to one side of the body. On the second side we will draw or glue eyes from the existing material, a pre-cut crest and a beak. If desired, you can color it with something.

See even more Easter crafts for children in the “” section.

Get inspired and walk along the strings of rhythm, rhyme and soul, plunging into

Proverbs and sayings about Easter

Easter is a holiday of holidays and of course is also filled with folk wisdom, expressed in parables, signs, proverbs and sayings about Easter. And this is an excellent tradition - to convey the wisdom of centuries to our children, clothing them in short but meaningful expressions:

  • There was a fast, there will be a holiday! There was sadness, there will be joy!
  • Where there is Easter cake and dough, here is our place!
  • We have the best Easter cakes in our oven!
  • Pray - pray, but beware of evil deeds.
  • If you look at the image, you will not become holy.
  • The sun is rolling down the Easter hill into summer.
  • An egg is precious on Christ’s Day.
  • If you didn't know how to play with an egg, play with a nodule!
  • Easter is a holiday and celebration of celebrations.
  • Easter – “King of days.”
  • Be as smooth as an egg!
  • And the child knows that it is Christ’s day!
  • The eggs were painted - and continue to be painted!
  • They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.
  • Spring is coming, full of miracles - Christ is risen, Christ is risen!
  • Happy Sunday for everyone!
  • Christ. Risen! Christ. Risen! Angels from heaven rejoice!

Riddles about Easter

How can you manage on a holiday without games and riddles? Try to solve riddles about Easter with your child. It has been proven that riddles broaden your horizons and help you understand the world no worse than other methods.

Instead of "Hello!"
We are on Easter days
We say: “Christ is Risen!”
In response to us with kindness and affection
They send... ( Truly Risen!)

Raisinous, lush,
With snow-white glaze,
They won't be superfluous
They will eat them serenely.
They come on holidays
Shout for joy
Delicious, wonderful,
Miracle - ( Kulichi)

Yellow, red, blue,
Choose any one for yourself
Open the paint quickly
We will paint eggs in...( Easter)

Red, blue and painted,
We bring them to be blessed in a basket.
In Easter games there is no place without them.
Besides, it's just food.


You don't see this often on the streets:
People walk with banners and singing.
Lit candles and lamps flicker.
Tell me, what is the name of this procession?


Spring comes
Everyone is waiting for her
Easter cakes are baked in houses,
They sing good songs!


A very important element -
White egg,
After conducting an experiment,
Everyone paints it.

For what and why,
They know everything perfectly well
Because with a quiet step
Comes to us...( Easter)

A ray of sun is shining through the window,
Everything is clean and so bright.
We baked Easter cakes
We are waiting for a holiday, what are we all?


The domes are shining,
The bells are ringing
Happy Resurrection of Christ
Spring has come to us.

Revived life
She brought colors back to the world,
Brought love
Holy to us...( Easter)

The birds chirp tenderly,
The sun outside the window, spring,
On Holy Resurrection,
She came to visit us!


Why are people so happy today?
Because the holiday is coming to our houses,
Because this is a miracle of miracles,
Because on Sunday... ( Christ is risen)

We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday of Easter and wish your family harmony, boundless family warmth and comfort. Bake delicious Easter cakes, paint the most beautiful eggs, decorate the house and be sure to pass it on centuries-old history and the traditions of this wonderful Orthodox holiday!

With love,

How to tell children about Easter? Offer the kids something like this interesting story about the holiday with poems.

The sun is shining brighter today,

The wind beats stronger at the window,

And the cry reaches the skies:

“Christ is truly Risen!”


Alyonka and Sasha are very busy today. Mom allowed them to paint Easter eggs. The children work smartly. There will be sun, trees, and waves on the eggs! And mom and grandma are in the kitchen Easter cakes bake. The grandmother promised that while the dough was resting, she would tell the story of this holiday.

Listen too...

Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days. We prepared for it for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday - day spiritual cleansing, receiving the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sadness. Holy Saturday- a day of waiting, the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior.

The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were also those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about the Kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the Lord's disciples, decided to hand over Christ to this evil people. He approached his Teacher and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus he sold his Master.

Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court. The elders and judges were looking for evidence to convict Jesus. They bullied him, but he endured.

