How many husbands did Gurchenko have? Five husbands of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Daughter of Lyudmila Gurchenko - Maria

Aslan Akhmadov:

We met Lyusya ten years ago: I invited her to star in a photo project, where she was supposed to play the heroine ancient myth- Oedipus' wife Jocasta. There was a funny moment on set. Oedipus is standing - a very handsome guy. Lucy enters as Jocasta in a luxurious dress. And suddenly he says to me: “I don’t know how to approach him.”

“Well, you approach him from behind,” I advise. “Have they already had everything in terms of sex?” - "Was". - "Understood!" - She perked up and, raising both hands, put them on Oedipus’s back. We became instant friends during these shoots.

"A married woman cannot call an unmarried man"

“At the beginning of our communication, she called me exclusively through her husband,” Akhmadov emphasizes. - She said that married woman has no right to call an unmarried man just like that, without any business. So Seryozha always called and handed the phone to her. And then we became friends and communicated with Lyusya directly.

She loved going to restaurants, and I gladly accompanied her. I remember once asking: “Lucy, were you in the party?” She answered: “No. Party organizers constantly ran after me, first in one theater, then in another. I said: “I will never join the party in my life, I love restaurants!” But she didn’t like to cook herself. She said: “ My God, I hate wasting my time on this. You try, you cook, then they devour everything.”

- Her famous thin waist- the result of diets?

Lucy ate whatever she wanted, but she didn’t overeat. I ate everything with bread and butter and washed it down with sweet tea. By the way, she always drank tea and coffee exclusively from a saucer.

For the last five years I have been next to her literally every day, we talked from morning to evening.

- In the press you were called Gurchenko’s last lover, they wrote that you had a romantic relationship. How did Gurchenko herself react to such articles?

For Lucy to read the yellow press?! You're crazy! First of all, she didn't read it. Secondly, over the years professional activity so much had been written about her that she stopped being interested in it altogether.

- And yet, in one television interview, Lyudmila Markovna admitted: “Here is Aslan Akhmadov. The way he hugs me, no one has hugged me - I’m going crazy! He’s incredibly handsome.”

Lucy told me only one thing: “Well, you’re nothing like that, normal.”

- Wasn’t her husband jealous of you?

What kind of jealousy are we talking about? These are people dear to me. I am a Caucasian person, we have Dear people become family members.

I still haven’t mastered Kirkorov’s iPhone

- What did you give her?

Jewelry and uranium glass items for her collection.

- Did she give you gifts?

I'll tell you such a case. On February 12, my birthday, I was going to pick her up, and we were supposed to go to a restaurant to celebrate. And suddenly Lucy called and said that she had broken her leg. Sergei Mikhailovich, the husband, was not in Moscow at that moment. I rushed to her. The door was open. Lucy was lying on the floor in the bedroom and could not get up. It so happened that I was the first person to catch her in this situation. I'm calling " Ambulance". And she said to me: “Wait, here’s a gift for you, cufflinks.” Then I took Lucy to the hospital. Even with a broken leg, she first of all thought about my birthday, she didn’t want to ruin it. Lucy rarely thought about herself at all.

She talked about dad every day, remembered him hundreds of times a day. And the second person after dad, whom she remembered with love, was Yuri Nikulin. He was very dear to her. They starred together in the film “20 Days Without War”; during the filming they lived together in the same carriage for six months. This relationship brought them very close.

- In “Station for Two” she exposed her breasts in the frame. Did you regret it?

If she saw artistic meaning in a scene, then she did whatever was required. By the way, about Basilashvili, with whose hero she portrayed love in this film, she said that he was very shy, he tried to persuade the director: they say, he doesn’t need to kiss Gurchenko on camera. And he called Lucy as an ally: “Why should we kiss, we have grown-up children.” But the director said: it is necessary.

Of course, Lucy was imbued with each of her roles and always came up with nuances. In the film "Love and Doves" it was she who offered her heroine a red beret with a pompom. The detail began to play.

- Did she participate in choosing dresses during your photo shoots?

Certainly. She participated in everything - in choosing the story that was going to be filmed, in coming up with the character of the hero.

- Did you film it yourself on your mobile phone, maybe take a selfie?

Philip Kirkorov gave her an iPhone. She tried to master it for a long time, but she couldn’t use it touch screen. Sometimes while on tour she took photographs. I still have some.


