Airborne special forces are the elite of the Russian armed forces. Airborne special forces: history and structure Officer company of the 45th airborne regiment

In unit 28337 - 45 airborne special forces brigade (Kubinka). There are almost no conscripts recruited there, which is why the competition among them is extremely high. The division is relatively young, but has already proven itself well, and therefore is among the elite.

This resource is not an official website. All information about him is taken from open sources. Here you will not find state secrets, but you can learn about how to join the unit, what requirements are imposed on candidates and in what material and living conditions you will have to serve.

The 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment was awarded the Orders of Alexander Nevsky and Kutuzov. It was created a few years after the collapse of the USSR. Located in the Moscow region. Throughout its existence, the regiment has undergone various changes.

Military personnel participated in military operations in the Chechen Republic, South Ossetia. The unit has guard status.


Sports competitions are held in the military unit. Not only domestic, but also international. Military personnel give performances at various events held in Moscow and the region. hand-to-hand combat and skydiving.

In addition to the traditional study of regulations and drill training (probably irrelevant for contract soldiers and intended only for conscripts), military personnel receive the theory of military affairs, practicing the acquired knowledge in practice.

Physical training is very important and has priority, so forced marches are frequent, carried out over different distances from different levels equipment.

Military personnel study different types weapons, acquire other military skills at training grounds.

Special attention is paid to practicing parachute jumps. On the territory of the military unit there is a complex designed to acquire the skills of safe separation from an aircraft, landing, and training in jumping with full ammunition. Jumps can be made at any time, regardless of weather conditions.


Military personnel live in a soldiers' dormitory; there is no barracks. The dormitory is of a block type, with 2 rooms, each of which is designed for approximately 5 people (plus or minus 1).

The dormitory equipment is traditional: showers, bathrooms, a gym, a relaxation room, and classrooms for classes.

Meals in the dining room. Cooking, cleaning and other kitchen functions are carried out by civilian employees. Additionally, groceries and other necessary items can be purchased at the store.


Military personnel receive wages based on VTB card. The allowance is standard. Possible bonuses for excellent physical fitness and special conditions services. Separately and if necessary, you can open and send a Sberbank card to the soldier. There is no ATM in the unit; it is located outside it on Naro-Fominsk Highway, 5.

How to enlist under contract in the 45th Regiment

As noted above, young conscripts practically do not serve in the unit, and in the near future it will be completely transferred to a contract basis. Concluding a contract to serve in a unit is not easy; the candidate must meet a number of requirements regarding physical and moral stability and endurance, the ability to correctly and quickly assess the situation and make the right decision. And also a desire to serve.

The basic requirements apply to all men wishing to join the armed forces, and not just the 45th regiment:

  • age not less than 18 and not more than 40 years;
  • degree of suitability for service – A1;
  • undergo an interview with the commander;
  • pass a physical fitness test;
  • write tests to determine psychological stability;
  • write a report.

The unit accepts women to serve. They do not participate in combat operations, but occupy positions in the headquarters, medical unit, serve as radio operators and in other similar positions that do not involve active action. However, they undergo the same physical training as men, in accordance with the standards established for women. Living conditions for them are similar.

To find out about the availability of vacancies, you need to contact the unit directly or the military commissariat at your place of residence.


Calls are allowed in the evening. During training time, they are surrendered and are kept in the custody of the commander.

You can reach the unit at one of the following numbers:

  • +7 495 592 24 16;
  • +7 495 592 24 53;
  • +7 495 592 24 97;
  • + 7 495 591 44 74 – military registration and enlistment office;
  • + 7 495 593 58 73 – duty officer at the military registration and enlistment office.

Addresses and mail

Postal address for parcels and letters: 1437, Moscow region. Odintsovo district, Kubinka-1, hch 28337, full name.

The post office is located in Kubinka, on Kolkhoznaya Street and is open every day except Monday and Sunday.

Postal items are collected from the post office once a week. It is recommended to check the contents of the parcel with the military personnel. Hygiene items, spare laces, warm insoles, and stationery will not be superfluous. Medicines are prohibited; please check further about the possibility of sending them and the list of permitted medications.


If you are coming from regions far from the Moscow region, then you need to go to Moscow. From there there are several ways to get to Kubinka:

  • By train from Belorussky railway station to Kubinka station. The current schedule is available online on the websites of the station and other similar ones (Yandex, From there, take minibus 27 or walk;
  • From Art. Kuntsevskaya metro station by minibus 59. Get off at the Armored Vehicles Museum stop.


It is recommended to stay in a hotel at the flying club. There are double and triple rooms available. On the territory of the town there is a regular dormitory and a dormitory for military personnel. There you can also get information about free places. Don’t forget about sites offering rental housing, such as Avito, Domofond. Social networks will also help you find an apartment.

The Department took part in the storming of Grozny Special Operations(USO) FSK "in full force - 21 people"1, according to other sources - 22 people2, under the command of General Dmitry Mikhailovich Gerasimov. (FSK was the name of the reformed KGB-FSB in December 1994, and the USO included fighters from the Vympel group that was disbanded at that time)

As part of the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment special appointments of the Airborne Forces(45 Orp Special Forces Airborne Forces, military unit 28337), which was in the reserve of the Minister of Defense, there were about 450 people.3 According to other sources, 400 people entered the city of Grozny directly.4
There is also information that in December 1994, “exactly half of the entire regiment” was involved in guarding the “train of the Minister of Defense.” And that, supposedly, there was an order “not to involve those who are on security duty at combat exits.”5 Thus, the number of people entering Grozny can vary greatly.

