Evening meeting with graduates original script. Scenes for the evening of the alumni meeting. Funny miniatures

Alumni reunion evening scenario


1. B winter evening when at the threshold
February snowstorm and cold

The teachers are excitedly waiting for you,
Knowing for sure - you will come here.

2. Every year in February there comes a Saturday,
When you, even if you are not on the way,
Taking time off from home, from school, from work,
Hurry up to meet us

3. We welcome you here as welcome guests,
We remember you very often.
We speak from the heart - come soon!
Together: Let's start the evening of meeting friends!


Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see all of you within the walls of our native school!

Presenter 1: For 95 years now, the school has hospitably opened its doors.

Presenter 2: May you all be warm and cozy today, joyful from meeting each other and your beloved, dear teachers.



Years pass, but as always
We gather graduates at the school.
Friends, sometimes you remember
What happens without you and we miss you.


You went to school together for many years,
They ran around the classes with the bell ringing.
It's a February day and at this time
I'm glad to see someone I knew.

1: We are happy to see graduates of the anniversary years and pleased to see graduates of all years.

Musical number

February, Saturday, quiet evening,
And in the school windows there is a bright light,
Warmth and light here mean
Joyful greetings to those entering.

The years have flown by - fast walkers,
And they became wiser with gray hair,
Those many girls with big eyes,
The boys are noisy and curly-haired.
And they were drawn home.

Home! And that means going to school.
Enter and look at it.
For what is dear and close
Thank the teachers.

Perhaps there is something more beautiful in the world
And the yard, and the building, and the garden.
But only this school is ours.
And it couldn’t be better - fact!

After all, school opened the way to life for us,
Someone might be inspired.
And everyone became rich in something,
But it still pulls everyone back,

IN home school, to that village
Where childhood was, but has passed.
Visiting graduate and local,
Your path has not tired you.

You were sure - in the school hall,
When meeting cool friends,
Worried teachers
You can't help but rest.

And white-winged visions
On the dim lake windows,
They melt from the warmth of their souls,
As if they understand
How everyone needs this meeting.

I want you to get to know each other,
Congratulations to all teachers,
Well, especially those
Who trusted the naughty girl?
And he justified his trust.

What today? February evening
But it’s not simple, it’s an evening of meetings,
And in this hall there is a happy look,
Souls have wonderful impulses,
Try to save it!

Musical number

1: The floor for greetings is given to the director of the Municipal government educational institution of secondary school No. 9 Andrey Viktorovich Bulovin

Musical number

Presenter 1. But history cannot sound in only major tones; its music is sometimes sad.

/Quiet mournful music sounds/.

Presenter1: These days, we remember with special love and tenderness the teachers who created the history of our school, lived and worked in such a way that the light from them will warm us all for a long time:

Reshetnyak Panteley Ivanovich, Kryukova Natalya Fillipovna. Zhelezovsky Vasily Ivanovich, Russkikh Pavel Georgivich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich, Stukanovsky Ivan Nikoforovich, Pashchenko Nikolay Karpovich, Ivanova Natalya Timofeevna, Rassoshkina Ksenia Andreevna, Eremchenko Lyubov Stepanovna.

Presenter 2: But it is unbearably painful when those who are young, whose life path it's just beginning

Presenter 1:

We keep their names in memory
Let's stand up, remember, be silent.

Presenter 2: Our school was founded in 1965 and was called an eight-year school.

And on September 1, 1989, the school became a secondary school. Over the past time, the school has been led by: Mayatskaya Galina.Dmitrievna., Kurta Nikolai.Ivanovich., Russkikh Pavel Georgievich, Startsev Pavel Petrovich., Stukanovsky Ivan Nikiforovich., Pashchenko Nikolay Karpovich., Podolyak Valentina.Ivanovna., Prosyanov Dmitry Dmitrievich, Moroz Nadezhda. Mikhailovna., Khozhaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna., Bulovin Andrey Viktorovich. (Heads the school since September 1, 2010)

Over the entire history of its existence, the school has graduated more than 800 students. 12 graduates became the pride of the school - they graduated with a silver and gold medal:

Presenter 1: Moroz Sergey and Tuz Natalya - graduates of 1997;

Presenter 2: Magomedova Uma, Braiko Elena, Vasilyeva Diana - graduates of 1998;

Presenter 1: Ivanova Anastasia, Kolomiets Nadezhda, Bondarenko Olga - graduates of 2001;

Presenter 2: Svetlana Ivashchenko - graduate of 2002;

Presenter 1: Akaeva Svetlana - graduate of 2012.

