The longest cable cars in the world. The fastest, scariest, tallest, longest, steepest cable cars in the world

A worthy alternative to ground and water transport today it is air transport, and in this case we are not talking about airplanes at all, but about cable cars and funiculars. The pioneers of this type of transport can be considered the inhabitants of Switzerland, it was in this country that the official opening of the first cable car took place in 1866. Later, in the middle of the 20th century, the active construction of funiculars and cable cars began in the most different countries, many of them were located on the territory of ski resorts. The purpose of this type of transport is as simple as possible - it must deliver people to the most inaccessible mountainous areas. Today, the popularity of cable cars is incredibly high; a walk on them is becoming a favorite pastime for many travelers.

One of the most exciting and longest cable cars in the world is located on the territory of the Zhangjiajie National Park, in China. Its length is 7,455 meters. By cable car, travelers can get to one of the main attractions of the park - Tianmen Mountain. At its top there is a unique cave with the romantic name Heaven's Gate. It is the highest miraculous cave on the planet.

Passing among the majestic rocks cable car received a bright unofficial name - "The Road to Heaven", and this name is far from an empty allegory. On some sections of the road, the angle of elevation of the road is 70 degrees, the closer to the top, the more often you have to overcome a thick curtain of clouds. The climb to the top of the mountain takes about 40 minutes. Experienced travelers recommend taking warm clothes with you for a walk, as the air temperature drops rapidly during the ascent.

During the ascent, passengers will have the opportunity to enjoy chic panoramic views of rocks and dense rainforest. The fog that often descends in these places does not in the least spoil the panoramic view of the surroundings, but only makes it even more mysterious. The cable car originates in the very center of Zhangjiajie, not far from railway station which makes it even more attractive in the eyes of tourists.

The Tatev ropeway is one of the most popular attractions in Armenia, its opening took place in October 2010. The road was built to connect the settlements of Halidzor and Tatev, between which lies the deep Vorotan Gorge. Near the settlement of Tatev there is an ancient monastery, which has attracted inquisitive tourists since ancient times. Specifications the roads are very impressive, its length is 5,700 meters, and 25 people can be accommodated in the passenger cabin at a time.

Truly unique object is the Grenoble cable car, it is the first object of its kind that was built on the territory of the city. The opening of the cable car took place on September 29, 1934, it greatly facilitated the access of local residents and guests of the city to one of the most important attractions - the Bastille fortress. The very first "trailers" of the cable car looked different than now, they were designed for 21 passengers.

In Malaysia is amazing city entertainment Genting, which is well known to fans of gambling, exciting rides, stylish bars and nightclubs. Genting is located in a mountainous area, at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. The easiest way to get to this unique entertainment complex- use the fastest cable car in the world, the lower station of which is located on the territory of the miniature village of Kuala Kubu Baru.

The highest and one of the longest cable cars in the world operates in India. On the Gulmarg cable car, passengers can get to the ski resort of the same name, which is the largest in the Himalayas. The opening of the road took place in 2005, its length is about 5,000 meters. Every hour it lifts about 600 people into the mountains, the opening of the road has made the popular resort of Gulmarg much more accessible and in demand among tourists.

The opening of the Masada cable car in Israel took place in 1971; it was built specifically to deliver tourists to the Masada archaeological complex located at the top of the mountain. For more than forty years, Masada has been the lowest cable car in the world, its starting point is 257 meters below sea level. The development of the cable car project was carried out by specialists from the Swiss company Karl Brandl, the length of the cable car is 900 meters, and the lift level is 290 meters, respectively.

In search of exciting cable cars, many travelers go to Rio de Janeiro, it is here that the unique Complexo do Alemao cable car is located, which has become a landmark state significance. POMA worked on the road project, the opening of the transport system took place in 2011. The length of the road is 3,456 meters, it connects six suburban areas of Rio, located in a remote mountainous area.

