Secrets and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids - who built them. Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

The mystery of the Pyramids has been solved!
It all started when in 2003 I first picked up the Gospel. All previous life my favorite pastime was solving crossword puzzles and logical problems. I also tried to solve puzzles, but I did not get success, and therefore no pleasure, and therefore gave up.
In the entire text I read, and especially in the “Revelations of John the Theologian” (Rev...), after the instructions “learn, know,” etc., I discovered puzzles. As before, their decision was too tough for me. Then I took the Old Testament or the Torah, which is almost the same thing. Something began to become clearer. The word Torah means the Pentateuch. I’ve already read two, but where are the other three? Of course, I took up the Koran. In the Koran, at first glance, there is no abundance of numbers, but the text contains the phrase “The order of chapters is the mother of the book,” i.e. the number of each verse is the number of the Divine rebus. As a result, the Five included the Mahabharata and the Book of the Dead of Tibet.
In the first three books, the pharaoh is often mentioned. I had to take up the Westcar papyrus, and then the literature on the pyramids of Egypt. The papyrus contains the phrase “three princes will find the secret of the god Thoth in a silicon box.” It is known from history that there were no kings named in papyrus in Egypt, but silicon has three isotopes of 28, 29 and 30 atomic units. This is probably the biggest clue showing the level of the entire task. In “Revelation...” the number 12 is often repeated, which means that for calculations the Pythagorean number is taken to be 12-digit, i.e. not 3.14, but 3.14159265358. There is probably not a person on Earth who does not know that Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver, and that the vimanas that visited India were fueled with mercury. Isotopic composition of mercury 202200199201. There is a parable in the Torah: one good king, who had 70 sons, went to a neighboring state to kill and rob, but in his absence a bad king came and cut off the heads of all his sons. The king urgently returned ordered the heads of his sons to be placed in two baskets and placed one on the right and the other on the left of the door. As it turned out, the number 2.02200199201 is one of the baskets. In “Rev...” chapter 4 v. 7 it is written as “and the first living creature was like a lion...”
The problem is structured in such a way that without any of the Five Books, its solution would have become impossible.
The Gods who created us wanted their crops to produce a good harvest and did not want to mow down the weeds and throw away spoiled fruits. We know that this has happened before.
Academician Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa said: “We are sliding into ignorance.”
I believe that we are being driven into ignorance by doing not what is right, but what is profitable. Speaking about faith in God, they themselves worship the golden calf. If we continue to lie that we are fulfilling God’s Commandments, then “the earth will shake you off, just as it shook off those who were before you.”
For preliminary scanning, I provide the address of the younger of the two caches.
The main base of the Cheops pyramid is 232.73766 m. Height is 148.02343835 m.
The centerline of the pyramid divides the King's chamber into 7.3185 and 3.1496 m.
The starting point from the South is 103.3 -0.009 m. The ceiling height of Nelson's chamber is 57.1615 m.
The bottom line of the tunnel is 56.175 m. The angle of elevation of the tunnel is 27o07’01’’. The distance to the top point is 8.61 m. The bottom line of the entrance to the cache is 60.095 m. The height of the passage is 0.75-0.01 m, the ceiling height of the cache chamber is at least 1.78 m, the width is 0.616 m. The distance from the East to the middle of the entrance to the cache is 113.7 m.
From the upper unloading chamber, the distance to the cache is almost a meter less, but even drilling is unacceptable. Koran, Sura 18 “The Cave” v. 56 “And if you call them to the straight path, then they will never find the road.” Behind the door, humanity is waiting for “THE GUIDE OF THE MIND, THE SOURCE OF WISDOM AND THE RIVER OF KNOWLEDGE,” 3rd book of Ezra, chapter 14, v. 48.
But you shouldn’t rush to open the door of the hiding place to avoid its self-destruction.
I don’t know who They are, what They are like, but I know that mathematics is in Their service. I sympathize a little with those who will follow this path after me, because... what was revealed to me after much work and reflection will be taken for granted by them.
I got the Thoth number from the lengths of the stones, but I will show you from the 40 years of wandering of the Jews, although I divide the years by meters for a long time It was a little difficult, but it’s short.
In the village of Cheops there is a corridor 38.1 m long, in the village of Chefre the thickness of the entrance slab is 0.381 m, etc. 40: 38.1 = 1.0498687664 – unit of measurement for Noah’s Ark.
40: 0,0254 = 15748031496.
15748031496 x 2 = 31496062992
1.0498687664 x 3 = 31496062992
this is the number of Thoth that King Cheops longed to know.
The width of the King's Chamber "Revelation..." Ch. 13 is 206.066666622 inches (0.0254 m), length * 2, height * 1.1.
I understand that it is difficult for those who are not familiar with the pyramids to understand my spasmodic speech, but I have to convince those who are familiar.
The sum of the two lateral diagonals of Noah's Ark is 633.063031246.
The height of the interior of Cheops is 63.3063 m.
Allegedly erroneously constructed dead-end corridor of the village of Cheops 633.063 inches. The numbers 63.3063031246 and 1.1511 determine the size of the sarcophagus of N. Cheops. The papyrus says that the wizard Djedi, who was 110 years old, ate 500 loaves of bread, drank 100 jugs of beer and ate 100 bunches of onions. This number is repeated several times in the Bible, but once as 1151. This number is the ratio of the external and internal lengths of the sarcophagus of P. Cheops. The initial data for the calculations were obtained by Oxford professor John Greaves and the famous pyramid researcher Flinders Petrie (Petrie). Measurements and calculations in inches.
26,616 38,50 26,6162226105 38,5003398771 106,68 84,73
77,856 89,62 77,8566511716 89,6207911635 41,97 26,69
