Benefits of strategic planning. Advantages and disadvantages of planning

A strategy is a detailed, comprehensive management action plan designed to ensure the long-term success of an enterprise. The development and choice of strategy must be justified by extensive research and reliable data.

Strategic planning is a tool that helps in making management decisions when carrying out the necessary innovations and changes in the enterprise in order to achieve the desired strategic result. Process strategic planning includes four main types of management activities: distribution of strategic resources, adaptation of activities and management to changes in the external environment, internal coordination of work and organizational strategic foresight.

The allocation of resources provides for the priority provision of strategic corporate resources (funds, scarce managerial talent and technological expertise) to important areas of the enterprise's activities that determine its competitive position in the market and success in the long term.

Adaptation to the external environment covers all actions of a strategic nature that improve the relationship of the enterprise with its environment. The activities of the enterprise must be adapted to favorable external opportunities and to dangers (threats). Identifying these opportunities and threats is an important element of the strategic planning process. At the same time, appropriate options for the enterprise strategy should be determined, taking into account their effective adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Internal coordination includes the coordination of strategic activities to reflect (take into account) strong and weaknesses enterprises in order to achieve effective integration of internal efforts and capabilities.

Organizational strategic foresight provides for the implementation of the systematic development of the thinking of managers for their awareness of the past experience of strategic management of the enterprise. This activity is aimed at developing the strategic thinking of managers and improving their professionalism. The ability to learn from experience enables the enterprise to adjust the strategic direction of its activities in a timely manner. The role of the senior manager is not only to initiate the strategic planning process, but also to make specific decisions on implementation, consolidation and evaluation of results.

Essence of strategic planning is to formulate the main directions enterprise activities(mission) and indicators of its development for the planned period (goals) that determine the desired result of its activities in general and in a specific business. Within the framework of strategic planning, a comprehensive justification of the problems that an enterprise may encounter is provided, and actions are determined to resolve them, as well as a specific management action plan (strategy) is developed to fulfill the mission of the enterprise and achieve the formulated goals.

Strategic plans should be designed to be coherent over the long term and at the same time be flexible enough to allow them to be improved and refocused as needed. The overall strategic plan should be viewed as a program of the enterprise's activities for a long period of time, with the condition that the constantly changing business and social environment makes adjustments to this plan inevitable.

Strategic planning creates important benefits in organizing the future activities of the enterprise, including:

1) provides preparation for the use of possible favorable conditions for the successful operation of the enterprise;

        allows you to comprehensively analyze emerging (including those expected in the future) problems and threats in the activities of the enterprise;

        improves the coordination of actions in the process of economic activity of the enterprise to achieve its goals;

        and creates the prerequisites for the development of strategic thinking and foresight in the management corps of the enterprise;

        contributes to the formation of an information base for the effective management of the enterprise in the implementation of the strategy and achievement of goals;

        provides a more reasonable and rational distribution of enterprise resources and their concentration on key areas for achieving the success of the enterprise;

        creates conditions for improvement and development of managerial control at the enterprise.

However, one should take into account the boundaries and possibilities of effective planning, which are determined by a number of objective and subjective factors. The most important of them are:

          uncertainty of the market environment;

          planning costs,

          the scale of the enterprise;

          complexity of strategic planning.

Uncertainty in the market environment is the main objective reason, affecting the possibility of generating sufficient information (data) about the present and future state of the enterprise and its environment. The uncertainty of the behavior of the environment and the corresponding results of the enterprise, taking into account its changes, is determined by the very nature of the market. Regulation of relations between an enterprise and a part of market participants in order to increase the limits of planning can be carried out within the framework of certain strategic actions. These actions include:

            vertical integration strategies;

            expanding control over demand;

            creation of entrepreneurial networks;

            establishment of contractual relations and other actions.

The essence of actions within the framework of vertical integration lies in the fact that external (market) relations are replaced by internal ones. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the possibilities of vertical integration, in turn, are limited. The most effective demand control can be ensured by effective marketing activities in the enterprise. Its development makes it possible to ensure the adaptation of the enterprise to consumer demand, the needs and requirements of customers. However, the current competitive forces in the industry do not allow for a fully controlled and sustainable relationship with consumers. Contractual relations between the producer and the consumer are a more reliable way to eliminate uncertainty and to be able to plan their activities. The meaning of concluding a contractual relationship is that a potential manufacturer first finds a buyer for a specific product, concludes a contract for its supply, and then (after some preparation) manufactures and supplies these products. Prices and delivery volumes are set by the contract for a sufficiently long period of time. Like other ways to increase the limits of planning, contracts are not universal and absolute means, since they do not completely eliminate the risk associated with non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract by one of the parties. Enterprises can reduce the uncertainty of the external environment by using business networks. These networks bring together enterprises that have an economic interest in each other, on the basis of flexible relationships and cooperation based on mutual trust. Relations within a network differ from ordinary market transactions in that they are fixed not by the force of law, but by moral and ethical standards, relationships of trust and interest.

