How old is Litvinova’s daughter? Leonid Dobrovsky is the ex-husband of Renata Litvinova. Ex-husband

IN last years interests even those who have never been fans of her talent. The media persistently attribute the extravagant actress and director to an affair with singer Zemfira, but there has still been no official confirmation of this information. But it was precisely because of these rumors that Litvinova’s marriage to businessman Leonid Dobrovsky broke up in 2007.

Movie Star Husbands

In the past Renata had 2 official marriage. In 1996, she married film producer Alexander Antipov. with this person lasted about a year and ended in divorce.

Litvinova’s second husband was a prominent Moscow businessman, Leonid Dobrovsky. Married to him, Renata gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. But family life and this time it did not bring happiness to the woman. Having lived with Dobrovsky from 2001 to 2007, Renata left him. A high-profile divorce process began, accompanied by the division of property and real war for a young daughter.

A businessman meets Litvinova

Who is Leonid Dobrovsky? Litvinova's husband was born in 1965. By the time he met the movie star, he was the owner of several profitable factories in Russia and had nothing to do with show business. The first meeting of the future spouses took place in the late 90s. They were introduced by mutual friends. Previously, Leonid had only seen Renata from the TV screen and was fascinated by her beauty and sophistication. Finding himself next to his beloved actress, Dobrovsky began to actively court her. It is not known how the short and unattractive Leonid was able to win the heart of the cinema queen, but after some time he proposed to her and received the long-awaited consent.

The first years after marriage

The wedding of the film star and entrepreneur took place on January 10, 2001 in Moscow. After the celebration, happy Leonid moved his wife to his house on Rublyovka and presented her with a gift in the form of a luxurious black Mercedes car. He is in Renata and never tired of showering her with expensive gifts. In July 2001, the couple had a daughter, Ulyana.

Dobrovsky Leonid Yulievich accompanied his soulmate to many celebrity parties, but always modestly kept in her shadow. Being a non-public person, the husband asked Renata not to be too frank about him with journalists. Litvinova did just that, and when asked by reporters about her husband’s activities, she modestly answered that he was an engineer. And the modest hard worker at that time was one of the largest businessmen in the capital. It was rumored that the house on Rublyovka, in which he lived with Litvinova, was located next to the mansion of Putin himself.

Crisis in family relationships

From the outside it seemed that Leonid Dobrovsky and Renata Litvinova had an ideal marriage. But a few years after the wedding, problems began in the couple’s relationship. Dobrovsky turned out to have a quick temper. He found fault with Litvinova over any trifle, could raise his voice at her and even swear in front of her. Leonid liked to drink, but was able alcohol intoxication he completely lost control of himself.

The situation worsened after Renata met. The friendship between the women seemed suspicious to journalists, and they saw something more in her. Leonid Dobrovsky could not stand this. The businessman became furious at the thought of his wife’s infidelity and began to give up. It got to the point that one day, in a fit of aggression, he began to strangle Litvinova, while waving a knife. The servants barely managed to pull the enraged Dobrovsky away from the frightened woman. After this incident, the actress packed her things and, together with her daughter, left the businessman for her friend Zemfira. This was the end of her life together with the entrepreneur.

Divorce proceedings

Dobrovsky could not calm down after Renata left. He hired the best Moscow lawyers and began to prepare for divorce proceedings. Having accused Litvinova of immoral behavior, he planned to deprive her of maternal rights to her daughter. But the actress was ahead of Leonid and filed for divorce first. In the statement of claim, she asked the court to dissolve her marriage with Dobrovsky and leave Ulyana with her. She demanded from her husband payment of alimony for the maintenance of her daughter in the amount of 120 thousand rubles monthly and the division of property acquired during the marriage.

A series of court hearings, in which the parties did not skimp on mutual accusations. Leonid considered Litvinova a bad mother who could not be trusted with raising a child. In retaliation for such statements, Renata accused her husband of hiding real income from the state. It was possible to put an end to the protracted divorce proceedings only after the conclusion between the ex-spouses. In accordance with it, Ulyana remained to live after her parents’ divorce from her mother, but in certain days her father could take her to his place. Renata managed to sue Dobrovsky for alimony in the amount specified in the lawsuit.

Relationships between ex-spouses after divorce

It was finalized in 2007. After that, Leonid Dobrovsky disappeared from the media. Renata Litvinova’s husband never got used to publicity and after the divorce devoted himself to work and communicating with his daughter.

Despite the fact that the couple parted as enemies, they soon managed to restore normal relations and even spend time together in a civilized manner. What was unexpected was that in 2009 Litvinova celebrated her birthday in the company of her daughter, mother, Zemfira and... Leonid Dobrovsky. The ex-husband not only came to the celebration taking place in the restaurant, but also paid for it in full. Such a change in the relations of people who had recently hated each other caused amazement among the people serving the event. It is quite possible that the conflict can be resolved ex-spouses decided for the sake of their growing daughter, but still their behavior is worthy of praise.

