Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy is when it is the day of the angel and name day. When is Valentine's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar? Valentine's Name Day according to the church calendar: dates by month

What do we know about the name Valentina? Many will only say that it is the female form of the male. Paired names - Valery-Valeria, Peter-Petronia, Ivan-Ivanna (Zhanna) - occur quite often. But one should not think that in all cases the male guardian angel is responsible for the happy fate of the girl. Valentine's name day can also be celebrated on February 14th. Then the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day. But there are also patron saints, Valentine. And in this article we will tell you when to celebrate the day of the angel of girls and women with such a sweet name. We will also reveal its magical secret. You will find out how the name Valentina, which you named your newborn daughter, will affect her fate and character.


The origin of the word is as follows. The name Valentin has Latin roots. In Ancient Rome, children were still called by epithets. That is, the parents, naming their son Valens or Valentin, wanted the boy to grow up strong and strong. Even before the Nativity of Christ, the female form of this name appeared. Valentina's parents predicted tenacity for life. Considering that in those days half of babies did not live to be ten years old, this was a very valuable wish.

There were quite a lot of names with the root “Valens” (strength, power) in Ancient Rome. They especially liked to call boys this way. Some diminutives and endearments- Vall, Tino, Val, Tincho, Valzinha and others - became proper names among different Romanesque peoples and those ethnic groups that were part of the Roman Empire. Related to Valentin and Valery. Both words have the root vale. By the way, the Romans ended their letters with it. "Vale!" can be translated as “Health!”

But let's get back to the Valentines. At the dawn of Christianity, several saints with this name became famous as martyrs. And there were women among them. Who are they, and when should Valentine's name day be celebrated?

Patron of lovers

Let's first talk about the world-famous bishop of Interamna (the modern Italian city of Terni). When Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th, it is his name day. The Valentines became famous as martyrs for the faith. There was, for example, a certain priest in Rome who was beheaded during the time of Emperor Claudius. But the patron saint of lovers (as well as beekeepers, epileptics and newlyweds) is the most famous of the early Christian saints. His image was idealized by later romantic poets.

Allegedly, the bishop secretly married the legionnaires with their chosen ones, although the emperor forbade soldiers in the service from getting married. For which Saint Valentine suffered. Catholic Church celebrates the day of remembrance of Bishop Terni on February 14, and the Orthodox - on July 30 Julian calendar(August 12, new style). In addition, the eastern branch of Christianity also venerates the holy martyr Valentine the Roman. This happens on July 6 (19).

Brave maiden, brave Christian martyred sisters

But the early church knew not only men who laid down their lives in service to the Son of God. Women were no less brave. At least two of them were worn beautiful name Valentina. Who were they? The first Valentine was born near the city of Caesarea (Palestine) and lived during the reign of Emperor Maximinus II Galerius. She was distinguished by rare beauty. She was reported as a Christian. Valentina was brought to trial before the procurator (the representative of the Roman authorities in the province) Firmilian. He, struck by the girl’s beauty, decided to rescue her. He said that Valentina was slandered, and in fact she honors the Roman gods. He ordered her to be taken to the temple so that she could demonstrate this. But the girl put a stone on the altar and turned her back to the burning fire. After this, the young Christian woman was beaten mercilessly and then beheaded. Church name days Valentine of Caesarea is celebrated on February 10 (23).

Another holy martyr for the faith of Christ is one of the sisters. Valentina and Chionia were from Egypt. They were brought to Caesarea to testify before the procurator. They sincerely confessed their faith and were burned alive. Legend has it that the sisters were executed along with St. Paul. Valentine's name day Orthodox calendar celebrated on July 16 (29).

Veneration of a saint in Russia

Christianity came to our country with the Greek monastic saints. They introduced the name Valentin to the masses. At first he was accepted along with tonsure. That is, women who took monastic vows called themselves it. And since in modern Greek the word “Valentina” was pronounced “Aulendina,” this gave rise to the formation of a new name. Gradually, girls began to be called Alevtins not upon entering the monastery, but upon baptism. This name became even more popular in pre-revolutionary Russia than the original one. But it did not disappear completely. Therefore, Valentine's name day church calendar and are celebrated twice a year. In the summer, on July 29, the memory of the holy great martyrs Khionia and Alevtina is honored. And in February Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the angel Valentine of Caesarea.

