Origin and meaning of the name Theodore. The meaning of the unusual name Theodore

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay Special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Theo, manifestation in love

Theo, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Male name Theo dor is of Latin origin. Its meaning when translated into Russian sounds like “gift of God”, “messenger of God”. This is a foreign language analogue of the name Fedor.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Neptune
  • Talisman stone: aquamarine
  • Color: blue-green
  • Plant: poppy
  • Animal: seagull
  • Favorable day: Thursday, Friday

Character traits

The name Theodore bestows upon its owner balance, decency, kindness and a cheerful disposition. This is a quiet, obedient and very serious child. He is naturally sociable and knows how to make friends. The position of leader in a boy's group does not appeal to him. He prefers to stay independent of companies, so sometimes he seems somewhat mysterious, but at the same time very smart.

The character of the adult Theodore is distinguished by reliability and objectivity. He considers every question and situation slowly and thoroughly. Don’t feed him bread, let him criticize him. There is another not very pleasant feature of a person with this name - he sprinkles advice left and right, often completely unnecessary, which causes considerable irritation to those around him. In this case, the man is guided exclusively good intentions and believes that with his instructions he can really help someone.

IN Everyday life Theodore often lacks energy and initiative, which cannot be said about critical situations and moments of rest, which the guy spends extremely actively. Communicating with him is easy and pleasant, although at times he may seem proud and stubborn to people who don’t know him well.

Loneliness is unbearable for him. For this reason, he strives to acquire a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in whose company he can have an interesting time. And in general, friendship for this person is the highest life value. For the sake of his comrade, Theodore is ready to do anything. Betrayal hurts him many times more than betrayal in love.

The representative of the name is an attentive interlocutor who, as a rule, stoically listens to other people’s opinions. But sometimes his patience breaks, and in an impulsive impulse he can bluntly tell a person the whole unpleasant truth to his face. His way of thinking is introverted. This means that he experiences all events within himself. He almost never has violent reactions to reality. Talkative and excessive emotional people make this man distrustful.

Hobby and profession

The secret of the name Theodore hides a personality in love with books and reading, as well as travel. He loves animals, he always has some kind of pet.

In terms of professional fulfillment, he is attracted to areas where the application of knowledge is required exact sciences. The professions of engineer, surveyor, industrialist, economist, programmer, broker, bank employee or tax inspector are suitable for him.

Love and family

Loving friends can greatly complicate his personal life. Not every woman will allow her spouse almost everything free time hang out with friends. Therefore, Theodore should choose an energetic girl, to a certain extent independent, as his wife, who will not be embarrassed or enraged by the same activity and independence of her husband. The bearer of the name is a good family man and owner. He is attentive to his other half, loves children and takes care of them.

IN recent years a tendency has begun to be observed among parents to choose rare names for children. Some of them sound unusual for Russia and the CIS countries. The name Theodore appears in Catholic countries. In Russia there is a form of this name Fedor. It is most suitable for signs such as Pisces and Sagittarius. Short form: Teddy or Theo. It is best to use aquamarine as a talisman.

Origin of the name and character

The origin of the name Theodore is easy to establish. Researchers agree that it came from Greek word"theos", which is translated as "God". The second part “doros” is translated as “gift”. That is, the name Theo means “Gift of God” or “Messenger of God.” A better known analogue of this name is Theodore. In Russia he transformed into Fedor. The modified form is popular among Christians.

The original form of the name Theodore can only be found in Europe, especially in Germany and France.

Early childhood

From an early age you can see baby Theo. His childhood passes without disobedience and self-indulgence. The boy's character is ideal in all respects. TO strong traits can be attributed:

  • justice;
  • flexibility;
  • honesty;
  • obedience;
  • kindness.

Theo will not dare disobey his parents. He respects their opinions and listens to them in everything.

However, he will not develop friendships with children. Lack of communication skills and courage affects. But if he manages to establish contact, then he communicates as equals. Not principled, not a leader and not a leader, but with all his friends he is good relations. Unpredictability and mystery - this is what the name Theodore means to others. But it’s not in his nature to hide something. He is sociable and open. Studying is easy for him due to his diligence and good mind.

Main characteristics

Theo as an adult is different from his childhood self. His main feature is philanthropy. You can always turn to him for help. He will support, communicate and give a charge of positive energy. By nature, a man is a philosopher. This is evidenced by:

But all this does not mean that the bearer of the name is an easy to communicate person. His character is contradictory. The young man is closed from others. Prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. He often argues with others and this leads to conflicts. He achieves his goal only on his own. Prefers independence.

TO negative traits character can be attributed:

  • straightforwardness;
  • not endless patience;
  • introversion;
  • hot temper.

Likes to travel. He treats talkative and energetic people with distrust. He loves pets and always keeps a pet. By nature he is a careerist, so he achieves success in his work. He may lack energy and stimulation, but this will go away over time. To achieve Theo's goals, he needs money, but finance itself is not an end in itself. To realize himself in his work, he chooses the field of exact sciences.

This could be economics or brokerage, industry, banking, and the like. It is rare to connect life with a natural science profile or humanitarian professions.

First of all, Theodore loves to travel and read. He approaches every situation thoughtfully, loves to philosophize and give advice. Therefore, his hobbies are usually related to traveling, reading and caring for pets.

Relationships with women

For the future wife - this Ideal husband . He is a wonderful family man loving husband, caring father. He doesn’t mind spending time and money on his family. He will look for a woman who is calm, intelligent and not particularly talkative. Theodore can't stand gossips, so if he future wife will savor and discuss the details of someone’s life - the union is unlikely to work out. The chosen one should be well-read and have some interests other than shopping and cooking. It is important that she constantly develops spiritually and intellectually.

