Subtropics of Russia. Presentation on the topic "subtropical zone" Holidays on the Black Sea coast

Soloshenko Tatyana

Klimacheva Alina

Oreshkina Elina

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Black Sea coast- the only subtropical zone on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Black Sea coast is located in the southwestern part North Caucasus, in the Krasnodar region.

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The subtropical climate and unique high-mountain resorts create favorable opportunities for the development of tourism, including international tourism.

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Subtropical climate of the Black Sea coast

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    There are two main areas of subtropical climate here: dry (close to Mediterranean) and humid subtropical. The zone of dry subtropical climate stretches from Anapa to Gelendzhik. This area is characterized by hot, dry summer and relatively dry warm winter. In summer, the climate here is formed under the influence of tropical air masses, which penetrate quite freely through the mountain ranges into the northern parts of the region. Since the mountains here are low, there is no significant rise in air masses and moisture condensation, so summer precipitation is rare here. In winter, moderate air masses penetrate this territory, which during this period do not carry significant reserves of moisture. The average annual precipitation for this zone ranges from 400 mm in Anapa to 700 mm in Gelendzhik. Average annual temperature +11.5°, average temperature July +23...+24°, January +3...+5°.

    The exception is the region of Novorossiysk. Due to the peculiarities of the relief (a significant local depression of mountain ranges, aggravated by the development of marl), it has its own special circulation of air masses and, due to frequent winter storms and sharp drops in temperature, cannot be classified as a zone of dry subtropics.

    To the southeast of Tuapse the climate takes on the characteristics of humid subtropics. The average annual precipitation here ranges from 800 to 1200 mm, the average annual temperature is +13...+14°. In winter, the temperature remains positive +5... + 7°, but there is a drop to -11.6°, which is critical for this area.

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    Soils of the humid subtropics of the Black Sea coast (yellow soils, podzolic-yellow earth and podzolic-yellow earth-gley).

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    Forests have been better preserved due to increased relief and increased moisture. Even further south, types of vegetation such as Caucasian liana, ivy, clematis, smilax and others gradually begin to appear. Beech grows at an altitude of 500 - 600 m above sea level. Near Tuapse there is a noble chestnut.

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    Sochi subtropics occupy the coastal strip from Tuapse to the river. Psou. This narrow coastal zone is classified as humid subtropics with features of a Mediterranean climate. Thanks to the abundance of warmth and sun, heat-loving palm trees and yuccas, cork oak, noble laurel, bamboo, magnolia, oleander, eucalyptus, mimosa, cherry laurel, and Japanese camellia grow here.

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    Mustachioed strophanthus

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    In the forests of the Sochi region grow dwarf tree, hornbeam, scumpia, ivy, wild grapes, hops, beech, maple, hornbeam, oak, boxwood yew, cherry laurel, and Pontic rhododendron. In the Adler region, tea and tangerines are grown, and at the mouths of the Mzymta and Psou rivers, agricultural crops are cultivated on drained meadow-swamp soils.

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    In order to preserve rare and endangered species of fauna, sanctuaries, reserves, forest parks, hunting grounds. Most large nature reserve our region - the Caucasian State Biosphere, included in international system biosphere reserves. It is home to 18 species of fish, 9 amphibians, 16 reptiles, more than 200 birds, and more than 60 mammals. Found in the reserve rare species butterflies: large and small night peacock eye. The Red Book includes 23 species of vertebrates found in the reserve, and the largest wasp in Russia, Scolia gigantea.

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    Of the reptiles and amphibians in the reserve, the Asia Minor newt, the Caucasian cross, the Mediterranean tortoise, the Aesculapian snake, the Caucasian viper, and the common snake are noted. Unfortunately, the Aesculapian snake, due to its large size and slow movement, often dies at the hands of people.

    Aesculapian snake

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    Mediterranean turtle

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    The most common birds are blackbirds, warblers, wagtails, and wood buzzards. Scavenger birds nest on rocky cliffs along river valleys - crows, golden eagles, vultures, as well as griffon vultures and bearded vultures, which build their nesting sites very thoroughly and use them for many years in a row.

