The child is naughty about his teeth. Teeth are being cut: approximate order of teething, symptoms and how to help your child. Irritation on the face

When a child is teething, there is no peace for him or the rest of the household. Rarely does this process go painlessly: most often it is accompanied by crying, irritability and insomnia.

Parents should be prepared for this crucial moment in advance: know when this will happen, in what sequence the teeth will come out, and most importantly, how to help their baby overcome all these difficulties with minimal losses.

There are symptoms by which you can find out that a child is cutting teeth, and respond to this with timely help, alleviating his condition. Signs can be basic, caused directly by this process, and accompanying - dictated by other factors, but coinciding in time with this phenomenon.


It is the main symptoms that will tell parents how to understand that their child is teething:

  • swelling, edema, itching of the gums;
  • poor sleep;
  • Why does a child eat poorly when teething? - lack of appetite is explained by pain when touching swollen, inflamed gums;
  • How is the child behaving? - he is irritable, aggressive, capricious, cries often and a lot, puts everything in his mouth to relieve the itching;
  • increased salivation;
  • rash, redness around the mouth, on the chin.

These are the symptoms you need to pay attention to when your child is teething. Taken together, they provide a clinical picture of this natural physiological process. However, they are often accompanied by concomitant manifestations that indicate other health problems. But unknowing parents mistakenly attribute them to teething.


The question of whether children get sick when teething is due to the fact that the main symptoms can be supplemented by a number of accompanying ones, which may indicate some diseases that coincided in time with this process. You need to know about them in order to see a doctor in time and undergo treatment - this will significantly alleviate the baby’s condition.

  • Temperature

What temperature can it be? Normally, it should not exceed 37.5°C, since teething only slightly inflames the gums. If the mark on the thermometer shows more than 38°C, this is a sign of viral herpetic stomatitis or intestinal infection - urgent consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

  • Rashes

Bubbles filled with cloudy liquid, erosion, bright red hyperemia, inflammation on the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums are symptoms.

  • Loose stool

What kind of stool does a child have when teething? Normally - normal. But if it becomes liquid, accompanied by vomiting and high fever, it is a rotavirus infection. Single vomiting without other symptoms is a consequence of swallowing a large amount of saliva.

  • Cough

A cough occurs if a child chokes on saliva, which instead of the esophagus enters the respiratory tract. Or it is a symptom of a disease related to the lungs or throat.

  • Runny nose

A runny nose indicates and has nothing to do with teething.

In those days when children are teething, parents should be as attentive as possible to any changes in their condition and be able to distinguish the main symptoms from the secondary ones. This will help prevent a concomitant disease, which can masquerade as a natural process, and help the baby get through this difficult period.

This is interesting! Take a closer look at your baby's teeth. Solid, durable - a sign energetic person; large - kind and open; small - petty and scrupulous.


In addition to the main symptoms, it is useful to know in what order teeth come in so that you can expect them to appear in in the right place. This will be needed when using compresses and ointments. Otherwise, it turns out that they cooled one seemingly swollen area, and an incisor or fang appeared in a completely different one.

  1. Six months to 8 months - lower central incisors.
  2. Six months to a year - upper canines.
  3. 8 months to a year - upper central incisors.
  4. 9-13 months - upper lateral incisors.
  5. 10 months-1.5 years - lower lateral incisors.
  6. 13-19 months - upper molars.
  7. 1.5-2 years - lower canines.
  8. 1-1.5 years - lower molars.
  9. 2-2.5 years - lower second molars.
  10. 2-3 years - upper second molars.

Parents should also keep in mind which teeth are the most painful to cut on this list. The fangs, with their sharp edges, tear the gums most painfully, thereby causing severe pain to the child. Especially the upper ones, which are called “eye teeth”: they are connected to the facial nerve. And, of course, you need to keep in mind the timing, when to expect all this and how long the whole process will last.

Interesting fact. When one of the identical twins is missing a tooth, most often the other one is missing exactly the same one.


Knowing the approximate dates when the baby should cut certain teeth allows parents to prepare for this phenomenon. If he begins to be capricious and refuse to eat, drool and not sleep, you should not immediately run to the children's clinic - in such a situation you can provide first aid yourself.

  • Age

From the list given just above, you can see at what age a child starts teething - from six months to almost 3 years. This is an individual indicator and may be shifted by several months. If there are significant deviations from the schedule and this process does not fit into the time frame indicated above, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is not so much the pediatrician who will help here as the pediatric dentist.

  • Duration

Parents often ask how many days it takes their children to teethe so they know when relief will come. This is all again very individual. On average, from 2 to 7 days is considered the norm. But the process may take several weeks. This happens extremely rarely, the situation is taken under the supervision of a doctor, and the reasons for such a long process are clarified.

