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If we're talking about about sports or rhythmic gymnastics, then the question at what age can a child be enrolled in classes is quite logical - after all, this is very early view sports If you become a master of sports at the age of 14, then the path to this title cannot begin late.


Girls are sent to gymnastics early. There are two reasons - firstly, children have the flexibility and stretching that they received from nature. Secondly, gymnastics is a very difficult sport and strict discipline is required in classes. It is better to accustom one to completing tasks, to a routine, to certain rules from the very beginning. early age.

Officially, sports schools accept girls from the age of five. Apparently they have certain sanitary standards for this - by the age of five, the child is formed psychologically just like a child, and not like a toddler. It is easier to work with such children in a group; there is no need to waste energy on individual approach.

But still, the most important thing in gymnastics is the physical development of the child. If the girl is physically developed, she can give it away at four years old. Physical development is determined by the coach during a simple testing process - he allows the girl to do pull-ups, do a corner on the gymnastics ladder, and checks her stretching. But still, muscle strength is more decisive than stretching, because at an early age almost all children have stretching, and it still persists from birth.

Olympic champion Liliya Podkopaeva started training at age 5

The second thing the coach checks is psychological sanity, that is, the ability to fulfill the teacher’s requirements in class. All children at an early age are more or less disobedient, because they want to play and cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. But in terms of education, children are flexible, the coach will definitely be able to cope with the child if the parents understand that the main coach is in the lesson and will instill this in the child. Parents should not speak unflatteringly about the coach in the presence of the child, then the teacher will have authority in the child’s eyes.

Sometimes a child is sent to gymnastics at three years old. As a rule, if parents know the coach well, then by mutual agreement they can bring the child to training so that he gets used to the atmosphere of the gym and learns the simplest elements. Of course, in three years old There can be no talk of any regularity, but it is quite possible to start doing gymnastics at this age.

Until what age do girls take classes?

Parents should know that gymnastics disciplines the child well and makes him strong. At first, classes have a choreographic focus. Children are stretched, taught dance elements, and perform pumping exercises. The first competitions in artistic gymnastics are also aimed at these elements - pull-ups on the horizontal bar, tuck, splits. This is the third youth category. The second youth category includes floor exercises, but competitions in physical training there is also.

The first youth competition is held without examining the physical training of gymnasts; all the main elements of adult categories are present - deck, parallel bars, floor exercises, vault. But all the elements are quite simple, there shouldn’t be many injuries.

Girls receive the third adult level at the age of about eight years. This category already makes parents think - adult means complex. The elements become more complex and injuries are difficult to avoid. The second adult category is nine to ten years old, it includes such complex elements that the body of many children begins to not be able to withstand it and health problems may begin, for example, osteochondropathy of the joints of the knees and heels.

The first adult category is as difficult as the degree of candidate for master of sports and master of sports. The exercises are not just difficult, but extreme, injuries are almost inevitable, and the body also works for wear and tear. You need to have good genetic data, good muscle mass to continue studying full force. Therefore, for those who do not want to play sports professionally, it is better to stop classes and switch the child to other sports or choreography - athletics, dancing and the like.

Gymnastics provides such general physical training that children can easily find a place in any children’s circle, becoming leaders. For example, we can say that one girl, with the degree of candidate for master of sports, took up rowing and two years later received a silver medal at the youth championships. olympic games.

Of course, there are parents who understand that the girl cannot progress further in sports, but they say that the child has been doing gymnastics for many years and he needs to get a master's degree (master of sports diploma). They agree with the coach that the child will work out at half strength and will pass. minimum requirements to stay in the sport. But you need to think about whether this makes sense, because the load and injuries will still not go away, and perhaps during this time the child will be able not only to prove himself, but also to find his way in new field activities.


At what age do boys start training? Sports schools Recruited from the age of six. The practice in which a boy studies from the age of four is practically absent, but from the age of five a child can easily start studying if his level of psychological and physical development. For guys, this sport is longer and the time periods are more “extended” than for girls, although this also has its own age restrictions. Certain categories must be taken at a certain age.

