Scenario “Farewell to elementary school. Scenario of the holiday “Farewell to elementary school”

Farewell to primary school.

Dear Guys! Dear Parents! Our dear guests! Today is an unusual day for us - today we say goodbye to primary school. For four years, together with you, we climbed the first, most difficult, steps on the ladder of knowledge. We learned to read, we learned to write, we learned to make friends, we learned to live according to the rules of our home.

Presenter 1 Today is our day:

Both sad and cheerful.

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

Presenter 2 Today we summarize the results of the study

Let's throw away fatigue, all fears, doubts,

The heroes of today's meeting are ready

We will speak passionate speeches for them.

Children enter the hall in pairs to the music of Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker.” They stand in front of the stage and perform a song to the melody of “Golden Wedding”

Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family, holiday, holiday, graduation holiday.

In our school these days there is bustle, screams, noise and beauty everywhere!

We are all a little worried, our cheeks are flushed.

Grandmothers, mothers and fathers look at the grown-up children.

Your kids have grown up, and now they are graduates.

Look here they are standing, they are not screaming and they don’t seem to be playing pranks!

We are all a little worried, our cheeks are flushed.

Grandmothers, mothers and fathers look at grown-up children!

School years are wonderful.
With a book, with friendship, with a song,
How fast they fly!
You can't turn them back!
Let's remember today once again what these four years were like.
Holding my mother's hand securely,
Then we went to class for the first time
For my very first lesson in my life.
Who met us first? School bell!
Remember how this bell called you to your first lesson for the first time. What timid incompetents you were when you followed your teacher through the school door.

3rd child.
Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.
4th child.
Do you remember that funny call?
What rang for us for the first time,
When we entered the school with flowers,
To my first, best, class.
5th child.
How the teacher greeted me at the door,
Our true friend many days
And a big noisy family
New girlfriends and friends.

The boys enter to the sound of tango. Song to the soundtrack “Ah, vernissage.”

Teacher. Let's remember the most striking events of school life. After all, the children have learned hundreds of lessons since the first bell called them to school. (The bell rings)

Leading WE will show you now

What they taught us at school.

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

Russian language lesson

The bell rings, a few minutes later the classroom door opens (From the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”).

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

I was late for class again.

I didn’t want to, but I lied again:

That the alarm clock let me down again,

The car broke down and the bus left,

And then I ran so fast

But I was late for class!


Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

The student goes to the board and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”

A student writes from dictation on the board.

Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.

The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student: “Dad and Mom.” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Scolded someone, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Well, the “promise,” of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

The bell rings.
(The support group sings to the tune of the song “Pahonia”)
Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over
The guys finally broke the chain.
Don't stand on the threshold, otherwise you will disappear.
They rush, they rush, they rush, they rush,
And you can’t stop them.

“Ding-ding!” - the bell rings, class begins

Math lesson.

Verse of the song to the melody “Bel”

Light illuminated my sick soul!

No! I will disturb my peace with a lesson!

Rave! Midnight delirium torments my soul again,

After all, I don’t know math well.

School skit

Characters: teacher and student Petrov

Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?

Student: What should we divide, Mikhail Ivanovich?

Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.

Student: And between whom?

Teacher: Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.

Student: Then three for me and one for Sidorov.

Teacher: Why is this?

Student: Because Sidorov owes me one apple.

Teacher: Doesn’t he owe you a plum?

Student: No, I shouldn’t have plums.

Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?

Student: Four. And all to Sidorov.

Teacher: Why four?

Student: Because I don’t like plums.

Teacher: Wrong again.

Student: How many is correct?

Teacher: Now I’ll put the correct answer in your diary

(Cheerleader singing)
And again there is a change, the class is worried,
What will the chef please us with today?
We don’t need porridge, we don’t want mashed potatoes,
Give us some cupcakes, some pastries,
Otherwise we'll eat you.

And the bell rings again, he calls us to class.

History lesson.

History and I are friends!

Without her, neither you nor I

We would never know

How it originated and where it came from

Our Russian land.

Children perform a dance.

Oh, what is this? Sounds! Someone's singing there!

Looks like we're in for a meeting with music!

Chastushki (6 people)

We are funny guys

We'll sing ditties for you,

Like in your favorite school

We live wonderfully!

1A here, in 4 “A” all the guys are smart

And they decide and read

And they are noisy.

2The boy was late for school

But he won’t say that he overslept;

Just now, as luck would have it,

It dawned too late!

3. We love solving problems,

Who's faster and who's ahead?

And what tasks!

The professor himself will not understand.

4. Didn’t answer about fairy tales

To the girl's question.

And they put it in her diary

The ugly duckling!

5. We went to the circus as a class

We saw some tricks.

After everyone's tricks

The diaries are missing!

6.I have a computer at home

Great poor man in the garage.

Well, when is this school

Oh, it's already over!

7 I’m friends with an excellent student,

I hasten to help her.

I'll sit quietly next to you,

And then I’ll rewrite it.

8. We learn English together,
There are successes and progress:
Instead of "YES" now everywhere
We answer in chorus “EU”

9. I learned to distinguish
Dollars and lira

Apparently I need to go

Cool bankers!

10.They say that we are bullies

Never believe it.

In our class the commanders

There have always been girls.

11. Our duty officer tried so hard
I washed the board clean.
And write to us in class
He didn't allow it.

12. For 4 years at school

I went through a lot of science.

And my grandmother told me:

You are very wise, grandson.

13. We sang to you as best we could

We're just children,

Just know that your children -

The best in the world!

And the call again!

And again a lesson!

English lesson.

When I got used to Russian,
To keep up with life,
Started learning another language
To understand foreigners.
English from second grade
Fate forced me to teach.
I’m learning a lot of heavy words,
Wiping the sweat from my forehead with my hand.

Sketch English lesson and song.

It's time for us to hit the road again

Physical education awaits us “Hurray”

Physical education lesson.

Physical education-physical education,
You are my favorite lesson!
We train and train
Arm strength and leg strength

You can climb up the wall bars.
And hang with your eyes closed...
You can run!
You can jump!
But you can’t read or write!

You can even somersault!
Writhe like a snake!
Physical education-physical education,
My gym girl!
(I. Gamazkova)

Sports dance.

But now the lessons are over, but it’s not time to go home yet. GPA.


Two girls said:
- At our school the day has been extended!
- I love extending the day

Sign me up too!


And then an extended lunch,

Borscht whitened with sour cream,
And then - attention!
There's a party in the yard!

And then - an extended period,

To learn a lesson.
Only the evening is very very

Was shortened that evening.

GPA teachers(“Take your overcoat, let’s go home”)

. And you and I, brother, are from afterschool.

We are always very friendly.

GPA gives us hardening - 3 times

Which will last for centuries.

2.Today we are all transitioning

Without GPD, but in 5th grade.

And we wish the first classes - 3 times

Come to the after-school program instead of us.

Can you finally relax at home? A homework? Forgot?