Until what age do children start teething? The main ones (20 milk ones) should appear before 3 years of age. The rest of the indigenous ones - much later, from 6 to 8 years.

  • First tooth

The question of how many days it takes to cut the first tooth can be answered in the same way: there is no reason to believe that it will take longer or faster than the others. Expect a few days, but always be prepared for a longer process.

The timing of teething in children can be different, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. Everything goes much simpler and easier if they don’t drag on. However, there is one consolation here: even if this whole process lasts for several weeks, its symptoms are not as pronounced as with rapid (2-3 days) teething. The child usually behaves much calmer in such a situation. But in any case, parents should be aware of exactly how they can alleviate his condition.

Wow! By its strength human teeth can only be compared with sharks.

What to do

The first question that worries all parents is how to help when their child is teething. This applies to situations where he is in pain and cries incessantly. Various means - medications and folk remedies - will help correct the situation.


  • Viburcol (Viburkol)

Don't know how to relieve pain? For this purpose, use homeopathic suppositories based on herbal ingredients that have a calming, analgesic and slight antipyretic effect.

  • Panadol Baby (children's Panadol)

Parents should know what to do if their child has teething problems and a fever. First of all, call a doctor who will determine the cause of the fever and prescribe appropriate treatment. And before his arrival, you can give Panadol - one of the most popular and effective drugs. The main component is paracetamol. Candles are used for infants, syrup - after a year.

  • Nurofen (Nurofen)

Are you looking for something to relieve pain from tearing gums? Use Nurofen - an antipyretic and analgesic suspension with almost instantaneous action. It has a long-lasting effect (up to 6-8 hours). Contains ibuprofen. Not recommended for long-term use.

  • Gels and ointments

Pain-relieving ointments and gels are popular when children start teething, but they are not a good choice. With copious salivation, they are quickly eliminated from the mouth, so that the duration of their effectiveness is very short. Feeling local numbness of the gums under their influence, the child may choke or bite his tongue. These drugs include Cholisal, Dentinox, Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentol, Baby Doctor, Pansoral, Traumeel - this is exactly what to smear on the gums in this situation.

Folk remedies

Wrap a piece of ice in a sterile cotton cloth and wipe the swollen gum without applying pressure.

If the child is not allergic to honey, rub this product into the gums before bed.

  • Chamomile

Don't know how to calm a child who is in pain? Let him drink chamomile tea in small quantities 2-3 times a day. You can apply a compress to the gum - a bandage soaked in chamomile decoction. The oil of this medicinal plant can be lubricated on the outside of the cheek where it hurts.

  • Chicory root

Give your child chewing chicory root (can be replaced with strawberry root).

  • Propolis

Lubricate the inflamed gum with propolis infused in water.

  • Mumiyo

Wipe the gums with mummy solution 2 times a day.

  • Frozen fruit

If the child is already on complementary feeding, you can give him small pieces of frozen fruit to chew on - banana, apple, pear.

  • Bread products

Bagels, crusts of bread, cookies, and crackers can scratch itchy gums.


  1. Before teeth appear, clean your gums in the morning and evening with a clean bandage wrapped around your finger and soaked in boiled water.
  2. Is it possible to bathe a child when teething? If there is no high temperature, it is possible. If it is, it is better to limit yourself to rubbing.
  3. Use children's anti-inflammatory toothpastes, gels, foams: Weleda, Splat, Splat, Lacalut, Lallum Baby, President, Brush-baby, Silver Care (with silver), Umka, R.O.C.S., Silca, Elmex.
  4. Don't give a lot of sweets.
  5. Learn to chew vigorously.
  6. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  7. Visit the dentist 2 times a year.

Now you know how to help your child folk remedies And medications. They all do an excellent job. If you are not sure about their use, consult your pediatrician or dentist. From now on, you will need to regularly visit the latter’s office to avoid complications.

Scientific data. The tooth is the only tissue that is not capable of self-healing.


The teething process does not always end well. If it is delayed and the jaw has not had time to form by the right period, this is fraught with various complications for the child’s health, including:

  • early caries;
  • indigestion;
  • immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enamel hypoplasia: erupted teeth are damaged by stains different colors, grooves, stripes, depressions (pits).

The causes of such complications are:

  • in the first half of pregnancy - toxicosis, exacerbation of herpes, kidney disease, fever, rubella, toxoplasmosis, ;
  • premature pregnancy;
  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • sepsis and intestinal toxicosis suffered before teething;
  • frequent convulsions, acute respiratory infections in a child.

In order for all teeth to erupt on time and without complications, a young mother must take care of this even during pregnancy, eating normally and avoiding infections.

