Tips for caring for your skin in summer. Rules for facial care and sun protection in summer. From ultraviolet rays

The main threats to the face in summer are hot sun and intense ultraviolet radiation. Due to the sun, the epidermis thickens, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases, and altered defective elastin accumulates - a protein that has elasticity and promotes the regeneration of the skin. Because of the heat, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, and if for those with dry skin this is rather a positive phenomenon, then for girls with oily skin it is a real disaster.

In addition, sweat, sebum, dust, dirt and grime settle on the skin and clog pores.

During the summer, the skin needs to be cleansed several times a day. using, of course, products designed for your skin type. In addition, in the heat, you often want to rinse your face with cool or even ice water. However, you need to fight this temptation and wash your face with water at room temperature. It is useful to wipe the skin with pieces fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

Sweat appearing on the face causes a lot of trouble. Simply wiping it with a cloth handkerchief can damage the skin and cause irritation. Therefore, it is better to lightly blot your face with a soft paper napkin.

Often severe sweating of the face is caused by an incorrectly selected day cream. A common mistake that leads to more intensive work of the sweat glands is using an evening cream instead of a day cream or applying too thick a layer of day cream. Some young women may experience sweating due to moisturizer or biocream.

For those with oily skin, toning lotions can help cope with the consequences of excessive facial sweating. In especially severe cases, it is allowed to use alcohol-containing products, but they should contain no more than 30% alcohol.

In summer, a lot of fluid is removed from the body through sweat. To make up for her loss, drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily. As in spring, it should be water, and not tea, juice or other liquids.

Use creams with UV filters and sunscreens daily. Before going outside, be sure to lubricate your face with protective cream, and upon returning home, immediately cleanse your skin, wipe it with toner or apply moisturizer.

Do not wash your face before going to the beach or walking in the sun. so as not to destroy the protective hydrolipidic film.

Do not use vitamin or moisturizer as a tanning product., as well as creams containing hormones. These drugs contribute to the occurrence of dermatitis, sunburn, and excessive sweating. Use special sunscreens, creams and oils. Please note, however, that they must be applied in a thin layer. Too much a large number of These products often cause redness, irritation, and itching.

Those with oily and problem skin need to be very careful when it comes to tanning. Acne, pimples, and pustules do not like too sharp and long exposure to ultraviolet radiation and can become even more inflamed. To prevent this from happening, it is better to sunbathe not every day, but every other day. Start with 2-3 minutes of exposure to the sun and gradually, adding 2-3 minutes at a time, increase the duration of sunbathing to 15 minutes. Then gradually reduce the tanning time. Turn one or the other side of your face towards the sun alternately.

Choose creams with a light texture. It is desirable that they contain moisturizing and soothing components, as well as substances that enhance immunity.

Sun, dirt, pollen and heat can increase skin sensitivity and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, in order not to overload your skin with additional pollutants, try to use as little decorative cosmetics as possible. It is better to prefer loose powder to foundation: it will protect the skin and eliminate oily shine.

In summer, morning skin care routines should be kept to a minimum. Evening care can be more intense. Summer evening- the best time to apply masks, peeling, and whitening products.

The sun provokes the active formation of dangerous substances in the body - free radicals, therefore, to maintain immunity, it is recommended to take dietary supplements with antioxidants, vitamins and microelements.

Skin care

It's no secret that summer skin care you need the same one as for your hair. The “evil” rays of the sun can cause harm if you don’t protect yourself. Even though it’s time for vacation, you still shouldn’t deviate from working on yourself. The scorching sun dries the skin, water from the pool or sea spoils it, leaving a layer of salts on it. The hot, dry wind continues to dry out the already dehydrated skin.

Summer skin care

Under no circumstances leave your skin without proper protection and care if you don’t want to look like dried fruit in a couple of years. Agree, it is much nicer when the skin looks like a peach - ripe and rosy, and not like dried apricots. But it is precisely the “aggressive” ultraviolet radiation that leads to such wrinkling ahead of time. But still, like any other care, everything should begin with cleansing.