If we talk about boys, we only mean artistic gymnastics. The boys have rhythmic gymnastics, it is in its infancy and even aspires to Olympic status. But it looks quite funny and absurd, so we’re not talking about it.

Boys' exercises are challenging, but still more strength-oriented and not as extreme as girls' exercises. Although injuries are also present and by the first adult level you need to seriously think about whether you need to continue further. The fact is that gymnastics adds health and strength up to a certain stage. And then, as the body allows, too much stress can lead to health failure.

If your child’s classes are intense, and he starts serious problems with joints, spine, you need to first take a break and give the body a chance to recover. If, with further loads, the problems do not disappear, and the health condition worsens, you need to switch to other sports, guys have many strength sports areas, I will not delve into this issue. It will not be possible to practice half-heartedly - the program of this extreme and spectacular sport does not allow. But guys can train until they are thirty, so if you want, you can stretch out your training for many years.

Anyone can do gymnastics, and from an early age, from 4 to 5 years old. But this is a complex sport that requires many resources of the body. Therefore, at about 11–12 years old, you need to decide whether to continue training or continue training in other sports. Now you know at what age to start your child in this sport, and in what mode to practice - it’s up to you, everyone can be athletes, but only a few can be professionals. But gymnastics is the only sport where children can be professionals, and this is its advantage.

Very often, before sending a child to a sports section, parents are faced with the question: at what age is it best to do this. The question is very important, since it is actually the key to the future sports success and achievements of a novice athlete.

Each sport is completely individual and so is the age at which you can start playing it. Since the activities of our company are devoted to rhythmic gymnastics, it is quite logical that we will consider in more detail the question at what age a child can and should be sent to rhythmic gymnastics, as well as what qualities this sport develops.

Rhythmic gymnastics from what age?

According to experts, the optimal age to start gymnastics is 3-4 years. At this age, girls already have well-formed bones, and their muscles and ligaments are quite elastic.

With age, this muscle property is lost and it will be more difficult to start doing gymnastics, especially if the child has not played any other sports and the muscles are poorly developed. In this case, the girl’s build does not matter at all: whether she is a tall, thin or short, plump girl. During the process of growth and training, the body composition will change and the athletes will show different results.

An important role in the development and achievements of gymnasts is played by the skill and knowledge of the coach, whose skills and experience also determine the emotional and physical health gymnasts.

Rhythmic gymnastics is an elegant and graceful sport, and by doing it, girls themselves become delightfully graceful and flexible. Variety of movements with different gymnastic apparatus provide uniform development of all muscle groups, develop coordination and quick reaction, hearing and sense of rhythm. In addition, gymnastics, like other sports, disciplines and strengthens the athlete’s character and raises self-esteem. For girls, rhythmic gymnastics classes are also useful because in comfortable tracksuits they give a great feeling own body. And even if in the future the girl gives preference to other sports, she will already be perfectly prepared for any physical activity and mastering new sports, such as dancing, acrobatics, swimming (including synchronized), and figure skating. Of course, you may ask: “Why not immediately send the child to the right section?” It’s simple - not all sports can be started at the age of 3, and a child of that age is unlikely to show a conscious interest in anything, and rhythmic gymnastics will provide maximum opportunities and create the preconditions for further success. sports career girls. Well, and on top of everything else, by studying in the gymnastics section, children develop communication skills, a certain circle of friends and interests appears, which also contributes to harmonious development child.

Today, there are many rhythmic gymnastics sections that invite adults to participate in classes. In them, as a rule, the focus is on improving health, improving posture, maintaining a figure, but on serious sports achivments they are not oriented.

So, at what age do you start doing gymnastics?

Summing up, we can say with confidence that rhythmic gymnastics is exactly the springboard that will lift your child to any heights of sports success and achievements, so if you want your child to achieve a certain professional level, it is necessary to start classes with early years and do gymnastics seriously and with pleasure.

Creation date: 05/25/2015 13:00:55
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