Plants saved the list from extinction. Endangered and endangered plants. Eurasian river beaver

Nature is beautiful in its versatility. Varied rare plants hidden in all corners of the vast planet. It is impossible to pick them as a gift for someone, you cannot buy them in a flower shop, because they are practically never found and are protected by law. It is only in our power to preserve unique species and let them live not only as references on the pages of school textbooks and reference books.

We will describe the most unique plant species in the world in this article.

Midlemist red

Originally exported from China in 1854, this flower is a rare one, with only two specimens left in the world - in the UK and New Zealand. He was destroyed in his homeland. The gardener who miraculously took him to Europe had no idea what gift he would give to humanity in the future.

IN last time a plant of this species bloomed in 2010. It is shaped like a bowl with neat rows of soft pink petals inside.

Franklin tree

The beautiful snow-white plant was discovered in 1765 by two botanists from Philadelphia - William and John Bartra. He was named after Benjamin Franklin, good friend William's father.

Alatamaha Franklinia (the second name of the species) was listed as rare in the nineteenth century. It was very difficult to breed him due to his rather whimsical nature. Three years ago this plant bloomed for the first time in two hundred years.

The plant comes from China. It was first discovered in 1907 in Hubei Province. Basically, today this species grows in botanical gardens. It is rarely found in mountainous areas - at an altitude of up to a thousand meters above sea level.

Its unique feature is the color of its petals. During flowering they are white, and later acquire an intense red color.

Lady's slipper

The flower got its name due to its shape, which resembles a woman’s (Venus) shoe. This is the reason for its popularity, which led to the inclusion of the species on the list of the rarest throughout Europe and the world. The population drops especially during the tourist season, as people pick the plant in order to bring it home and plant it.

An interesting feature of the flower is known to many - thanks to the unearthly appearance You can't see the trap hidden inside at all. This is what gullible flying insects, usually bees, fall for. They land on the smooth, shiny “shoe”, the lip of the plant, and easily roll down. To get out, they need to leave their pollen - only at this price will they be able to crawl through a special hole.

Jade flower (Strongylodon macrocarpal)

This vine-shaped plant immediately attracts attention due to its unusual shape. Another one interesting feature- color. It's not just the beautiful turquoise and blue shades, but also the fact that Strongylodon tends to glow at night. Due to this, it is pollinated by bats, which are attracted by the unusual brightness of the petals.

At home, the plant does not take root well, but in botanical gardens it was possible to grow a few specimens. The main reason for the extinction of this flower is massive deforestation.

Chocolate space

The velvet-colored Mexican flower is almost artificially bred. At one time in its homeland it was considered almost a weed, but when they realized it, it was already too late - there was only one bush of this species left, from which they managed to get some seeds for the whole world. This amazing plant, which actually has a chocolate aroma.

In nature, it grows poorly, as it has a rather capricious disposition due to its homeland of Mexico, where it is always warm. In addition, it is very difficult to care for a flower on your own:

  • good, frequent watering is necessary; the soil should not be left dry;
  • you need to find a semi-dark place, but at the same time make sure that the plant gets enough sunlight;
  • when frosts come, it is recommended to transplant chocolate cosmos into warm place, otherwise the tubers may die.

Parrot beak

A bright fiery plant native to Canary Islands They have been bred only artificially for a long time. This is due to pollinators - previously they were sunbirds, which became extinct, and it was not possible to replace them with other species due to incompatibility. Since then, the flower has not grown in the wild. The inhabitants of Europe settled him in their greenhouses.

Gibraltar tar

This is a mountain plant. It looks like the simplest of those presented on this list. Its flowers will not surprise you with their pretentiousness or bright color, the stems will not be the tallest in the world. Nevertheless, the climbers still fell in love with Gibraltar gum, carefully collected the seeds and gave them to specialists. A little later, scientists transferred the plant to botanical gardens.

From a distance it may seem that these are ordinary thickets wildflowers. But get closer and you will see the delicate lilac shade of the petals in the shape of an elongated heart.

Ghost Orchid

A fragile, pale flower balances on a thin stem that is swayed by a stormy wind. The only hope is the tree on which the plant is located. These “ghost flowers” ​​appear unexpectedly, bloom several times, and then disappear again. This feature gave the plant its name.

The flower's homeland is Florida, where it was first noticed. Being extremely whimsical, plants can for a long time to be underground to appear only when it is really warm.

Wild lupine

This unusual blue plant is native to the Mediterranean and Africa. Its petals tend upward. The flower is sensitive to climate change, which is why it began to die out after industry began to spread throughout the world, and people completely forgot about ecology. In addition, the plant is of industrial interest to humans:

  • its seeds contain up to 50% protein;
  • there is also oil similar to olive;
  • The flower is an excellent food for fish and animals.