Presenter 2: Peas Valeria - graduate of 2014

Presenter 1: Ivanko Igor - graduate of 2015

Presenter 1: School statistics show that 30 of our graduates received a law degree, 14 people went into medicine, more than 30 people are engaged in business and quite successfully, 7 returned to school as teachers.

Presenter 2: Among our graduates there are also managers and economists, builders and architects.

Presenter 1: We are closely monitoring how it develops further fate and even the personal lives of our graduates.

Presenter 2: Our school currently employs teachers with more than 30 years of experience: GvozdetskayaL. M., Polonskaya V.V., Moroz N.M.. The word for congratulations is given to Gvozdetskaya L.M.

Presenter 2: A song sounds for our respected teachers

Presenter: Today our school celebrates the anniversary of the greenest graduating class. These are graduates of the class of 2015.

Leading: Class teacher: Nadezhda Mikhailovna Moroz

Leading: A class that brought the school a huge number of certificates and diplomas from regional, regional and all-Russian competitions.

Presenter: He added the school's twelfth gold medal to the school's collection of medalists.

Leading: And they were also remembered for their number. There were only 3 of them: Igor, Dasha and Petya.

Music. 11th graders come out dressed as first-graders.

1st first grader: I'm afraid that Nadeda Mikhailovna will leave and abandon us, and there are so many people here - we'll get lost!

2nd first grader: Do not be afraid! I know everything! And the school, and all the teachers, and even where the toilet is.

3rd first grader: Wow! Hammer!

2nd first grader: Surely, I’ll be sitting here for the second year.

First grader: What a bow I have... Beautiful?

First grader I'll tell you a poem now! Listen!

My dad is talented, my mom is brilliant!
I live with my grandmother - she’s the only normal one!

1st first grader: Quiet! Begin!

They read poetry out loud.

1st first grader:

Today is a wonderful holiday,

It's a remarkable day in February.

2nd first grader:

We are getting older this day.
It’s too lazy to teach us lessons, imagine.

1st first grader: Well, what are you saying, Petya? You confused the rhyme - onion grief.

2nd first grader: Oh! Of course, we are not too lazy to teach us lessons!

3rd first grader:

Well, do you remember your golden childhood?
When the school bell rings...

All: You had no peace!

2nd first grader:

We were told today
Who is gathered in this room?
There are workers, students,
Even special correspondents
Nurse and seamstress
Even my mother is here!

3rd first grader:

There's a milkmaid and a builder here,
Doctor, driver and our teacher,
Turner, mechanic, journalist
And honored artist.

First grader:

Those who build, sow, plow,
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Takes care of our Russia,
Everyone we honor.
We figured out the secret:

All: This is the release different years!

Leading: And we give the floor to the guests of our holiday - graduates ______________

Leading: Time does not stand still. Children grow up as they move from class to class. New subjects and new teachers appear.

Presenter: True, we finally understood what these new subjects were about by the last exam.

Leading: And how we loved to write down everything that happened at school in a beautiful notebook with a hand-written drawing.

