The complicated life of Georgy Vitsin. To be remembered. Georgy Vitsin Georgy Vitsin participation in the war

In the life of actor Georgy Vitsin, whose biography began on April 23, 1917 in Petrograd, there were many hardships, but he was still able to achieve much of what he wanted. And Vitsin wanted, of course, to become an actor. Although George was born into an ordinary family, he always had a craving and talent for art. The actor grew up in a single-parent family. The fact is that the biography of Vitsin’s father was tragic. He fought on the fronts of the First World War, came under a gas attack, and therefore returned from the war as a seriously ill man. The actor’s father did not live long, so his mother’s biography was very difficult. The actor said that his mother changed many jobs to feed the family. At some time, she began working in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions in her hometown. Georgy often went to work with his mother. It was there that Vitsin began to fall in love with acting.

As a child, Georgy was a very shy boy. He didn’t like it when people paid attention to him, he didn’t like it when the teacher called him to the blackboard. But, nevertheless, Georgy understood that he would never become an actor if he could not get rid of his complexes. Therefore, Vitsin decided to go on stage at any cost. Moreover, his school had a theater studio. It was there that George began his journey as an actor. He not only played well, but also danced beautifully. He was even advised to take up ballet, however, Georgy still decided that he wanted to play in the theater, and only the theater. That is why, when Georgy graduated from school, he immediately went to enter the Maly Theater School, and entered. But then Vitsin for some reason behaved frivolously and began to skip classes. Therefore, he was kicked out of school in his first year. The next year, Vitsin began to enter three different studios. It was then that it became clear that Vitsin was very talented person- he entered all three studios, and chose the Theater School named after. E. Vakhtangov Moscow Art Theater Studio-2. Vitsin studied there for one year, and already in 1936 he began acting in the studio theater of Nikolai Khmelov. There Vitsin quickly became popular. He was exactly the actor that people came specifically to see. Vitsin liked his work, liked the roles he played. Georgy loved his audience and no one could even imagine that one day this wonderful theater actor would devote himself entirely to cinema.

Georgy began acting in the fifties. At first, he received the roles of a modest and shy young man who, however, always fought for his truth and never backed down. For filming, Georgy always tried to do everything. He played sports, went to boxing, and ran around the stadium for months. Georgy always devoted himself completely to his work and never thought about the fact that he was tired or sick. If Vitsin liked the role, he was ready to do anything.

But, nevertheless, Vitsin did not have to play quite serious heroes for long. The fact is that in the sixties he came to Gaidai and became part of a magnificent trinity: Coward, Dunce and Experienced. In these films, Vitsin’s character was a man with a poetic soul, suspiciousness, a kind of intellectual who lives in a communal apartment. Without him, without his character and charisma, the trio would never have been so bright and colorful. Nikulin and Morgunov have said more than once that Georgy is so talented, he has so many skills that the two of them together will never surpass him.

Vitsin's peculiarity was that he knew how to play a wide variety of roles. For example, in 1971 he played a criminal in “Gentlemen of Fortune” who was scary, sentimental and strange. Although this film was more of a comedy, Vitsin’s role was still tragic. Vitsin knew how to be not only ironic, but also grotesque. He could, even playing a supporting role, perform it in such a way that everyone remembered the character of George. Vitsin played in more than a hundred films. Also, Vitsin continued to play in television shows, more precisely in the first Soviet television show of this format - “Zucchini 13 Chairs”. Vitsin seemed to be able to do almost everything. He was amazing master reincarnation. At the age of fifty, this actor easily played the role of twenty-year-old Misha Balzaminov in “The Marriage of Balzaminov,” and at thirty-six he played the old man Musiya in “Maxim Quail.” His last role was in 1994. He played in the film "Hagi Tragger".

Also, Vitsin was involved in animation. It is in his voice that the Kuzka Hare speaks in “A Bag of Apples,” Giuseppe in “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” the beetle in “Thumbelina” and many other heroes of Soviet cartoons.

The personal life of Georgy Vitsin was life ordinary person. He had a beloved wife and a daughter, Natasha, who is a talented artist. It is also known that Vitsin loved animals very much. He always fed all the cats, dogs and birds that lived in his area, near the film sets, near the theater. In addition, Vitsin had two parrots and a dog at home. It is known that Vitsin had no passion for alcohol at all. Although in films he was almost always presented to the audience as a very heavy drinker. Moreover, George was very seriously involved in yoga and meditation. He could even stop the filming process to do the necessary exercises. By the way, doctors believed that, in the end, yoga became one of the reasons for the sharp deterioration of Vitsin’s health in old age.

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Biography, life story of Vitsin Georgy Mikhailovich

Vitsin Georgy Mikhailovich (04/18/1918, Petrograd - 10/22/2001, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor.


Georgy Vitsin was born in Petrograd (more precisely, in the city of Terijoki, now Zelenogorsk) on April 18 (April 5, old style) 1917 between two revolutions. A little later, George's birthday... changed. The fact is that the boy’s mother, enrolling her son in a forest health school, deliberately made him a little younger, changing his year of birth to 1918. At the same time, the woman changed the day, indicating April 23 (Vitsin’s name day). So, due to a coincidence of circumstances, Georgy was “born twice”... However, the changes affected not only the date of birth, but even his surname. When Georgy Vitsyn received his passport, the passport officer mistakenly wrote the letter “i” instead of the letter “s”. Nobody bothered to correct the typo. So Vitsin became Vitsin.

Georgiy's mother Maria Matveevna changed many professions; she alone bore all the worries around the house, since her husband returned from the war as a seriously ill man: he was poisoned with gas and did not live long. When she started working as an usher in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, she often began to take her son with her to work. It was there that he became familiar with art.