Students perform a skit"Hometasks"


What a damn task!
I fought and fought - failure.
There were already circles in my eyes...
Sit down, dad, help!


Head up, son! With dad you are not alone! (Sits down for homework.)


Parts of speech in the exercise
We were told to emphasize.
Do me a favor, mom -
Be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?
We'll figure it out somehow. ( Sits down for class. )


And for you, grandma, some paints,
Come on, grandma, don't sleep!
Draw a picture for the fairy tale:
The cat walks along the chain.


No, she’s old—not the same eye. (Pavlik is crying)
Okay, okay, there will be a cat.


I'll go out for a minute.
Where is my jacket?


In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully
With a blue bag on his back.
But it's not fun from school
He was returning home.

Mother. What did you bring?

Pavlik. See for yourself!

Dad . No, report first!

Pavlik. Dad - 5, 4 - mom, and you, grandma, - ( bitterly) two

Presenter1 It's time to talk about our parents. After all, all these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your mothers and fathers re-learned with you. They, like you, and perhaps more than you, were worried, experienced failures, and rejoiced at your victories. And we say a huge word to all of them...

Everyone (in unison): THANK YOU!


Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too.

Your concern, understanding and patience

They always helped us, without a doubt!


Here they are, those who sat with us at night over the book...

Here they are, those who wrote essays for us...

The most best moms and dads in the world,

Your children say thank you very much!

The teacher gives letters of thanks to parents.

Presenter (Presentation-photo “School years”)

Four years flew by unnoticed,

Everything was there: sun, wind, thunder.

But before we leave, we need to say,

Thanks to everyone who was with us!

Olympics and concerts

And fairy tales of magic flow.

Together we created with you,

And everyone here burned as best they could...

Spring holiday, or autumn,

Or a round dance near the Christmas tree -

This is how our friendship grew stronger,

Our creative people have matured.

And how many have been sung together,

Re-danced with us!

If you don’t have enough time to remember:

This takes a whole hour...

Yes, there was a golden time

It passed quickly like the wind...

We will remember him for a long time,

It resonated in our hearts.

We say goodbye to elementary school,

We are parting, alas, forever.

We'll meet again in September

Will high school Then.

There will be many different items,

There will be different teachers.

But will remain in memory forever

The one who taught me first.

After all, she opened the path to knowledge for us,

She always helped us in life.

And, of course, she loved us all.

This was the second mother.

School years will fly by quickly,

The years will fly by in an instant.

We will soon forget a lot,

But we will always remember her.

Song based on the lullaby “Umka”

The chalk crumbles in your hand, the lines are a string

Again you are standing at the board.

Diaries, notebooks - everything is always in order,

After all, this is what you are watching.

We tried very hard and tried our best

Grow up and become adults.

You weren't offended, you just smiled

And she knew how to understand us.

We are four years old in any weather

We sailed in the carriage with you.

Our first teacher, you are loved beyond measure,

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the helmsman!

Or the song “A gentle call calls for your desks”

Parents speak.


Good luck, ups and bad weather
- Life is striped like a mattress.
My peak teacher happiness
- These are the children, this is the class.
And turning to you with all my heart,
I catch myself thinking,
Believe me, I'm not pretending
- I love each of you!
Fly, think, dare,
But in a corner of my soul
Save a piece of your childhood
- And I will always live there.

Presenter: We want to sincerely thank all the teachers and school staff who have worked with us for four years!

You, every day and every hour,

Dedicating yourself to hard work,

One concern for us,

You live with one dream.

So that the Earth may be glorified by us,

So that we grow up honest.

Thank you, teachers,

Thank you for everything, for everything!

To the music teacher (“Our Neighbor”)

In music lessons we were taught to sing together,

Draw keys, rulers, don’t look at your neighbors,

You have revealed a secret to us from various composers.

And without great music we have no joy in life!

Pam Pam…

All: Nelly Karlenovna, thank you!

To the physical education teacher (“If only there were no winter”)

We all love sports very much,

And we love the gym.

And physical education lessons

We definitely won't forget.

Together we say to the teacher: “Thank you!”

We are any record Let's beat - that's our strength!

We are any record Let's beat - that's our strength!

All: Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, thank you!

Song for an English teacher based on “The Phantom of the Opera”

(Song for the English teacher at graduation)
When sleep is sent to me
In dreams he came
That voice that calls to me
And speaks my name
And who I dram again
For now I find
The Fantom of Opera is there
Inside my mind
English our lesson
Fuck us for future use
And we know a little
All language norms
There were gaps, but
But still
"Thank you!" - we want to say with all our hearts
We are for you two
(Two English teachers)

All: Thank you, Natalya Nikolaevna and Elena Olegovna!

Student (to the school director):

Dear Elena Evgenievna!

You helped and took care of us

All the years spent here.

We felt your master's eye,

What disorder and adversity I saw!

Behind you like behind a stone wall,

Let us help you resolve all your problems!

For leadership of the school country

We all say thank you!

The floor is given to the school director.

Teacher: The time has come for us to sum up the results of our four-year studies. Now I will hand you your first document - a diploma of completion of primary school.

/Presentation of diplomas and certificates/

Dear Lyubov Mikhailovna!

We dedicate you to classy ladies.

Beautiful children's souls,

You understand them and appreciate them conscientiously.

We wish you from our hearts

Wisdom and patience,

And we will give you, my dear...,

(The children go out one by one and give it to the teacher...)

All tips on pedagogy

(book “I Give My Heart to Children”),

Education (pacifier), psychology (rattle),

Punishment (belt), reward (candy).

Take them into your little white hands

And come into our friendly family.


We look with anxious and joyful eyes
In anticipation of new paths and roads

Now it will be heard throughout all the corridors,
Sad, farewell, last call

The right to give the last bell is granted to fourth grade students

Teacher : Dear Guys! I would really like for only pleasant and bright memories to remain in my memory of the years spent in elementary school. Let's not be sad. May your life be cheerful and ringing, like the school bell that is now ringing for you.

Waltz of parting

Our last call sounds sad,

Lesson is over at the elementary school.

We studied here for many hours.

We studied a lot, studied a lot of hours...

We are already moving to fifth grade,

There will be another teacher there,

But today we promise you:

That we will justify the trust there.

That we will justify your trust in us.

Remember us more often,

And so that the fire in the soul does not go out,

We will visit our old class,

Our successes will be shared with you all.

Our successes will be shared with you all.

Your efforts are not wasted,

May all gardens bloom in your honor.

We are grateful for your hard work,

New first-graders are waiting for you.

First graders are waiting for you, first graders are waiting for you.

Celebration of farewell to elementary school. Scenario "Rainbow of Dreams"

The proposed holiday scenario with the participation of parents and elementary school students is useful for class teachers 4 classes. It helps to understand the results of the four-year life of the class team.
Target: creating a situation of active comprehension of the results of the four-year life of the class team; promoting in students and their parents a sincere sense of gratitude to everyone with whom they interacted at school over four years, and joy in connection with the transition to fifth grade.
Create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere for self-disclosure of personality.
Bring up Creative skills children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and performing arts.
Bring children and parents joy and pleasure from communicating with each other.
Equipment: computer, projector, microphones, ABC books, gifts, certificates, presentations, costumes for girls and boys, balloons, paints, cake

Progress of the holiday.