The mystery of the name

The encoded syllable vale (strength, power) should make the girl more courageous and strict. This is what she is - but only in relation to herself. To others, Valentina is kindness itself. She tends to see only good qualities in people. She enjoys helping others. As a child, Valechka is an ideal child. She is obedient and moderately playful. She is loved by her peers because she is always ready to help in trouble. But she thinks little about herself, and ill-wishers can take advantage of this. Valentina is often perceived as a “vest” in which you can cry.

How do girls with this name choose a profession? If they celebrate Angel Day in winter, they become pilots, astronauts, programmers and, in general, overcome serious, male childbirth classes. If Valentine’s name day falls in the summer according to the church calendar, then such women are very romantic and sensitive. They have well-developed intuition. They are well versed in the arts, especially painting and music. Such Valentines often become actresses.

The influence of a name on personal life

Every mother, naming her newborn daughter, wants family happiness for her. So what can we say? Whenever you celebrate Valentina's name day - in February or July, everything will turn out fine for her. She is not looking for an ideal - after all, people are made up of positive and not very positive traits. Valentina puts peace and harmony in the family first. She agrees not to defend her position - and soon her husband will see for himself that she was right. Valya is not looking for a chosen one - she simply reciprocates the feelings of someone who loves her selflessly.

She is an excellent mother and teacher of her children. Valya loves to receive guests and is a wonderful hostess. But she also has negative qualities. This is a gambling addiction. She painfully experiences defeat and longs for revenge. Therefore, she should not try her luck in a casino.

Amulets Valentine

This woman celebrates her Orthodox name day twice a year. And what do esoteric symbols give her? Vali's auspicious tree is willow, and the flower is forget-me-not. She needs to be given things in sea green color. The talisman stone for Valentina is pearls. Happiness smiles on her on Thursday, and the best time for her is winter. It would be good if Valentina's zodiac sign was Pisces. She is ruled by Venus.

The name Valentina is stellar. Its fame swept not only our land and airspace, but also went into space. Tolkunova - folk singer, Grizodubova is a fearless pilot, Tereshkova is the first female cosmonaut. They glorified their name and their homeland. And they are all Valentines. What does the name Valentina mean in the character of an ordinary woman?

Brief meaning of the name Valentina

Origin of the name

We owe the origin of the name Valentina Ancient Rome. Its interpretation comes down to the translation of the Latin word valens, meaning strength and health. The name Valentina is positioned as strong and healthy.

How else could it be? After all female name It has masculinity. Its origin is connected with the holy martyr Valentin, bishop of the city of Interamna, a healer who suffered for the Christian faith.

The interpretation of the name is associated with the virgin martyr Valentina of Caesarea (Palestine), executed in 308 for worshiping Christianity.

Valentina's character

Valentina is distinguished by her intelligence, hard work, sincerity and kindness. But at the same time she is a secretive and reserved person. She carefully disguises her real qualities, so those around her perceive her behavior as toughness and unsociability. The owner of the name has a gentle and vulnerable nature, and tries to avoid disappointments by isolating herself from others. The meaning of the name Valentina is a secret or riddle that she herself created.

Characteristics of a name by season

The character of winter Valentina presents her as a silent, responsible and reasonable woman. Self-control is limitless, so it is almost impossible to get into her soul. She strictly controls her impulses and can only be recognized if she herself takes a step forward. But it's not hers. She does not want to pour out her innermost secrets to anyone and considers it a useless exercise. The main feature character is pragmatism. Valentina does not give free rein to her emotions. Everything is done with cold calculation. Surprises and surprises are not acceptable.