Parents should not be afraid of this natural and expected process: there are many remedies (both medicinal and folk) that eliminate pain and fever - constant companions of this phenomenon. The main thing is that you are close to the child at this difficult moment for him and are patient with his irritability and whims.

All parents know that teething is a painful and painful process for a baby at any age. And during this period, household members have to suffer from night vigils and the whims of the child.

To ease the situation, any helpful information: how not to miss the first teeth, not to confuse them with other diseases, and most importantly - how to help your little loved one overcome these trials and difficulties with minimal stress.

The main signs of the eruption of the first teeth in a baby begin to reveal themselves within a few days (from 3 to 5) and continue until the tooth emerges from the gums. They can be typical (main) and accompanying (additional).

Main features

Parents should be aware of the first signs of teething in infants, which are characteristic of this process, so as not to confuse them with symptoms of other diseases. The clinical picture is typical for all cases:

  • When the first teeth erupt, the gums swell and swell;
  • poor sleep;
  • irritability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bouts of crying;
  • trying to scratch itchy gums, the child bites everything;
  • due to severe itching and pain, the child’s behavior when teething his first teeth leaves much to be desired: he becomes aggressive and capricious;
  • increased salivation;
  • irritation in the form of a rash and redness on the chin and around the mouth, as saliva constantly flows.

All this is very typical for the eruption of baby teeth in the first 1.5 years. The molars (with the exception of wisdom teeth) are no longer so painful. However, in addition to this typical clinical picture, parents can observe other accompanying signs that will tell you a lot.

Additional symptoms

Associated symptoms may not always manifest themselves. Moreover, sometimes they are not even related in any way to the child’s teething, but are signs of other diseases. Parents should be informed about this in order to call a doctor in a timely manner if the baby’s health condition leaves much to be desired, and teeth have nothing to do with it.

  • Temperature

When teething, a child should not have a fever, but this happens quite often. This is a consequence inflammatory process, which occurs at the same moment in a small organism is an unfortunate coincidence that will cause a lot of torment. This could be ARVI or herpetic viral stomatitis.

  • Damage to the oral mucosa

Sometimes during teething in a baby, the following appear on the oral mucosa:

- small bubbles with cloudy (less often transparent) liquid inside;

- small erosions surrounded by bright red inflammation;

- bright red inflamed areas of the gums.

These are symptoms of stomatitis, but not teething.

  • Vomit

The only reason vomiting during teething - the baby has swallowed too much saliva. If he vomits due to fever and abnormal bowel movements, most likely it is a rotavirus.

  • Cough

Cough is not a symptom of teething. The only reason for its appearance is increased salivation, when the child periodically chokes on saliva that does not enter the esophagus (as is usually the case), but into the respiratory tract.

  • Snot

A runny nose has nothing to do with teething; it is a symptom of concomitant colds.

  • Lump (hematoma)

Sometimes, 2-3 weeks before the first teeth erupt, a lump appears on the gum, filled with bluish or clear bloody fluid. It frightens parents with its unsightly appearance, but in fact it is not a pathology and it is not at all a sign of inflammation. Medical intervention (other than a systematic examination) is not required. Only when the lump becomes too large can the doctor make an incision and release the accumulated fluid.

Both typical and accompanying symptoms of the eruption of the first teeth in a baby should be recognized and noticed in time by parents. If it really is teething, the baby needs to ease the suffering and provide him with first aid. If these are signs of other diseases, they should be urgently diagnosed by a doctor and treated. Knowing the timing and sequence of teething will help with this.

Through the pages of history. The first teeth began to be called milk teeth, thanks to Hippocrates, who believed that they were formed from breast milk.

Timing and sequence

In newborns, in the upper and lower jaws there are 20 rudimentary follicles containing temporary teeth, and 16 permanent ones (the remaining 16 for molars are formed later). In what sequence and at what time (what age should the baby be) does the first teeth erupt?

  1. 6-10 months (second half of the first year of life) - central incisors lower jaw;
  2. 6-12 months (slightly later than the incisors) - canines of the upper jaw;
  3. 8-12 months (erupt closer to one year) - central incisors of the upper jaw;
  4. 9-13 months (about a year, give or take) - lateral incisors of the upper jaw;
  5. 10-16 months (should appear by 1.5 years) - lateral incisors of the lower jaw;
  6. 13-19 months (up to 1.5 years) - molars of the upper jaw;
  7. 17-23 months (from 1.5 to 2 years) - canines of the lower jaw;
  8. 14-18 months (about 1.5 years) - molars of the lower jaw;
  9. 23-31 months (up to 2.5 years) - second molars of the lower jaw;
  10. 25-33 months (up to 2.5-3 years) - second molars of the upper jaw.