34,32 41,31 34,3202870454 41,3103646833 38,12 29,59
Volume 71120.2134326 142538.559613
Converting to elbows (0.381 m) we get:
1.77441484070 x 5.19044341144 x 2.28801913636 = 21.0726558319
2.56668932514 x 5.97471941090 x 2.75402431222 = 42.2336472927
The sum of the volumes is 63.3063031246 cubic cubits. Each of these numbers (both inches and elbows) carries a lot of information; in fact, there is no need to look for something in books, it is enough to decipher the dimensions of the sarcophagus. Nearby I placed the data from Flinders Petrie’s measurements of the sarcophagus of Khafre. They are correct, but not accurate. If you carefully read “Open...”, you will be able to independently calculate the design dimensions of the sarcophagus of P. Khafre and even attempt to decipher the Great Gallery. Albrecht Durer depicted the horses from Ch. 6 “Rev...”, all I have to do is give them names. Art. 2 “a white horse and a rider with a bow” 142538559613 – external volume of the sarcophagus Art. 4 “... a red horse and a large sword was given to him.” 142240426865 – doubled internal volume of art. 5 “...a black horse and a rider on it having a measure (scales) in his hand.”
142857142857 - “whoever kills Cain will have sevenfold revenge.” (1:7)
Gen.4v.15. v.8 “...a pale horse, and his rider whose name is death...” 14.2947296098
In the latter case, They made another “mistake.” The description of the ark (Gen. 6v. 14) does not say that the levels (floors) should be different, therefore they should be equal.
The Queen's Chamber is at the correct level. 63.3063: 3 = 21.1021 m.
The King's Chamber, instead of the correct 42.2042 m, is located at a height of 42.98 m and it turns out that the height of the unloading chambers has become smaller.
The height of the King's chamber is 5.7575 m.
The height of the ridge stones is 0.524 m.
63,3063 – 42,98 – 5,7575 – 0,524 = 14,0448.
14,448: 5 = 2,80896.
The distance between the ceilings of the unloading chambers is 2.808 m.
Chelyabinsk meteorite compels me to accelerate the spread of what was discovered in Holy books information. There is no doubt that many will consider believing in the coordinates of the hiding places and the prohibition of entering them to be a hoax; my task is to dispel such an attitude towards the Holy Scriptures and my works.
“Cherubim have four faces” - we read: sines consist of four numbers. But the first sine I discovered consists of three. The sower threw grains, some were eaten by birds, some fell on a stone and died, some yielded a harvest of 100 grains, some yielded 60, and some yielded 30. i.e. 163. We have three heights of the pyramids: 148.02343835, 146.6 and 143.5 m. You have to select one number at a time; for those who decide to tackle this task, I recommend that you immediately start a separate notebook for the sines, so as not to do the same work again . In this case this number
114.99589535481 squared + height squared 21910.938301 = 35134.994249454 root of the sum 187.44330942835: 114.99589535481 = 163 and so on many, many times.
Unfortunately, I was unable to identify the cherubim that stand over the Ark of the Covenant. Calculations of sines, areas, volumes, etc. obey only the rules of mathematics. Below are some rules of the Holy Books.
Book of the Dead of Tibet. The soul of a deceased person on its way to God passes through labyrinths, where it encounters 58 monsters - these monsters are only hallucinations of a soul caught in unusual conditions. The number 58 is excluded.
The Gospel says that Christ was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver - the last three in the number is destroyed.
Torah. Because they began to worship the golden calf, in the absence of Moses, 3,000 people were executed - the first three in the number disappear.
This enumeration is long and incomprehensible; without reading the Scriptures, no passwords will help. I’d rather write a number that is equal to one: 358373693944325681133 of course that’s not all. In the Koran there is the phrase “the truth spoken seven times” and there, pay attention to Sura 111. The problem has 12 solutions. “Rev...” 21 v. 12 (city) “...has twelve gates...” and there chapter 4 v. 7 “the first living creature was like a lion, and the second living creature was like a calf, and the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth the animal is like a flying eagle"
And this is what they look like: 2.02200199201 1.61803398874 3.14159265358 and 12.
The shortest, 12, cost me almost a year.
Today I really want to find out where the steps of the Queen’s corridor are located. The exact location of the main chamber of Khafre's pyramid. It would be ideal to have complete pyramid drawings online so I can fill in some of the design dimensions. Tommaso Campanella and Vladimir Lenin did not suspect that they were dreaming and striving for what pleased God.
When you study all the rules and commandments, you will easily read the telegram received on August 15, 1977 from Extraterrestrials by the Arecibo Observatory. 6EQUJ5. There are two texts here, 651215 and 657105. 651 is the beginning of the number of the visible volume of the Great Gallery of Cheops in meters.
Root of 215 = 146.62878298615 – the lowest height of the village of Cheops, 28 kings were killed, etc. The second text leads to the Main Cache. This is an extremely simplified explanation. I'm sure They broke their laws in order to rush us. It is necessary to stop and forget the strife and grievances. Some reasons for hostility have already been covered for centuries and the reasons for their beginning cannot be explained even by the wisest books, others were inflicted only yesterday and are now crying in blood, but for the sake of your children and grandchildren, stop. Your enemies will understand the content of the Scriptures and will also stop. The Japanese say “The past is no more, but the future may not exist.” Addressing the older generation, I urge; let's take all grievances to our own graves, and those who follow us will live “in a kingdom where there will be no poor and rich, no cripples and sick people,” people will live 100 years, maintaining the health of youth, enjoying the purity of rivers and the beauty of gardens, but for this someone has to stop.
“God did not create death...”, chapter 1, article 13 of the Book of Wisdom of Solomon,
“But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and torment will not touch them,” chapter 3, v. 1.
26.03.13 Michael


Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 2

1. Pyramid of Djoser…………………………………………………………p.4

2. The Empty Tomb………………………………………………………… 5

3. Pyramid of Cheops………………………………………………………..p.8

4. Pyramid of Khafre and Sphinx……………………………………………p.12

5. Sacraments of burial……………………………………………………..p.13

6.Tomb of Tutankhamun………………………………………………… 17

7.Irreplaceable losses……………………………………………………p.19

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 23

References…………………………………………………… 24


The original culture of Ancient Egypt has attracted the attention of all mankind since time immemorial. She aroused surprise among the Babylonian people, proud of their civilization. Philosophers and scientists learned wisdom from the Egyptians Ancient Greece. Great Rome worshiped the slender government organization countries of the pyramids.

Millennia have passed, but keen interest in the history of Ancient Egypt has by no means dried up.

“The false tale that in ancient times they piled up on Olympus

Ossa and Pelion with it, have been preserved for us for centuries.

And the pyramids near the Nile still extend

Proud heights up to the Pleiades 2 golden..."

This is what the ancient Greek poet, whose name has not reached us, wrote about one of the seven miracles ancient world pyramids.

Everyone knows how many interesting, sometimes amazing scientific discoveries made by scientists on ancient Egyptian soil. Mass wonderful finds gave her tombs and temples. But the greatest miracle of Egypt, which amazed people even in ancient times, were the pyramids - these amazing artificial mountains - the tombs of the ancient Egyptian kings.

Travelers sailing along the yellow waters of the Nile were always struck by the sharp edge where the Nile Valley with its green fields and date groves gives way to the hot sands of the dead Libyan Desert.

These are pyramids.

They seem to grow out of the desert sands - colossal, majestic, overwhelming a person with their extraordinary size and severity of outline. Standing at the foot of the pyramid, it is difficult to imagine that these huge stone mountains were created by human hands. Meanwhile, they were actually built from individual stone blocks, just as children today build pyramids from cubes. Thousands of hands of slaves and Egyptians subject to the pharaoh were busy with hard and useless labor - the creation of a huge stone mountain, which was supposed to hide the dead body of the Egyptian king in its depths.

By creating an eternal tomb, the pharaoh provided his immortal spirit with an eternal home.

1.Pyramid of Djoser

The first Egyptian king to erect a pyramid over his tomb was Pharaoh Djoser. This one ancient pyramid Egypt consists of six huge steps. Before the construction of the first pyramid, tombs with a massive rectangular above-ground part made of stone were erected in Egypt. In shape they resemble Arab benches - mastabas - and under this name they entered science. The pyramid of Djoser was essentially six such mastabas, placed one on top of the other, decreasing towards the top. The creation of the world's first stone structure of such significant size (height about 60 m) is attributed to Imhotep, a remarkable medical scientist, mathematician and architect, who was the vizier of King Djoser. Imhotep's fame was so great that within a few centuries his name was surrounded by legends. From later times, figurines depicting this remarkable architect have been preserved. Apparently, Pharaoh Djoser himself was so pleased with the unprecedented tomb built by Imhotep that he allowed the name of the architect to be carved on the base of his statue - an honor completely unheard of in ancient Egypt. During excavations of the mortuary temple, located near the pyramid of Djoser, scientists found fragments of several statues of the pharaoh and among them a pedestal on which the name of Imhotep was written. Excavations near the pyramid of Djoser discovered an entire “city of the dead” surrounding the tomb of the pharaoh. Mastabas were built around - tombs of members of the royal family and nobles close to the pharaoh. There was also a mortuary temple here, where sacrifices were made in honor of the deceased pharaoh. During excavations of the temple, archaeologists discovered a hall decorated with the oldest columns in the world. True, these were not yet ordinary round columns, they only protruded half from the walls, but Imhotep, long before the Greek architects, created the prototype of a strict and slender Dorian colonnade.

The mortuary temple and the pyramid were surrounded by a wall of white limestone and, according to the architect’s plan, formed a single architectural ensemble.

2.Empty Tomb

The space near the pyramid has been carefully studied by archaeologists since

at the beginning of our century. However, the Egyptian scientist Mohammed Ghoneim drew attention to one of the terraces southeast of the Pyramid of Djoser. A thorough examination carried out by Goneim discovered the remains of stone walls, fragments of processed limestone and alabaster,

Ghoneim decided to excavate. The work revealed the remains of masonry made of large unhewn stones. This was the foundation of a massive fence, the same as the one that once surrounded the pyramid of Djoser. The top of this fence was dismantled in ancient times. Then a well-preserved part of the fence was revealed under a thick layer of sand and rubble - the workers called it the White Wall. It was magnificent - lined with white polished limestone, decorated with elegant protrusions.

Undoubtedly, the wall enclosed the pyramid. But where are the traces of the tomb itself, as ancient as the still unique pyramid of Djoser? Ghoneim decided to look for the remains of a pyramid in the center of the site and was right. From under a multi-meter layer of sand, rubble and construction debris, the lower massive step of the ancient tomb appeared. The height of the step was 7 m. Goneim determined that this pyramid should have seven steps. Consequently, it was one step higher than the famous pyramid of Djoser. The height of the open pyramid should have reached 70 m. But if the remains of the pyramid were buried under a deep layer of sand, then the burial itself was intact. We had to look for him. Near the bottom step of the pyramid, a passage carved into the rock was discovered. It was a long corridor with branches.

In some of the galleries, things were found that only increased interest in the central burial, proving that the tomb had not been robbed in ancient times. Goneim found many stone and clay vessels, gold jewelry, a rubbing box made of gold, a large number of beautiful porphyry bowls.

