Russian special forces are equipped independently. Special forces combat equipment Special forces equipment

Today it is difficult to find truly high-quality uniforms. In most cases, you have to deal with dubious variants originating from China.

The form looks quite beautiful, and it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the original. However, as soon as such attributes appear in “field” conditions, quality takes precedence over visual superiority - it simply gives in.

For the military, every little detail is very significant, especially important is physical mobility and a number of directly tactical, defensive and protective functions, which become possible thanks to workwear.

Uniforms are issued to military units, including the organ foreign intelligence represented by the GRU special service. This is a form of special purpose, which must be functional, convenient and practical.

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see reports on television channels and articles in the media. mass media, Internet broadcasts about various special forces.

People ignorant of this issue can simply comment appearance fighters are like this - they are all the same: camouflage, berets, vests... But this is only at first glance.

All uniforms have historically established features. In addition to household quality, military uniform GRU special forces both in the old days and to this day, not only facilitates the service, but also protects its own owner.

The protective function allows a person, when performing job responsibilities protect yourself from the effects of negative natural factors. Tactical clothing for GRU special forces also helps minimize accidents and the risk of unpredictable situations.

Types of clothing, styles

As a rule, the entire variety of uniforms of law enforcement agencies is focused on its classification according to seasonality:

  • summer;
  • winter

You can also notice the division of the form according to its direct application:

  • Types of clothing for field activities. Used in combat. As a rule, the field uniform of the GRU special forces is accompanied by its use in the most difficult moments of service, therefore, special requirements are placed on it.
  • Front door- ideal for presenting military and state awards, as well as special honors, and performing a guard of honor. You can't do without it on special days and weekends.
  • Casual uniform. Applies in all other cases.

The ceremonial and demobilization uniform of the GRU special forces looks like in this photo:

Thanks to the high-quality uniform, the fighter is comfortable and comfortable even during unexpected combat missions.

For men

The variety of shapes and colors of clothing used by GRU units is mostly inherited from the USSR period. The main ones can be listed:

  • "Amoeba". The most durable example of camouflage, the history of which goes back to 1935. At one time it was the basis of the developments of Soviet designers of military uniforms. It has currently been finalized and various variations are available.
  • "Deciduous Forest"perfect option military camouflage fabric. The uniform underwent a “baptism of fire” and served the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War well. Patriotic War 1942
  • "Silver Leaf"(“Sunny bunnies” or). Sketches of this sample were created back in the 50s.
  • VSR-93, or folk “Vertical”(based on the vertical stripes on the form). The shape of the field character allows you to effectively merge with the surrounding background.
  • VSR-98 "Flora". In wider military circles it is known as the “Watermelon” camouflage because of the stripes. This option is basic for special forces. In addition to its specific color, it has excellent camouflage characteristics, suitable for the central part of Russia.
  • “Digital flora” or “Russian digital”. These are innovative developments of a new summer and winter uniform for special forces soldiers of the GRU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, which was developed by V. Yudashkin (Russian fashion designer).

Are you interested in knowing what the requirements are for? There are also certain rules and requirements for it.

Find out what materials safety split-leaf gaiters for welders are made from here.

What features does a black special forces uniform have and what requirements it must meet, read this.

For women

Military special uniform for women is created based on the male version, taken as a basis. At the same time, all the basic principles of reliability, comfort and resistance to any weather conditions are preserved.

The women's version of GRU special forces clothing is stand-up and has a special sizing chart intended exclusively for women. The jacket-shirt has big amount necessary pockets. The pockets are presented with a straight version with Velcro.

Convenience is achieved by the fact that summer time Always you can roll up your sleeves. On the back of the pants there are reflective meshes that allow you to move without fear of getting dirt and perform a ventilation function.

What the GRU special forces uniform looks like for men and women, look at the photo:

In order for the item to retain its presentability and last as long as possible, you will need to follow the recommendations for washing it (look at the label).

Storage rules and care

Absolutely any uniform, regardless of its area of ​​application needs special care. Due to daily wear, persistent stains appear on the uniform.

Before you start washing the GRU uniform, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations indicated on the product. In this case, woolen products need to be hand washed in warm water or in washing machine with the choice of the most gentle mode. Because of high temperature water, the material can “shrink”, so things will decrease by 1-2 sizes. And don’t forget about spinning, which is absolutely “contraindicated.”