Renata Litvinova is an actress, director and screenwriter, a woman of mystery from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off. They either don’t understand her at all, or they idolize her. Her way of dressing and speaking is mesmerizing. Just look at her gestures, which simply hypnotize the viewer.

Since childhood, Renata Litvinova had a complex in everything, but her close people taught her how to deal with it, moreover, she knows how to present herself so well that she is considered the most extraordinary woman. Sometimes she can be tough and cynical, but at heart she always remains a little vulnerable girl.

A woman like Renata Litvinova, no matter how old she is, will always look chic. Many women are interested in the secret of beauty that she owns, her height, weight. Although Renata Litvinova’s age is approaching fifty, the actress looks impeccable and with a height of 176 cm, her weight is only 58 kg.

But there is no secret at all, you need to be able to love and appreciate yourself, says Renata Litvinova. Photos in her youth and now are like heaven and earth for the actress. If now we see her as a style icon, then before the girl could not even apply makeup. She walked around with a bleached face and false eyelashes and thought it was terribly beautiful.

Renata recently changed her style and hairstyle; from blonde she turned into brown-haired. As most of her fans noted, the woman not only became more beautiful, but also younger.

Biography 👉 Renata Litvinova (actress)

The biography of Renata Litvinova began in Moscow on January 12, 1967 in a family of doctors. The father, Murat Aminovich Vergazov, had Tatar roots and even named the girl in honor of his brother, Rinat. When the daughter was born, the parents soon divorced and the mother, Alisa Mikhailovna Litvinova, worked tirelessly to provide for her family. IN school years Although the girl attended school clubs, went in for dancing and sports, she grew up very shy and modest.

In addition to school, Renata graduated from music school, and after graduation she entered VGIK at the screenwriting and film studies department. Since childhood, Renata has been writing poems and short stories, so she decided to hone her skills and craftsmanship. Already during her studies, the girl was invited to appear in educational films. Teachers recall that the girl immediately caught the eye and was different from the bulk; she always assessed the work of other classmates very harshly and was also strict with herself.

After graduating from the institute, her first work, “Lovelessness,” made an impression and was released on the screen in 1991. Litvinova was also invited to star in the film “Hobbies,” where she played the main role, but the actress herself admits that she prefers working as a director rather than acting in films, since she considers her appearance not ideal enough.

Further, the more Litvinova writes scripts for films and acts in them, the more they notice her originality and originality. Renata can be seen in commercials, where she advertises L Oreal cosmetics, and the advertisement for Rado watches is Litvinova’s acting and directing work. The actress is invited to television as the host of such programs as “Style from Renata Litvinova”, “Night Muses”, “The Beauty of the Hidden”.

And his close friend- I gave Zemfira eight videos in which she was the director. On given time Renata Litvinova makes auteur films, in which she conveys her morals and beliefs to the viewer. Not every person will understand this, but the director knows that she has her own audience of viewers who will understand and appreciate her work. You want to watch these films several times, and every time you find something new, instructive and meaningful.

Personal life 👉 Renata Litvinova (actress)

The personal life of Renata Litvinova always remains a topic of interest to everyone, which is always talked about. Since Litvinova herself does not give details in interviews, many people figure it out on their own. For many years now, Renata has been credited with having an affair with rock singer Zemfira, but whether this is true or not remains a mystery.

More than once the paparazzi caught Renata Litvinova and Zemfira kissing. The photo of both of them wearing identical rings suggests the fact that the couple allegedly got married in a country where same-sex marriage is possible. And on the social network Zemfira wrote that she doesn’t need anyone except Renata. Maybe this is such a close friendship between women that they don’t need men either?

Family 👉 Renata Litvinova (actress)

Renata Litvinova's family is a mother and grandmother, who from childhood taught the girl how to become a real woman. Her mother instilled in her a love of art and constantly took her daughter to cinema and theater sessions. And her grandmother taught her to be feminine and intelligent. She demonstrated to her granddaughter more than once how to behave at the table and what utensils to use if necessary.

The actress remembers all the lipsticks and jars of creams that were so fragrant and which were important attributes in the lives of women. Even now, Renata Litvinova’s favorite perfume scent is “Red Moscow,” which her grandmother used.

Children 👉 Renata Litvinova (actress)

The children of Renata Litvinova should be independent and independent individuals, the future actress always thought, even without having children. When Renata gave birth to a daughter, she did not change her principles, and Ulyana, while still a child, went to adult life study and live in another country.

The girl, like her mother, grows up creative person, loves to read books and prefers vintage clothing style. In this, mother and daughter are similar, so they enjoy going to boutiques to choose new clothes.

Daughter 👉 Renata Litvinova (actress) - Ulyana

The daughter of Renata Litvinova, Ulyana, was born from Leonid Dobrovsky, the second official husband actresses. At this time the girl was seventeen years old and school age Renata, although she was very bored being separated from her daughter, sent her to study in France. The girl speaks three languages ​​fluently and really enjoys living there.

