Various disasters. Eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano. Earthquake in China's Sichuan province

What are earthquakes?

An earthquake is an underground vibration or tremors that occurs as a result of displacement earth's crust or the upper part of the mantle. The elastic vibrations of an earthquake can be transmitted over very long distances, sometimes reaching hundreds of kilometers. Here, as we understand, everything depends on the strength of the earthquake. Earthquakes can be barely felt by humans, can destroy cities, and can cause other natural disasters

What to do?

  • don't panic
  • keep calm
  • don't go out on balconies
  • don't use the elevator
  • do not take shelter near dams, river valleys, on sea beaches and lake shores
  • the main danger is the crowd

Consequences of earthquakes

Natural consequences include cracks in the soil, shaking and vibration of the soil, aftershocks, sinkholes earth's surface and the ocean floor, increased activity of volcanoes, the occurrence of mudflows, landslides, landslides, rockfalls. Waves rise in the expanses of water, and a tsunami can form - a giant wave up to 40 meters high, sweeping away all buildings in the coastal zone.

Infrastructure is seriously damaged settlements during destructive earthquakes.

The most severe consequences of earthquakes occur when buildings collapse in populated areas.

Forest fires

Forest fires are uncontrolled burning of vegetation that spreads throughout the forest. Depending on the heights at which the fire spreads, Forest fires are divided into grassroots, underground and upland.

Ground forest fires develop as a result of the combustion of coniferous undergrowth, the above-ground layer of litter (fallen needles, leaves, bark, dead wood, stumps) and living vegetation. Ground forest fires spread at a speed of up to 1 km/h, at a height of 1.5-2 m. Ground fires can be fleeting and ordinary. Crown forest fires are the combustion of the ground cover and biomass of the forest stand. Their speed of propagation is 25 km/h. Ground forest fires are stages of development of ground fires. Peat fires are the result of ignition of layers of peat at different depths. They cover large areas. Peat burns slowly, to the depth of its occurrence. Burnt-out areas are dangerous because sections of roads, equipment, people, and houses fall into them. Steppe fires occur in open areas with dry vegetation. In strong winds, the speed of fire spread is 25 km/h.

Measures fire safety in the forest, it is unacceptable:

  • use open fire;
  • burn grass under trees, in forest clearings, clearings, as well as stubble in fields, in the forest;
  • make fires in young coniferous forests, on peat bogs, cutting areas, in places with dry grass, under tree crowns, as well as in areas of damaged forest;
  • leave material that is oily or impregnated with flammable substances;
  • leave bottles or glass shards behind, as they can act as incendiary lenses.


Floods are significant flooding of an area as a result of rising water levels in a river, lake, or reservoir caused by various reasons. Floods usually occur as a result of heavy rainfall. There are river and sea floods. River floods are river spills that occur periodically, as a result of snow melting in the spring or long rainfalls, or episodically, as a result of water surge from the sea, and sea floods are a consequence of hurricanes.

Flood safety measures.

  • turn off electricity and gas,
  • close all doors and windows,
  • try to protect yourself by climbing to the upper floors,
  • you need to have everything you need for the first hours: blankets, boots, warm and practical clothes, energetic valuable products food, documents, money


An avalanche is a mass of snow that quickly slides down the side of a mountain. The snow that falls in the mountains throughout the year does not remain motionless: it slowly, imperceptibly to the eye, slides down under the weight of its own weight or collapses in avalanches and ice slides. An avalanche can be caused by a variety of reasons: the movement of climbers, the fall of a collapsed cornice, and various atmospheric phenomena.

The occurrence of avalanches depends on the amount and condition of the snow, on the base on which the snow lies, on various atmospheric conditions, on the influence of external forces on the snow cover (an impact from a fallen cornice, a rockfall, the movement of a group of climbers).

Avalanches have many varieties, but we will only point out the main ones. The most common are avalanches from freshly fallen snow. They are in turn divided into dry and wet.

Wet avalanches form from snow that falls at high temperatures or from snow lying on heavily sunlit slopes. The subsequent drop in temperature transforms the unstable wet snow into a harder snow mass, which reduces and even eliminates the risk of an avalanche.