Skin cleansing

The time has come when the sebaceous and sweat glands work at full capacity. Excess of their secretions can “stagnate” in enlarged pores without having time to leave them. As a result, hated pimples may appear. Of course it is much better to prevent them. That is why it is necessary to cleanse your face not just daily, but several times a day. But it is also not recommended to overdo it.

During this period of the year, cleansing should be deep and thorough. Choose products that have these characteristics. Steam your skin and then apply a scrub. This is the only way you can thoroughly clean all the pores. When choosing gels or foams for cleansing, select for your shelves those that contain aloe extract. It suits almost everyone. But the effect is wonderful.

Facial skin care - protection

Summer time is the time for severe exposure to ultraviolet rays on your body. Don't want to grow old before your time? Then defend yourself. There are a huge number of products with UV barriers on sale. You need to choose the one that suits you. For example, owners of light, almost snow-white skin are required to purchase formulations with the maximum indicator. Otherwise, they are not only at risk of burns, but also at risk of developing cancer.

Do not forget that some people may develop a “leopard print” coloring instead of a beautiful even tan. That is, pigment spots here and there. But in such heat you can’t really apply much foundation or other cosmetics. You won't be able to disguise yourself. Therefore, do not skimp on creams with UV barriers.

Apply them at least a quarter of an hour before going out into the sun. Let it absorb well. A protective film is formed. It is from this that the rays will be repelled, thereby protecting the skin.

Facial skin care humidity

Here is the most important point of all. In summer, the skin is most susceptible to drying out. It is worth understanding that without your intervention through creams and masks, she is unlikely to cope with restoring water balance on her own. Now is such a wonderful time! So many fresh berries, fruits and even vegetables. A real paradise for the skin. Skin care in summer is pleasant. After all, by making a mask, for example, from watermelon pulp, you can have a snack with it.

There is probably no woman who does not know about the seasonal repurposing of cosmetic skin care products. Each season of the year means a change in cosmetic formulas, as well as summer skin care requires compliance with certain rules. In summer, our skin needs special care, since the influence of dry air and winds, as well as active ultraviolet radiation, is very strong, the destructive effects of which on the skin I never tire of talking about in many of my articles.

So,summer skin care and its features:

  1. Cleansing the skin 2 times/day – in the evening and always in the morning (at night the skin is actively renewed and metabolic products must be removed in the morning). Use gentle cleansers that contain oils and fats. Aggressive foams, gels and soaps are absolutely contraindicated in summer, even for oily skin.
  1. Skin toning 2 times/day– evening and morning. Choose tonics without alcohol and salicylic acid. The best option- herbal decoction ( great option), melt or mineral water.
  1. Peels and masks

It is very important to know that in summer you absolutely cannot do peeling more than 2 times a month, even with oily skin. After the resurfacing procedure (we are talking about the procedure at home), you should especially carefully avoid the sun, since peeling removes the protective layer of dead cells from the surface of the skin and young cells remain unprotected. Be careful!

For summer peeling, use soft scrubs containing oils and fats, natural peelings made from oatmeal, bran of various cereals, natural coffee, ground seeds of medicinal plants.

There are also recommendations regarding masks. Do not make masks with a whitening effect or with acids (fruit and lactic). All sour fruits and vegetables, as well as cucumber, have a whitening effect. This also includes dairy products. If you make masks from fruits, be sure to take into account the degree of acidity of the fruit. Make fruit masks only in the evening and avoid the sun the next day.

Under clay masks, it is better to apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type (do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your skin before the mask).

By following these recommendations, you will save yourself from the serious risk of uneven skin pigmentation and the appearance of any prerequisites for serious injuries to the skin structures, leading to life-threatening diseases.

  1. Moisturize the skin 2 times a day/day - evening and morning

As a day cream, it is advisable to use water-based creams or oxygen cosmetics, taking into account your skin type. In the evening, it is better to use fatty oils with the addition of essential oils, or nourishing creams with a soothing effect and deep moisturizing.

As with the previous point, avoid moisturizers with alpha hydroxy acids. Such acids are often (almost always) present in cosmetic lines for mature and aging skin. Put off acid formulas until fall.

