Basic levels of labor discipline. Management of executive discipline. There are three levels of labor discipline

Therefore, there are three types of disciplinary offenses:

  • culpable violation by an employee of technological standards ( technological);
  • culpable non-performance or improper compliance by the subject labor law norms of subordination and coordination in the process of labor management ( managerial);
  • culpable non-observance by the subject of an employment relationship of the norms governing working hours and rest time ( regime, i.e. violating the "working hours" - Art. 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The type of disciplinary offense affects the procedure for establishing circumstances that indicate non-fulfillment or improper observance by the employee of his job duties.

So, when producing defective products, the fault of the employee is established in case of violation of technological standards, absenteeism, being late for work, unproductive use of working time (guilty violation by the employee of the working time regime). Investigation of managerial misconduct involves the establishment of the guilty in the employee's failure to comply with the legal order of the head of the production process.

Internal labor discipline is a set of rules and regulations aimed at regulating the behavior of employees. This will be discussed in more detail in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Labor discipline: general information

Compliance with labor discipline is mandatory in all organizations. If workers are not controlled, periodic violations occur, which eventually become systematic. This directly worsens the quality of work, while workers, seeing that others do not adhere to established norms and rules, quickly adopt bad qualities. The HR manager must monitor compliance with the requirements, punish violators.

The labor discipline of employees is considered in four directions:

  • postulate of law- discipline is understood as a controlling principle, passing through labor standards;
  • autonomous institute of law- the essence of all established norms available in the organization, which are focused on establishing the duration of working hours, routine, relationships among the team, etc.;
  • component of legal relations- norms of behavior of employees and the entire team as a whole;
  • actual employee behavior- the degree of implementation of the established norms and regulations available in the contract.

The labor discipline of employees as an element of labor organization matters, goals and objectives. Without it, the normal functioning of organizations of any level and field of activity is impossible. Only if the norms are observed, a productive and healthy environment in the team is noted. It is important to develop regulations, to familiarize employees with them. When compiling them, it is important to take into account a number of nuances.

The manager or direct supervisor must:

  1. draw up the content of the internal labor schedule;
  2. establish the rights and obligations of employees;
  3. approve working hours;
  4. create organizational and economic conditions for work;
  5. cultivate a conscientious attitude to work.

Rules should be based on:

regulations internal regulations(local or branch);

statutes and regulations on the discipline of individual employees;

technical rules, as well as instructions;

job instructions.

All points of internal labor discipline must be spelled out in the internal regulations. When compiling them, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of work, corporate culture, as well as the main goals.

Compliance with labor discipline is the main tool for achieving the following goals:

  1. increasing the level of efficiency of employees, as well as the entire team as a whole;
  2. increase labor productivity;
  3. ensuring the reasonable use of working time;
  4. maintaining safe and comfortable conditions;
  5. promotion of occupational safety and health.

Compliance with labor discipline is a way to achieve high performance and minimize possible accidents at work. It is especially important to maintain discipline in industry, where people work with complex mechanisms and machines. If nothing terrible happens in offices due to violations, then emergencies can arise in production, during which people can suffer, get seriously injured.

Compliance with labor discipline and methods of ensuring it

Without issuing an order on labor discipline in the team, without developing labor regulations and not familiarizing employees with them, it is impossible to require employees to comply with unspoken norms. All rules must be fixed! This issue must be approached as responsibly as possible, because the well-being of the organization directly depends on it. After implementing the requirements, you need to analyze the level of performance.

There are three levels of labor discipline:

high - absolutely all requirements are observed by the vast majority of employees;

medium - compliance with the norms is noted, but some employees periodically commit violations;

In order for the strengthening of labor discipline to be noted, it is necessary to take all measures conducive to this. The manager must develop a punishment scale by which employees can assess their guilt. At the same time, employees who try to comply with all the rules should be encouraged. This can be done in several ways.

promotion- public recognition of the merits of individual employees, rewarding. As a rule, encouragement means monetary reward. As an alternative, gym memberships and gifts are used.