Fans of extreme sports who want to ride the original cable car should go to Switzerland, to the Hoch-Ibrig ski resort. Here operates one of the most unusual cable cars on the planet - Sternensauser. The device of the road is as simple as possible, its basis is a high-strength cable stretched between the initial and intermediate stations. There are no classic cabins with large panoramic windows on the Sternensauser road; instead, a special fastening system is provided for one passenger.

Among the outstanding sights of the Crimea, it is worth highlighting the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, its opening took place in 1988. It originates in the picturesque foothill village of Miskhor and delivers passengers to the top of Ai-Petri, the length of the road is 2,980 meters. The intermediate station of the road is at an altitude of 391 meters, and the last station is at an altitude of 1,153 meters.

Metal cables served as the basis for the creation of the world's first aerial tramway. The first metal rope was created in 1834 by a German inventor named Albert Vogts. Several decades passed and the first cable car appeared in Switzerland, which was intended for the transport of passengers. This highway, unusual by the standards of those times, was used to transport tourist groups to the observation deck. Since then, a lot of time has passed and similar means of transportation have appeared in different parts of the world. Today we will try to understand what underlies the functioning of the cable car.

Principle of operation

Currently, there are single-cable and double-cable cableways. The first option is characterized by the fact that the same rope, which is closed in a ring, acts as a carrier and traction element. It is formed from many steel wires that are twisted into strands around a rigid base in the middle. Passenger cabins move along a closed path and are attached to the rope with the help of special clamps. Getting to the end point, each cabin is disconnected and moved to the overhead conveyor, which moves along the rails due to the running wheels. The speed of movement is reduced to a minimum, the doors open, after which passengers can leave their seats. The car itself continues to move along the conveyor in opposite side where new passengers board it. Then the cabin doors are closed, the speed picks up to the same value with which the rope moves. At the moment of derailment, the cabin clings to the rope with the help of clamps and continues to move in a given direction. The movement of the entire system is possible thanks to the friction drive with a special pulley.

Two-rope cableways are arranged somewhat differently. In such a scheme, passenger cabins are attached to the carrier rope and move along it due to special roller wheels located on the roof. The carrier rope is pulled from the beginning of the lift to the highest point and supported on the carrier masts. The second rope in this design is traction. Cabins are attached to it, playing the role of a support. When the distance between the passenger cabins is large enough, the rope can seriously sag. To avoid this, supporting rollers are mounted on the supports. The traction rope is driven by a drive, due to which the entire chain moves.

Modern ropeways are equipped with centralized system control, which is served by the dispatcher. To ensure safety, special sensors are used to monitor the distance between the cabins. This approach avoids collisions while driving. Sometimes mounted wind system, capable of automatically reducing the speed of movement of booths when strong wind and send an appropriate warning to the dispatcher.

During peak hours, some modern cable cars are capable of transporting up to 2,000 people per hour. The longest cable car was built in Sweden. The 96 km long highway was used in the past to transport ore from Lapland to the coastal region of the Gulf of Bothnia. Later, one of the sections of this highway was turned into the world's longest passenger cable car, the length of which is 13.2 km.

Recall that not so long ago we talked about how the rail cable car works. You can learn more about this by going to.

The world's first cable car was launched in 1866 in Switzerland to deliver tourists to the picturesque observation deck. Later, in the second half of the 20th century, skiing began to develop rapidly, and cable cars began to be built especially actively.

In today's selection are collected. Each of them is unique in its own way: in speed, height or length.

The fastest cable car in the world moves at a speed of 6 m/s. Most of the way lies over the virgin jungle, and in good weather From a height you can watch the monkeys. The fare is low - only $3 round trip.

9. Gulmarg cable car in India

This road, launched at the ski resort in 2005, is the highest mountain in the world. A cable car with a length of 5 km allows you to climb to a height of 4114 meters. The road has two lines, the fare for both is $7.3.

8. Sternensauser cable car in Switzerland

To ride the scariest cable car in the world, you need to put on a helmet and securely buckle up. Passengers on the road move due to gravity own body. In the process of movement, the speed reaches 90 km / h. Experienced tourists claim that the descent along this cable car, stretched at a height of 75 m above the ground, provides an adrenaline rush for many months.