When Ulyana comes to Moscow for vacation, her mother free time spends time with her and calls her his treasure. Outwardly, the girl is very similar to Litvinova, and even her behavior resembles her mother.

Ex-husband of 👉 Renata Litvinova - Alexander Antipov

Renata Litvinova’s ex-husband, Alexander Antipov, a director by training, won the heart of an unapproachable beauty in his first year at the institute. The romance spun in a whirlpool of passions so that Litvinova was almost expelled for poor academic performance.

Less than three months after they met, the couple got married. Renata, like any woman, thought that this love would last a lifetime. Well, after some time, the young people cooled off towards each other, Alexander, they say, had affairs with other women, and the couple divorced.

Ex-husband of 👉 Renata Litvinova - Leonid Dobrovsky

Renata Litvinova's ex-husband, Leonid Dobrovsky, a businessman, married the actress in 2001 and in the same year Renata gave him a daughter. The couple lived together for five years until Litvinova’s love for Zemfira awoke in her soul. Out of despair, Dobrovsky even threw himself at his wife with a knife, but nothing changed and in 2006 the couple divorced with a loud scandal.

Some sources reported that Renata gay, and they live together with their chosen one. Litvinova herself refutes this information, explaining that they are just kindred spirits and close friends.

Marriage and wedding 👉 Renata Litvinova with Zemfira

It’s no longer a secret that Zemfira and Renata have united their union. Is it so? Different official sources they claim both at the same time. For example, wrote about their marriage in Sweden, but immediately refutes this fact. Renata’s representatives promised to “deal with” everyone who publishes slander and dirt. So who to believe now? We draw our own conclusions.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Renata Litvinova

Renata Litvinova has Instagram and Wikipedia, like any famous person about whom you want to know how the actress lives, what she loves and what she does in her free time. IN in social networks You can find out more detailed details from the life of the actress.

Not long ago, Renata shared a photo where she was wearing jeans. It turns out that this is her favorite form of clothing, as they are comfortable and they monitor her figure instead of the scale. “You can immediately feel whether you have lost weight or gained weight,” says Litvinova, “So you don’t even need to weigh yourself.”

She is not only one of the most stylish actresses in our cinema, but also a successful and independent woman, but family life just doesn’t work out for her.

Renata Litvinova’s first husband, film producer Alexander Antipov, with whom she lived for only a year, now does not maintain any contact with her. After the divorce, he remarried, had a child, and occasionally acts in films. According to the actress’s mother, Antipov is a very calm person, not prone to any adventures, and quite closed in communication. Litvinova married for the second time in 2001, to businessman Leonid Dobrovsky, and soon gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. They lived for five years, and their divorce was scandalous and difficult.

In the photo - Renata Litvinova and Leonid Dobrovsky

They say that they were pushed to divorce by rumors constantly circulating in the press about Renata Litvinova’s relationship with the singer Zemfira, which infuriated Leonid. Dobrovsky more than once threw himself at his wife with fists and even grabbed a knife, and in order to stop this showdown, Renata filed for divorce. Then her daughter Ulyana was five years old, and Dobrovsky insisted that after the divorce she should stay with him, allegedly because Renata was having a bad influence on her daughter with her immoral behavior. As a result of the legal proceedings, the actress’s daughter stayed with her and is now studying in France. She is very similar to her mother, who dotes on her.

Not many people know that even before her first marriage, seventeen-year-old Renata had an affair with the famous and very talented cameraman Georgy Rerberg. They met at the show thesis Ivan Dykhovichny, and Litvinova was immediately fascinated by the impressive and talented man. He also liked Renata, who charmed him with her unusual style. Rerberg told how he once helped Tarkovsky select actresses for his “Mirror”, among whom were Lyudmila Chursina, Marina Neelova, Margarita Terekhova, who eventually received the main role. Most likely, he would never have become the husband of Renata Litvinova, but he looked after her very romantically, never imposing his company. She still remembers the bouquets with which he presented her, the beautiful courtship and talks about this man with great warmth.

Now, after two divorces, the actress says that she is increasingly disillusioned with the institution of family and is convinced of its devaluation. According to Renata, she may not be created for marriage and is not going to look for a man who would become her next husband, but her own great love names his daughter Ulyana.

In the photo - the actress with her daughter Ulyana

Litvinova herself also grew up in a single-parent family - her father left them with her mother when Renata was still very young. Her mother, a surgeon, had to work a lot, and Renata grew up as an independent girl. She studied at music school, was studying athletics, and loved to read. Her love for cinema was passed on to her from her mother, who loved going to evening screenings and taking Renata with her. After school, she decided to enter the screenwriting department of VGIK and easily passed the entrance exams. Her debut filming took place while still in school, when she starred in several commercials, and her first work in real cinema was a cameo role in Alla Surikova’s film “Two Arrows. Stone Age detective."