In the end He was sentenced to death penalty. It was a terrible event. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha. When he died, the earth shook and rocks began to disintegrate. This happened on Friday. Now we call this day Good Friday. On this sorrowful day we must pray.

When Saturday passed, at night, on the third day after his suffering, the Lord Jesus Christ came to life and rose from the dead. On Sunday morning, women came with incense to anoint the body of the Savior. But instead of Him they saw an Angel. He announced the Resurrection of the Lord: “Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for the crucified Jesus. But one should not look for the Living among the dead. He has risen as He promised you. Go and tell Jesus’ disciples that He has risen from the dead and is waiting for them.”

Joy overwhelmed the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell.

As people prepare for Easter, they are filled with joy and faith. WITH Maundy Thursday The favorite activity begins - coloring and painting eggs. There is a lot of meaning put into simple patterns. The wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashanki and pysanky were placed on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. The lush greenery and bright colors of the Easter eggs created a festive mood.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house smells of sweet vanilla and raisins - a real holiday!

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive service takes place ( Easter Service God's). Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize prosperity, pysanky and krashanki. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people.

Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away.

The holiday lasts throughout Bright Week. There was a custom in the villages: in the evening violinists walked around the villages and played under the windows in honor of Christ.

Poems about Easter for children


Boys and girls

Candles and willows

They took it home.

The lights are glowing,

Passers-by cross themselves

And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,

Rain, little rain,

Don't blow out the fire.

Palm Sunday

Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up

For the holy day.

Easter announcement

The blows came

To the blue skies

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

Happy holiday!

Easter is a holiday of holidays, a celebration of celebrations. This is what Easter is called in Rus'.

This is the most important holiday for Christians.

Symbols of this happy holiday- symbols of new birth and eternal life:

colored eggs, Easter cakes and, of course, Easter cottage cheese.

Everyone is preparing for the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Even people far from religion prepare for this bright holiday, congratulate their relatives and friends, thereby joining the most important church holiday. Everyone in the family should know about this holiday. And the children too. Children from 2 years old (and maybe younger) can participate in preparations for Easter. A must tell kids and children older about Easter: the history of this holiday, how it is celebrated in different countries. When your baby grows up, try to introduce him to the meaning of this holiday, show him pictures from the children's Bible. It is necessary to explain to the child in accessible language that by his death and resurrection Jesus Christ gave each of us hope for life after death.

How to tell children about Easter?

When we telling children about Easter, we must consider their age. After all, children need to be told in a way that makes them very interested. Otherwise they won't listen.

Easter is Holy holiday the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God, from the dead. A long time ago, God sent his son Jesus to earth. He had to defeat death and evil, and save people from sin. But among Jesus' disciples there was a traitor. Jesus was executed and crucified on the cross. He died on Friday. Now this Friday is called Good Friday. And on Sunday there was a strong earthquake, Jesus stood up and left the tomb, without moving the stone that covered the tomb.

Having learned about this miracle, people from all over the world flocked to see the risen Jesus. Since then they have been celebrating Easter - the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

It’s better, of course, to become familiar with this holiday in advance. And then you will have time to prepare properly: introduce your child to the history of the holiday, prepare greeting cards for loved ones, some crafts and decorations for the holiday.

One way to introduce Easter is resurrection eggs.

These eggs will take time to make, but they will last for many years. You will need: 12 eggs, which we number. For such eggs you can take capsules from Kinder Surprises. But they are too small. Therefore, it is better to use plastic “eggs” from candy. And you will need to fill each egg with its contents - a symbol, depending on what you would like to focus the child’s attention on.

Here is a list of symbols:

  • a figurine of a donkey - a symbol of the donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem;
  • cracker - a symbol of the last supper of Jesus with his disciples;
  • a silver coin or coins is a symbol of Judas’ betrayal;
  • a piece of rope - a symbol of the arrest of Jesus;
  • a thorn or piece of a branch with thorns - a symbol of the crown of thorns worn by Jesus;
  • wooden cross - a symbol of the cross on which Jesus was crucified;
  • nail - a symbol of the crucifixion;
  • a piece of black paper is a symbol of the darkness that has covered the earth;
  • a piece of cloth - a symbol of the cloth with which the body of Jesus was wrapped;
  • pebble - a symbol of the stone closing the entrance to the tomb;
  • the empty egg is a symbol of the empty tomb;
  • a piece of cotton wool - a symbol of Jesus' ascension to heaven

You can store this set of visual aids in an egg container. The container can be decorated beautifully and with reverse side Label the contents of each egg.