This tree with a thousand flaming flowers can only be found in Hawaii. The fate of this plant is tragic. It was discovered too late, in 1860 - then only three copies remained. The battle for life continued until 1950, when the last coquio disappeared. However, by luck, we managed to save one branch and graft it onto other trees. This is how new species of cokyo were formed.

As a result, we managed to save one of the most capricious plants, which now delights many tourists. Its main difference is its many bright petals, red, orange and yellow.

Jugs Green colour, motionless over the marshy areas of Australia - this is what this predator plant looks like, the most unusual and strange of all mixotrophs. It stores a pleasant-smelling liquid at the bottom, thanks to which not only insects, but also mammals are caught inside! For example, the plant can absorb mice, which are so intoxicated by nectar that they lose their minds and fall into the depths.

This discovery was made after people complained about bad smell emanating from one such jug. As a result, they found the skeleton of a rat inside. Unfortunately, the plant is distributed only in a few areas of the planet, and therefore is rare.

Magnolia macrofolia

Delicate snow buds require careful handling, which is why they grow in places where they are very difficult to disturb - for example, in gorges along rivers. The plant needs moist soil. It is not afraid of frost, despite its thin leaves and the need for protection.

The flower has joined the list of endangered plant species. Picking large-leaved magnolia is prohibited by law - it is illegal and fraught with punishment.


This most amazing flower cannot even be picked - it only lives for one night. It is this feature that makes people from all over the world come to the plant’s homeland, Sri Lanka, in order to take photographs as a souvenir.

There is a legend: at midnight, when the kadupul blooms, the mythical Nagas, demigods with the body of a snake, take this flower to later present it to Buddha.

Only through joint efforts is it possible to save endangered species and prevent those plants, of which there are many, from dying. Remember the sad example: chocolate cosmos was considered a weed, and now they are trying to recreate it bit by bit... It is better to learn from the sad experience of past generations and not repeat the same terrible mistakes.

Every year the world is getting closer to an environmental disaster. Each of us has the power to push back the worst date by becoming a little kinder to others. You shouldn’t pick an innocent plant just for a bouquet - it’s better to try to increase its population, because then it will be able to delight you not for three days, but for a whole year, being alive and beautiful.

"Red Book of Plants and Animals" - Ginseng. The grown-up cranes begin to take care of themselves. Bison – largest mammal Europe. The name “Venus’s slipper” came to us from time immemorial. Lotus is found here in the Caspian Sea and in Asia. And indeed, the flower of the lady's slipper is very similar to the graceful slipper of a beauty. The bison is listed in the International Red Book.

“Animal and plant cells” - Make a general conclusion: Preparation of a cut potato tuber preparation. What are the structural features of onion skin cells? Preparation of onion skin preparation. Using a dissecting needle, scrape some of the pulp from the potato cut. Draw the cells of the onion skin. Examine the prepared preparation first under low magnification.

“Animals and plants of the Krasnodar region” - Caucasian otter. Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory. Scillas are not yet in danger of disappearing in the region. Big Utrish. Conclusion of the survey: Apsheronsky. Area - 262.5 hectares. IN Krasnodar region There are animals and plants that are in danger of extinction. The egg capsule is yellow. Caucasian snowdrop. 1. What are the endangered plants and animals of Kuban (names)?

"Poisonous plants and animals" - Poisonous plants constantly or periodically contain substances toxic to humans and animals. In most cases, poisoning is manifested by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Poisonous plants. Poisoning with plant poisons occurs mainly in the warm season when eating unknown or inedible plants that are externally similar to edible species.

“Animals and plants of Kuban” - There are crayfish and turtles. There are a lot of gobies in the Black and Azov Seas. Flora and Fauna of Kuban. In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the numbers of a number of animal species. Plants. Fish. Bioresources of sushi. Fauna of the region occupying Western part The Caucasus is rich and diverse. Bears can also be found in subalpine meadows.

“Plants and Animals of the Forest” - Do the animals live on the same floor? Animals are animals whose bodies are covered with fur. Who are zoologists? Construction Materials. Do all insects live in the forest? Shrubs. Trees. Forest. Protection of air, fields and rivers. Are plants and animals related? Forest is the wealth of the people. Are the animals arranged in tiers? The connection between living and inanimate nature.

We are good at many things - building bridges, writing books and reading articles on the Internet. Unfortunately, another outstanding ability that humans have become especially good at is killing huge numbers of animals and plants. It is our fault that entire species are on the verge of complete extinction, but sometimes people are able to save.