7. Tatev ropeway in Armenia

The longest cable car in the world carries passengers over a distance of 5.7 km. The road is laid over the gorge of the Vorotan River. Cabins move with maximum speed about 37 km/h. The fare for tourists is about 6 euros, locals use the road for free.

6. Cableway from Miskhor to Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea

The ascent along this road lasts 15 minutes, during which time tourists have time to see the beauty South Shore Crimea. The peculiarity of the cable car is the longest unsupported span, the length of which is 2 km. The fare on the road is $15 both ways.

5. Grenoble cable car in France

The world's first cable car in the city opened in 1934. The cable car delivers those who wish to the Bastille fortress, located on a hard-to-reach alpine slope. The fare is 6.8 euros in both directions.

4. Prague cable car in the Czech Republic

This cable car is the oldest of the active roads, it was opened 120 years ago. The road leads to the top of Petřín Hill and is part of the urban system public transport. The cost of the trip is 1.2 euros.

3. Complexo do Alemao road in Brazil

This cable car passes over six suburbs of Rio, thus saving travelers from having to get to their destination through the notorious favelas. Local residents can use the road twice a day for free, for tourists the fare is only $0.5, which makes the road the cheapest in the world.

2. Cable car from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island in the USA

This cable car is a favorite among Hollywood directors and can be seen in films such as Leon, Spider-Man and Nighthawks. Roomy cabins are equipped with drinking water, blankets and even a toilet. The cable car fare is $2.25 each way.

1. Ropeway in Zhangjiajie National Park in China

The world's steepest cable car ascends at an incredible 70-degree angle. The journey to the top takes about 40 minutes, and many passengers have ears from the height difference. The fare for the cable car is $7.6 each way.

In mountainous areas, such a method of transportation as a cable car is especially popular. Usually cable cars are a cable and cabins in which passengers move along it. The most primitive cable car is a lift at ski resorts with chairs, and a more “advanced” and improved one is a cable car with a closed cabin. Cableways are usually used to transport passengers to different levels, for example, from the foot of a mountain to its peak, or vice versa.

The very first cable car was opened back in 1866 in the mountains of Switzerland, it delivered tourists to the observation deck, which offered a magnificent view. In the second half of the 20th century, when skiing began to develop especially actively, a real boom began in the construction of cable cars around the world. To date, cable cars are becoming more and more advanced, they are being built even in the most inaccessible places for humans. So, we offer you the TOP 10 most impressive cable cars in the world.

1 Most Exciting: Zhangjiajie Park Ropeway, China

Surely many of you have watched the legendary film by James Cameron "Avatar". So, the characters of this exciting film lived on mountains floating in the air. What place on Earth do you think inspired the director to such an idea? Undoubtedly, it was Zhangjiajie Park in China. The mountains here are so high and steep that it seems as if they are floating in the air, especially since their base is difficult to see in the fog. That is why the cable car in the middle of the rocks of this park is considered the most breathtaking in the world. The view from the cable car cabins is so impressive that some tourists, having got here for the first time, even fainted. This is not surprising, because due to a sharp pressure drop, passengers often lay their ears, and the temperature in the cabin drops. It is no coincidence that the local cable car is called the “road to heaven”: on some sections it rises at an angle of 70 °, crashing directly into the clouds. Those who still dare to overcome the distance of 7455 meters, spending 40 minutes on it, will see the world's highest miraculous cave Heaven's Gate, which arose due to the erosion of rocks on Mount Tianmen, which, according to local residents, has supernatural powers.