    Typical high-mountain birds of the reserve include the Caucasian black grouse and the Caucasian snowcock (mountain turkey), the variegated color of its feathers makes it completely invisible.

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    Fauna is also rich small mammals reserve: hedgehog, mole, dormouse, Caucasian mouse. From large predators it is inhabited by lynx, leopard, forest cat, Brown bear. Fur-bearing species include pine and stone martens, badger, otter, raccoon dog, European mink, weasel, and fox.

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    The agro-climatic resources of the region are favorable. Here the sum of active temperatures is 2200-3400°, and you can grow heat-loving vegetables and fruits.

    climate and
    resorts are created
    opportunities for
    tourism, including
    number -

    Subtropical climate of the Black Sea coast

    There are two main areas of subtropical climate here: dry (close to
    Mediterranean) and humid subtropical. Dry subtropical climate zone
    stretches from Anapa to Gelendzhik. This area is characterized by hot, dry
    summer and relatively dry, warm winter. In summer, the climate here is formed under
    exposure to tropical air masses that penetrate quite freely
    through the mountain ranges to the northern parts of the region. Since the mountains here are not high, significant
    there is no rise in air masses and moisture condensation, so summer precipitation
    are rare here. In winter, moderate air masses penetrate into this territory,
    which during this period do not carry significant reserves of moisture. Average annual amount
    precipitation for this zone ranges from 400 mm in Anapa to 700 mm in Gelendzhik.
    Average annual temperature +11.5°, average temperature in July +23...+24°, January
    The exception is the region of Novorossiysk. It is due to the features of the terrain
    (significant local depression of mountain ranges, aggravated by the development of marl)
    has its own special circulation of air masses and due to frequent winter storms and
    sharp drops in temperature cannot be attributed to the dry subtropics zone.
    To the southeast of Tuapse the climate takes on the characteristics of humid subtropics.
    The average annual precipitation here ranges from 800 to 1200 mm, the average annual
    temperature +13...+14°. In winter, the temperature remains positive +5... + 7°,
    however, there is a decrease to -11.6°, which for this territory is

    Soils of the humid subtropics of the Black Sea coast (yellow soils, podzolic-yellow earth and podzolic-yellow earth-gley).

    Soils of the humid subtropics
    Black Sea coast
    (yellow soils, podzolic yellow soils and podzolic yellow earth soils).

    Forests have been better preserved due to increased
    relief and increased moisture. Even further south
    Such species are gradually beginning to appear
    vegetation such as Caucasian liana, ivy,
    Clematis, smilax and others. At an altitude of 500 - 600
    m above sea level beech grows. Near
    In Tuapse there is a noble chestnut.

    Sochi subtropics
    occupy a strip of coastline from
    Tuapse to the river Psou. This narrow
    the coastal zone is classified as
    humid subtropics with
    Mediterranean features
    climate. Thanks to the abundance
    warmth and sun, they grow here
    heat-loving palms and yuccas,
    cork oak, noble
    laurel, bamboo, magnolia,
    oleander, eucalyptus, mimosa,
    cherry laurel, Japanese camellia.





    Mustachioed strophanthus




    In the forests of the Sochi region
    trees grow,
    hornbeam, scumpia, ivy,
    wild grapes, hops, beech,
    maple, hornbeam, oak, boxwood yew,
    cherry laurel, pontic
    rhododendron. In Adlersky
    tea is grown in the area,
    tangerines, and at the mouths of rivers
    Mzymta and Psou on drained
    meadow-marsh soils

    In order to preserve rare and endangered
    species of representatives of the animal world on
    reserves have been created in the territory of the region,
    nature reserves, forest parks, hunting grounds.
    The largest nature reserve in our region is
    Caucasian State Biosphere,
    included in the international system
    biosphere reserves. It is inhabited by 18
    species of fish, 9 - amphibians, 16 -
    reptiles, more than 200 - birds, more
    60 - mammals. In the nature reserve
    there are rare species of butterflies: large and
    small night peacock eye. To Red
    The book lists 23 species of vertebrates
    animals found in the reserve, and
    the largest wasp in Russia - Scolia