Signs of avalanche danger:

  • Steep, exposed slopes, especially convex ones.
  • A large amount of freshly fallen snow (anything more than 20 cm).
  • Strong winds, especially at night.
  • Cornices and other evidence of recent wind activity.
  • Signs of an avalanche on nearby roads.
  • Signs of recent avalanches on other, similar slopes.
  • Cracks in the snow cover.
  • Creaking sounds, drum type sounds from voids under the snow cover

The best way to deal with avalanches is to never get caught in one. Getting into an avalanche is always serious. Luck plays a big role here, but there are several rules that must be quickly and accurately followed.

  • Try to avoid the avalanche by avoiding the landslide or driving to the side.
  • Try holding on to any stationary object you can find, such as a rock or tree.
  • If you are in danger of being buried under snow, blow out your lungs and curl up. Protect your mouth and nose with your hands and wear a hood if you have one. Keep your hands in this position and you'll have a chance to dig out some breathing space for yourself when the avalanche stops.
  • First of all, maintain peace and quiet, maintain your air and strength. Only shout if you hear someone nearby. Snow absorbs sound and you can only waste oxygen with very little chance of being heard.


A tornado (tornado, thrombus) is a strong rotating vortex of air with horizontal dimensions of less than 50 km and a height of less than 10 km. A tornado sweeps over the surface at a speed of 30-60 km/h and after about 30 km loses its destructive power. True, there are cases where tornadoes remained viable for

Salvation is possible if...

  • close doors and windows
  • avoid being on the top floor
  • turn off gas and electricity
  • hide in the basement

Unusual discovery

One tornado researcher cites cases where two burnt and charred wooden planks fused together during the storm, despite the fact that they crumbled at the slightest touch. The pebbles passed through the glass and did not break it; the straws passed through the window and got stuck in it without breaking it.

Landslides, landslides

Landslide is the downslope movement of a mass of loose rock under the influence of gravity, especially when the loose material is saturated with water.

Mudflow is a flow that suddenly forms in gorges with a large content of solid material (destruction products rocks). Mudflows occur as a result of intense and prolonged rainfall, rapid melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover, also due to collapse into the riverbed mountain rivers a large amount of loose clastic material.

Landslides occur on the slopes of valleys or river banks, in the mountains, and on the shores of the seas. Most often, landslides occur on slopes composed of alternating water-resistant and aquiferous rocks. Landslides can cause various types of destruction, both strong and weak.

Preventive action:

Study the information about possible locations and approximate boundaries of landslides, remember the warning signals about the threat of a landslide, as well as the procedure for giving this signal. Signs of an impending landslide include jammed doors and windows of buildings and seepage of water on landslide-prone slopes. If you see signs of an approaching landslide, report this to the nearest landslide station, wait for information from there, and act depending on the situation.

What to do in case of a landslide

When receiving signals about the threat of a landslide, turn off electrical appliances, gas appliances and the water supply network, and prepare for immediate evacuation according to pre-developed plans. Depending on the speed of landslide displacement detected by the landslide station, act in accordance with the threat. If the displacement rate is low (meters per month), act according to your capabilities (move buildings to a predetermined location, remove furniture, belongings, etc.). If the landslide displacement rate is more than 0.5-1.0 m per day, evacuate in accordance with a pre-worked plan. When evacuating, take with you documents, valuables, and, depending on the situation and instructions from the administration, warm clothes and food. Urgently evacuate to a safe place and, if necessary, help rescuers dig out, extract victims from the collapse and provide assistance to them.

Hurricanes, tsunamis

Hurricanes are cyclones that occur in tropical latitudes, with winds reaching 64 knots (74 mph).

A hurricane is one of the atmospheric monsters of our planet, which in terms of destructive power can be compared with an earthquake. It destroys buildings, devastates fields, uproots trees, demolishes light buildings, breaks wires, and damages bridges and roads. It can lift a person into the air or bring down fragments of slate, tiles, glass, bricks, and various objects on him.

The worst hurricane in human memory occurred on November 12-13, 1970 over the islands in the Ganges Delta, Bangladesh. It claimed about a million lives.