Before the start of the holiday, parents and elementary school students take their seats in the hall. Graduates behind the scenes.
Lyrical music sounds 1. The teacher comes on stage.
Teacher. Good afternoon, dear guests! They say that there are no miracles in the world... believe me, they exist and are even near us Sun rays, falling on a drop of rain, they break up into multi-colored rays. And a rainbow appears in the sky. The word rainbow is similar to the word joy. “Paradise Arc” - they called it in the old days and believed that it brings happiness.
And I would really like to wish the participants of today’s holiday to become at least a little happier under our rainbow of wishes (slide 1)
Today we are all a little worried, because we have an unusual day - we are saying goodbye to primary school. We ask the perpetrators of today's event to take the stage!
2 “We came to you in an hour!”
We are all nimble, athletic,
Brave, active
Smart, inquisitive -
In general, attractive!
All skillful, beautiful,
Crafty, happy...
4th grade is:
large friendly team;
those who like to talk to their neighbor;
the noisiest class during recess;
our Larisa Nikolaevna’s headache;
Let's get down to business - things won't go well;
a cheerful bunch of guys;
average age 11 years, and the total - over two hundred;
favorite day of the week is Sunday;
The general mood is cheerful.
Teacher: Here they are - our beloved children: our boys and our girls. For four years, together with you, we have climbed the most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. We learned to count, write, read, make friends, and live according to the rules of our own school house. Now you are so good that I am sorry to part with you.
And once upon a time...
Dear guys, dear adults. Let us go back in time and remember how it all began. Slide 2
3 Song "Our school country» (Maxim and Alina)
4 "Plasticine Crow"(Ilya and Christina)
One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
When we were seven years old
Or maybe eight
Or maybe six years
We won't elaborate.
To one simple school,
Or maybe not school,
Or maybe not simple
Our mothers brought us.
It was an autumn day,
Or maybe not autumn,
Or maybe he wasn't standing
They brought us anyway.
One stranger's aunt
Or maybe not auntie,
Or maybe not a stranger,
It was the director.
Congratulated all parents
Congratulated all teachers
Congratulated the entire district
And he didn’t forget us.
We stood for half an hour
Or maybe they weren’t standing
With briefcases, with flowers
Under the sun, not in the shade.
But to the school where our class was,
Or maybe not our class,
Or maybe not to school
We were still taken in.
Behind the door is dad and grandma,
Behind the door is mom and grandpa,
Or maybe an aunt and uncle
We remained to wait.
And in class with us
Only the teacher remains
And he began to teach us.
Leading. We have matured a little, and years have already passed.
But the first school year We will probably always remember.
Student Ilya:
I studied in fourth grade...
Now I have moved to the fifth.
I'm under the sofa on the terrace
Yesterday I found my notebook.
My notebook – Ilya –
I lost it in first grade.
You can't understand a word inside!
Isn’t that what I wrote?
What terrible hooks
And dead circles -
Bent over like old men
And they hung off the line!
What a fat letter A!
Well, just like a frog!
My head is twisted
E's ear is missing.
What kind of nonsense is this?
Four sticks are jumping!
Everyone leaned over in all directions,
Like our fence at the dacha!
I had a lot of fun:
Kids write funny!
Presenter 2. And today the youngest students of our school came to congratulate you - meet first-graders (Seryozha and Dasha).
1st first grader:
Remember the first time
You were sitting in class
And like a teacher
They looked with all their eyes.
How are you a teacher?
Did they answer in unison?
You even have your own desks
Confused at the beginning!!!
2nd first grader:
And now you are adults,
Look what they are!
The girls are beautiful
Boys are dashing!
We are completely without envy,
Congratulations to all of you.
In fifth grade worthy
We want to go!
Teacher: You have completed one level of education – primary school. You filled up a lot of notebooks during your four years of study, but you remember how difficult it was at first, how you didn’t obey the letters, how carefully you drew sticks and hooks in your copybooks. Today I will return your copybooks as a souvenir of your first successes and disappointments at school.
The ceremonial presentation of the first notebooks to the guardians - the parents.
Presenter 1. And the guys also gained intelligence, learned to make friends, have fun, dance, and stage plays. And when they sing, the good energy from the songs can replace several nuclear power plants.
5 Song "One, two, three"(Christina, Arthur)
Presenter 1. The children have learned more than a thousand lessons since the first school bell called them on their way.
Presenter 2. Which lessons were your favorite and especially memorable?
Students: (Russian) to the melody “6 Chunga-changa"(Lera, Nastya)
I'm sitting in class again.
I don't take my eyes off the window.
It's already spring there, the streams are ringing,
Well, they keep telling me: “Teach, teach!”
I'm tired of declinations,
I'm tired of conjugations
I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.
I'm tired of studying
I want to fly like birds
Eh, I wish I could finish soon
This school!
I'm tired of writing letters, I'm tired.
I'd like to go and play ball.
I knock quietly with my hand.
I’m learning spelling and rules.
I'm already learning English
I'm very proud of this.
And today everything I know

I'll share it with my friends.
I call my grandmother Granny,
I call my brother - Brother
He is pleased - He is glad!
- If you want in life
Make your dreams come true
Do you want to become a free bird?
Must know languages
Goodbye – Goodbye
Don't forget to learn the language!
I was going to school
I took crayons and watercolors,
I was going to draw
Snow, snowdrifts and blizzards.
At a drawing lesson
You can get a lot done
And there will be similarities in the portrait,
You just have to want it.
I'm in drawing class
I waited for a call for almost an hour.
You will be understanding
Not all of us have Repins.
In music lessons
We were taught to sing together,
Dance, play and listen,
Don't look at your neighbor.
You have revealed to us the secret of various composers.
And without great music we have no joy in life.
7 "Dressy Fives"(Nastya, Kirill)
Dima SLIDE 3
I attended the lesson
I saw the gym
And the teacher was strict with us,
But this is an important lesson.
We're developing agility here.
Tell me, what is his name?
Competition "Primer" for spectators-parents.(2 teams) SLIDE 4
Try to read the ABC book again, but only at a faster pace.
In front of each team is a primer, open on the same page. Three representatives from each class begin to blow so that the pages turn by themselves. Who will be able to “read” as many sheets as possible in 30 seconds?
Presenter 2. And how the changes went! I think everyone is interested in knowing this.
Children are acting out poem “Everything is okay”
The bell rang
He calls us to class,
The teacher enters the classroom
The teacher looks at us.
Teacher: Was there a raid on our class?
Children: No!
Teacher: Did a hippopotamus come to us?
Children: No!
Teacher: Maybe the class is not ours?
Children: No!
Teacher: Maybe not our floor?
Children: Ours! There was just a change
And we acted out a scene here.
Teacher: So this is not a collapse?
Children: No!
Teacher: Didn’t our elephant dance?
Children: No!
Teacher: I am very happy.
It turned out,
I had no reason to worry!
Presenter 1. And how many talents we have, even now film the TV magazine “Yeralash”!
1st scene. (Alina)
Alina, let's solve the problem. Mom bought 1 kg chocolates and 300 g of toffee. How much?..Where are you going?!
Go home, otherwise they will eat everything!
2nd scene. (Nastya, Arthur)
Teacher: Do you chat in class?
Student: No.
Teacher: Are you cheating?
Student: What are you talking about!
Teacher: Are you fighting?
Student: Never!
Teacher: Do you have any shortcomings?
Student: I lie a lot.
3rd scene. (Pasha)
Pasha, you're disturbing the others. Read to yourself.
- But nothing is written about me here.
4th scene. (Maxim and dad)
Dad: Well, son, what did you do at school today?
Son: We were looking for spelling patterns in words
Dad: Spelling patterns in words?! Wait, let me remember!
We looked for them there too, when I was in school..... It’s necessary,
thirty years have passed! Haven't they found it yet?