Now you need to come up with and write down a story about the history of this holiday. Place the recorded story in the container as well.

You definitely need to rehearse this little performance before you tell your child this story.

IN ideal of this story-game - a note in each egg with a quote from the Bible.

The main thing in the story about this holiday is to pay more attention to the positive aspects of the event and talk less about the negative aspects. Constantly emphasize that Jesus delivered us from our sins and he did not remain dead, but was resurrected and ascended into heaven to his Heavenly Father.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

The most common version of this: Mary Magdalene, having learned about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, came to Emperor Tiberius and gave him an egg, exclaiming “Christ is risen!” The Emperor did not believe her. He said it was just as possible for a white egg to turn red. And at the same moment the white egg turned scarlet. Since then, the red egg has become a symbol of new birth and eternal life. The red color signifies the joy of the Resurrection, the rebirth of the human race, as well as the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us and which atoned for our sins.

By the way, for children you can paint quail eggs. And they will look very nice. And you can eat more of them. And they are less allergenic than chicken.

How is Easter celebrated?

The most important event of this bright holiday is attending a solemn church service and consecrating Easter cakes, eggs, wine and other Easter food.

Food can also be blessed on the eve of the holiday - on Saturday. Which is what most people do. The custom of blessing Easter food in the temple is very beautiful. This hike brings together children and adults.

See you again!

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Elena Viktorovna Shcherbakova

Introducing preschool children to the celebration " Easter"

Job preparatory group "Easter tree"

Inside Easter We hid the eggs a small and sweet surprise - candy.

Easter can become very bright and interesting holiday for children. After all, kids are always happy to help mom decorate with white icing and colored sugar. Easter cakes, color eggs in different colors or put fancy stickers on them.

With children you can prepare for Easter cards for relatives, hand-paint eggs and decorate the house for the holiday. But your child needs to be told about Easter, about its traditions and history, about Great Lent in words understandable to a child. While you are coloring eggs or coloring a homemade card, tell your child, why is all this being done? Small story about the life and death of Jesus Christ will bring meaning and understanding to the holiday Easter.

Tell your child about Easter maybe something like this way: “You and I are preparing for the holiday Easter, this is the most important religious holiday and it is dedicated to the resurrection of the son of God Jesus Christ from the dead. Once upon a time, God sent his son Jesus to earth, who grew up among people and then defeated Death and rose from the dead. He could have chosen not to die, but he chose death to help people get rid of their sins.

Jesus died on Friday, he was nailed to the cross, and on Sunday there was a great earthquake and Jesus got up and came out of his tomb. Jesus showed that we do not die forever, then we wake up and go to heaven, where we live another eternal and very happy life. Jesus is very good, he loved all people very much, and taught them that love for all people should always live in the heart. And he did his act out of very Great love to all living beings.

Since then on Easter people paint eggs and bake special Easter bread: these are symbols of new birth and eternal life." Celebration Easter lasts forty days - the number of days Jesus came to his disciples after his Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to his and our Father - God. All forty days, and especially active in the first week Easter, it was customary to receive guests and go on visits, give Easter cakes and dyes. And the next Sunday after Easter - Farewell when it is customary to visit and remember the dead.

Children about Easter:story about Easter,poems about Easter

Happy Easter

And we sing: “Christ is risen!”
We all answer in unison:
“He is truly risen!”

Years go by
Under the azure sky.
And the peoples sing everywhere:
“He is truly risen!”

Joy and hugs everywhere:
“Brother, sister, Christ is risen!
Hell is destroyed, there is no damnation:
He has truly risen!”

(V. Kuzmenkov)

Hello, dear visitors of the Eliseyka Club! The Greatest One Is Coming Orthodox holiday Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. Even families that do not observe fasting and church canons on this day cover festive table, the main decoration of which is colored eggs. And many people probably paint and paint eggs together with their children.