Cash bonuses in the form of bonuses are issued for the successful performance of work over a certain period of time, but on the condition that the employee did not commit violations. The size of the bonus should be selected taking into account the fact that the reward is aimed at stimulating, therefore its size is determined individually in each specific case.

moral incentive - effective method improvement of labor discipline. Not all employees are interested in financial incentives, so they prefer diplomas, awarding titles, and other thanks.

Usually, in order to strengthen labor discipline, individual employees are encouraged, but if the entire team strictly observes the established standards, it is impossible to single out someone specifically. In the future, dishonest encouragement will lead to a deterioration in the psychological climate, a decrease in motivation and loyalty. If the organization cannot give bonuses to everyone, it is possible to award employees with certificates or small memorable gifts.

Control of labor discipline: methods of ensuring

The organization should carry out constant monitoring of labor discipline, and if systematic violations are detected, work should be carried out as with individual employees, and with the whole team at once. If you do not pay attention to small deviations from the rules, in the future they will take on a large-scale character. In some organizations, explicit leaders provoke others to violate discipline, which should be stopped immediately.

Opinion of expert Dmitry Kuznetsov, director of personnel management at HotSupport

Sometimes drastic measures are inevitable: the HR director fired the informal leader, and discipline problems disappeared

The incident happened in a large holding company. New leader The HR service dismissed a specialist who has been working in the company for a long time “under the article”. Protesting, the team began to massively violate discipline. In order to keep the team, the HR director focused on two things - individual conversations with subordinates on the job and informal communication, say, going to the movies. As a result, the HR Director identified an informal leader who made a mess. After talking with him, the head of the personnel service concluded that the troublemaker should be fired. After the dismissal, indeed, it was not difficult to return discipline.

The control of labor discipline of employees is aimed at identifying all violations:

  1. deviations from labor protection rules;
  2. absenteeism;
  3. systematic delays;
  4. early departures from work;
  5. embezzlement or theft of property;
  6. refusal to comply with the requirements of superiors;
  7. failure to perform official duties.

Carrying out control of labor discipline of personnel, and Considering principles of its organization, the manager must:

to form able-bodied and close-knit teams;

make a list of rules of a general or personal nature;

increase the level of organizational skills of leaders.

All workers who stumble should be punished. It can be both penalties, and statements, reprimands and dismissal. In some cases, violations are recorded on a personal card, while an employee can be fired under the article by making an appropriate note in work book.

Carrying out the control of labor discipline in the organization, noticing shortcomings, it is necessary to show loyalty, take into account circumstances that extenuate guilt. If the employee has committed violations for the first time, you can have a preventive conversation with him or ask him to write an explanatory note. Usually this is enough.

Control of labor discipline of personnel: sample order

The employer must issue an order on labor discipline. To date, a unified form orders is not provided, so it can be filled in in any order, but you need to specify the basic information. The employer can use type specimen or prepare the document yourself.

Order on labor discipline: sample

  1. order number;
  2. publication date;
  3. the name of the employer;
  4. Full name and position of employees or an individual;
  5. an indication of all the circumstances that served as the reason for issuing the order.

The order may reflect the control of labor discipline of personnel, encouragement or punishment of specialists, strengthening diligence. Accordingly, in case of any changes and violations, a document must be prepared. It should be made known to employees who receive incentives, punishments or other measures.

Discipline Order:

The order on labor discipline, its strengthening and control contains instructions from the employer on the need to create a commission. Its main function is increased control in relation to all employees of the organization. All violations are recorded and transferred to the head. This measure allows to improve the performance of employees, increase labor productivity.

You might be interested to know:

At present, the strengthening of labor discipline requires strengthening labor motivation. Labor motivation is a determining factor in the inclusion of the interests of each individual in productive work, regardless of the form of ownership and the scope of the organization. Labor motivation is influenced by the psychological and moral impact on the participants in the production process (the method of persuasion), material and moral and legal incentives, the provision of various benefits and benefits (the incentive method), as well as disciplinary measures applied to violators of labor discipline, and property measures. nature in the form of compensation for damages by the parties to the employment contract (coercion method) See: Labor Law of Russia: Textbook / ed. A.M. Kurennogo. M .: Jurist, 2008. P. 79 ..