Lyudmila GURCHENKO was born in 1935 in Kharkov. My father was a musician, played the button accordion and sang at holidays, and his mother helped him. Graduated from VGIK. Success came after Eldar Ryazanov's film "Carnival Night". Then there were such paintings as “Girl with a Guitar”, “Straw Hat”, “Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Station for Two”, “Love and Doves”, etc. People's Artist of the USSR.

She was married six times. Her first husband is director Vasily Ordynsky, Gurchenko married him at the age of 18, the marriage lasted a year. The second is Boris Andronikashvili, screenwriter, cousin of Georgian directors Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya. In this marriage a daughter, Maria, was born. Third husband - actor Alexander Fadeev, Foster-son writer Alexander Fadeev. The fourth husband is singer Joseph Kobzon (married from 1967 to 1970). The fifth husband is Konstantin Kuperweis, the actress’s accompanist, the couple lived together for 18 years. The sixth husband (since 1993) is producer Sergei Senin.


"If someone flatters you, prepare to be hit"

Lyudmila Gurchenko left many apt observations about life and profession:

  • “The word “happiness” is similar to “now,” and therefore it cannot be something permanent.”
  • “If they flatter you, then prepare for a blow.”
  • "Female body- this is not an accordion for you: if I get fat, I’ll lose weight, if I get fat, I’ll lose weight... You have to control yourself.”
  • “You can’t be a woman on the director’s command: “Be a woman!” Even if you go out in shorts, you’re still not a woman. But you can wrap yourself in a burqa up to your ears, and the hall will still shake, because a woman has come out! A special creature! "
  • “My diet is more flour, less movement. If you want, then you can.”
  • "I love cameramen. This men's work. This is not an actor who walks around with a mirror in his pocket. I don’t understand how you can fall in love with an actor!”
  • “The past, no matter how distant it may be, lives inside.”
  • “Applause gives you wings. Liquid applause takes them away. When you hear the click of your own heels, it’s a failure.”
  • “Life is such a thing that you seem to be young, young, young, and then bam - and it’s over. You look back and think about how much you haven’t done because you were afraid, shy, cowardly. There is no need to be afraid of anything. Take risks. Even if you make a mistake. This is life. And the main thing, of course, is to love each other."

Lyudmila Markovna some admired her, others hated her, and still others fell madly in love with her. On the occasion of the actress’s birthday, remembered only those men with whom she was in legal relationships.

Husband No. 1. Director

Gurchenko got married for the first time when she was 18 years old. Her chosen one was a famous director at that time Vasily Ordynsky. He fell in love with young Lucy at first sight. Whether this love was mutual is a big question. This marriage generally still remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness. For a long time neither those around Gurchenko nor those around Ordynsky knew about him. They say that Lucy married the director solely for convenience. She hoped that he would become her personal director. Ordynsky tried to meet her expectations. He invited her to audition for his film. However, the artistic council rejected Gurchenko's candidacy. Then the actress decided to end the marriage. Ordynsky was against it, but could not stop her. Their relationship lasted a little over a year.

Husband No. 2. Screenwriter

Not long after the divorce, Lucy truly fell in love. My love - a student of the screenwriting department Boris Andronikashvili- she met in the dining room. As the actress later admitted, when she saw her second husband for the first time, she almost dropped the tray from her hands. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, a whirlwind romance broke out, which ended in a wedding. At first family life turned out happily. Lucy and Boris practically never separated. Everything changed with the birth of my daughter Maria. Forced to take care of the child, Gurchenko began to notice that her husband was increasingly absent from home. And then they began to report to her that Boris was cheating on her. Convinced of the veracity of the rumors, she filed for divorce without any scenes or scandals.

Motherhood did not bring happiness to Gurchenko either. Firstly, I dreamed of a son. And a daughter was born. Secondly, she dreamed that her daughter would inherit her talents: voice, plasticity, acting talent, figure, in the end. But Masha disappointed Lyudmila Markovna in all these respects. The result was a quarrel and a break in a 19-year relationship. Maria learned about her mother’s death from the media. And now myself.

Husband No. 3. Actor

After breaking up with Andronikashvili, Lyusya was alone for two years. One day in one of the restaurants she was introduced to an actor Alexander Fadeev- adopted son famous writer. And although the acquaintance was casual, Fadeev set himself the goal of winning the actress’s hand. He succeeded very soon. Without really recognizing each other, Lucy and Sasha went to the registry office. This marriage did not last long. The actress quickly realized her mistake and offered to divorce.