The regiment commander was Colonel Viktor Dmitrievich Kolygin, but on the territory of the Chechen Republic his duties were performed by the chief of staff, Colonel Valery Nikolaevich Yuryev.6

Major Alexander Skobennikov from the 45th Special Forces Airborne Regiment: “Our unit was divided into two detachments. The one I was in was supposed to join the northern, “Rokhlina” group.”7 Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what the author meant . There may be two battalions of the regiment: 218th (military unit 48427) and 901 (military unit 23372).

According to Major Sergei Ivanovich Shavrin from the USO FSK: “There were about 20 of us left from the special operations department. Guys from the 45th reconnaissance regiment were supposed to act with us. They alerted us again and brought us to the airfield in Mozdok to deliver us by helicopter to the center of Grozny, to the stadium. Then it was assumed that we would take Dudayev’s palace in much the same way as we took Amin’s palace in December 1979.<...>We never flew to the center of Grozny. As they say, as above, so below. A terrible inconsistency in the actions of different types of troops was revealed. It turned out that the helicopters could not take off, because one helicopter pilot had not yet had lunch, another had not yet refueled, and the third was completely on duty. As a result, already January 1 at 00 hours 10 minutes we were given the order: “Get in the cars!” - the city had to be entered by land.<...>By the evening of that day, having already entered the city with a tank column, we learned from our scouts that by the time of that failed landing, the stadium planned as a springboard for it was full of well-armed and at the same time not subordinate to anyone: it was on December 31 that the the weapons available in warehouses were also distributed there without restrictions to everyone who wanted to defend “free Ichkeria”. So our three helicopters would most likely have been burned over this stadium."8

January 1, 1995

Major Shavrin from the USO FSK: "In New Year's Eve We marched in an armored personnel carrier to the Tolstoy-Yurt area and entered Grozny. I remember our column moved to 0.10 minutes of the first of January."9

Major Skobennikov: “In Tolstoy-Yurt we were assured that the route of our movement was absolutely safe and controlled by ours, we could move in a marching column. We entered, indeed, quite calmly. However, as it turned out, this part of the city was not controlled by anyone. That it was not controlled by ours - that's for sure."10

Major Shavrin: “The departure was unsuccessful. The guide from the corps, for unknown reasons, pressed the gas and disappeared around the corner, and we walked along Khmelnitsky street, Pervomaiskaya and drove out almost to the city center. They realized that they had driven in the wrong place, began to turn around, and on Khmelnitsky Square (probably Ordzhonikidze Square) they were fired upon from a nine-story building. The grenade hit the last armored vehicle, several people were wounded. But the group was taken out without losses."12 (judging by the fact that the next day 16 people from the USO FSK entered the city, there were 5 or 6 wounded)

Major Skobennikov: “While the column was turning towards one of our armored personnel carriers, a grenade launcher was fired from somewhere on the upper floors. We responded with a barrage of fire. The soldiers examined the surrounding buildings, but found no one. It turned out that the armored personnel carrier was damaged, and two of our guys were seriously wounded. New attempts to get in touch were again unsuccessful. We decided to return to Tolstoy-Yurt, spend the night, find a more intelligent guide and move to the city again at dawn."13

January 2, 1995

Major Shavrin: " Since morning let's go again. There are 16 of us, led by the head of airborne reconnaissance (Colonel Pavel Yakovlevich Popovskikh)."14

Meanwhile, "in ten o'clock in the morning on January 2 command post(8th Guards AK) settled in the basement of the plant."15

Major Skobennikov: " In the morning We moved to the city along the same route.<...>After some time, our convoy was overtaken by cars with medicines. They also went to the cannery and knew the way. We went together, but we didn’t break in at random. The soldiers dismounted and walked along the sidewalks, looking at the neighboring windows. Already on the way to the plant, we had to engage in a short battle with the militants who did not have time to leave the area. We arrived, however, without losses."16

From the description of the actions of the battalion under the command of Major Nikolai Sergeevich Nikulnikov: “Nikulnikov’s battalion enters Grozny. Its location is allocated in one of the buildings of the former cannery. It would seem that ours are already there. You can advance in a column. And the battalion commander dismounted and organized long before the approaches to the city patrols, combat guards, reconnaissance. The motorized rifle commander, who got to Grozny with him, opened his mouth when he saw how the landing groups were making their way through the “peaceful open” area - sometimes crawling, sometimes running, from cover to cover."17 (interesting , what motorized rifle unit are we talking about? 74th Omsbr?)