  1. Mandatory UV protection

I always remind all women how important it is to protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation. Everyone probably knows the term “photoaging”. But this term does not reflect all the harm behind it! I wrote about all the consequences in a separate article (link below the article), which I definitely recommend reading! Sunscreens should have an SPF of at least 30 in the city (for fair skin), and at least 40-50 on the sea coast.

Sunscreen is applied under moisturizer. It is important to note that sunscreens need a period of time (usually about 30 minutes) to absorb. By this I want to say that after applying sunscreen, you can go out into the sun only after 30-40 minutes.

You can try making your own sunscreen using natural minerals that perfectly reflect UVA and UVB rays.

  1. For makeup, use mineral cosmetics, which will increase protective functions skin under aggressive factors summer season. Do not use “heavy”, dense foundation compositions. Best advice, which can be given is application in summer heat mineral powder (to even out skin tone without clogging pores).
  1. Increase air humidity in rooms where you stay for a long time.

Be sure to have a small spray bottle with purified water (preferably thermal water) in your purse and spray small droplets of moisture over yourself (not in your face, of course!). This will moisturize both your skin and hair, which also suffer greatly from dry air and sun. You can add 1 drop of essential oil that meets the requirements of your skin type ().

A very good trick: place a wide bowl or plate of water at your head at night. This significantly slows down the dehydration of skin and hair in the summer heat!

  1. Drink plenty of clean water, at least 2 liters per day. Thus, you will not only prolong the youth of your skin, but also help your entire body!
  1. Do not plan serious cosmetic procedures in the summer– peeling, deep cleaning, removal of papillomas, moles, spider veins, etc. By getting rid of one problem, you will get several others in return. This is due not only to ultraviolet radiation, but also to dry air, changed nutrition, and more. in an active way life.

10. Do not wash your face with cold water! The temperature difference between the skin of the face and the water will instantly dry out and tighten the skin, adding wrinkles.

My dear readers (and readers)! He who is informed is armed! Do not neglect my advice, and competent summer skin care will thank you with radiant and fresh skin, with beautiful light tan!

I wish you to enjoy the summer days and a fun, meaningful and active vacation!

Summer is a blessed time that everyone is waiting for to soak up the sun and “tint” their skin. But at the same time, many people forget that facial skin care in summer (as well as the whole body) must be organized especially carefully in order to protect it as much as possible from the negative effects of merciless solar radiation.

It is during the summer that our skin experiences enormous stress. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands increases, this leads to additional contamination of the pores with sebum and dust, irritation, inflammation, peeling of the skin and increased pigmentation.

Even the simplest cosmetic procedures cause increased sensitivity and unpredictable reactions. This has a particularly negative effect on the face, where the skin most often becomes dehydrated, dries and becomes wrinkled, this is especially noticeable around the eyes.

Step 2: Protect skin from dust, grease and UV rays.
Observing correct mode cleansing, you already protect your skin from pollution and subsequent inflammation and rashes. But in addition to this, a protective barrier should be created on the surface of the epidermis; loose powders or sprays on mineral bases (for example, with silver ions) are well suited for this. We also recommend veil powder, which has a transparent composition and gives the skin a matte finish. It can be applied both to clean skin and over makeup.

But it is worth noting that the main protection in summer time are creams and lotions with SPF filters. If you choose quality product, then it performs several functions at once: it becomes a barrier to harmful rays, moisturizes and evens out skin color.

We tell you in detail about the best natural sunscreens for the face in the summer of 2018 - be sure to check out this rating!

Step 3: Right choice caring creams.
In summer, our skin needs increased hydration and nutrition with the help of creams.

When choosing them, consider the following important nuances:
♦ day cream must be moisturizing, not greasy, preferably in the form of serum or hydrogel;
♦ apply the product to your face with your fingertips, intensively patting the skin to improve blood circulation and prevent wrinkles; Be sure to remove any residue with a napkin to avoid clogging the pores;
♦ do not use products containing fruit acids, as they increase skin sensitivity to UV radiation;
♦ 15-20 minutes before going outside, apply a cream with ultraviolet protection (SPF or sun screen marks);
♦ despite the hot weather, night cream is also used for facial care, only it should be lighter, containing natural moisturizers, antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, D, E; Apply the cream no later than 2 hours before bedtime; an hour after use, blot off the excess with a napkin.