Presenter: Leonid, wait, wait, our guest is the magazine “Krasnaya Burda” with the humorous “Diary of a Student”


  • Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all my money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined. Got a belt. The belt is tasteless, although useful.
  • Mathematics is growing wilder by leaps and bounds. Today she said that I don’t know mathematics at all and wrote some number in my diary.
  • Today there should be a city test in the Russian language. There were seven calls that the school was mined. I know five of them, but who else is there?
  • We went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us.
  • Today they called to the director for yesterday. I didn’t even have time to shoot videos. The director just rolled me around the office by my hair.
  • The teachers' strike began. As a class, we wrote a letter to the government that first we need to pay off the miners and pensioners.
  • I thought about the army. I don't feel like going there. They will also kill. Maybe have two children? No, then the parents will kill you. And who invented this army? I would kill him!
  • My mother helps me study chemistry, my father helps me study behavior.
  • Yesterday I finally got an A in physics. After class, I sat down and calculated my average score - it still turned out to be 1.88 for the quarter. Need to do something. Arguments like “physics is nonsense” no longer convince my father.
  • Yesterday I got a "couple" in history. Half a lesson proved to the teacher that I didn’t take that damned Ishmael. And in general, who is this Ishmael?
  • At school they assigned an essay on the topic “My parents.” Your son wrote: “I got my parents at such an age that I can no longer wean them from many habits!” Think about it!
  • Your son provided an interesting account of his absenteeism. Totally agree last month his apartment burned down twice, there was a gas leak three times, water pipes burst 5 times and his car broke down 6 times! Dear parents, take safety measures.
  • The magazine “Krasnaya Burda” thanks you for your attention and wishes current students to receive as many similar entries as possible, so that future graduates have something to laugh about at an evening meeting of school friends.

Musical number

Presenter: Today they celebrate their fifth birthday summer anniversary graduates of the class of 2011. Namely: Alieva Aminat, Andryushchenko Victoria, Boyko Anastasia, Koroleva Anastasia, Koroleva Natalya, Merkotun Maria, Rabadanova Marina, Teymurov Vadim, Tuz Nina, Shchetinina Olga.

Classroom teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Leading: These were serious, independent, active guys. They were the “favorites” of many teachers, because they wanted to go to lessons with them.

Presenter: We have prepared a small gift for them.


Leading: So, graduates and class teacher, please take the stage.

“Today everyone believes that every graduate present at this ball will certainly become something great, unique and world famous, most likely this will be the case. The question is what and which of them needs to do so that the world starts talking about them . This box contains comic forecasts about this, everyone can pull it out, find out for themselves and tell those present, because only those who are able to sincerely rejoice at success have gathered here.

Each graduate must draw a card from the box, say the phrase: “The whole world will know about me, because...”, then read the prediction.

Variants of comic predictions:

  1. I'll join the team royal family, having won the heart of one (one) of the heirs (heirs).
  2. I'll come up with an idea a new style in clothing design and I will call it by my name.
  3. I will become an active fighter for the rights of pets, in particular their right to decide for themselves whether to continue their family or not.
  4. I will become a missionary in Africa and at the age of 80 I will receive the Albert Schweitzer Medal and the Prize for Humanism.
  5. I will become an actor (actress), but I will proudly refuse to act in films, for which I will be awarded a special award “For Honor and Dignity” at the film festival.
  6. One day I will hold a press conference at which I will declare myself the son (daughter) of F. Kirkorov and A. Pugacheva, and as evidence I will present a test tube stolen from the chemistry room.
  7. While practicing in a karaoke bar, one day I will realize that I hear the eighth note and tell the world about it.
  8. I will win a billion dollars in a casino and, in front of an astonished public, refuse to take it.
  9. I will enter the Guinness Book of Records with the attraction of “unprecedented generosity”: I will buy cakes for all the children in my city and bite into each one.
  10. I will declare myself a successor to Lenin’s work and will walk as the “ghost of communism across Europe”
  11. I'll do it trip around the world on an inflatable banana.
  12. I will declare myself a “clairaudient” (clairaudient) who predicts the future through mobile communications.
  13. I will build a hut and live in it with my loved one for 33 years and 3 days.
  14. While training long years, I will surpass Mona Lisa, showing the world my mysterious smile.
  15. I will breed a new breed of dog, the Chao-Ciao, which in translation will mean: “Goodbye, school, hello adult life!”
  16. Make friends with Bigfoot
  17. Establish contact with an alien civilization.
  18. I clone myself and will come to the next meeting of classmates in triplicate.
  19. I will invent a cure for unhappy love.