Based on these data, we can conclude how long the eruption of the first teeth lasts: starting from six months and ending with almost 3 years. However, all these terms are very individual and do not fit into any restrictive framework. Sometimes teeth may come out earlier or later. You don’t need to immediately think that this is a pathology or a deviation. This can be influenced by factors such as the course of pregnancy and various infections suffered by the baby. They can lead to jaw deformities.

As for the timing, how long it takes for the first tooth to come out after eruption, this is also an individual indicator, it happens differently for everyone: from 2 days to 1 month. This is one of the features of this process.

Interesting fact. Doctors say that the stronger a person’s teeth, the better his memory.


It is quite natural that parents, having heard a lot about teething difficulties in newborns, worry whether everything will be all right in their case. In order to notice deviations in time, they must know some of the features of this process.

  1. Teething in children must occur in a certain sequence.
  2. It must be paired: identical teeth appear on different sides at the same time: for example, a pair of canines or lateral incisors.
  3. Despite the fact that the timing of teething for each child can vary greatly, since this is an individual indicator, their premature or too delayed appearance should not be considered the norm. It is better to immediately seek advice from a dentist (the pediatrician is powerless here).

All these features and nuances, taken into account by parents in time, will help soften teething and make this process not so painful. And, of course, at this crucial moment it is very important to provide first aid to the baby.

This is interesting! Approximately 99% of the calcium contained in human body, is located in the teeth.

First aid

Pain and itching are relieved with medications. The capricious, irritable, nervous state of the baby requires extreme patience and attention from adults. This is why first aid for teething is so important. What can parents do?

  • Viburcol (Viburkol)

This homeopathic remedy containing herbal ingredients. When teething, it is recommended for use as a sedative. The additional effect of suppositories is a slight antipyretic effect.

  • Panadol

Antipyretic and analgesic drug based on paracetamol. Suppositories (candles) are recommended for use during teething in infants. Suspension (syrup) - after 1 year.

  • Nurofen

The suspension contains ibuprofen. The active ingredient of the drug provides it with high speed and long duration of action. It has antipyretic and analgesic properties. Not recommended for constant use, requires intervals of application.

  • Gels and ointments: Cholisal, Kamistad, Dentinox and others

Pain-relieving ointments or gels for teething are not a very good choice. Being topical medications, due to increased salivation, they are quickly removed from the mouth, cause numbness, lead to additional discomfort, and increase the risk of biting the tongue or choking on food.

With such measures, the eruption of the child’s first teeth will occur with minimal losses and complications. But these are emergency measures, whereas parents should think about this process long before the first symptoms - as soon as the baby is born. Useful tips from dentists will help prepare the newborn’s oral cavity for this stress.

With the world on a thread. In China, September 20 is celebrated annually as a national holiday called “Love Your Teeth Day.”

To prevent the process of teething in children from being so painful, infants need regular oral hygiene from the first days of their lives. Preventive measures will prepare the gums and the body for the expected stress so that everything goes much smoother and without complications. What should be done for this?

Before eruption

Clean newborns' gums 2 times a day. To do this, you need to wrap a clean bandage around your finger, moisten it in boiled water and wipe the baby’s mouth. You can purchase a special fingertip for this purpose.

After teething

After teething has already occurred, special oral care products will be required. These are children's anti-inflammatory toothpastes, which contain alginates (extracts from seaweed), esters medicinal plants, Aloe Vera (gel), licorice extract. These include:

  • "Weleda" - tooth gel from 0 to 3 years;
  • “SPLAT Junior” - paste from 0 to 4 years;
  • "SPLAT Magic Foam" - foam for any age.

If parents approach this issue competently, teething will not cause any complications in the child. Troubles usually happen to those who ignore data preventive measures. In this case, you will have to face difficulties.

Did you know that... Are there more than 3,000 types of toothbrushes patented in the world?


Sometimes the process of eruption of the first teeth is complicated various factors. This will require parents to pay close attention to the baby’s health and quickly respond to what is happening.

  • Early caries. The enamel of the first children's teeth immediately after eruption is porous, rough, and contains few microelements. Accordingly, in the absence of a diet and proper oral hygiene, babies have a very high risk of developing caries.
  • A delay in the timing of eruption entails indigestion and immaturity of its organs.
  • Enamel hypoplasia: on the surface of erupted teeth you can see spots of different colors, grooves, stripes, depressions (pits).

The causes of violations and complications can be:

  • in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, toxicosis, exacerbation of kidney disease or pneumonia, heat against the background of acute respiratory infections, rubella, stress, toxoplasmosis;
  • premature or post-term pregnancy;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • if the newborn suffered from pneumonia or intestinal toxicosis before teething;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections in the baby, convulsive conditions.