Of course, we rarely succeed in this, but thanks to the efforts of environmental organizations, captive breeding programs and special legislative measures to protect environment Humanity was still able to protect some unique species of our smaller brothers from extinction. Here is a selection of 10 species of animals that we first almost destroyed, and then finally saved. So far they have saved...

10. Atelopus zeteki

These small golden toads are endemic to the mountain springs of West Central Panama and are listed as critically endangered in the International Union for Conservation of Nature database. The Panama toad has been under threat for decades from people cutting down forests, polluting local waterways and hunting these rare creatures. However, the main enemy of Atelope Tsetek turned out to be much more insidious and dangerous than man. Chytridiomycosis, also known as chytrid fungal disease, is common throughout the South and Central America, and he struck big damage populations of all amphibians in the region. In fact, almost a third of all amphibians are in serious danger because of this deadly fungus.

The latest epidemic was so widespread that scientists even described it as “the worst infectious disease of any vertebrate on record in terms of the number of species affected.” In 2006, motley atelopes were included in the list of endangered animals, and at the same time animal activists began catching them from wildlife and send them to special reproduction centers that were equipped even before the spread of the fungal infection. Today, golden toads are likely extinct in the wild, but the apparent success of a captive breeding program gives scientists hope that they may one day be able to return a new generation of golden toads to Panamanian waters where they belong.

9. Bellinger River Sawback Turtle (Myuchelys georgesi)

Photo: Western Sydney University

The sawback turtle lives in a very limited range within the 60 km coastline of the Bellinger River in New South Wales (Bellinger River, New South Wales, Australia). There used to be a dime a dozen of them in this area. Its alarming conservation status this species received after people introduced a new predator into its habitat - the European fox, which really liked the taste of sawback turtles, and one serious competitor - the Murray short-necked turtle (Emydura macquarii), which began to actively invade the habitat of Myuchelys georgesi.

All this greatly complicated the life of the Bellinger turtles, but the main reason for the extinction of the species was one very mysterious disease that broke out in 2015... In just 2 months of the spread of the disease, a huge number of local turtles died from some unidentified pathogen or toxin, which turned out to be fatal for all affected by it victims. The population was dying out before our eyes, and scientists eventually managed to save only 17 healthy individuals. Zoo defenders even turned to local residents for help in catching rare turtles in order to quickly remove them from natural environment habitat and save from certain death. Thanks to the assistance provided by the authorities, through joint efforts, animal rights activists managed to save the rare turtle, but before these turtles can be returned to their habitat, there is still a lot of work to be done to increase the population size, which is now in special breeding centers.

8. Golden lion marmoset, golden lion tamarin or rosalia (Leontopithecus rosalia)

Rosalia is sometimes also called the golden monkey, and this small monkey can only be found in the Brazilian forests off the Atlantic coast. The species is on the verge of extinction due to the destruction of its natural habitat. The remaining individuals in the wild live in tropical forests 3 small areas in southeastern Brazil, and as recently as 1981 the population had dropped to just 200 tamarins. Environmental authorities took up this problem in the 1980s, and thanks to people's efforts, the number of Rosalias has grown to 3,200 individuals, with even more to come soon.

The return of the lion marmoset to its natural habitat, which was previously uninhabitable, is a rare example of animal rights activists successfully completing their mission. A captive breeding program has helped specialists grow a new and sufficiently developed population for its subsequent reintroduction not only back into its native jungle, but also into other Brazilian rain forests where golden tamarins had never lived before. About a third of all current wild rosalia are monkeys, which were born thanks to people. The golden lion marmoset breeding program continues to operate and involves over 150 zoos, although the fate of the species is still under threat. Tamarins are still suffering due to the destruction of their natural habitat, and this moment There are only 4 isolated areas where these monkeys can be found. Essentially, this limits the genetic diversity of the species and threatens the viability and fertility of new generations...

7. Eastern or mountain bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci)

Photo: Chuckupd

Bongo is the most close-up view African antelope, consisting of 2 separate populations living in the western valleys and mountains of eastern Central and Western Africa. The western bongo is listed in the Red Book as a species close to vulnerable, but its eastern relatives in the wild are on the verge of complete extinction. The eastern bongo population has suffered severe declines due to deforestation and poaching. In 2000, this antelope was included in a program called the Species Survival Plan, and within 6 years, animal rights activists managed to improve the deplorable state of affairs. Unfortunately, by 2013, progress in reintroducing the eastern bongo into the wild was eroded by people uninterested in saving the rare antelope, and the species nearly disappeared from the face of the Earth again. There were only about 100 individuals left in captivity at that time, and they all ended up in a captive breeding program in order to still restore the numbers of endangered antelopes. Today, there are many more mountain bongos in captivity than in their natural habitat. Extinction has been delayed, but scientists still have a lot of work to do to ensure that new generations of eastern bongos have the conditions to survive and thrive in their range.