Leading: And who will their class teacher finally become?

Leading: Today, graduates of the class of 2006 are celebrating their tenth anniversary.

Presenter: Class teacher: Polonskaya Valentina Vasilievna

Leading: It seems that just recently you stood on a line dedicated to last call. You were simultaneously happy that school was behind you and sad: after all, there was an unknown life ahead, you were parting with school, with your friends.

Leading: But 10 years have passed since that moment. Have you finished your educational establishments, work, started families, became mothers and fathers. Few of you remained in the village, most live far from their homes, but you maintain relationships with each other and know everything about your classmates.

Leading: Your class teacher Valentina Vasilievna Polonskaya often thinks about you. Your noisy, interesting cool watch, social events, New Year's Eve.

Leading: Dear graduates, imagine that you are now in a literature lesson, reading a fairy tale by role. But before the performance, you need to prepare.

In the meantime, you are preparing for the transfer of the battle of teachers

One reads the text, and four “artists” simply play out what they heard.

Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat

“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

Battle of the teachers

9th grade presenter: So, let's start the program, “battle of teachers” - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you that everything is fair with us and without any setups, tricks, tips or steps.

A teacher is invited to complete the task junior classes Ivanova Marya Ivanovna. Marya Ivanovna you will have to enter the classroom today and force third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give him a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me the diary.

Student: I'm not giving it.

Teacher: Sidorov, open your briefcase, take out your diary.

Student: My grandmother took it from me to read before bed.

Teacher: Vasya, give me the diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.

Vasya: For what?

9th grade presenter: Unfortunately, time is up.

We invite the second teacher - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I’ll give you some candy.

Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.

Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!

Student: And what didn't I see there?

9th grade presenter: It’s unfortunate, but the second teacher didn’t have time to complete this task either. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don’t you give the diary to teachers?

Student: Forgot at home ( slides under the desk)

Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE.

Student: Nope. ( uncertain)

Teacher: I'm calling my father ( takes out his phone, pretends to select it from contacts)

Student: (takes out the diary he was sitting on) Mom on the diary, just don’t call your father! those

9th grade presenter: As practice has shown, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents yielded results this week - time will tell what the next one will be like.....


Presenter: Today, graduates of the class of 2001 are celebrating their 15th anniversary. Leading: Namely: (last names of graduates)

Class teacher: Berezhnaya Antonina Ivanovna

Presenter: This class was very creative. Not a single event at school was complete without the participation of these students.

Presenter: 3 students from this class graduated from school with a silver medal

Presenter: Dear graduates, there is a number for you


Bench. The grandfather sits on it and reads the newspaper. There is a clock hanging above the bench. It's 17-00 on them. A young man with flowers approaches.

Grandfather: A date, perhaps?

Young man: Date!

Grandfather:(looking at his watch) Well done, he came on time. Minute to minute.

Young man: No, even earlier. We have a date at 18-00. And I arrived a little early. Maybe she'll come early too.

Grandfather: A naive young idiot.

Young man: Well, let him not come earlier. I'll wait here and think about her.

Grandfather: Well, well, come on, come on

Young man: Right now she is probably drinking tea, holding the cup with her elegant, slightly plump hand. With her snow-white teeth she bites into the cookie and begins to eat it...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Young man: No, no! She's cultured. And then she quickly gets up, goes to the mirror and powders her pretty nose...

Grandfather: With a wart!

Young man: What do you?! She doesn't have any warts. Having powdered her nose, she begins to paint her eyes, which glow like two suns, and combs her hair...

Grandfather: And the dandruff falls off!

Young man: She doesn't have any dandruff! Her hair smells like lavender. Then she puts on little shoes, and her feet...

Grandfather: Curves, perhaps?!

Young man: What have you done? You haven't seen her! And anyway, who gave you the right to talk about her like that?! She is the best in the world!

Grandfather: Best of all, best of all... Wait here for a couple of hours and you’ll find out who gave me this right.