To prevent teething from becoming a real torment for both the child and his parents, you need to try from the first days of the baby’s life to monitor not only his oral hygiene, but also his health in general. Considering the causes of complications, they can always be avoided with preventive measures.

Finally, the baby is teething, what should parents do in this case? How can I help him get through this important stage in his development more easily? At this time, the child needs increased attention from them. Mom and dad will have to sacrifice their interests and live according to their child’s schedule for this period.

Often an event takes young parents by surprise. They are interested in what time do babies start teething? On average, the first teeth appear at 6-8 months. But these terms are individual: the range is from 4 months to a year. The duration and pain of the teething process itself is just as unpredictable.

Problems arise with the growth of not only the incisors, but also the molars. The latter have no previous dairy. Milky, and the permanent crown is already turning white in the socket. Molars have to break through the gum.

A child’s teeth are coming out - symptoms and their causes

An important symptom is salivation. When saliva gets on the skin, it causes irritation. Pimples (rashes) and redness appear on the chin. There are painful cracks at the corners of the lips. A cough may appear. If its cause is saliva entering the larynx, then it’s okay.

Gums in the area of ​​erupting teeth very itchy. The child bites everything that comes his way. Growing teeth is not necessarily painful. A sensitive mother recognizes pain: the child flinches and/or cries. His behavior is unpredictable, the usual distraction techniques do not work.

When a child teethes, the temperature may rise, but only slightly. It’s worth rushing to bring her down with medications. Short-term low-grade fever (about 37.5 degrees) is caused by inflammation and does not pose a great danger.

Some parents notice stool disorder. It becomes liquid, as mothers assure. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the child swallows a lot of saliva.

Not all doctors agree with the last two symptoms. In their opinion, this is an accidental coincidence with another pathology. Therefore, if persistent fever or diarrhea is observed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Children at this time can vigorously rubbing your cheeks or pulling on your ears. Adults should remember how their cheeks hurt and their ears hurt. The fact is that the mandibular nerve, part of the trigeminal nerve, has branches - buccal, auriculotemporal and inferior alveolar. It also includes fibers from the auricular nerve ganglion. Parents should be careful. You need to be able to distinguish between a child’s exploration of his body, signs of tooth growth and a terrible disease - otitis media. In the first case, the child is completely calm, in the second - moderately restless, in the third - whines and is capricious. To miss the development of otitis means to get it in the future big problems with hearing.

Sleep and feeding: when teeth come in, what to do and what not to do?

The baby's sleep becomes restless. The child becomes capricious, and sleepless nights often occur. This period is a real test for mothers. Night awakenings often occur when the first teeth erupt. If the pain is impulsive and short-term, then the child will fall asleep again on his own. Therefore, you should not immediately rush to help.

Feeding also becomes a problem. Inflamed gums even irritate the mother's breast and nipple. The feeling of hunger and irritation of the tissues in the teeth area force the child to put everything in his mouth. It gives the impression of constant hunger. But painful sensations make him refuse food and be capricious. You need to remove them before feeding. Feeding should be done at moments when the baby is not bothered by dental discomfort, without following a schedule.

How to help when a child is teething?

Irritations of the skin of the chin should be removed with a clean handkerchief or sanitary napkins. Then these places should be lubricated with an individually selected baby cream.

Relieves itching pressure on the gums and friction against objects. There are so-called rodents– special teethers. It’s better to have several of them: kids love variety. In addition, these toys require constant cleaning. It is better if they have a corrugated surface or with pimples. Soft toy made of coarse fabric is good because it absorbs copious amounts of saliva, and babies love to scratch their gums on it.

Painful sensations are dulled cold. You can give your child chilled carrots, cucumber or a piece of banana. At worst, a clean piece of cloth moistened with water, compote or juice will do. There is no need to be afraid to offer cold foods and items. At the same time, you will help your child harden his throat. At these moments you need to be especially careful, especially if the incisors have already erupted. They are very sharp, and a child may choke or choke on biting off a hard piece.

Helps well gum massage. At first it may be painful, but later the baby will like it and he will take it with pleasure. Massage can be done with a finger wrapped in a sterile bandage or with special massagers. There is no need to press hard on the gums. You can also massage with a piece of pineapple or apple.

The baby's condition can be alleviated with anesthetic dental treatments. ointments and gels. But after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

About hygiene

A child should be taught oral hygiene as early as possible. As soon as the teeth have fully erupted, you need to introduce him to a toothbrush and toothpaste. The composition of modern children's toothpastes is absolutely safe, and there is no risk of swallowing them.

A the best remedy- parental love.