    Of the reptiles and amphibians in the reserve
    marked Asia Minor newt, Caucasian
    cross turtle, Mediterranean tortoise,
    Aesculapian snake, Caucasian viper, grass snake
    ordinary. Unfortunately, the Aesculapian snake
    due to large size and slow
    movements often die at the hands of people.
    Aesculapian snake

    Mediterranean turtle

    Among the birds, thrushes are the most common,
    warblers, wagtails, wood buzzard. On
    nest on rocky cliffs along river valleys
    scavenger birds - crows, golden eagles, vultures,
    as well as the griffon vulture, bearded vulture, which
    build their nests very thoroughly and
    They have been using them for many years in a row.
    To typical highland birds of the reserve
    include Caucasian black grouse and Caucasian snowcock
    (mountain turkey), mottled feather color
    which makes it completely invisible.


    Golden eagle



    The fauna of small mammals is also rich
    reserve: hedgehog, mole, dormouse, Caucasian
    mouse. Of the large predators, it is inhabited by
    lynx, leopard, forest cat, brown bear. From
    fur-bearing animals - pine and stone martens, badger,
    otter, raccoon dog, European mink,
    weasel, fox.

    Favorable agroclimatic resources
    district. Here is the sum of active temperatures
    2200-3400°, and can be grown
    heat-loving vegetables and fruits.
    Natural conditions Black Sea coast
    very favorable for economic
    activities, so the territory of the region is very
    greatly transformed by man. That's why
    issues of nature conservation, conservation
    natural landscapes are very challenging.


    The thoughtless impact of man on nature has led to
    that the list of rare and endangered species on
    territories Krasnodar region by plants is
    157 species, and 100 for animals. More than 50 plant species
    and animals of the region are listed in the Red Books.
    As a result of the increasing influence of man on nature
    The number of plant and animal species is declining. So,
    Feather grass and steppe species have become rare in the Krasnodar region
    peony, adonis, valerian and others, some species
    are on the verge of extinction - sword-grass, from birds -
    bustard, and the common fern is no longer found in the region.

    That's what they say...

    In nature nothing is lost except itself
    A. Kryzhanovsky
    The most beautiful thing in nature is the absence
    Bliss Pocket

    Let's take care


    Choose the correct answers...

    In the subtropics there are such animals,
    a) crow
    b) neck
    c) raccoon dog
    d) elephant
    e) leopard
    e) forest mole
    e) platypus
    g) Dormouse

    In the subtropics there are plants such as...

    a) magnolia
    b) cactus
    c) wild rosemary
    d) boxwood yew
    e) scumpia
    e) tangerine
    e) moss summary of other presentations

    “Forest Community” - Mouse offspring. Mice give birth to huge offspring. Why is the forest called that? Independent research papers students. The forest is a home for animals, here they live and eat. Animals living in the forest. The forest really needs mushrooms. How natural balance develops in the forest. Class work with the teacher. Community Study Plan. Questions and assignments for the class. Foxes, weasels, and owls live in the forest and feed on mice.

    “Forest Life” - Tiers of the forest. Red insects. Animal. Forests of Russia. Coat of arms of Primorsky Krai. Forest life. Auction. Forest inhabitants. Forest. Dense forest. Heron. Far Eastern Marine Reserve. Let's save the forest. Lakes. Very coldy. Consolidating students' knowledge.

    “Petroglyphs of Karelia” - White Sea petroglyphs. Group of petroglyphs. Knowledge about history native land. Petroglyphs of Karelia. Lunar signs. Onega petroglyphs. Petroglyph. From the history of petroglyphs. Image. Types of petroglyphs. Knocked out deer.

    “Birds of populated areas” - A talented imitator. Long-winged swifts. Swift at the nest. Great tit. White wagtail. Starling. Herald of spring. Rock dove. Hoodie. Bird breaking ice. Common bird. City swallows. Barn swallows. Take care of the birds. House sparrow. World of birds. A person's neighbors. Killer whale.