IN documentary film A. Lyubimov's "Chechnya. The Beginning of the War" contains a video recording of Captain Igor Dementyev, filmed at a cannery. From the comments of senior lieutenant Vladimir Palkin it follows that the consolidated column in 13:35 was in a cannery. (Major Andrei Anatolyevich Nepryakhin and senior lieutenant Sergei Nikolaevich Romashenko, both from 218 about SpN18, were present in the frame)

Major Shavrin: “Soon they appeared before General Rokhlin and reported.<...>The corps commander entrusted us with a difficult task: to ensure the safety of the column tracks along which the advance was made. Combat vehicles and troops. This is Lermontovskaya street ( Lermontov). There are houses and a private sector on one side, and high-rise buildings on the other. Militants in groups of 5-6 people made their way into houses and fired at the columns. And the street is completely clogged with combat vehicles, tankers, and vehicles with ammunition. In general, every shot is a hit and great damage, losses."19

According to Major Shavrin, the FSK USO also cleared the street. B. Khmelnitsky, although without specifying the date: “There were high-rise buildings on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Avenue - our petrochemists lived there: also Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars - Soviet Union, All in all. During the assault, the streets became deserted: some left, some hid in the basements. And this house also seemed to be empty. We cleared it out."20

It is likely that from that moment on, the 45th Airborne Special Forces Ordnance Unit began operating in two different directions, because according to Major Skobennikov: “We were given another task: to liberate, together with the SOBR, from the Dudayevites Petropavlovskoe highway. We chose night time for work; darkness, as you know, is a special forces soldier’s friend. Technically, it looked something like this: they spent the whole day watching the block that was to be “cleared,” tracking every smallest detail. At night, the sappers were the first to move forward, remove the Chechen “tripwires” and install their own, blocking the possible retreat routes of Dudayev’s troops and the approach routes for reinforcements. Then the group quietly infiltrated the building, most often through some “unusual” opening, like a hole in the wall. They quieted down for a while, trying to determine the location of the militants by sounds, then slowly began to move, destroying the “spirits” with the help of silent and bladed weapons.<...>. Most often with the help silent weapons the matter was over. If necessary, then grenades and everything else were used in full. Behind two nights we cleared Peter and Paul Fortress." (night of January 2/3 and January 3/4)

According to Major Shavrin, it was joint groups that cleared the street. Lermontov: “From our joint team with special forces paratroopers, we formed four groups and cleared the block of bandits. We set up ambushes, and when militants were found, we entered into battle. The bandits are afraid of open battle and avoid it. They have one tactic: bite-run, bite- run away... They soon realized that there were ambushes, there were special forces there, it was unsafe there. And the bandit raids stopped. Several blocks along the road were free."21

Major Skobennikov: “Sometimes they fired at our own people even after a warning, as happened on Lermontov Street. We notified everyone that we would be working. They advised us not to interfere under any circumstances. In one house it was not possible to work quietly, grenades were used. Here, out of nowhere, a tank - the explosion of its shell destroyed half a house. One of our soldiers was killed, one was wounded, another was shell-shocked."22 (it seems that what happened on January 4, 1995, when Private Sergei Alekseevich Dmitruk from 901 about SpN.23 died)

Major Shavrin: “How many lives we saved! We and the scouts of the 45th regiment. The Chechens didn’t fight at night. They didn’t have night vision devices. And the scouts and I went out at night, captured their lines and then met ours.”24

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1 Mikhailov A. Chechen wheel. M., 2002. P. 71.
2 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18. (
3 Maksimov A., Shurygin V. Airborne Forces. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. P. 189.
4 Shurygin V. Give me Argun, give me Shawl! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14. (
5 Shurygin V. Chechnya. War. "Special Forces" // Maksimov A., Shurygin V. Airborne Forces. Chechnya. Nobody except us. M., 2004. P. 211.
6 Shurygin V. Give me Argun, give me Shawl! // Tomorrow. 1999. December 14.
7 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5. (
8 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Russian newspaper. 2005. December 16. (
9 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
10 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5.
11 Skobennikov A. Betrayed and killed // Russian House. 1999. No. 3. (
12 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
13 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5.
14 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
15 Antipov A. Lev Rokhlin. The life and death of a general. M., 1998. P. 155.
16 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5.
17 Popov V. Professional // Gudok. 2002. December 12.
18 Lyubimov A. "Chechnya. The beginning of the war" - documentary footage filmed by servicemen of the Russian Army
19 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
20 Dobromyslova O. Mission Impossible // Russian newspaper. 2005. December 16.
21 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18.
22 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5.
23 Airborne Troops Russia. M., 2005. P. 378.
24 Dobromyslova O. Mission impossible // Russian newspaper. 2005. December 16.

(to be continued...)

A report from a correspondent who was lucky enough to get to the location of a unit of the 45th Airborne Special Forces Brigade.

In special forces random people no, they come here only of their own free will. At the same time, not everyone who expressed a desire to become a special forces soldier is included in the unit. special purpose accepted.

“The selection of future special forces from among the conscripts begins with studying their personal files,” says Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Fridlander, deputy brigade commander for work with guard personnel. “The brigade officers specially go to the military registration and enlistment offices for this purpose. If possible, already there, on the ground, with those young men who have expressed a desire to serve in special forces, conversations are held, their moral and business qualities are studied, and the level of physical fitness is checked.

Before conscription into other units, recruits do not pass physical training standards. However, the 45th Airborne Special Forces Brigade is a special unit, with much higher requirements for the strength, speed, agility and endurance of a fighter.

As you know, conscripts at military registration and enlistment offices are psychological tests. However, upon arrival from the military registration and enlistment office to the 45th Brigade, each recruit is tested again. It is extremely important to identify in advance the guys who are not up to the task of being a special forces soldier. After all, they will be able to master another military specialty in the Airborne Forces or another branch or branch of the Armed Forces. Strict selection is in the interests of both conscripts, the 45th brigade, and the army as a whole.