But the most valuable find were seals on small vessels made of dark red clay. On the seals Goneim read the name Sekhemkhet, which meant “mighty in body” - this was the hitherto unknown name of the pharaoh of one of the most ancient dynasties. Interest in the unknown ruler buried in the pyramid increased even more. Egyptian newspapers were full of articles with mysterious and sensational headlines like: “The shine of gold from the tomb of the pharaoh” or “Gold placers of the unfinished pyramid.” Everyone eagerly followed the progress of the work.

After a long search, many disappointments, with great risk (stones collapsed in underground passages several times), the scientist managed to enter the tomb.

In the unfinished, hastily hewn central hall (the construction debris was not removed, but was only shoveled into the adjacent galleries) stood a magnificent alabaster sarcophagus. When the archaeologist carefully examined the sarcophagus, he was amazed - the sarcophagus had no lid. Carved from a single block of alabaster, it was closed on the end side with a door that lowered and rose in grooves. With excitement, Goneim became convinced that after the sarcophagus was placed in the tomb, no one touched it - a funeral wreath of decayed flowers and herbs was placed on top, or rather, what remained of the funeral wreath laid on the sarcophagus 4,700 years ago .

On the day appointed for the opening of the sarcophagus of a hitherto unknown pharaoh, the underground crypt was filled with a crowd of Egyptologists, photo and film reporters, and journalists. The crowd watched with bated breath as the workers began to lift the heavy alabaster door. In deep silence the sarcophagus was opened. It was empty. Shocked, Goneim carefully examined the sarcophagus. On its walls there were only traces left by the tools with which the craftsmen drilled and gouged out the inside of the sarcophagus. No one has ever been buried in this magnificent tomb. Rubble and construction debris not removed from the galleries and passages, the unfinished appearance of the tomb itself, the unfinished pyramid, the empty sarcophagus - all this presented a mystery to Egyptologists.6

The mystery of the unfinished pyramid was difficult to unravel. Perhaps the pharaoh for whom the tomb was intended died unexpectedly, and his successor did not consider it necessary to continue construction. Maybe some other things happened important events, unknown to us (just as the name of King Sekhemkhet himself was unknown until recently), which forced the pharaoh to suddenly interrupt the construction of the pyramid. The secret remains a secret. But the mysteries that arise for scientists are sooner or later solved by them. This was the case with many other monuments discovered on ancient Egyptian soil.

3. Pyramid of Cheops

Much was unclear in the largest pyramid, built by Pharaoh Khufu (or Cheops in Greek), who lived in the 28th century. BC e.

This huge pyramid has stood for almost five thousand years. Its height reached 147 m (now, due to the collapse of the top, its height is 137 m), and each side is 233 m long. In order to go around the Khufu pyramid, you need to walk about a kilometer. Up to late XIX V. Khufu's pyramid was the tallest structure on earth.7 Its enormous size amazed everyone who was in Egypt. It is not for nothing that the first Russian travelers who came to Egypt called the pyramids “man-made mountains.”

Historians have put a lot of effort into debunking the mysteries of the great Egyptian pyramids. In their opinion, these grandiose structures are just the tombs of the pharaohs of antiquity, built for them by the backbreaking labor of hundreds of thousands of slaves.

But in fact, with pyramids everything is not so simple, and inquiring minds are discovering more and more secrets in the pyramids, their structure and shape, the answers to which have yet to be found.

The Mystery of the Chinese Pyramid

It turns out that pyramids are not only in Egypt. In China, near the city of Xi'an, there are at least 16 pyramids. Unfortunately, this area has been a restricted military zone for many years. Therefore, they were discovered only by accident: in 1947, an American named Maurice Sheenan took several photographs of the Chinese pyramids while flying over them in a light plane. Several photos were published American newspapers. The Chinese authorities immediately responded to these publications with an official letter, in which they stated that “the existence of these pyramids has not been confirmed by anything.” Many years passed before the Chinese government finally confirmed the existence of these structures, however, calling them nothing more than “trapezoidal tombs.” Since then, several scientists have been able to observe the tombs with their own eyes, but the Chinese authorities are in no hurry to give opportunities to study them. It is still unknown what they are hiding in the Xi'an area.

Why don't Egyptian authorities stop vandals?

It is not so easy for scientists from all over the world to obtain permission from the Egyptian authorities to excavate and simply conduct research in the area of ​​the pyramids. Every time, government officials strictly stipulate where this or that scientist can conduct his research, and violation of the established rules is fraught with serious troubles with the authorities. But with the Egyptians, oddly enough, things are completely different! Anyone who has been to the Great Pyramids of Giza has seen intrusive souvenir sellers who, in addition to tacky clay cats and busts of Tutankhamun, sell pieces of stone chipped from the pyramids. And recently, near the pyramids, tourists noticed the famous Cuban actress of “adult films” Carmen De Luz, and in a very frank manner, from which observers concluded that some kind of not very decent movie was being filmed in the interiors of the pyramids. As a result, a paradoxical situation arises: for scientists, penetration into the area of ​​the pyramids is a problem, but for vandals the road is open! The Egyptian government has been promising to change the situation for some time, but the problem, as they say, is still there. Why do the Egyptian authorities have such difficulty allowing scientists to access ancient tombs, but do not see any problem with local looters getting into them? Perhaps they are afraid that overly attentive pundits will notice something that they do not need to know about? The question is still open.

And there are pyramids in Sudan!