How to satisfy children's curiosity and tell about why eggs are painted and why eggs, what other symbols and traditions of the Great Day - the Resurrection of Christ?

I first told my son about Easter in my own words, and when he grew up, we read the children’s Bible with him. If you don’t know how to tell your children about Easter, I suggest you take our story as a basis.

After the story, read with the children poems about Easter, they will also help you feel the celebration of this holiday.

Children about Easter

Jesus Christ was sent by God to earth to save us from sins (bad deeds) so that we could go to heaven after death. He walked a lot around his country, spoke to people about God, love, the path to eternal life, performed miracles, healing the sick. He could even raise the dead and foresee the future, because Jesus was the son of God.

Many believed him, people even wanted him to become their king (here you can (The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem), Jesus also had disciples. The kings were afraid that He would take away their power and therefore hated him, they dreamed of getting rid of him. But they didn't know Him.

Among the disciples of Jesus Christ there was one who valued money more than anything else. His name was Judas. He decided to point Jesus to the evildoers in order to receive a reward for this. Judas approached the Teacher and kissed Him. This was a sign for the evildoers, and they captured Jesus. And Judas was paid 30 silver coins for his betrayal.

Jesus was interrogated, tortured, and mocked. They wanted Him to renounce all his words, but the Son of God steadfastly endured cruel torment. Finally, it was decided to execute Him, and with the most terrible execution of that time, to which only the most dangerous criminals were subjected. This execution was the crucifixion of a person.

Jesus Christ was executed on Friday on Mount Calvary. They laughed at him, but He, crucified on the cross, did not condemn anyone. Even in such a situation, He was humble and meek. At the moment of His death the earth shook and rocks fell down. This is the most mournful day of the year for Christians, they call it Good Friday.

His disciples took the Teacher’s body and, wrapping Him in a shroud, placed Him in a cave, in a coffin carved from stone. But the servants of the cruel Jewish king rolled a stone to the door of the cave and placed a guard. But here they miscalculated. We didn't care God's Son stone blocks. Early in the morning on the first day after the Sabbath, Jesus rose again! The angel rolled away the stone, and the guards ran away in fear.

On Sunday morning, women came to the Holy Sepulcher; when they saw the stone rolled away, they were surprised. But the Angel announced to them the good news about the miraculous resurrection of Christ. Women (myrrh-bearing women) announced the good news to the apostles. Not everyone believed it. Then the Lord began to appear to his disciples to confirm his resurrection. This went on for 40 days.

Mary Magdalene decided to report the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the Roman emperor. She took a gift for him - chicken egg, which in those days symbolized the rebirth of new life and a miracle. But Tiberius laughed in her face: “This egg would sooner turn red than I would believe that Jesus has risen.” And at that very hour the egg turned red, “He is truly risen!” - exclaimed the amazed emperor.

This is where the tradition of dyeing eggs comes from. In the old days they were painted red, which also symbolized the blood of Christ, and only over time the eggs began not only to be painted (and in different colors), but also painted and decorated different ways, which reflects the joy that Easter brings to Christians.

People begin to prepare for Easter long ago. In memory of the patience of Jesus, how he spent 40 days in the desert, where he ate nothing, struggled with various temptations, believing adults who want to prove their faith keep strict fasting, that is, they eat a very limited range of foods. These are mainly fruits, vegetables and bread.

But the time of Lent is not only about abstaining from food. People think a lot, pray, try not to sin, live in peace and harmony with loved ones and other people, not have fun, and work. During Lent, people cleanse themselves, become spiritually enriched, and draw closer to the Lord. Only those people who have spirit stronger than body are capable of this.

IN last week Before the bright holiday of Easter, people carefully clean their homes, decorate with flowers, paint eggs and begin to prepare Easter food, Easter cakes, Easter cakes. On Friday, remembering terrible death Gentlemen on the cross, people do not engage in worldly affairs. On Saturday, eggs and other foods are blessed in the Church: Easter cakes, butter, cheese, which symbolize well-being and fertility.