In my opinion, an important means of improving labor discipline is the use of various incentives for employees. With skillful use, incentives can be a more effective tool for stimulating employees to conscientious work than penalties. Encouragement can push, stimulate an unlimited number of people to commit an act approved by society, and the most encouraged one to repeat this act Goncharov M.A. Labor discipline. Legal regulation. Practice. Documents / ed. Yu.L. Fadeev. // Prepared for System ConsultantPlus, 2008..

The current legislation provides for a fairly extensive system of incentives, which tends to be further developed. IN last years it is actively replenished with incentive measures established by federal executive authorities, subjects Russian Federation, organs local government. The law enforcer has more opportunities to choose an incentive measure that is adequate to the labor achievements of the employee. Thus, by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 10, 2005 N 400 “On departmental awards of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation” Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities. 2005. No. 31. The insignia "Mercy", the badge "Excellent worker in healthcare", the badge "Excellent worker" were established social and labor sphere", Certificate of Honor and approved provisions defining the procedure for their application.

In accordance with Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the basis for the application of incentive measures is the conscientious performance by employees of their labor duties. Conscientious is the impeccable performance of labor duties in strict accordance with the requirements for employees provided for in employment contracts, job descriptions, tariff and qualification reference books, instructions and requirements for labor protection and other documents that determine the content of the performed labor function, in compliance with the current Internal Labor Rules. routine. As practice shows, this general basis is not enough to develop a system for encouraging and rewarding employees. Therefore, managers and personnel departments are striving to develop more specific indicators in relation to the specifics of production conditions and the organization of labor at a particular employer. At this stage, most of the difficulties arise. In the absence of normalizing indicators, the application of incentives to employees is usually very subjective and may ineffectively affect the functioning of the incentive system as a whole. In this regard, the issue of developing normalizing indicators of labor efficiency should be given the closest attention.

The incentive system adopted by a particular employer is effective only if employees are aware of the principles of its functioning and understand it. Their belief in the fairness of this system is also of great importance. The norms that govern the entire procedure for applying incentives for conscientious work can be documented in the Internal Labor Regulations, but it is more expedient to do this in a special local regulatory act - the Regulation on Encouraging Employees.

First of all, it should be noted that the presence in the organization of this local regulatory legal act is not mandatory. However, it is being developed and adopted by many organizations. First, it's convenient. Not every organization has collective agreements and agreements. It makes sense to overload the text of the employment contract with a section regulating the issues of incentives only if the enterprise does not have unified system incentives for employees and for each of them individual types of bonuses are established. In all other cases, it is more expedient to develop a single document regulating the system of rewarding employees of the organization, and make a reference to this local normative act in the employment contract. Secondly, the Provision on Incentives allows you to document the expenses of the organization for the implementation of incentive payments to employees and, accordingly, reduce the taxable base for income tax. Thirdly, the very presence of the Regulation on the promotion of employees, which indicates the indicators, terms and amounts of bonuses, has a stimulating effect on employees, since they know in advance that if their work corresponds to those specified in this local act indicators, they will be entitled to count on additional remuneration Rodina H.The. Regulations on employee bonuses // Personnel service and personnel management of the enterprise. 2006. N 3. P.52..

A very important issue is the determination of the amount of bonus payments. What recommendations are possible here? Firstly, if the management of the organization does not want to act according to the template and wants to independently determine the amount of rewards deserved by employees, we can limit ourselves to the general phrase that the size of the bonus is determined by the head of the organization, taking into account the opinion of the immediate supervisor of the employee. Secondly, it is possible to protect the desire of the head of the organization to benefit his subordinates within certain limits by setting the minimum and maximum bonuses. Thirdly, the size of the bonus can be set either in a fixed amount of money, or as a certain percentage of the employee's official salary.

In my opinion, the percentage determination of the size of the premium or its minimum and maximum limits seems to be the most convenient. Indeed, in this case, it is not necessary to constantly make changes to the Regulation on bonuses related to indexing the size of the bonus, and also allows you to differentiate the size of the bonus for employees depending on the position they hold and the size of their salary. You can also enter additional criteria for determining the size of the premium. In particular, the size of the bonus may be increased depending on the length of service in the organization.

