Three folk signs of autumn. Autumn folk signs for children. Autumn folk signs for children Folk signs about autumn. Proverbs - signs about autumn

Modern man does not need to remember signs. He has the Internet and television, where wise experts will talk about the weather, what the coming months will be like. Now, when our life does not depend on whether the harvest in the fields will be rich, many have forgotten about folk signs. Do not neglect folk wisdom. Experts often make mistakes; weather forecasts are not always correct. But you really want to know whether you should expect a cold or rainy autumn, or whether the winter will be frosty. To do this, just remember the most common folk signs and check whether they work or not.

Signs about the weather

It didn’t exist before; people themselves observed what was happening in nature and drew some conclusions. You can check for yourself whether folk signs work or not.

Through the trees

Trees surrounded villages and towns, they grew next to the house. Therefore, the weather was often predicted precisely by them, by the number of fruits.

1. Rowan. We looked at the rowan fruits. If there were a lot of them, autumn promised to be rainy, and a small number of berries foreshadowed dry and clear weather.
2. Cherry. We waited for all the leaves to fall off. It was after this that real snow fell on the ground. No matter how much snow falls before the cherry tree sheds its leaves, it will definitely melt.
3. Oak. If a lot of acorns have grown on an oak tree, the winter promises to be cold.
4. Nut. If there are a lot of nuts in the forest, but no mushrooms have grown, it will be cold in the winter and a lot of snow will fall.
5. Oak and birch leaves to Intercession (October 14). If all the leaves fall from these trees by October 14, the winter will be warm; if not, it will be harsh.
6. Viburnum and rowan matured very early. This indicates that the winter will be very cold. If the berries of the viburnum are ripe, and the leaves remain green and there are a lot of them, the winter will be warm.
7. Birch. Watch the tree begin to turn yellow. If the first yellow leaves appear on the top of the tree, then it will be early autumn. A tree that has begun to turn yellow from below promises a long winter. If the birch tree has not shed its leaves before October, the first snow will not come soon.
8. Coniferous trees. A large number of cones - frosty winter.
9. Leaves changing color gradually, slowly, talk about warm winter. If they suddenly turn yellow and fall off, it will be severe.

According to changes in the weather

Changed often. In the morning the bright sun shines, and by evening the sky becomes cloudy and it starts to drizzle. Such weather changes also spoke volumes to those in the know.

1. Thunder. If it rains with thunder in September, then autumn promises to be warm. Thunder in October predicts a winter without snow. Thunder in November was a harbinger of big snow.
2. Rainy summer and warm autumn promise a particularly cold winter.
3. If snow falls very early in the fall, then spring will come early.
4. The first snow that fell on October 8 predicts that winter will begin on November 21.
5. Warm and clear autumn indicates a rainy spring. If autumn turns out to be slushy, then on the contrary, spring will be clear and quickly turn into summer.
6. Warm October indicates that there will be a frosty winter.

For insects and animals

Insects and animals also respond to weather changes. What we do not feel, spoiled by the benefits of civilization, they catch and prepare in advance for the upcoming cold weather.
1. Large ant heaps A harsh winter is expected in the fall.
2. If they fly in late autumn, the winter will be warm.
3. Chickens began to molt in early autumn; it will be warm in winter.
4. If a goose stands on one leg, it will soon get colder.

Indian summer

Indian summer is the period when dry and warm weather. It can make you happy warm days at the beginning of September (from the 1st to the 10th) or start on the day of Simeon the Flight Guide, i.e. will last from September 14 to 21. There are many folk signs associated with these days:
1. If dogs run around the forest during this period, they will become calmer and will not get sick.
2. Was interesting tradition. On the first day of Indian Summer (September 14), it was necessary to bury a fly or cockroach in a coffin made of carrots or turnips. This had to be done as far from home as possible. It was believed that this way one could get rid of family problems and poverty.
3. Whoever makes peace on the first day of Indian Summer will have Honeymoon will last. It was believed that this day was special. If the spouses quarreled, and one of them decided to improve the relationship, the second will not be able to refuse him. They will have an improvement in their relationship and a second honeymoon.
4. A dry Indian summer foreshadowed a wet autumn, and, conversely, if the weather is gloomy these days, the autumn will be dry.

Signs for luck and money

A person’s material well-being often depends on the efforts he makes. But here too, luck is important, and not just work or diligence. How to set yourself up for success, how to believe that you won’t have problems with money in the future? Why not believe the folk signs that promise material well-being and success.

1. On wood. Look at the tree that grows next to your house. If its leaves have fallen faster than other trees in the area, your financial situation will improve.
2. By sheet. If you were walking through a park or alley, and one of the leaves fell into your bag, this indicates that you will soon receive money. If a leaf from a tree flies into the window, then you will soon learn good news or a big profit awaits you. If you find an ash leaf with an even number of veins, then a prosperous life awaits you.
3. On dirty shoes. Mud is common in autumn. If you get very dirty or get your foot stuck in the mud, there is no need to worry. Good luck awaits you soon.
4. By splashes of mud. Did a car passing by splash you out of a puddle? Don't be upset, because... this means that a number of pleasant events await you.
5. By dishes. Dishes broken on the last day of autumn foretell that all problems will remain in the past.
6. On the first day of October. If on this day you woke up in good mood, then all the months of the outgoing year will go well, pleasant changes await you. A bad mood on this day predicts difficulties.

Everyone decides for himself to believe or not to believe in omens. But why not check whether the observations of our ancestors are relevant in our time. Of course, the world is changing, there are changes in the weather, but signs did not appear just like that, but over the course of several centuries. If they are confirmed, then this knowledge can be used in everyday life, for example, planning weekends and holidays with family and children, buying clothes. Or this is just one reason to go outside, watch the trees, the world around you, and admire the beauty of the autumn forest or park.

Folk signs autumn is known to most people. They are not perceived as superstitions, rather they are a reference book folk wisdom. They were collected by our ancestors for hundreds of years and passed on as experience accumulated over long years observations, many have come into use from folklore.

Autumn signs are especially important, since they were used to determine the forecast for the future harvest, the beginning of preparations (wetting apples, chopping cabbage, drying mushrooms), the time of storing vegetables in the cellars. This is the time of necessary preparations for winter.

The autumn months are the best for forecasts for the coming winter period. They quite accurately determine what kind of autumn and winter it will be, how much snowfall will fall, and when to expect the bitterest frosty days.


September begins autumn, it is he who usheres in a wonderful time in nature: golden leaf fall, the last warmth of Indian summer, schools of cranes flying south in a clear sky.

This is the time of grain harvest, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, it is not for nothing that this period is considered the “blush of autumn”. But at the same time, the first drizzling rains begin, thick fogs fall on the fields in the morning, the air becomes cooler, the sky becomes cloudy, which is why the month was called “gloomy”, “rainbell”.

By September, they determine what to expect from the other autumn months, what the winter will be like, and when to prepare for the spring plowing of the land and the first sowings. September forecasts are considered the most reliable.

About autumn:

  1. There are a lot of rowan berries in the forest - autumn time it will be rainy.
  2. Autumn time will bring warmth and sunny days, if thunder thunders and peas bloom in the gardens.
  3. As is the first day of September, so will autumn be.
  4. Lots of cobwebs for Indian summer, get ready for the cold autumn months.
  5. The dandelion has bloomed, wait for the warmth in the fall.


The month of October is characterized by rainy and chilly weather, the first frosts occur at night, and the days become shorter. They say about this month: “In October, before lunch, it’s autumn, after lunch, it’s winter.”

October is the middle of the autumn season and it was called differently: bread-bloomer, leaf-faller, mud-bloomer, kiselnik.

About autumn:

  1. There are many stars - it will be warm for a long time.
  2. Birds fly high and scream - for a long autumn season.
  3. The late mushrooms have arrived - the autumn is long and sunny.
  4. Frost on the trees - warm, sunny days are expected.
  5. It will thunder in the sky - don’t expect snowdrifts.


November is considered the twilight of the year; it is popularly called “leafy”. Snow has not yet covered the ground with a permanent carpet, but it is falling more often and melting more slowly. November - Lately living water, a little more and the rivers will be covered with ice, it’s not for nothing that it is called the “pre-winter road”, the gates of winter.

According to the signs of November, you can understand not only what kind of winter it will be, but also what to expect in the spring and summer.

  1. Rain in November - winter will come soon.
  2. Mosquitoes have appeared - it won’t be cold in winter.
  3. Hares come into the gardens - in winter, expect many frosty days and it will be stormy for weeks.
  4. The leaves do not fly off - to the winter cold.
  5. Cold November – bitter winter.

Wedding in autumn

In the autumn months, weddings were always held in Rus'. October is called the “wedding month”; wedding celebrations were timed to coincide with it. have a good month November is also the month for marriage.

During these months, all field work ended, the harvest was harvested for storage, preparations were made, and it was time for rest.

Weddings took place on Pokrov in October Holy Mother of God(October 14), it was believed that a wedding on this day would bring happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds.

In November, the day of Kazan was considered a good day. Mother of God(November 4). The saint will protect the young, bring happiness and many years of marriage.

You can schedule a wedding on Zinovy ​​(November 12), or on Nicodemus Day (November 13). These saints protect the family hearth from grief and misfortune.

If newlyweds want to have children quickly, then it is better to have a wedding on November 22, the day of Matrona of Moscow. Unfavorable days Thursday and Friday are considered.