An hour has passed. A girl appears. She wants to approach the young man, but her grandmother won’t let her in.

Grandma: Costs? Waiting? Thinks about you.

Young woman: Well, I'll go.

Grandma: Wait, honey! Girls must be late. He will think about you and love you more.

Young woman: Is it true?

Grandma: That's the cross!

Young woman: Well, then I'll go to the store for now.

Another hour passed.

Grandfather: Here! It's already 19-00. Where is your princess?

Young man: Probably, he’s sipping tea with a friend right now, holding a liter mug with his thick, hairy hand, sticking out his crooked little finger with a bitten nail! With all her twenty-three yellow teeth she bites a loaf of butter and begins to chew it...

Grandfather: And slurp!

Young man: Yes Yes! Slurp! It’s already crackling behind the ears! She slurps, licking her thick lips! And then she waddles up and, shuffling with slippers, trudges towards the mirror. He's powdering his nose...

Grandfather: With a wart!

Young man: With a huge wart! Covers up pimples, although this makes them even more noticeable. Draws eyebrows that don't exist and never will. Combing his dirty greasy hair...

Grandfather: And the dandruff falls off!

Young man: Snowfall! Then he puts his paws into the trampled shoes, and her knives...

Grandfather: Curves, perhaps?!

The Grandfather and the Young Man hit each other's palms as a sign of solidarity.

Young man: And I'm waiting for such a monster?!

A girl appears.

Young woman: Hi, darling! How long have you been waiting for me?

Young man: For a long time

Young woman: Perhaps he was thinking about me?

Young man: Thought!

Young woman: What have you decided?

Young man: You know! You know!!! In my opinion, I don't deserve you! (leaves)

Young woman: Yura! Yura! Where are you going?! Wait! Why?! (runs after him)

Grandma comes out. Suitable for grandfather.

Grandfather: Well, old man, six zero in my favor!


Leading: Today celebrates its 20th anniversary (list of names of graduates)

Presenter: This is how your class teacher remembers you...

Leading: How many years, how many winters have passed since the time when you, young, beautiful, happy, left school.

Leading: Looking at you, already matured, accomplished people, I remember what you were like when, back in 1989, I became your class teacher, and we went through 7 difficult years together.

Leading: These graduates were active, perky, loud, and optimistic.

Presenter: Dear graduates, today we invite you to return to your school childhood.

  1. Tell me, who was the school principal when you were studying?
  2. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
  3. Where does childhood go?
  4. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
  5. Do you often run away from class?
  6. Who did you like to copy from?
  7. Who is the youngest in your class?
  8. In what subject was the most joyful grade for you?
  9. What subject have you studied for 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?
  10. What's your favorite moment in class?
  11. Yours favorite place At school?
  1. A place that students don't like to go to. (Board.)
  2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)
  3. Flat globe. (Map.)
  4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting.)
  5. Album for parents' autographs. (Diary.)
  6. From two to five. (Grade.)
  7. A place where children serve 11 years. (School.)
  8. A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Ring.)
  9. School-wide president. (Director.)
  10. Frontal place in the classroom. (Board.)
  11. Boys don't wear this. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)
  12. It is worn by horsemen and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)
  13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)
  14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Turn.)

Leading: I invite Nadezhda Mikhailovna Moroz, head of the school from 1988-2004, to our microphone.


During the break our class thinned out sharply,
After all, we have a small gap in health.
Certificates fly in a flock in summer and winter,
But the teacher said: “Follow me!”
We're going to rock for two lessons -
Strengthen your spirit in a healthy body.
I hung on the uneven bars like a foreign fruit,
Gathering the heroic spirit into a fist.
I wanted to pull myself up, but I just blushed!
Suddenly I fell and fell - that means I was in time!
And someone nearby takes heights,
And you can hear the rumble of the plank a mile away!
A hundred meters in an hour! This is not the limit!
I ran for a kilometer and lost weight before my eyes...
Here's a circle or two and I'll go home!
If I crawl to the finish line alive!
The whole body aches and the muscles are cramped,
But I passed this standard anyway!
Not important to us at all! result!
But it is very difficult to live without rewards

Presenter: Today, graduates of the class of 1981 are celebrating their 35th anniversary, graduates of the class of 1976 are celebrating their 40th anniversary, and graduates of 1971 are celebrating their 45th anniversary.