It is advisable to form a system of factors that serve as grounds for encouraging employees to different categories employees in different ways - taking into account the nature of the work performed, the procedure for accounting and standardizing the results of the work of various categories of employees. For example, it is advisable to define a different approach in the development of an incentive system for employees whose work rationing is based on financial and other indicators for the entire organization as a whole and for those categories of employees who have personal rationing indicators. Employees can be conditionally divided into the following categories: 1) management - administration; 2) the management of the middle and junior level - the heads of separate divisions, departments, workshops, working groups. For this category of workers, it is expedient to develop standardizing performance indicators depending on the indicators of the structural units they manage; 3) specialists and technical performers; 4) workers.

The grounds for the application of incentive measures can be supplemented and specified by the collective agreement or the Internal Labor Regulations in accordance with the assigned management tasks. In addition, in the statutes and regulations on discipline, the grounds for the application of incentive measures, as a rule, are specified in relation to the specifics of working conditions in specific industries.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the heads of organizations do not attach of great importance moral incentives. There are significant reasons for this. Such types of moral encouragement as a certificate of honor, declaration of gratitude, entry into the Book of Honor and the Board of Honor, in my opinion, have largely discredited themselves in past years, when this was often done for the sake of a “tick”, in en masse and without any financial incentives. Taking into account the specifics today the employer can develop their own types of moral incentives, which will be very effective in stimulating staff. As an example, we can cite representative offices of foreign companies operating in Russia, where, along with a rigid system of disciplinary sanctions and financial incentives, there is an extensive system of moral incentives for employees. One of the examples of moral encouragement is the early removal of a previously imposed disciplinary sanction, as well as the inclusion of M.A. Goncharov in the reserve for promotion to a higher position. Labor discipline. Legal regulation. Practice. Documents / ed. Yu.L. Fadeev. // Prepared for System ConsultantPlus, 2008..

Encouragement as a method of managing disciplinary relations is the recognition of the employee's merits to the team by providing him with benefits, advantages, public honor, and increasing his prestige. Every person has a need for recognition (in material values). Encouragement is aimed at fulfilling this need. The unfair use of incentives can quarrel the entire team See: Commentary on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (item-by-article) / ed. IN AND. Boxes. M.: Norma, 2007. S. 141 ..

Therefore, when applying incentive measures, it is advisable to take into account the following rules for the effectiveness of incentives: 1) incentives should be applied for each manifestation of the employee's labor activity with a positive result; 2) encouragement should be significant, raise the prestige of conscientious work; 3) publicity of encouragement - when applying it, you need to use ritual, customs, traditions; 4) negative traditions should be supplanted only by positive traditions, and not by an order; 5) the closer the moment of receiving the promotion, the more active person working; 6) availability of encouragement. As practice shows, it is advisable to establish indicators upon reaching which the employee receives legal law for encouragement. Thus, obvious, accessible additional goals in labor are formed for each employee, and these goals are another effective means of managing work and discipline in a team.

In our opinion, we can recommend some general approaches to the development of a reward system. When developing a system of rewards for work, it is necessary to take into account the following provisions: 1) the basis for rewarding for success in work should be specific indicators that employees achieve by performing their direct tasks. official duties, and which most fully characterize the labor participation of each employee in solving common problems; it is advisable to form a system of indicators, factors that serve as grounds for encouraging employees, taking into account the nature of the work performed, the procedure for accounting and standardizing the results of the work of various categories of employees (managers, specialists, technical performers, workers); 2) the employee must be sure that when the established results are achieved, he will definitely be rewarded; 3) incentive measures for work should be envy of the significance of labor achievements, that is, for higher performance, more significant incentive measures should be established accordingly; 4) motivate each employee to continuously improve their performance; 5) the incentive system should be open, transparent and understandable for employees; 6) the timeliness of the application of incentive measures should be taken into account.