    “Batu in Rus'” - From the east, from Asia, the steppe nomads - the Mongol-Tatars - attacked. Thousands of soldiers died under the walls of Kozelsk. Nobody can handle you! Help didn't come. The Mongols nicknamed Kozelsk “the evil city.” Wide are you, Rus', spread across the face of the earth in royal beauty! Defense of the Motherland is the sacred duty of every citizen. The first Russian city was Ryazan. Most of the Russian lands became dependent on the Golden Horde.

    “The world through the eyes of a geographer” - Martin Beheim. What is geography. Anaximander. Goals. North Pole. Star Sirius. Globe. Model of the Earth. Geographic map. The world through the eyes of a geographer. Milky Way. Starry sky.

    Plants of the tropics and subtropics

    Teacher - defectologist

    Belyakova T.I.

    • For wet tropical forests characteristic: a large number of precipitation, high humidity air (90%) and high average temperature, which does not fall below 18C.
    • The most suitable temperature throughout the year for people from the tropics is +18-20C.
    • In summer, watering is usually done daily. In cloudy, cool weather, you can water less often. On hot days sunny days moisture-loving plants are watered twice a day. In addition to watering, these plants, except those covered with hairs, require daily spraying. In winter, plants need to be watered every 1-2 days and sprayed daily. The next day after watering, loosen the soil.
    • Majority tropical plants kept on bright windows, they are not afraid of direct sunlight. Shade-tolerant plants, such as ferns, tradescantia, calla lilies, alocasia, begonias, can be grown on northern windows; bright sun should not be displayed.

    • The climate of subtropical regions is temperate with average annual temperature about +15C, in some subtropical areas in winter the temperature can drop to +5°C. Based on the amount of precipitation, wet and dry subtropics are distinguished.
    • In humid subtropics There is a large amount of precipitation approximately evenly throughout the year, and air humidity is high. For plants of this climate zone characterized by the presence of soft shiny leaves, located perpendicular to the light incident on them. Conifers are also common in humid subtropics.
    • In the dry subtropics, precipitation is usually confined to the cold season, which complicates the growing season of plants. The air is quite dry. Growth occurs partly in winter, but mainly in spring, and in summer they are dormant. Plants of dry subtropics have hard, matte leaves covered with hairs or a waxy coating. In relation to the light, the leaves are not perpendicular, but at an angle.

    • There are so many types indoor plants, whose homeland is the subtropics, among them there are many beautiful flowering plants with decorative leaves that do not fall off in winter. Basic general rules caring for them comes down to the following.
    • With the beginning of spring growth, plants begin to be fed every 10-14 days; feeding is stopped in August in order to reduce the growth rate by the beginning of the dormant period.
    • In summer, plants are watered as the soil dries, sprayed daily, and the soil is systematically loosened. It is very good to expose plants to air.



    Lesson of the surrounding world in 4th grade “Natural zones of Russia. Subtropics." Kubareva Elena Mikhailovna, teacher primary classes first qualification category