Planning costs are one of the most significant deterrents to the development of planned activities in an enterprise. Costs are determined by the need for additional costs for research, the organization of planning units and the involvement of additional personnel. In addition, strategic planning requires additional time - the most scarce and, as a rule, limited resource of the enterprise.

The scale of the enterprise and the features of strategic planning limit or, conversely, expand the possibilities of planning at the enterprise. An important advantage of scale in strategic planning is the use of synergies between integrated and diversified corporations. This advantage is determined by the possibility of more rational use capacity and resources of a large organization. Large enterprises include special units planning. This greatly facilitates and stimulates the implementation of strategic planning. It is difficult for small enterprises to carry out large-scale planned work. At the same time, strategic management is no less important for them than for a large enterprise. The external environment of such an enterprise is less controllable and more aggressive. Therefore, its future is more uncertain and unpredictable. To solve this problem, it is possible to use the knowledge and experience of professional consultants (consulting companies) in the field of strategic planning and management. Even reputable enterprises for the organization of strategic planning and strategy definition often turn to external consultants who specialize in these issues.



College of Economics


discipline: Management

on the topic: "The concept of strategy and strategic planning processes"

Done: student


Naberezhnye Chelny



1.1. The concept of strategy………………………………………………………4

1.2. Essence and advantages of strategic planning…………4


2.1. Essential elements strategic plan and organization of its development……………………………………………………………………......9




Strategic planning is one of the functions of management, which is the process of choosing the goals of the organization and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning provides the basis for all management decisions, the functions of organization, motivation and control are focused on the development of strategic plans. A dynamic strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are sheltered, without taking advantage of strategic planning, organizations as a whole and individuals will be deprived of a clear way to assess the purpose and direction of a corporate enterprise. The strategic planning process provides the framework for managing the members of an organization. Projecting everything written above on the realities of the situation in our country, it can be noted that strategic planning is becoming more and more relevant for Russian enterprises that enter into fierce competition both among themselves and with foreign corporations.

aim work is to determine the essence of strategic planning and the process of developing a strategic plan as a necessary element of the existence of the enterprise.


1. Determine the benefits of strategic planning and the main factors limiting its use;

2. To study the main elements of management decisions related to the organization of the implementation of the goals and strategy of the enterprise;

3. Explain the content of the process of formulating the mission and goals of the enterprise.


1.1. Concept of strategy

Word "strategy" derived from the Greek strategos,"the art of the general." The military origin of the term should come as no surprise. Exactly strategos allowed Alexander the Great to conquer the world.

Strategy is a detailed comprehensive plan of management actions designed to ensure the long-term success of the enterprise. The development and choice of strategy must be justified by extensive research and reliable data.

First of all, the strategy for the most part formulated and developed by top management, but its implementation involves the participation of all levels of management. The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. To compete effectively in today's business world, an enterprise must constantly collect and analyze vast amounts of information about the industry, competition and other factors.

1.2. Essence and advantages of strategic planning

Strategic planning is a tool that helps in making management decisions when carrying out the necessary innovations and changes in the enterprise in order to achieve the desired strategic result. Strategic planning process includes four main types management activities: distribution of strategic resources, adaptation of activities and management to changes external environment, internal coordination of work and organizational strategic foresight.

Resource allocation provides priority provision of strategic corporate resources (funds, scarce managerial talent and technological expertise) important directions activities of the enterprise, which determine its competitive position in the market and success in the long term.

Adaptation to the external environment covers all actions of a strategic nature that improve the relationship of the enterprise with its environment. The activity of the enterprise must be adapted to favorable external opportunities and to dangers (threats). Identifying these opportunities and threats is an important element of the strategic planning process. At the same time, appropriate options for the enterprise strategy should be determined, taking into account their effective adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Internal coordination includes the coordination of strategic activities to reflect (take into account) the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in order to achieve effective integration of internal efforts and capabilities.

Organizational strategic foresight provides for the implementation of the systematic development of the thinking of managers for their awareness of the past experience of strategic management of the enterprise. This activity is aimed at developing the strategic thinking of managers and improving their professionalism. The ability to learn from experience enables the enterprise to adjust the strategic direction of its activities in a timely manner. The role of the senior manager is not only to initiate the strategic planning process, but also to make specific decisions on implementation, consolidation and evaluation of results.