The weather on the wedding day predicts the future of the newlyweds:

Pregnancy in autumn

Autumn is an ideal time for pregnancy, the time of spring flowering of allergenic plants has already passed, the summer heat has gone, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables for the full nutrition of the expectant mother, and the time for runny noses and colds has not yet arrived.

According to popular belief, in order to get pregnant, you need to go to church on the Intercession, light a candle and give the woman serving in the church a scarf.

Childbirth in autumn

For babies born in the autumn months, there are signs directly related to the weather. If the sun shines, the child will have happy family when he grows up. If at the moment of birth it's raining, then in his adult years he will be rich, if snow - a scientist. They were afraid to give birth on October 20; this day predicted a difficult fate for the child.


Sayings about autumn are associated with the bounty of this time of year, the harvest, the abundance of fruits and weather nuances.

  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • In autumn even the sparrow is rich.
  • In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weather changes in the yard.
  • Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and nourishing.
  • Autumn stores, winter collects supplies.
  • The first snowball doesn't last long.

Children begin to get acquainted with proverbs important signs, on such topics, matinees are held for preschoolers in kindergartens and cool watch for schoolchildren.

Signs on animals

It has long been noted that animals better than man sense weather changes; they, like living barometers, can warn of climate fluctuations.

People have long learned to decipher these signals:

  • The ducks are left to spend the winter – the winter will be warm.
  • The squirrel carries a lot of nuts into the hollow - for a long winter.
  • The hare has changed its skin - it is snowing, winter is just around the corner.
  • Chickens close their wings on the roost - there will be frost.
  • The higher the ant heaps, the harsher the frosts will be.

Birds are the messengers of autumn

At the beginning of autumn, birds begin to flock to distant lands; they sense the approaching change of season much earlier than humans. Man noticed this long ago and accurately determined what autumn would be like, when the cold weather began and the first snow fell.

Signs - messengers:

  • The rooks flew away early, snow will fall soon.
  • Wild geese gather in flocks for migration - they begin autumn rains and it's getting cold.
  • Migratory birds flying low - towards a short autumn.
  • Crows sit on the tops of trees - it means frost.
  • Cranes fly high - for a warm, sunny autumn.
  • There are a lot of titmice near human habitation – it’s getting cold.

Signs of the harvest

The main concern of people at all times concerned the harvest. Man on the level genetic memory knows what hunger is, therefore it looks for signs in natural phenomena, signs of the future harvest and, above all, bread. This is the key to a satisfying year and a prosperous life.

Autumn harvest signs:

Autumn- golden and fabulous time of the year. All the trees are covered with paints different colors and shades: from yellow to brown. At this time, the rainy season usually begins, and the air begins to feel cool. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. In autumn, birds fly to warmer climes. This is the time of harvest and preparation for winter. No wonder they say: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.” People have written down many folk signs of autumn, which help to find out what winter and spring will be like, what kind of weather to expect, and whether next year will be fruitful.

Signs about the weather in autumn

  • Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.
  • Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.
  • There is a lot of snow in early autumn - wait for early spring.
  • Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.
  • If many stars fall in the fall, there will be a crop failure next year.

Autumn signs about nature

  • A lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.
  • Cobwebs spread across plants - expect a harsh winter.
  • Mosquitoes appeared in late autumn, leading to a mild winter.
  • Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
  • In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.
  • The geese have flown - snow will fall soon.
  • There is a harvest for nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • When there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, autumn will be rainy, and if there are few, it will be dry.
  • Rowan, viburnum, and black elderberry ripened early - expect a harsh and snowy winter.
  • The hazel gave birth abundantly - the winter will be rich in snow and frost.
  • If birch trees turn yellow from the top in the fall, the next spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.
  • A lot of cones on pines and spruces - for a cold winter.
  • Abundant cones on the spruce at the bottom - there will be early frosts, at the top - the winter will be short.
  • The viburnum is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - the autumn will be warm.

Like any other time of year, autumn also has its many. They are used and successfully used for the development of children from the very beginning. early age. After all, the wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors is an invaluable wealth that should be appreciated and learned from.

Folk signs of autumn for children are very diverse and with their help children can learn a lot of interesting and useful things for themselves. inner world And intellectual development. But the information provided should be differentiated so that it corresponds to each age group. After all, the child must understand what we are talking about.

Signs of autumn for children 3-4 years old

They are the simplest. What we adults sometimes don’t even pay attention to is of great educational importance for children. You should start studying this time of year by looking at the leaves on the trees in the park, with their color changing from green to yellow, red, brown.

It would be very visual to take an excursion to the vegetable market to talk about the gifts of gardens and vegetable gardens that autumn gives us. These are very educational, because at the same time you can learn the names of vegetables and fruits.

You can consolidate your knowledge at home by reading a book on this topic, learning poems, and, of course, studying adapted signs of early autumn for children:

  • warm autumn - for a long winter;
  • the leaves have fallen early - frost is coming, early winter;
  • birds land on the roof - bad weather.

Signs of autumn for children 4-5 years old

For children a year older, the information is not much different, but it still becomes more varied, and the kids themselves are already more attentive to surrounding nature, which means they can independently find the connection between the sign and its reflection in reality:

  • poultry hides its head under its wing - it will be cold;
  • squirrels make large reserves - for a long winter;
  • if there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be long and cold.

Signs of autumn for children 5-6 years old

Children who will soon graduate kindergarten and go to first grade, they can already remember signs and voice them at thematic classes or the autumn festival, which is held in October-November in all kindergartens. The information that children in kindergarten receive now is basic and serves as a good help when the child is already a first grader:

  • sparse clouds - there will be cold, clear weather;
  • a lot of rowan - for a rainy autumn; little - dry;
  • a lot of cobwebs in Indian summer - for a warm autumn.

Usually at this age children enter the first grade of school. Here, more stringent requirements are placed on their knowledge, which means that the information provided becomes more extensive and informative, and also reinforces what was previously received.

September - gloomy

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk”, it will stand nice autumn.
Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.
Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

There is no September without fruits.
September is the evening of the year.
September takes the caftan off his shoulder and puts on a sheepskin coat.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
September is deciduous.
September has turned the swamps purple - frosted oats are being threshed.
September sent the birds on the road.

In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.
In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
In September the forest is thinner and bird voice quiet.
In September, summer ends and autumn begins.
In September there is only one berry, and that one is bitter rowan.


Signs and sayings

An October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the fence.
In October, before lunch it is autumn, and after lunch it is winter.
In October, winter is removed from the white nest, and she dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me spend some time in Rus', visit villages and eat pies.”
In October there is a hut with firewood, and a man in bast shoes, but still no spores.
In October it rains and snows at the same hour.
In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh.
October rides a piebald mare: she loves neither the wheels nor the runner.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
Thunder in October foreshadows a snowless, short and mild winter.
If the leaves of birch and oak do not fall cleanly in October, expect a harsh winter.
Know autumn in October by mud.
October crowns White snow with great dirt.
October is winter.
October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.

October is dirty
In October, before lunch it is autumn, and in the afternoon it is winter-winter. If in October a leaf from a birch or oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter. The moon has turned red - wait for the wind to blow. Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather. If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.


Signs and sayings of November

In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, autumn - the fat woman fights with the feisty one - in winter.
In November the frost subsides.
In November, the first lasting snow falls overnight.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day...
In November, the sun smiles through tears and “white flies”.
In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
In November, warmth and frost are not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will follow the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not feel cold in November will not freeze in December.
November's forge is small, but it forges fetters for all the rivers.
The river cannot be bound in winter without November, the blacksmith.
It's no wonder there are white flies (snow) in November.
November to December brother, September grandson.
November - off-road: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the runner can move.
There will be snow in November - bread will arrive

Autumn is the time when the warmth ends and the cold sets in. From an early age, children can notice changes not only in nature, but also in the attitude of adults towards themselves. Below are various signs autumn, which will help children navigate the world around them and the seasons.

Autumn is also greeted by clothes

Over the summer, children get used to not being forced to wear a hat or jacket. Unless you have to dress warmer for a few days during cold weather. But they know that the time will come when they can run to the river in shorts again.

One day, the parents put on rubber boots, a hat and a jacket for the child. Signs of autumn can be seen even in outerwear. The child may not understand why he is being tortured so much. Not all children like to be warmly dressed, because they do not understand that it is cold outside and autumn has come.

It's time to tell your child about the signs of autumn. For children, so that they don’t get offended or sad, it’s enough to show them a lot of interesting things on the street while walking. It is clear that in September there are not many signs of autumn yet, many trees are still green, so it is best to talk about migratory birds, for example. It is advisable for an adult to remember his childhood; probably, as a child, he calmed down when he saw his friend also in warm jacket and a hat. It is important to give girls a bright umbrella.

Where did the sun go? Was he eaten by clouds?

The kids will probably notice that the sun has begun to appear less often. And when the weather is clear, it does not warm as much as in summer. What are the signs of autumn? They are precisely in the change of weather. In summer there is often sunshine, which makes it hot or warm outside. With the onset of autumn, the sky becomes cloudy and it often rains. It's rare to have clear weather all day. Strong gusts of wind blow leaves from trees. In September it is still relatively warm; there is even Indian summer in the middle of the month, when you can enjoy warm days. Children should be told that this period is not for long, summer is over, it’s just sometimes warm.