Against the backdrop of patriotic music “Raise the fires...”

Leading.: All graduates of these years went through the school of the young builder of communism.

Presenter: You can argue as much as you like about the correctness of upbringing in those years...

Leading: But the October School, Pioneer and Komsomol are bright and memorable moments of school life.

Presenter: How joyful it was to receive a squad flag and see the October star on your chest And proudly bear the name: I am an October boy

Leading: I, Matsak Lyubov, joining the ranks of the All-Union pioneer organization, I solemnly swear...

Presenter: Remember? Yes, these are the exciting moments of the ceremonial ceremony when you are accepted as a pioneer.

Leading: What about the school troop of buglers and drummers? Only the best pioneers could join it.


Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed,
Youth rages like spring waters.
Soon we will join the Komsomol,
So it goes on school years.

Leading: All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.

Presenter: Communist subbotniks

Leading: Komsomol meetings

Presenter: The Komsomol school committee signed orders to party congresses.

Leading: Take a closer look at these spiritual, serious faces.

Presenter: There is so much hope in them to make life better and more beautiful...

Presentation with music

Leading: 2 graduates are invited to the stage.

Presenter: Where do you like to relax the most?

Turn your back to the audience. Now we will glue sheets with the names of your favorite vacation spots. Answer the questions

On large sheets of paper the words “disco”, “school”, “bath”, “ parents' house", "market".

  1. How often do you visit this institution?
  2. With whom?
  3. What are you taking with you?
  4. What are you doing there?
  5. What sensations do you experience?
  6. Where do you think you've been?

Music number:

Presenter: Our meeting at wonderful school No. 9 is coming to an end.

Leading. We thank everyone who came to visit us.

Presenter:. And wherever you are, no matter what happens to you...

Leading: Know that there is a place on earth where they will always wait for you...

Presenter. Where you will always be welcome

Leading: This is your home school!

Leading: And as a farewell, let’s all sing together the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.”

Leading: Goodbye! See you next year!

Yesterday my classmates called out social network: “Guys, our release is 15 years old! Let's get ready!" How amazing it is... 15 years have passed. It seems like time has flown by in an instant! And, at the same time, so many events have happened since we left the school threshold and entered adult life… Honestly? Was not at the Homecoming Evening never. And then it just came over me and I wanted to see you, to stir up these memories...

According to tradition, the ceremonial part will take place at the school, and then it was decided to gather in a cafe. I wanted to make this evening special, full of pleasant memories. I started looking for suitable ones competitions on the Internet, but nothing was found. Everything is the same type, somehow soulless... And it was decided to compose the holiday program myself. I hope it will be useful to you too. There is still time to prepare. Alumni reunions are usually held on the first Saturday in February. The competitions described below may also be included in scenario presenter, why not...

Magic ball of memories

Together with a classmate, with whom we were friends during our school years and loved to fool around, we decided to dress up as wizards: put on caps (the kind, you know, for birthdays), pick up “magic” wands and a “magic” glass ball (any symbolic toy will also do).

At the very beginning, even before reincarnation, stand up and say:

- Remember, school “Ogonki”? Just like now, we got together and organized fun competitions and dancing. Let's go back to those years, play and have fun!

And here we change clothes and go out in the guise of wizards:

— We brought a glass ball with us. This ball is not simple, but magical. He is able to revive memories and transfer a person’s memory several years ago! Anyone who picks it up will remember the most vivid event from his school life that has stuck in his memory (it could be a prank, a joke, or, conversely, something touching and sincere).

Those sitting at the table take turns passing each other a ball (or another “magic” symbol) and name a bright event from school life that they remember.