Productive selection for special forces is facilitated by the active interaction of the brigade command with the military-patriotic clubs of the country, especially with the main military-patriotic organization - DOSAAF of Russia. For example, in the Belgorod region they successfully prepare young men for service in the Airborne Forces; Belgorod graduates of the DOSAAF school last year staffed an entire company of the 45th brigade.

Those wishing to enter the 45th airborne brigade under the contract, if they previously served in other airborne or air assault units, they know the requirements of special forces “entrance control” from the very beginning, since brigade officers, when traveling to other units and formations of the winged guard, talk about them in detail. It is more difficult for those who come from units of other branches of the armed forces and branches of the Armed Forces or from the “civilian” community.

Upon arrival at the brigade, a candidate for contract service undergoes physical training, then he is immediately subjected to psychological testing. The main task when taking physical training tests is to objectively reveal the capabilities and potential of the candidate. After exercises for speed (running 100 m), strength (pull-ups on the crossbar) and endurance (3 km), three sparring fights are held for three minutes. This is where the strong-willed qualities are revealed: this is when the candidate, missing a blow, falls, but then gets up and continues to fight to the end.

“There are quite a lot of cases when we have to inform the military registration and enlistment office that the recommended candidate is not suitable for us,” Lieutenant Colonel Friedlander says with regret to the Guard. – Military registration and enlistment offices should be more strict in selecting candidates for our brigade.

Careful selection of personnel, a healthy moral environment in the brigade units and, of course, care from the state contribute to the fact that about 90 percent of contract soldiers enter into repeated contracts.

Benefits include an increased salary, taking into account various bonuses (for completing a parachute jumping program, for successfully passing physical training standards, etc.), the opportunity distance learning at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and other leading universities in Moscow, the right to a mortgage after concluding a second contract. On average, a contract private, having served for three years, receives 35–40 thousand rubles monthly.

It is almost impossible to serve in special forces from year to year as a private or contract sergeant or officer without a love for military craft. In addition, having fully experienced the hardships and hardships during training sessions, when you have to hide in an ambush for several days, and when performing combat missions, special forces groups become monolithic teams from which you do not want to leave. How many friends and acquaintances does the average young compatriot have with whom he can go on reconnaissance? With the dominance of correspondence communication by phone, Skype or on social networks, young people have forgotten how to communicate in person, let alone make friends. When they get into trouble, they may think about the value of friends who can rush to the rescue, especially if there are no such friends. And in a special forces group, everyone is ready to pull a wounded comrade out of the heat or even lay down their life for their own.

And in general, the brigade is one family, where their own people are never abandoned. And after being wounded, many are looking for a position, helping in every possible way to find a worthy and feasible job again. This was the case, for example, with the holder of two Orders of Courage, ensign Vadim Selyukin, who, while performing combat mission lost his legs. Now he is the captain of the Russian Paralympic sledge hockey team.

Practice convinces: even advanced technology of the 21st century will not completely replace ground-based deep reconnaissance, and will not diminish its capabilities and role

To the skies - with a “soft jellyfish”

The special forces jokingly say: “I arrived at the place - everything is just beginning”.

Dropping behind enemy lines by parachute is just one of the options for delivering reconnaissance officers to the task site. Of course, this method is not easy and requires concentration from the soldier when studying a set of actions called airborne training.

The brigade makes parachute jumps D-10, "Arbalet-1" and "Arbalet-2", and the last two systems have a gliding dome-"wing". Airborne special forces are taught to land with a parachute on any surface: a field, a forest, the roof of a building , pond... Jumps are made during the day, at night and in difficult weather conditions. Therefore, airborne training in the 45th Brigade is one of the main subjects of training. This is where the combat training of both an ordinary paratrooper and an airborne special forces soldier begins.

“Airborne training includes studying equipment - a parachute and safety devices, packing a parachute and training at an airborne complex, where they practice the elements of a jump, actions in the air, preparation for landing and the landing itself,” explains the deputy brigade commander for airborne training Guard Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Rekun.

Recruits, as well as those who decided to throw in their lot with the airborne special forces, signed a contract, but had never jumped with a parachute before, are prepared for the first jump for two weeks.

The laying of D-10 parachutes takes place in 6 stages, the paratroopers pack the parachute together, the packing dynamics are controlled by the unit commanders and the airborne forces officer. At each stage, triple control is required, almost like in astronaut training. There is no room for error, because a person will be alone in the air and there will be no one to tell him anything.
Of the two parachute systems used in the brigade, the D-10 is easier to stow and operate in the air. The method of preparing for jumps with this parachute has long been worked out.

“When a serviceman leaves an aircraft, he has a neutral canopy, that is, a parachute that does not move horizontally or (in the wind) almost does not move,” Lieutenant Colonel Rekun explains to the Guard. – Accordingly, the paratrooper’s release point differs little from the landing point: it is vertical. By and large, nothing depends on the parachutist: where he was thrown is where he will land.

“Crossbow” has a different quality. From a kilometer in height you can move 4–5 km to the side using only Parachute performance characteristics, in complete calm. At strong wind a paratrooper from a kilometer altitude will be able to move 6–7 km from the drop point.

D-10 is designed for mass landing. And any special forces soldier first masters self-control in the air on this parachute.

Subsequently, according to the instructions of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, after 25 jumps on the D-10, the serviceman is allowed to operate the Crossbow. In this case, at least seven jumps must be long.