« Funny incidents on lessons". Anton
We can hardly hear you in class
We answer or remain silent.
But among themselves
We speak very loudly.
The teacher doesn't scold us
Tells us “Well done!”
We always sit and read
We write something and count,
Why, we don’t know ourselves,
These are the sages!
Who jumps cheerfully under the desk,
Someone is looking for their pencil case.
But this simply means:
Our class is on its head.
"Funny incidents in class."
We play with a pencil,
We pick in the ear with a pen.
And we sit and draw -
We're having fun, we're not sad.
A change is coming
All the boys are on the carpet,
Someone wanted to climb the wall,
But he rolled down the wall.
We hope that in the fifth
It will be the other way around.
We will learn lessons,
Don't talk in class
And we believe it's great
Let's know all the subjects!
This lesson taught us
Love and observe nature,
Do not offend animals and birds,
Save fields, forests, and water.
We talked about everything:
About mushrooms and flowers,
About the birch tree, about the aspen tree,
About fields and meadows.

Song-clip “At my Russia”
The girls go to change clothes
The boys go to change clothes
Playing with the audience.
Teacher. Dear Guys!
I have a few questions for you.
Answer only together
Honestly, as always:
Is the holiday fun for everyone?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Leading. And now, guys,
Give me a friendly answer:
Are you sad at the holidays?
Children. No! No! No!
Honestly, as always:
Are you playful guys?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Friendly answer:
Are you brawlers and troublemakers?
Children. No! No! No!
Leading. Answer only together
Honestly, as always:
Are you a lover of surprises?
Children. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Leading. Now guys, give me
Friendly answer:
Aren't you afraid of difficulties?
Children. No! No! No!
It's time for us to welcome guests.
Are you ready, kids?
Adults also love surprises. Our musical gift will now be performed for our teachers.
8 Musical gift.
1. If I were a sultan, I would go to school.
And I became a teacher, I would read books.
But on the other hand, in such cases,
So many troubles and worries, oh, God save me!

2. We know, Sultans, how hard it is for you!
Educators' work is not easy!
Tears are flowing like a river, but we want to say:
“Thank you from us hundreds, hundreds of times!!!”
CHORUS: Ah! How can you not love teachers!
The boys won't be able to live without them!
3. We want to wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!
And for new victories, gain strength!
We send warm greetings to our classmate!
Let’s put it this way: “There is no one better than all of you in the world!”
CHORUS: It’s not bad at all to be a teacher,
It is much better to live in peace.
Presenter 1. Happiness is necessary condition full human life. When a person is happy, he will easily share his happiness with others. So be always happy and loved!
Our teachers received flowers as a gift.
Dramatization “It was in the evening...”
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Suddenly mother Olya said simply like this:
- We have 5 in our notebook, what about you?
- And we got a C again, and you?
- Yesterday our son wrote an essay.
I came up with the beginning, and then dad composed it.
My son got into a fight yesterday
Yes, he rolled around on the floor.
I washed my pants for two hours,
Yes, I sewed up my shirt.
Ours doesn't like vermicelli - that's just it.
Making your bed is two things.
And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,
He answers: “I won’t have time, I need to learn the rule.”
I have to go, because my daughter needs to draw something there.
Well, my son told me to write an account.
I need to solve 2 problems,
Sew up the school uniform.
We really need mothers!
Moms are important to everyone!
Student. But for whom, you know, children,
There is no one in the world more valuable than you.
Would you like to hear them today?
Of course, these are your parents!
Presenter 2. On your school journey, you were accompanied by faithful friends and helpers - your parents. They guided you with good advice and wise instructions. How sad their eyes became when sometimes you brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparkles lit up in them when everything worked out for you! What a blessing that you have such wonderful parents!
Your parents came to share today's joy. We give them the floor. (forming opposite each other)
But first, we need to say the phrase in chorus three times: “I want to know everything!”, but we need to say it backwards: “Ltanz esv uchokh!” Ready? Let's start!
Today, dear guys, we are very happy for you and say to you together:
"IN bon voyage! To 5th grade!
Parting words from parents.
Graduate Care Policy
1. It is not recommended to “wash” this product.
2. Petting is allowed, and as often as possible, without paying attention to his behavior.
3. It is recommended to use the “Graduate” product only for its intended purpose: to feed, drink, walk, entertain and let you sleep off after four years of lack of sleep and other inconveniences of school life.
4. If you do not handle the “Graduate” product with care, it may become damaged.
Teacher: Dear parents, let me present you with letters of gratitude for your attention to the life of the school, for your active participation in the life of the class
Presentation letters of thanks., gifts for parents.
Pasha: Parents are a native word,
For us there is no closer mother, father,
Let your eyes give us joy,
And the sadness will disappear from your face.
Presenter 1. Dear guests! I suggest once again admiring this fruit of collective labor.
Comic awarding of medals:
Medal for the ability to sit very quietly in class -
Medal for restlessness and gaiety -
Medal for shouting loudly in class -
Medal for special ability to engage others in lessons important matters -
Medal for the ability to quickly find (sometimes incorrect) answers -
Medal for cheerfulness and carelessness -
Medal for the ability to create an unforeseen situation -
Medal for love of order -
Medal for courage and sportsmanship -
Graduate Exam
- The most unpleasant thing for a poor student is in the briefcase. (Diary)
- Most main man At school. (Student)
- Assistance to the student, which is provided in a whisper. (Clue)
- A tool used by parents to discipline disobedient children. (Belt)
- Why does the director go to school? (On the ground)
- On what street is our school located?
- In what year did you come to 1st grade?
Presenter 1. From year to year, from class to class
Time leads us inaudibly
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly we grow.
We've been on the road for four years
Where are you ordered to go?
All 16 together at once
Let's go, friends, we're in 5th grade.
Fifth grader's oath.
Presenter 2. Putting our hand on the place where the heart beats, we solemnly say in unison:
“I, an elementary school graduate, vow to continue my studies in the 5th grade, to be honest and fair, and not to tarnish the title of the 2016 graduate.
When I join the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of my parents, in the face of my teacher, I solemnly swear:
1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. I swear!
2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100 C. I swear!
3. Be fast and swift, but not exceed a speed of 60 km/h when moving along school corridors. I swear!
4. It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. I swear!
5. Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. I swear!
6. Be worthy of your teachers. I swear!
Presenter 1. Attention! Attention!
I hasten to inform you,
What is cake for fifth graders?
It's time for us to contribute.
Presenter 2. Let there be applause
In honor of this wonderful moment.
The girls in our class love to dance.
They will be transformed in dance - you won’t know right away.
After all, in dance you get rid of all abstract worries.
Besides, girls are cheerful people.
Dance "Rainbow of Wishes"
Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end.
I want to wish you before the long journey
Not so little anymore, not so much anymore;
So that the sun shines, so that it is joyful
Walk along the ladder of knowledge with friends.
So that grief and misfortune bypasses you all,
May it be fun to grow and dream!
Yesterday, and today, and tomorrow, and after, As long as you live
Before blue sky, until the sun, To the cherished goal, Always unchanged, where - unknown, as long as it floats - float, float! Grow, grow!
And I wish you a happy journey, fair winds! And may misfortunes and storms pity you more often, And may your wings fly higher and whiter and brighter!
Song "Farewell to elementary school."