2 Fastest: Genting Cable Car, Malaysia

Genting is a real entertainment empire located 51 kilometers northeast of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It is located on the very top of the mountain, it can be seen from afar both day and night. During the day, through the fog on the top of the mountain, the outlines of buildings and structures are visible, and at night the entire Genting glows and sparkles with an abundance of neon lights. Here is the only legal casino in the country, several hotels and an extensive amusement park for both children and adults. It is here, at a height of about 2 thousand meters above sea level, that the world's fastest cable car, opened in 1997, leads. Most of the funicular path runs over the jungle, if you look closely, you can see outlandish flowers and plants, and even monkeys scurrying through the thickets. By the way, before the city of entertainment grew here, the entire top of the mountain was covered with impenetrable jungle. In the late 60s of the last century, the whole country laughed at the initiator of the creation of an amusement park by the Chinese Lim Goh Tong, but already in 1971 the first hotel opened its doors to visitors. And today, Genting reaches the size of a small town, fully intended for fun leisure activities.

3 Highest: Gulmarg Cable Car, India

Gulmarg is a predominantly ski resort town in India, on the slopes of the Pir Pyanjal range in the western Himalayas. In fact, the town is located at an altitude of about 2700 meters above sea level, but in fact the elevation difference here is from 2000 to 4000 meters. Long time the state of Kashmir, in which Gulmarg is located, was considered dangerous for tourism, as it was the subject of disputes between India and Pakistan. However, today this resort is considered very popular not only among local residents, but also among tourists from all over the world. It was here that in 2005 the cable car was launched, which still remains the highest mountain in the world. Its total length is 5 kilometers, about 600 people can pass through it per hour. It was the cable car that solved the problem of sky-high prices for skiing in the resort - earlier tourists were taken up by helicopters to descend the mountain. Now the fare is about 3 US dollars at a time, it is also possible to take a subscription for day skiing.

4 Worst: Sternensauser, Switzerland

Hoch-Ybrig in Switzerland is a very cozy and at the same time popular ski resort. It is best known for its two excellent downhill sled runs. In addition, there are all the opportunities for skiing and snowboarding. As for the cable car, here it is not at all what we are used to seeing lifts in most ski resorts. Here, passengers move under the weight of their own bodies, fastening their seat belts and wearing helmets. It is quite clear that you will not be able to take pictures of the surroundings, just enjoy the view that opens before you and the breathtaking ascent. The Sternensauser cable car is a cable stretched between several platforms at a height of 75 meters above the ground and is the longest cable car of its kind in the world. There is also an ordinary chair lift here, from its upper station the cable car route begins. During the movement, the passenger develops a speed of 70 to 90 km / h, which creates a feeling of free flight.

5. Glass Cable Car: Sentosa Island, Singapore

The small island of Sentosa, located southwest of Singapore, served as the beginning of this state. Previously, there was a small fishing village here, and today Sentosa Island is a real paradise for tourists and the Singaporeans themselves. This is a kind of Asian Disneyland with an amusement park, an oceanarium, as well as three kilometers white sandy beaches. You can get to the island in any way - by water taxi or public transport, and even on foot. However, being here, it’s a sin not to enjoy the stunning view that opens from the glass cabins of the local cable car located above the strait. It was conceived back in 1968, and launched four years later. At the very beginning, the cable car had 43 cabins, and today their number reaches 81. This is the first cable car in the world where cabins made entirely of glass appeared. While the cable car is the most scenic way to get to the island, it is also the most expensive. And this is not surprising, because you can get into one of the seven VIP cabins, the roof and glass sides of which are decorated with Swarovski crystals. The fare on the first glass cable car, as well as the first "jewelry" cable car, is about 20 US dollars one way.

6. Longest: Tatev cable car, Armenia

Not far from the city of Goris in Armenia is a unique monastery complex of the 9th-13th centuries called the Tatev Monastery. For a long time this complex was abandoned and gradually collapsed. However, in 2009, the project of the Tatev Revival program was approved, and already in 2010, a cable car was opened leading to the most beautiful monastery in the rocks. It was launched on October 16, and seven days later the Wings of Tatev cable car was entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the world's longest passenger cable car. The length of the cable car is almost 6 kilometers, it connects two villages - Halidzor and Tatev. The highest altitude above the gorge is 320 m. The cabin, which can accommodate 25 passengers, moves at a maximum speed of 37 km/h, going from the point of departure to the point of destination in 11 minutes and 25 seconds. The construction of the cable car cost 18 million US dollars, its construction was financed mainly by private funds. For local residents, the cable car ride is free, and for tourists it will cost 6 euros. Until the cable car appeared, it was possible to get to Tatev only along the steep serpentine leading along the cliff at an angle of 45 °, which, moreover, was often washed away in winter. But now tourists and local residents can visit Tatev all year round.