“Preparation for jumping with Crossbow-2 lasts about 20 days,” says Oleg Dmitrievich. “The special forces are studying equipment in a new way, learning how to pack a parachute and mastering airborne operations at the airborne complex.

There are as many people in the 45th Brigade who own the Crossbow as they should be. Among them there are virtuosos. From an altitude of about 4000 m they flew away, gliding for 17 kilometers. Currently, experimental operation of oxygen equipment is being carried out, which in the future, when put into service, will allow landing from a height of more than 4 km. Accordingly, the planning range will increase.

“In addition to the Arbalet-1, the brigade also has the Arbalet-2 parachute system, which is easier to operate,” Lieutenant Colonel Rekun continues the guard’s story. – A stabilizing system is rigidly mounted on it, which is activated automatically, which guarantees the parachutist who left the plane or helicopter in the event emergency situations rotation only in the horizontal plane. A random fall with vertical rotation is eliminated.

But on “Crossbow-1”, instead of a stabilizing system, a so-called “soft jellyfish” is used, which the parachutist puts into action himself, after which the main parachute begins to open. And it takes even longer to prepare a serviceman for jumping on the Crossbow-1, taking into account the fact that the paratrooper is thrown out with weapons, equipment and cargo containers.

Military tests of the Arbalet-2 parachute system took place at the base of the 45th Brigade. In the equipment of each specialty that is in the Airborne Forces, taking into account the characteristics of its weapons and equipment, they made at least 10 jumps. That is, the special forces dressed up as paratroopers-signalmen, then as sappers, then as grenade launchers, etc. There were fewer people in the selected group than there were specialties. As a result, each person performed about 180 jumps during the tests. Well, the undisputed record holders are members of the unit’s non-standard sports parachute team. It includes four Honored Masters of Sports, one of them has already completed more than 11 thousand jumps.

The combat training program requires each member of a special forces brigade to make at least 10 jumps per year. The "crossbowmen" jump with their own parachutes, the rest - with the D-10. The tasks are performed in a variety of ways.

Without noise and fire

In the 45th Brigade, unit commanders persistently remind the soldiers: “Where the shooting begins, reconnaissance ends”. Especially deep. It is the collection of intelligence information that is the main task of special forces groups. Quietly, observing the rules of camouflage, detecting an object without noise or shots, transmitting its coordinates and leaving in the same silent manner - this is the special forces style.

However, today it is possible to detect the desired enemy object using unmanned aerial vehicles or satellites. Is advanced technology of the 21st century capable of replacing ground-based deep reconnaissance?

– Completely unlikely. Firstly, a special forces group will still direct strike weapons at a number of strategic targets,” says Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Seliverstov, deputy commander of the 45th brigade, Hero of Russia Guard. “Secondly, after operations in the air and artillery preparation, a ground operation will still begin, where special forces units will be primarily involved, which will undergo sabotage and ambush operations. Special forces always work targeted...

- IN last years the list of tasks assigned to special forces has increased significantly,” continues Vladimir Vyacheslavovich. “I never thought about some of them before that they would become ours.”

Basic qualities of a paratrooper

The expansion of the range of tasks affects the content of combat training; it changes. However, the main basis of special forces has been and remains unchanged. This, according to the deep conviction of Guard Lieutenant Colonel Seliverstov, is discipline. Fire, physical, tactical and special, engineering training in relation to the discipline is a superstructure. With insufficient, for example, tactical and special training, special forces are bad. In the absence of discipline, there is no special forces at all.

“Discipline,” says the deputy brigade commander, “is precision, punctuality in everything: in time, place and actions.”

In the 45th separate guards brigade discipline is not stick-based - conscious. Including because every special forces soldier knows: violators are not detained in this unit. As the commander of the Hero of Russia Guards brigade, Colonel Vadim Pankov, later explained

A serviceman who has to be punished for misconduct should not and will not serve in the 45th Special Forces Brigade.

Another quality that a special forces officer must have is initiative and readiness to make decisions.

The principles of learning are known: from theory to practice, from simple to complex. Practical lessons carried out on different terrain day and night. A special forces soldier spends at least half of his service time in the field.

Traditions and innovations of the Airborne Forces

New weapons in the brigade include BTR-82A, drones and something else. Everything is in perfect working order.

“What was in the 45th regiment ten years ago and what has appeared now is heaven and earth,” Lieutenant Colonel Seliverstov, who served in the 45th “economy” for 15 years, states to the guard.

When the unit solved problems in the Caucasus in the early 2000s, the officers invested personal funds in equipment for the soldiers, recalls Vladimir Vyacheslavovich. Now the personnel are fully provided with clothing and equipment.

“The equipment is very decent,” notes the deputy brigade commander. – Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but now a fighter, for example, has a choice of uniforms taking into account weather conditions, which allows him to both complete the task and maintain his health. The same can be said about nutrition. In clothing and food supply the changes are noticeable to anyone.