The most problematic to clean are police, military and GRU uniforms.

Mistakes in care can simply ruin it, which will entail a sufficient amount of trouble, which may even lead to an official reprimand.

Everyday uniforms can be cleaned in any mode - it can withstand exposure to any temperature and detergents.

Given the high degree of contamination, these clothes are made from the strongest fibers. Even with the best wishes of the owner, dry cleaning the dress uniform would still be the best option, since attempts at home can only damage the dress uniform and lead to irreversible consequences.

A flag for a car with a suction cup "Special Forces of the GRU and Airborne Forces" will be an excellent gift for both paratroopers and intelligence officers. After all, their functions, goals and methods are so closely intertwined.

Flag for the car with a suction cup "GRU and Airborne Special Forces"

The special forces units of the GRU and the Airborne Forces have long been firmly entrenched in the public consciousness as a single whole; the boundary separating different, in general, departments is often extremely blurred. For special forces, both airborne troops and military intelligence are equally close. The second of August for special forces is the same “red day of the calendar” as the sixth of November; paratroopers and reconnaissance officers are united by the flag of the Airborne Forces, blue berets and vests, a truly special spirit in these branches of the military.

What do GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces have in common?

If strictly - in accordance with the existing charter, operating scheme armed forces, the existing combat regulations approved by the Ministry of Defense - consider the organization Special Forces troops, then the special forces of the GRU and Airborne Forces are units of different formats. Moreover, part of the special purpose in airborne troops oh, just one - this is the legendary 45 Guards reconnaissance regiment, here, as you can see, without belonging to military intelligence it didn't work out either. Cuban paratroopers very often conduct joint operations with the troops of the GRU Special Forces, the last major combat operation special forces of the GRU and Airborne Forces - South Ossetia 2008, then 45 ORP worked in the conflict zone together with detachments 22, 10 and 16 OBRSpN.

Individual special forces brigades are subordinate to the leadership of the GRU and the military district to which they are assigned; organizationally they have no relation to the airborne troops, which is why the connection between the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces does not become weaker. Back in the middle of the last century, when special forces were just beginning to be created in the country, some identification of the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces appeared. Firstly, soldiers were drafted into the newly created formations of Special Forces troops conscript service, marked “fit for service in the Airborne Forces.” Secondly, new units were formed primarily on the basis of airborne regiments and separate battalions, Airborne Forces officers also took an active part. Finally, the dress uniform of the GRU and Airborne Forces special forces is initially almost identical.

Why do GRU special forces wear airborne uniforms?

For the Special Forces troops whose very existence at that time was a military secret, special shape was not developed, there were no insignia. Veterans say that during training exercises, servicemen of other types of troops even mistook mobile groups without identification marks for saboteurs, and GRU special forces soldiers were chosen as the ceremonial clothing Airborne uniform- they were most often mistaken for paratroopers.

Further, the kinship intensified more and more - preparation and combat missions Paratroopers and special forces are similar in many ways; in general, both are essentially saboteurs. Of course, the tasks of the GRU Special Forces troops directly behind enemy lines are completely different from those of the assault groups of the airborne troops. One way or another, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces consist of formations of constant combat readiness, but the training of fighters is always higher than the standard in the troops. Well, of course, one cannot help but mention the mandatory airborne paratroopers - the sky makes the special forces of the GRU and the airborne forces more similar than all of the above, the jumping program in the ObrSpN and airborne formations is approximately the same, they often jump together.

Combat interaction between GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces

The joint use of GRU and Airborne special forces in real combat conditions is a practice that has brought more than one victory to the command of the Russian armed forces. It all started with the introduction of formations of Special Forces troops into Afghanistan, when a few special forces detachments of the GRU and Airborne Forces managed to carry out operations that seemed impossible. The story continued in Chechnya, GRU and Airborne special forces troops resolved issues in which motorized rifle formations were powerless. It’s scary to imagine how many people our generals would have killed in Grozny in 1995 if special forces had not taken part in the assault.

So, if you do not take into account the subtleties of subordination, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces are in many ways related organizations to each other, primarily in spirit.