If a house is born long-awaited child, then new parents have many reasons for happiness and joy, but at the same time many worries. If the baby is the first, then responsible parents are very worried, not knowing how to behave with the child, how to feed, swaddle, hold and rock the baby. What can we say about the first illnesses and the first cases of malaise, especially when the first teeth are being cut.

The first symptoms of teething in a child

The most serious test for any mother is the time when the child begins to cut his first teeth. The symptoms of this condition are hard to miss: fever, restlessness, frequent crying. Sometimes indigestion occurs. Most often, the first symptoms that a baby is starting to cut teeth appear at the age of 4 months.

This time may vary; in some children, signs of gum swelling and all the other “charms” that accompany teething can be seen at 5-7 months. That is, in order not to panic, confused by guesses as to why your child is crying a lot and how to help him, every parent needs to know what the symptoms are in children if they start teething.

In addition to swelling of the gums and its redness, most children experience increased salivation, restless sleep, decreased appetite, and nasal congestion. Baby puts it in your mouth various items , as if wanting to taste everything that falls into his hands.

We must not forget that the process of teething is normal condition. These are difficulties that you just have to go through. The pain that the baby feels is quite severe. To understand this, remember how you felt when your wisdom teeth grew in when you were an adult. Teething involves their growth through the mucous membrane of the gums and bone tissue.

What should parents pay attention to?

So, if a child begins to teethe, then the symptoms seem to be simple, which all mothers and fathers know. But most pediatricians recommend that adults not ignore certain signs that accompany the process of growth of the first incisors. Sometimes stomach problems, nasal congestion or a cough in a child simply coincide with the time of teething, but are caused by slightly more serious reasons.

In the first year of life, the baby’s body is just beginning to “ripen”; this is quite hard times when a child needs a lot of parental attention, careful attitude and care.

Very big risk of contracting some kind of infection, therefore, adults need to clearly know and learn to identify the signs when a child begins to cut teeth, as well as symptoms of some disorders when you need to see a doctor.

The baby begins to cough

If a child begins teething, symptoms such as a slight cough due to excessive salivation are normal. All the more often this phenomenon occurs if the baby is on his back. In this state, saliva enters the throat, and the normal cough reflex allows the baby to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. Do you cough less frequently when sitting? That is, everything is not so complicated and there is no danger. As a rule, this cough goes away on its own quite quickly.

When the cough is painful, wet, lasts for several days, wheezing is heard, the baby is choking, it is observed sputum production and shortness of breath These are dangerous signs. You need to consult a doctor.


Very often, adults, while children are teething, feel as if a common cold is going away. Simply, when teething, the amount of mucus in the nasal cavity increases. This condition does not directly pose any threat to the baby’s health. This runny nose most often ends within a couple of days. Moreover, the mucus that comes out of the nose is transparent and liquid. It is enough to periodically rinse the baby’s nasal cavity. In this case, no special treatment is needed.

In this case, severe nasal congestion and swelling, greenish or cloudy white mucus needs special attention And urgent appeal to the pediatrician. Especially when nasal congestion lasts more than one week.


When a baby begins to cut his first teeth, the signs are not always limited to just a runny nose or swollen gums. Sometimes it can be noted temperature increase. This is explained by the active formation of bioactive substances in some areas of the gums. Most often this is a low-grade fever that lasts for several days. Then the child’s condition returns to normal. In certain situations, it is advisable to give the child an antipyretic.

In those cases, if the temperature increases to 38 degrees or more, the baby is inactive, feels very bad, and at the same time this state lasts more than 2 days, then there is no need to postpone going to the pediatrician.


During teething, as we have already said, salivation increases. The baby often swallows saliva, which accelerates peristalsis gastric tract . When adults see watery stools, they may rightfully be frightened, since diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, and this is a rather dangerous condition. But when a child rarely has bowel movements, and this diarrhea goes away within a few days, then there is simply no big reason for panic.

Seeing a doctor is only required if the diarrhea is frequent, intense, or if there is mucus or blood in the stool.

Approximate teething time

As a rule, the central incisors on the lower jaw grow no earlier than six months later, and on the upper jaw at the age of 7-12 months. Then comes the turn of the lateral incisors to grow. On the lower jaw, these teeth erupt at the age of 12-15 months, and on the upper jaw already at 15-16 months. Then the canines and first molars may begin to appear. The first appearance is observed in many children aged 1.5-2 years. The second molars on the lower jaw grow after 25 months and from 27 months on the upper jaw. Moreover, this time may vary, but approximately this occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

Often the first tooth begins to erupt as the baby ages approximately 8 months. This slightly shifts the growth time of other teeth. Most often, before a child turns one year old, he has already grown one tooth. By the age of three, children usually have all 20 baby teeth.