It is advisable to monitor the weather forecast. Often the lesson “Signs of Autumn” involves behavior during this period. From time to time the sun appears and then disappears. Light snow or hail is possible in October. Fogs are not uncommon this month. In November you can see snow, it looks like winter, but can melt quickly. It’s not that cold outside yet, the temperature is above zero, so the snow melts quickly if it fell at night. It will rain during the day. In autumn, it is better to carry an umbrella or put on a raincoat.

What happened to the trees?

Children's attention can be drawn to the trees when the leaves turn yellow. At the beginning of September, most of them are still green. Although birch trees may begin to turn yellow from the end of August. The active process of preparing trees for winter begins towards the end of September.

Children can be amazed by the bright colors of the leaves: red, yellow, orange. Some schoolchildren associate September with a fallen maple tree. Not by chance. Girls from junior classes, and sometimes even from the older ones, they like to collect in the park. You can see how grapes, currants and other shrubs turn red, chestnut and birch trees turn yellow. These signs of autumn cannot be confused with anything. Isn’t it possible to understand only from coniferous trees whether the weather has come? autumn time. After all, neither spruce, nor pine, nor cedar fly around in September or October.

At the end of October and beginning of November, the brightness of the leaves disappears. Almost all the leaves have fallen off by this time. Those that are still hanging and lying on the ground become Brown, dry out. All you can hear is the rustling underfoot. The trees are starting to rest. Children need to be explained that snow in winter protects roots from freezing, so when cleaning it is better to add it to trees and bushes.

Preparing for autumn among animals

All animals and birds feel the approach of any season. Nature has provided them with everything they need to exist. Migratory birds go to warmer climes. They know where to fly. Not all birds stay for the winter. Pigeons, sparrows, crows - these birds constantly live in Central Russia. They don't fly anywhere. But cranes, hawks, storks and other birds love warmth; when the time comes, they leave their nests with grown chicks and fly far, far to the south.

Many animals hibernate: bear, hedgehog, badger, raccoon and other mink inhabitants. Insects also disappear. Signs of autumn in nature are completely natural for animals’ habitats. The forest becomes quiet. As for foxes, hares, and squirrels, their coat color changes. Squirrels store a supply of nuts and acorns for the winter, which become plentiful in the fall. In animals, everything happens in accordance with nature. They know how to feel when and what to do.

Wolves, foxes, hares do not sleep. They can go hunting. They can even run calmly in the snow. Sometimes you can see traces of its inhabitants in the forest. Sometimes in villages, wolves can wander around in winter, so children should not go far.

And the day got shorter

The children will certainly notice that it is getting dark earlier. If in August it became dark already at 9 o’clock in the evening, then in September even earlier. It's getting late. It is easier to explain to children that in the morning and evening the day decreases by 2 minutes. If in June at 22.00 the sun was just setting, then in mid-December it was already dark at 16.00. Why is this happening? If you have an encyclopedia and a globe at hand, you need to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun throughout the year. They will probably be surprised when they learn about spring in Australia in this moment. Late and early dawn are signs of autumn in inanimate nature along with constant rain and winds.

Why is autumn like this and when will winter come?

This happens so that nature is renewed. The grass cannot remain green forever, the trees do not bloom or bear fruit all their lives. People and many animals that do not hibernate are characterized not only by wakefulness, but also by rest. Plants also need to rest. But the process of preparing for hibernation happens slowly. How does the cycle happen in a year? The tree puts on leaves in the spring and bears fruits and berries in the summer. In autumn the leaves fall and the plant appears to die.

Any signs of autumn are a signal for wildlife to prepare to rest for more than three months. Why does it rain? Nature arranges everything intelligently. Precipitation is first needed to saturate the plants with moisture, then cold weather comes. Snow helps the trees and grass stay warm. If there is no snow, the plants may die in severe frosts.

And soon the New Year!

At the end of November, most often the weather is no longer the same as in September and October. The trees are completely bare, there is already snow. But this is not a reason to be sad. Ahead New Year. Green fir trees grow in the forest. They will bring joy to any child. At school and at home, the lesson “Signs of Autumn” can be replaced with the topic “Winter has come.” The holiday lifts the spirits of children and adults. After all, there is a beautiful live Christmas tree at home, which is decorated with toys, tinsel and rain. You need to be able to share interesting, educational and useful things with children. Why is this said? People start to feel sad in the fall, that’s why they get sick, and schoolchildren feel it all too. They need to be cheered up. After all, all seasons are good. After a dull autumn comes a snow-white winter. Snowflakes are another non-living thing; they have a very complex but beautiful pattern.

The topic “Signs of Autumn” for children should be revealed not only in words and definitions, but also through living examples. It's easier to remember what's interesting. It is better to learn to distinguish the signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature in order to understand how everything happens and what is interconnected with what.

Autumn has its own signs. Which ones? Interesting? Let's study the signs of autumn for children - in pictures, poems and cartoons.

We will find out what periods autumn is divided into, what kind of heating is in a hedgehog’s house, why trees turn yellow, which birds consider our region warm, watch interesting cartoons on the theme of autumn, and much more interesting things!

Signs of early autumn: September

1. First yellow leaves

Early Autumn looks like Summer! Just as sunny, warm, green! Only here and there in the foliage, yellow leaves begin to appear, like sunbeams - this is Autumn trying out its brush.

The mornings are piercingly cold.
It's autumn, and already in earnest.
But there is no need to worry about that,
So said the September apricot.
This is how cicadas sing on a warm evening,
After all, like in summer, the night is shorter than the day.
The rains are in no hurry to meet us,
Just like the birds are catching up with summer.
Summer did not close, like doors,
Behind you is a distant horizon.
And believe me, all is not lost yet,
It's not time to spread your umbrella yet.
In September, like a summer lover,
Because he waves a branch at me
Apricot, summer green,
All playing in the solar fire.

2. Autumn fruit harvest

In September, apples, grapes, and pears ripen - a generous harvest - a tasty and bright sign of autumn!

3. Chestnuts, acorns, nuts!

Inedible, but no less interesting things – chestnuts, for example – also ripen.

And acorns, and rowan, and... pine cones! It’s great to make a variety of crafts from all these autumn gifts: acorns, rowan beads. And nuts can be used both for food (very healthy, by the way!) and for crafts.

Signs of Golden Autumn: October

The amber world - sun and leaves,
And the soul is filled with amber.
In the sky, on the ground, in the trees -
It's like we're living in a wonderful fairy tale!

4. Golden autumn

The most beautiful autumn time! All courtyards, parks and squares turn into fabulous Golden Lands. That's when you need to run outside with a camera and the whole family rustle, wander, and roll in the fragrant heaps of sunshine! Arrange photo sessions and play!

You can keep a weather calendar and record your observations of nature there. If you look closely, every day the tree on the way home becomes more and more yellow. You stand under a tree on a cloudy morning and it turns into a sunny one! I’ll tell you a secret that, probably, then the leaves turn yellow - with such amazing luminous trees, we will still be sunny on gloomy autumn days!

And here is a scientific explanation of why trees turn yellow and shed their leaves - very accessible and fascinatingly told, it will be understandable even to small children, and interesting even to adults!

Not only for the children, but also for me, the information about red, orange, and yellow coloring pigments in foliage turned out to be new and very interesting.

Look - from multi-colored autumn leaves you can make a rainbow!

Please note that the trees do not all turn yellow at once, they change color one by one. The first are those who woke up first in the spring. And those whose leaves bloom late remain stubbornly green the longest. Just like “owls” and “larks”, they also exist among the trees.

Autumn boat in cozy grayness
Guides with a silent oar,
Only the tree glows festively
Behind the cold autumn glass.
Still turning green stubbornly,
Only this maple didn’t want to wait:
Blazed like the sun, but early
He flew south like a Firebird.

Here's another sign of Autumn - birds fly away to warmer regions. Remember how all summer, from dawn to dusk, swift swallows swarmed over the courtyards?

A. Fet
The swallows have disappeared
And yesterday dawned
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, they flashed
Over that mountain...

Now these nice birds are on their way to the southern seas, and they will return in the spring, on the first warm days. Find out with your kids which other birds are migratory, and which ones stay with us? (migratory - swallows, nightingales, storks, cranes, rooks. Sedentary - sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits).

5. Migratory birds

But bullfinches, on the contrary, fly to us from their northern regions! We have warm bullfinch lands. It’s very cool to see these cute birds with their breasts as bright as lights among the snowy branches in winter!

A very nice sign of Autumn is a round titmouse, like a yellow bun, that has flown in to check out what’s going on in those places where it was treated to seeds last winter. Tits have an excellent memory. And when it starts to get colder, they fly out from the forests where they spent the whole summer - for reconnaissance. Wait a moment, titmice! The first snow will be coming soon, and we will definitely hang a feeder on the balcony to make your winter more fun.

6. Animals are preparing for winter

An interesting sign of autumn, which is difficult to see in the city, but can be seen in the park or in the forest - how all kinds of living creatures prepare for winter. Hedgehogs carry fallen leaves on needles into their nests. Do you think they are making a bed? Nope. This is their heating system! The leaves blow and give off heat, this is how the hedgehog has such an interesting battery.

Squirrels store food for the winter: they string mushrooms on branches, bury acorns and cones. And squirrels have an excellent memory, no worse than that of tits - the squirrel easily finds its closets under the snow in the middle of winter.