In addition to those listed above, there are many other rules for the effectiveness of incentives that are being developed in different organizations, for example: remuneration must be linked to labor productivity; it is useful to express rewards publicly to people whose results are above average; a person should receive his share from the increase in labor productivity, and hence profits; promotion of an employee is participation, together with the manager, in developing the goals of any activity; Special attention and the head of the organization should give assistance to middle managers; the interests of employees should not conflict with the goals of increasing the income of the organization; you can not encourage someone who did not deserve it; there should be no gap between the manager's declaration about the incentive system and the real reward system; it is not recommended to maintain a system of privileges for managers, which widens the gap in the income of workers; it is advisable to actively use the system of internal remuneration, which gives the very content of the work; find out what the employee considers valuable for himself, and build a reward system on this basis this employee; the incentive system should be individual for each employee; the employee must be able to earn a second salary at his workplace.

In the application of the incentive system, an important place is occupied by the mechanism for introducing employees to incentives. For example, in the provision on incentives in force in an organization, the rights of managers at various levels to apply each type of incentive should be divided. So, it seems quite logical to use the manager structural unit(department, workshop, and so on) incentive measures that are not associated with serious material costs of the organization, for example, an announcement of gratitude, a speech to the head of the organization with the initiative to remove the previously imposed penalty from the employee, payment of bonuses (one-time bonuses) in small amounts to the best employee department and others. The head of the organization may have broader powers to apply incentive measures to employees. He ultimately decides on the amount of funds allocated to encourage employees. His powers can extend both to the use of incentives that are of an individual one-time nature (in relation to a specific employee), and to incentives in relation to a specific group of employees (workers of a shop, teams, and so on) or the labor collective as a whole.

Speaking of negative motivation, employers primarily mean financial penalties and deductions. However, it is precisely this measure that has no right to exist according to the law. However, in almost all modern Russian companies there is a system of fines and punishments. Managers believe that negative motivation is much more effective than positive one: after all, it disciplines people, which means it increases efficiency Article-by-article commentary on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation / ed. F.N. Filina. M.: GrossMedia, ROSBUKh, 2009. S. 211. In this regard, it should be emphasized that labor legislation prohibits deductions from wages (Articles 22, 137 of the Labor Code), with the exception of some options for accounting deductions (unworked advance payment, counting errors ). The only measure of punishment for employees is disciplinary sanctions - comments, reprimands, as well as dismissals (Article 192 of the Labor Code).

The procedure for applying disciplinary sanctions established by law is of key importance in the process of bringing an employee to disciplinary responsibility. In turn, an integral part of this procedure is the documentation of disciplinary sanctions. A clear knowledge of the legal requirements existing in this area is necessary for both parties to the employment relationship. The employer gets the opportunity to make a lawful and justified decision on a specific disciplinary case and confirm his own correctness in the event of an individual labor dispute. The employee, in turn, will be protected as much as possible from possible violations by the employer of his legal rights and interests Kosov I.A. Legal requirements for the documentation of disciplinary sanctions // Paperwork. 2007. N 3. P.42..

In the process of applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must form the following package of documents: 1) documents confirming the commission of a disciplinary offense by an employee: memorandums; acts; conclusions; a copy of the court verdict; a copy of the decision of the judge or other body authorized to bring to administrative responsibility; a copy of the previous order (instruction) on bringing the employee to disciplinary liability, if the employee has a disciplinary sanction, etc.; 2) documents containing the employee's explanations: an explanatory note or an act confirming the employee's failure to provide an explanation; 3) documents on the application of a disciplinary sanction to the employee: an order (instruction), an act confirming the employee's refusal to familiarize himself with the order (instruction) against signature.

All these documents must be carefully prepared, executed, and subjected to legal examination. In order for the application of disciplinary measures against an employee to be justified, it is necessary to meet all the conditions for bringing him to disciplinary responsibility. Failure to comply with at least one of them may result in the cancellation of a disciplinary sanction in court at the claim of the employee Kail A.N. New order and conditions for imposing disciplinary sanctions // Labor Law. 2007. No. 2..

Particular care should be taken to clarify these issues when imposing such a disciplinary sanction as dismissal, because. in the event of disputes related to the imposition of a disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal, the courts are obliged to check what exactly the violation that caused the dismissal expressed, and whether it can serve as a basis for dismissal of the employee. In all cases of dismissal, when it acts as a sanction for violation of labor discipline, the ratio of the severity of the misconduct committed and the measure of responsibility must be observed. It should be borne in mind that dismissal is an extreme measure, therefore, in the case when there are all formal grounds for dismissal, the court may decide to reinstate the person at work if the violations committed by the employee are not so serious as to recognize leaving him at work incompatible with the interests production.