Episodes from recent history

  • In August 2008, brigade personnel participated in an operation to force Georgia to peace.
  • At that time, the story of the seizure of SUVs supplied to the Georgian army by the Americans received great resonance. So, these trophies are on the account of the Airborne Special Forces.
  • In April 2010, the battalion tactical group of the brigade ensured the safe evacuation of our fellow citizens, including family members of military personnel and civilian personnel, due to unrest in Kyrgyzstan.
  • In the spring of 2014, brigade personnel as part of a separate reconnaissance detachment took part in the operation to return Crimea to Russia.
  • The names of 14 Heroes of Russia are inscribed in the chronicle of the 45th Brigade. Four of them continue to serve in this glorious formation. Five servicemen of the 45th brigade were awarded three Orders of Courage.
  • 1. History
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Eyewitness impressions
  • 4 Instructions for mothers
    • 4.1 Parcels and letters
    • 4.2 Contacts
    • 4.3 Your visit
  • 5 Where to stay

Among the units of the Russian Airborne Special Forces, the 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment, or military unit No. 28337, occupies a special place. Firstly, some of them belong to the elite special forces troops, which are almost completely transferred to a contract basis. Secondly, there is simply enormous competition among conscripts who want to join the ranks of military unit 28337. And thirdly, the 45th Special Purpose Regiment is the youngest of the Airborne Forces Russian Federation.

Official sleeve badge shelf


A military unit formed on the basis of two separate battalions in February 1994, currently stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow region (former academic campus). In 2007, the unit was reorganized into the linear 218th special forces battalion, but in 2008 the name of the 45th separate one was returned to it. guards regiment.
Despite the fact that military unit 28337 was formed 10 years ago, its soldiers and officers took part in the fighting in Chechnya and South Ossetia (August 2008).

Stand “Combat path of the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces”

Youth competitions are regularly held at the base of the military unit. The special forces group, formed on the basis of the regiment, has also been participating in international competitions between special forces units since 1995. The military unit regularly conducts demonstrations in parachute jumping and hand-to-hand combat at events in Moscow and the region.

Memorial complex in memory of the regiment soldiers who died while performing combat missions


1996 – 3rd place in the overall competition of the Partnership for Peace program (Bulgaria);

1997 – champion of the “Partnership for Peace” program competition (Bulgaria);
2005 – rolling Battle Banner, title "Guards", Order of Alexander Nevsky (from the disbanded 119th Guards Parachute Regiment);
February 2011 – Order of Kutuzov “For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the regiment personnel.”

Presentation of the Order of Kutuzov to the 45th OGPSN

Eyewitness impressions

Currently the soldiers carrying conscript service, in military unit 28337 there is practically none, it is being transferred to a contract basis. The contract is concluded for a period of three years, the criteria for selecting fighters are moral, physical and psychological preparation, as well as the ability to respond in difficult environments and the desire to serve in special conditions.

Regiment soldiers training on an obstacle course

In order to enter into a contract for military service in the 45th Guards Regiment, the candidate is required to:

  • Be between 18 and 40 years old and have Russian citizenship;
  • Have a certificate of form A-1 for health reasons;
  • Submit a report or statement of desire to serve in the Airborne Special Forces, indicating the unit;
  • Arrive at the unit itself and undergo an interview with the regiment commander and the head of the personnel department;
  • Pass tests on physical training(standards for pull-ups, cross-country, etc.);
  • Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special units Airborne Forces

Passing the obstacle course

Such requirements do not stop almost anyone - military unit 28337, judging by the reviews, even attracts girls. True, few people want to go to “hot spots” and pass physical training standards, but there are plenty of people who want to work in a first-aid post, as a psychologist or as a radio operator in the unit.
Those rare representatives of the fair sex who serve in the ranks of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment undergo the same training as men and live in similar conditions. However, many contract soldiers with families are provided with housing in the garrison.

Parachute jumping and helicopter landing simulators

The paratroopers do not have part of the barracks; its function is performed by the soldiers' dormitory. It consists of several blocks (two adjacent rooms, designed for 4-6 people in each). The soldiers' dormitory has showers, bathrooms, a gym, a recreation room and classrooms for military training.
Eyewitnesses say that military unit 28337 currently includes two battalions. One of them is engaged in providing support for the regiment, and the second is training fighters.
Those who served in the military unit also note that talking on the phone with relatives in the evening is allowed here.

Training room in part

For the period of classes Cell phones are with the company commander.
Shoes are issued along with the uniform, but you can purchase them yourself. Jumping boots made by foreign armies are permitted.

As for classes, special forces paratroopers of military unit 28337 master not only practical skills, but also a theoretical course in military affairs. However, more attention is paid to the physical training of soldiers, for example, forced marches over long distances, when soldiers carry equipment and equipment on themselves.
The specific operating conditions of the unit require knowledge of certain military equipment and weapons. Therefore, both domestic models of machines and the collection captured weapons from the Armored Museum in Kubinka are carefully studied by soldiers. The military unit also trains intelligence officers, so field exercises are regularly held.

On the third day, we managed to get into the 45th separate guards special-purpose reconnaissance regiment of the Order of Alexander Nevsky “with a watering can” and a notepad. The group of civilian Arkharov volunteers was accompanied by the head of the press service of the Airborne Forces, Colonel Alexander Anatolyevich Cherednik. An exceptionally intelligent head of the press service. I believe it was thanks to his efforts that the visit to the guards-paratroopers turned out to be so eventful.

To begin with, all those who arrived were briefed, then we were given flowers with the aim of placing them on the stones of the monument to the fallen soldiers of the regiment. The regiment is, as they say, “at war,” and in war there are no losses.