It must be said that since childhood Vitsin was a very shy boy. In class, hiding from the stern gaze of the teacher, he always hid behind other people's backs. However, having overcome his complexes, he made a firm decision to become an actor. To begin with, Georgy chose the school theater as therapy for shyness. The “treatment” began actively. IN children's play performed the shaman’s dance so frantically and emotionally that he received advice from his teachers to take up ballet seriously. But after school, Vitsin decided to “seriously take up” theater.


After graduating from school, Georgy Vitsin entered the Maly Theater School. But he was soon expelled with the wording “for a frivolous attitude towards educational process". In the fall, Vitsin again decided to test his strength. He was tested in three studios at once - the Revolution Theater and the Moscow Art Theater-2 - and was accepted into all of them at once. He chose the Theater School named after., the Moscow Art Theater-2 studio, where he studied with 1934 to 1935.


In 1936, Georgy Vitsin joined the studio theater troupe under the direction of the great actor Nikolai Khmelev. The studio was soon renamed the Ermolova Theater, and Vitsin took a prominent position in the troupe. They went to see him. When buying tickets, the box office often asked who was playing today, and, if not Vitsin, they could turn around and leave. Theater critics wrote about him with pleasure, and no one then could imagine that an actor with such a brilliant stage career could leave the theater forever for the sake of cinema.

A positive movie character with a touch of irony

The cinematic career of Georgy Vitsin can be divided into three periods. He made his debut with a role in Kozintsev's film "Belinsky" in 1951 (before that, in the cinema he had only a cameo role as a guardsman in the film "").

Georgy Vitsin starred in a variety of films and became famous in the role of Vasya Vesnushkin in the film “Replacement Player” (1954). Before filming “Replacement Player,” Vitsin trained daily at the stadium for a month to “burn off fat.” And at a rehearsal for a boxing match, he got so excited that he seriously attacked. , who boxed professionally, reacted automatically. As a result, Vitsin woke up with a crack in his rib, but did not leave the site, but continued filming, covering his chest with a towel.

The audience liked Vitsin's hero - shy, but dedicated to his cause, capable of committing a noble deed. Hot on the heels of the same successful template, the film “She Loves You” (1956) was shot, where the theme of true, and not ostentatious, heroism, spiritual strictness, capable of withstanding impudent frenzy, was developed.

In this film, the script included a complex water skiing stunt sequence. An understudy was supposed to film, but the director decided to take Vitsin weakly. Together with the screenwriter, they fabricated a letter from a certain fan of Klava, in which she said that she would personally observe how the bravest actor jet skis. At the end of the letter there was a transparent hint about the possibility of a close personal acquaintance. Vitsin read the letter, agreed to film, worked the whole episode brilliantly, but at the end he said to the joyful director: “But they could have come up with a more interesting name for the girl.”.

Vitsin’s homely but sympathetic heroes aroused the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the actor starred in detective, historical, and lyrical films. Kozintsev was going to make him a positive movie character with a slight touch of irony.

Age of the Coward

But then the second period of Vitsin’s creativity began - the era of the Coward. His fragile and delicate figure appeared next to Experienced - and Dunce -, creating an absurd satirical trinity, ridiculing the vices of society. Each of these images was collective, generalizing.

The coward Vitsin in the comedies “Dog Barbos and the Unusual Cross” (1961), “Moonshiners” (1961), “Operation Y” (1965), “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1966), “Seven Old Men and One Girl” was poetic, amorous, suspicious, a sort of intellectual from a communal apartment. All his subsequent heroes passed under the same mask with the usual sighs, gait, and with the usual set of accessories (briefcase, tie, bowler hat, glasses or just a myopic look).

New masks

Unexpectedly, the actor played the role of a hardened criminal in “Gentlemen of Fortune” (1971). A creepy man with a barking voice and sentimental memories, sticking his head into a noose - here Vitsin not only touched a modern nerve, but also found new colors to continue his “mask line”.

Unfortunately, he was offered few such roles with an “explosive” supporting role, like the dad from the comedy “It Can’t Be!” (1975). A master of eccentricity, grotesquery, and hilarious transformation, Vitsin was used as a pure comedian, although in this matter he was underestimated. But although this mask made it difficult for Vitsina creative search, the audience remembered many of the works of the talented comedic actor, who created the images of his indecisive heroes with subtle irony and grotesquerie.

We watch more than a hundred films with his participation and never stop laughing at his unsurpassed heroes. Here are Balzaminov from “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, and Tebenkov from the comedy “Guardian”, Khmyr “Gentlemen of Fortune”, Tyutyurin “The Incorrigible Liar”, Sir Andrew “Twelfth Night”, Sam “ Business people“and, of course, the main role is the Coward from the immortal comedies. And filming in the television “Zucchini 13 Chairs” only added to his popularity.

Georgy Vitsin could simply masterfully transform himself. At forty-eight years old, he played twenty-year-old Misha Balzaminov. At thirty-seven - eighteen-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film "Replacement Player". At the age of thirty-six he portrayed the ancient grandfather Musiya in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

To Vitsin's Coward mask last time returned in Yuri Kushnerev's film "The Comedy of Bygone Days." The director tried to revive the legendary threesome, combining them in one film with the equally famous Gaidaev twosome and Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov from “12 Chairs”. But the result was quite pitiful. abandoned the project immediately, and the remaining magnificent four strained with all their might, but were unable to make anything out of nothing.

Georgy Vitsin played his last role in the film “Hagi-Tragger” (1994).

Work in animation

In addition to cinema, Georgy Vitsin worked a lot on scoring cartoons. He approached his puppet and cartoon characters according to a system, considering this part of creativity no less responsible and serious. His voice is spoken by the brownie Kuzka, the hare ("Sack of Apples"), Giuseppe ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"), the musician beetle ("Thumbelina") and many others.