Yes, Egypt is by no means the only country where pyramids were erected. They also exist in Sudan, and in this African side there are more of them than in any other country in the world! There are 255 Nubian pyramids in Sudan. Only 14 of them are dedicated to the warlike Sudanese princesses. The rest is the legacy of the warlike Nubians who lived in this territory in the 6th century BC. At the top of each pyramid was an image of the solar disk. Rumor has it that the Nubians stole the idea of ​​​​pyramids from the Egyptians, building similarities to the great pyramids for the burial of 21 kings and 52 queens. However, it is possible that these tombs were built in parallel - at least according to scientists, the Nubian tombs in Sudan date back to no earlier than 10 thousand years BC, and the Egyptians did not take part in their construction. Alas, not all Sudanese pyramids are available for study today - in 1834, adventurer Giuseppe Ferlini destroyed 40 Sudanese tombs in search of treasures. It is noteworthy that no one believed in the antiquity of the artifacts he obtained, and he was unable to sell them. This is what is called "bad karma"!

Thermal scanning revealed bright spots in the pyramids

In October 2015 international group scientists, together with specialists from the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo University, carried out a thermal scan of the great Egyptian pyramids, using thermal imaging and neon radiography technology, usually used to study active volcanoes. During a temperature scan of Tutankhamun's tomb, scientists discovered a sharp jump in temperature in its northern part, showing that there was a hidden cavity under the surface of the slabs. According to Nicholas Reeves, a researcher at the University of Arizona, the image high resolution reveals that inside the tomb there is a hidden door to unexplored chambers and to the resting place of Queen Nefertiti - wife of Tutankhamun's father. But that's not all. In all three great pyramids of Giza, areas with elevated temperatures were discovered. Researchers don't know what this means: it's just that, for some strange reason, some blocks are warmer than all the others, and it has nothing to do with the weather. On this moment Researchers are busy searching for hidden cameras in the pyramids to explain this phenomenon.

Hidden pyramids in Antarctica

In some photographs, on Google maps Earth you can see pyramidal tombs in the snow of Antarctica. Researchers call them "snow pyramids." The Internet public who saw these images believes that the Antarctic pyramids were built by human civilization living in Antarctica. Two of the three Antarctic pyramids are located on the continent, one is in close proximity to the coastline. each of them corresponds in shape to the pyramids of Giza. The first of them was discovered by an Antarctic expedition from 1901 to 1913. At the same time, geologists decided not to tell the world about their discovery. Some researchers believe that these pyramids served as housing for people, since 100 years ago the temperature in Antarctica was much higher than it is now. Dr Vanessa Bowman from the British Antarctic Research Center says: "100 million years ago, rain forests- the same as in today's New Zealand." Some researchers believe that the pyramids in Antarctica are the legacy of the Atlanteans. And, in their opinion, they can completely change our view of the history of mankind. However, skeptics consider them just hill-shaped ice formations that grew over millions of years.Further research will show who is right.

Italian pyramids

In 2011, archaeologists excavating an Etruscan tomb in one of the cities of Italy were faced with an incomprehensible mystery. A team of scientists from Italy and the United States was excavating under a wine cellar in the town of Oriveto, where they discovered a staircase in the wall. Continuing to dig, they found several chambers and tunnels connecting them. Analyzing the structure of the discovered tomb, they soon realized that it was shaped like a pyramid. The structure was dated to around 900 BC. In shape it resembled Sudanese tombs. Considering that the army of the Roman Empire conquered the territory of Sudan even before our era, scientists began to look for a connection between the Sudanese tombs and their Italian find, as well as with another Italian structure - the Pyramid of Cestius in Rome. This pyramid, located in the area of ​​the Protestant cemetery, is one of the oldest and most protected Italian sites. Until recently, it was in a dilapidated state, but after Japanese businessman Yuzo Yagi donated 1 million euros for its renovation, it was completely restored and opened to the public in May 2015.

Canada also loves pyramids

Canada is a young country, and few people would immediately believe that there are pyramids similar to the Egyptian ones in Edmonton, Alberta. Meanwhile, this city is simply full of pyramids! In the center, near the Muttart Conservatory, there are pyramidal greenhouses where plants from all over the world are cultivated - from Africa to Western Canada. On the roof of Edmonton City Hall stands a huge glass pyramid, which changes colors every few months, becoming alternately green, blue, red, purple and orange. And at MacEwan University, less than 10 kilometers from City Hall and the Muttadt Conservatory a few blocks from City Hall, there are two pyramids in front of the entrance. There are several other buildings in Edmonton that have pyramids on them. The reasons why Edmontonians love the pyramids so much is unknown.

Who built the pyramids?

Probably not everyone remembers that. that the Egyptians at the time of the construction of the pyramids were typical black Africans. According to scientists, there is no reason to assume that representatives of races other than the typical population could have lived in Egypt at that time northern Africa. But what is even more interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, the pyramid builders were apparently not tortured slaves. The legend of the use of slave labor in the construction of the pyramids was first invented by ancient Greek historians - and today Hollywood has readily picked it up. In fact, skilled workers from all over Egypt worked on the construction of the pyramids. At the same time, judging by the surviving records, in addition to wages, they received another interesting privilege: a worker who died during construction had the right to be buried in a tomb next to the pharaoh. If we were talking about slaves, the Egyptians would not have allowed such a violation of the caste principle.

Mysteries of the Greek pyramids

Another country where pyramids were discovered is Greece. Several structures called the pyramids of Argolis are one of the most famous ancient monuments of this Greek city. Until recently, it was believed that these buildings were ancient tombs, since ancient Roman manuscripts said that soldiers who fought for the throne of Argos were buried here. But in the 20th century, scientists doubted this, judging by some signs that they were intended for some other, hitherto unknown purposes. Another pyramid in Greece appears to have existed northwest of the Peloponnese, but little remains: over the centuries local residents stole the stone for their own needs.