The series “Border...” brought enormous popularity to the actress. Taiga novel» Alexander Mitta, in which she played an officer’s wife and a garrison medical worker. Her fame is maintained thanks to her individual style, demeanor and behavior in public. As a designer, she collaborates with the company Zarina, which has produced several clothing samples under Litvinova’s personal label.

The talented actress and presenter Renata Litvinova was born and raised in Moscow. The girl's mother is Russian, and her father is of Tatar blood. Her real name is Renata Muratovna Vergazova. She turned 50 in January 2017.


The actress's parents were doctors. WITH early years Litvinova was raised without a father. The father left the family, and the mother had to work very hard so that the child had everything he needed. By profession she is a maxillofacial surgeon. Alisa (Renata’s mother) was rarely at home, so the future leading grandmother and grandfather raised her. They were the ones who provided strong influence to Renata. Grandmother was a creative person, she loved to write poetry, sew and led active image life. Grandfather worked at a factory as an engineer.

While still at school, Litvinova also began composing. At first these were short stories. At the same time, the girl was interested in sports and music. I also sometimes attended a dance club. All this helped her fight her complexes; she considered herself an ugly duckling.

Beginning of acting

After school, the actress enters VGIK. Thanks to her mother, who loved cinema very much, Renata wanted to connect her life with cinema from childhood. She easily passed all the entrance tests and began studying at the Faculty of Script Film Studies. She began to be surrounded by many representatives of the opposite sex. When they began to pay attention to Rinata, she realized that she was quite pretty.

The actress studied on the same course with such celebrities as Ivan Okhlobystin and Sasha Basharov. Here the star made many close friends who helped her move towards her goal. She never refused to help her student friends and starred in their first works.

Litvinova received her first and minor role in 1989. But for real important year for her it was 1994. She starred in leading role for the painting “Hobbies”. The director of the film really liked the type of actress, and he filmed her more than once in his works.

Renata became a real star after the release of the series “Border. Taiga novel." At the shoots she met real professionals in their field: Mikhail Efremov, Marat Basharov, Elena Panova, Andrei Panin, etc.

“Misha Efremov and I in “Border...” are two such informals: he is a drinker, I am crazy...” Renata Litvinova about filming the series

Later, Litvinova herself became a director and released 6 films. Currently, she rarely acts in films; more often she can be seen as a TV show host. Renata leads a social life and is interested in fashion. The actress has her own unique and inimitable style. She is a muse for many creative people and designers. The actress produces her own clothes. She also wrote and published a couple of books. And her story “Country of the Deaf” was even made into a film.

Renata Litvinova - personal life

Litvinova tries to keep everything that happens behind the scenes secret. The same applies to the actress’s husbands, there were 2 of them. The girl’s first chosen one was producer Antipov. Their union lasted only a year. About the details life together almost nothing is known.

Renata got married for the second time in 2001. Her lover was businessman Leonid Dobrovsky. In 2006, the couple divorced. Within 5 years they had a daughter, Ulyana. The actress’s breakup was difficult and widely publicized. In addition, the case went to court, and there were scandals.

For a long time, their family life seemed and was ideal. According to rumors, the star’s close friendship with singer Zemfira led to the divorce. Rumor has it that Leonid became very irritable and even tried to attack Renata. Soon Litvinova could not stand it and filed for divorce.

The friendship between the singer and actress did not suffer and became even stronger, despite the general interest in their relationship. Despite many rumors, Renata and Zemfira continued to work together. An actress and now a director, Litvinova shot a couple of videos for a friend. And in 2008, she released a film dedicated to the singer.

For some time, the girls began to appear in public together less and less often. Many decided that the friendship was over. However, in 2009, the women stopped communicating closely. It was rumored that the passion between them had passed, but they were able to maintain friendly relations. But just recently, joint photographs of Renata and singer Zemfira began to appear on the Internet again.

Now an actress most currently lives with his daughter in France. Ulyana studies there and rarely visits her homeland. Now she is 14 years old, and she has adopted all the best traits from her mother.

  • They say that in 2015 the actress had a nose job and finally got rid of the old complex
  • The girl watches her figure and does not eat fried foods, baked goods or dairy products at all.
  • One of her favorite scents is “Red Moscow”. Love passed down from grandmother
  • Litvinova starred in 34 films
  • Litvinova admits that she is obsessed with the topic of death

Writer Dmitry Bykov at first couldn’t stand Renata Litvinova, but then he somehow got used to it, calmed down, and in some ways even fell in love with her. In this case, this is not an interview, but a portrait - against the backdrop of personal relationships.

At the film forum in Suzdal in 1996, she came up to me - luxurious, tall, swaying in her heels and, according to the fashion of that time, slightly drunk:

Dima! Why don’t you love me so

“This is how my love manifests itself,” I blurted out and ran away.