6. California condor (Gymnogyps californianus)

The California condor is one of the longest-living birds on the planet. Average duration The lifespan of this species is about 60 years. Alas, longevity did not prevent the rare condor from almost becoming extinct in 1987, when these animals no longer remained in the wild. In the wild, California condors then disappeared because scientists captured all surviving individuals for controlled captive breeding to restore the rapidly declining population. In 1987, there were only 27 of these rare vultures left in the world, but thanks to the efforts of the San Diego and Los Angeles zoos (San Diego, Los Angeles) in the mid-1990s, a new and larger generation of California condors were returned to their natural habitat.

Initially, this species was included in the Red Book due to lead intoxication, destruction of its habitat and poaching, but the authorities intervened in this issue, and special laws and programs were introduced to protect the rare bird. The reintroduction of the California condor into its native range has become one of the most successful efforts to save an endangered species. These are still on the verge of extinction, but as of 2016, there were already 446 individuals in the wild and in captivity, which is good news. The California condor is one of the rarest birds in the world, but it has managed to survive thanks to the care of people. How long?

5. Arabian or white oryx (Oryx leucoryx)

The white oryx is often called the Arabian unicorn, and this amazing antelope almost became extinct in the early 1970s due to uncontrolled hunting. Fortunately, small populations of the Arabian oryx survived in zoos around the world, which helped animal activists carry out “Operation Oryx”, the purpose of which was to breed and reintroduce new generations into the world. wild environment. The project was initiated by the American Phoenix Zoo (Phoenix) together with the London Fauna and Flora Preservation Society with the support of the World Wildlife Fund.

The program began in the 1960s, and at the Phoenix Zoo alone, over 240 white oryx were born over almost 20 years of this initiative, and by 1980, the Americans already had enough antelope to return them to the wild. The program started with just a few individuals, but in the end, animal rights activists managed to successfully return the new population to Oman. Saudi Arabia and Israel. Thanks to the efforts of specialists, over 1,000 individuals were released into the wild in the 1980s. However, the Arabian is still considered a vulnerable species. What is even more amazing is that there are currently around 6-7 thousand of these antelopes kept in various zoos, making Operation Oryx one of the most successful captive breeding and reintroduction programs for rare animal species.

4. Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus przewalskii)

Photo: Claudia Feh

The Przewalski's horse is a rare endangered species, and in 1966 it completely disappeared from the wild. All modern generations of these horses are descendants of 9 individuals (out of 31) caught back in 1945. These animals were kept in captivity for many years, and their offspring eventually ended up in a program to breed new Przewalski's horses when their relatives became completely extinct in the wild.

Thanks to a breeding program initiated by the Zoological Society of London in collaboration with Mongolian scientists, the rare species was successfully returned to its natural habitat, and as of 2016 there were already as many as 2,000 individuals in the wild. All of them were born thanks to those same 9 horses and stallions caught back in 1945. A separate group of Przhevalsky horses was taken to the Exclusion Zone Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1998, and this was done in order to introduce a rare species to a place where there are definitely no people. This group of horses appears to be breeding successfully and is probably not adversely affected by radiation exposure.

3. Far Eastern leopard or Amur leopard ( Panthera pardus orientalis)

Photo: William Warby

The Far Eastern leopard is the rarest subspecies of leopards on Earth, and poachers are to blame for such a deplorable state of affairs, because on the black market one skin of this leopard could fetch about $1,000. These amazing animals live in the Primorsky Territory in southeastern Russia and a small area of ​​China, where they are actively hunted for their valuable fur. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classified these cats as a species on the verge of extinction, since there are almost no Amur leopards left in the wild. As of 2015, the population size was less than 60 individuals in Russia and China, although special measures to protect the endangered subspecies began to be taken as early as 2007, when a captive breeding program was initiated.

Animal rights activists sounded the alarm as scientists concluded that the gene pool of wild Far Eastern leopards has decreased so much that the population is threatened by inbreeding depression (decrease in reproductive function and viability of offspring). The survival of these wild cats is also in danger because people are destroying their natural habitat and killing other animals that Amur leopards feed on. Their population size has now grown to a level almost necessary for reintroduction - in 2011 there were already 173 individuals in captivity. Thanks to conservation measures and a breeding program, at the beginning of 2018 there were already 103 rare leopards living in the wild. There is still a lot of work ahead of us to save these unique animals, but for now we can assume that people are Once again were able to save a species that had almost disappeared from the face of the Earth.

2. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

Any American can easily recognize this bird of prey, because this is the national symbol of the United States. However, few people know that once this species was on the verge of local extinction, that is, extinction within a specific geographical area(in this case the USA). Imagine a country whose national animal has become extinct and a thing of the past - somehow this is not good... At the time when this state was just emerging, hundreds of thousands of breeding pairs of bald eagles lived on its territory, but by the 1950s their number had dropped to just 412 individuals.

In 1984 National Federation The National Wildlife Federation cited hunting as the main reason for such a significant decline in the numbers of these amazing hawks. In addition, the eagle population suffered greatly from the use of DDT, an insecticide that was subsequently banned by the authorities. Efforts to protect the rare species have been successful, and as of 2006, 9,789 breeding pairs were known to be breeding, as reported by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. In 1995, this species was finally removed from the federal list of endangered animals and was classified as vulnerable. In 2007, the white-headed was completely excluded from all lists, and in the Red Book it received the status of a species of least concern.

1. Humpback whale or minke whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

It is probably difficult to imagine how the largest creatures in the world can at the same time be animals that could be threatened with complete extinction, because they have so much power and beauty. Like most other whale species, the minke whale was once such a popular prey item that we almost lost this giant of the sea once and for all. When it became absolutely obvious that, due to the whaling industry, this amazing animal had almost completely disappeared from the face of the Earth, and that its population could not recover without the help of scientists, the authorities of all countries united and introduced an international ban on whale hunting. This happened in 1966, and at that time there were only 5,000 humpback whales left in the wild, that is, about 90% of these creatures simply died out.

Much has changed since 1966, and the majestic animal has made a truly triumphant return. Unlike other creatures on this list, a captive breeding program is physically impossible for whales, as a single humpback whale weighs about 36,000 kilograms on average. To save unique look people had to work hard, and the most difficult thing was to fight the whale hunters. Long-armed minke whales are still a prized prey for poachers, and these whales periodically become entangled in fishing nets, but their population numbers have still increased significantly - according to the latest estimates, about 40,000 individuals swim in the world's oceans. This figure sounds very encouraging, but do not forget that it is only a third of the number of humpback whales that lived on our planet before whaling.

Abstract environmental conversation for students in grades 5-6 on the topic “The Vanishing Beauty of the Earth”

Tugareva Irina Vasilievna, teacher of GBS(K)OU “Suponevskaya” special school– boarding school of the VI type.”
The proposed material may be useful for teachers to conduct conversations and cool hours with schoolchildren of grades 5-6 as part of environmental education, natural history and biology teachers for extracurricular activities.

Expand students’ knowledge about the Red Book and endangered plant species;
to create a need to know the nature of one’s homeland
To create conditions for the development of the cognitive and emotional spheres of students through familiarization with the history of the creation of the Red Book;
introduce flowers from the Red Book of our country;
bring up careful attitude to nature.

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.
Dmitry Rodovich

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, do you agree with the author of these lines? (children's answers)
Indeed, without plants and animals, the Earth will become deserted and it will be uncomfortable for humans to live on such a planet.
- Tell me, what do people do to preserve endangered species of plants and animals on our planet? (children's answers)
Probably each of you has heard about the Red Book. Let's get to know some historical facts its creation.
Red color is a danger signal. Therefore, the list of endangered plants and animals, at the suggestion of one of the most authoritative figures in nature conservation, the Englishman Peter Scott, was aptly called the Red Book.
The need to create the Red Book arose in connection with the total extermination of many representatives of the animal and plant world. The development of new territories, the construction of industrial facilities in the habitats of some species, thoughtless hunting and senseless extermination have led to the fact that many species of plants and animals have already disappeared from the face of the Earth.
The idea of ​​creating a Red Book was first discussed in 1948, and the International Red Book was published in 1963. In order to compile and publish it, it took about 15 years of hard work by scientists. To this day, the International Union for Conservation of Nature is responsible for this book. natural resources. The first volume described 211 species and subspecies of mammals.
Later, from 1966 to 1980, three more editions of the Red Book were published, which differed more detailed description species and subspecies of mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians.
The first Red Book of the USSR was created back in 1978 and was divided into two volumes. There was a separate Red Book of Animals, and the second volume was entirely devoted to plants.
The Red Book of the Russian Federation was published in 2001. This official document quite large (almost 900 pages of text). It is supplemented with photographs and illustrations.
In addition to the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia, each subject of the Russian Federation has its own, local, Red Books. They contain rare species of animals and plants that live and grow in this area.
The Red Book is not only a list of species, but also a useful reference book containing practical advice on environmental protection and specific species.
The pages themselves in the Red Book have different colors.
Black pages - contain lists of extinct inhabitants of the planet.
Red pages are dedicated to endangered and very rare species.
Yellow Pages - contains a list of very rapidly disappearing representatives of flora and fauna.
White pages - a list of species that have always been in small numbers in nature.
Gray pages - here are collected animals and plants that have been little studied and grow and live in hard-to-reach places.
Green pages - here is a list of species that were literally saved from extinction.

Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.
So that the desert does not dare to come,
So that souls do not become empty.
Birds are protected
Animals are protected
Even flowers are protected!
B. Dubrovin
Our nature has created many different beautiful creations. Flowers occupy a special place in it. But many of them are now in great danger - simply disappearing from the face of the Earth.
People are gradually learning new things about endangered species of plants and animals, offering to take them under protection, and adding them to the Red Book.
Let's get to know some of them.

The name of the flower comes from Greek words“convallis” - valley, “lirion” - lily and “mayalis” - May, that is, “lily of the valleys, blooming in May.” Lily of the valley has been known since ancient times as a valuable medicinal plant. Many peoples revered the lily of the valley as a symbol of spring.
Lily of the valley began to be cultivated in the middle of the 16th century. The flower was especially loved in France, where in some places the custom of annually celebrating the holiday of lilies of the valley (the first Sunday of May) is still preserved. In Russia, the decorative qualities of lily of the valley were appreciated only in late XVIII century, and the first flower sellers appeared in Moscow. The healing properties of lily of the valley have been known since ancient times and have not yet lost their significance. In the Middle Ages, medicines for epilepsy, fever, and heart disease were prepared from the plant. Currently, tincture of lily of the valley is widely used in medicine, helping with heart neuroses.

Edelweiss is a flower that grows in the highlands. More than 30 species are known. It is precisely because it is found only high in the mountains, where humans rarely set foot, that many stories have been written about it. beautiful legends and stories. The botanical name of this flower is Leontopodium, it comes from the merger of two Greek words - “lion” (leon) and “paw” (opodion). That is, the literal translation is a lion's paw, which edelweiss actually resembles. This flower is not only very beautiful, but also incredibly useful. As scientists have proven, it contains many antioxidants, which are considered the best substance to preserve youthful skin. And now this plant is used to make cosmetics. It should be noted that for these purposes, edelweiss is grown and not collected, because there are fewer and fewer of them in the wild.

The name “iris”, “iridos” from the Greek “rainbow” is given because of the beauty and varied colors of the flowers.
Very decorative small thickets of yellow iris (also known as water iris) can be found along the banks of rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshy meadows. Iris, or, as it is popularly called, “iris,” is one of the most graceful and beautiful perennial plants.
From time immemorial, a legend about this elegant, beautiful flower has come down to us. Thousands of years ago, the first iris blossomed. He was so beautiful that all the birds and animals admired him. The flower grew and bloomed for 3 days. And when the seeds ripened, they were carried by the wind to all corners of the world. And flowers appeared with different colors: golden yellow - wet meadows; purple irises - deserts; red - seaside; but the sky-blue and fragrant mountain irises were especially beautiful.

An endangered species. Taken under protection in all European countries. The number is declining as a result of violations of conditions in places of growth (reclamation, deforestation) and the collection of flowering plants.
Orchids have long attracted people's attention with their extraordinary diversity and fabulous beauty. They grow in almost every corner globe. But most orchids are concentrated in the tropics: tropical orchids are especially decorative, and some of them are medicinal, spicy and industrial plants.
Temperate orchids, or northern orchids, are quite different from their tropical friends. They are more modest in color, size and shape, but are beautiful and attractive in their own way.
Currently, despite numerous environmental measures, the number of the species is declining everywhere. Only the most careful attitude towards this plant can save it from complete extinction. All places where the lady's slipper grows must be taken under protection, and the collection of flowering plants must be strictly prohibited.