"Farewell to Elementary School"

Host: Good evening, dear guests!

Host: Good evening

The years fly by, fly by inexorably.

Like a light breeze over the mast of ships!

Like a fairytale prima ballerina

Soars above his humility.

There is no gravity of attraction in them yet

And a load of restless failures,

They have one awkward embarrassment

And someone's very touching cry.

Presenter: We welcome everyone who is present at our “Farewell to Elementary School” celebration

Four years flew by like four days.

And then the day of parting came.

But life is a road that has no end,

And the world of knowledge in it is inexhaustible.

Completed test papers.

Parents were torn away from their daily worries.

The teachers became a little sadder and more thoughtful, and the children became more serious.

The words became more excited... And the silence was felt more acutely, as if just before leaving... (pause)

- ... before those who said goodbye to elementary school went on stage,

ready to enter into a new, more adult life!

Solemn music sounds as graduates enter the hall.

To bring joy to you, 4th grade has arrived!

Their faces are kind and happy, their souls sing with each other

It’s impossible not to fall in love with these people, not to marvel at their beauty.

Nimble, athletic, brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

Overall attractive

Everyone is smart and beautiful,

Crafty ones, happy ones!

(the presenters took their places)

Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests!

The day of your farewell to elementary school has come! Four years ago you came to first grade. Here you and I climbed difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge. You learned to read and count, learned to make friends, learned to live according to strict school rules. Today we are both sad and happy. It’s sad because in the fall you will go to fifth grade, you will have new teachers, and new students will come to me. Joyful - because you have all matured, become smarter and learned a lot. Today is your graduation day!

Today is a very special day,

We have gathered here, friends,

To say goodbye to elementary school

You and I will do this.

Everything in life begins with a school bell...

The desks set off on a long journey.

There, ahead, there will be steeper starts

And more seriously. In the meantime...

Dictations and tasks, successes, failures,

Adverbs, verbs and ancient centuries.

Either the word does not bend, then the Volga will be lost.

It all starts with the school bell.

The bell sounds cheerful,

We're leaving for fifth grade.

Thank you, starters,

We won't forget you!

To the fifth grade, to the fifth grade

The school invites us.

Goodbye, dear class,

We say goodbye to you.

We say goodbye and dance,

We don't cry, we sing,

Because failure

We leave it overboard.

Dear parents, we would like to introduce you to the WALTZ dance.

Years will pass and it will ring

Call to last time.

Today is the rehearsal -

Goodbye fourth grade.

Song about school “What they teach at school”

We ask you very much now

Everyone listen to our story,

How we all lived these 4 years

But we remember like yesterday

We all walked here together

And hold the kids’ hands 2 times

They brought us

We will tell you today

But how the years fly by

We didn't notice how they rushed by

So we all grew up 2 times

We're already in fifth grade

Well, we only have to finish singing the verse

Write different letters

Rita Khazretovna taught us a long time ago

And then multiply

Solve examples in a column 2 times

For everything we want to say thank you!

Last lesson finished today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under our arms and we are skipping along,

And together we step beyond the school threshold.

And wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I find,

On the river and in the field - I remember school,

I remember that I moved to fifth grade!

Everyone is very excited today

This happens in moments of separation.

Don't be sad, now he will congratulate you

Our director, teacher and friend!

A poem dedicated to the school principal.

****The cup of our unspent feelings,

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude

We address you, Madina Mukhamedovna.

The floor for congratulations and presentation of certificates is given to the director of the school, Madina Mukhamedovna Zaubidova.

(hand over a bouquet)

You loved us all equally,

Your love, sharing equally with everyone.

Because you molded us into people.

In chorus: Thank you, teachers!

And there was no one kinder or stricter than you,

When the world was opened to us from scratch.

Because we are like you,

In chorus: Thank you, teachers!

We all worried you a little,

Sometimes angry, sometimes happy.

For taking us on our way,

In chorus: Thank you, teachers!

For the eternal multiplication table

Because the Earth was given to us,

Because we are all your continuation.

In chorus: Thank you, teachers!

The service of head teachers is dangerous and difficult

And at first glance it seems invisible.

And if someone here and there sometimes

Skip school

So, you need to fight an invisible battle -

This is what fate has destined for you alone:

The service compels!

We will give the floor to the head teacher of the school, Zhanna Ramadovna Maleeva. (presentation of certificates)

(hand over flowers)

Teacher first

Everyone has their own

Everyone has it good

But the best is MINE!

We are grateful to the first teacher, Madina Muratovna Kitova, for teaching us to see a piece of beauty and grace in everything. The floor is given.

(hand over flowers).

We are grateful to the English teacher Svetlana Mazanovna Kardanova for teaching us to speak English beautifully. (hand over flowers)

We are grateful to computer science teacher Zuleta Shagobanovna Urumova

We are grateful to the teachers of the after-school group Vykova Angela Aslanbekovna and Kencheshaova Oksana Mukhadzhirovna

We are grateful to music teacher Rita Khamidovna Kikova.

Thank you, our first teacher,

For your enormous work that you put into us.

Of course, the first issue is yours,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

The song "Oh-oh-oh!"

Load more and more of us

For some reason they did.

Today our fourth grade is

Like an institute.

We have to decide

Problems with X's...

Dads and moms from them

They cry with us!

What will happen in the fifth? (3 times)

Oh oh oh! (Entire chorus 2 times)

2) We are boys sometimes

They pulled my braids,

And then the girls

They didn't allow demolition

We'll grow up over the summer

Let's become bolder

We will come to you in fifth grade

A little more skillfully.