Husband No. 4. Singer

About my relationship with Joseph Kobzon Gurchenko didn’t like to remember. However, this marriage became an event of all-Union significance. Kobzon courted Gurchenko for a long time, and in the end the actress gave up. The star couple was admired. It seemed that Lucy had finally found her happiness. However, it turned out to be very difficult for two complex personalities to get along under one roof. Conflicts and disagreements began almost from the very first days life together. All attempts to find a compromise led nowhere. Lucy realized that she would not be able to live with Kobzon. As in everything previous times, the initiator of the divorce was Gurchenko.

Husband No. 5. Musician

After divorcing her fourth husband, the actress decided that there would be no more husbands in her life. She was already approaching forty when she met a young pianist Konstantin Kuperweis. This time, Gurchenko was in no hurry to go to the registry office - she wanted to get to know her new lover better. Konstantin, like no one else, felt the character of the actress and knew how to “adapt to her.” Of course, in the end Gurchenko gave up and got married again. Their relationship lasted almost 25 years. The actress was sure that this marriage was the last in her life. Konstantin was her support. Everything collapsed when Gurchenko found out: all these years, her husband has actually been living with two families. The divorce that followed this news became the most painful for Lucy.

Husband No. 6. Producer

In 1991, on the set of the film “Sex Fairy Tale,” Gurchenko met the producer Sergei Senin, who was 20 years younger than her. Of course, Lucy did not think about any relationship with him. But after a short time fate brought them together again. Gurchenko met Senin on the set of the film “Love”. After this meeting, Lucy realized that she did not want to part with this person. She considered him someone similar in character to her father, and he jokingly called her his daughter. The problem was that Senin was married and had a growing child. He was in no hurry to file for divorce. But hiding a relationship with a famous actress turned out to be difficult. Senin’s wife found out that her wife and Gurchenko had more than just a creative relationship, and she filed for divorce herself. Lucy got married for the sixth time. This marriage became the happiest in her biography. As she herself called, Senin was the only one of all her husbands who became a truly close person to her.

Lyudmila Gurchenko is an actress and singer who, over many years, has managed to become a true symbol of Soviet and Russian stage. In her creative career there were many famous hits, popular films and memorable images.

That is why, many years after leaving the stage, she is still remembered and loved by millions of spectators in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, as well as some other states of the former Soviet Union.

Early years, childhood and family of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born on November 12, 1935 in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, the parents of our today’s heroine worked at the Kharkov Regional Philharmonic. My father played the button accordion, and my mother sang, often appearing on stage with her husband. That is why, from childhood, Lyudmila always had the opportunity to become involved in art.

Her parents often took her with them to concerts and performances, and therefore the future celebrity spent most of her childhood behind the scenes.

After the outbreak of hostilities, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s father went to war, even though he was unfit to army service. His family remained in Kharkov. After the liberation of the city by the Red Army, our today's heroine went to school for the first time (a little belatedly).

A year later, little Luda also began attending classes at the Kharkov Beethoven Music School. It is very noteworthy that already at that moment the future artist became quite famous in some areas of Kharkov. She often spoke to veterans and also traveled to military units to give speeches.

Looking at the successes of little Lyuda, many acquaintances dreamed of seeing her as pop singer, however, despite this, in 1953, our today’s heroine chose a slightly different path in life. After graduating from the standard Soviet “ten-year school” and receiving a certificate of secondary education, Lyudmila Gurchenko moved to Moscow, where she applied to the acting department of VGIK. She was accepted.

And therefore, subsequently, the talented Ukrainian began to study with the best teachers of the USSR.

During her studies, the actress began to play in various student performances. Among her works, the most famous was the graduation performance “Keto and Kote”, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko first showed herself both as an actress and as a singer.

Star Trek actress Lyudmila Gurchenko, filmography

Our today's heroine began acting in films in 1956. It was then that Lyudmila performed roles in her first films “The Road of Truth” and “The Heart Beats Again.” Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night” became especially successful and popular.

Lyudmila Gurchenko - “No, my dear”

In this film the girl played main role, thanks to which she instantly became a favorite of the Soviet public. In addition, the song “Five Minutes” she performed became a real hit, which subsequently became one of the symbols of the New Year for many years to come.

Following the first star picture, another famous film with the participation of Lyudmila Gurchenko, “Girl with a Guitar,” was released on the screens of the USSR. The musical film had big success. And the compositions performed by our today's heroine and other characters in the film were even released on a separate disc.

Thus, the talented Ukrainian- Russian actress became a real star. However, due to the specifics Soviet cinema, financial situation The actress still remained in distress. That is why at one point Lyudmila began to participate in the so-called acting “hack jobs”. She performed in front of the audience. But not for long.