Well, let’s remember with the kids: who sleeps in winter, who doesn’t sleep? (Bears, hedgehogs, fish, frogs, insects, Moomintrolls sleep; squirrels, hares, wolves, foxes do not sleep).

7. Leaf fall

The trees are showing off in sunny, fiery outfits, and the leaves are beginning to fall. It’s an amazing, magical time when it’s so great to wander under the trees in heaps of foliage, to catch a leaf that has unexpectedly fallen from a branch, like a summer meteor shower - what if it lands right in your hands? And make wishes!

You can collect chic bouquets from leaves, admire them, make them or!

For some reason we dreamed of summer,
Even though it’s already autumn in reality,
And all night the wind shook the trees,
Picking off wet leaves.
The sunny maples have thinned out,
You can see the blue through the crowns.
And the trees stand in surprise,
And they drop the gold into the grass.
Maybe they also dreamed of summer...
Only really - autumn is real
Scatters generously, like coins,
Golden feet of foliage.

Another sign of Autumn is a surprisingly blue, high sky, even bluer and higher than in summer.

Signs of Late Autumn: November

So the leaves have flown, it’s not for nothing that in Ukrainian the third month of autumn is called Listopad. Trees dream of summer, and to make it more comfortable for them to doze with bare branches, in the morning they are enveloped in thick autumn fog.

Sometimes the fog turns into a light drizzle, or even rain. The belated, most persistent leaves float in the puddles like little boats. And you must admit, autumn rain and fog are good and pleasant in their own way. This is a time of aromatic teas and hot chocolate, beautiful poetry and music, cozy evenings and philosophical reflections. By the way, you can philosophize with 4-5 summer kids. You'll see, they will surprise you with their reasoning.

Soon the rain will give way to the first snow, and one November morning the world will become white, fresh and surprisingly new. And New Year is not far away! But this will be a new story.

What signs of Autumn can you name?

(Read 1 time, 75 visits today)

September, October and November are traditionally considered autumn months, but folk calendar The beginning of autumn is taken to be the “autumn equinox”, which falls on September 22 or 23. But our ancestors, farmers, believed that autumn came much earlier. Already among the people it was recognized as a pre-autumn holiday - the day of the turning point of summer and the turn to autumn. In central and northern Russia, summer haymaking ended by this day, and horses stopped bathing in rivers and lakes.

August 7th was celebrated. This saint is considered the herald of the first autumn cold. It was noticed that from the day of her veneration cold matinees begin (i.e. morning frosts). In August the air and water begin to get colder.

We spent the summer at First Spas (). The bee stops wearing honey, and in the northern regions the swallows are preparing to fly away. According to popular belief, swallows fly away three times on three Holy Days (August 14, 19 and 29).

Autumn is coming into its own almost everywhere. On this day, people celebrated Ivan Lenten, who was also called “the godfather of autumn.”

With Ivan Lent, a man welcomes autumn, and a woman sees off summer.

Almost always in the second and third weeks of September there are clear and warm autumn days, which are also called Indian summer. By the end of September, real autumn usually sets in. The weather is cold and changeable, with frequent rain and cold September winds. Winds usually reach particular strength and sharpness in about days. autumn equinox. Then they are also called “equinox storms”.

About changeable autumn weather There are sayings among people:

In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

The wind in autumn becomes cold and blows from the north or northwest:

Winds blew from the north, oh my goodness, it’s September.

The north wind will pull and pull the fur coat and caftan into one place.

Although it is cold in September, there is plenty of everything:

September is cold, but satisfying.

It was not for nothing that they said that at this time the peasant’s pockets and barns are full.

September drove the working people into the huts. The field work was coming to an end, the garden was harvested, you could sit at home without your shoes, that’s why they said: “ Baba, count autumn from September - by hats and bast shoes».

The second autumn month, October, was popularly called differently: leaf fall, breastfeeding, jelly, half-winter, etc. The weather in October is even more changeable than in September. It happens that snow will fall, and sometimes the sled track will be established for a while, and then it will melt again and there will be dirt on the roads again.

October is a dirtbag: he doesn’t like wheels or runners.

In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh.

Know autumn in October by mud.

According to popular belief, if the roads are completely muddy, then in four weeks real winter will set in.

After October comes November - the month of peasant feasts and weddings. There were especially many weddings on the day), and all because:

It’s good to accept an honest crown for the autumn Kazan.

Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.

But we tried not to travel long distances at this time, because “ you'll leave on wheels and arrive on runners"(i.e. on a sleigh). If it was necessary to go on business, then the runners were put in the cart.

After Kazan, the Orthodox people did not forget to celebrate the “Dmitrov Memorial” Saturday. On this day, deceased parents and grandfathers were remembered. It was noted that if there is a thaw during Dmitrov week, then the whole winter will be with thaws. In November, a toboggan track is often installed, but in most cases it is fragile. Thaws that occur often drive away the snow and destroy this early sled route.

Autumn signs

Throughout autumn, people observe various natural phenomena that characterize the onset of winter, and the struggle of summer heat with winter cold, and try to predict the future using a variety of signs. The main signs that people pay attention to are the falling of leaves from trees, the flight of birds to warmer regions, the behavior of animals preparing for winter, the fall of snow, the appearance of frost and fog, and the freezing of rivers. Special attention devoted to the weather:

  1. Warm autumn means a long winter.
  2. A stormy autumn promises a rainy spring.
  3. Autumn cold without snow means black soil (dry and black soil).
  4. If the ground and winter crops freeze well in the fall, then even without snow the grain will grow. If it’s warm and damp in the fall, then the winter root will grow and don’t expect a harvest.

Autumn signs of leaf fall

Our ancestors carefully watched leaf fall to predict what winter and spring would be like. Signs of leaf fall unanimously indicated that late falling of leaves on trees promises a difficult and harsh winter, and a late onset of spring. Late leaf fall still foreshadowed the winter cold.

  1. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow early in the summer, then it will be early autumn.
  2. Premature leaf fall means early winter.
  3. If the leaves fall off the trees quickly in the fall, then expect a harsh winter.
  4. Late leaf fall means a difficult year: the winter will be long and protracted.
  5. If the leaves from the trees fall uncleanly (i.e., part of the foliage remains on the branches), then the winter will be cold.
  6. If the leaves fall cleanly from the birch and aspen, then next year will be fruitful.
  7. Before the cherry leaves fall, no matter how much snow falls, it will melt.
  8. If the snow has fallen, but the leaves have not yet fallen from the branches, then next year will be difficult.

However, in Rus' they watched not only how and when leaf fall began, but also watched how a falling leaf lays on the ground:

  1. If an autumn leaf lies face up on the ground, then the winter will be cold; inside out – warm; half face - the winter will be moderate, and cold and warmth will alternate.
  2. If in the fall birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top of the tree, then spring will be early, and if from below, it will be late.

Autumn signs of the harvest

  1. The harvest of acorns is a sign that there will be a lot of bread next year.
  2. An abundance of acorns on an oak tree means a warm winter and a fertile summer.
  3. A lot of hazelnuts promises a harvest of cereal crops.
  4. If nuts are abundant, but there are few mushrooms, then the winter will be snowy and cold.
  5. Late mushroom - to late snow.
  6. Lots of berries - for a cold winter.

Autumn signs of birds flying away

Our ancestors carefully observed the behavior of birds in the fall. It has long been noticed that before flying, every bird gathers (flocks) into a flock. Therefore, if migratory birds flock together, they will soon take off. They also monitored when the birds would fly to warm countries:

  1. If the birds fly away before then, the autumn will be short; if after the Intercession - long.
  2. If the rooks fly away early, then snow will soon fall and winter will come early.
  3. The wild geese flew away early - for early winter.
  4. If geese fly high when flying south, the winter will be cold.
  5. Migratory birds fly low - for a short autumn.
  6. The crane flies away late - winter will not set in soon.
  7. A swan flies in the fall towards snow, a goose flies towards rain.

In general, it is believed that the early departure of migratory birds foreshadows the rapid onset of cold weather and an early, short autumn. If the birds fly away late and not together, then the autumn will be warm and protracted, and winter will come late.

Autumn signs based on animals

Peasants prescribed the gift of foreseeing the nature of the coming winter to many animals and insects. Therefore, we carefully monitored how animals arrange and adapt their homes, arrange supplies, grow hair and accumulate fat in their bodies:

  1. If the hares' fur coat turns white in the fall, then winter will come soon.
  2. In autumn, hares have a lot of fat - winter will be cold.
  3. If the ermine turns white early in the fall, then winter will soon come and snow will fall.
  4. Since the fall, moles have been dragging a lot of straw into their burrows - the winter will be cold.
  5. Squirrels make large reserves in their hollows - in anticipation of a frosty and protracted winter.
  6. Field mice collect dry grass inside their burrows for cold winters, and outside for warm ones.

Many animals, in preparation for winter, change the color of their outer coat. For example, the white hare and partridge turn white by winter. In addition, we looked at when the domestic and wild bird: if it’s early, then winter will be early.

Signs of autumn by month

Each autumn month has its own signs.

For a long time, according to the farmer, September served as the beginning of the annual cycle. Therefore, this month was considered favorable for all kinds of forecasts, which were considered especially reliable. They predicted the onset of cold weather and the nature of the coming winter:

  1. Cobwebs have appeared on the plants - there are many warm and sunny days ahead.
  2. Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
  3. Frequent and severe fogs in September bring many diseases to people.
  4. The warmer and drier September is, the later winter will come.
  5. Cold September – in spring the snow may melt earlier than usual.
  6. Ants run along the tops of grasses - to a cold and early winter, along the bottom - to a long one.
  7. Large ant heaps mean a harsh winter.
  8. Lots of mushrooms - the winter will be snowy.