The character of spring Valentine is dominated by openness, good nature and simplicity. She has a vulnerable nature and is absolutely trusting. Therefore, he often suffers when he opens his soul to some rogue. She is completely unselfish, and it is difficult for her to understand people who, having made a benefactor in life, are waiting for a response. Valentina will interesting fate, in which she will face joy and sadness, glory and oblivion, kindness and envy. In general, she is destined for a very difficult fate.

The character of summer Valentina is endowed with modesty, responsiveness and friendliness. Inner strength and energy motivates her to new things. There is a constant desire to search for fresh sensations. New acquaintances and adventures become the main condition for the manifestation of character, skills and abilities. In view of creative nature, Valentina’s behavior is sometimes understandable only to herself. The most important thing is to be in harmony with yourself and summer Valentina is not at all interested in what others think about her lifestyle and priorities.

The character of autumn Valentine is, first of all, severity and balance, intelligence and practicality. She should be prima. Obedience is not her thing. Autumn Valentine has such strength and will that sometimes her commanding voice causes some fear in those around her. Capable of passing all the tests prepared by fate. And only in the arms of her chosen one does she turn from a decisive, unyielding, strong-willed lady into a gentle and submissive woman.

Meaning of a girl's name

In childhood, Valya is distinguished by obedience. Although this does not stop her from being an active and mobile girl. Unlike her peers, she takes her life much more seriously. WITH early age demanding of herself. You won't see her on the street if the lessons aren't learned or done mom's requests. But when Valya coped with all this, she actively participates in all children's games, like ordinary child. Little Valya is open and sincere, kind and sympathetic. Children love the girl for her honesty, devotion and ability to make friends. She will always be there for you Hard time, without even thinking for a second what would happen to her for this. Neither difficulties nor consequences will stop her. She is completely selfless.

But! Valya has a vulnerable, trusting and touchy nature. She takes betrayal very hard. Moreover, she engages in self-flagellation, considering herself to be guilty of the incident. Her experiences can lead to serious consequences.

Name meaning for a girl

Having matured, Valya does not change at all. Her openness, attentiveness, good nature and compassion make her a universal favorite. The environment treats her with sympathy and respect. She is still too trusting. Taking everything said at face value, he often becomes a victim of someone’s intrigues and scandals. It is quite easy to convince her of the negativity of a person by pinning some fictitious offense on him.

She is still the same positive and decent person, she takes events seriously and thoroughly. Although fate more than once makes it clear to her that she needs to go through life easily and with a smile. Valya takes all emotions to heart, whether they are positive or negative. This affects her nervous system. An excessive tendency to worry saves a girl from many mistakes.

Young Valya will flare up, quickly move away, be offended, but will not take revenge. Prone to rapid mood changes. One moment she is thorough, and the next minute she is impulsive. Valentina is real: not fake, not hypocritical and not selfish.

The meaning of the name Valentina for a woman

Valentina does not lose with age positive qualities of your character. When communicating with people, he shows sincerity and trust and strives even more to help. Sometimes in her efforts she reaches the point of absurdity, which irritates those around her. Her loved ones, knowing the true motives for such zeal, do not pay attention to it.

The inconsistency of Valentina's character lies in the disagreement between her inner self and objective reality. All her attempts to present herself as mysterious and mysterious, temperamental and even femme fatale go contrary to her kindness, gentleness and openness. Often she just looks funny. The reason is her complete inability to pretend.


The health of the owners of the name is excellent throughout their lives. In old age, problems with the intestines and nerves may appear.


Valya is very responsible when choosing a companion. After reading romance novels, she is waiting for the prince on a white horse. In her understanding, the chosen one must be both serious and cheerful, responsible and reckless, strong and soft. However, it is not easy to meet the ideal, so Valya engages in self-criticism in order to understand the cause of problems in her personal life.

But this is a futile exercise. Time passes and Valentina meets her soul mate, with whom she walks hand in hand for the rest of her life.


What does the name Valentina mean in marriage? Due to her demanding nature, she marries as a mature woman. Early marriage for representatives of the name it is more nonsense than a rule.