Artist Vitsin

Acting was not Vitsin’s only talent. Georgy Mikhailovich painted beautifully in oils and pencil. He was especially good at friendly caricatures - they always brought a sincere smile. Vitsin also tried his hand at graphics and sculpture. Truly, a talented person is talented in everything...

Personal life

Georgy Mikhailovich was married. His wife Tamara Fedorovna is the niece of the famous scientist Michurin, a costume designer. Daughter Natasha is an artist.

See you with Tamara Vitsin for a long time lived with actress Nadezhda Topoleva. Georgy was much younger than Nadezhda, but the age difference did not bother the lovers at all. After the passion faded and the couple ended their romantic relationship, Vitsin continued to take care of the one who taught him to love.

Georgy Vitsin was madly in love with animals. All the surrounding inhabitants (birds, cats, dogs) knew exactly the hours when he came out “to feed” and gathered in front of the entrance. The family kept two parrots and a dog.

Surprisingly, Vitsin, who often played drunkards on screen, was an absolutely non-drinker in life. Moreover, he did not smoke. Georgy Mikhailovich practiced yoga all his life. At that time in the Soviet Union, no one really knew what it was, but Vitsin systematically and regularly studied according to this ancient Indian system. Mandatory cleansing body, proper nutrition, high resistance to stress loads, daily workouts and meditation, strictly according to the schedule and regardless of the circumstances. Many directors tore their hair out when, after the command “Motor!” Vitsin looked at his watch and politely but firmly declared: “Excuse me, I need to stand on one leg and sit in the lotus position for seven minutes.”. Not paying attention to the tense atmosphere, he stepped aside, worked out his quota and calmly returned to work. The partners had different attitudes towards this obsession with a healthy lifestyle. Some were indifferent, others were skeptical, and some were quite harsh. For example,

Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin (officially: April 23, 1918, Petrograd, RSFSR; actually: April 23, 1917 (this is the date indicated on the grave of Georgy Vitsin), Terijoki, Grand Duchy of Finland - October 22, 2001, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

A modest and inconspicuous man whose credo was “Life must be lived quietly.” Serious clown Soviet cinema, book lover and sculptor, yogi and sage. In his own words, he understood the essence of the funny only when he was eighty years old: “Laughter is great... Laughing is a natural need normal person. Lack of a sense of humor is a disease... of an abnormal person.”

Georgy Vitsin in the city of Terijoki (currently Zelenogorsk), which at that time belonged to Finland, which was part of Russian Empire. His mother Maria Matveevna changed many professions; she alone bore all the worries around the house, since her husband returned from the war as a seriously ill man: he was poisoned with gas and did not live long.

Newborn Gosha was so weak and sick that doctors frightened his parents: “Your son is unlikely to ever walk.” When the future artist was eight months old, his parents moved him to Moscow. His mother sent the boy to a forest school where they taught yoga. Over time, Georgy Mikhailovich’s passion for it grew into a philosophy of life. It must be said that Vitsin studied at school with only C grades, but only got a B in drawing. When she started working as an usher in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, she often began to take her son with her to work. It was there that he became familiar with art.

It must be said that since childhood Vitsin was a very shy boy. In class, hiding from the stern gaze of the teacher, he always hid behind other people's backs. However, he made a firm decision to become an actor. To begin with, Georgy chose the school theater as therapy for shyness. In a children's performance, he performed the shaman's dance so furiously and emotionally that he received advice from his teachers to take up ballet seriously. But after school, Vitsin decided to “seriously take up” theater.

After graduating from school, Georgy Vitsin entered the Maly Theater School. But soon he was expelled with the wording “For a frivolous attitude towards the educational process.” In the fall, Vitsin again decided to test his strength. He was tested in three studios at once - Alexei Dikiy, the Revolution Theater and the Moscow Art Theater-2 - and was accepted into all of them at once. I chose the Theater School named after. E. Vakhtangov Moscow Art Theater Studio-2, where he studied from 1934 to 1935.

It’s hard to imagine, but in life Georgy Mikhailovich possessed a truly magical charm, literally bewitching women. Moreover, the actor had this gift from his youth.

At the age of 18, Vitsin entered the Ermolova Theater. And immediately - as if into an abyss - I fell in love with the actress Dina Topoleva. The feeling was strong, but hopeless. After all, Topoleva is not only much older than him, but also married. And behind the artistic director of the theater Nikolai Khmelev, whom Vitsin idolized and considered his teacher! Dina responded to his feelings and left her husband. And the most surprising thing is that Khmelev did not change his attitude towards Gosha; he still considered him one of the best actors. civil marriage Vitsin and Topoleva lived for almost 20 years.

And then 38-year-old Georgy bewitched Tamara, the niece of the famous scientist Michurin. She first saw him in a portrait in the theater corridor when she came to get a job as a decorator. It would seem an unremarkable appearance. But the eyes! She remembered their gaze for a long time. They have been married for more than half a century. Their daughter Natasha is an artist.

But Gosha did not break off relations with Dina. Moreover, until her death she remained a member of his family. Unthinkable? Not for those who knew Georgy Mikhailovich! Remembers A. Voinova, daughter close friend Vitsin directed by Konstantin Voinov:
“He built an absolutely amazing system of relationships. He wanted a child, but there (in the family with Dina - Ed.) there was no child. Aunt Tamara gave birth to a child. The child is adored, he simply idolized his daughter Natasha. But he managed to arrange it so that Natasha was allowed into Aunt Dinya’s house. He brought her there because it was like he had two families. Because he supported Aunt Dina all his life. Both her and her sister, with housekeepers, with a dacha for the summer... Vitsin could not leave Dina, she was older and needed care.