Theo will not tolerate criticism from his wife towards his friends. She must fully respect her husband, be a good housewife and faithful wife. When Theodore meets such a woman, he almost immediately proposes to her. A created family resembles a fortress. There are many children in the house, guests constantly come, and pets live. His wife should give him complete freedom, since Theo will spend a lot of time with friends. Attempts to protect him from this will lead to scandals. Therefore, the wife must be independent to a certain extent.

Traits such as courtesy and eloquence make him a desirable object in the eyes of women. Due to the fact that he easily gets the attention of ladies, he can become a womanizer. But this will be a temporary phenomenon. Attentive to children, becomes good father who will always listen and help. From them he expects respect and veneration.

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What does the name Theodore mean?
This name is usually translated as a gift from God, or a messenger of God.

Origin of the name Theodore:
This name, first of all, has only Latin origin.

Character conveyed by the name Theodore:
The main and most distinctive features Theodore's character is, of course, active, sociable and well-developed intuition. In addition, these are always fairly balanced people who are accustomed to constantly being guided by certain moral standards. But friendship in general is the main thing in this life of Theodore. And if Theodore can still forgive some betrayal in love, then this is betrayal close friend- almost never. Theodore, moreover, may well be close friends with both various women and various men, and at almost any time he will be ready to come to the aid of all his friends.

And at the same time, Theodore always really wants to be loved by absolutely everyone and is absolutely happy only when they constantly tell him about it. The meaning in this life for Theodore is, of course, communication. He absolutely cannot stand loneliness and can be quite adventurous due to his ambiguous character. Loves long trips, walks, and picnics in nature. He is always a very attentive listener, and is incredibly tolerant of any other people's opinions, however, under certain circumstances, he may even explode and express to his interlocutor's face absolutely everything that he thinks about him. In addition, Theodore has an unusually rich inner world, he always reads a lot and loves to philosophize. He is always very confident in himself. Madly loves to give different things often good advice, and does it completely from the heart, precisely believing that his advice will really be useful. Moreover, Theodore is quite objective and, of course, knows how to admit all his mistakes. Among other things, he has an unusually good memory, he is attentive to various details and knows how to correctly analyze a situation. Theodore is as good as they say at “taking a punch” - he easily overcomes all setbacks.

Theodore is incredibly thorough and extremely businesslike. He tends to experience his defeats without outwardly showing any emotions. And truly overly emotional and incredibly verbose people are often treated with complete distrust. Theodore has a well-developed intuition. He loves all pets very much and, moreover, almost always, a cat or a dog can live in his house. Theodore, in addition to everything, is an unusually good family man - he is also a caring husband and really in moderation strict father. But the only thing that can complicate his life a little is, of course, some dissatisfaction of his wife with the huge number of his friends, close friends or various acquaintances.

Theodore - courageous, beautiful name with poetic notes in sound. How many men with this name do you know personally? Most likely no.

Indeed, the name Theodore is rare, although it is found in Russia, France, England and is quite ancient. Him Greek origin, and it is translated as “gift of God.” This name has many analogues, in particular the well-known one male name. There is also a female form - Theodora (and Fedora). Abbreviated forms - Ted, Theo, Theod, Tody, Teddy, Dory.

Theodore celebrates his name day several times a year:

  • 26 March.
  • 4th of July.
  • 5 May.
  • September 5, 19 and 24.
  • November 9 and 11.
  • December 7th.

Characteristics and features

Theodore is a special boy. He lives in the world of his thoughts and reasoning, and it is not always clear what he feels and what he thinks about. Extremely honest, kind and smart child. The main thing for him is friendship and communication with people; he cannot exist alone.

Theodore has many friends and takes friendship extremely seriously. He will never forgive betrayal, he is ready to sacrifice his life for a friend, and he considers it his duty to help and rescue him. Therefore, the boy never suffers from loneliness, he always has faithful friends. Moreover, boy friends and girl friends are the same concept for him; he does not see a difference between the sexes in friendship.

As Theodore grows up, his sharp mind and logical perception of the world take precedence over emotions. The guy chooses his life's work - here he is as serious as when choosing friends. This matter can be related to creativity, politics or business, the main thing is that in the work there is a need to communicate and contact with people.

He is a brilliant speaker, negotiates as if he had been studying this for many years, and therefore achieves very serious results in his activities. Can become a business coach, teacher, lecturer, researcher, company manager, psychologist.

Money for a man whose name is Theodore is important means to achieve goals, but no more - they are not an end in themselves. He wants to live in prosperity and comfort, so he earns good money, but does not strive for excessive luxury.

With whom will he get along, with whom will he not?

The meaning of the name Theodore - “gifted by God” - can be confirmed not only by his friends and parents, but also by his future chosen one. This man is ideal for his wife. He is a wonderful family man, a loving and faithful husband who spares neither money nor attention for his wife.

True, he does not always understand a woman’s excessive talkativeness and emotionality and sometimes does not know how to behave if a woman cries, is capricious and simply needs a sincere conversation. But Theodore is easy to “educate” if you simply ask him for support.

He is looking for a woman who is smart, calm and not too talkative. He can't stand gossip when a woman discusses someone behind their back or savors the details of someone's life. It is important for him that the chosen one loves to read, that she develops spiritually and intellectually, and has some interests besides her appearance and shopping.

She must be kind, love animals and children, be a good housewife and a faithful, gentle wife. But the most important thing is that she must respect and not criticize his friends, because Theodore will never tolerate this.

When a man meets such a girl, he will not wait long to propose. His family is always strong and reliable, like a fortress. The home is cozy, there are always pets, many children, and regular guests.

Let's see which ones female names Theodore has a chance life together and happiness, and which ones are not at all suitable for this man.

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