The more random, the more accurate.

There was a time when I couldn’t stand Renata Litvinova, and even wrote widely about it.

You know,” I say, “Renata, I was so wrong about you...

You see,” she says, “but at least you admit...

It won't hurt to expose yourself to her. And yet, it was to her - as well as to another woman of her type, Akhmatova, say - that I would willingly tell my whole life, if I had admitted even for a moment that they needed it for some reason.


Actually, I’m rarely mistaken about likes and dislikes. Let's say I didn't like one pretentious boy in my year who was always into Sartre and Godard and youth riots. He lifted his nose high, and I, a modest botanist, seemed to him a conformist. Now this nonconformist right hand Vasily Yakemenko, the creator of “Nashi” and, as it were, the Minister of Youth. And there are plenty of such stories. But with Litvinova, it seems, something confused me - either because she was selflessly praised by people who were unpleasant to me, and sometimes by pleasant but stupid people, or because I relied too much on artistic result. And the artistic result in her case is not the main thing, because it is not her fault. The scripts were torn up or staged in their own way, her acting abilities were used in every way possible, and in untalented hands she really looked like “our freshly frozen Marilyn Monroe from Uryupinsk,” as one critic wrote, who also did not like her. Now I love Renata Litvinova, I’m ready for a lot for her, but, gentlemen, I treated the nineties even worse in the nineties. And now it seems like nothing at all.

In general, being a contemporary of a snob is nothing good. A snob is excessive in everything, insists too strongly on his own, at every step he reaches the point of self-parody - and he serious problems with taste. A fashionista cares about how he looks, but he is not ready to die for it. And this is so important to a snob that life is relatively inexpensive to him. Let's say more: any aesthetically consistent person is distinguished by high personal courage and contempt for danger, and for life itself. Litvinova is a wonderful person for extreme situations: It’s so important for her to respect herself that she won’t do anything nasty because of this alone. As practice shows, selfishness is a more reliable incentive than love for people. I trust more those who want to look good and admit it honestly. When another pretentious woman, also with brokenness, aesthetics, but without Litvinov’s talent, talks about how she helps the homeless because she loves people, I just can’t believe it, and I don’t like that she exalts herself at the expense of the homeless. And if she said that it was because she wanted to look good, I would respect her, not to mention the fact that it would be honest.

Everything is fair with Litvinova.

Litvinova is a wonderful person for extreme situations: it is so important for her to respect herself that she will not do anything nasty because of this alone

I noticed this trait in Alena Vitukhnovskaya, who I also shouldn’t have liked by definition: the poems are avant-garde, uneven, noisy, and her appearance is noisy, and contempt for all living things oozes from her pores. But the way she sat without ratting anyone out, and the way she behaved later, is a serious argument. I realized that she was not being disingenuous, she really didn’t love life, she didn’t value it at all, in short, it was really important for her to behave well, because otherwise she wouldn’t be able to love herself, and in her case this is the only living emotion. Litvinova, I think, has about the same story - adjusted for the fact that she still loves some, even more than herself, but the degree of madness in these people must correspond to her own. And when Zemfira appeared, it became clear that Litvinov’s maximalism is also relative, that she, in general, is white and fluffy compared to the other hurricane girl, and the artistic result is comparable.

Factitious schizophrenia

I will not retell here her biography, which, in essence, is almost non-existent: she was born in 1967, in January (and I, by the way, in December, very pleasant), grew up without a father, named after Uncle Rinat, mother is a doctor . What is important: there was a medical encyclopedia at home, and since childhood Litvinova loved to listen to the flexible gramophone records that came with it, recording schizophrenic delirium.

It is not for nothing that schizophrenia has become a literary myth and is considered almost an obligatory companion of genius; Let’s say right away that in nine cases out of ten no discoveries await us, but schizophrenia is perhaps the only mental illness that allows you to go crazy with a “plus” sign.

This is not for long, like any painful flowering; mental dementia sets in, personality decay sets in, a person stops taking care of himself and then stops thinking. But at first, when the intellect is not yet affected, amazing ideas appear. As a child, I also really loved reading the old textbook “Psychiatry” from the fifties with shorthand notes of various delusions: paranoid ones were, as a rule, logical and boring, associated with delusions of grandeur and differed little from Hitler’s table conversations (that’s certainly unbearable reading - both boring and scary).