Georgy Mikhailovich could not stand the heat. He preferred to be, as they say, always “buttoned up” - in a jacket, closed shoes, with an umbrella. But, as luck would have it, most of his star shoots take place in the summer, and even in the south. But even 30-degree heat could not change his dress code. And to the exclamations of “You’re crazy!” In such heat! Vitsin calmly and dignifiedly answered: “Nature cannot be against me.” And indeed. The film crew even brought out a sign: if Vitsin arrives, the weather will definitely deteriorate, rain and storm will begin. But if the sun is needed for filming, Georgy Mikhailovich did not resist nature. For their sake, he was ready to spend the whole day in thirty-degree heat.

The cinematic career of Georgy Vitsin can be divided into three periods. He made his debut with the role of Gogol in Kozintsev's film "Belinsky" in 1951 (before that in the cinema he had only a cameo role as a guardsman in the film "Ivan the Terrible"). Before filming “Replacement Player,” Vitsin trained daily at the stadium for a month to “burn off fat.” And at a rehearsal for a boxing match, he got so excited that he seriously attacked Pavel Kadochnikov. Kadochnikov, who boxed professionally, reacted automatically. As a result, Vitsin woke up with a crack in his rib, but did not leave the site, but continued filming, covering his chest with a towel.

In the film "She Loves You" (1956), the script included a complex water skiing stunt sequence. The film was supposed to be an understudy, but the director decided to cast Vitsin “on a weak basis.” Together with the screenwriter, they fabricated a letter from a certain “fan of Klava,” in which she said that she would personally observe how the bravest actor water skis. At the end of the letter there was a transparent hint about the possibility of a close personal acquaintance. Vitsin read the letter, agreed to act, the whole episode worked brilliantly, but at the end he said to the joyful director: “But they could come up with a more interesting name for the girl.”

Surprisingly, Vitsin, who often played drunkards on screen, was an absolutely non-drinker in life. He could drink his glass of vodka, but it looked funny. “Gosh, have a drink!” You know how they persuade. Or when he wasn't feeling well. Then he allowed himself to drink. But he drank like this: he took a shot glass or a glass, did it like this (shows as if he was gargling) and put it down. This was the drink for him. Some kind of disinfection... Besides, he didn't smoke. Nonna Mordyukova, who, after the episode of the merchant Belotelova’s kiss with Balzaminov, told Vitsin: “Are you a man? You don’t drink, you don’t smoke, you don’t pester women. You’re a corpse!”

Georgy Mikhailovich practiced yoga all his life. At that time in the Soviet Union, no one really knew what it was, but Vitsin systematically and regularly studied according to this ancient Indian system. Mandatory cleansing of the body, proper nutrition, high resistance to stress, daily training and meditation, strictly on schedule and regardless of the circumstances.

According to the actor
- Well, if I’m still on the set, and it’s time for me to do yoga, I just stop the process and say that I urgently need to stand on one leg and sit in the lotus position. The director, of course, is tearing his hair out, but nothing can be done - I have yoga.

Screenwriter Yakov Kostyukovsky assures:
“This never happened with me, and without me, I’m sure, this could not have happened.” He was so tactful that he would never allow himself to disrupt the shooting.

Vitsin’s homely but sympathetic heroes aroused the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the actor starred in detective, historical, and lyrical films. Kozintsev was going to make him a positive movie character “with a slight touch of irony.” But then the second period of Vitsin’s creativity began - the “era of the Coward.” His fragile and slender figure appeared next to Experienced - Morgunov and Goofy - Nikulin, creating an absurd satirical trinity ridiculing the vices of society.

Georgy Vitsin played his last role in the film “Hagi-Tragger” (1994). In addition to cinema, Georgy Vitsin worked a lot on scoring cartoons. He approached his puppet and cartoon characters according to Stanislavsky’s system, considering this part of his creativity no less responsible and serious. In his voice they speak: the brownie Kuzka, the hare ("Sack of Apples"), Giuseppe ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"), the musician beetle ("Thumbelina") and many others.

According to his partners Morgunov and Nikulin: “Vitsin is devilishly talented and both of us together are not worth his fingernail.” He has not acted in film for the last 7 years; until recently, the actor appeared before audiences only in humorous concerts at the Film Actor's Theater.

The only thing that saved him was the duty that he imposed on himself: “I have to go feed the pigeons.” Every day he got out of bed, took bags of millet and went outside to feed the birds. The nearby stray cats and dogs also got tasty morsels - Georgy Mikhailovich also could not pass by their troubles calmly. And so it turned out that by the time Vitsin left the house, all his pets were gathering near the entrance. The family kept two parrots and a dog.

When the actor passed away in October 2001, cages with 12 doves were brought to his funeral. And when the coffin was carried out of the entrance, the birds were released. But one pigeon fell dead... October 22, 2001, after a serious illness, People's Artist Soviet Union passed away. The monument, which was erected on his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery, was erected with public money, which the actor did not accept during his lifetime.

In the park of culture and recreation of Zelenogorsk on July 26, 2008 (to mark the 460th anniversary of the city and the 90th anniversary of Vitsin), a monument to Georgy Vitsin was unveiled. The sculpture depicts the actor in the role of Balzaminov from the film “The Marriage of Balzaminov.” Artist-sculptor Yuri Kryakvin. In 1973, the portrait film “Georgy Vitsin” (directed by Vladimir Tomberg) was shot at the Tsentrnauchfilm film studio.

Interesting Facts-
# It turned out that in the metric book of the Petrograd Church of the Exaltation of the Cross the baby Georgy Vitsin is actually recorded as 1917! Next to the entry is the date “April 23.” But this is the day of St. George, after whom the boy was named. And the date of birth is April 5th! Vitsin’s mother corrected the year to 1918 in order to enroll her son in a forest health school.
# Vitsin looked very young until his old age. At thirty-six years old, Georgy Vitsin portrayed the ancient grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”. At thirty-seven - eighteen-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film “Replacement Player”. At the age of forty-six he played twenty-year-old Misha Balzaminov (“The Marriage of Balzaminov”).
# Vitsin was interested in books and coins.