Essence of strategic planning is in formulating the main activities of the enterprise (mission) and indicators of its development for the planned period (goals), which determine the desired result of its activities in general and in a particular business. As part of strategic planning, a comprehensive justification of the problems that an enterprise may encounter is provided, and actions are determined to resolve them, as well as a specific plan of management actions (strategy) is developed to fulfill the mission of the enterprise and achieve the formulated goals.

Strategic plans should be designed to be coherent over the long term and at the same time be flexible enough to allow them to be improved and refocused as needed. The overall strategic plan should be viewed as a program of the enterprise's activities for a long period of time, with the condition that the constantly changing business and social environment makes adjustments to this plan inevitable.

Strategic planning creates important benefits in organizing the future activities of the enterprise, including:

Provides preparation for the use of possible favorable conditions for the successful operation of the enterprise;

Allows you to comprehensively analyze emerging (including those expected in the future) problems and threats in the activities of the enterprise;

Improves the coordination of actions in the process of economic activity of the enterprise to achieve its goals;

Creates prerequisites for the development of strategic thinking and foresight in the management corps of the enterprise;

Contributes to the formation of an information base for effective management by the enterprise in the implementation of the strategy and achievement of goals;

Provides a more reasonable and rational distribution of enterprise resources and their concentration on key areas for achieving the success of the enterprise;

Uncertainty in the market environment is the main objective reason that affects the possibility of generating sufficient information (data) about the present and future state of the enterprise and its environment. The uncertainty of the behavior of the environment and the corresponding results of the enterprise, taking into account its changes, is determined by the very nature of the market. Regulation of relations between an enterprise and a part of market participants in order to increase the limits of planning can be carried out within the framework of certain strategic actions. Among these actions are used: vertical integration strategies, increasing control over demand, creating entrepreneurial networks, establishing contractual relationships and other actions. Essence of action within vertical integration is that external (market) relations are replaced by internal ones. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the possibilities of vertical integration, in turn, are limited. The most effective demand control can provide effective marketing activity in the enterprise. Its development makes it possible to ensure the adaptation of the enterprise to consumer demand, the needs and requirements of customers. However, the current competitive forces in the industry do not allow for a fully controlled and sustainable relationship with consumers. Contractual relationship between producer and consumer are a more reliable way to eliminate uncertainty and be able to plan your activities. The meaning of concluding a contractual relationship is that a potential manufacturer first finds a buyer for a specific product, concludes a contract for its supply, and then (after some preparation) manufactures and supplies these products. Enterprises can reduce the uncertainty of the external environment by using entrepreneurial networks . These networks bring together enterprises that have an economic interest in each other, on the basis of flexible relationships and cooperation based on mutual trust. Relations within a network differ from ordinary market transactions in that they are fixed not by the force of law, but by moral and ethical standards, relationships of trust and interest.

Advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning

The main advantage of strategic planning lies to a greater extent in the validity of planned indicators, in a greater likelihood of implementing the planned scenarios for the development of events.

The current pace of change in the economy is so great that strategic planning seems the only way formal forecasting of future problems and opportunities. It provides the top management of the firm with the means to create a plan for the long term, provides a basis for decision-making, helps reduce risk in decision-making, ensures the integration of the goals and objectives of all structural divisions and company executives.

In the domestic practice of enterprise management, strategic planning is rarely used. However, in industry developed countries it becomes the rule rather than the exception. Features of strategic planning: should be supplemented by the current one; strategic plans are developed at meetings of the top management of the company annually; the annual detailing of the strategic plan is carried out simultaneously with the development of the annual financial plan (budget); most Western companies believe that strategic planning mechanisms should be improved.

Along with the obvious advantages, strategic planning has a number of disadvantages that limit its scope and deprive it of universality in solving any economic problems.