Schizophrenics rave more disinterestedly, more cheerfully, their words are placed not in a line, but at an angle, like Platonov’s, and especially charming are the instantaneous and sudden jumps from subject to subject, compositional moves that the rational mind cannot think of. It was then that Litvinova learned her exact and incorrect verbal constructions - precisely accurate and precisely incorrect: “After giving birth, I have fatty moments in my body”... Say otherwise - and it will be different, in general. Or the famous “everything in the world is so hooked”... About the man who, at the same time as Litvinova, became the symbol and banner of Russian young cinematography - about Okhlobystin, of course - screenwriter Alexander Alexandrov said wonderfully: “He went crazy in imitation of madness.” Litvinova’s case is different - she inoculated it into herself, like a doctor inoculates the plague to study the symptoms; and her shifted speech became as adequate for the shifted reality of the nineties as Plato’s for the twenties. Litvinova demonstrated on herself all the diseases of the era - but, of course, she never gave herself up to this experiment to the end. Why did she do all this? Well, this was, if you like, our answer to pragmatism and enrichment, our voice of the unsold and unearned, demonstratively detached on the verge of autism. Our attempt at self-affirmation of the marginalized. You are like this, and we are like this. We will never do what is ugly, and if we are asked to live ugly, we will die. In times when the weak and insane were trampled (and this was in the nineties, there is no point in grimacing), we will demonstratively be weak and insane. With this weakness and madness we will conquer you, and you will kiss our feet.


It is interesting that at VGIK she was friends and then communicated not with style icons, not with glamorous beauties, but with tough professionals. Let's say that Pyotr Lutsik and Alexey Samoryadov, the most talented screenwriting tandem after Dunsky and Fried, loved her very much - Samoryadov fell from the balcony of the Yalta Hotel during the Yalta Film Forum in 1994, and Lutsik died six years later, having managed to correctly implement one of their favorite scripts, “Outskirts” (“ Good people"). They had the same eternal script problem - they were all staged wrong. In general, they were few friends with anyone, but Litvinova was one of their own for them. Litvinova recalls an absurd, unreliable episode about Samoryadov, but with him everything was unreliable: one day they bought dumplings, began to cook them, but some dumplings were very heavy and did not float up. It turned out that they were filled with balls from bearings - in the early nineties this was practiced for weight. Samoryadov was very upset and offered Litvinova at least some vodka, but she wouldn’t drink without a snack.

As for her own scripts of that time, they were not particularly designed for production. But Litvinova had what cinema is made of - a hero. She feels this hero, she knows how to describe him, he is alive. It is especially valuable that he is different: the terrible nurse from “Ophelia, Innocently Drowned,” which she herself played. What kind of character is this? Litvinova defined it in a conversation with me as follows:

She's not a fighter. And such non-strugglers are always picked up by either dark or happy waters, and they swim without resisting. Mostly dark. They fall under the influence of some monstrous characters. Most likely, they get fat, become angry, become an alcoholic, become more domestic... and the magic disappears. They probably don't have any talent. Most likely, some kind of charm, sparkle... something that cannot be defined in words. What disappears first? And the fact that non-wrestlers, of course. Today's version of this type may be Klavdiya Korshunova, who is in Mindadze's "Otryv". Such a dark doe, she looks like a gypsy. Now everyone who is appointed as a star is terribly fake. But it’s not fake, I’m afraid it won’t go bad.

She inoculated herself with madness, as a doctor inoculates the plague to study the symptoms; and her shifted speech became for the shifted reality of the nineties

I even think that Litvinova in general is a screenwriter for screenwriters, like Khlebnikov is for poets. You can take and pick up some of her ideas, which she presents in an unbearably concentrated, unreliable form, and, diluting them with everyday life or just tediousness, transfer them to the cinema, and everyone will like it. She made the film “Goddess. How I fell in love" - ​​a completely wild fairy tale about a beautiful policewoman, everything is done on a very simple contrast of an unearthly platinum blonde with bloody lips and her monstrously boring and vulgar service, still there love line with Maxim Sukhanov, a crazy millionaire looking for his wife in the next world. It looked like normal schizophrenic delirium from a flexible gramophone record, but, oddly enough, it testified to the time - because the dominant intonation of this picture was disgust, a certain horror of the world into which Faina, the eternal child, was thrown. Then Nikolai Khomeriki comes and shoots the hyper-realistic “Tale of Darkness,” about a beautiful policewoman, with the same conversations in the smoking room, and it’s impossible to watch, but you watch Litvinova. Because brightness is brightness, and it attracts regardless of whether it turned out well or poorly. In general, over the years, I believe less and less in the criteria of “good and bad.” There are no comrades according to taste, but if you have your own voice, thank you. I think that all of Litvinova’s staged scripts are just a diluted Litvinov concentrate - in its pure form it is unbearable, but in a diluted form the main thing disappears, that same instant and unconditional recognition. Probably, she should still be judged according to special laws, recognizing the existence of the “Litvinov” genre - and honestly saying that no one else working in this genre (and many have tried) has done anything serious.