Awards and titles
# Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1959).
# People's Artist of the RSFSR (1977).
# People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

One of latest interviews Georgy Vitsin ended with this: “Don’t fuss, people. Life takes an awful lot of time!”

On April 18, 1917 (new style) in the city of Terijoki (today Zelenogorsk) Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin was born - the future Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR. During his career, he starred in more than 100 films, and also voiced a huge number of roles in films and cartoons. The actor gained national love and fame from his roles in comedy films. In people's memory, he forever remained one of the most beloved Soviet actors. His roles in films are still loved by millions of viewers today, and the jokes uttered by his characters on the screen have become true living classics of Russian humor.

Although he was born in the Vyborg province, which was part of the Grand Duchy of Finland, the parents of the future famous actor were from the regions central Russia. Mother Maria Matveevna is from Penza, father Mikhail Egorovich is from Vladimir province. At the same time, Georgy Vitsin’s parents were in no way connected with art. At the same time, Georgy Vitsin was an extraordinary person, even with the date of his birth there was some confusion. His mother, in order to send the child to a forest health school, places in which were available only in younger group, corrected the year of birth in the metric to 1918 and set the date to April 23 - his name day.

The future actor spent his entire childhood in Moscow, where his parents moved when the boy was not yet a year old. Georgy's mother worked as an usher in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions and often took her son with her to work. The boy really enjoyed watching the behavior of the actors and famous people, watch concerts and performances. Imitating his idols, already at the age of 12 he participated in productions that were staged on the school stage. The gift of a comedian was already evident in him then; his classmates liked his parodies of teachers. Later, Georgy Vitsin will say: “Laughing is a natural need of a normal person. Lack of a sense of humor is a disease."

From 1926 to 1933, Georgy Vitsin studied at an ordinary Moscow seven-year school No. 26, after which he decided to get a professional acting education. In 1933-1934, he studied at the Theater School at the Maly Theater (today it is the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin), from where he was expelled with the wording “for frivolous behavior.” In 1934, he entered the Theater School at the Vakhtangov Theater (today it is the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute). From here, in 1935, he was transferred to theater studio Moscow Art Theater 2nd. In 1936, Vitsin successfully passed final exams and protects thesis. Having received the coveted diploma, the actor, full of dreams and hopes, goes to work in the theater.

First 30 years brilliant career Georgy Vitsin was associated with the Ermolova Theater, at which time he relatively rarely acted in films. He played in this theater from 1937 to 1969. In Yermolova’s theater, Vitsin was deservedly considered a real star. They said that the public specially went to performances with his participation, asking at the box office whether Vitsin was playing on stage today. If the answer to a question was no, people could simply turn around and leave. In those years, theater critics wrote about him with pleasure, and few would have thought that an actor with such an excellent stage career would be able to exchange theater for cinema and comedy roles.

However, at some point, Georgy Vitsin still got tired of the limited theatrical repertoire, which was repeated day after day, and in order to break out of its scope, he decided to try his hand at cinema. His first screen debut occurred back in 1944, when he starred in the episodic role of a guardsman in Eisenstein’s film “Ivan the Terrible”; according to other sources, he made his film debut a year later in the film “Hello, Moscow!”. This was followed by several roles in the image of Gogol. In 1951, he played the famous writer in the film “Belinsky”, and in 1952 in the film “The Composer Glinka”. It is curious that Vitsin played the classic of Russian literature three times, including for the reason external resemblance with the writer, as well as a realistic and very natural performance of this role. The actor played Nikolai Gogol for the third time in 1959 in the film “How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich.”

However, it was not his roles in historical films and not the image of Gogol that brought Vitsin fame and people's love. The first truly notable film with his participation was the film “Replacement Player”. This film with Vitsin in the title role was released on screens around the world in 1954, and with it real fame came to the actor. The actor, who was already 37 years old at that time, had to play a young, serving big hopes football player Vasya Vesnushkin. In order to look worthy on the screen, Georgy Vitsin trained daily at the stadium, but it was not his physical form that captivated the audience. In his performance, Vasily Vesnushkin turned out to be a modest and touching young man, in the shadow of his older brother. Despite this, thanks to his honesty, intelligence, kindness and incredible enthusiasm, he manages not only to become the star of his football team, but also to gain the favor of the girl with whom he was in love. Vitsin’s role in this film was very lyrical; there was practically nothing in it from future comic images that would become legendary.

The actor throughout his career creative career looked very young. That is why, at 37 years old, he could easily play a young 18-year-old guy. All because Georgy Vitsin tried to lead healthy image life: he did not smoke or drink, and also did yoga, which was enough for the USSR in those years a rare occurrence. Georgy Mikhailovich was very scrupulous and responsible about his own health, did not like feasts and ignored noisy Moscow gatherings. Throughout his life, he was a very modest person and did not like increased attention to his person. Despite this, Vitsin was very good at the roles of drunkards, which he performed reliably and realistically.

After the film “Replacement Player”, for quite a long time Grigory Vitsin starred in small character roles, like Sir Andrew Egyuchik in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, which was filmed by Ian Fried, or in minor episodes. But Vitsin managed to fill even non-main roles with such meaning and content that the viewer often looked only at him. He also managed to star in the film “She Loves You!”, where he performed some of his own stunts. For example, in the episode with water skiing, it was originally planned to film a double, but the director decided to use Vitsin, who did not let him down, performing the water skiing trick perfectly.