Disadvantages and limited opportunities strategic planning: strategic planning does not and cannot give due to its essence detailed description pictures of the future. What it can give is a qualitative description of the state to which the company should strive in the future, what position it can and should take in the market and in business in order to respond to main question- will the firm survive or not in the competitive struggle; strategic planning does not have a clear algorithm for drawing up and implementing a plan. His descriptive theory boils down to a particular philosophy or ideology of doing business. Therefore, specific tools largely depend on the personal qualities of a particular manager, and in general, strategic planning is a symbiosis of intuition and art of top management, the manager's ability to lead the company to strategic goals. The goals of strategic planning are ensured by the following factors: high professionalism and creativity of employees; close connection of the organization with the external environment; product updates; improving the organization of production, labor and management; implementation of current plans; inclusion of all employees of the enterprise in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the enterprise; the process of strategic planning for its implementation requires a significant investment of resources and time compared to traditional long-term planning. This is due to more stringent requirements for the strategic plan. It must be flexible, respond to any changes both within the organization and in the external environment. The number of employees involved in strategic planning is higher than in long-term planning; the negative consequences of strategic planning errors, as a rule, are much more serious than in the traditional, long-term one. Especially tragic are the consequences of an incorrect forecast for enterprises that carry out a non-alternative economic activity. The high degree of risk in long-term planning can be explained by those areas of production and economic activity in which decisions are made about products; directions of investments; new business opportunities, etc.; strategic planning should be complemented by mechanisms for the implementation of the strategic plan, i.e. the effect can be produced not by planning, but by strategic management, the core of which is strategic planning. And this implies, first of all, the creation of an organizational culture at the enterprise that allows the implementation of a strategy, a system of labor motivation, a flexible organization of management, etc. Therefore, the creation of a strategic planning subsystem at a particular enterprise should begin with putting things in order in the management system, with improving the overall management culture, strengthening performance discipline, improving data processing, etc. In this regard, strategic planning is not a panacea for all managerial ills, but only one of the means.

Fig.3.1. Stages of strategic planning

In this chapter, we will take a detailed look at general issues: study of external and internal environment firms; definition of vision, mission, set of goals; formation of various possible strategy options. The issues of choosing one of the alternative strategies, its development and preparation of the final strategic plan are highly specialized issues of the organization's management. It is difficult to recommend a general algorithm. In each individual case, the mechanism of subjective choice by the manager of the organization of a particular strategy comes into force.

Advantages use of strategic planning:

· All enterprises (and all organizations) need a clear understanding of the reasons for their existence, the main purpose of existence, the main tasks and (in the most fundamental form) ways to achieve their goals and objectives.

· The strategy defines the main ways in which the enterprise will be able to create and maintain its competitiveness. In a free market economy, many firms will compete to be able to meet the needs and needs of customers, but usually only a few of them will prosper. These are mainly those firms that most carefully chose the type (s) of business to be engaged in, and also had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to interest the client. Strategy is the most fundamental component of a competitive position and prospects.

· The term strategy has military roots. Thus, many of modern concepts strategies have their roots in the military mindset and are focused on how to win conflict situations. In the competitive environment of a free economy, companies also conflict with each other (industrial competition) and may also compete with other forces such as government agencies, labor unions, lobby groups, and so on. Thus, the production strategy is the way in which the senior manager hopes to win conflict situation in which his company is involved.

· The strategy also defines what tasks should be solved and thus determines what the management personnel should do and achieve.

· The strategy determines what results are achievable and desirable, what should be the degree of risk. Thus, it shows what profits the owners of the enterprise (shareholders) and other shareholders (employees, suppliers, customers, regional bodies, etc.) can expect from the implementation of the chosen strategy.

Strategic planning object- activities of business entities, structural elements national economy, the entire national economy of the country from the standpoint of their future state in the short and long term.

First of all, we are talking about regulating the dynamics of the national economy and structural changes in it, employment of the population, and solving other problems with the help of macroeconomic strategic planning. social problems(the level and quality of life, the development of social infrastructure sectors), the implementation of measures in the field of ecology, the support of science, the direction of financial flows in the country, etc.

At the micro level, i.e. at the level of the primary link of the economy (firms, other market organizations) - development strategic programs and plans for their activities in the medium and long term, creating the necessary prerequisites for survival in the face of intense competition.

Strategic planning is special kind practical activities of people - planned work, consisting in the development of strategic decisions (in the form of forecasts, draft programs and plans), providing for the promotion of such goals and strategies for the behavior of the relevant management objects, the implementation of which ensures their effective functioning in the long term, rapid adaptation to changing external conditions environment.

3.4 Advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning

The main advantage of strategic planning lies in the greater degree of validity of planned indicators, the greater likelihood of the implementation of the planned scenarios for the development of events.

The current pace of change in the economy is so fast that strategic planning seems to be the only way to formally predict future problems and opportunities. It provides the top management of the company with the means to create a plan for the long term, provides a basis for decision-making, helps reduce risk in decision-making, ensures the integration of the goals and objectives of all structural divisions and performers of the company.

In the domestic practice of enterprise management, strategic planning is rarely used. However, in the industry of developed countries, it is becoming the rule rather than the exception.