The Mystery of Orion

One of the things that amazes scientists about the Egyptian pyramids is that they were literally built in the center of the Earth. The relative position of the chambers of the king and queen in the largest pyramid reflects mutual arrangement Orion and Sirius in the firmament. Here is what the author of the book “Fingerprints of God” Robert Boval writes about this: “
A mind-boggling fact about the Egyptian pyramids is they are made literally in the center of the earth. At the southern point of the King’s Chamber inside of the Great Giza Pyramid, is the same point of the Belt of Orion. The Queens chambers are in the direction of the Sirius star. Here is a quote from The Fingerprints of the Gods by Robert Bauval: "The constellation Orion is also oriented along milky way, like the Great Pyramids - along the Nile. And the star, which the Arabs call Mintaka, is oriented relative to Orion and Sirius in the same way as the smallest of the pyramids is relative to the other two. The location of the pyramids on Earth corresponds exactly to the orientation brightest stars in the firmament in the year 10450 BC."

What were the pyramids made of?

This news will probably disappoint many, but nevertheless, the fact remains. For centuries, Egyptologists have admired the art of Egyptian engineers, who were able to assemble such huge and geometrically complex shapes from huge limestone blocks. However, only in our time, when it became possible to carry out spectral analysis, it became clear that limestone blocks, as well as more expensive alabaster, granite and basalt, were used only for decoration, including external ones. Most of interiors were built from raw brick with the addition of straw - the main material from which most buildings were built during the era of the Ancient Kingdoms - from the poor man's hut to the royal palaces. This, of course, adds prosaism to the buildings, but does not detract from the engineering talents of the ancient Egyptians.

Where did the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza go?

Looking at the photo of the largest of the pyramids of Giza, it is easy to notice that the strictness of the form of this ancient tomb is violated only once. Where the eye simply demands the final top stone to complete the strict triangles of the walls, there is only a flat platform that violates the perfection of the geometric structure. Why? There are several versions on this matter. One of them says that the top stone was gold and was stolen many centuries ago. The other is that the platform at the very top was designed to be flat for some reason unknown to us. But the Spanish researcher Miguel Perez Sanchez claims that at the top of the pyramid there was the so-called Eye of Horus - a mystical transparent sphere symbolizing the union of the Sun and Sirius - the star of Isis. It is still impossible to say with certainty who is right.

Ancient pyramids of Bosnia

And again the pyramid in Europe! This time - the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. According to historians, this is the largest and oldest step pyramid in the world. It was discovered by an American researcher from Boston, a Bosnian by birth, Semir Osmanagic. In 2006, he publicly announced that on Mount Visocica, where he was excavating, he had discovered underground passages and inclusions of lime mortar - and, after months of excavation, having removed many layers of earth, he showed people a mountain that was indeed a pyramid! However, Bosnian geologists did not believe Osmanagic’s statements and, having checked his conclusions, in turn, stated: Visocica is not a pyramid at all, but an ordinary hill, to which nature gave a shape similar to a stepped one. And the fact that the steps are so even is due to Osmanagich’s “cruel joke”. However, the Boston Bosnian himself does not give up and claims that he found a real pyramid in his homeland, and geologists are simply captive of stereotypes. Time will tell who is actually right.

So what were the pyramids actually used for?

Back in school, we were taught that pyramids are the tombs of pharaohs, and nothing more. However, what we have learned today about pyramids, including those built outside Egypt, casts doubt on this. In fact, historians agree with us. Today, there is much more than one version that explains why the pyramids were really needed. In particular, experts suggest that they were used as treasuries, giant antennas for communicating with the gods and feeding divine energy, meaningless buildings designed to create jobs and relieve social tension, temporary shelters sandstorms and the Nile floods, brothels for the highest Egyptian nobility and even sewage treatment plants to purify the Nile waters. Moreover, the author of each of these unexpected theories has his own evidence. Which one is right? As always, time will tell.

NASA specialists have found pyramids in space!

And finally, at the end of the day, here’s a brand new, fresh riddle for you! Compared to the pyramids, she is just a baby - she is not yet 10 years old. In 2007, NASA launched the robotic spacecraft Dawn to explore the small planet Ceres. solar system located in the asteroid belt. Now look at the photo that Dawn sent to the puzzled scientists from Ceres! On the surface of the planet, a structure is clearly visible, with outlines like two peas in a pod, similar to a pyramid! It turns out that this form is sacred not only for the Earth, but also for the cosmos? Let's hope that this mystery will be solved faster than the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, which scientists have been struggling with for centuries.

There are more than 70 Egyptian pyramids in total, but only 3 of them are the most famous.

Secrets and legends of the tombs of the pharaohs

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Spelling errors - 47

There are more than 70 Egyptian pyramids in total, but only 3 of them are the most famous. These are the tombs of the great pharaohs that are located in Giza - the pyramids of Mekerin (Menkaure), Khafre (Khefre) and Cheops (Khufu). Many ancient legends, numerous mysterious legends and absolutely inexplicable mystical incidents are associated with these places.

Secrets of Khafre

Tomb of Mikerin

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The Mystery of Tutankhamun's Pyramid

Further events developed at a very fast pace. Even before the moment when the tomb of the pharaoh was opened, Lord Carnarvon received one strange letter from Count Haymon, an English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned the inquisitive Carnarvon that if he wanted to penetrate the secret of Tutankhamun's pyramid, then serious illness which will lead him to death. The lord was very alarmed by this message, and he decided to turn to the famous fortune teller Velma for advice. The clairvoyant repeated almost word for word the same warning that had only recently been received from Count Haimon. Lord Carnarvon decided to complete the excavations, but preparations for them had already gone far. Involuntarily, he was forced to challenge all the mystical forces that guard the tomb of the late pharaoh...