The problem of global warming increasingly reminds us of itself. This is already affecting the lives of earthlings, because at middle latitudes with temperate climate in recent years the air temperature has been summer months began to regularly exceed 40 degrees Celsius, while the African heat is replaced by hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Such natural disasters cause a lot of inconvenience and damage, however, climate scientists predict that in the coming years climate shocks will become commonplace.

In particular, as reported by the portal, climatologists from all over the world are calling for attention to the global changes in the Earth’s climate that are already occurring today, because, in the opinion of , climate turbulence will fully make itself felt by 2020 with a series of natural disasters which could turn into a global catastrophe.

Experts predict that within four years the world's population will experience serious consequences these changes. It is assumed that hurricanes and minor earthquakes will be the least of the troubles awaiting, however, researchers draw attention to the fact that climate changes, which were predicted for a long time, are not occurring as evenly and gradually as experts previously predicted. According to climatologists, these processes will manifest themselves unexpectedly, and where they are least expected. On this moment In the scientific community, there is a strong opinion that for the first time climatic turbulence will manifest itself most acutely in the territory, since the British are in the zone of passage of cyclones from the subtropics and northern air currents at the same time.

Let us recall that one of the consequences of the currently observed global warming is also the catastrophic melting of the Arctic ice and continental ice caps. They play a big role in climate balance, reflecting a large number of sunlight, which prevents it from overheating. At the same time, the dynamics of growth in average monthly and average annual temperature, which continue to break new records with each recording period, also contributes to the stability of glaciers that have been untouched for tens of thousands of years in different corners planets. Humanity has already forgotten about the snows of Kilimanjaro; complete melting is predicted arctic ice in the coming years. At the same time, a serious threat looms over the Greenland ice sheet, the melting of which could raise the level of the world's oceans by many meters.

As climatologists from the UK, Holland and the United Kingdom note, between 2011 and 2014, as a result of observations, a record loss of ice cover was recorded in Greenland. A study dedicated to this was published in Geophysical Research Letters. The researchers found that during this period largest planet lost a total of about a trillion tons of ice, equivalent to a contribution to global sea level rise of 0.75 millimeters per year. At the same time, it was found that the most intense ice melting occurred in 2012, when summer temperatures reached record highs.

This was established through observations using the CryoSat satellite, which has a radio altimeter. The vehicle's assessment of Greenland's ice loss was carried out, as ESA notes, from the very high accuracy from the available capabilities and is close to data from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellites owned by NASA.

According to the United Nations Information Center, by 2030, 250 thousand people will die annually from the effects of global changes, and these data are in addition to previously announced forecasts. The main reasons for the increase in mortality will be infectious diseases: malaria, diarrhea, malnutrition and heat stroke. The expected further warming and the associated increase in humidity will lead to the spread of various insects that carry diseases, and due to droughts, rainfall and extreme heat, crops will suffer - all more people will starve.

As air pollution increases, the flowering period of plants will be prolonged, resulting in an increase in the number of people suffering from asthma and pollen allergies. As a result of pollution of water sources, flooding and warming will spread, caused by dirty water.

In just 60 years, more than 3,000 New Yorkers will die each year from extreme heat linked to climate change, US scientists warn. According to official data alone, more people die from extreme heat than from all other natural disasters combined. According to American climatologists, over the next 60 years the situation will only get worse. This is stated in a new study published in the specialized journal Environmental Health Perspectives. According to the New York City Panel on Climate Change, by 2080 the average annual temperature in the metropolitan area will increase by 5.3 to 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit (2.9 to 4.9 degrees Celsius). According to the National Climate Assessment 2014, the number of hot days before this time will triple.

Disaster statistics allows you to track the number of events occurring in the world, the severity of their consequences and the causes of their occurrence. Main motives for collecting statistical data: search effective ways disaster prevention, disaster prevention, forecasting and timely preparation for them.

Types of disasters

Cataclysms (natural disasters) are phenomena and processes occurring on earth (or in space) that cause destruction environment, destruction of material values, threaten lives and health. They can arise from various reasons. Many of them can be caused by humans. Natural disasters and disasters can be short-term (from a few seconds) or long-lasting (several days or even months).