Special forces are military special forces trained according to a special program and designed to carry out special combat goals and tasks. It is obvious that these units, among other things, must be the most mobile, maneuverable and resilient, and in this matter the fighter’s equipment plays an important role.

Special forces in full combat readiness

Features of the special forces uniform of the Russian Army

Ordinary people who are not involved in military service have a strong opinion that military uniforms are of the highest quality and best wear resistance. And this is not without reason! After all, the main features of the special forces uniform are to ensure maximum comfort for the wearer.

Regardless of what climatic conditions turns out to be a serviceman, the special forces uniform is obliged to minimize possible inconveniences of weather conditions, be it heat, cold, gusty wind or pouring rain. In addition, despite the external bulkiness, the suit should not constrain or impede movement, allowing you to quickly respond to any unforeseen situation.

Thus, the main principles that workwear must meet are practicality, convenience and functionality. In these matters, without a doubt, the main role is played by the fabric from which it is made.

A popular material among many workwear manufacturers is rip-stop (RIP-STOP), which is based on heavy-duty nylon threads woven crosswise, which guarantees the durability of the product. Suits made from this material are durable, frost-resistant, waterproof, windproof, not flammable from sparks and do not fade in the sun, and are also relatively lightweight.

Another purpose of special clothing is camouflage, allowing a soldier to blend into the surrounding area and remain unnoticed by the enemy. Camouflage clothing is divided into three categories:

  • single color ( shining example- winter white or plain sand, called “sand”);
  • camouflage (on the fabric there are two or more colors representing some kind of pattern);
  • clothing using additional camouflage materials.

Types of special forces uniforms

The special forces uniform, regardless of the military unit, is universal and is divided into the following options:

  • summer tactical special forces uniform;
  • winter special forces uniform.

According to purpose, the form is classified into:

  • field;
  • everyday;
  • front door

The field uniform is the main option used during combat operations, field exercises, as well as in dealing with emergency situations. Its style and color depend on the task at hand. Casual is intended for daily use.

The front dress is worn exclusively on holidays and vacations, as well as on the occasion of special events. A distinctive and memorable element of the dress uniform is the beret, the color of which is determined by the military unit.

The elite of special forces are considered to be fighters in maroon berets who, for the right to wear a beret of this color, undergo strict qualification tests.

In addition, the following types of forms are distinguished:

  • special;
  • protective;
  • labor type.

One of the brightest examples special type form is a jumping suit, called the “Mabuta” suit, which is considered the best option for hot climates due to the special composition of the knitwear, which allows air to pass through. This uniform proved itself in Afghanistan and is still associated with GRU special forces.

At the core protective look lies OKZK (combined arms integrated protective suit), designed to protect the skin and mucous membranes of a soldier from harmful emissions and environmental influences.

Special forces - OKZK uniform (combined arms integrated protective suit)

The MPA-24 special forces uniform, made using ventilation inserts that reduce sweating at the moment, is popular as a work casual look. physical activity. Due to its practicality and functionality, this suit (for example, the SOBR uniform) has become widespread among the mass consumer and is especially loved by fishermen and hunters.

Russian GRU special forces uniform

The main task of the GRU is to ensure the state security of our country, often serving on enemy territory. Most of these formations are considered classified.

In this regard, the field uniform - GRU special forces camouflage does not have distinctive or characteristic features. It may be completely identical to the uniform of another military unit.

The GRU special forces field uniform has no distinctive or characteristic features.

This is a historical circumstance: back in Soviet time Special forces soldiers were assigned to combat units, which, in order to hide their location from the enemy, were carefully disguised as other types of troops.

In addition, in the intelligence community there are often cases when officers, working undercover, specially dress in the uniform of privates. The GRU dress uniform differs from the field uniform by the presence of a tunic and a white shirt.

Special forces camouflage for field conditions

The field uniform of fighters in most cases has a camouflage coloring. Special forces camouflage is a camouflage coloring of fabric that makes it difficult to identify an object. To achieve this goal, there are two camouflage functions:

  • deforming (for example, the Alpha special forces uniform);
  • imitation.

The deforming function is achieved by violating the integrity of the perception of the object through the use of contrasting colors in camouflage, which distorts the outline of the silhouette.