By the way, the trouble was precisely that they tried to take Litvinova very seriously. Litvinova’s serious perception led to enthusiastic articles like the first material about her, which Denis Gorelov published in Stolitsa in 1993. This article began with the words “she will die soon.” It was clear that we were talking about the author’s myth, about the lyrical heroine, and Denis, who wrote so enthusiastically, was expecting something no less enthusiastic in response, but received an icy look. Because Litvinova still wanted to be separate, and she had to come to terms with the growth of the mask only after Muratov’s “Hobbies,” when they began to film her constantly and all in one role. Then her speech began to resemble the monologues of a mad nurse. All this is not due to a good life. In one interview, she honestly said that she spends more time and effort on constructing her own image than on literature, but there is less sense, and if she had her way, she would spend all her time on “papers.” And you have to be on the cover.


And all this talk about Litvinova being a genius pure beauty, in the sense of pure charm, the purest example. I'm not an expert on the part female beauty, but, in my opinion, Litvinova, from the point of view of the canon, is most likely not a beauty, and in any case there is nothing even remotely comparable to Monroe or Dietrich in her appearance. And I don’t see any special sex appeal in her cool image. But what is there and what cannot be taken away is absolute consistency: as a fashion designer said in one novel, beautiful is not the one who is beautiful, but the one who has the consistency to be completely ugly. Yuri Gladilshchikov was also surprised in the magazine “Seance”: how did Litvinova manage to impose her rather marginal tastes on the whole society? I answer: marginality is the whole point. As another talented and professional, but completely unbearable friend of Litvinova, actor and director Alexander Bashirov, says: the future belongs to the marginalized, they are few, but they are intense. In Litvinova’s case, the very caricature of the image has such a powerful effect that you will never forget it, and once you remember it, you will begin to instinctively imitate it. How she pays for such a density of being is a separate topic, but in the reality of the nineties she certainly caught an important, pardon the expression, trend.

Which one? I won't say that directly. But, probably, this is such a desecrated beauty, forced to save herself under a mask; the helplessness of everyone who is not an animal, the lack of demand and irrelevance of everyone who, in softer times, would have normally integrated themselves into reality... The madness of the lonely, the untimeliness of the gifted, the forced behavior of everyone in any way non-standard... Litvinova is forced to take place in times when a person less stubborn and self-sufficient would have been devoured when the only form of existence of a screenwriter (there is no cinema - first the distribution collapsed, then production) becomes Savor or playing grotesque roles. The type, presumably, is Blanche Dubois: “I have always depended on the kindness of the first person I met...” But in the Russian nineties you cannot be Blanche Dubois, this is not the American forties, you can only be a clown; At this intersection of sentimentality and buffoonery, both Muratova and Litvinova exist, but Muratova films about it, and Litvinova exists in it. I once asked her if she was afraid of the end of the world.

And, anyway, nothing can be done... Everything is getting worse, the climate too, well, the end of the world, so what, I live in this.

This is probably why none of her television projects lasted long. They have a provocative lack of format, pathos combined with parody, and this is not tolerated on current television, not only on domestic television.


There was also a lot going on with my personal life, endless gossip arose, and the reader is probably waiting from the very beginning that now I will finally tell everything as it is. But I won’t tell you anything, because there’s almost nothing to tell. Litvinova worked a lot - two scripts a year, up to a dozen film roles, including big and unexpected ones, like in “Cruelty” - and since directing her original scripts stopped very quickly, and great success they had nothing, except for “Lovelessness,” she had to write less and less and play more and more. With such a busy schedule, what is your personal life like? She didn't advertise it much. Litvinova never made a career through bed, rather they tried to take advantage of her, since she entered into fame very early, she had two marriages, and both fell apart. About the second, however, there is no exact information.

The first husband is Alexander Antipov, a producer, the desired compromise between cinema and wealth. They met in a film based on Litvinova’s script “Evil Faina, Good Faina.” Muratova was going to stage it with Renata in the title role, Antipov acted as a producer, Muratova insisted that Litvinova must act in the erotic scene herself and as openly as possible, but Litvinova did not want to. Litvinova is a maximalist, Muratova is completely a maximalist, in short, a scythe on a stone. They did not quarrel, but they separated - this did not prevent Litvinova from playing perhaps her best role in “The Adjuster,” where it was Renata who came up with the idea of ​​​​playing a braid standing nearby and appeared to the frightened Alla Demidova in the image of glamorous death. But “The Adjuster” was still four years away. “Faina” later became “Goddess” - without any eroticism - and in “The Adjuster” there is just eroticism, but through the nightgown. And in that conflict, the producer took Litvinova’s side - they say, if he doesn’t want to, then he shouldn’t act in film - and this, therefore, brought them closer. The marriage lasted two years and broke up without scandal. However, other sources claim that there was no marriage, or it was a civil one, but I don’t want to ask Litvinova, because she will either make up something as usual, or won’t say anything at all. She readily talks about her childhood, but never about her personal life.