The reason for the abrupt end of the concerts was real persecution inflicted on the artist by figures of Soviet journalism. Gurchenko was accused of a “capitalist approach to art,” and therefore at some point the actress suddenly began to lose favor with the public.

Despite this, our today's heroine continued to act in films. Her bright and original roles, as well as myriads of melodic songs, at some point put everything in its place. Gurchenko gained confidence in herself and her abilities. Therefore, new films with her participation began to be released regularly.

Among best films Lyudmila Markovna’s paintings “Straw Hat”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “Step Towards”, “ Ideal husband", "Station for Two", "Love and Doves", as well as some other films.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, last interview, video and funeral.

In parallel with her work in cinema, the actress also played in the theater. IN different years she was a regular actress in the troupe of the Film Actor Studio Theater and the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, as well as a regular participant in the performances of the State Concert pop and theater association. Occasionally, our today's heroine also performed at the Anton Chekhov Theater, the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire and on some other stages.

As for musical successes, there were also many of them in the celebrity’s career. Gurchenko often gave concerts and also released several music records. Over the years, she performed together with such artists as Boris Moiseev, Toto Cutugno, the Umaturman group and some other musicians.

Concluding our talk about the actress’s work, we note that Lyudmila Gurchenko also worked as a composer, writer and director in different years (the film “Motley Twilight”).

For her enormous contribution to the development of Soviet art, Lyudmila Gurchenko was awarded a huge number of awards. She was Honored and then People's Artist RSFSR and USSR, holder of the order People's Ambassador Ukraine, orders “For Services to the Fatherland” (second, third and fourth degrees), “Nika” awards, “Golden Gramophone”, as well as many other awards. Lyudmila Markovna's star journey ended only with her death.

Death of Lyudmila Gurchenko, cause of death

In February 2011, Lyudmila Gurchenko slipped at the entrance and broke her hip. She underwent a complex operation, after which the elderly woman’s health deteriorated greatly. At the end of March of the same year, the singer began to have new health problems. Some time later, Lyudmila Markovna was found dead. The cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

After her death, many people expressed condolences to the artist’s family. statesmen. Memorial plaques in honor of the celebrity were unveiled in Ukraine and Russia.

Personal life of Lyudmila Gurchenko

In the life of our today's heroine there were six husbands. IN different periods At that time, she had a relationship with director Vasily Ordynsky, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, actor Alexander Fadeev, singer Joseph Kobzon, musician Konstantin Kuperweis, as well as producer Sergei Senin.

Gurchenko has a daughter, Maria Koroleva (Andronikashvili), as well as a granddaughter. Mark Korolev, the singer’s eldest grandson, died at sixteen from a drug overdose.

Chapter 16. Boris Andronikashvili: exquisite appearance with a set of extraordinary qualities

Immediately after breaking up with Ordynsky, Gurchenko began an affair with a 22-year-old student at the VGIK screenwriting department, Boris Andronikashvili. They got married, a year later their daughter Maria was born, and about a year later they divorced.

Lyusya came across Boris Andronikashvili by chance, at the self-service counter in the VGIK canteen. Seeing a textured, hot brunette in front of her, the girl dropped the tray. Here he is - the Englishman Laurence Olivier reincarnated as a student - the man of her dreams, who played Hamlet and Henry V, who shone in the films Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Hamilton...

Boris Andronikashvili born on October 28, 1934 in Moscow in the family of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak (pseudonym of Boris Andreevich Vogau) and actress Kira Georgievna Andronikashvili from the Georgian princely family of Andronikashvili. In 1937, his father was arrested on charges of state crimes. Subsequently, after many years, literary critics would identify Pilnyak as “the head of an entire school or movement in Soviet literature,” which would be called “ornamental prose.” The mother, fearing for the fate of her son, sent him to Tbilisi to his grandmother, who adopted her grandson and gave him her last name - Andronikashvili. In his youth he went to Batumi, where he entered the Batumi Naval School. But then he decided to change his profession and already in the early 1950s he left for Moscow, where he entered the screenwriting and film studies department of VGIK, which he graduated in 1959.

During his student years, almost half of the students dreamed of a handsome man with Georgian roots. And he fell in love with a girl two years older than him. Lucy did not hide her close relationship with Andronikashvili; on the contrary, she lived as if for show. It is not surprising that there were many envious people who wanted to ruin the relationship between this couple.

And soon the young people became parents, in 1959 they had small miracle- daughter Masha. Alas, the happiness did not last long; as the smart guys say: Only good things pass quickly...