School forms

I don’t know about you, but at school we often created questionnaires and gave them to our classmates to fill out. There was no Internet, we had fun as best we could. The questionnaires often contained provocative questions like: “Who do you like best from your class?”, “The girl you kissed for the first time?” etc. But there were also normal questions, like: “Favorite band”, “Favorite eye color”. I carefully keep these questionnaires, and the idea came to me to also use them at the alumni meeting evening at one of the competitions.

The competition can be organized in the form of a quiz. For each correct answer: chocolate candy, For example. Examples of questions:

  • What was (name of classmate who filled out the questionnaire) favorite eye color in 7th grade?
  • Which girl did (classmate’s name) like in 9th grade?
  • Which popular performer was (name of classmate) favorite in 5th grade?

And so on. The first right to respond is given to the author (the one who filled out the questionnaire). Tastes at school changed frequently, so it is unlikely that he will remember the correct answer. If you make a mistake, the right to answer goes to your classmates. He answered himself - he gets some candy. (The classmate who answered correctly also receives candy.)

Lie detector

A classmate sits on a chair and a “detector” is attached to it. You can get creative and, for example, hang some tinsel or throw on some kind of cloak. In a word, reincarnate

The presenter asks tricky (and not so tricky) questions. Examples of questions:

  • Have you ever skipped physics?
  • Have you ever corrected two marks in your diary?

Social survey

A similar competition can be held in the form of a “social survey”. Classmates sit at tables and simply raise their hands if we're talking about about them. Examples of questions:

  • Who has ever skipped physics at school?
  • Who regularly corrected deuces in the diary?

The most active ones are given prizes for honesty.

Photo competition

I found the idea on the Internet, but have not yet figured out how best to use it. The meaning is:

  • In advance, you need to take children's photographs from your classmates and make a slide show from them. During the evening of the meeting, photographs are displayed on the monitor. Those present need to guess who it is (write it on pieces of paper or simply say it out loud). Those who give the most correct answers will receive incentive prizes.


One leader is selected - a classmate. He makes a wish for some teacher. The rest of his classmates (let's call them “participants”) must guess who he wished for. Participants ask questions, and the presenter answers what associations this person evokes in him. Examples of questions:

  • One of the participants asks, for example: What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with? Host: With watermelon.
  • One of the participants: What animal is this person associated with? Host: With a mouse.
  • One of the participants: What mood is this person associated with? Host: Happy.

And to make it easier for your classmates, you can give them a list of teachers in advance (after all, 15 years have passed, not everyone has a good memory)

Competition "Read my mind"

We love organizing this competition for different parties! I have already described its principle in the article

It's simple. Song cuts are prepared in advance. Then the same wizards mentioned in the first competition approach each guest (classmate) and “guess” what he is thinking (about today’s holiday, about school, about teachers, about classmates). There are free online programs on the Internet that allow you to cut any song, for example: https://www.mp3cut.ru

Competition “How to use?”

This was also done several times at parties with friends. But at the Meeting Evening we will use a school theme.

Description of the competition: We prepare several school items in advance (ruler, globe, pencil case, etc.), put them in a bag. The presenter takes out a ruler, for example, and the participants must find an unusual use for this school subject:

— It’s convenient to write cheat sheets on a ruler.

“You can use a ruler to hit your neighbor at your desk when he’s cheating.”

And so on, here’s where your imagination and the imagination of your classmates will go. The options can be the most ridiculous and funny, but theoretically possible :))) Anyone who could not come up with a use for the object leaves the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.


And, of course, at the Meeting Evening it is always interesting to look at photos, read school notes... And you can even make a slide show or mini-movie from the photos and give them to your classmates. We won’t be able to do this for 15 years, but for 20, I think we’ll definitely get it done 😉

Happy holiday to you!

I would be glad if you write feedback in the comments, were the competitions for Homecoming Evening useful to you, were the ideas for the script suitable and, in general, how did it all go? 😉

"School Waltz" sounds.

Girls and boys are dancing on stage. The presenters come out against this background.

Young woman.

The years fly by and, as always,

We're gathering you all back at school.

Young man.

You're older, but it doesn't matter

We don't notice this.