Encyclopedias of knowledge, in its own way a treasury of Egyptian wisdom (the pyramids of Tenochtitlan);

Astronomical observatories;

Barriers against sands coming from the desert;

Architecture standards;

Alien information capsules;

Border fortresses and even berths for Noah's Ark.

These are the tombs of the great pharaohs that are located in Giza - the pyramids of Mekerin (Menkaure), Khafre (Khefre) and Cheops (Khufu). Many ancient legends, numerous mysterious legends and absolutely inexplicable mystical incidents are associated with these places.

It cannot be said with certainty that today all the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt have been solved, because their priests were undoubtedly very inventive and resourceful people. It is quite possible that our researchers still have to unravel many of the mysteries of the Sphinx and be lucky enough to penetrate into the essence Egyptian magic, science and architecture.

Secrets of Khafre

The height of the Khafre pyramid is 136.5 m. Its structure is very simple - two entrances located on the north side and 2 chambers. The Pyramid of Khafre was built from stone blocks of various sizes, then lined with slabs made of white limestone. The top of this tomb is made of very beautiful yellow limestone.
It has been proven that trying to penetrate deep into the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt is not safe! An event that happened to tourists back in 1984 can serve as proof of this. A large queue crowded in front of the entrance to one tunnel, which leads deeper into the pyramid. All the people were awaiting the arrival of the group, which went to the room with the sarcophagus - that is, the tomb of Khafre, in which the mummy of this ruler was once sealed. It is believed that in addition to his pyramid, this pharaoh erected a mysterious lion man - the Great Sphinx.

In the end, the people who were there returned, but what happened to them! All of them were choking from coughing, suffering from nausea and general weakness, their eyes were red. Later, tourists said that at the same time they all felt pain in their eyes, irritation in their throat, nose and lungs, and experienced profuse lacrimation. The victims went for medical help, they were examined, but... No specific abnormalities were identified. It was assumed that, in all likelihood, the tomb of the pharaoh was filled with some mysterious gas that leaked into the tomb in an unknown way.
The tomb was closed, and a commission was urgently convened to find out the secret of the Egyptian pyramid. The relevant experts have put forward several of their working versions - the emergence of caustic gases directly from faults in the depths of the earth’s crust, the work of unknown attackers, or even the intervention of some mystical forces. According to one of the most striking versions, one of the traps of antiquity, specially equipped against robbers by the priests, could have been located in the tomb of the pharaoh.

Tomb of Mikerin

The Greeks called Khafre's heir and son Mikerin. The smallest of the large pyramids known to us belongs to this great ruler. At first, the height of this structure was only 66 meters, but the current one is 55.5 meters. The length of each side is 103 meters. The entrance is located on the northern wall; part of the cladding has also been preserved here. This also contributed to the formation of legends about mystical secrets Egypt.

The Pyramid of Mikerin was discovered by British Colonel Vance Howard in 1837. He discovered a sarcophagus made of basalt in the golden chamber of the tomb, as well as a coffin lid made of wood, which was carved in the shape of a human figure. This find was dated as belonging to the era of early Christianity. The sarcophagus was not delivered to England - the ship that transported it from Egypt sank.

There is a legend that the Egyptians adopted some secrets from the Atlanteans who arrived in their country. So, for example, it is generally accepted that the effect that it has on the cells of any living creature depends on the shape, as well as the mass of the pyramid. The pyramid can simultaneously destroy and heal many diseases. It is known that the influence of the field of the Mikerin pyramid is so great that tourists who were in its critical zone for a long time soon died. Certain people who entered the tomb of Mikerin fell into a faint, unconscious state, and sharply felt a deterioration in their health. Therefore, you should not try to unravel the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt by trial and error.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The surviving records of the Greek historian Herodotus indicate that the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops was built over a period of more than twenty years. During this period, about 100,000 people constantly worked at the construction site. The body of the Cheops pyramid consists of 128 stone layers; the outer edges of the structure were lined with snow-white limestone. It is important to note that the facing slabs are fitted with such impeccable precision that it is impossible even to insert a knife blade into the gap between them.

Many researchers have tried to penetrate the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt. Famous archaeologist Ghoneim Mohammed discovered an ancient Egyptian pyramid with an alabaster sarcophagus located inside. When the excavations were coming to an end, one of the stone blocks collapsed and carried away several workers at once. Nothing was found in the sarcophagus removed from there.
The Englishman Brighton Paul, having heard that large number tourists visiting the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops, there is a rapid deterioration in their health, I decided to experience the influence of this pyramid on myself. The tireless researcher had the opportunity to penetrate into the burial room of Cheops himself, which ended very badly for him. After some time, Brighton was discovered and removed from there. The Englishman was in a semi-conscious state; after he was found, he even admitted that he lost consciousness from indescribable horror.

The Mystery of Tutankhamun's Pyramid

The autumn of 1922 left its mark forever in the history of the development of archeology - the British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the pyramid of Tutankhamun. On February 16, 1923, Carter, together with Lord Carnarvon (the philanthropist who financed this enterprise), opened the tomb in the presence of witnesses. In the room of this sarcophagus there was a tablet, it contained an inscription in ancient Egyptian, which was later deciphered as: “Anyone who dares to disturb the peace of the Pharaoh will be overtaken by death with rapid steps.” When the archaeologist deciphered this tablet, he hid it for a long time so as not to confuse all his companions and workers with such an ominous warning.