Valya gets married only out of love, which she carries throughout her life. Remarriage is not acceptable for the owner of the name. She believes that marriages are made in heaven, a family is created once and for all.


In marriage, Valentina is a thrifty, devoted and wise wife, a caring mother. Places all of himself on the altar family life, forgetting about your needs. Therefore, her fate is not always successful.

Valya expects romance from her family life, but the routine of everyday life is little inclined to poetry. In addition, many men have long lost the spirit of adventurism.

The owner of the name always has a house full of guests, she welcomes them well, surrounding them with warmth and attention.


The owner of the name has an analytical mind and highly developed intuition. Thanks to these qualities, Valentina is able to endure the only correct solution. But she does not try to stick out, preferring to control the situation from the outside.

For a representative of the name, choosing a profession is not difficult. In view of their moral qualities, she prefers specialties associated with complete dedication and even sacrifice. The professions of doctor, nurse and volunteer suit her. Can find himself in the profession of teacher and educator.

If necessary, she will also master the male professions of military, engineer, and technologist. Responsibility, hard work and determination allow her to conquer any heights, no matter how high they may be. The job of an administrator is perfect for her; order is in her blood. Valentina should not engage in personal business. Her altruism and desire for charity will negate all profits from her activities.

The owner of the name is interested in books and travel, but still her passion is family.

Name forms

Short form: Valya, Valyusha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Vaka, Tina, Valle

Diminutive pet names:

Valentinka, Valechka, Valenka, Valena, Valyunya.


Valendina, Valentine, Valentine, Valantina, Valentina

Declension of the name Valentina

Nominative case – Valentina

Genitive case – Valentina

Dative case – Valentina

Saint Valentine in Orthodoxy is a model of meekness and unsurpassed courage.

As a true Christian, she defends her faith, completely surrendering herself into the hands of the merciful Lord. And now Saint Valentine provides assistance to everyone who is persecuted for their faith.

The name saint is derived from the Latin word (valeo) and means strong and healthy.

Holy Martyr Valentine - Pious Christian

An ordinary girl, originally from Egypt, deeply believed in the true God and prayed earnestly. She considered herself a follower of Christ.

During the persecution of Christians, she was mercilessly tortured. Refusing to worship pagan gods, she boldly appeared in court before Firmilian. He ordered the girl to be beaten in the ribs and tortured, after which she was executed.

Today, when the church honors the memory of the saint, we understand that she remains for everyone a shining example piety and courage.

Valentine's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

Three times a year, women with this name celebrate this holiday. Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name was given to a person at Baptism.

According to the church calendar, they fall on certain days:

  • February 23 and July 23 – martyr Valentina of Caesarea (Palestinian), virgin;
  • June 17 – Blessed Valentina Minskaya (Sulkovskaya).

Note: Name days should not be confused with Angel's Day, which is celebrated on the day of a person's Baptism, and name days fall on the day of remembrance of a saint.

Icon of Saint Valentine of Caesarea (Palestine)

In the image of the Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea is depicted with a cross in right hand, holds in his hands Holy Bible, red robe, head uncovered.

The second image that exists shows us St. Valentine in a blue robe, with a blue veil on her head, in her right hand - a cross, the Saint is turned to the left, from where the Finger of God is rubbed from heaven, blessing the martyr.

Girls bearing the name Alevtina also consider St. Valentine of Caesarea. There is also an icon of the holy martyr indicating the name Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea.

This is the same saint. The martyr is depicted in a red robe, a blue veil on her head, and in her right hand there is still a cross, the main symbol of the Christian faith.

To St. They rush to the martyr Valentina when there is a need for help with domestic difficulties. A prayer said sincerely will certainly bring recovery and guidance.

An icon (no matter which one) of the holy martyr Valentine should be in the home iconostasis, especially if the girl bears her name, but with heartfelt prayer you can appeal to the intercessor always and everywhere, in any setting.

Brief Life of the Holy Martyr Valentina

Caesarea - in old times was one of the most beautiful major cities Mediterranean coast. Currently, only ruins remain in this area. The Holy Great Martyr Valentina was a native of this city.