The second month of autumn is famous for cold and damp weather, mud on the roads and the first frosts. will tell you what autumn and winter will be like:

  1. Thunder - for a snowless winter.
  2. Frost - to dry and sunny weather.
  3. The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.
  4. Tall weeds - a lot of snow will fall in winter.
  5. The moon in a circle means a dry summer.
  6. If the first snow falls, then winter will set in in forty days.
  7. Dry October foreshadows a snowless January.
  8. Frost in October promises precipitation in ninety days.

November is the twilight of the year. The lack of snow makes November nights very dark. During this period, winter fights with autumn, trying to defend its rights, birds fly in for the winter. They will also tell you a lot of interesting things:

  1. Snow falling at the beginning of the month heralds early spring.
  2. A lot of snow in November promises a rich harvest of bread.
  3. Snow fell on damp earth and does not melt - in the spring the snowdrops will bloom together.
  4. Rain in November foreshadows the imminent onset of winter.
  5. The appearance of mosquitoes at this time means a mild winter.
  6. Clear weather means cold weather.
  7. By November weather they are judging what April will be like.
  8. A dry and clear November means a lean year.

Signs of autumn for every day


Autumn has its own signs. Which ones? Interesting? Let's study the signs of autumn for children - in pictures, poems and cartoons.

We will find out what periods autumn is divided into, what kind of heating is in a hedgehog’s house, why trees turn yellow, which birds consider our region warm, watch interesting cartoons on the theme of autumn, and much more interesting things!

Signs of early autumn: September

1. First yellow leaves

Early Autumn looks like Summer! Just as sunny, warm, green! Only here and there in the foliage, yellow leaves begin to appear, like sunbeams - this is Autumn trying out its brush.

The mornings are piercingly cold.
It's autumn, and already in earnest.
But there is no need to worry about that,
So said the September apricot.
This is how cicadas sing on a warm evening,
After all, like in summer, the night is shorter than the day.
The rains are in no hurry to meet us,
Just like the birds are catching up with summer.
Summer did not close, like doors,
Behind you is a distant horizon.
And believe me, all is not lost yet,
It's not time to spread your umbrella yet.
In September, like a summer lover,
Because he waves a branch at me
Apricot, summer green,
All playing in the solar fire.

2. Autumn fruit harvest

In September, apples, grapes, and pears ripen - a generous harvest - a tasty and bright sign of autumn!

3. Chestnuts, acorns, nuts!

Inedible, but no less interesting things – chestnuts, for example – also ripen.

And acorns, and rowan, and... pine cones! It’s great to make a variety of crafts from all these autumn gifts: acorns, rowan beads. And nuts can be used both for food (very healthy, by the way!) and for crafts.

Signs of Golden Autumn: October

The amber world - sun and leaves,
And the soul is filled with amber.
In the sky, on the ground, in the trees -
It's like we're living in a wonderful fairy tale!

4. Golden autumn

The most beautiful autumn time! All courtyards, parks and squares turn into fabulous Golden Lands. That's when you need to run outside with a camera and the whole family rustle, wander, and roll in the fragrant heaps of sunshine! Arrange photo sessions and play!

You can keep a weather calendar and record your observations of nature there. If you look closely, every day the tree on the way home becomes more and more yellow. You stand under a tree on a cloudy morning and it turns into a sunny one! I’ll tell you a secret that, probably, then the leaves turn yellow - with such amazing luminous trees, we will still be sunny on gloomy autumn days!

And here is a scientific explanation of why trees turn yellow and shed their leaves - very accessible and fascinatingly told, it will be understandable even to small children, and interesting even to adults!

Not only for the children, but also for me, the information about red, orange, and yellow coloring pigments in foliage turned out to be new and very interesting.

Look - you can make a rainbow out of colorful autumn leaves!

Please note that the trees do not all turn yellow at once, they change color one by one. The first are those who woke up first in the spring. And those whose leaves bloom late remain stubbornly green the longest. Just like “owls” and “larks”, they also exist among the trees.

Autumn boat in cozy grayness
Guides with a silent oar,
Only the tree glows festively
Behind the cold autumn glass.
Still turning green stubbornly,
Only this maple didn’t want to wait:
Blazed like the sun, but early
He flew south like a Firebird.

Here's another sign of Autumn - birds fly away to warmer regions. Remember how all summer, from dawn to dusk, swift swallows swarmed over the courtyards?

A. Fet
The swallows have disappeared
And yesterday dawned
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, they flashed
Over that mountain...

Now these nice birds are on their way to the southern seas, and they will return in the spring, on the first warm days. Find out with your kids which other birds are migratory, and which ones stay with us? (migratory - swallows, nightingales, storks, cranes, rooks. Sedentary - sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits).

5. Migratory birds

But bullfinches, on the contrary, fly to us from their northern regions! We have warm bullfinch lands. It’s very cool to see these cute birds with their breasts as bright as lights among the snowy branches in winter!

A very nice sign of Autumn is a round titmouse, like a yellow bun, that has flown in to check out what’s going on in those places where it was treated to seeds last winter. Tits have an excellent memory. And when it starts to get colder, they fly out from the forests where they spent the whole summer - for reconnaissance. Wait a moment, titmice! The first snow will be coming soon, and we will definitely hang a feeder on the balcony to make your winter more fun.

6. Animals are preparing for winter

An interesting sign of autumn, which is difficult to see in the city, but can be seen in the park or in the forest - how all kinds of living creatures prepare for winter. Hedgehogs carry fallen leaves on needles into their nests. Do you think they are making a bed? Nope. This is their heating system! The leaves blow and give off heat, this is how the hedgehog has such an interesting battery.

Squirrels store food for the winter: they string mushrooms on branches, bury acorns and cones. And squirrels have an excellent memory, no worse than that of tits - the squirrel easily finds its closets under the snow in the middle of winter.

Well, let’s remember with the kids: who sleeps in winter, who doesn’t sleep? (Bears, hedgehogs, fish, frogs, insects, Moomintrolls sleep; squirrels, hares, wolves, foxes do not sleep).

7. Leaf fall

The trees are showing off in sunny, fiery outfits, and the leaves are beginning to fall. It’s an amazing, magical time when it’s so great to wander under the trees in heaps of foliage, to catch a leaf that has unexpectedly fallen from a branch, like a summer meteor shower - what if it lands right in your hands? And make wishes!

You can collect chic bouquets from leaves, admire them, make them or!

For some reason we dreamed of summer,
Even though it’s already autumn in reality,
And all night the wind shook the trees,
Picking off wet leaves.
The sunny maples have thinned out,
You can see the blue through the crowns.
And the trees stand in surprise,
And they drop the gold into the grass.
Maybe they also dreamed of summer...
Only really - autumn is real
Scatters generously, like coins,
Golden feet of foliage.

Another sign of Autumn is a surprisingly blue, high sky, even bluer and higher than in summer.

Signs of Late Autumn: November

So the leaves have flown, it’s not for nothing that in Ukrainian the third month of autumn is called Listopad. Trees dream of summer, and to make it more comfortable for them to doze with bare branches, in the morning they are enveloped in thick autumn fog.

Sometimes the fog turns into a light drizzle, or even rain. The belated, most persistent leaves float in the puddles like little boats. And you must admit, autumn rain and fog are good and pleasant in their own way. This is a time of aromatic teas and hot chocolate, beautiful poetry and music, cozy evenings and philosophical reflections. By the way, you can philosophize with 4-5 year olds. You'll see, they will surprise you with their reasoning.

Soon the rain will give way to the first snow, and one November morning the world will become white, fresh and surprisingly new. And New Year is not far away! But this will be a new story.

What signs of Autumn can you name?

(Read 1 time, 75 visits today)

Autumn folk holidays

Conversation about autumn signs

Place of work and position: physical education instructor, MBDOU Novovasyugansky Central Regional Development Center kindergarten No. 23 “Teremok”
The material is intended for educators of children aged 5-7 years.

Target: Familiarization of children with older and preparatory group with folk signs.
Tasks: To instill in children an interest in folk signs
Autumn- a thoughtful time when vegetable world the growth rate slows down, all nature is tired, and begins a long preparation for winter sleep. Birds stop singing and increasingly gather in flocks to leave their native lands for a short time in search of warmth, and the trees become covered with gold and begin to shed their leaves. This is how leaf fall begins, the autumn season, which is called Golden autumn. Here are the pastel colors of autumn, calm, like nature itself at this time of year. The predominant colors are yellow, golden, like falling leaves in the sun, and quiet brown. And closer to November, when the weather becomes increasingly gloomy, gray tones appear. All nature is closer preparing for the cold, winds and frozen in anticipation of snow.
Autumn colors are rich and variegated, a combination of the deepest colors. The colors during this period are muted and thoughtful, like nature itself in the fall, motley and soft, close to the romantic mood of walks through the autumn forest.
Folk signs
Warm autumn means a long winter.
There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, but few - dry.
In autumn there are a lot of cobwebs - for clear weather.
If a leaf on a birch tree begins to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.
In autumn, birds fly low for a cold winter, high for a warm winter.
In the fall, bees close the entrance tightly with wax - for a cold winter, leave it open - for a warm winter.
Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to warmth.