In practice, many managers widely use methods of influencing an employee that are not provided for by labor legislation: transfer to a lower-paid job, deprivation of the right to combine jobs, abolishing the payment of bonuses for labor intensity, and so on. It should be noted that such methods of punishment are always fraught with litigation and can cause serious material and moral damage to the organizations in which they practice. Reducing the installed wages by imposing fines is also illegal. In accordance with Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is also indicated arbitrage practice Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2002 N GKPI2002-1100 // Reference and legal system "ConsultantPlus: judicial practice" .. A fine as a measure of disciplinary action is possible if part of the staff's earnings is made up of various incentive bonuses and monetary compensations paid in addition to the basic salary .

The majority of employees' appeals to the court with claims against employers regarding bringing them to disciplinary liability are due to the fact that they do not agree that they committed disciplinary offense, or do not understand what the failure to perform their official duties consists of. In order to prevent such labor disputes or facilitate the process of proving in court, the employer must comply with the following conditions: 1) the employee's labor obligations must be documented; 2) the employee must be aware of his labor duties, that is, he must be familiarized with them against signature. In accordance with Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is the responsibility of the employer to take actions to familiarize employees against signature with the adopted local regulations directly related to their work activities. Only after that, the job duties become mandatory for the employee and their failure to perform or improper performance will be the basis for bringing him to disciplinary liability Goncharova M.A. Labor discipline. Legal regulation. Practice. Documents / ed. Yu.L. Fadeev. // Prepared for System ConsultantPlus, 2008..

In practice, the question often arises: If an employee commits a disciplinary offense, can the employer apply two penalties at the same time - reprimand and deprive him of his bonus? Sometimes employees believe that the employer is violating the law, as it punishes the employee twice for the same offense. In my opinion, the one-time punishment is not violated here. According to Art. 193 of the Labor Code, only one disciplinary sanction can be applied for each disciplinary offense. However, bonuses to employees are part of the system of remuneration and incentives established at the enterprise, therefore, in our opinion, depriving an employee of a bonus for a disciplinary offense committed by him, along with the simultaneous issuance of, for example, a reprimand, disciplinary action is not. Therefore, such a measure of influence on the employee can be applied simultaneously with a reprimand.

General labor duties enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as a rule, are fixed in the Internal Labor Regulations or other local regulatory act that determines the labor schedule, specific labor duties of an employee are fixed in an employment contract concluded with him, as well as in job description, technical regulations and so on. At the same time, the procedure for familiarizing the employee with his labor duties is special normative documents not regulated. You can choose one of the options: 1) familiarization log; 2) familiarization sheet (separate for each employee); 3) the signature of the employee on the relevant local regulatory act. The latter option seems to be the most preferable, since it accurately guarantees that the employee is familiar with this particular local regulatory act.

Article 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, devoted to bringing to disciplinary responsibility the head of the organization, his deputies at the request of the representative body of employees, also, in our opinion, requires additional local registration. The fact is that the concept of a representative body of workers is formulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only in relation to collective bargaining (Article 37). Many similar terms used in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such as "representatives of employees", "representatives of the interests of employees", "other representatives of employees", can create conflict situations in a collective. They can be avoided if the local act establishes the procedure for the formation or determination of such a body of employees. It also seems necessary to establish the categories of executives related to the deputy heads of the organization, the timing of consideration of applications by the representative body, the procedure for processing documents indicating violations by officials of laws, other legal acts on labor, the terms of collective agreements and agreements Khnykin G. Local regulations and discipline labor // Corporate Lawyer. 2008. N 3. P.23..

Thus, the employer is provided with ample opportunities for local rule-making in the field of labor discipline. The need to adopt local regulations on the issues of incentives and disciplinary liability is also dictated by technical defects legal regulations and gaps made in the development of this section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Topic 6 Labor discipline and creative activity of employees

6.1 The concept of labor discipline

6.2 Labor schedule. Charters and regulations on discipline.

6.3 Incentives for work and disciplinary responsibility of employees.

6.4 Competition and other forms of creative activity of employees.

A modern developed society provides everyone, a person, with a genuine right to work, i.e. to receive a guaranteed job with pay in accordance with its quantity and quality, including the right to choose a profession, occupation and work in accordance with recognition, abilities, professional training, education and taking into account social needs. At the same time, the Constitution proclaims the obligation and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen of our country to work conscientiously in the field of socially useful activity chosen by him, and to strictly observe labor and production discipline.