Disasters are divided into local and global disasters. The first have a destructive effect on the area where they occurred. Global - have an impact on the biosphere, leading to the extinction of any plant species or. They can threaten the earth with climate change, large-scale resettlement, death, and humanity with complete or partial extinction.

On our planet, global cataclysms that led to climate change and the development of civilization have occurred more than once. The table below shows different kinds disasters.

Kinds What are they?
Environmental disasters Ozone holes, air and water pollution, mutations, epidemics
Natural disasters Tornado, flood, flood,
Weather disasters Abnormal heat, thaw in winter, snow in summer, showers
Tectonic disasters Earthquakes, mudflows, displacement of the earth's core
Political disasters Interstate conflicts, coups, crisis
Climate disasters Global warming, ice age
Historical disasters and other events that changed the course of history of a particular state
Space disasters Collision of planets meteor showers, asteroid falls, solar explosions. Some space disasters can destroy planets

The most destructive disasters in human history

According to statistics, cataclysms that changed the course of history have occurred many times during the existence of mankind. Some of them are still considered the most terrible. Top 5 destructive disasters:

  • flood in China in 1931 (a disaster of the 20th century killed 4 million people);
  • eruption Krakatoa in 1883 (40 thousand people died. And about three hundred cities were destroyed);
  • earthquake in Shaanxi in 1556 at 11 points (about 1 thousand people died, the province was destroyed and long years empty);
  • last day of Pompeii in 79 BC (the eruption of Mount Vesuvius lasted about a day and led to the death of several cities and thousands of people);
  • And eruption of the Santorini volcano in 1645–1600. BC. (led to the death of an entire civilization).

World indicators

Statistics of cataclysms in the world over the past 20 years total more than 7 thousand cases. More than a million people died as a result of these disasters. The damage that was caused is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. The picture clearly shows which of the cataclysms that occurred during the period from 1996 to 2016. became the deadliest.

The planet's news regularly reports that the number of natural disasters around the world is steadily increasing. Over the past 50 years, the number of disasters has increased several times. Tsunamis alone occur about 30 times a year.

The graph shows which continents are most often the epicenter of natural disasters. Asia is most prone to disasters. The USA is in second place. According to geologists, Northern part America may soon disappear from the face of the earth due to...

Natural disasters

Disaster statistics natural origin over the past 5 years shows a 3-fold increase. According to scientists, more than 2 billion people suffered from natural disasters during this time. This is every third inhabitant of our planet. Tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts, epidemics, famines and other disasters are increasingly occurring on earth. Scientists name the following causes of natural disasters:

  • human impact;
  • conflicts of a military, social and political nature;
  • release of energy into geological layers.

Often the cause of disasters is the consequences of disasters that happened before. For example, after a large-scale flood, famine or an epidemic may occur. Types of natural disasters:

  • geological (landslides, dust storms, sat down);
  • meteorological (cold, drought, heat, hail);
  • lithospheric (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes);
  • atmospheric (tornadoes, hurricanes, storms);
  • hydrosphere (typhoons, cyclones, floods);

Statistics of natural disasters hydrosphere nature (namely floods) today shows the highest indicators in the world:

The chart below shows how many disasters occur and how many people have suffered or died from each of them recently.

On average, about 50 thousand people die per year due to natural disasters. In 2010, the figure exceeded the threshold of 300 thousand people.

The following natural disasters occurred in 2016:

date Place Cataclysm Victims Dead
06.02 Taiwan Earthquake 422 166
14–17.04 Japan Earthquake 1100 148
16.04 Ecuador Earthquake 50 000 692
14–20.05 Sri Lanka Floods, landslides, rains 450 000 200
18.06 Karelia Storm 14 14
June China Flood 32 000 000 186
23.06 America Flood 24 24
6–7.08 Macedonia Flood and landslides Dozens of people 20
24.08 Italy Earthquake n/a 295

The BBC constantly produces documentaries about natural disasters. They colorfully and clearly demonstrate what is happening in the world, what disasters threaten humanity and the planet.

If the government of each country takes measures to provide for the population and prevent some disasters that can be predicted in advance, then disasters will happen less often. At least a number negative consequences, human casualties and material losses will be much less.