Step 4: Selecting the optimal makeup.
Summer decorative cosmetics have lighter textures so as not to clog pores. In addition, try to reduce the number of layers of your makeup, as they increase the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

Full makeup involves applying colored foundation, foundation, powder, blush and other “heavy” products. When exposed to high ambient temperatures and sun rays our skin is steamed and its permeability increases many times - hence high risk the occurrence of inflammation.

Let's say that in the cold season you apply serum, day cream, foundation to your face and set it all with powder.
This is unacceptable in hot weather. You should:
♦ limit yourself to light moisturizing and loose powder;
♦ use only BB cream;
♦ apply only fluid with SPF.

For combination young skin and oily skin types, gels, sebum-regulating serums and light mattifying emulsions are suitable. If you have dry skin or are over 40-50 years old, light emulsions and fluids are suitable.

Step 5: Proper nutrition and drinking regime.
The health and beauty of the skin depends on a whole range of conditions, and these necessarily include food and water. Summer also has its own nutritional rules that should be followed if we do not want to harm our appearance, but improve it.

7 summer nutrition rules:
♦ eat more fruits, berries and vegetables, up to 700-800 grams per day - this way your body will receive the necessary vitamins and hydration;
♦ include fermented milk products, cereals, fish in the menu;
♦ reduce the amount of protein in food, as it sucks moisture;
♦ do not abuse green tea so that calcium is not washed out of the bones;
♦ in hot weather it is recommended to drink up to 3 liters of liquid ( pure water, unsweetened compotes, still water, freshly squeezed juices with celery, herbal teas); drink small portions every hour;
♦ exclude large consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods; steamed or steamed food is healthier own juice; diet: every 3 hours up to 5-6 times a day in small portions;
♦ accept vitamin complexes(fish oil is especially useful) - it improves general condition, both the whole body and the skin.

Step 6: Additional care.
Summer does not cancel additional care for our skin in the form of nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing, rejuvenating and brightening masks and scrubs. You can use ready-made products if you have already tried them and are confident that these products are hypoallergenic. We recommend choosing folk recipes, since their compositions are 100% natural.

Depending on the characteristics of your epidermis and its tendency to damage, choose masks that protect from ultraviolet radiation, can relieve irritation, and reduce pigmentation. Home remedies also include moisturizing formulations and lead to significant improvement in skin health during the hot season.

At the same time, you should not overuse scrubs (especially those containing soda, salt and other harsh exfoliants), it is better to make steam baths from herbs (if there is no rosacea), this is more gentle on the skin.

Here you will find a lot of homemade recipes that you can easily prepare with your own hands in the summer:

Summer masks for different skin types

1. Normal facial skin recovers well and is less damaged by sunlight. The main task of summer care is to support healthy functions with moisturizers and sunscreens. Masks are also used weekly to nourish the skin with vitamins.

Green mask

Chop the dill and parsley and mix with sour cream, kefir or natural yogurt. Apply to face for 25 minutes and rinse clean water room temperature.

Milk wash

Dilute full-fat milk with water in a 1:1 ratio and wash your face with this product morning and evening.

2. Dry skin especially suffers in hot weather when the surface of the face dries out - this serious problem. This skin reacts poorly to the sun and many sunscreens. Moisturizing masks, lotions, creams homemade solve this problem well.

Vitamin mix

Beat any berries and fruits or a mixture of them raw in a blender. Add milk or homemade yogurt to the puree in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to skin for 25-30 minutes and rinse with cool water or herbal infusion.

Curd hydration

Take 2 tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. It is good to enrich the mask with a couple of vitamin E capsules. Apply the composition to the epidermis and hold for 20 minutes. Remove any residue with a napkin and rinse with herbal infusion.

3. Caring for oily skin in summer also has its own characteristics. Especially a lot of sebum is secreted on the forehead, nose and chin, so enlarged pores, pimples, and shine appear more often here. It is in such places that more intensive hydration is required with the help of tonic alcohol-containing lotions and anti-inflammatory creams.