The youngest part in as part of the Airborne Forces Russia is the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment, the formation of which began in February 1994. The regiment was formed on the basis of two separate battalions, each of which had its own history of formation and development before being included in the regiment. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of formation of the 45th regiment is considered to be July 25, 1992.

On December 2, 1994, the regiment's personnel left for North Caucasus to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the territory Chechen Republic. From December 12, 1994 to January 25, 1995, reconnaissance groups and special forces (assault troops) from the regiment in cooperation with airborne units took part in military operations to capture the most important enemy targets, including in the city of Grozny.

On February 12, 1995, units of the regiment returned to their permanent deployment points. On March 15, 1995, the combined detachment of the regiment again arrived in Chechnya, continuing to carry out combat missions until June 13, 1995. During this period, as a result of competent military operations, there were no losses in the regiment.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1995, the commander of the special-purpose reconnaissance group, Senior Lieutenant Ermakov V.K., was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for the courage and heroism shown during the execution of a special task of the command to disarm illegal armed groups. On July 30, 1995, a monument in honor of the fallen scouts was unveiled on the territory of the unit in a solemn ceremony.

On May 9, 1995, for services to the Russian Federation, the regiment was awarded a diploma from the President of the Russian Federation. The regiment took part in the parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

From February to May 1997, the combined detachment of the regiment took part in the peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of Georgian and Abkhaz troops. armed forces in Gudauta.

On July 26, 1997, following the glorious traditions of the Armed Forces, the regiment was awarded the Battle Banner and Certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class Regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945, and stored in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation .

Since September 12, 1999, the regiment's combined reconnaissance detachment took part in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

From the monument we went to the obstacle course. The runway isn’t exactly huge, but it’s big enough to guarantee you get tired. It imitates a section of mountainous and wooded terrain and is overcome at a fast pace. To prevent the fighters on the strip from getting bored, other fighters ensured timely detonations of simulator charges and fired blank cartridges from a machine gun at those storming the strip. The paratroopers moved in twos, after overcoming each element of the obstacle course they stopped, looked around and covered their comrade, firing blanks. They moved deftly.

Not far from the obstacle course, other fighters practiced stowing parachutes. A film crew from Channel One worked next to them. Wet from the heat and diligence, the correspondent listened carefully to the commands and explanations of his personal mentor and immediately followed the instructions received. If reports are now prepared in this way, and end with a jump with a self-installed canopy, hats off. The work of a professional. This one certainly won’t talk about “rafter overlap.”

From the obstacle course we went to the shooting range and looked at various types of small arms available in the regiment. I can’t tell you much about the weapon - I fell into unconsciousness, became agitated and lost touch with reality. He repeatedly offered to exchange at least some of the existing samples for his photographic equipment, and even agreed to “his own cartridges.” But it didn’t work out. But he grabbed everything and examined it.

Kalashnikov assault rifle with PBS-1 and underbarrel grenade launcher, modifications of the SVD sniper rifle, gun SR-1 (SPS), VSS "Vintorez", AS "Val", PSS "Vul", knife NRS-2, pistol SME, submachine gun SR-2M "Veresk", PYa pistol, the legendary APB with a muffler and more. You need to not only be able to use all this, but use it successfully. Separately, they talked about the presence of a collection of captured weapons, for example, Georgian ones. It is also carefully studied so that fighters, if necessary, can beat the enemy with his own weapon.

We arrived at the territory of the airborne complex (VDK). This is a decent-sized area with all the necessary simulators for full training in parachute jumping. In our presence, two groups of fighters demonstrated several exercises for separating from aircraft and for a safe landing. All exercises were performed as expected: with two parachutes (main and reserve), with weapons and with all standard ammunition.

Soldiers are trained in everything necessary actions on models of real aircraft from which paratroopers jump. There is a full-fledged parachute tower, and a simulator has been built for making a training jump from a helicopter. You equip yourself properly, climb the ladder to the tower, enter the landing compartment of the helicopter, secure yourself on the guide and jump down and forward, pushing off energetically with your feet.

At a decent speed, with a roar and a metallic clang, you rush forward along the guide rail. To enhance naturalism, the rail is skillfully curved in several places, so that every trainee is jerked and tossed as if in a real jump. At the end of the training path, a group of colleagues with a safety rope is waiting for the paratrooper. Having grouped, the paratrooper flies with his feet into a specially prepared area with sawdust, and the other two belay the “landed” with a special rope, preventing him from flying too far forward.

Looks like an attraction in a cultural park. But during a training jump, the paratrooper does not forget to perform a whole series of actions that are brought to complete automaticity. As a matter of fact, the very fact of a successful landing, for example, for me is the end of a risky experiment, joy and the desire to immediately drink. And for a fighter this is just the beginning. It was me who, after my first jump, went light to the bar, and for him, landing is usually followed by a forced march and/or battle.

Paratroopers live not in barracks, but in a soldiers' dormitory. In each compartment, consisting of two adjacent rooms, there are 4-6 people. Bathroom and toilet. In the corridor, in addition to the soldiers' quarters, there are Gym, restroom, classrooms. Everything inside is clean and cool. At the entrance there are tanks with drinking water and mugs for those who want to quench their thirst. The orderly glances attentively at everyone coming and going. Overall, good, comfortable and clean accommodation. I especially remember the wall newspaper, it is documented there below. Laughed.