Further events developed at a very fast pace. Even before the moment when the tomb of the pharaoh was opened, Lord Carnarvon received one strange letter from Count Haymon, an English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned the inquisitive Carnarvon that if he wanted to penetrate the secret of Tutankhamun’s pyramid, he would face a serious illness that would lead him to death. The lord was very alarmed by this message, and he decided to turn to the famous fortune teller Velma for advice. The clairvoyant repeated almost word for word the same warning that had only recently been received from Count Haimon. Lord Carnarvon decided to complete the excavations, but preparations for them had already gone far. Involuntarily, he was forced to challenge all the mystical forces that guard the tomb of the late pharaoh.

The 57-year-old Lord Carnarvon suddenly fell ill after just 6 weeks. At first, doctors believed that the disease was the result of a local mosquito bite. It later turned out that the lord cut himself while shaving and possibly suffered blood poisoning. But be that as it may, he soon died, and the exact cause of his death is not clear.

This incident is not limited to the death of Carnarvon alone. Within one year, 5 more members of the expedition that tried to penetrate the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt die. Among them were conservationist Mace, English literature professor La Fleur, Carter's secretary Bethel Richard, and a radiologist named Wood. Mace died in the same hotel where Carnarvon died, and also for an unknown reason. Before his death, he complained of attacks of weakness, experienced apathy and melancholy. Over the next few years, 22 people who were somehow related to the research and excavations carried out in the tomb of the pharaoh died suddenly and suddenly.

It’s hard to believe, but it’s a fact: Lord Canterville on the Titanic transported the perfectly preserved mummy of Amenophis, a soothsayer who lived under Amenhotep the Fourth, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. This mummy was removed from a fairly small tomb, over which the temple towered. Her peace was protected by sacred amulets, which accompanied the mummy on this journey. Under the head of the mummy there was a tablet with an inscription that also depicted Osiris. The words on the tablet read: “Wake up from the fainting spell in which you are, and triumph over the machinations against you.”

Why were the pyramids of Giza built?

Such majestic structures could be not only the tombs of great pharaohs. The secrets of the pyramids of Egypt have not been solved to this day. And yet there are some assumptions. It is likely that the pyramids are:

  • encyclopedias of knowledge, in its own way a treasury of Egyptian wisdom (the pyramids of Tenochtitlan);
  • astronomical observatories;
  • barriers against sands coming from the desert;
  • architectural standards;
  • alien information capsules;
  • border fortresses and even berths for Noah's Ark.

And that's just small part existing assumptions made by scientists and many other people about the data architectural structures.
One of unsolved mysteries is the fantastic speed of construction for those times with which each tomb was erected. Scientists calculated it based on the time of the Nile flood, the life expectancy of the rulers, and other factors. It turned out that 4 blocks were installed every minute, that is, 240 every hour! And all this only with the help of rather primitive mechanisms - ropes, levers, etc. There is even one incredible assumption that the Egyptian priests then possessed a secret that helped overcome the law of attraction.

In the distant hot sands of Egypt, a man-made wonder of the world was created, exciting the minds of researchers from different times. How many theories and hypotheses have already been expressed about their construction and purpose! The riddles and secrets of the Egyptian pyramids worry not only scientists, but also ordinary people. How were such gigantic structures erected in ancient times? You involuntarily begin to think about the intervention of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Who built the Egyptian pyramids

Soviet occultist H. P. Blavatsky believes that the pyramids were built not 2500 BC, but 75 years earlier. And they were supposed to store the gene pool of humanity - the Atlanteans, who built the pyramids.

Nostradamus also expressed his opinion that the people of Atlantis built the pyramids, but they did it not by mechanical influence on the blocks, but by mentally acting on gravity.

Thanks to scientific research we know of voids under the pyramids and also under the Sphinx. Scientists launched the robot into the mines of the lower tier, but it did not go far - every now and then it came across limestone doors.

Giant structures are literally riddled with mines, canals and voids along their entire length! And it has already been scientifically proven that all mines and canals were laid according to star charts. Along the center line there is a vertical channel - supposedly for communication with the ancestors or the Universal Mind.

There are also a large number of rooms that have nothing to do with the burial ceremony. During the excavations, low-light lanterns were found - they were used for painting and arrangement inside the pyramids.

The mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids are directly related to Imhotep. His activities left an imprint on the entire history of Egypt - from 2630 BC. e. He is the high priest and chief adviser to the pharaoh. It was he who created the design of the first pyramid made of stone blocks. He was considered the god of medicine, architecture and philosophy.

Who actually built them? This question worries every person who is at least somewhat interested in the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Slave labor, primitive tools and less than 40 years of construction for each - and such a result?! After all, they didn’t even have modern technology...

And pyramids were built from stones mined in the Aswan quarries, which are located in the Macedonian Mountains - tens of kilometers from Giza. The Egyptians indicated that they transported stones along the Nile in boats, and then rolled them to the construction site. But the boats are light - they would easily sink from the weight of at least one such block. And even if the stones were rolled, a road would appear and pieces would break off from the blocks.

Date palms, with their very soft wood, would not have supported a single block, and there were not enough palm trees to support such a large-scale construction.

The weight of the pyramid is 6500 billion tons. The construction took 2,300,000 stone blocks. Not only did the blocks have to be mined and delivered to the designated place, they had to be dragged to a great height. According to scientists' calculations, it turned out that 20,000 workers placing 10 monoliths each would take 664 years to complete the construction of the gigantic structure. But it’s not realistic for a pharaoh to live a good six hundred years!

The frescoes of the Khufu pyramid depict figures very similar to airplanes, helicopters, ships and submarines. But how could the Egyptians know about such technologies? How was it possible to carve images so similar to modern technology? All that remains is to throw up your hands. For now, we have no way of knowing the answer.

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