She spends more time and effort on constructing her own image than on literature, but there is less sense, and if she had her way, she would spend all her time on “papers.” And you have to be on the cover

The second husband is businessman Leonid Dobrovsky, now deputy general director of Mostotrest OJSC. The man is not poor. A dacha on Nikolina Gora, an elite one, as they say in the yellow leaflets, an apartment in Tolmachevsky Lane. The reason for divorce is scandals, the reason for scandals is Litvinova’s stormy social life. There were rumors about a lesbian affair with Zemfira, both of them added scandalous fame, to what extent all this is fair - I don’t dare to comment, and it’s not interesting. Many discussed the fateful question: “What did Litvinova find in Dobrovsky?” (being head and shoulders taller than him and many times more famous). They talked about money, but Litvinova would not marry for money - there were enough such offers, she already waited until she was 33 years old to get married. I believe that I have found reliability, and I believe that I overestimated it - this is all about the question of “the kindness of the first person you meet”: thousands are ready to admire Renata Muratovna, but no one was eager to provide her with a tolerable life with everyday care. In short, this marriage six years later ended in a loud divorce, and Litvinova protested the first court decision on alimony, reproaching her husband for concealing his true income and demanding a considerable monthly amount - the same yellow sheets called 120 thousand rubles, and she did not refute. Quoted in the press statement of claim Litvinova’s story about leaving her daughter Ulyana with her, allowing her husband to communicate with her twice a week, does not bear the slightest trace of her usual style, which clearly proves that Litvinova is quite capable of doing without a mask: “It should be taken into account that the father child Dobrovsky L.Yu. is a businessman and, due to his mentality, most of the time he thinks and worries about work, and therefore he will not be able to pay Ulyana enough attention, which is so necessary for a child at her age.” She clearly wrote this herself, without the help of lawyers, “thinking and worrying” gives her away, but if necessary, she can imitate any syllable, even a clerk. The real great madmen - Pushkin, Khlebnikov - could not write an official paper without introducing something exclusively of their own. “The locusts flew and flew and landed. She sat down, sat, ate everything and flew away again.”

Ulyana, born in 2001, is blonde like Renata, but with her round face and snub nose she looks more like her father. ABOUT future profession Litvinov’s child is not covered and, by his own admission, he does not think about it.

Do you want your destiny for her?

I don't want her to get upset, that's all. Women who give birth a lot and fail in everyday life turn into such... reproductive organs, and something happens to their brains. I'm probably saying it wrong...

As for the affair with Zemfira, well, comrades, it’s so uninteresting! Zemfira, in my opinion, is generally very uninteresting in everything except the stage, music, arrangements, etc. I have not read a single meaningful interview with her. Maybe it’s she who is so withdrawn - Tsvetaeva said: “A restrained person means there is something to restrain.” But so far I don’t see this special depth there (in the texts too), but I see shocking, great talent and some loss. What brings them closer to Litvinova, I think, is maximalism and disgust - women often live together out of disgust, men are disgusting to them purely aesthetically - so I don’t exclude anything, but I don’t assume anything. I have never been interested in same-sex love, even female and even theoretically. And what's the difference? In both cases this did not affect the quality of the texts. So far, one thing is noticeable: both Zemfira and Litvinova have become much smaller.

Zemfira recorded her last album two years ago and hasn’t shown anything sensational since then. Litvinova is trying herself as a fashion designer and also has not become famous for anything special in this field. In general, their silence is more eloquent than any words, because in modern times there is absolutely no place for them: not for political reasons, of course, but for universal human reasons. To appreciate Litvinova and Ramazanova, you need at least a drop of idealism, and today this is completely gone, just as there are no uncompromised words left. You can place them at any angle - no spark is struck. Litvinova is right in relating herself more likely to the generation of people of the forties and fifties, about whom she filmed her only film for now. documentary- “There is no death for me.”

How are people of the nineties different from today?

Ours were sometimes sold for money, but these are given away for nothing.

Girl, disaster, apple

It was her answer that finally made me understand how much I still love her. And for what exactly? By the way, Nikita Mikhalkov experienced similar feelings towards her, who could not stand her, but after collaboration on the film “It Doesn’t Hurt Me” I somehow got into it. It was precisely in this sense that she played the death of her type - he also disappeared somewhere from reality. Or, more precisely, now everyone is no longer in pain.

Women like Litvinova’s heroine bring the collapse of an era closer - and in another era they can no longer exist, collapse. That's what it is the main problem femmefatale. Play death all your life, and then die for real.

And although all our fatality of the nineties was very third-rate, Litvinova, it seems, really managed to bring closer the time in which she no longer has a place.

And more precisely, Nagibin said about her, even though it was about Akhmadulina. There in his diary he asks himself why he still loves her. But for the fact that if the plane falls and everyone runs to the rear, where it is supposedly safer, Akhmadulina will remain sitting in her seat and gnawing on an apple.

Litvinova later played exactly this in the film “Sky. Airplane. Young woman".

This is how I perceive her - sitting in a chair and gnawing on an apple. And where this plane flies - what the hell does it matter?

Photo: Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev

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