The open lumbago, which is popularly called sleep-grass, is a perennial herbaceous plant. Lumbago from the Ranunculaceae family. At the end of April, immediately after the gathering snow cover, you can see fabulously beautiful plant-primrose.
A characteristic feature of sleep-grass is the soft pubescence of flowers and stems. White, yellow, brown-red and purple petals of delicate flowers announce the coming of spring. All types of sleep grass are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Water lily (white water lily) is listed in the Red Book and is protected by law, because their number is decreasing every year. These flowers bloom for a very long time, compared to others. flowering plants, from May to August. After pollination, the flower sinks under water, where the fruit of the white water lily is set and ripens. This is a box that really looks like a jug. Hence the name of the flower. Among the Slavic peoples, the water lily has long been considered a mermaid flower. A beautiful white flower with a spotted rhizome like a snake's tail was transformed by folk fantasy into a mermaid - a beautiful girl with a fish tail. In an ancient herbal book, the water lily is called the overcoming herb evil spirits. When a Slav went on a long journey, he sewed a piece of water lily rhizome into an amulet and hung it around his neck. How aquatic plant, the water lily has a number of features. Its flowers open in the morning, close in the evening and fall under water. The water lily lives only in water. If you pick this flower, its beauty will fade, the reservoir will lose the miracle created by nature.

One of the most expensive and very popular plants in Western Europe, the United States and Canada is the angustifolia, or thin-leaved peony. In Russia, this flower is known only to a few old flower growers. Beginners, amateurs, and sometimes even specialists, at best, have only heard about it. In the Red Book, the thin-leaved peony has the status of a rare species. Meanwhile, it was quite widespread in the 60s and 70s, but soon disappeared from our gardens. The reason is considered to be the recent fashion for large-flowered varieties of peony, as well as its extermination in the wild.

The genus of crocuses, or saffrons, includes about 80 species of herbaceous plants native to Europe and Asia. The most famous is saffron, the stamens of which are the most expensive spice and food coloring in the world. Many types of crocuses are grown for decorative purposes. All wild species are listed in the Red Book.

Nut lotus is a perennial aquatic plant with a knotty rhizome, belonging to the tropical relict species. The leaves of the lotus are floating, on long spiky stalks, have the shape of a shield with a depression in the middle and are covered with a waxy coating. They reach 50 cm in diameter.
One of the most famous plants on Earth. Sacred plant of the East. For many centuries, the lotus was worshiped in the East; it occupied an honorable place in religious rites, traditions and legends, as evidenced by numerous monuments of writing, architecture and art. A rare species. Listed in the Red Book of Russia. In the Russian Federation, the lotus is widespread in the European part of the republic, in the Volga delta, and in the Far East.

Original title on Latin Trollblume, which means "troll flower" in German. The Russian name “Kupalnitsa” comes from the fact that this plant can often be observed in areas with high soil moisture.
Another version: the Russian name was given to the plant back in the old days and most likely because its mass flowering occurs on Agrafena-swimsuit (June 23 according to the old style, or July 6 according to the new one), when after a long winter they washed and steamed in baths and It was time to swim in rivers and lakes. And on June 24, according to the old style, the ancient pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala was celebrated. Swimsuit. It is familiar to many because it grows in our forests. This is a very beautiful plant - which is why many people do not realize that it is an endangered species - and collect it for bouquets. Deforestation also has a bad effect - the plant has nowhere to grow. Sometimes this can simply be the result of hooliganism and thoughtlessness - Forest fires, landfills made by people.

Big panda became the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) not at all because it looks so much like a cute teddy bear. For a long time, the giant panda was close to extinction and desperately needed protection. In 1961, when the panda first appeared on the WWF logo, the animals lived in such isolated and rare conservation areas that there was no accurate information about their numbers. To change the situation, we had to fight poaching - in China, killing pandas is threatened death penalty— and develop a whole policy to protect the natural habitat of the giant panda. Now in China there are 67 separate “panda” reserves, with a total area of ​​14 thousand square kilometers. Thanks to a set of measures, the number of pandas has exceeded 2,000 individuals. In September 2016 big panda moved to the category of "vulnerable" species, and today it is the most famous animal that is no longer endangered.

Pterodroma axillaris, species seabirds from the typhoon family. The small bird lived in New Zealand, 650 km east of Wellington, on the Chatham Archipelago. This is precisely what is causing her trouble: a broad-billed whalebird has settled in the same territory, driving Pterodroma axillaris out of its usual nesting sites. The suppression of Pterodroma axillaris reached such proportions that in 1995 their numbers dropped to 600 individuals. Fortunately, New Zealand wildlife lovers realized it in time: they simply collected all the representatives of the species and transported them to another island, where there are no broad-billed whalebirds and other competitors. Since 2015, Pterodroma axillaris has ceased to be listed as an endangered species, moving into the category of vulnerable.