The real breakthrough in Vitsin’s career occurred in 1961. This year he gained true all-Union glory and fame. The actor gained fame from his role as the Coward in the films of Leonid Gaidai; this image was first embodied in the short film novel “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross.” This was followed by the films “Moonshiners”, “Operation Y”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, all of these Soviet comedies were a resounding success. These films are watched with pleasure by viewers even today in the 21st century. They became a real apogee in the career of Georgy Vitsin. The role of the Coward, which the actor played in the immortal comedies of Gaidai, became leading role his career, which gave him immortality. In this image, Vitsin appeared on the screens of the USSR 7 times at once. The slender figure of Georgy Vitsin with an ever-guilty expression on his face against the backdrop of the never-dull Yuri Nikulin (Doonie) and the healthy Evgeny Morgunov (Experienced) already looked quite comical in itself. Viewers all over the country laughed at this trio, falling in love with these heroes very much.

In the fate of Georgy Mikhailovich there was also a large number of wonderful roles. The most beloved and famous films were “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “An Old, Old Tale” and others. During his life, Vitsin played in almost 100 different films; his numerous theatrical roles also brought fame to the actor. The actor himself treated the theater with great respect throughout his entire life. Even after he plunged headlong into filming feature films, Vitsin believed that there is no such thing as a “film actor,” there is an actor and he is born only on the stage, where live communication with the audience is possible.

Among all Vitsin’s works, the comedy “Gentlemen of Fortune” can be especially highlighted. His transformation in this film was a real surprise for the audience. In this film, Georgy Vitsin played a notorious criminal nicknamed Khmyr. The pitiful look that had previously been characteristic of the Coward was replaced by a sly squint, and his specific thin voice was replaced by an eerie hoarseness. A creepy man with a barking voice and sentimental memories, ready to stick his head in a noose - with this role Vitsin not only touched the modern nerve of society, but also picked up new colors to continue his acting work.

In addition to filming films and working in the theater, Vitsin voiced a huge number of cartoon characters. Georgy Mikhailovich was an excellent reciter. Moreover, he approached his hand-drawn and puppet characters using the Stanislavsky system, considering this part of his creative activity no less important and responsible. The voice of the famous comedian is spoken, for example, by the brownie Kuzya, Giuseppe from “The Adventures of Buratino”, the musician beetle from the cartoon “Thumbelina” and a large number of other characters of Soviet animation.

Georgy Vitsin was officially married once. He lived with his wife Tamara Fedorovna for a long time and happy life. In his marriage, he had a daughter, Natalya, whom he loved very much. Before meeting his wife, the actor dated and lived for a long time with actress Nadezhda Topoleva, who was much older than him. After their relationship ended and the passion subsided, Vitsin continued to take care of Topoleva. After breaking up, he brought her food and medicine.

According to the memoirs of the actor’s daughter Natalya Vitsina, her father loved to draw; he could have become an artist or sculptor. It is known that during breaks between filming, Vitsin could often sketch a portrait of his colleagues on the set. He drew caricatures and caricatures of actors, for example, during the filming of “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” he drew a caricature of Yuri Nikulin.

The actor’s merits were highly noted not only by the audience, but also by the country’s leadership. In 1959, Georgy Vitsin received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1977 he became People's Artist of the RSFSR. And in 1990 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union, which was the highest recognition of his acting talent.

His talent was also noted by his colleagues. In particular, Nikulin and Morgunov emphasized that “Vitsin is devilishly talented and both of us together are not worth his fingernail.” They said about Georgy Vitsin that he could even play a doorknob, which was also a reflection of the recognition of his acting skills; any images were available to him. He could even make episodic small roles memorable and beloved by the audience. In addition, Vitsin was a real master of disguise. So, at the age of 48, he played 20-year-old Misha Balzaminov in the movie. At the age of 37, he played 18-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film “Replacement Player.” And at the age of 36, he succeeded in the role of the ancient grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin died in Moscow after a long illness on October 22, 2001 at the age of 84; the actor had heart problems. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. On July 26, 2008, a monument to Vitsin was unveiled in the Zelenogorsk Culture and Recreation Park (to mark the 460th anniversary of the city and the 90th anniversary of the actor). The sculpture depicts the famous actor in the image of Balzaminov from the film “The Marriage of Balzaminov.” And in 2012, in Irkutsk, near the circus building, a monument to L. I. Gaidai and the famous “Gaidaev Trinity” appeared.

Georgy Vitsin, along with his partners Yuri Nikulin and Evgeny Morgunov, became a real idol of Soviet film comedy. At the same time, his acting capabilities were significantly wider than one might think about them, watching the adventures of the “Gaidaevsky trinity”. Vitsin possessed extraordinary talent dramatic artist, however, he deliberately chose the comedic path, in which he was very successful, remaining forever one of the greatest Soviet comedians of the 20th century. As Nikita Mikhalkov noted during his farewell speech at the artist’s funeral: “There has never been and never will be a comedian of this caliber in Russia. Just hearing Vitsin’s surname, people brightened up and a smile appeared on their faces. Georgy Vitsin had the gift of looking at his heroes as if from the outside, so even the negative characters in his performance were always adored by the audience.”

Based on materials from open sources

How the idols left. Last days and clock people's favorites Razzakov Fedor



VITSIN GEORGE(theater, film actor: “Composer Glinka” (1952), “Replacement Player” (1954), “Twelfth Night” (1955), “Maxim Perepelitsa” (1956), “Groom from the Other World” (1957), “Dog” Barbos and the Unusual Cross" (1961), "Moonshiners" (1962), "Business People" (1963), "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures", "The Marriage of Balzaminov" (both 1965), "Prisoner of the Caucasus" ( 1967), “An Old, Old Tale” (1968), “The Guardian”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “12 Chairs” (all 1971), “Shadow” (1972), “Incorrigible Liar” (1974), “Can’t be!” (1975), “For matches” (1980), “Dangerous for life” (1985), etc.; died on October 22, 2001 at the age of 84).

Of the famous trinity, Coward, Dunce, Experienced, Vitsin was the last to pass away: the first was Yuri Nikulin (August 21, 1997), the second was Evgeny Morgunov (June 25, 1999). And Vitsin lived longer than his comrades - 83 years (Nikulin - 75, Morgunov - 72).