The events took place during the reign of Maximian. At that distant time, many worshiped idols. St. Valentine was not one of these people; she believed in God, lived modestly, righteously and pleasing to God.

She was put on trial for disrespecting the pagan gods. The trial was carried out by Firmilian. He ordered her to make a sacrifice to idols, for which the girl was taken to a pagan temple. Instead of carrying out the order and performing the ritual of sacrifice, Valentina boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to it.

This behavior caused a fit of rage in Firmilian, and he pronounced a cruel sentence. First he ordered her to be savagely beaten, and then executed by beheading. She was beaten for a long time and severely, breaking her ribs, but she prayed to God. The saint accepted her martyrdom in the year 308.


On the days of veneration of the saint, you need to come to church, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, light candles to the image and make your request. We need to pray to the holy saint with faith in the power of her intercession for us before God.

When is Valentine's name day: dates for the veneration of Saint Valentine according to Christmastide.

Valentina, Valya, Valechka. This name is gentle and melodious, which gives special tenderness to girls and women. At the same time, behind the apparent sophistication there is a strong, strong-willed character. The origin of the name is Latin, and carries the semantic meaning of “healthy”, “strong”.

Saints with the name Valentina are found in Christmastide three times a year, but the name day is considered to be the date that is closest to the birth of the girl, or the date of Holy Baptism, if the girl is baptized on the same day as the veneration of the holy martyr Valentine.

Remember that the name day is not just a coincidence, namesake, but the Guardian Angel of the girl Valentina. You can ask a saint for help in life, difficult situations, health and wisdom. You cannot ask saints for money, self-interest, cover for your sins and cunning.

Valentine's name day in January

In this month, the martyr Valentina was canonized and January 8 was set as the date for her name day. On this day, all Valentines born from July 30 to January 8 inclusive celebrate their name day.

Saint Valentine

Valentine's name day in February

In February, the virgin martyr Valentina of Caesarea, who lived in the most dark times Christian faith. Many in those years, like Judas, denied the Lord in order to avoid torment and torture. But the martyr Valentina steadfastly endured all the torture and humiliation, publicly renounced her false faith in a pagan temple and praised the Lord Almighty. For which she was subjected to torture and beheading.

Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea

Name days in February are celebrated by girls born from January 9 to February 23 inclusive on the date prescribed in Christmastide - February 23. They ask their Guardian Angel Valentina of Caesarea for peace, peace of mind, willpower and support on a difficult path.

Valentine's Day in March, April, May and June

Valentine's birthday in July

In July, the martyr Valentina, also called Alevtina, is venerated. Name days are scheduled for 29th and this date includes all girls born from February 24 to July 29 inclusive. On this day, Valentines can ask their Guardian Angel for love, kindness, courage and courage. Also, the holy martyr Valentina protects her betrothed from all troubles and troubles.

Valentine's name day in August, September, October, November, December

During these months, girls named Valentina do not celebrate name days.

And in conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information about the meaning and secret of the name Valentin.

Video: The meaning of the name Valentina

The beautiful name Valentina is popular and loved by our compatriots. It came from Byzantium after Russia adopted Christianity. Is the female form male name, which has Latin roots, means “healthy, strong.”

It is interesting to know when Valentine’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar and what character traits women who bear this name have.

It is believed that little Valya is growing up as an obedient and problem-free child. She adores her mother and always strives to provide her with all possible help in household chores. The daughter herself will collect the toys, put away the dishes, and wipe the table.

At the same time the baby is very attached to his father. If there are disagreements in the family, she often takes his side. The girl tries to smooth out conflicts that arise between her parents, often acting as a peacemaker.

She usually studies well, the teachers are happy with her. Completes homework carefully and without reminders. Intervention by mother or father educational process may only be needed in extreme cases. Usually Valya copes without outside help. She is independent and responsible.

But in adolescence, the help of parents, their ability to understand their child, support him and give wise advice can be very useful. The thing is that the girl easily finds friends, among whom there may be not entirely decent people. It is pleasant to communicate with her, and her easy and responsive character attracts others. But this openness and kindness also has a downside.