7. The longest unsupported span: cableway Miskhor - Ai-Petri, Crimea

Today in Ukraine there are about a dozen cableways, and most of of which is located in the Crimea. The passenger cableway connecting the Ai-Petri and Miskhor plateaus has been under construction since 1967. During the construction, various difficulties were overcome, the technical design changed several times, the cables of the cable car lay on rocks that could not be destroyed. Because of this, the construction of the cable car was delayed for several decades. In 1988, the opening of the road took place, it has been working without interruption so far. The uniqueness of this cable car lies in the fact that between its middle and upper stations " Pinery” and “Ai-Petri”, the longest unsupported span in Europe, entered in the Guinness Book of Records, stretches: there is not a single intermediate tower for two kilometers. During the ascent by cable car - and it lasts about 15 minutes - tourists have time to enjoy the picturesque panorama of the South-Eastern coast of Crimea - from Sudak to Foros. The cable car cabin can accommodate up to 40 people, there are four cabins on the road.

8. World's first urban: Grenoble cable car, France

Grenoble is a city in the southeast of France, famous, first of all, for its universities, institutes and scientific centers. However, the location of the city - at the foot of the three mountain ranges of the Alps, made it a popular ski resort region in France. It was the landscape of the area that made the city authorities think about the construction of a cable car, which would facilitate access to the outstanding local landmark - the Bastille. In 1934, the world's first urban cable car was launched in Grenoble, which quickly became a symbol of the city, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Initially, passenger cabins were quite traditional: large "cars" that could accommodate up to 21 passengers. But in 1976, they were replaced by engineer Denny Kressel's small six-seat spherical Plexiglas cabins, which were soon dubbed bubbles and space eggs. The fare is about 7 euros both ways.

9 Most Historic: Masada Cable Car, Israel

The ancient fortress of Masada off the southwestern coast of the Dead Sea in Israel was built by King Herod as early as 25 BC. On top of an impregnable rock, he built a shelter for himself and his family, which included palaces, a synagogue, baths, warehouses for provisions and weapons, and even a water pipe, which was fed with rainwater. In 73 A.D. e. Masada was taken by the Romans, and after the fall of the Roman Empire, the fortress was forgotten until 1862, when archaeologists stumbled upon its ruins. Masada has always attracted tourists, but only after 1971, when a cable car was built to it, did it become one of the most visited historical sites Israel. Before that, it was possible to climb to the top of the cliff only along the so-called snake path, which was used in ancient times by the rebels, and nowadays by archaeologists. The cable car leading to the top of the plateau is considered the lowest in the world: its lower station is at an altitude of 257 m above sea level, and the upper one is only 33 m higher. The distance to the top of the cabin - there are only two of them on the cable car - overcomes in a few minutes, gradually opening up more and more breathtaking views of the surrounding desert and the Dead Sea.

10 Oldest: Prague Cable Car, Czech Republic

More than 120 years ago, in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, a cable car was opened, which is considered today the oldest cable car in the world. The road leads to Petřín Hill, and over the years, trailers sliding up or down the slope have carried more than 56 million passengers. It all started with the fact that in 1889 the Club of Czech Tourists went to Paris and was amazed by the view of the Eiffel Tower. A copy of it was built on Petrin Hill, and then it was decided to build a cable car to it, which was built in less than a year. The cable car - not suspended, but a trailer on rails, driven by a rope - easily lifted 50 passengers to a height of 102 m at a time, and the waterwheel rotated the cables. In 1916, the cable car stopped its operation due to the First World War, and only in 1932 it was launched again, changing the water wheel to electric motors and lengthening it to the current 511 m. The second time the cable car stopped in 1965, when landslides destroyed part of rail track. The inhabitants of Prague had to wait another 20 years before the famous funicular was able to take them to the top of Petřín Hill again. But since then, it has been included in the city's public transport system and stops only during scheduled inspections.