And soon it became clear to Lyudmila Markovna herself that her career was more important to her than diapers.

– An actress cannot be a mother. Everything needs to be given either to the profession or to the children. Personally, I chose the first path. Although this may be very cruel,” the actress once admitted bitterly.

But the fact of the birth itself, which took place not in Moscow, where her young husband lived, but in Kharkov, with her parents, probably left a negative imprint on her. In addition, she dreamed of giving birth to a boy, whom she was going to name Mark in honor of her beloved daddy. So one can even imagine the actress’s deep disappointment when, on June 5, 1959, she was notified that a girl was born. And the situation in the maternity hospital, as biographers write, was not conducive to calm and true joyful anticipation - the women in labor in the ward recognized their popular countrywoman and were immediately divided into those who like her and her work, and those who simply hate her for the very fact of her existence . Lucy had to move to another ward. And little Mark will indeed appear in the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko one day, but it will be her grown daughter who will give birth to him.

In the book “Applause,” Lyudmila Markovna will write this, briefly and strangely: “In 1959, Masha was born to me. And my mother came to visit me in Moscow on her vacation. Since then, she spent all her holidays with us. I always came with full baskets. “Bring everything to the children. To my daughter and my little grandson. They are our joy. There is no one greater in us than anyone in the world, Lyalyusha."

Alas, marriage star couple fell apart. Lyusya Gurchenko went forward along the road of creativity, hitting more and more new milestones, gaining more and more sophisticated experience in everyday affairs. And the “dark eagle” Boris Andronikashvili - screenwriter, historian, son of a writer and actress, cousin of Georgian directors Georgiy and Eldar Shengelaya - was also not left without his favorite work. But their child ended up deprived of the care and affection of the closest people... Her fate and relationship with her parents are so absurd, strange and even tragic that this woman, whose existence long years the general public did not know, we will devote a separate chapter.

Lyudmila Markovna later spoke about her husband, paying tribute to his inner talents:

- Despite his exquisite appearance, from whom you don’t expect anything deep, he was a complex person with a set of extraordinary qualities - large and small.

Boris Andronikashvili and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Perhaps it was precisely this complexity of character, education and intelligence that became the reason that pushed Lucy away from her chosen one. He was indeed well-bred, brilliantly educated, had a sense of humor, was well-read and musical, charming and talented. And she, hoping to find the ideal man in Boris, in the end wanted to live not with a sort of Georgian Laurence Olivier, but with a simple shirt guy, like two peas in a pod like her ideal man– Mark Gurchenko, a village illiterate self-taught accordion player. But it was rumored that Boris was not a righteous man either, and more than once caused pain to his young wife with his infidelities.

E. Mishanenkova, in her book about the great actress, describes this difficult period of her life, which brought her first experience true love and real motherhood.

“But this time everything was much more serious - not a fleeting love, but a strong ardent feeling. And her chosen one, screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili, was an extraordinary man - the son of the famous writer Boris Pilnyak, who was executed in 1938, and his beautiful wife, actress Kira Andronikashvili, who came from a princely Georgian family. And of course, he was “tall and dark-haired”!

And at first it seemed that this was happiness. Love, marriage, child. My career was collapsing, but is that really the main thing? But there is a person nearby who is smarter than her, stronger, who supports and understands. And his mother is so extraordinary - Lyudmila Gurchenko was quietly delighted with Kira Andronikashvili, but even after many years she remembered her as a woman of “beauty, intelligence, talent and unsurpassed femininity.” Who knows, if Kira Georgievna had not died a year after the birth of her granddaughter, perhaps the marriage of Lyudmila Gurchenko and Boris Andronikashvili would not have ended so quickly and so sadly.

The first bells began to appear quite quickly, but Lyudmila Gurchenko did not notice them at first.”

“Maria was born in Kharkov. Weak, painful, and even with a birth defect. The girl was immediately handed over to Lyusya’s parents. And the young mother herself returned to Moscow. Here began the tests of the harsh prose of life. Three or four concerts a day, in different parts of Moscow. Factory, plant, trade union committee, police. After the performance, go home by metro. There were no new film roles. The family needed money. And what about Boris Andronikashvili, her husband? Helped and supported Hard time? Unfortunately no. She learned about her husband’s infidelities from her friends. Gurchenko did not humiliate herself to questions and clarifications. She immediately filed for divorce.

Only those close to her knew about Lucy’s personal drama. In public, she always kept her face up. It was part of the profession. She crossed out Boris Andronikashvili not only from her life, but also from Masha’s life. The topic of the grief-stricken father and his relatives was closed forever. Gurchenko remembered her daughter’s Georgian roots only in moments of irritation. Having been burned once, Gurchenko decided: sacrificial love was not for her. No more faith in men. And most importantly - no children."