A clear example of the deforming function of camouflage is a set of uniforms for the special forces of the Russian Mountain Troops, called the “Gorka” suit, which is made using large contrasting elements.

Special forces uniform of mountain troops

Camouflage uniform Russian Army and special forces are endowed with an imitation function, which is achieved by merging the object with the background through the use of a color palette characteristic of the field operations area.

As for the camouflage color, in order to perform the above functions it must meet two requirements:

  • match the color often found in the area (the object literally blends into the background);
  • be unpleasant or unnoticeable to the human eye (so that the gaze does not intuitively stop at the object).

Special forces - uniform (photo)

Today, camouflage colors mainly use shades of brown and marsh, khaki, olive, gray, black, and also use the following texture and color schemes:

  • KZS Coloring-57(“Border camouflage”): olive or marsh background with angular spots of sand, gray-silver or khaki (FSB special forces uniform);
  • "Butane"(“Amoebae”): colors may vary, the principle of the scheme is that dark spots and an amoeba-like pattern are applied to a light background;
  • VSR-93(“Birch”, “Watermelon”): oblong dark green and brown spots are applied vertically onto a light green background;
  • VSR-98(“Flora”): differs from VSR-93 in that the spots are located horizontally;
  • EMR(“Russian figure”, “Russian pixel”): in this color scheme, small (“pixel”) spots that perform a simulating function are distributed in such a way that they form groups of large spots that perform a deforming function;
  • "Undergrowth": sharp angular spots of marsh and black colors are applied to a light background;
  • "Raster undergrowth"("Raster"): a twisted brown net is superimposed on the color scheme of the original undergrowth;
  • "Tiger"(“Reeds”): applied on a light background dark stripes, horizontal in the “Tiger” version or vertical in the “Reed” version.

Uniform care

The most important element of valiant military bearing is an impeccable appearance. It's no secret that military uniforms require careful care. In regular and especially solemn situations, wearing dirty, wrinkled, unkempt clothes is strictly prohibited. Russian special forces uniforms must look impeccable.

It is recommended to wash and iron field and casual uniforms according to the information indicated on the tags. Care dress uniform It's better to leave it to dry cleaning.

What does the Military Pathfinder EDC* contain?

John Hurt of TYR Group talks about his gear.

*EDC = (Everyday carry - literally “worn every day”. That is, this is not an EMERGENCY supply, but a regular set to ensure your work - approx.)

A scouting party must travel as lightly as possible, but everyone in it carries the right equipment to survive on the battlefield. In order for the Pathfinder and his team to successfully complete their combat mission, mobility becomes a key factor. The scout's ability to respond to the enemy is reduced when he is burdened with a heavy load, causing physical/mental fatigue and putting the "pathfinder" in danger of having to react quickly to enemy contact.

The Pathfinder's combat load is critical to the need to work, fight and survive in the environment that surrounds him. He cannot rely on a general set for all possible contingencies or combat missions; his “unloading” must be based on his specific mission and the ability to remain mobile, but maintain combat effectiveness. When choosing equipment, you need to choose those items that are lightweight and multifunctional. The combat load should be light so that the “pathfinder” remains alert, agile and careful.

The equipment required for the mission is divided into 3 categories:

Level 1: Describes uniforms and personal items. These are elements of the uniform, boots, belt, tags, compass, tourniquet and any other survival items carried by the fighter personally.

Level 2: Describes the payload carried by the Pathfinder, which must not exceed 48 pounds. This is the scout's personal weapons, ammunition and equipment for carrying it.

Level 3: Describes the cruise load for long operations, which should not exceed 72 pounds (32.7 kg - approx.) (including combat load).

Level 1

1. Camouflage jacket. Must have a 1-inch panel for an infrared identification friend or foe tag (hereinafter referred to as the “IFF tag”).

2. Camouflage headdress. The IFF tag is placed on the top of the gear to facilitate identification of the fighter from the air.

3. Signaling devices. Phoenix IR-15 is a programmable transmitter with a 9V battery for indicating your own position at night and a 10 * 10 inch signal fabric panel cut from VS-17 fabric. This panel is used as a signal recognition device to communicate with other ground elements of the group.