What will happen in the fifth? 2 times

3) Wish the teachers

We want patience

And forgive us sometimes

Stormy fun.

We're already adults

They steel against their will

New things await us

At our high school.

What will happen in the fifth? 2 times

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too.

Your care and attention and patience

They always help us like that.

All these four years, guys, you studied with you and your parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters helped you in everything.

Girls and boys!

Let's be together!

Let's say thank you to mom!

Let's say thank you to dad!

Let's say thank you to the grandmothers!

Let's say thank you to the grandfathers!

For troubles, for caresses,

For songs and fairy tales!

For delicious cheesecakes!

Here's to new toys!

Children (in unison) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you very much for your patience, for the support and attention you gave us. It’s not without reason that they say that the very first teachers are mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Without your participation, we would not be able to raise such wonderful children - our elementary school graduates. Therefore, allow me to present thanks

For you Dear Parents MODERN DANCE.

The word for congratulations is given to our dear parents.

I really want to please all our guests today,

And we have prepared a lot of festive things for everyone.


The guys sat in a row on a log

And the three of them talk quietly about school.

I like school, Natasha said.

All my life I've been dreaming about school, guys.

I like the teacher, Petya said.

He is strict, I have never seen anyone like him before.

And after thinking a little, Lena said to me,

What I like best is CHANGE!


Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down! Get out your notebooks and textbooks. Fine…

(Mejid extends his hand) What do you have there, Medjid?

Majid (rummaging through his briefcase): Rita Khazretovna, my grandmother forgot to give me a notebook! She's old...

Teacher: It’s time, Majid, for you to look after your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here's your notebook. And so that this would not happen again... So we opened the notebooks... Okay... (Mejid reaches out his hand again) What, Medjid?

Majid: Rita Khazretovna, my grandfather left my textbook at home...

Teacher: What does this have to do with grandfather? You are already big. What a shame! Here is the textbook, but for the last time... So we took the pencils...

Majid (rummaging through his briefcase): Rita Khazretovna! Mom promised to put it in, but she probably forgot...

Teacher: What is this? Because of you, we can't start class! Here's a pencil! All! We took the rulers...

Majid (rummaging through his briefcase): Rita Khazretovna, my dad is responsible for the ruler...

Teacher: Horror! Grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, where are you, Medjid, a student? Or does everyone have a bad memory?

Majid: No, we all have good memories... And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me... Where did it all go?

Teacher: So, is your briefcase completely empty?

(Mejid, surprised, takes out from his briefcase children's pistol, pie, cubes, shoe... classmates laugh, Eldar most of all)

Eldar: Just like in the movies! Well, Majid! No adults are watching me, and I have everything!

Teacher: Maleev, do you at least have a diary with you?

Majid: I’ll take a look now (Joily takes out a crumpled diary) Here! (carries to the teacher)

Teacher: Diary of a 4th grade student... Eldar Khapantsev...

(everyone is perplexed. Then a burst of laughter).

Teacher: Khapantsev, what is written on your diary?

(Eldar takes out a diary from the same briefcase and reads)

Eldar: Diary of a 4th grade student Maleev Majid...

Majid: He took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you, I got into trouble... I, Rita Khazretovna, said that I myself saw how my briefcase was collected in the evening! Eh, Khapantsev! And aren't you ashamed?

Russian language

Teacher: What was the homework assignment?

Student: Find all the nouns in the text and determine the case in them.

Teacher: Read Student: “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve.”

Teacher: Continue!

Student: "Dad and Mom." Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Scolded someone, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Well, the “promise,” of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Egor. I wonder what rating you would suggest giving yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

Teacher: Nika, why does your father always do your homework for you?

Nika: Mom doesn’t have free time!


Teacher: The problem is being solved... Inna. (Inna goes to the board) Listen carefully to the statement of the problem. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How much... (Inna heads to the door) Inna, where are you going?!

Inna: I ran home to eat some candy!

Teacher: Dima, if you have ten rubles and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Dima: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don’t know math!

Dima: No, you don’t know my brother!

Teacher: Mitya, please answer how to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

Mitya: Marya Ivanovna, I will answer your question only in the presence of my lawyer!

The world

Teacher: What are dense forests? Answer, Nastya!

Nastya: These are the kind of forests in which... it’s good to doze off.

Teacher: Veronica, please name the parts of the flower.

Veronica: Petals, stem, pot.

Seryozha holds out his hand.

Teacher: What do you want, Seryozha? Is there something you want to ask?

Seryozha: Mary Ivanna, is it true that people descended from monkeys?

Teacher: True.

Seryozha: That's what I see: there are so few monkeys!

Teacher: Vlad, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?

Vlad: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

A few minutes later the classroom door opens and a latecomer enters.

(To the tune of the song from the movie “I.V. Changes Profession”)

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

I was late for class again.

I didn’t want to, but I lied again:

That the alarm clock let me down

The elevator is stuck, the bus has left,

And then I quickly ran.

But, alas, I was late again.

The bell rings. Turn!

(The support group sings to the tune of the song “Pursuit”)

Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over

The guys finally broke the chain.

Don't stand on the threshold, otherwise you will disappear.

They rush, they rush, they rush, they rush

And you can’t stop them.

School themed jokes.

Mother. Son, have you already corrected that D you got in math?

Son. I corrected it, Mom, but only in the diary. It didn’t work out in the magazine, because the teacher doesn’t leave the classroom during recess, and if she does, she hides the magazine.

Son. Mom, the teacher made a mistake today.

Mother. Like this?

Son. She asked me how much it would be if I subtract five from eight. I didn't answer. Then she said: “Two! Take a seat!” And there will be three, not two.

Mother. Sonny! Why is it written in your diary that you didn’t do anything in class?

Son. How is it that you didn’t do anything?! Who pushed Lenka?

Scene "mother and son"

The student runs home to his mother:

Mom, give me all the candies, I'll eat them!

Why everything? Leave a little for tomorrow, the mother advises.

But the teacher told us: “never leave for tomorrow what you can do today.”

Why are you so gloomy, did something happen to you?

No, I’m worried about you: you’re being called to school tomorrow.

Sketch “Know the rules of the Russian language”

(A girl comes out, her throat is wrapped in a scarf.)

Masha: I really want to go to school as soon as possible, to see the kids. It's time to take the medicine. (Takes a bottle of medicine, reads the label and starts squeaking. Tanya runs in)

Tanya: What happened Masha? Why are you squeaking?

Masha: Yes, I took the medicine, but here it is written (reads): “One spoon three times, after meals”

Tanya: Oh, you stupid! You probably read: “After eating, not / food”

Masha: Oh, our teacher told us at school that changing the emphasis can change the meaning of words. Yes, it is useful to know the rules of the Russian language.

Homework dramatization

Well, son, what did you do at school today?

Son: We were looking for spelling patterns in words

Dad: Spelling patterns in words?! Wait, let me remember!

We looked for them there too, when I was in school..... It’s necessary,

thirty years have passed! Haven't they found it yet?