In one of the interviews, the great actress admitted:

“I had to give up a lot.” When Masha was just born, she had to bandage her breasts with a towel so that the milk would burn. Because I had to work hard, because my husband turned out to be a scoundrel...

It is perhaps worth saying a few more words about how Andronikashvili’s fate turned out after his divorce from Lyusya.

After breaking up with Gurchenko, Boris dated Nonna Mordyukova for five years and even wanted to marry her, but things never came to a wedding. Boris Andronikashvili's second wife was the artist Rusudan Khantadze, with whom he lived until the end of his days in 1996. In their marriage they had a daughter and a son.

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Lyudmila Gurchenko is a famous Soviet and Russian actress and singer. Films with Gurchenko’s participation are known to millions and are firmly included in the lists of Soviet classics, and the actress herself has become a symbol of an entire era in Russian cinema.

Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov. Before the war, Lyudmila Gurchenko’s parents, father Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko ( real name- Gurchenkov) and mother - Elena Aleksandrovna Simonova, worked at the Kharkov Philharmonic. My father was a professional musician, he played the button accordion, and my mother sang. Parents often took their daughter with them to concerts, so Lyudmila had a behind-the-scenes childhood, she saw the stage from early years.

From the day of birth until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Lyudmila lived with her parents in Kharkov, in a one-room semi-basement apartment on Mordvinovsky Lane. The happy childhood of Lyudmila Gurchenko was interrupted by the war. Father Mark Gavrilovich, whom the actress dearly loved and revered all her life, went to war. He was not of military age and also had a disability, but he decided to fight. The girl was left in occupied Kharkov alone with her mother.

On September 1, 1943, after the liberation of Kharkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, with some delay, went to school, which was located in the courtyard of her house. And in the fall of 1944 she entered music school named after Beethoven - the parents decided to develop the child’s considerable musical abilities.

The metropolitan page of the biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko began in 1953. It was this year that the girl went to Moscow and immediately entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. She was the brightest and most versatile in her class, she danced, sang and acted equally well. In her senior year, the actress played Keto in the operetta “Keto and Kote” and Imogen in the stage composition “The Trap” based on Theodore Dreiser. In these two roles, Gurchenko sang, danced, and played the piano.

She graduated from VGIK in 1958. After graduating from university, she first played in the Film Actor’s Studio Theater, and since 1964, Gurchenko worked for two seasons at Sovremennik, playing in the director’s productions “Without a Cross”, “ Elder sister", "Cyrano de Bergerac", "The Naked King" and "Forever". Then Lyudmila Gurchenko spent several years working in the theater and the Moscow Theater of Satire.


Lyudmila Gurchenko made her film debut back in student years. Her first film was the film “The Road of Truth” by Jan Fried, released in 1956. “I didn’t come here to be silent!” - this was the actress’s first phrase in the movie. The film was noticed, as was the aspiring actress, whose rise to fame began with her first film.

Gurchenko became deafeningly popular after the release of the New Year’s comedy “Carnival Night.” Lyudmila Gurchenko instantly became a popular favorite and idol. The film broke all box office records and sold almost 50 million tickets. And the song “Five Minutes” performed by the main character Lenochka Krylova became the anthem of the New Year, and until now the whole country on this holiday discusses with Lenochka whether this is a lot, 5 minutes, or not enough.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Girl with a Guitar"

“Carnival Night” was followed by the film “Girl with a Guitar,” which was written specifically for Gurchenko and in which the artist again received the main role, very similar to the previous one: also in a light dance genre. This film was less successful, although by inertia it filled the country's cinema halls. But the success of these two films also had the other side of the coin: Gurchenko acquired the role of some lightness and carelessness.


The following events were dark stripe in the film actor’s biography of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Due to the complexity financial situation Gurchenko was forced to work part-time in parallel with filming, give concerts at factories and organize creative evenings with the audience. These acting "hacks" caused censure in the press. Officially, this is what caused problems in his career. But there is a version that the artist’s refusals to take on new roles were directed “from above.”

In 1957, during the filming of “Girl with a Guitar,” the actress was called by the USSR Minister of Culture Nikolai Mikhailov and, according to rumors, offered to cooperate with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students. Gurchenko refused. They say this is what caused the persecution and some oblivion. For 10 long years the actress was not cast in leading roles. However, the actress starred in at least one, and sometimes in three films per year. Lyudmila even played several main characters, but in passable films that did not have much success with audiences.