Selflessly helping and trusting people, Valya expects a similar attitude towards herself in return. And this doesn't always happen.

The girl experiences injustice and insults for a very long time and painfully, sometimes even falls into depression. This idealist always looks within herself for the reasons for the troubles that have occurred. Sometimes her self-criticism goes beyond all reasonable boundaries. This can lead to secrecy and withdrawal. This is where adult support may be needed.

It is very important to convey to the girl’s mind the idea that people do not always respond kindly to kindness, it is impossible to please everyone, and the world is full of other interesting things besides her mental torment. The sooner she understands this, the faster she will be able to get rid of unnecessary complexes and experience life in all its manifestations.

Having matured, Valentina remains a friendly and sympathetic person. She is temperamental, energetic and easy-going. Very often he is involved in some kind of sport, but even if this is not the case, he prefers to play active image life.

She is valued at work responsible employee, on whom you can rely. She is hardworking and always completes the task assigned to her. You can safely trust her to work with money, because Valentina is honest and will never take someone else’s.

She always sticks to existing rules. Moreover, her decency extends not so much to the laws adopted by the state, but to moral standards. She will be able to forgive a person for a minor offense, but will not tolerate betrayal, betrayal or lies.

She has a rather explosive temperament and can flare up out of nowhere. But Valentina is quick-witted and will be the first to ask for forgiveness, realizing that she was wrong. If you don't pay attention to her emotional outbursts, you can build wonderful friendships and close relationships with this woman.

Career and personal life

If Valentina chooses her profession herself, then she often work activity sometimes connected with people, requires dedication and even sacrifice. She will make a wonderful doctor or nurse, teacher or teacher. By taking her work responsibly, Valentina will be able to achieve prosperity and climb the career ladder.

But it is extremely rare for her to become a successful businesswoman. Scrupulousness, gullibility and emotionality, characteristic of Valentina, interfere with business. Working solely for profit, where cold calculation is necessary, is not suitable for this woman.

However, she will be able to realize herself in business in roles assistant or secretary. Her boss must be a strong, strong-willed and rather tough person. Such a professional tandem can become quite successful.

Love relationships and marriage

Valentina is very is serious about choosing a life partner, so he often starts a family already in mature age. Before agreeing to marriage, he spends a long time looking through suitors. Having met her one and only, she surrounds him with warmth and care.

She prefers to marry once and for life. Capable of limitless patience and understanding. For the sake of the well-being of the family, she is ready to forget about her own interests. Divorce is decided extremely rarely and only for compelling reasons.

She makes a caring, moderately strict mother, a zealous housewife and a skilled cook. She can prepare amazing dishes from the most ordinary products, which she often delights her household with. She herself also loves Tasty food and does not accept any diets.

In sex, she manifests herself as a sensual and tender partner. She strives not only to please a man, but also to pleasantly surprise him, not allowing her passion to cool down. However, to reveal your best qualities Valentina is capable only with a loved one whom she completely trusts.

For a man who is able to appreciate her, she can become a wonderful wife.

Suitable spouses for her include:

  • Victor;
  • Ivan;
  • Semyon;
  • Novel;
  • Alexander;
  • Boris;
  • Vladimir.

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar

Valentina is a name that is quite common in all former Soviet republics. Therefore, the question of when to celebrate Valentine’s Orthodox name day is of interest not only to Russians. When should the day of the angel be celebrated according to the church calendar for women bearing this sonorous name, and who is their patron saint and guardian?

Everyone knows what date Valentine's Day is revered in many countries around the world. But Catholic holiday all lovers has nothing to do with the veneration of Orthodox saints. The Russian Church commemorates the three Valentines who accepted martyrdom in the name of Christ. This means that name days are celebrated three times a year:

According to the church calendar, Valentine's Angel Day is the day closest to her date of birth. Therefore, you should not forget to congratulate the women you know who bear this wonderful name!

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