September- frowning, frowning. September is cold, but full.
Since September there has been fire in both the hut and the field.
In September, one berry, and that bitter rowan.
Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and coo, it means a good autumn.
If there is a lot of shading in the Indian summer, it means a clear autumn and a cold winter.
A rich harvest of acorns on oak trees is for a warm winter (in other sources - for a fierce one), and for Christmas (January 7) there is a lot of snow.
Below, all dates are in the new style (in brackets in the old style).
1(Aug 19) Day of Andrei Stratil Teplyak. The day has come for Stratelates, the oats are ripe. To Fekla - pull the beets.
3(Aug 21) Baba Vasilisa Day. The last apples are removed so as not to deplete the tree. Baba Vasilisa cares about flax.
4(Aug 22) Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. It is believed that on this night the goblin comes out of the forest and runs through villages and hamlets, fooling around and scattering sheaves across the threshing floors. Therefore, they guard him, wearing a sheepskin coat inside out and holding a poker in their hands.
5(Aug 23) Lingonberry Loop Day. The first frosts occur in Lupa. On Lupa the frost is crushing the oats.
7(Aug 25) Bartholomew came, living for this winter.
8(Aug 26) Natalia Fescue Day. On this day they begin to mow oats.
11(Aug 29) Ivan Lenten Day. On Ivan Lenten they collect Rosly roots, and on Ivan Kupala they collect herbs. On this day they do not eat anything round, such as apples, potatoes, etc. (which resembles a head), and they do not cook cabbage, and also do not chop cabbage, do not cut poppies, do not tear apples, do not dig potatoes, do not take hands of a mower, an ax, etc.
14(1) Summer Seeds Day. The beginning of the Old Indian Summer (usually until Malaya Prechistaya). On Semyon, plow before lunch, and wave your hands after lunch. Every day Semyon extinguishes the old fire in the evening, and in the morning they wipe out a new one from the tree. If the Indian summer is stormy, the autumn is dry, and if it is clear on Semyon, the autumn will be stormy, with a lot of shade - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter; wild geese land, but starlings do not fly.
21(8) Malaya Prechistaya (At the Assumption - Big), Aspasov day. On this day, women meet autumn by the water (the second meeting of autumn, the first at Apple Spas). On Malaya Prechistaya they remove bees and collect onions.
24(11) Every summer ends with Fyodor. It is believed that on this day autumn rides a bay mare. Third meeting of autumn.
25(12) Day of the Holy Martyr Autonomous. It is believed that on this day the snake in the forests goes into the ground.
27(14) Elevation. On the Ascent, the grain from the field moved (the last shock from the field), the bird began to fly away, the reptile does not move.
28(15) On Nikita, geese fly south
Indian summer

It has long been known that in mid-September - early October there is an increase in temperature (after the first cold snap). This time is popularly called "Indian summer". During the “Indian summer,” warmed by the spring sun, mushrooms emerge from the ground and plants begin to bloom again. According to the folk calendar, it lasts from September 14, the day of the Seeds of the Summer Conductor, until September 21, the day of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God.
Why this phenomenon is called “Indian summer” and not something else is difficult to answer definitively. One can only assume that it is connected with the life and activities of a peasant woman. In the second half of September, field harvesting work ended, and the woman, very busy in the field, was a little freed from hard work and could feel for some time summer rest. The coincidence of this period of everyday life with periods of relatively warm, pleasant weather, obviously, was the reason for the name “Indian summer”. The duration of such rest for a woman was as short as the periods of return of summer heat. After the "Indian summer" women began to crumple and ruffle hemp, wash it and lay flax, tinker with canvases and take up spindles and needlework.

October- winter road, mud road, wedding party.
In October, it's raining and snowing at the same hour.
October thunder - for a snowless winter.
From the first snow to sledding – 6 weeks.

1(Sep 18) If the cranes fly away to Eumenes and Arina, there will be frost on Pokrov. “The road is by wheel!” - they shout to the cranes to turn them back (so that they stay longer and winter comes later).
2(Sep 19) Trofimov day. Happiness does not pass by on Trofim: wherever Trofim goes, it follows him. From Trofim, girls begin to look for suitors. From this day until Savvatiy (October 10, 2010), a bee harvest was celebrated. Honey must be present these days. Last date for collecting deciduous mushrooms.
3(Sep 20) If there is a north wind on Astafia, expect cold, a south wind means warmth, a western wind means wetness, and an eastern wind means rain; if it’s warm and the cobwebs are flying, it means a good autumn and some snow.
8(Sep 25) Sergius day. Sergius cabbage. The winter path is established at four Seminas (weeks) from Sergius. Cabbage is chopped for Sergius of Radonezh. If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on Mikhail (November 21).
10(Sep 27) Day of Savatiy the beekeeper. On this day, the hives are removed to the omshanik.
14(1) Cover.
Veil is not summer, Meeting is not winter. First winter.
Deadline for hiring and transactions.
Mother Pokrov, cover the earth and young me.
Snow on Pokrov - fortunately for the young.
The Veil did not cover, and neither will Christmas.
The Dormition sows, and the Pokrov gathers (the collection of the last fruits).
There is no winter between Intercession and Parental Saturday.
If the wind on Pokrov comes from the north, it means a cold winter, from the south it means a warm winter, and from the west it means a snowy winter. As is the Veil, so is winter.
17(4) Erofeev day. It is believed that on this day goblins play fools in the forests: they wander and scream, clap their hands and laugh, and in the morning, after the first roosters crow, they fall through the ground. That's why people don't go into the forest: the devil gets mad.
20(7) With Sergius, winter begins, with Matrona it is established.
23(10) On Eulampia, the horns of the month point in the direction from which the winds come; If you go north - there will be a quick winter, if you go south - don’t expect a quick winter, there will be slush until Kazanskaya (November 4).
27(14) Day of Praskovya Trepalnitsa. It is believed that from this day flax should be ruffled. Praskovya's dirt, powder. There is dirt on Gryaznikha - four shifts until winter.


November– deciduous. November is the gate of winter, the twilight of the year.

In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.
The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn means a warm winter.
Yellow leaves fall weakly - frosts will not come soon.
If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a cool winter.
Below, all dates are according to the new style (in brackets according to the old style).
Saturday before Dmitry. Dziady. Parents' Saturday. Remembrance of the dead. Dmitrov's Saturday - work for the partygoers.
4(Oct 22) Kazanskaya. To Kazanskaya good people they don't travel far. If the Kazan sky cries, then winter will come after the rain. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy.
8(Oct 26) Dmitrov day. Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation. If Dmitrov's day will be bare, then the Holy Day will be covered with snow, and the Holy Day will be covered with snow.
10(Oct 28) Day of Praskovea Friday, Praskovea flax (crushing flax and bringing the first fruit to church). On Praskovei they pray for good suitors.
11(Oct 29) Day of Abraham the Shepherd, Nastasya the Sheep. Sheep holiday. It is believed that from this day on sheep should be sheared.
12(Oct 30) Yurovaya. Holiday of fishermen and hunters. If wolves come to Yurovaya in packs, there will be famine, pestilence, or war.
14(1) Day of Kuzma and Demyan. Chicken holiday. For Kozmo-Demyan, chicken on the table, chicken butt. If Kuzma and Demyan bind, then Mikhail (on the 8th) will unbreak (the thaw). A leaf from a tree did not fall cleanly on Kuzma and Demyan, but remained in some places - in front harsh winter and hot, dry summers.
19(6) If there is snow on Paul the Confessor, the whole winter will be snowy, which is good for winter crops.
21(8) Michaelmas. Mikhailovsky frosts. Since Mikhail there has been no winter, the earth does not freeze. Mikhailovsky thaw, mud. As for Mikhail, so does Nikola. With Michael, winter is forging frosts.
22(9) Matrenin's day. With the winter Matryona, winter rises to its feet and frosts arrive. With Sergius (October 8 n.s.) winter begins, with Matryona it begins. Frost on the trees on Matryona means frost, fog means thaw.
24(11) Since the day of Fyodor the Studite it has become cold and angry. Fyodor Chills the earth.
25(12) Rain on the Gracious - thaw before the Introduction.
27(14) Frost on Philip - harvest on oats.
28(15) Day of Guria - the dental healer. On Guria, mud and snow are all mixed up: Guria rides a piebald mare. If the snow falls like a cover, it will lie there until the flood.
29(16) There are thaws on Matvey. The earth is falling on Matvey.

Autumn is the time when the warmth ends and the cold sets in. From an early age, children can notice changes not only in nature, but also in the attitude of adults towards themselves. Below are various signs of autumn that will help children navigate the world around them and the seasons.

Autumn is also greeted by clothes

Over the summer, children get used to not being forced to wear a hat or jacket. Unless you have to dress warmer for a few days during cold weather. But they know that the time will come when they can run to the river in shorts again.

One day, the parents put on rubber boots, a hat and a jacket for the child. Signs of autumn can be seen even in outerwear. The child may not understand why he is being tortured so much. Not all children like to be warmly dressed, because they do not understand that it is cold outside and autumn has come.

It's time to tell your child about the signs of autumn. For children, so that they don’t get offended or sad, it’s enough to show them a lot of interesting things on the street while walking. It is clear that in September there are not many signs of autumn yet, many trees are still green, so it is best to talk about migratory birds, for example. It is advisable for an adult to remember his childhood; probably, as a child, he calmed down when he saw his friend also in a warm jacket and hat. It is important to give girls a bright umbrella.