During this period, Lyudmila Markovna tried her hand at dramatic roles. In the film “Baltic Sky” Lyudmila Markovna demonstrated that she can play deep, tragic heroines who experience strong feelings. In the same role, Gurchenko played in the films “Workers’ Village” and “Old Walls”.


The dark streak in Gurchenko’s career is over. She again became one of the most sought-after actresses in the country and got the opportunity to act, receiving bright roles in films. These were the musical films “Sky Swallows”, “Straw Hat”, “Tobacco Captain” and “Mother”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the fairy tale "Mama"

During the filming of the film “Mama,” Gurchenko severely injured her leg. She was threatened with disability: a closed fracture with displacement, 19 fragments. Dance and walk again high heels Lyudmila Markovna was able to do it only after many years of training.

Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted to play dramatic roles in strong films. Such paintings in the actress’s work included “Twenty Days Without War,” “Siberiada” and “Five Evenings.”

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film "Five Evenings"

In total, the great actress has 96 film roles. The most unforgettable and striking are “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Vacation at Your Own Expense”, “Flights in Dreams and in Reality”, “Station for Two”, “Recipe for Her Youth” and, of course, the legendary comedy “Love and Doves” .

This timeless film was released in 1984. The painting “Love and Doves” very subtly and realistically showed a fairly common love triangle: the struggle between wife and mistress for her husband's attention. Main character paintings by Vasily Kuzyakin, whom he played, lives with his wife and three children. His wife's performance is ordinary soviet woman, tired of children and everyday life. That is why the spectacular and exalted beauty, played by Gurchenko, who meets the man at the resort, takes Vasily away from the family. Vasily understands that the holiday romance and family life with new lover- these are different things. The Kuzyakin family is reunited.

Filming of the film "Love and Doves"

The film would not become a legend if it was only about one couple. “Love and Doves” shows the life of an entire social layer: here is the drink-loving Uncle Mitya, played by , and his wife, who is always looking for her husband, and the Kuzyakins’ daughter, who separated from her husband, and their young children.


The creative biography of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko is not only the biography of a theater and film actress. This woman was extremely versatile in her talents. Gurchenko recorded 17 music albums, released three autobiographical books and tirelessly performed in duets with various performers, including others.

Lyudmila Markovna starred in 16 video clips for her songs, including the compositions “I Hate” and “Petersburg-Leningrad” performed in a duet with Boris Moiseev. The video for one of Gurchenko’s iconic songs called “Prayer” was directed by Gurchenko, known for his work in big cinema.

Last job Lyudmila became a video where the actress sang the song “Do you want?”, which she performed in the original. Lyudmila Markovna brought even greater popularity to this song and, according to her, received pleasure from touching real talent.

Personal life

The actress's life was full not only of bright roles, but also of whirlwind romances. There were six husbands in Lyudmila Markovna's life. Five official marriages and one civilian. All Gurchenko men were bright and famous. But every time something prevented them from staying together with such an extraordinary and strong woman.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's first husband was film director Vasily Ordynsky. This marriage took place when Lyudmila was only 18 years old. The couple lived together for only a year. The artist also did not live long with her second husband Boris Andronikashvili, a screenwriter and historian, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak, but this marriage gave her a daughter, Maria.

The artist’s third husband was actor Alexander Fadeev, the adopted son of a famous writer, and the fourth was a singer. Gurchenko broke up with him three years later. Two stars of this magnitude could not get along for long.

Soon after their separation, rumors appeared in the press about Gurchenko's affair with. Lyudmila herself admired the musician, but more as an outside observer than as a woman in love. Gurchenko did not comment on rumors about this relationship. But together with musician and accompanist Konstantin Kuperveys in civil marriage Lyudmila Markovna lived 18 years.

Relationship with daughter

The actress was doing well difficult relationship with daughter, . Until the age of three, the child was raised by his grandparents, thereby allowing Gurchenko to continue acting career. The girl took the reunion with her mother hard and even tried to run away back to her grandmother. Despite a series of stepfathers, a real family for mother and daughter did not work out in any way - Lyudmila Markovna was, first of all, an actress, Gurchenko spent a lot of time on set, and could go on tour for a long time. As a result, in childhood, Maria was quite often left to her own devices.