Cable cars and funiculars allow us to discover fantastic bird's-eye views. Some of these beautiful places would be almost impossible to see from this angle if there were no cable cars. City cable cars allow you to see breathtaking picturesque landscapes, to feel like a tourist who was lucky enough to see the incredible. We invite you to learn about the 10 best cable cars in the world, which almost every travel enthusiast dreams of riding, unless, of course, he is afraid of heights.

1) Zacatecas city cable car, Mexico

One of the most interesting trips can be a cable car trip over the city of Zacatecas, which is located in the central part of Mexico. This typical Mexican city is full of colors during the day and shimmers with many bright lights at night.

2) Cable car of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is another truly unique cable car that you should definitely ride when you arrive in Rio. This cable car is laid on Mount Sumraloaf, whose height is 396 meters above sea level. The famous statue of Christ the Redeemer is just down the road, and you will have an amazing view of the city, the bay and the nearby mountains.

3) Telerifico de Merida cable car, Merida, Venezuela

The cable car in the state of Mérida, Venezuela, called Telerifico de Mérida, is the longest and highest in the world. If you enjoy this kind of cable car travel at great heights, you will be extremely happy to discover the most beautiful places in Venezuela with great height. The journey starts from the Andes plateau and ends at the top of Mount Espejo. The trip there and back takes about 2 hours.

4) Peak Tram Funicular, Hong Kong, China

The Peak Tram Funicular was built 120 years ago, and where it climbs offers stunning views of the Chinese urban landscape. The tram line allows you to see the skyscrapers of Hong Kong from an unprecedented height. The road climbs up to Victoria Peak, and giant buildings, like toys, run past as they go.

5) Zhenting Skyway, Malaysia

The Zhenting Skyway boasts of being the fastest cable car in the world and also the longest in South-East Asia. The end point of the road - Zhenting Skyway Resort - will attract your attention with many attractions, restaurants, amusement parks, shops, hotels and casinos. All this is located at an altitude of 2027 meters above sea level, above the clouds!

6) Cable car in the city of Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir, India

The Gulmarg valley is located at an altitude of 2730 meters above sea level, but the sea will not be visible from it. The city and the Indian ski resort of Gulmarg are located in the northwestern part of the Himalayas. The cable car leads to a height of 3980 meters along an almost vertical plumb line. During the trip you will be able to see the second highest mountain in the world - Chogori.

7) Cableway in Picos de Europa National Park, Spain

Picos de Europa is one of the most beautiful national parks world, located in the northwest of Spain. The cable car will help you climb to a height of 1840 meters, revealing the indescribable beauty of the local landscapes - warm valleys and mountain ranges covered with forest. When you get to the top, you will be able to see the mountains and the immediate surroundings from the height of Mount Aliva.

8) Grindelwald-Mannlichen Cable Car, Switzerland

It is impossible not to mention Switzerland in our list of the best funiculars and cable cars in the world. The Grindelwald-Mannlichen cable car is considered the third longest. It will take about 30 minutes to get from one point to another, but it will be an amazing half an hour of your life! The road runs between a small village located at an altitude of 943 meters above sea level, and ski resort in the Swiss Alps.

9) Cableway to Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa

The most interesting thing about this cable car is that its cabins can rotate 360 ​​degrees, so tourists can see the surroundings from any direction. Table Mountain, which the road leads to, is so called because of its strange, table-like shape.

10) Cable car in San Francisco, California, USA

The San Francisco cable car is famous all over the world because it is the last remaining manually operated tram. Next to the Russian Hill there is a station that connects all the main attractions of the city. Today, this route is mainly used by tourists.

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