Data for Russia and Ukraine

Cataclysms often occurred in Russia. As a rule, they marked the end of the previous era and the beginning of a new one.

For example, in the 17th century there were major disasters, after which a new era began, more cruel. Then there were locust raids that destroyed crops, a great eclipse of the sun, the winter was very mild - the rivers were not covered with ice, which is why in the spring they overflowed their banks and floods occurred. Also, the summer was cold and the autumn was hot, as a result in mid-December the steppes and meadows were covered with greenery. All this led to prophecies about the upcoming end of the World.

As the statistics of disasters show, thousands of people die and suffer from them every year in Russia. Disasters bring losses to the country in the amount of up to 60 billion rubles. in year. The majority of all disasters are floods. Second place goes to tornadoes and hurricanes. During the period from 2010 to 2015, the number of natural disasters in Russia increased by 6%.

The majority of disasters in Ukraine are landslides, floods and mudflows. Since there are a huge number of rivers in the country. In second place in terms of destructiveness are forest and steppe fires and strong winds.

In April 2017, the last cataclysm in the country occurred. A snow cyclone passed from Kharkov to Odessa. Because of it, more than three hundred settlements were without power.

in the world has been increasing recently. Some disasters cannot be predicted. But there are also those that can be predicted and prevented. The only issue is that the leadership of each country takes adequate measures in a timely manner.

This year, the word “abnormal” is heard in almost every weather forecast: some regions are suffocating in fires due to abnormal heat, others are choking from rain, and rivers threaten to overflow their banks even in the Moscow region. What's happening on the planet? Scientists are putting forward new explanations for the increasing frequency of cataclysms and unanimously declare: it will get worse. But why?!

Chronicle: what do I care about snow, what do I like about heat...

The climate began to present us with surprises at the beginning of March. After a relatively calm winter, an early spring unexpectedly arrived - in fact, three weeks faster than the calendar.

March turned out to be unusually warm and sunny throughout almost all of European territory countries. However, then winter unexpectedly returned - with snow, ice and the whole arsenal of climate disasters. March gave way to a cool April, and then an unusually cold and rainy May. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, record cold and frosts were observed throughout the entire area from Barents Sea to Cherny and from the western border to the Urals until June, and the average monthly temperature is Central Russia turned out to be 2 degrees below normal.

At that time, the “May blizzard” hit Kaliningrad; in Syktyvkar, Kostroma and Pskov regions, people posted on the Internet photos of almost New Year’s landscapes: green grass, sticky leaves on trees, barely blooming flowers - and all this under the snow. IN Leningrad region the temperature dropped to -8 °C at night. In Moscow, May turned out to be the frostiest in the 21st century, and Victory Day was the most “oaky” in the entire history of the holiday. At the same time, beyond the Urals, the whole spring, on the contrary, turned out to be warmer than before.

June snowfall in Murmansk. Photo: /

But, alas, all this was just a prologue to the rampant elements. On May 29, a powerful hurricane hit Moscow with gusts of up to 30 m per second, which has never happened in the entire history of meteorological observations. This storm was the deadliest in Belokamennaya since the tornado of 1904: 18 people were killed and more than 170 were injured.

  • © RIA Novosti / Evgeny Odinokov

  • © RIA Novosti / Evgeny Odinokov

  • © RIA Novosti

  • © RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © RIA Novosti / Evgeny Odinokov

  • © RIA Novosti / Yana Burmistrova

  • © RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov

  • © RIA Novosti / Evgeny Odinokov
  • © Moscow Agency / Sergey Kiselev
  • © Moscow Agency / Sergey Kiselev
  • © Moscow Agency / Sergey Vedyashkin

At the end of May - beginning of June, destructive tornadoes and tornadoes swept through Tatarstan, Altai, the Urals - in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions, in Bashkiria (in Tatarstan - with freezing rain). Summer snow fell in Moscow and St. Petersburg on June 2. Several regions located thousands of kilometers apart from each other were immediately hit by the elements: in Siberia, the Volga region and the North Caucasus. Hurricanes and prolonged downpours were observed in Barnaul, Togliatti, Kurgan region, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, etc. Heavy rains and flooding in the Stavropol region became the worst in the last half century. In the capital, June 15 turned out to be the coldest of this century - only +9.4 °C. Four months - March, April, May and June - were marked in the capital by exceeding monthly precipitation norms by more than 160-180%. But this record was broken on June 30, when 85% of the monthly norm fell in Moscow. This has not happened for 95 years - since 1923. Meanwhile, the “real world” came to Murmansk and Severomorsk northern summer“On June 21, the temperature dropped sharply to 0 °C, and snowdrifts grew on the streets.