Lemon water for washing

The easiest remedy to prepare is diluted lemon juice. Squeeze a tablespoon of juice and dilute it with 2 tablespoons of water. Rub or wash oily skin with this mixture.

Vitamin mask

This composition protects the skin well from sun rays. Grind 2 tablespoons of rolled oats and add a teaspoon of lemon juice and still mineral water to this flour. Enrich the mixture with 3 drops of vitamin E. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Remove any remaining mask with a damp cloth.

4. Taking care of combination skin in summer is difficult because it requires products different types for different areas of the skin. In the T-zone, the skin tends to be oily, while in other zones it can be normal or dry. At home care Universal vitamin masks and herbal infusions help cope with mixed skin. Apply fermented milk products (whey, kefir) to combination skin and leave for 10 minutes. A compress made from a decoction of linden flowers also helps to cope with the problem.

Creamy mask for cleansing and moisturizing

Pour 2 teaspoons of oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then add 2 teaspoons of heavy cream, stir and apply to your face for half an hour. Rinse off any residue with room temperature water.

Melon mask

This recipe is good for skin with enlarged pores. Mash a couple of slices of melon pulp and add 2 tablespoons of kefir to it. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.

If the skin is “burnt”

If you stay in the open sun for a long time and do not protect yourself with special means, clothing and glasses, the likelihood of getting burns is high.

When a burn does occur, you should immediately get out of the sun. When you don't have anti-burn cream or spray on hand, use folk ways: Wash your face and apply sour cream, kefir or egg white to your skin. Do not use cosmetics or lotions under any circumstances. A cream with aloe vera, panthenol, compresses made from calendula and chamomile will help soften the burn.

Cabbage mask for burns

Pass the cabbage leaves through a meat grinder and add the raw yolk to this pulp. Apply to face for 20 minutes and then rinse lightly warm water or chamomile infusion.

Potatoes for sunburn

One of the best remedies for UV-damaged skin is a potato and cucumber mask. Grate raw potatoes and fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix and apply to skin for 20-30 minutes. Remove any residue with a damp cloth.

The beauty and youth of the face is achieved by observing all the rules of caring for it in different seasons, age periods and taking into account typological features. We hope that our tips and recipes will help you cope with this.

In this video you will learn summer “beauty secrets” from a very interesting woman, watch it - you won’t regret it:

Summer is great time when every woman wants to look attractive and shine, pleasing others. And to achieve this, it will not be enough to do a beautiful hairstyle and makeup, you need to take care of your face all year round. But especially much attention is paid to this in the hot season, so that the tan spreads evenly and does not injure the epidermis.

How to take care of your face in summer 2018

To prevent your skin from burning during first contact with the sun, follow these care recommendations:

  • If the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, then there is no threat appearance will not bring, but when this mark rises, protect your face. Apply SPF cream before going outside. The higher this indicator, the lower the likelihood of rays penetrating the epidermis.
  • Don't wash your face often. Many people say that in summer you need to wash your face every hour. But such excessive “care” can only bring harm; two times will be enough. The fat that is produced forms a protective film, and with frequent contact with water you kill it.
  • Avoid nourishing cream. If you want your skin to be beautiful and healthy, avoid creams with dubious ingredients, and it is better to nourish the epidermis with vegetables, berries and fruits. It is recommended to apply moisturizer after washing. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking a glass of water every hour.
  • Avoid cosmetic procedures such as peeling. It is not recommended to visit a cosmetologist; you can take care of your face at home. Any excellent salon will refuse to perform a cosmetic procedure; in the summer they will only cause harm. At home, steam baths are allowed no more than once a week.
  • Make homemade masks. To make your face look beautiful and healthy, make homemade masks based on ingredients available to every housewife.
  • Use decorative cosmetics to a minimum. If you want to use decorative cosmetics in the summer, then buy only natural and high-quality products. Since they are inexpensive foundation creams can clog pores, which disrupts cellular respiration.