The process of becoming a discipline, like others public relations, forms and methods of attracting people to work, cannot be spontaneous. This process presupposes enormous political, economic and organizational work among the masses, aimed at raising their consciousness, political and labor discipline and activity.

Labor discipline- Mandatory for all employees to comply with the established labor schedule and properly perform their duties.

Labor discipline is a necessary condition for all common work, all joint labour. Any joint work needs a certain discipline, a certain order, so that all those who work together obey this discipline, order. Labor law creates legal basis to further strengthen labor discipline in production.

Labor discipline as an institution of labor law should be understood as a set of legal norms that regulate the internal labor regulations, establish the labor duties of employees and the employer, determine incentives for success in work and responsibility for guilty failure to fulfill these duties.

Labor discipline includes technological, design, production and other types of discipline.

technological discipline consists in strict observance by employees technological processes in production, the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the technological preparation of production. Violation of technological discipline by an employee is a production omission and gives grounds to the employer, along with bringing the perpetrator to disciplinary responsibility for the complete or partial deprivation of his bonus in accordance with the regulation approved by the employer.

Design discipline involves the obligation of specialists to strictly comply with the requirements of drawings and other design documentation in the manufacture of products.

Under production discipline one should understand the order in production, i.e. clear implementation by employees of the established technological rules and production instructions. In terms of its content, production discipline encompasses labor discipline and goes beyond it. If we consider the concept of industrial discipline in a broad sense, then it should be noted that it consists of many varieties of disciplines. In addition to labor discipline, the production discipline includes: planned; design; technological; compliance with the requirements of standards; compliance with the requirements for savings and rational use raw materials, materials, energy and other types of material resources; negotiable; performing.

Planned discipline involves the procedure for drawing up plans, their coordination, approval and implementation. This procedure is established in the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, orders of ministries and at other levels of government. Compliance with the requirements of the standards is to comply with the standardization procedure, the implementation of standards: GOST, OST, STP, TU.

Contractual discipline characterized by the organization of economic relations of enterprises on a contractual basis, strict observance of contractual obligations and the responsibility of economic entities for violation of obligations under contracts.

Performing discipline- this is the timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions, instructions by managers, specialists and the teams of enterprises, institutions, organizations headed by them. Employees are responsible for observing not the entire production discipline, but only part of it, which consists in the performance of their labor duties. The employer is responsible for ensuring production discipline in full.

In order to ensure proper labor discipline at an enterprise, institution, organization, two most characteristic methods of strengthening labor discipline are distinguished: persuasion and coercion.

Belief- this is a method of influence that stimulates the subject of law to such behavior that corresponds to his will. Such an impact is formed in the process of everyday work by psychological impact. It is carried out taking into account the needs and interests of production and is aimed at educating the consciousness of workers.

coercione- this is a method of influence that ensures the commission of certain actions by the subject of law against his will.

In other words, coercion is the use by the head of his powers under certain conditions provided for by law. The method of coercion is applied only to employees who, being in an employment relationship, through their own fault, violate their labor duties. Compulsory measures applied for violation of labor duties must be established by law. Disciplinary responsibility of employees arises for failure to perform or improper performance of labor duties.

Methods for ensuring labor discipline are regulated by acts of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the method, the article is also determined, on which the consideration of the situation will be based.

Some methods are mandatory based on the legislation of the country and the regulations of the organization, others are at the discretion of the head of the organization.

Regulatory features

Labor discipline - obedience to the charter, which establishes the norms of behavior, which must be determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts and agreements. The employer must take measures to create conditions that will allow employees to meet the existing requirements for discipline.

The set of rules is established in each company separately, depending on the clauses of the charter, which must take into account the norms of legislative law and the concluded employment contract.