What a damn task!

I fought and fought - failure.

There were already circles in my eyes...

Sit down, dad, help!

Head up, son!

With dad you are not alone. (Sits down for class)

We were told to underline parts of speech in the exercise.

Do me a favor, mom, be more careful!

Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down for class)

And for you, grandma, some paints,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep.

Draw a picture for the fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.

No, she’s old - not the same eye.

(Pavlik is crying)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat!

I'll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on my back,

But no fun from school

He was returning home.

Mom: - What did you bring?

Pavlik: - Look for yourself!

Dad: - No, report first!

Pavlik: - Dad five,

four for mom, and for you, grandma, two

Today he bids us farewell,

Able to keep secrets

Our first teacher

What could he teach us?

Hope, believe, love.

What lies ahead is unknown

But we will never forget

Those good songs that we sang together,

We will cherish and love them.

My teacher!!!

1) A gentle call calls for your desks

The cheerful light goes silent for a while

The teacher starts his lesson

And everything around seems to freeze

All the years we were taught to understand

Both difficult and easy subjects

The teacher doesn't know how to get tired

Checks notebooks until dawn!

My good teacher

Well, why are you silent?

2) We were not bearable sometimes

It’s as if a demon has entered our souls

The teacher will quietly say: “no problem”

After all, my teacher is the best.

The years flew by in quick succession

And the time has come to say goodbye

Teacher, we didn't know what was wrong with you

We will be very sad to leave...

My good teacher

Well, why are you silent?

Tears suddenly sparkled in my eyes

You opened the world to us and no matter where we lived,

And the school will always be in our hearts!

Teacher's response.

My dear guys!

Today I say goodbye to you.

Maybe I was too strict in some ways,

You'll forgive me. Let's be friends.

I was with you in happiness and in sorrow.

Your “twos” upset me,

And when in the diaries there are “fives” -

Suddenly the sorrows were forgotten.

Do not forget your works,

Sometimes you wrote in poetry.

And I was happy, admired

And, of course, I grew up with you.

And I will remember good things about you,

Everything bad will remain in the past.

You will go to others to study,

But our hearts will not part.

You loved funny poems.

Mothers came to us for a holiday

And also... birthdays, remember?

How they went differently.

We walked quickly through the lessons,

And sometimes they ran or rushed.

We strived for deep knowledge

We always got more

So I want you to remember

Friendly class, and lessons, and holidays,

And the literature you love,

And of course, mathematics.

All this will not come back,

This will now remain in the past...

We won't leave until eleven.

The fourth year of study has come to an end. We all moved to fifth grade.

Attention! The solemn moment arrives. Now you have to give "Fifth-grader's oath."

Children solemnly take an oath.

“Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:

1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. I SWEAR!

2. Don't bring teachers to a boiling point of 100°C. I SWEAR!

3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors! I SWEAR!

4. It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. I SWEAR!

5. Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. I SWEAR!

6. To be worthy of your teachers, I SWEAR! "

Presenters: For 4 years we moved from class to class together. And on this day we boys want to tell the girls

You are so nice to us,

You girls are simply awesome!!!

That's why we really want

Be like you!

You are as beautiful as stars

And the eyes sparkle with fire,

And your smiles are sweet

Outshine the sun during the day

We wish you only happiness

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no such thing in the entire school.

Presenters: We, girls, want to say a response

And we are under your protection

We can live quite calmly.

As long as your backs are strong,

We will have nothing to worry about.

Therefore, friends, let's

With all my heart, without further ado

Protect us from all adversity

But just, mind you, no bruises!

Our dear boys,

Congratulations to you are not from a book,

And from the heart our congratulations

And on top of that, respect.

Song "Childhood"

Dear Guys! Our festive concert dedicated to the end of primary school has ended, there are many beautiful and useful words was said to you. Always remember them! Don't forget your elementary school, come to us, we will be glad to see these meetings. I wish you success in your further studies.

Dear Parents! I am grateful to you for your cooperation, for the help you provided me in raising and educating your children.

Take care of your daughters and sons, help them, be attentive and patient with them. Health to everyone, happiness, peace, solar heat. Thanks to everyone who came to the celebration.

Tatiana Gorokhova

« Farewell to elementary school»

Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities Events:

1) In musical and literary form, carry out farewell to primary school at the end of the primary school course.

2) Strengthening the love of knowledge, school, the process of learning about the world through educational activities.


Festive decorated classroom, posters, newspaper with photographs of children about school life during 4 years of study.

Celebration progress:


Today in our school holiday

Graduation in 4th grade.

But for some reason I'm the only one here

And there is no fuss.

Nobody is running, calm down.

The classroom is just decorated, a white sheet of paper.

I don't understand what happened?

Hey guys, where are you?

Well, finally show up.

We the holiday should be held.

They are silent. Well then.

Then I guess I'll start.

And this white sheet in the classroom.

Probably not without reason, friends.

Indeed, 4 years ago it all began with such a blank sheet of paper. First-graders came to see me. They were like white leaves to me, I didn’t know them. And then we're all together started fill out this sheet. Let's see what kind of picture we get.

(I attach the middle of the flower)

It's me. But how sad and lonely I feel on such a large sheet.


And here we are, your first petals. (Attached)


Yes, these are Tanya and Yura - petals, they are our flowers anyway.


Knock, knock, let me in, I’ll stick a petal too. (attaches)


And this is Nikita and Seryozha - come in, 2 more petals are in place.


I’m called Vanechka, perhaps I’ll also cling to a petal.


Me, just stick me. Although I am small, I am mischievous, and besides, I am good-looking. (attaches)


And without me the flower is incomplete, I also say this, so I will stick my petal to the middle.


We are petals from this flower and there is no other way, friends.


Everything is correct Nastya and Tanya, we know that. And with joy we wish to stick your leaves as soon as possible.


I, Maxim, were recognized. (attaches)


Well, look, we have almost collected the entire flower.


I am also among many petals, it’s nice to be in a group,

And my beautiful petal can land in this place.

The flower is assembled, the petals are in place, but we are missing something.

Guess who I'm talking about?

Knows how, if you need to mend a sock,

With their help, you can prepare a lesson,

Be the first to learn

To be the first in work,

We don’t like white-handed girls anywhere,

Your good friend teaches you

Beloved, dear teacher.

(Teachers come out and attach a stem with leaves)


So we got together and became friends and became a single class.

Let's remember today once again what these four years were like.

SONG: « Primary School»

Student 1: Holding my mother’s hand securely,

Then we went to class for the first time

For my very first lesson in my life.

Who met us first? School bell!

Student 2: Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

Student 3: We remember that funny call,

What rang for us for the first time,

When they entered with flowers school,

To my first, best, class.

Student 4: Sitting at your desk carefully

So that do not wrinkle the school uniform

We opened our ABC books

They opened a blank notebook.

Student 5: We were all funny kids,

When you first entered the bright classroom

and received a piece of paper with pencils

We sat down at a desk for the first time in our lives.