4. Identification Tags.

5. SAR Eclipse signaling device. SAR offers a very compact device that has been tested and proven to be effective at a range of 10 miles in sunlight.

6. INOVA Microlight. This small flashing beacon operates in the white, green, blue and red spectrum and is ideal for signaling or checking maps at night.

7. Signal Mirror. In addition to the fact that with the help of a signal mirror you can give signals, apply a disguise to your face or shave - it is also good way control light to see details or traces.

8. Whistle. The whistle is very convenient when you have to relay commands to other friendly group members while shooting.

9. Magnetic compass. While a GPS is an important piece of equipment, it will never take the place of a good compass.

10. Camouflage pants.

11. Trouser belt.

12. Lighter.

13. Notepad. This notebook contains information obtained during the mission, along with a map of the area.

14. Map, protractor and pencil.

15. Field repair kit. For quick restoration of uniforms in case of damage (patches, fastex, etc. - approx.)

16. Diet. Must contain high energy foods.

17. Shoes.

Level 2

1. Load Bearing Equipment (LBE). In this case it is the MAV Tactical Tailor, with a split front panel.

3. Shops. The “unloading” should contain only the main ammunition - no more.

4. Electrical tape. For connecting various parts into field conditions.

5. Colored electrical tape. For marking based on the last known characteristic.

6. GPS. GPS is an important piece of equipment that can track a squad's route and give an accurate location. However, I wouldn't rely heavily on battery-powered technology. If you don't know your location, keep your GPS turned off to extend battery life.

7. Flashlight with IR attachment. For signaling to friendly forces.

8. Multitool. They are great for small repair work and usually have a knife, a flathead and Phillips screwdriver, a can opener and pliers.

9. Spare batteries. In quantities sufficient for all your equipment for the period of operation. When choosing equipment, be guided by equipment that requires the same type of batteries as the one you have. AA batteries are compact and besides, they can be found anywhere in the world.

10. Gun oil and shaving brush. A bottle of oil to protect and lubricate your gear is essential in any environment. The shaving brush is also useful when cleaning equipment from dust and debris.

11. Ruler ( measuring device). For taking measurements or demonstrating scale when shooting.

12. Headlamp. A good thing at moments when you need to keep both hands free - for example, searching a prisoner.

13. 550 paracord. 25-30 feet of paracord can be used to repair, tie, or secure various items.

14. Knife sharpener. It is very important, since a dull knife has no use.

15. Camouflage Face Paint.

16. Water bottles.

17. Knife. A multifunctional knife, with a blade at least 6 inches long (~ i.e. about 15 cm - and it should be noted that this is one of the signs of a bladed weapon according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, so be careful - approx.). The knife should be heavy, sharp, and versatile enough to be used for home construction, various survival tasks, or for combat use. The knife in the photo above is the result of a joint development between the author of the article and knifemaker Jeff Crowner.

18. Smoke grenade. For camouflage or signaling.

19. Fragmentation grenade. At least 2 fragmentation grenades take them with them on patrol.

20. Individual first aid kit. This kit provides the necessary equipment to help yourself or a comrade and addresses the two leading causes of death on the battlefield, extremity hemorrhage and airway obstruction. Kit linked above includes: tourniquet, 2 elastic bandages, 4-1/2" gauze dressings, adhesive tape, nasopharyngeal catheter, 4 pairs of sterile gloves, 2 Pri-Med gauze dressings, EMS scissors, bandage and cleaning tablets water.

21. Protective Gloves. Used to camouflage and protect hands from cuts.

22. Mag-Lite Flashlight/Blast Match Lighter. Mag-Lite is necessary for reconnaissance at night. The Blast Match is another great all-weather survival tool that can be used with one hand in case of injury.

23. Rifle. The rifle is issued. Contrary to popular belief, soldiers and employees law enforcement do not choose their weapon system or weapon caliber. No matter what type of weapon he is issued, the operator must be an expert in its use.

24. Weapon Accessories. Optical sights or collimators may be required for the mission depending on the METT-T (literally “Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops & Time Available”, i.e. simplified “mission conditions” - approx.). Besides, laser pointer/ under-barrel flashlight would be nice to have for night operations.