    • Goal: it is planned that as a result of active cognitive activity by the end of the lesson, students will
    • know: new natural zone - humid subtropics
    • be able to: distinguish natural areas according to their characteristics
    • Tasks:
    • Promote the development of communication skills in students;
    • To promote the development of students’ skills to compare, analyze, generalize, and act according to an algorithm
    • To promote the formation of the ability to exercise self-control and self-assessment of educational activities;
    • To promote interest in the subject, curiosity, and a friendly attitude towards classmates in joint work.
    • Type of lesson: learning new material Methods used, teaching technologies - verbal, visual methods, ICT.
    • The forms of organization of students' cognitive activity used are frontal, group, pair, individual.
    • Equipment – ​​textbook, electronic presentation, handouts, projector.
    Group 1: match the characteristics and name of the natural zone: Permafrost , steppe polar night, polar day Sparse, low-growing vegetation. The main occupation of the residents is reindeer husbandry and fishing. The tundra is the largest natural zone in Russia. Thick? impenetrable forest Natural zone where we live forests Warm dry summers, cold winters, little rainfall - few trees taiga Lack of moisture, main plants: saxaul, camel thorn desert The smallest natural zone of Russia, the Arctic is located in the south Group 2: Guess the crossword puzzle: 1- Natural zone with warm, dry summers, where there is little rainfall and few trees 2- The driest and hottest natural zone- 3- Is on the soil in the tundra- 4 the largest natural zone, dense impenetrable forest- 5- Natural zone, a neighbor of the Arctic- 6- They are bred by the inhabitants of the tundra - 7- Furry animal, living in the tundra - 8 - desert plant - camel Tropics - most hot belt globe. Subtropics are areas adjacent to the tropics. Natural zone passport: Geographical position Climate Soil Vegetable world Animal world Use of nature reserves by humans Protection of nature reserves In Russia, the subtropics occupy a very small area - a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast, pressed to the water by the Caucasus mountains. This is the smallest natural zone. In some places, the mountain slopes drop straight into the surf. However, if it were not for the sea and mountains, there would be no subtropics at all. In winter, the Black Sea Ridge protects the coast from the invasion of northern winds, and the Black Sea, releasing the heat accumulated in summer, softens the climate. Therefore, in January the temperature is usually above zero, and snow, even if it falls, does not last long. Summer is long, winter is warm (average temperature in January is 0 °C). Under these conditions, many plants can develop all year round. In flat areas snow cover practically not formed. The bulk of precipitation occurs in the cold season. In summer there is little rain and the vegetation suffers from drought. Fertile red earth and yellow earth soils are widespread. Favorable conditions - warmth and moisture - make it possible to grow tall trees with large leaves. These are oak, beech, chestnut. There are a lot of plants brought from different countries: cypresses, magnolias, palms. There are many fruit plants growing on the Black Sea coast: figs, peaches, walnuts. The abundance of heat and moisture makes it possible to grow subtropical crops such as tea, tangerines, and lemons here. Significant areas are occupied by vineyards and tobacco plantations. The fauna of the Black Sea coast is rich and diverse. The forests are home to bears, wild boars, leopards and jackals. Cicadas feed on plant sap. The predatory mantis feeds on small insects. Lots of lizards and snakes. These animals live on land. There are animals that get their food in the sea. These are birds - seagulls, cormorants. Amazing Marine life: jellyfish, crabs, Sea Horses, pipefish, dolphins. The Black Sea coast is a Russian health resort. Sun rays, the coolness of the sea, evergreen vegetation, pleasing to the eye, warm gentle waves running onto the shore, attract thousands of people to these parts. Sanatoriums and rest houses have been built here. But people who come here to relax do not always treat nature with care.
    • Sewage and garbage end up in the sea and pollute it. People who come to relax catch insects as souvenirs and break plant branches. For solutions environmental problems accepted the following measures: Sochinsky created national park to save unique nature. The plants of these places (colchis broom, Colchis boxwood, yew) and animals (Caucasian ground beetle, Black Sea afa) are included in the Red Book of Russia
    Shall we rest?

    1,2 - head around, 3,4 - legs wider,

    5.6 - everyone sit down, 7.8 - we ask you to stand up.

    Let's stand together and sit quietly

    And let's close all our eyes.

    Silence comes, comes, comes.

    Test questions: 1- The coast of which sea is occupied by subtropics in Russia? 2- What is winter like in the subtropical zone? 3-Are the soils of the subtropics fertile? 4- What subtropical plants do you remember? 5- What subtropical animals do you remember? 6- Which one natural area would you like to relax? Why? Answers to questions: 1- Black Sea coast 2- Long summer, warm winter 3- Fertile 4- oak, beech, chestnut, cypress, magnolia, palm trees. 5- bears, wild boars, leopards, jackals, cicadas, seagulls, cormorants, jellyfish, crabs, seahorses, pipefish, dolphins. Homework:

    Level 1: retelling p.35-36

    Level 2 - create 2 power circuits

    Level 3: make a crossword puzzle

    Thank you for your attention!


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