Internal labor regulations are necessary to summarize all the conditions of discipline. This is a regulation used in a particular organization, which must comply with the established legislative norms And conclude information:

  • about the order of rest;
  • about methods of encouragement and punishment;
  • about responsibilities;
  • about responsibility;
  • about the mode of operation;
  • other matters at the discretion of the employer.

Discipline is necessary for:

  • introduction of innovative ideas;
  • improving the quality of work performed;
  • improve work efficiency;
  • reduction of injuries and the number of accidents.

If labor discipline is at a low level, then reasons for this may be:

  • a complex structure of organization and management, which is why the subordinate has several leaders, each of whom has his own vision for solving the situation;
  • the evaluation of results is unfair, which does not allow rewarding additional pay to those employees who deserve it and put more effort than others;
  • minor violations are easily forgiven by management;
  • there is no concept of self-discipline;
  • working conditions do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation (favorable working conditions are not created).

Each organization has its own rules of procedure. This allows you to regulate the relationship between the parties and favorably affect the quality of the company as a whole.

The concept of methods

Methods of labor discipline are the methods that are used to achieve the goals set by the management of the organization. They must form a functional workforce that can develop the company and give it the necessary growth to achieve its goals and achieve its goals.

Popular labor discipline methods that are actively used:

  • organizational- the employer must provide the employee with all the necessary conditions in which he will not need anything (equipment, materials, equipment, and so on);
  • psychological- creating a positive working mood in the work team, which reduces the likelihood of interpersonal conflicts to a minimum;
  • legal– correction of existing rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules of the organization.

Strengthening labor discipline

To strengthen labor discipline it is necessary to encourage employees for differences in work and punish for violations of established rules. With the correct use of the rules, leaders can achieve excellent results that will positively affect the organization. At the same time, all methods used should not run counter to the existing legislative acts and established rules of the organization. Otherwise, they will be invalidated.

Ways to encourage

Encouragement is a recognition of the merits and results of the work of an employee, which gives the distinguished person status and reward in any form. Favorably affects not only the one who excelled, but also for other employees, since the rest will also want to receive a reward. The main thing for motivating employees is to correctly determine the methods of encouragement.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employer can encourage his employee in the following ways:

  • appointment of the award;
  • gratitude in writing
  • awarding an honorary diploma;
  • transfer of a valuable gift;
  • representation of rank or status.

Award Order

The employer also have the right to determine their own methods of encouragement. The main condition is that they comply with the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the internal charter of the company.

If the employee has received special merits before the state, then he will honored with a state award. In addition, an entry is made in the work book, which can later be used in employment as a fact of having positive qualities, which allows you to become an important employee.

Methods of disciplinary action

Disciplinary action is public punishment of an employee who violated the established rules of labor discipline. The legislation allows the use the following types of charges:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

Other types of penalties apply., but only if it is allowed to be used in relation to a certain category of workers. The main condition is that they comply with the law and the rules of the organization's charter.

Examples of Violations:

  • unspecified penalties were used;
  • non-payment of wages or part thereof;
  • inappropriate behavior in a team;
  • refusal to grant compulsory leave;
  • systematic delays;
  • dismissal of an employee and so on.

Contrary to the definition of reward, reprimands must be carried out with some nuances. After finding the fact of violation of the disciplinary foundation, require the offender to draw up explanatory note in writing. When the employee refused to make an explanation, the employer entitled to apply penalties I don't have a note. After that, other circumstances become clear.

If the employee's guilt is undeniable, then an order is issued on behalf of the employer indicating the method of punishment for a disciplinary violation.

An employee cannot be charged twice for the same violation. Even the use of penalties and various forms if the employee is punished for the same violation.

Regulatory regulation

Labor discipline is based on regulations

  • internal rules of the organization;
  • head and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • statutes and regulations of branches of economy.

The internal labor regulations should contain information related to:

  • hiring and firing employees;
  • with the rights and obligations of each party;
  • with the organization of working time;
  • with the order of accounting of working hours;
  • with vacation;
  • with methods of encouragement and recovery in accordance with the charter of the company.

The candidate for the position will be familiarized with the existing conditions before being hired. This obligation is specified in article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If one of the parties does not comply with the requirements of the rules, then he will be punished in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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