Level 3

1. Backpack. This is the piece of equipment in which the "pathfinder" carries all his equipment on long outings. The size of the backpack is dictated by the amount of supplies needed by the fighter for the entire time when supply from outside is not possible. Estimated time for surgery, relief and weather, in which you will have to work - all these factors must be considered by the “pathfinder” when collecting a backpack.

2. Dry rations. It is necessary to have a reserve of at least 48-72 hours.

3. 3-liter hydration pack. The Scout needs enough water to remain in formation throughout the entire operation, or until a suitable water source is located (or supplies are obtained). Water is consumed from the hydration pack first. If for any reason the hydration pack is dropped during an operation, the fighter must always have a full canteen on his LBE.

4. Carlton's CAT PAWS ("cat's paws"). CAT Paws are a great item for a "tracker" to cover their tracks.

5. VIPER Cape. VIPER camouflage hood breaks up the visual silhouette human head and shoulders. The best side VIPER is that it performs its functions without blocking access to equipment, and without preventing the fighter from reaching the pockets on his LBE.

6. Large trash bag. For waterproofing or for storing debris during surgery.

7. Weapon cleaning kit. This kit should be able to support your weapon in the field. At a minimum, the kit should contain a dismountable cleaning rod with various attachments (bristle brush, visors, etc.), a flat-head screwdriver, rivets, lubricant, an optical brush and a universal brush.

8. Night vision device. The device will be required when performing operations at night.

9. Spare Magazines. Three additional loaded magazines.

10. Binoculars. Should be used whenever possible to detect an enemy from a distance. It also provides a wider field of view than a monocular or riflescope.

11. VS-17 Panel. The VS17 can be deployed on the ground to identify troop positions from friendly aircraft or to determine where assistance is needed.

12. E-Tool. The E-Tool is a lightweight collapsible shovel that can be used for digging or chopping.

13. Hammock. Depending on the operational environment, a hammock can be essential to staying dry while sleeping at night.

14. Repair kit for uniforms and equipment. It should include thread, needles and pins.

15. Personal hygiene kit. Minimum hygiene items such as nail clippers, Toothbrush, toothpaste and small wash cloth.

16. Compression or waterproof bag.

17. Tent-basha. It should be large enough to shelter a fighter, or be used as a makeshift stretcher to transport a casualty.

18. Bedding. Depending on the conditions, it can vary from sleeping bags with a mat (karemat) to extreme temperatures, up to a poncho liner for more tropical climates.

19. Gore-Tex bivy bag. Bivy provides waterproof, breathable cover that protects against wind, snow and rain.

20. Elastic cords (ties). For quickly packing items such as awnings.

21. 550 paracord. 25-30 feet of paracord can be used to repair, tie, or secure various items.

22. Spare socks. Monitoring your feet is a must! Dry, clean socks will help prevent blisters, calluses and mildew.

Once again, when deciding on gear, choose items that are lightweight and multi-functional. The combat load should be light so that the “pathfinder” remains alert, agile and careful.

Note from It's Tactical Editor-in-Chief: John (John Hurth) is a retired American special forces soldier who was assigned to the 1st SOF group at Fort Lewis, Washington. During his service, he took part in several business trips abroad, which included two military campaigns in support of global war with terror. He now puts his years of experience to use as the owner and lead instructor of TYR Group, where he and his staff provide training in a variety of surveillance techniques.

Fighters prefer non-standard stocks, sights, body armor and boots. Military personnel of special forces units of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops and SOBR of the Special Purpose Center (TSSN) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs agreed to tell the newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" why in Russian special forces American colors are popular, how effective are domestic body armor and night vision devices, how combat equipment and weapons are selected.

IN last years the main characters of television reports and photographs from North Caucasus became fighters of various special forces units performing tasks to combat the terrorist underground. In the video and photo chronicles, it is striking that the field uniforms, body armor, communications equipment, etc., are different for the special forces, so to speak, just like the world.

IN modern world private production segment tactical equipment and protective equipment is developing very dynamically. Even such well-financed Western divisions as the American Delta, British SAS and others buy the products they like with their own money. After all, the success of any operation depends on uniforms, equipment, and especially weapons. How are things going with the Russian security forces, what problems are there, what would you like to change?

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