Everyday care

For daily care in the summer, buy the following products:

  1. Shower gel. It is indicated for cleansing, which does not affect water balance. For the hot season, choose gels with amphoteric surfactants of the fourth type.
  2. Tonic. In the hot season, it is difficult to do without toning; it softens the skin and does not allow the sun to pass through. If you don’t want to use store-bought creams, then a good alternative is thermal water. When purchasing, choose only tonics that have a moisturizing effect. You are allowed to apply the product up to five times a day: after washing and being outside.
  3. Masks. It is not recommended to use them frequently: twice a week will be enough. If you choose store-bought products, then give preference to moisturizing cosmetics, or use homemade masks.
  4. Crema. There should be no more than two creams in your arsenal, but they must be used regularly. Moisturizing creams and products with an SPF filter are suitable.


Cleansing is one of the important procedures that determines how your face will look. You need to do this at least twice a day. But sometimes a situation happens that you cannot wash your face, for example, you are on the road. And even in this case, do not forget about nutrition when wiping your face wet wipes, cosmetics. Can also be used for washing mineral water without gases, which has a good effect.

Day face cream and makeup

It has already been said above that in summer days It is necessary to apply as few layers of makeup as possible. Acceptable positions include:

  • moisturizing cream;
  • powder (it can be replaced with BB cream).

It is important that the nourishing cream contains antioxidants that will protect the skin from negative rays.

Additional care

If you have sensitive skin prone to damage, add anti-rosacea products, these can be gels, serums and masks that have a positive effect on its condition.

Salon treatments for facial skin care in summer

During this period of time, people pay more attention to the body, putting facial procedures in the background. If women visit a cosmetologist, they sign up for moisturizing procedures. If problems arise, then ladies also go to a cosmetologist:

  • when swelling appears, lymphatic drainage is indicated;
  • beauty injections and vitamin therapy are given to protect the skin;
  • for acne, use anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • Collagen deficiency can be overcome with ozone therapy;
  • people with sensitive skin anti-rosacea care is indicated.

Dust protection

The skin is more susceptible to inflammation due to excessive dust and dirt in the summer. It is recommended to use powder with silver ions or a veil. They can be used both before applying makeup and as a separate product. After you come home from the street, you need to wash your face to get rid of dust, in which bacteria that are invisible to humans can multiply.

Advice! If your face becomes covered in sweat, do not wipe it off with your hand. You can remove sweat with matting wipes or a cotton pad, which a lady should wear on walks to always look great.

What is undesirable to use in the summer

During the hot period, refrain from cosmetics that contain acids and retinol, which increase sensitivity to the sun. In general, the use of such cosmetics should be intermittent, and the summer period can be made this time. But if you do use such cosmetics, follow these recommendations:

  • V daytime use creams with SPF;
  • apply cream only in the evening;
  • Do not sunbathe for 2 weeks before and after use.

Summer without burns: facial care that protects from ultraviolet radiation

If you go outside for a couple of minutes, apply cosmetics, as this time is enough to cause burns. If you are going on vacation for 5-7 hours, take the cream on the road and apply it up to 3 times a day. When choosing cosmetic product follow these tips:

  • SPF from 10;
  • do not apply cosmetics with acids or retinol to your face;
  • buy creams according to the instructions.

Advice! Do not apply creams and gels to the skin around the eyes; this is suitable for Sunglasses. Even if you are unusual in wearing such an accessory, do not refuse it - after all, vision is more valuable than convenience.

If your face is burned, you can prepare a mask from cabbage leaves:

  1. Cut 3 cabbage leaves into small pieces.
  2. Mash the vegetable with your hands until it becomes a paste.
  3. Beat one egg yolk.
  4. Add the yolk to the cabbage with 50 ml of warm milk.
  5. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze or bandage.
  6. Apply a compress to the burned parts of the face.
  7. After 20 minutes, remove the compress and wash.