Sometimes it happens that newborns' teeth appear in pairs. In some cases, you can observe 4 teeth breaking through at the same time. Naturally, this is a very large load for the child’s body, but this double teething is considered normal.

The most important thing to remember is that the growth time of the first molars, canines or incisors does not in any way affect the normal growth and development of children. Each child can go through certain stages of growing up, which are characteristic of his pace. This is absolutely no reason for adults to worry.

Parents with babies under 1.5 years of age are advised to buy special silicone brushes for children. This device makes it possible to gently and easily brush the very first teeth, which sometimes erupt at this age. When the baby is over 2 years old, you can purchase a baby toothbrush. Then, when your child is over 3 years old, you can gradually teach him to rinse his mouth after eating.

The initial years of a child's life are marked by increased emotional attachment to their mother. Therefore, if a child’s teeth begin to cut, gums swell and hurt, then it is better to try to give the baby maximum care and attention: calm the child with a lullaby, often carry the baby in your arms, distract him with some kind of toy.

When the process of growth of the first teeth occurs without complications, there is no need to treat the child very diligently, since this is an absolutely normal stage in the development of any baby.

Breastfed children it is recommended to apply it to the breast, if necessary. This will calm the baby and improve his sleep and well-being.

When teething, the baby's gums itch and swell. In order to alleviate this condition, reduce itching and pain, you need to give your child special teething toys. Today there is a huge selection of such devices. They are made from non-toxic and safe materials. Inside this “rattle”, as a rule, there is a special cooling gel or liquid that has an analgesic effect.

Medicines for babies with swollen gums

Naturally, any method of different medical supplies must be under control. There is no need to immediately run to the pharmacy for painkillers during the first unpleasant signs of teething, since you can often do without medications. But if the baby reacts to this condition differently, that is, all the time, because of the pain, the child constantly cries and screams. In this case they will be able to help special ointments and gels for children:

  • Leader Baby;
  • Kalgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol baby;
  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal.

Some of these drugs are made in the form of a solution. The components that are in these compositions are safe for the baby’s health. These may include antiseptic and painkillers, herbal extracts, substances that relieve inflammation and swelling.

But it's always better consult a doctor before purchasing and starting to use a particular medicine. It’s just that some drugs can cause an allergic reaction in the baby; they must be used with caution.

Ibuprofen or paracetamol are prescribed as antipyretics for children. At the same time, paracetamol is also included in a special suspension - Panadol. This drug makes it possible to reduce pain and reduce temperature. But experts do not recommend using this product for more than 3 days in a row.

Traditional methods

All the unpleasant symptoms of teething in children were known at a time when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, there are many ways to alleviate the baby’s condition. with help folk ways . Among them:

Also need wipe off the saliva thoroughly, which has accumulated around the mouth. If teething begins to be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, it is recommended to feed the baby pureed liquid food and give him something to drink. a large number of liquids.

There are several folk recipes, which it is advisable to refuse:

When children begin to teethe, parents need to have patience. Sleepless nights, constant crying - alas, maternal happiness cannot do without this. But you just need to go through such a difficult stage with your child, not forgetting that all difficulties are temporary.

Very often parents, especially inexperienced ones, are interested in the question of how the child behaves when teething. After all, many young parents have no idea what the child’s behavior is like when teething. That is why fathers and mothers are not prepared for the fact that their child may cry during this period, have trouble sleeping at night and generally become very capricious.

The appearance of the first teeth

According to “old school” doctors, the appearance of the first teeth occurs when the baby is six months old. Modern pediatricians have established an age range that can vary from 4 to 8 months of age. However, the process of eruption of the first teeth is individual character, and may be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Heredity. If the parents of a baby cut their first teeth at 3–4 months of age, then it is quite logical to assume that this will happen early for their child as well. The same can be said about the situation when a 9-month-old baby still doesn’t have a single tooth, if his mom and dad didn’t have teeth at the same age either.
  2. Complicated pregnancy delays teething.
  3. The course and duration of labor. Babies who are born prematurely may have teeth erupt later. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the biological age of such infants, and not the age on the birth certificate.
  4. Previous diseases, nutrition, climatic conditions and living conditions can also influence the timing of the appearance of the first teeth.

It is also worth noting that the reaction of newborns to this event can be completely different. Some endure this period of their lives painfully and behave differently than usual, while for other babies this process can go completely unnoticed, which will probably make their parents very happy.

Some babies, during the period when their first teeth erupt, may experience symptoms that can greatly frighten their mothers and fathers:

  • Baby's gums swell, turn red and begin to itch.
  • Children cry, begin to put everything in their mouths, become capricious, and the mother’s breast can calm the babies down during this period only for a while.
  • At night, the child sleeps poorly and very often wakes up crying.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • A runny nose occurs, and sometimes a cough.
  • Some babies may develop a rash on their chin.
  • Someone has a stomach ache and loose stools.
  • As a rule, babies drool profusely during this period of life.