Student 6: How the teacher greeted me at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,

And a big noisy family

New girlfriends and friends.

First teacher! You will never forget her, like a true friend. It was she who taught us to write the first words, count, read, work and make friends.

Student 7: You led us along the road of knowledge,

Having given us a lot of strength and labor,

How much effort have you put in?

May we always study well!

Student 8: Thank you for loving us so much,

Although they were sometimes strict with us,

Because you taught us to think,

For everything, for everything they did for us!

Student 9: Today is our day -

Both sad and cheerful,

After all, we say goodbye to my family

Our elementary school.

Student 10: So we have become big,

Let's move on to fifth grade.

Do you remember what

Did we come to you for the first time?

Teacher:I will always remember the first time -

How little you were!

When you entered the classroom so timidly,

You and I immediately fell in love with each other.

You have successfully mastered science.

You so wanted to know about everything!

I think you've learned something in 4 years.

Alas, I can’t predict

What will happen in your life in years to come?

But I want to believe so, to know for sure,

That adversity will pass you by.

Guys, I will be doubly glad,

When I hear good things about you,

I find out that you are completely happy, -

It will be like a balm for my soul.

Teacher: Let's sit down at our desks and see what you were like. (Photos of children, presentation)

Teacher: Dear children and dear adults! Today we sum up the results of four years of study at primary school. And even though the exams no primary school, we decided to take them through the stations - in the form of a game that will help test the children’s knowledge and practical skills.

Success will depend on friendly, coordinated work.


A game "Bubble"

1. "Catch the letter"

You need to insert unstressed vowels into words

2. "Catch Bugs"

Find the bug bubbles.


1. Game "Masha and the Bear"

Help the bear guess Car examples.

2. game "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf"

Collect the pies in the basket by solving the examples.

3. Game "Find a house for dogs"


1. Name the works of M. Prishvin.

Lisichkin…. (bread).

Golden... (meadow).

Floors…. (forests).

Peak…. (lady).

Talk …. (trees).

Treacherous... (sausage).

Guys and (Ducklings)

2. Crossword "Chukovsky".


Song "Sunny bunnies"


Everywhere in the world there are children,

And where there are children, there is certainly a game.

We want to test you

Riddles about make a wish for school.

(1 slide)

1. Pack your briefcase, my friend,

It will ring soon... (Call)

(2 slide)

2. I carry it with me,

I don’t dip, but I write,

Wonderful thing

Self-recording (pen)

(3 slide)

3. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line

Write for me if you can

You can also draw

I call myself... (Notebook)

(4 slide)

4. The bell rings, hurries us,

And we run into the bright... (Class)

(5 slide)

5. There is a house, whoever enters it,

That mind will acquire... (School)

(6 slide)

6. Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles…. (compass)


But don’t think that we were just studying all the time, we had a lot of interesting holidays. And on everyone holidays we love to sing and dance.


(Children sing ditties)

All. We are funny guys

We'll sing ditties for you,

If you like ditties,

Then we'll sing for an encore.

The accordion plays merrily.

Eh, we have a team!

In our class from the boys

Don't look away straight away.

Our girls have blossomed

Like daisies in a meadow,

Well, they sing songs,

Like little birds in the garden.

I read very quickly

Everyone in the class is proud of me

Not a single boy in class

Won't keep up with me.

Don't look like that, girls.

We won't worry

We'll learn to the fullest

And let's compete.

How can I not get proud -

I'm doing well.

All tests

I passed with five marks.


I dance and sing

And I study well

And besides, look

Very pretty.


Tanya loves to draw

But Zhenya, our Zhenya loves to dream.

Eh, girls, you girls,

You are arguing in vain.

We are still ahead -

You won't overtake us.

We studied with you in class

Four years old

Time flew by quickly

And that's the point!

No - not a point!

We are all together

Our friendship is strong

And so the whole class

Let's move on to fifth grade.

DANCE « School Waltz»


Now we'll show you skit"Robot"

Son (pointing to the robot): Oh, who is this?


This is a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me what grades you received today in school.

Son: 5.

Boom! (The robot pretends to slap the head)

Mother: So you told a lie. So what did you actually get?

Son: 4.

Mother: Not true again. What did you get?

Son: 3.

Mother: Tell me the truth. What did they give you?

Son (sighing):2.

The robot strokes his son's head.

Mother: Oh you!

And when I was your age, I only got straight A’s!

Scene: boys.

1. Teachers want to see us like this (fold hands)

2. Moms want to see us like this (sweeping)

3. Dads want to see us like this (show muscles)

4. Grandmothers want to see us like this (puff out cheeks, stroke belly)

5. Girls - classmates want to see us like this (sit down on one knee and give a flower)

6. But we are who we are.



Student 1:

We can help a person in Hard time, let's sympathize with him.

Student 2:

Be hardworking.

It won’t be difficult for us to clear the table, help mom clean the room, make the bed.

Student 3:


We know how to talk to people and greet each other.

Student 4: kind,

Student 5: sensitive,

Student 6: responsive,

Student 7: patient,


Let's check how much you know polite words, let's play a game "Dictionary of Polite Words"

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello... (Good morning)

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

AND Good morning last until evening.

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... (Good afternoon)

A boy, polite and developed,

He says when meeting…. (Hello)

The ice block will melt

From a warm word... (Thank you)

When they scold you for pranks,

Let's talk: Sorry (Please)

If you can't eat anymore,

We'll tell mom (Thank you)

Both in France and Denmark

They say, saying goodbye(Goodbye)

With great love to all of you

I wish you strong (health)



Now it's time to say goodbye,

And we want to wish you:

Always willing to work,

Don't be lazy to acquire knowledge

AND don't forget elementary school.

Student 1:

Year after year

From class to class

Time leads us silently

And hour after hour

Day after day

So imperceptibly we grow.

We've been on the road for 4 years

Where are you ordered to go?

Everyone said in unison

Let's go, friends, to fifth grade.

Student 2:

Last lesson finished today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under the arm

And we're skipping along.

And together we walk behind school threshold.

Student 3:

And there, beyond the threshold, moving the leaves,

The maples sway, the poplars rustle.

And all this means that summer has begun.

That forests and fields await us.

Student 4:

But wherever I am, wherever I go.

No matter what new friends I find,

On the river and in the field I remember school,

I remember that I moved to the 5th grade.

All. We will say goodbye to you with a merry song school,

So that in the fall go back to school again!

Everyone sings the final song to the music of the song by A. Pakhmutova "Goodbye, Moscow".

Our class is getting quieter

You can even hear the beating of hearts.

Goodbye, Primary School,

This school is a road of miracles.

We cry and are sad when we part,

Remembering happy days

How did we come here as kids?

And how we left you.

In this class you dreamed with us

And they led the road of knowledge,

Here we met our friends,

Here we made discoveries.

Don't be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you, and more than once.

Let others come to replace us,

We are the only ones like you.


Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart.

Let's take care of our friendship

What else to read