Ursus americanus luteolus, subspecies of baribal, black bear native to Louisiana. Baribal is the most common North American bear, found in more than half of the US states, but some of its subspecies, in particular the Louisiana Ursus americanus luteolus, have long been in danger of extinction. And all because baribal was (and remains) a popular object for hunting. After famous story with Theodore Roosevelt, who refused to shoot a bear cub, touching Teddy bears“Teddy”, named, in fact, in honor of the 26th President of the United States. But, alas, not everyone followed Roosevelt’s humane act: by 1992, there were only 150 Louisiana baribals living in the wild. Thanks to a set of conservation measures, the species has been preserved for 20 years - today at least 700 live in the forests of America. Ursus bears americanus luteolus, and as of 2015 the species is not considered endangered.

Sciurus niger cinereus, a subspecies of fox squirrels, live on the Delmarva Peninsula, which is east coast USA. Perhaps, if not for the efforts of animal defenders, today we would write “inhabited” - in 1967, only 10% of the former population of Sciurus niger cinereus remained. The main difficulty was that its habitat extended over three states, covering mainly private areas, and the main threat to the squirrel was ordinary domestic cats. Can you imagine how much effort it took to convince pet owners that their cat should no longer “walk on its own” and they should control it? But a miracle happened: over 50 years, the number of fox squirrels reached 20 thousand, and in 2015 they were excluded from the category of endangered species.

Sea lion, or Steller's northern sea lion. The largest representative of the family lives on the cold rocky shores of Kamchatka and Alaska, the Kuril, Aleutian and Commander Islands eared seals. In 1990, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) listed sea lions as an endangered species. Unfortunately, NOAA does not have good statistics - by 2013, only one species considered endangered was conserved, and that was the California gray whale. But the sea lion, fortunately, joined the whale: if in 1979 there were only 18 thousand individuals, today at least 70 thousand sea lions live in the Pacific waters. In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, sea lions are included in the second category and are also a protected species.

White oryx, or Arabian oryx, is an antelope once widespread in western Asia. These marvelous antelopes roamed freely throughout the Arabian and Sinai Peninsulas and Mesopotamia. But their beautiful skin and tasty meat led to extinction. Oryx hunting was such a common occurrence that tourists shot antelope from the comfort of their cars. As a result, in 1972, wild white oryxes were completely exterminated. No matter how much they say that keeping wild animals in captivity is bad, but... amazing story saving the species, which is due precisely to the “domestic” antelopes. Several oryx individuals lived on the territory of the richest sheikhs, and with them an active program to restore the species began. It took years, a lot of work and a lot of money, but the program was a success: at least a thousand white oryxes currently live in the wild, and since 2011 the species has not been considered endangered.

Nerodia sipedon insularum, a subspecies of the North American grass snake, lives near Lake Erie. In 1999, the number of individuals reached a critical minimum, and it was urgently included in the list of endangered species. In just 12 years, by 2011, its population had recovered so much that it was removed from the conservation program altogether. What's the catch here? The fact is that his only threat was man. The harmless snake was unlucky for two reasons: its habitat coincided with the place of residence and recreation of people, and the sight of the snake struck fear in people. The snake was on the verge of extinction not because someone was hunting for its skin or meat - people carelessly exterminated Living being just out of fear.

Gray wolf has caused heated debate within the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). In the 1970s, it was classified as an endangered species in the United States and was protected for 35 years. In 2011, FWS officials reported that the gray wolf population was 5,500 and there was no need to count this type disappearing. The claims of the scientific community boil down to the fact that FWS in separate species isolated the eastern wolf. From the point of view of researchers, it is inappropriate to distinguish the eastern wolf as a separate species, just as it is inappropriate to remove the gray wolf from the category of protected endangered animals.

American brown pelican became endangered in the 1970s: naturally, due to the human factor. True, the culprit here is not direct extermination, but the massive use of the insecticide DDT, which poisons not only cotton pests, but also aquatic organisms. Eating toxic fish, small pelicans got sick, died and were unable to produce offspring - DDT disrupted calcium metabolism, which is why the birds were simply not able to hatch their chicks due to broken shells. Fortunately, the use of DDT and other harsh chemicals has been greatly reduced, which has actually saved the lives of American brown pelicans, and as of 2009 they are no longer considered an endangered species.

Indian rhinoceros, the largest of the Asian rhinoceroses, once inhabited vast territories - it could be found in both the South and South-East Asia, in southern China and even in eastern Iran. This, however, was the case until man considered the rhinoceros an excellent trophy. Through the efforts of hunters, the number of Indian rhinoceros was reduced to 600. The deplorable situation was corrected by strict Indian laws aimed at combating poaching and the creation of special reserves. Today Indian rhinoceros found only in southern Pakistan, eastern India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The number of individuals has reached 3 thousand - this is quite a bit, but still much more than 600. Since 2008, the Indian rhinoceros is no longer considered an endangered species, but a vulnerable species.

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