Vitsin had long been terminally ill, but due to the fact that for many years he led a healthy lifestyle (he practiced yoga), he rarely turned to doctors for help. And he periodically participated in national concerts, since his meager pension was clearly not enough for a full life (Vitsin lived with his wife, who did not work due to illness, and her artist daughter, whose salary was also small).

On September 16, Vitsin agreed to participate in the next concert, which took place in the capital’s Film Actor Theater. The organizers called Vitsin literally two hours before the start of the performance and asked him to replace the ill artist. And Vitsin, who was not feeling well that day, agreed, setting only one condition - to speak first. But that didn't help. Immediately after the performance he felt bad with his heart. An ambulance was immediately called, which took Vitsin to the 19th city hospital. He was placed in the intensive care unit. But the very next day the artist felt better and was transferred to a double ward in the cardiology department. His daughter Natasha looked after him there. O. Alekseeva wrote in the newspaper “Life”:

“Georgy Mikhailovich categorically forbade his wife to leave his beloved dog Boy unattended. But Tamara Fedorovna does not dare ask one of her friends to sit with the dog. He doesn’t want them to see the conditions in which the People’s Artist of Russia, who has played more than a hundred film roles, lives. The picture is truly depressing. In the tiny corridor there are books and a bowl of food for the Boy. In the room there is an old black and white TV and again a lot of books. The shower has not worked for six months, there is no cold water in the kitchen.

“It’s not just unfair, it’s inhumane,” says Tamara Fedorovna with tears in her eyes. - A great actor, a people's favorite, but he lives in such devastation. But Georgy Mikhailovich endures everything courageously and does not turn to anyone for help. And he scolds me if I start talking about it. I sometimes think: maybe I should write a letter to the government, to the Union of Cinematographers? But Georgy Mikhailovich forbids it, says: it’s hard for everyone now, and he has no right to demand special attention to himself...”

Doctors at Hospital No. 19 relieved Vitsin of an acute attack of angina and treated his heart. Then the daughter took the artist home. But a couple of days later he felt bad again - he was struck down by an attack of angina pectoris. On October 10, Vitsin was placed in a more comfortable clinic - Hospital No. 2 under the Russian Ministry of Health. He was in a double ward, where one day of stay costs 600 rubles. But all expenses were borne by Nikita Mikhalkov as chairman of the RF IC. As the head of the urology department, Igor Balakleytsev, assured readers of Life: “We have no problems with medications. We give Georgy Mikhailovich everything he needs. Mainly painkillers and sedatives. Georgy Mikhailovich is a very courageous person, he hides his suffering in every possible way. And he even tries to joke. But his jokes bring tears to my eyes... He is embarrassed by his helplessness and does not call the nurses when he needs to turn over or pick up a blanket that has fallen on the floor... He says: “On my own, on my own...” - and then in an apologetic voice asks: “Please hand me over.” Your blanket is too heavy... “We are very upset that Georgy Mikhailovich eats almost nothing. And, to be honest, he is very bad...

We know that after the publication in Life, people called the Union of Cinematographers. Only they spoke completely differently to the officials there. They asked how they could allow Vitsin to live in poverty? Why didn’t they help with medications and get a job? good clinic? At the other end of the line they replied that they would try to help as much as possible.

Finally, Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin is in good conditions. Worthy of a great actor."

They say that even when Vitsin was admitted to the 2nd hospital, the doctors had no illusions - the actor had no chance. Yes, he himself understood this perfectly well. Very often he repeated one phrase to the medical staff: “They shoot at everyone, but they won’t kill me.” On Thursday, October 18, Vitsin became worse. He stopped eating on his own, could not sit up in bed, and had difficulty speaking. The actor lost consciousness on Friday. Over the weekend, he woke up for a few minutes, but then fell into oblivion again.

On October 22, Vitsin’s condition became extremely serious, and doctors called his daughter Natasha. She arrived immediately and stayed with her father for several hours. But he never regained consciousness. At 16.30 great artist Georgy Vitsin died.

They say that his beloved dog Boy missed him greatly all the days while the actor was in the hospital. Even in his sleep, he listened sensitively to rustling sounds on the landing and jumped up every time if he heard extraneous noise. And when he was taken out for a walk, he did not frolic as before, but sadly wandered around the yard. Alas, the Boy never waited for his master.

On October 25, a farewell ceremony for G. Vitsin took place at the House of Cinema. Thousands of people came to see it. This is how the central media described what was happening.

S. Pleshakova (“Moskovsky Komsomolets”): “The huge foyer of the House of Cinema could not accommodate everyone who wanted to say goodbye to the great artist. Near the coffin, Georgy Mikhailovich’s daughter Natalya and other close people froze in endless grief (his wife Tamara Fedorovna felt so bad that she could not attend the funeral ceremony). Nearby, the luminaries of Russian cinema Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Shirvindt, Alexander Mitta, pop singer Sergei Krylov, construction workers with orange helmets in their hands, and touching old women froze in reverent silence. Natalya Varley could not hold back her tears and helplessly buried herself in Vladimir Etush’s shoulder. Not far from the coffin there were two cages with carrier pigeons. Brothers, pigeon keepers Sergei and Yuri Grigoriev, said that Vitsin’s relatives found them and asked them to bring the birds that the actor loved so much during his lifetime, so that they would see him off on his last journey.

When the coffin began to be carried out of the Cinema House, 12 doves were released, the crowd gasped, people cried..."

A. Mayantseva (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”): “At the Vagankovsky cemetery, flower girls with the words “What kind of person are being buried!” hide the price tag “20 rubles” in their pockets and give bloody carnations for five.