From Saturday to Sunday, festive services are held in churches, which end Procession of the Cross. This is a solemn procession of clergy and parishioners accompanied by the ringing of bells towards the risen Christ. This is a very joyful and long-awaited event. On the bright holiday of Easter, the Church calls on believers to “purify their senses and see Christ, shining with the impenetrable light of the resurrection, and, singing the song of victory, hear clearly from Him: “Rejoice!”

Upon returning home, everyone sits down at the festive table, at which only relatives gather. The meal begins with blessed eggs. The owner approaches each one in turn with the words: “Christ is risen!” and kisses. The festive breakfast begins with Easter cake, it must be eaten to the very last crumb, they cannot be thrown away.


Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

The snow has already been removed from the fields,

And my hands are breaking from their shackles,

And the nearby forest is greener...

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(A.N. Maikov)

The sun has risen
In the fields beyond the river.
The morning has come
Already blue.
The birds are chirping
In one rapture
Glorify Christ
For His Resurrection!
Children, you too
Praise Jesus.
That morning He dissolved
Mortal bonds!
(Lugovskaya N.N.)

According to tradition, on this bright holiday, people exchange colored eggs and always celebrate Christ - some say when they meet: “Christ is risen!”, and others answer: “Truly he is risen!” Previously, mass celebrations were held on Easter, there was a custom of swinging on swings, organizing a “bride fair,” and playing paint and pysanka. The game “cue ball” has come down to us, that is, when they beat eggs. It was believed that in this way one could fight evil spirits.

Bogdan decorated these eggs at home

Poems about Easter

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions.

In green attire

The dark forests are gloomy,

The sky shines like the sea,

The sea is like heaven.

Pines in green velvet,

And fragrant resin

Along the scaly columns

It leaked like amber.

And in our garden today

I noticed how secretly

The lily of the valley made Christ

With a white-winged moth.

(K. D. Feofanov)


The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To the blue skies

Hidden behind the river

Pale moon

She ran loudly

Frisky, full.

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

(S. A. Yesenin)


The bright holiday of Easter comes to earth,

More magical than any fairy tale,

More wonderful than any earthly miracles:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

Easter ringing, and eggs with Easter cakes.

The birch trees stood up like white candles.

And the good news spreads over the earth:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection

I put on my spring jewelry...

And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

(A. Usachev)


Christ is risen! He, the King of the Worlds,
Lord of mighty kings,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world, holy blood
Shed like an angel - a redeemer!
Christ is risen! He gave people
The covenant of holy forgiveness,
He gave mercy to the fallen
And for holy beliefs
He ordered him to suffer as he himself suffered!
Christ is risen! He announced
That all people on earth are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the cross,
And he opened his arms to us!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like angels singing from heaven,
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Let us unite all brotherly hands,
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

(K.K. Roche)


On Easter Day, playing joyfully,
The lark flew high,
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.

And they repeated that song loudly
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
“Wake up, earth,” they said,
Wake up: Your King, your God has risen!

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He has conquered death forever -
Wake up, you too, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To Him Whose commandment is love.”

(E. Gorchakova)


Christ is Risen! People are brothers!
Each other in warm arms
Hurry up to joyfully accept!
Forget quarrels, insults,
Yes, the bright holiday of Sunday
Nothing will overshadow.

Christ is Risen! Hell trembles
And the sun of eternal truth shines
Above the renewed earth:
And the whole universe is warmed
A ray of Divine light.
Taste joy and peace.

Christ is Risen! Holy day!..
Thunder in all corners of the universe
Unceasing praise to the Creator!
Sorrows and sorrows have passed,
The shackles of sin fell from them,
The soul recoiled from evil.

(V. Bazhanov)


Thanks to You, the Risen One!
The night has passed, and a new dawn
Let the world usher in renewal
There is grief in the hearts of people.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And sing incessantly:
The world of His miracles is filled
And glory unspeakable.

Praise the host of Ethereal Forces
And Angelic faces:
From the darkness of the mournful graves
A great light shone.

Praise the Lord from Heaven,
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death has disappeared
Our eyes brighten.

Praise God, far away seas
And the ocean is endless!
May all sorrow be silenced
And the murmur is hopeless!

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And praise, people!
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

(Prince K.K. Romanov)

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Happy Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

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