Where did the sun go? Was he eaten by clouds?

The kids will probably notice that the sun has begun to appear less often. And when the weather is clear, it does not warm as much as in summer. What are the signs of autumn? They are precisely in the change of weather. In summer there is often sunshine, which makes it hot or warm outside. With the onset of autumn, the sky becomes cloudy and it often rains. It's rare to have clear weather all day. Strong gusts of wind blow leaves from trees. In September it is still relatively warm; there is even Indian summer in the middle of the month, when you can enjoy warm days. Children should be told that this period is not for long, summer is over, it’s just sometimes warm.

It is advisable to monitor the weather forecast. Often the lesson “Signs of Autumn” involves behavior during this period. From time to time the sun appears and then disappears. Light snow or hail is possible in October. Fogs are not uncommon this month. In November you can see snow, it looks like winter, but can melt quickly. It’s not that cold outside yet, the temperature is above zero, so the snow melts quickly if it fell at night. It will rain during the day. In autumn, it is better to carry an umbrella or put on a raincoat.

What happened to the trees?

Children's attention can be drawn to the trees when the leaves turn yellow. At the beginning of September, most of them are still green. Although birch trees may begin to turn yellow from the end of August. The active process of preparing trees for winter begins towards the end of September.

Children can be amazed by the bright colors of the leaves: red, yellow, orange. Some schoolchildren associate September with a fallen maple tree. Not by chance. Girls from lower grades, and sometimes from older ones, love to collect in the park. You can see how grapes, currants and other shrubs turn red, chestnut and birch trees turn yellow. These signs of autumn cannot be confused with anything. Isn’t it possible to understand only by coniferous trees whether autumn has arrived? After all, neither spruce, nor pine, nor cedar fly around in September or October.

At the end of October and beginning of November, the brightness of the leaves disappears. Almost all the leaves have fallen off by this time. Those that are still hanging and lying on the ground become brown and dry out. All you can hear is the rustling underfoot. The trees are starting to rest. Children need to be explained that snow in winter protects roots from freezing, so when cleaning it is better to add it to trees and bushes.

Preparing for autumn among animals

All animals and birds feel the approach of any season. Nature has provided them with everything they need to exist. Migratory birds go to warmer climes. They know where to fly. Not all birds stay for the winter. Pigeons, sparrows, crows - these birds constantly live in Central Russia. They don't fly anywhere. But cranes, hawks, storks and other birds love warmth; when the time comes, they leave their nests with grown chicks and fly far, far to the south.

Many animals hibernate: bear, hedgehog, badger, raccoon and other mink inhabitants. Insects also disappear. Signs of autumn in nature are completely natural for animals’ habitats. The forest becomes quiet. As for foxes, hares, and squirrels, their coat color changes. Squirrels store a supply of nuts and acorns for the winter, which become plentiful in the fall. In animals, everything happens in accordance with nature. They know how to feel when and what to do.

Wolves, foxes, hares do not sleep. They can go hunting. They can even run calmly in the snow. Sometimes you can see traces of its inhabitants in the forest. Sometimes in villages, wolves can wander around in winter, so children should not go far.

And the day got shorter

The children will certainly notice that it is getting dark earlier. If in August it became dark already at 9 o’clock in the evening, then in September even earlier. It's getting late. It is easier to explain to children that in the morning and evening the day decreases by 2 minutes. If in June at 22.00 the sun was just setting, then in mid-December it was already dark at 16.00. Why is this happening? If you have an encyclopedia and a globe at hand, you need to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun throughout the year. They will probably be surprised when they learn about spring in Australia at the moment. Late and early dawn are signs of autumn in inanimate nature, along with constant rains and winds.

Why is autumn like this and when will winter come?

This happens so that nature is renewed. The grass cannot remain green forever, the trees do not bloom or bear fruit all their lives. People and many animals that do not hibernate are characterized not only by wakefulness, but also by rest. Plants also need to rest. But the process of preparing for hibernation occurs slowly. How does the cycle happen in a year? The tree puts on leaves in the spring and bears fruits and berries in the summer. In autumn the leaves fall and the plant appears to die.

Any signs of autumn are a signal for wildlife to prepare to rest for more than three months. Why does it rain? Nature arranges everything intelligently. Precipitation is first needed to saturate the plants with moisture, then cold weather comes. Snow helps the trees and grass stay warm. If there is no snow, the plants may die in severe frosts.

And soon the New Year!

At the end of November, most often the weather is no longer the same as in September and October. The trees are completely bare, there is already snow. But this is not a reason to be sad. New Year is ahead. Green fir trees grow in the forest. They will bring joy to any child. At school and at home, the lesson “Signs of Autumn” can be replaced with the topic “Winter has come.” The holiday lifts the spirits of children and adults. After all, there is a beautiful live Christmas tree at home, which is decorated with toys, tinsel and rain. You need to be able to share interesting, educational and useful things with children. Why is this said? People start to feel sad in the fall, that’s why they get sick, and schoolchildren feel it all too. They need to be cheered up. After all, all seasons are good. After a dull autumn comes a snow-white winter. Snowflakes are another non-living thing; they have a very complex but beautiful pattern.

The topic “Signs of Autumn” for children should be revealed not only in words and definitions, but also through living examples. It's easier to remember what's interesting. It is better to learn to distinguish the signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature in order to understand how everything happens and what is interconnected with what.

In ancient times, people noticed everything connected with nature. This is how many signs about autumn appeared. From them one could find out what kind of autumn it would be: early or late, rainy or dry, cold or quite warm. Also according to folk autumn signs one could judge the coming winter.

Now the weather has changed in many ways, but folk signs still continue to work. We have prepared an article about golden autumn for preschoolers and schoolchildren in grades 1-2, 3-4, where you will find folk and modern signs.

In September there are a lot of apples - in October there is cabbage as a gift

Signs of golden autumn for preschoolers

Thunder in September – a warm and long autumn for children.
In September there are a lot of apples, in October there is cabbage as a gift.
The drier and warmer September is, the later the arrival of winter.
The rowan tree's heaviness bends its branches to the ground - it predicts a rainy autumn.
Mosquitoes will not calm down even at the end of autumn - which means you don’t have to be afraid of extreme cold, they will pass by.
Frost in the fall foretells good weather.
Rare clouds in the autumn sky mean warmth.
The autumn sunset turns golden - good weather foreshadows the next day.
Autumn will be warm if pansies, buttercups, daisies, yarrow, and clover bloom until late summer.
If birds stay in their native lands longer than usual, then the cold will not come soon.
If the duck is still sitting on the water and does not fly away even in cold rain, That good weather will still last a long time.
When there are few rowan trees in the forest, the autumn will be dry, and when there are many, it will be rainy.
Indian summer is stormy - autumn is dry.
Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.
If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then autumn will be warm.
A bird landing on the roof means bad weather.
The clouds are descending - to bad weather.
The afternoon rain is long.
After the icy conditions, expect rain.
If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and if they fly low, there will be little snow.
Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - wait for a cold winter.
October thunder - for a snow-white winter.
Large ant heaps mean a harsh winter.
A lot of cones on pines and spruces - for a cold winter.
If many stars fall in the fall, there will be a crop failure next year.
If the first snow falls so much that it hangs from the roofs, then it will melt.
Rainy days in September - the whole of January is silver.
The viburnum is ripe, and the leaves on it are green - the autumn will be warm.
Late fungus - late snow.

Rowan, viburnum, and black elderberry ripened early - expect a harsh and snowy winter.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.
Anton Chekhov

Quiet flight of cranes towards a warm, good autumn

Signs of autumn for schoolchildren in grades 1-2

Late leaf fall foreshadows a difficult, hungry and cold winter.
If leaves fall from trees early (especially oak and birch leaves), then the year promises to be rich in harvest and soil fertility.
Most of the fallen leaves lie face up - the harvest will be small; purl - large.
On a birch tree, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below - spring is expected to be late; if the top turns yellow first, then it is early.
All the leaves flew off quickly - a harsh, blizzard winter is approaching.
The leaves are in no hurry to fall and turn yellow slowly and gradually - severe frosts is not expected, and winter will pass quickly.
If you see the quiet flight of cranes in the sky, as if communicating with each other, you can expect a warm, good autumn.
Rowan has given a good harvest - expect severe frosts.
When starlings are in no hurry to fly away, and hares are in no hurry to change their gray fur coat to white, you should be prepared for a long, windy and stormy autumn.
When mushroom pickers come out with empty baskets in the fall, the winter is expected to be harsh;
If snow that falls at night remains on tree branches, it will not melt on the ground.
By autumn, bees cover the hive entrances with wax, leaving a barely visible hole - the winter will be cold; leave the entrance open - warm.
If in rainy weather An owl hoots often - the weather is good.
If frogs jump onto the shore and croak, and fish are thrown out of the water, it will rain.
The leech lies calmly at the bottom - a sign of good, clear weather.
Midges hover over the coastal bushes - sure sign clear weather tomorrow.

The first breath of autumn is a fresh breeze after the hot summer. In September you can still feel the summer aftertaste.