Of course, it would not have been possible without a dining room. No miracles were noticed in the dining room - just good-quality men's grub. God forgive me, they didn’t serve arugula and velig without any frills, but it’s clear right away: the food is hearty and fresh. Without any extra frills, I devoured everything that was offered. I didn't want any more, because it was very hot. The thermometer was rushing to +40.

The soldiers walk in formation towards the soldiers' canteen building and sing a song. The song was the same for everyone, with the intolerant words “we are Russians, the Russians are coming!” Some commanders reported to their soldiers that they could not hear their units. In response, the unit increased the volume and brutally typed the step. The freshly recruited fighters were very noticeable in the general mass. The young guardsmen have berets on their shaved heads, but they are not the same. Seasoned, seasoned warriors wear teardrop-cut berets with honor, which certainly look much more dashing than the “default” hats.

But the soldier’s ingenuity, of course, came up with the best way to transform the authorized “airfields” into what is needed: the soldier is stocked with a beret small size, evaporates the lining from it. If it is taken suturewise (i.e. with a seam), the fabric along the seam is ripped open, all excess is cut off and sewn again. The sewn beret is moistened with water and dried on a jar of suitable diameter or directly on the head.

The procedure must be repeated until complete readiness. As soon as the beret is ready, you need to refine the haircut. The “droplet” on the legally shaved head looks just right! A fighter passing by in such a “droplet” additionally explained that if you bother with self-production If you don’t want a beret, you can just buy a ready-made one. And he left smiling.

I noticed some discrepancies in the shoes. One of the paratroopers explained that for shoes you can use the boots that are issued, or you can buy the ones you like for your own money. This, of course, is not about patent leather boots or cowboy “Cossacks,” but about jumping boots for everyday wear. I saw several people wearing good quality American and German boots. And at the shooting range I noticed the heels. The fighters with weapons lay down in positions so that their soles were clearly visible. There are a lot of boots with fairly worn treads, which means they are constantly running and jumping.

A group of soldiers accompanied by an officer demonstrated to the audience the basic set of weapons and equipment of a reconnaissance soldier. Small arms, ammunition, knife, hand and grenade grenades, mines, disposable anti-tank grenade launcher, ropes, wires, tape, dressing bags, foam, a hat with a sweater, an infantry shovel, explosives in checkers, a minimum of medicines, various detonators and other things necessary for an autonomous reconnaissance raid in war conditions.

For ease of understanding: I once had the opportunity to carry 2,000 rounds of ammunition. Ammo only, no weapons or other equipment. I managed to walk four kilometers. It was very difficult. And the fighter has 450+ rounds of ammunition for the machine gun, the machine gun itself, and everything listed above. And you must constantly look around, at your feet, be ready to open fire and cover your comrades. And you are wearing 40+ kilograms of equipment and weapons.

It was especially interesting to learn about mines, which scouts can use to organize ambushes or, for example, if necessary, evade pursuit. Simply by destroying this very persecution. They showed the MON-50 directional mine and the OZM-72 ejecting all-round fragmentation mine. I have met German analogues of OZM-72 more than once, but MON-50 turned it over in my hands for the first time. They said - a very effective weapon in capable hands, an analogue of the American M18A1 Claymore.

Briefly: inside the plastic body of the mine, there are metal balls and rollers filled with synthetic resin. Approximately 500 pieces. And plastic explosives. When a mine is triggered, the specially curved body of the product causes metal striking elements to fly in a sector 54 degrees wide and about 5 meters high. At a distance of 50 meters, the lethal effect of the striking elements is reliable. It’s a terrible thing, it mows down everything in the working sector. And if you combine it with others of the same kind, mask and complement the effect small arms- there is no salvation at all. Excellent product For organizing an ambush, including for ambushes without direct contact with the enemy.

The jumping mine is a round steel can. At the moment of operation, it throws up, above itself, an internal “glass” with the same roller balls, only there are already about 2,500 of them. The glass is tied by a tension rope. The mine went off, the glass flew out to a height of about a meter, the cable twitched, the detonator went off, metal balls flew in all directions and wounded and killed everyone, even the lying soldiers.

This mine is perhaps the most powerful of all-round fragmentation mines. Even the OZM-160 mines, which are much larger in size and weight, do not provide such a uniform distribution of fragments over the affected area as the OZM-72 mine distributes its ready-made lethal elements.

The experience of using a mine clearly indicates that in the zone of continuous destruction (radius of the zone 30 meters) there will not be a single object the size of a person that will not receive at least one roller. even if he lies flat on the ground. The explosion of this mine cannot be confused with any other due to its screeching sound of flying rollers. The soldiers nicknamed her “The Evil One” or “The Witch.”

A funny thing: during his stay at the Airborne Forces, Colonel Cherednik told how exactly they use old ones when training paratroopers car tires. You have to carefully jump over them like this and like that - and he immediately demonstrated in person exactly how to jump. Let me remind you, a whole colonel jumped. In uniform, with shoulder straps. The faces of the young soldiers resting on the sidelines expressed some degree of surprise :).

Some airborne portraits:

Oh yes. I completely forgot. Of course, everything mentioned - clean water showing off. Personally, the Minister of Defense from the bushes made sure that we liked everything, and then, in the dining room, he secretly added meat to the saucepan. I noticed it and understood: this is a secret plan to throw dust in the eyes of the soldiers’ mothers. I'm letting you in!

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