Features of strategic planning:

Should be supplemented by the current one;

Strategic plans are developed at meetings of the top management of the firm annually;

The annual detailing of the strategic plan is carried out simultaneously with the development of the annual financial plan (budget);

Most Western companies believe that strategic planning mechanisms should be improved.

Along with the obvious advantages, strategic planning has a number of disadvantages that limit its scope and deprive it of universality in solving any economic problems.

Disadvantages and limitations of strategic planning:

1. Strategic planning does not and cannot, due to its nature, give a detailed description of the picture of the future. What it can give is a qualitative description of the state to which the company should strive in the future, what position it can and should take in the market and in business in order to answer the main question - will the company survive or not in the competition.

2. Strategic planning does not have a clear algorithm for drawing up and implementing the plan. His descriptive theory boils down to a particular philosophy or ideology of doing business. Therefore, specific tools largely depend on the personal qualities of a particular manager, and in general, strategic planning is a symbiosis of intuition and art of top management, the manager's ability to lead the company to strategic goals. The goals of strategic planning are ensured by the following factors: high professionalism and creativity of employees; close connection of the organization with the external environment; product updates; improving the organization of production, labor and management; implementation of current plans; inclusion of all employees of the enterprise in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

3. The process of strategic planning for its implementation requires a significant investment of resources and time compared to traditional forward planning. This is due to more stringent requirements for the strategic plan. It must be flexible, respond to any changes both within the organization and in the external environment. The number of employees involved in strategic planning is higher than in long-term planning.

4. Negative consequences errors in strategic planning, as a rule, are much more serious than in traditional, long-term planning. Especially tragic are the consequences of an incorrect forecast for enterprises engaged in non-alternative economic activities. The high degree of risk in long-term planning can be explained by those areas of production and economic activity in which decisions are made about products; directions of investments; new business opportunities, etc.

5. Strategic planning should be complemented by mechanisms for the implementation of the strategic plan, i.e. the effect can be produced not by planning, but by strategic management, the core of which is strategic planning. And this implies, first of all, the creation of an organizational culture at the enterprise that allows the implementation of a strategy, a system of labor motivation, a flexible organization of management, etc. Therefore, the creation of a strategic planning subsystem at a particular enterprise should begin with putting things in order in the management system, with improving the overall management culture, strengthening performance discipline, improving data processing, etc. In this regard, strategic planning is not a panacea for all managerial ills, but only one of the means.


A successfully implemented enterprise management strategy is the key to its fruitful functioning in a market economy.

good strategy coupled with successful execution does not guarantee that the company will be able to completely avoid periods of recession and instability. Sometimes it takes time for the efforts of managers to lead to positive results. However, it should be remembered that it is the responsibility of the manager to prepare the company's strategy for unexpectedly tough conditions through prudent strategic planning - perhaps the most important part of strategic management.

It should be remembered that planning is organically included in the management process and does not represent a separate event for two significant reasons. First, while some organizations cease to exist after achieving the purpose for which they were originally created, many seek to continue to exist as long as possible. So they redefine or change their goals.

The second reason why planning must be carried out continuously is the constant uncertainty of the future. Due to changes in environment or errors in judgment, events may not unfold as management anticipated when making plans. Therefore, plans need to be revised so that they are consistent with reality.

Strategic decision making is the choice of how and what to plan, organize, motivate and control. In the most in general terms This is what constitutes the main content of the leader's activity. But since there is no single strategy for all enterprises, and therefore each enterprise that wants to survive in harsh market conditions develops its own own strategy based on the analysis of the external environment, own potential, based on the goals and mission of the organization. The development of an organization's strategy is not an end in itself for strategic management. This complex and time-consuming work makes sense only if the strategy is successfully implemented in the future. In order to control the process of implementing the strategy and be sure that the goals set are achieved, the leaders of the organization are forced to develop plans, programs, projects and budgets, motivate the process, i.e. manage it.

But the company will not achieve its goals without a competent, competent leader. Therefore, managers must constantly improve themselves, learn new methods and approaches in enterprise management.

Strategic management is complex and requires consideration of many factors. At the same time, it allows you to identify the range of problems facing the enterprise and a certain set of various ways their decisions. To become a strategy, this set must form into a system.

Bibliographic list

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II Educational publications

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Adiev R.V. Strategic planning at the enterprise [Text] // Money and credit. - 2001 - No. 7. - p.34-45.

Ansoff I. Strategic management. - M .: "Economics", 1999 - p.55

Vikhansky O. S. Strategic management. - M.: "Gardarika", 2001. - p.140

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