It's a gray morning in autumn, so wait for a red day

Folk signs of autumn

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.
If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn.
Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.
Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.
If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

If in October a leaf from a birch or oak falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter.
The moon has turned red - wait for the wind to blow.
Autumn frost - to dry, sunny weather.

If on October 3rd the northern, angry wind blows, there will be cold, the southern wind blows - towards warmth, the western - towards phlegm, the eastern - towards a bucket.
If Sergius (October 20) is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona winter will rise to its feet.

In the fall, moles pull a lot of straw into their holes - they are preparing for a harsh winter.
During flax harvesting there are many mouse nests - in winter there will be a lot of snowdrifts.
Chickens moult at the very beginning of autumn - the winter is expected to be warm.
Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain.
Before the rain the moon is cloudy or pale, but before the wind it is clear and bright.
Thick cumulus clouds go low - to bad weather, high - to a bucket.
Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - the weather will be good.
In autumn the morning is gray, so wait for a red day.
In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
The bugs came together in one heap - it was bad weather.
Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold.
From what date in October there will be a year (good, clear weather), from that date spring will open in April.

Traditionally autumn in Rus' it is time for agricultural holidays and harvest rituals. At this time, the harvest was being harvested, which ensured a happy and well-fed winter, prosperity and well-being in the family.

Small forms of folklore, such as proverbs, preserved in speech and reflected the importance of the fruitful season in the life of a person dependent on nature. Through a proverb, in a short, concise form, people drew analogies between a good harvest and wealth ( “In autumn and the crow has a shock of bread”), noted seasonal changes in the world of animals and plants.

The importance of weather became the reason for the division of proverbs into phenological periods, that is, according to climatic features. Thus, early autumn is distinguished - a bright, joyful period, reflecting the beauty and generosity of nature, golden - a wonderful time of withering leaves and the travel of migratory birds, and pre-winter - a time of unpredictable bad weather, a sign to prepare for winter. All these phases thematically correspond to their own types of proverbs. Every autumn month also honored with special sayings.

Proverbs about autumn express the primary interests of the farmer: livestock health, folk signs to the weather, which can affect the economy, the desire for prosperity and peace.

  • Russian folk proverbs about autumn (from Dahl’s collection),
  • Proverbs - signs about autumn,
  • Proverbs about autumn for children, schoolchildren,
  • About the autumn months (September, October, November).

Russian folk proverbs about autumn

(from Dahl's collection)

Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full too.
The cart carries bread to the house, the sleigh to the market.
Don’t be overpriced in the fall, be rich by spring.
In autumn, the worker turns red, and the owner turns pale.
Autumn says: “It’s rotten” (on the ground), and spring: “It’s nice, if only it was.”
Autumn says: “I will harvest” (harvest); spring says: “And I’ll look again” (or: “As I look”, or: “And I’ll look into her eyes”).
Autumn says: “I will tidy up the fields”; Spring says: “I’ll take a look.”
They don’t put autumn winter grains in bins (they don’t pour them).
Autumn is the queen: jelly and pancakes; but in the spring, sit, sit and watch!
In autumn, the crow also has a head of hair, not only the black grouse.
Veil is not summer, and Candlemas is not winter (October 14).
The cover will cover the ground (some with a leaf, sometimes with snow).
White snow covers the ground: isn’t it preparing me as a young woman to get married?
The veil did not cover, and neither will Christmas.

Father protection, heat our hut without firewood!

Proverbs - signs about autumn

Warm autumn means a long winter.
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn
Lenten Ivan came and took away the red summer (September 11).
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

A lot of nettnik for Indian summer, for clear autumn and cold winter.
If there is a lot of web, wild geese land, and starlings do not fly away - the autumn is long and dry.

In September, if cobwebs spread across plants, it means warmth.
October thunder - snowless winter.
Warm autumn means a long winter.
Indian summer is stormy – autumn is dry
The drier and warmer September stays, the later winter will come.
If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.

Autumn - eight weather conditions.
The first snowball doesn't lie down.
The autumn night travels on twelve carts.
Seed day, seed away. It is a sin to sow bread. (September 14).
Semyon says goodbye to summer. Semyon is bringing Indian summer.
Little pure one. Aspas day. Autumn. Second meeting of autumn (September 21).
In Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins. Third meeting of autumn. And Indian summer will not reach Fedora (September 24).
On Artamon, snakes go into the forests (dens) and hide (September 25).
Movement - the caftan with fur coat moved (September 27).
He moves his caftan off his shoulders and pulls on his sheepskin coat.
The bird began to fly away.
It’s no problem for the peasant to move up the winter.
On Astafya, note the wind: north for cold; southern to warmth; western to phlegm; eastern to the bucket.
If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree (that is, not all the leaves fall to the snow) - a cold winter (sign)
On Kupriyanov's Day, the cranes gather in the swamp to make an agreement, which way - on the road to warm water fly (September 13).
Birds fly low - to a warm winter, and if they fly high - to a cold winter.
It will be a severe winter if the birds fly away together.
The rise of autumn moves towards winter.
Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter. Early leaf fall means early winter. If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a cool winter.
Pokrov is the end of round dances, the beginning of gatherings.
Pokrov is the first winter. Weddings. Deadline for hiring and transactions (October 14).
For cover, the cattle are fed with the harvesting (last) sheaf and from that day on they are kept at home.
The wind is blowing from the east - the winter is cold.
The veil will come and cover the girl’s head.
If snow falls on the cover - happiness for the young.
The flight of cranes to the cover is for an early, cold winter.
If the squirrel's cover is clean (has moulted), then autumn will be good (Perm).
The hare is gray and has seen enough trouble (it began to shed and became noticeable in the fallen snow)
In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
With the cold it will become cold and angry (November 25). Since Studit the cold has gotten worse every day. Fyodor Studit - chills the earth.

Proverbs about autumn for children and schoolchildren

There is no turning back from autumn to summer.
Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.
In autumn, livestock gets fatter, and people become healthier.
In autumn the sparrow is also rich.
In autumn, the crow has heaps of bread.
Autumn is coming and the rain is coming with it.
It is not out of goodness that a tree drops a leaf.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Autumn rain sows thinly, but lasts a long time.
Three sisters lived with my brother: spring - young woman, winter - white-faced, and autumn - watery.
In summer, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.
In spring the rain steams, and in autumn it wets.
In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; in the fall it will be sifted with chintz, and you can even scoop up the water with a bucket.
Autumn will come and ask for everything.
Autumn is stocky, winter is stocked up.
Autumn - eight weather conditions.
The first snowball doesn't lie down.
In the autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it whistles and tears, it pours and blows snow.
Autumn is the womb: jelly and pancakes. And spring is a stepmother: sit and watch (meaning that by spring the reserves stored in the fall are running out)
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and nourishing.
Autumn says: “It’s rotten!”, and spring: “If only it were.”
Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rots.
Don’t be too busy in the fall, you’ll be rich by spring.
In autumn, a gray morning, a red day.
Autumn will give orders, and spring will say its own.
Autumn is long, winter is long.
Road by wheel! - they shout to the cranes to turn them away.

About the autumn months


In September, summer ends, autumn begins

Thunder in September foreshadows a warm and long autumn.
September is a time of wet weather and, above all, fertile.
August cooks, September serves.
September sent the birds on the road.
September is cold, but it’s filling (It’s cold, but it’s filling)
There is no September without fruits.
In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.
In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.
In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn
Father - September does not like to be pampered.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
It’s cold, my dear, September, but there’s a lot to feed.
In September, summer ends and autumn begins.
There are a lot of acorns on an oak tree in September - for a fierce winter.
A lot of shading in the Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is the evening of the year.
September is deciduous.
Since September there has been fire in the field and in the hut.
September takes the caftan off his shoulder and puts on a sheepskin coat.
In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter.
September is cold, but full.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.

October is a mess. Know autumn in October by mud.
October is a dirtbag: it doesn’t like wheels or runners.
October is the month of near powder. October is winter.
October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.
In October, winter is removed from the white nest, she dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Rus', visit villages, eat pies.”
In October, before lunch it is autumn, and in the afternoon it is winter-winter. In October, before lunch it is autumn, and after lunch it is winter.
In October it rains and snows at the same hour.
In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh. October rides a piebald mare: she loves neither the wheels nor the runner.
October is crying cold tears.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
An October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the fence.
There is thunder in October - winter is snowless, short and mild.
October is crowned with white snow and great mud.
October is the month of near powder.
October loves neither wheels nor runners.
October is crying cold tears.
October will carry you, November will pick you up.

In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.

November is the gate of winter.
In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.
In November, the first lasting snow falls overnight.
In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.

November is the twilight of the year.
November is a semi-winter road: he loves both the wheel and the runner. The man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November the frost subsides.
October is cold, father, and November made him too cold.
November frosts December frost a bit too much
November builds bridges without an axe. December without a nail is stinking.
November with a nail, December with a bridge.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and “white flies”.

In November, warmth and frost are not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will follow the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not feel cold in November will not freeze in December.
It's no wonder there are white flies (snow) in November.
The river cannot be bound in winter without November, the blacksmith.
November's forge is small, but it forges fetters for all the rivers.
November - off-road: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the runner can move.
November, December, brother, September, grandson.
November semi-winter road: a man says goodbye to a cart and climbs into a sleigh.
November nights are dark before the snow.
November is the gate of winter.
November - September's grandson, October's son, winter's dear father.
November is the twilight of the year.
November will nail it - December will pave it.
November nights are dark before the snow.

What else to read