Vitsin’s beloved “Arbat old women” and old men in faded and scanty scarves huddled in a circle and carefully unwrapped relics from handkerchiefs and bags - yellowed newspaper clippings, photographs, postcards. A tram ticket on which Vitsin once put a squiggle is passed from hand to hand. Then the owner’s wallet with this ticket and 30 rubles is stolen by cemetery thieves...

Some of the photographers are trying to find out how to sell photographs to relatives later. “Many people take pictures, but I’m just a professional,” the grabber presses the representatives of the mayor’s office. “Get out of here, paparazzi, before the equipment is broken,” one of the men hisses at the photographer...

Father Vyacheslav reads a prayer and says quiet, kind words. The crowd is sobbing, and one journalist looks over the priest’s shoulder, trying to find a favorable angle for a photograph. The “soap box” falls from chilled hands; someone catches it in flight ten centimeters from the coffin. I feel ashamed for my colleague... What a bastard profession we have!..

The first handful of earth is thrown into the grave by daughter Natasha, followed by relatives and friends. Then - everyone else. People are coming in an endless stream. It feels like the grave will be covered by hand and the gravediggers will be left out of work. Natasha stands aside: journalists annoy her. Yes... of course... thank you... sorry... later..." the girl whispers with white lips.

Having said the last “forgiveness” to their native grave, the family wanders towards the exit.

Cemetery beggars and holy fools ask them for “a pretty penny for Grisha’s memorial.” The daughter, who held on until the last moment, begins to sob...”

A year after the death of G. Vitsin, the director of the Museum of Three Actors (Vitsin-Nikulin-Morgunov) Vladimir Tsukerman and the journalist “ Komsomolskaya Pravda» Tatyana Putilova. And they were unpleasantly surprised that there was neither a monument nor a fence at the grave. As a result, on October 23, 2002, a note entitled “Forgotten Vitsin” appeared in KP. Let me quote a few excerpts from it:

“The grave of one of the most popular actors, covered with cellophane, is lost among the rich monuments. Wooden cross, photo. And a fresh bouquet of flowers...

– When he was buried a year ago, everyone, starting with Mikhalkov, spoke a lot of loud words and made promises. And so... - Vladimir Tsukerman sighs... - People leave, people forget about them.

Vitsin's death undermined the health of his wife Tamara Feodorovna. At the wake she fell and broke her hip. And he is still in serious condition.

Sometimes help comes from the Russian Actors Guild. But the organization itself is not in the best financial position...

During the time we were at the cemetery, no one came to the grave.”

Oddly enough, this note had absolutely no effect on the situation. None of those in power even lifted a finger to help the family of the great artist erect a worthy monument at the grave. Therefore, on April 23, 2003, on the actor’s 86th birthday, Komsomolskaya Pravda rang its bells again. The new note was also called “Forgotten Vitsin” (author – Evgeny Chernykh). In it, the artist’s daughter Natalya Vitsina admitted: “I wanted to make a monument to my dad according to my design, he was fond of sculpture, he was my first teacher. But when they named the price, I was dumbfounded. I simply don't have that kind of money. And no on the fence either. And generally speaking…"

The Union of Cinematographers of Russia told the journalist that they had 16 thousand rubles from the money collected for Vitsin’s funeral. But this money is clearly not enough for a worthy monument to a wonderful artist. This statement surprised the author of the publication. After all, a year ago Komsomolskaya Pravda published an invoice for the monument to Vitsin, but how much money came there remained a mystery. Even Vitsin’s daughter did not know about this. On this occasion, E. Chernykh wrote:

“But how long can you walk around in circles with a hat? There is a specific department through which the late Vitsin works. It's called cinematography. Lenin once called it the most important of the arts.

Judging by the vigorous activity, it remains so. Recently the national film award “Golden Eagle” was presented. Then the international festival broke out in Khanty-Mansiysk. "Spirit of fire". People rushed to Siberia, having heard about unheard-of banquets with sturgeon, royal gifts, and entertainment. From Paris itself, the tall blond Pierre Richard was sent to the tundra together with the erotic Angelique, that is, Michelle Mercier.

Exactly on Friday (April 18. – F.R.) “Nick” was awarded. Another national film award. Also solemn, pathetic. And as it gets warmer, film people will flock to the Black Sea. On international festival"Kinotavr". Again, festivities until the morning. And there is the event of the year - the Moscow International Festival, Kinoshock and a lot of smaller festivals. Not life, solid color cinema. It seems that fewer films are being made in Russia than there are festivals. And where do they get the money?

Let there be more holidays, festivals, premieres. Who's against it? But with all these celebrations and banquets, one would not forget the lonely grave of the wonderful actor Georgy Vitsin. Don’t fly once or twice to Cannes or Los Angeles, dear film bosses, don’t feast too much, don’t wash “Eagle”, “Nika”, “Aries”. Here is the money for the monument, for the treatment of the widow...”

This publication had a positive reaction. Just not from the film officials. On April 26, Komsomolskaya Pravda published a response from the Governor of the Moscow Region, Boris Gromov, who stated the following: “Thank you very much, Komsomolskaya Pravda! I'm shocked. The regional government is ready to place the actor’s widow in our clinic in a single ward. We will conduct examination and treatment. We will help the family financially and erect a monument to the artist.”

The response of film producer Mark Rudinshtein was also posted here. I quote: “Well done for writing the truth. We need to correct the mistake. I’m ready to finance the monument.”

Meanwhile, the monument at the grave of G. Vitsin appeared in March 2004. However, it is more than modest: it is a granite stele with a painted cross, the inscription “Georgy Vitsin” and the dates of the actor’s life and death. The newspaper “Life” even published an article about this on its pages entitled “An orphan monument was erected to Vitsin.” I beg to differ with this. This monument has its own symbolism. After all, in the acting community, all his life there was an opinion about Georgy Mikhailovich as a very modest and unpretentious person. And the monument on his grave very accurately reflects the essence of his character.

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