Residents of central Russia can envy those who live in Southern Siberia: in Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, heat records set in May were continued in mid-June. It reached +34...+37 °C. And recently in the steppe regions of Crimea the temperature reached +42...+43 °C in the shade. There has been terrible heat for a month now in a number of European countries, even worse in Central Asia- in Tashkent, for example, during the day it reaches +49 °C.

In July, the number of weather anomalies and climate disasters did not decrease. In the first three days of July, Moscow received half of the monthly precipitation norm - 47 mm. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has already warned that new natural disasters should be expected again in the near future. And scientists came up with new terms: “the weather is feverish”, “the climate is in hysterics.”

Version No. 1: It’s getting colder due to warming

There are many hypotheses that try to explain the cause of abnormal climate events. Among them there are both scientific ones and those that are born in conversations on a bench at the entrance. But they are no less interesting.

According to meteorologists, global warming is to blame. Because of it, the climate has become unstable and unbalanced. But why does warming lead to cooling?

Global warming is occurring faster at the poles than in mid-latitudes and even more so at the equator. Because of this, the temperature difference between the equator and the poles is becoming smaller. And the mechanism of atmospheric circulation is designed in such a way that the greater this temperature difference, the more intense the air masses move from west to east. It is this kind of west-east transfer that the residents of Russia are accustomed to. Cyclones coming to us from Europe then move towards the Ural Mountains.

“Due to a decrease in the temperature difference between the poles and the equator, this transfer, which is familiar to us, has slowed down, but transfers along the meridians have begun to be observed more and more often - air masses move from the north, then from the south,” explains Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand. - It is the repeatability of meridional processes that leads to more intense cold snaps. In general, extreme events occur more often, with very low and very high temperatures observed. Paradox: during the warming period, the intensity of cold snaps becomes greater than it was before global change climate. Our wonderful scientist, Academician Alexander Obukhov, said: “During the period of climate warming, the weather becomes nervous.” That is, there is less uniform weather. Such processes occur throughout the planet, but they are most noticeable in temperate latitudes.”

So, frequent invasions of cold Arctic air into the territory of Central Russia are caused by the fact that the Arctic itself is becoming warmer. And global warming also leads to the fact that some air masses are blocked by others for a long time. When in 2010, residents of the European part of Russia were suffocating for weeks from the smoke of peat fires, the drought and heat were caused precisely by a blocking anticyclone. But this can also happen with cold air masses, which apparently happened in May of this year.

“In addition, in May-June there was increased cyclonic activity in the North Atlantic,” says Head of the Climatology Laboratory of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Semyonov. “Such an anomaly could be associated with strong changes in ocean temperature.”

Roman Vilfand warns: similar weather anomalies in our country are possible in the next 10 years.

Version No. 2: Scientists spoil the weather

When Europe sweltered in 2010, many were quick to blame the cataclysm on physicists conducting research at the Large Hadron Collider. This world's largest particle accelerator is located on the border of France and Switzerland. Suspicions that “scientists are spoiling our weather” are still heard, although the LHC has been shut down for repairs since the end of 2016.

Another scientific complex, which is suspected of affecting climate change, is located in Alaska. This American HAARP- a project to study the ionosphere and auroras. There have been rumors that it is capable of manipulating weather on a planetary scale since its launch in 1997. Conspiracy theorists blame HAARP for earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes and floods. By the way, similar installations exist in Norway, Russia (in the Nizhny Novgorod region), and Ukraine.

The launch of the Chinese Mo Tzu satellite, which was supposed to conduct an experiment on quantum teleportation, was also associated with weather anomalies. After the first successful sessions on the satellite, equipment malfunctions began. According to experts, they caused a sharp increase in the level of negative air ions, which could affect the climate.