The actress herself, her entourage and fans hoped that Maria would eventually follow in the footsteps of her star mother, but even in her youth, Masha showed that she and Lyudmila were very different. The girl showed no inclination towards music or the stage, graduated from medical school, and, unlike her mother, who became an example of style and elegance, wore comfortable clothes and almost did not use cosmetics. Maria married ordinary person and gave birth to two children of the same age. Lyudmila Gurchenko had a strong conflict with her son-in-law, because of which Maria first even divorced her husband, but then got back together.

The actress loved her grandchildren, named after her own parents, very much, but even they could not completely reconcile her with her daughter and her husband. The artist placed the responsibility on her grandson and granddaughter big hopes, seeing them as continuers of their acting endeavors.

In 1998, a tragedy occurred. Mark, the actress’s grandson, died suddenly. The young man died from a drug overdose. Maria knew about her son’s illness and fought his illness for a long time and unsuccessfully. According to rumors, Lyudmila Gurchenko did not come to the funeral, but in fact the actress was at the farewell and was very mournful, she just tried not to draw too much attention to her person.

Soon there was a deterioration in the relationship between mother and daughter. Lyudmila Markovna got married again. Sixth and last spouse The actress remained as producer Sergei Senin until her death. New husband Gurchenko could not get along with either his stepdaughter or his mother-in-law. As a result, a protracted conflict arose, which was aggravated by the division of the property of Lyudmila Gurchenko’s mother. The grandmother bequeathed her apartment to Maria, bypassing her star daughter. The actress did not accept this, and the matter went to court.

In the last years of the actress’s life, a rumor appeared in the press about Gurchenko’s affair with a photographer. Lyudmila really said that she was in love with Aslan, but, most likely, she meant strong friendly feelings and admiration for his work. Akhmadov emphasizes that love relationship there was no relationship between him and the actress. Lyudmila Markovna met a young man at a fashion show, Akhmadov offered her a thematic photo shoot dedicated to the myth of Oedipus, and later became her personal make-up artist.


2011 was a fatal year for the actress. In February, Gurchenko slipped near her house and broke her hip. The next day she had surgery. In early March, he was discharged, and things were getting better. But on March 30, the actress’s condition worsened. Lyudmila Gurchenko died at home, the cause of death was pulmonary embolism.

On April 2, the Central House of Writers hosted public farewell with everyone's favorite actress. Gurchenko was wearing a dress that she herself had recently sewn. Numerous fans came to say goodbye to Lyudmila Gurchenko. The capital itself said goodbye to the artist: in the Moscow metro that day, Gurchenko’s famous song “Our Youth Team” sounded every half hour.

Not only thousands of fans came to say goodbye to the actress, but also family friends, colleagues and relatives. Throughout the entire event, Lyudmila’s husband Sergei Senin was nearby. But, as journalists noted, many of the artist’s closest people were not among the mass of people saying goodbye. The actress’s daughter arrived only at 11 am with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums - Maria did not take part in organizing the ceremony, but learned about her mother’s death from the newspapers. The daughter of Lyudmila Markovna did not join the VIP guests; she stood in the general queue, laid flowers at the coffin and left, without commenting on her action to the journalists who recognized her. The press did not see Gurchenko’s granddaughter and great-granddaughters at the ceremony.

The funeral took place on the same day. The legendary Lyudmila Markovna was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. Although it was a gesture of respect and recognition, the choice of cemetery violated last will the actress herself. Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted her grave to be on Vagankovskoe cemetery, next to her parents and her only grandchild.

Six months later, in September, newspapers obtained permission from the artist’s relatives and published series of materials about Gurchenko’s last days, which included suicide notes from the artist’s personal diary.

In 2015, the biographical series “Lyudmila Gurchenko” was released, in which she decided to play the Russian cinema star. The director of the film, Sergei Aldonin, said that he simply fulfilled a promise that he accidentally made to Lyudmila Markovna. IN Last year of her life, he admitted to the actress that he would like to make a series about her, and Gurchenko approved this idea and practically blessed the director.

In addition, about famous actress more than two dozen were filmed documentaries, and many stars remember her Russian show business dedicated their own songs and performances of famous compositions that Gurchenko herself sang during her lifetime.

November 8, 2017, the only daughter of Lyudmila Markovna. Woman last days complained of being unwell and high temperature. On the way to the hospital, Maria became ill. The cause of death was heart failure.


  • "Carnival Night"
  • "Girl with a Guitar"
  • "Old Walls"
  • "Straw Hat"
  • "Twenty days without war"
  • "Siberiada"
  • "Heavenly Swallows"
  • “The beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”
  • "Station for two"
  • "Love and pigeons"
  • "My sailor"
  • "Old Nags"

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