Cleansing, moisturizing, toning: age category 30+

After thirty, the skin undergoes significant changes, and therefore it requires regular care. For cleansing, do not use soap, which causes negative impact. There are three main steps when leaving:

  1. Cleansing. With the help of cleansing, you can get rid of the fat accumulated in the pores. Use cleansing gel and milk daily. Don’t give up washing your face, even if you spent the whole day at home without going anywhere.
  2. Hydration. The products must contain the following components: vitamins, essential oil, moisturizing and nourishing components, filters that combat ultraviolet radiation. Choose lightweight formulations for daily use.
  3. Toning. Do not overuse cosmetics so that your skin can breathe in the summer. Use products that regularly remove dust and dirt.

Facial skin care after 35 years

If you are over 35 years old, then when leaving, listen to these recommendations:

  • cleanse the skin morning and evening;
  • combine home treatments with salon ones;
  • women with increased dryness are advised to avoid alcohol-containing cosmetics at any time;
  • use a toning, nourishing and rejuvenating cream;
  • carry out deep cleansing once a week;
  • apply masks;
  • products for evening application should contain collagen and hormones.

Skin care in summer after 40 and 50 years

For women over 40 years of age, careful care is important, and therefore you need to take a responsible approach to choosing cosmetics. Most often, this period occurs during menopause, and therefore the body needs hormones. When choosing cosmetics, listen to these recommendations:

  • hydration should come first;
  • cosmetics should not contain alcohol;
  • Film masks are not recommended;
  • cosmetics must contain hormones, which must be selected together with a doctor;
  • carry out deep cleansing procedures.

How to care for dry skin

If you have dry skin, then avoid cosmetics that contain active ingredients. Oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis; many women use it instead of scrubs. If you don’t listen to this rule, you will begin to produce fat and your face will become even drier. Use special tools:

When choosing decorative cosmetics, buy natural products that do not contain petroleum products. When using cheap cosmetics, do not be surprised that a film forms after it. Choose delicate cosmetics that are gentle on the face.

Summer masks for dry skin

If you have dry skin, be careful when choosing a cosmetic product. You can use this homemade recipe:

  1. Remove the bone from the apricot and mash it into porridge.
  2. Add 30 ml of olive oil and twice as much cottage cheese.
  3. Mix all ingredients and apply the mask.
  4. Remove the mass using cotton wool and wash with cool water.

Oily skin care

If you have oily skin, then buy masks with clay that can cleanse the epidermis and not clog pores. If you also have problem skin, regularly apply an anti-inflammatory mask.

Masks for oily skin care

If you have oily skin, you can make a potato-based mask. The method of preparing it is simple:

  1. Boil one large potato in its jacket.
  2. Peel the fruit and mash it with a fork.
  3. Grind a handful of currants, but not black ones.
  4. Mix the two ingredients and add 30 ml of kefir, stirring everything until smooth.
  5. Apply the compress to your face for 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.

How to care for combination skin in summer?

When caring for your face, follow these rules:

  • Foams and gels suitable for mixed skin types are used for washing. They do not contain alkalis and acids; an alternative can be called medicinal decoctions.
  • Fermented milk products are suitable for care; it is recommended to apply kefir or yogurt to the face every morning, avoiding the eyelid area, for 10 minutes using a cotton pad.
  • The cream should not be greasy, but the product for night use should be a little thicker.
  • Buy scrubs for cleansing.

Mixed skin - care features

The peculiarity of caring for combination skin is that it requires hydration. Various creams and gels are suitable to solve this problem. They should contain chamomile, sage, and plantain, as these herbs have a calming effect. If you choose products with oil compositions, it is important that they are natural. When buying a tonic, pay attention to its composition; it should not contain acids. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and balancing acidity.

Fact! If the T-zone secretes oil while you sleep, use a soft brush along with care products to wash your face.

An excellent remedy for combination skin is wiping your face with ice cubes. To achieve greater effect from it, it is necessary to use medicinal decoctions. Grind dry or fresh leaves herbs, pour boiling water over them, let it brew and place in the freezer. After a day, they can be used for wiping in the morning and evening.

Summer is a wonderful time, but don't forget about your skin. And if you don’t take care of it, then after the hot season it will begin to peel off and take on an unhealthy appearance. It is recommended to visit a cosmetologist regularly to avoid further problems. You should not use only home methods for care; of course, natural cosmetics are better absorbed by the skin, but they cannot achieve the same effectiveness as cosmetic products.

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