Version No. 3: The sun goes out

Astronomers are alarmed: they have discovered a noticeable decrease in solar activity. Last years The level of magnetic activity of our star has decreased to record levels, which indicates fundamental changes in its depths, as well as the disastrous consequences of these processes for humanity. Scientists from Birmingham (UK) came to these conclusions.

Until recently, our star was in a state of great maximum, that is, increased activity. But in 2008 a new cycle began, which turned out to be surprisingly weak. Astronomers fear that the Sun has begun to fade.

One of the signs of the activity of a star is the presence of spots on its surface. And this year there are catastrophically few of them! The number of sunspots is gradually decreasing. The images show that the thickness of the layer where they are born is decreasing. In addition, the rotation of the star in its circumpolar regions has slowed down.

According to scientists, a period of abnormal calm of the C-sun can lead to long-term cooling on our planet. It is also possible that the weather quirks currently observed are harbingers of a more menacing cataclysm.

Version No. 4: climate weapons

Climate weapons are prohibited international conventions, but this does not mean that work on it is not underway. And in some classifiers, weapons that can be called climatic are officially present. When a hurricane hit Moscow on May 29, resulting in human casualties and tearing off part of the roof from the Senate Palace in the Kremlin, the people began to murmur: the West must have used secret technology, which influenced the weather in Russia.

“Technologies similar to climate weapons are used when the clouds clear up for the holiday. By the way, this method of influencing the weather was developed specifically for military purposes, says military scientist Andrei Shalygin. - And now there are many companies in the world that offer their services for “weather regulation.” That is, experiments are being carried out on the climate that no one controls! What does this mean? Yes, you can spray reagents around one city for a holiday, and this will change the weather in it, but in another region, a thousand kilometers away, this will backfire. Methods of provocation natural phenomena diverse. For example, you can spray chemical components onto two cyclones moving towards each other. And these components will react when combined, and then a much more powerful hurricane will hit the area. This way you can provoke not only hurricanes, but also rainstorms, mudflows, floods, tornadoes, etc.”

They say that the Pentagon is paying increased attention to work in the field of climate change (the same HAARP complex in Alaska is under the control of the US military department). According to some reports, the Americans even planned to fight terrorists from ISIS (an organization banned in Russia. - Ed.), causing persistent hot winds in the territory of their residence, directed streams of hot wind with clouds of sand.

The advantages of climate weapons are obvious: how to prove that a particular natural disaster was caused artificially? And it can cause colossal damage - affecting yields and agricultural production, and therefore provoking an economic recession in the country and dissatisfaction with the authorities. To shake the political situation and kindle the fire of revolution is the job of political strategists.

The HAARP ionospheric research complex in Alaska is controlled by the US military department. Photo: Public Domain

Version No. 5: The Gulf Stream does not heat

AiF has written about this hypothesis before. Moreover, he gave a forecast that in the coming years it will begin to work and this will lead to cooling in Europe.

We are talking about stopping the warm ocean current Gulf Stream, which warms old light. And thanks to the North Atlantic Current, which is its continuation, Murmansk remains an ice-free port.

The mechanism for stopping the Gulf Stream looks like this. When moving north it is powerful current meets the cold Labrador Current, which “dives” under it, pushing it towards Europe. This happens because the water in the Labrador Current is saltier and heavier. The picture looks like a two-level interchange - two powerful flows happily diverge.

Now let's see what happens as a result of global warming. Enormous masses of ice are melting in the Arctic - primarily the giant Greenland glacier. And ice, as you know, is frozen fresh (not salty!) water. Plus, the flow of Siberian rivers, which also carry fresh water into the ocean, is increasing. As a result, the salinity of water in the North Arctic Ocean goes down. And since fresh water is lighter than salt water, it stops sinking and stops the warm Gulf Stream. In addition, the Labrador Current, also diluted fresh water, becomes less dense and no longer “dives” under the Gulf Stream, but simply crashes into it. The two-level interchange turns into a banal intersection.

By the way, Europe has gone through a lot in its history. ice ages. The last of them, known as the Little Glacial, began in the 14th century. and, according to researchers, was caused precisely by the slowdown of the Gulf Stream.