Parents are not always able to distinguish symptoms that indicate teething from signs of a serious pathological condition. If the baby begins to be very capricious, but the parents are not sure of the reason for this behavior, it is better to call a pediatrician at home. It is not worth risking the health and life of the baby in such a situation.

Duration of eruption of first teeth

According to experts, a newborn child has 20 follicles of temporary teeth in his gums. However, before they acquire their usual appearance, they must pass through the bone tissue and gums. The duration of this process is determined individually for each child. As a rule, the eruption of the first teeth in babies lasts from 1 to 8 weeks.

Some mothers tend to attribute all problems associated with the condition and behavior of their child to teeth before 2–2.5 years of age. Such mothers attribute runny nose, cough, fever, rashes on the body, constipation and loose stools to the fact that the child continues to cut teeth. However, such symptoms may be a sign of ARVI, influenza, sore throat, stomatitis, herpetic infection, the most different types intestinal infection.

In order not to confuse the process of teeth emergence with any of the listed pathological conditions, parents should take into account the following points:

  1. In the normal course of events, the child’s body temperature during this period cannot exceed 37.5 ºС. A slight increase in temperature can occur as a result of local inflammation, for example in the gums. In other cases we're talking about about the development of some disease.
  2. Loose stools and vomiting that occur against a background of elevated temperature and restless behavior of the baby are usually signs of an intestinal infection. In this case, urgent measures are required to prevent dehydration. Otherwise it could end fatally.
  3. A runny nose, sneezing and coughing may be signs of colds. If your baby exhibits the listed symptoms and the temperature is normal or high, you should consult a doctor to identify the exact cause of this condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.

At the same time, it is quite natural and correct for children to cut their first teeth gradually. At 6–8 months of a child’s life, the first lower incisors appear. Moms and dads should also take into account the fact that boys develop their first teeth much later than girls.

There is a formula that allows you to calculate how many teeth a baby should have by his current age. To do this, subtract 4 from the number of months of the child’s life. If the mother notices that the baby’s teething process is behind schedule, the baby should be taken to the dentist. In medical practice, there are cases when a child has no rudiments of teeth.

Parents should also know that there is an order in which children's teeth are formed. The front lower and upper incisors appear first. After this, the lateral incisors grow on the right and left sides. The first and second molars come next in line, and the canines erupt at the very end. Thus, a child should have 20 teeth erupting by the age of 2–3 years.

How should parents behave during this period when the baby is suffering? How to ease the suffering of a baby?

Today, medicine offers a huge selection of means to solve this problem:

  • Teethers. This is the name given to special toys made in the shape of rings from rubber-based materials. These toys resemble rubber and contain liquid. That is why, before giving it to your baby, it is recommended to put such a toy in the freezer for about 5 minutes. Such toys retain cold perfectly, which is why they provide an analgesic effect. Kids really like these kinds of toys.
  • Pain relieving gels. The vast majority of such products are made on the basis of lidocaine or menthol. This product should be applied to the gums of the crumbs, which will soothe and numb them. The effect of the gel lasts for 20 minutes after application. It is recommended to use such products no more than 5 times a day for 3 days.

To speed up the process of teething, parents can take the following actions:

  1. Let the baby chew on dry bread or crackers. This will stimulate and speed up the process.
  2. You can put a clean spoon in the refrigerator for a while, then wrap it in gauze and run the spoon over your baby's gums. You can give a chilled teether or apple slices.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the objects surrounding the baby are clean, otherwise the child may get an infection in his mouth.
  4. During this period, experts recommend that parents be more attentive and more affectionate with their child.

Changing the first teeth to molars

A baby's molars begin to erupt between the ages of 6 and 8 years. This process is much longer than the appearance of the first teeth and continues until the age of 25.

There is the following procedure for replacing baby teeth with molars: first, the central incisors erupt. This process continues for up to 10 years. After this, by the age of 11, the child has lateral teeth. Next, the premolars grow, after which the first and second molars change. All these changes occur before the child turns 13 years old. Already at the age of 14, the canines are cut, after which the third molars will erupt until the age of 25.

Parents should take care of their child's dental health. To do this, it is necessary to provide the child with a complete diet that allows him to satisfy the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which a growing body so needs.

Fathers and mothers must understand and navigate the situation when teeth erupt and are replaced by molars. Parents should know how to care for their child at such moments in life, how to comfort and calm him down. In response to this, the child will thank his dad and mom with a radiant smile.

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