Destructive tsunamis in Asia in 2004 and 2011, Hurricane Katrina in the southeastern part of the United States in 2005, landslides in the Philippines in 2006, earthquake in Haiti in 2010, flood in Thailand in 2011 ... This list can be continued for a long time...

Most natural disasters are a consequence of the laws of nature. Hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes are the result of various weather phenomena. Earthquakes occur as a result of changes in the earth's crust. Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes.

Typhoon - a type of tropical cyclone, which is typical for the northwestern part of the Quiet Ocean. The word comes from Chinese. Typhoon activity zone, which accounts for a third of the total number tropical cyclones on Earth, enclosed between the coast East Asia in the west, the equator in the south and the date line in the east. Although a considerable part of typhoons occur from May to November, other months are not free from them.

The typhoon season of 1991 was particularly destructive, as a number of typhoons with a pressure of 870-878 bar raged off the coast of Japan. Typhoons are attributed to the shores of the Russian Far East, in most cases, after Korea, Japan and Ryukyu Islands. More susceptible to typhoons Kurile Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Primorsky territories. Many managed to record the typhoon in Novorossiysk using personal photo and video cameras and mobile phones.

Tsunami. Long, high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of water in the ocean or other body of water. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, during which a sharp displacement (raising or lowering) of a section of the seabed occurs. Tsunamis are formed during an earthquake of any strength, but those that arise due to strong earthquakes (with a magnitude greater than 7) reach great strength. As a result of an earthquake, several waves are propagated. More than 80% of tsunamis occur on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean.

Note that most recently the Japanese company Hitachi Zosen Corp has developed a tsunami barrier system that automatically responds to a wave strike. At the moment it is known that barriers will be installed at the entrances to the underground parts of buildings. In the normal state, the metal walls lie on the surface of the earth, but when a wave arrives, under the pressure of the advancing water, they rise and take a vertical position. The height of the fence is only one meter, ITAR-TASS reports. The system is completely mechanical and does not require any external source energy. Currently, similar barriers are already in place in a number of coastal cities in Japan, but they are powered by electricity.

Tornado (tornado). A hurricane is an extremely fast and strong movement of air, often of great destructive power and considerable duration. A tornado (tornado) is a vortex horizontal movement of air that occurs in a thundercloud and descends to the surface of the earth in the form of an overturned funnel, the diameter of which is up to hundreds of meters. Typically, the transverse diameter of a tornado funnel in the lower section is 300-400 m, although if the tornado touches the surface of the water, this value can be only 20-30 m, and when the funnel passes over land it can reach 1.5-3 km. The development of a tornado from a cloud distinguishes it from some externally similar and also different in nature phenomena, for example, tornado-vortices and dust (sand) whirlwinds.

Very often, tornadoes occur in the United States. Most recently, on May 19, 2013, about 325 people were injured in a devastating tornado in Oklahoma. Eyewitnesses say with one voice: “We thought we were going to die because we were in the basement. The wind tore the door open and pieces of glass and debris began to fly towards us.” "To be honest, we thought we were going to die." The wind speed reached 300 kilometers per hour, more than 1.1 thousand houses were destroyed.

Earthquakes- tremors and vibrations of the Earth's surface caused by natural causes (usually tectonic processes) or artificial processes (explosions, filling of reservoirs, collapse of underground cavities in mine workings). Small tremors can also be caused by the rise of lava during volcanic eruptions. Every year about a million earthquakes occur throughout the Earth, but most of them are so small that they go unnoticed. Strong destructive earthquakes occur on the planet approximately once every two weeks. Most of them occur at the bottom of the oceans and are not accompanied by catastrophic consequences (unless a tsunami occurs).

In our country, Kamchatka is a particularly seismically active zone. The other day, on May 21, 2013, she again found herself at the epicenter of seismic events. Off the southeastern coast of the peninsula, seismologists recorded a series of earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 4.0 to 6.4. The sources of the earthquakes lay at a depth of 40-60 kilometers under the seabed. At the same time, the most noticeable tremors were in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In total, according to experts, more than 20 underground disturbances were registered. Fortunately, there was no threat of a tsunami.

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