Young woman.

So may you feel good

Today with us in this room.

Young man.

So that you can rest your soul,

We said a lot to each other!

The dance ends.

Young woman. Good evening!

young man. Hello!

Young woman.

To you, yesterday's schoolchildren,

And now to the students.

Young man.

To young professionals,

Lawyers, artists.

Young woman. Chefs and doctors.

young man. Businessmen and doctors.

Young woman. For those who have found their place in life

young man. And to those who are just looking for it.

Young woman. We dedicate tonight

Together. Evening meeting!

young man. We are very pleased to see graduates from different years in the hall.

Young woman. Those who graduated from school 5, 10, 15 years ago.

young man. And those who graduated from school last school year.

Young woman. Your teachers and class teachers are happy to meet you.

young man. At any time of the year, the director of our school is glad to see her students. We give the floor to our director.

The school director welcomes guests and talks about the school's achievements in recent years.

Young woman. And now we give the floor to our reliable replacement - our first graders.

First graders come out. The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds. The children are singing.

First graders.

Hello to all of you, graduates!

We are happy to see you!

It's so good that you came!

After all, it’s our holiday too!

Now you have become adults.

And we are still growing.

But just like you once did

We live happily.

We hold many competitions

Sportlandia and zatey.

Even though we are first-graders,

But there are many friends here.

Of course you all remember

Your very first class.

And the first teacher,

What is teaching us now?

But wherever you are now,

In Izhevsk or in Moscow

Don't forget school.

Your teachers.

young man. We invite one of the class teachers, who several years ago sent his students on a long flight.

The class teacher speaks.

Young woman.

Friendship is real

School starts

So as not to end

Friendship is real

It is checked by the heart.

So this friendship


Concert number.

Young woman. Dear friends. We want to conduct a mini-interview that will be included in the annals of our school. Meet the correspondent of our school newspaper.

The correspondent addresses graduates of previous years one by one

What has changed at school since you were there?

What do you remember most about your school life? Why?

Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Who influenced your choice of profession?

What would you wish for this year's graduates?

Young man.

Thank you for your answers.

They will all end up in our newspaper.

Young woman. And this song will sound to you as a reward.

Concert number.

young man. Do you know, our dear graduates, how bored your classmates, teachers and even the administration are without you?

Young woman. And they all hope that in the near future you will bring your children to our school.

young man. Do not doubt that your children will be taught here not only to write, count, and read different books. Here your children will be taught to sing competently and beautifully, play a hitch, and dance well.

Young woman.

Take a look at our young talents.

Concert number.

young man. When you left school, you took away from the school threshold the knowledge acquired from books and pieces of the hearts of your teachers.

Young woman.

Do you dream of going back to your school years?

Remember your pranks, smile.

Scenes from school life are played out.

Young man.

In lessons often at school

You dreamed of football.

Young woman. How to write off a test.

young man. Or from a lesson on how to escape.

Young woman.

Oh, dreams, dreams, dreams!

How naive and pure!

Young man.

So we want to know a little,

What do you keep dreaming about?

Young woman.

The magic hat will help us with this.

Will reveal your dreams and secrets!

The game "Magic Hat" is played. When the hat is placed on the audience's head, the phonogram of a popular song is played - 1 verse or chorus - which vividly speaks of a dream, a desire. 8-10 passages can be selected - for both girls and boys.

Young man.

At all times and today again

We are ready to glorify love!

Concert number. Love song.

Young woman. Dear graduates, we would like to know what feelings are tormenting your souls. Young man. We will try to convey your feelings through the song.

A song is performed to the soundtrack of the group “Smash” - “Belle”.

1st soloist.

Hall, again this hall disturbs the soul.

I really want to get out.

Class, my former class is tormenting my heart again.

Oh, my teacher, how dare I avoid you?

I missed your lessons so often.

And I was looking for a place for myself in the corridors.

No, I can’t forget the director’s carpet.

After all, I thought then that my name was “eagle.”

And after graduation, when I entered,

I realized that I really was an ass.

2nd soloist.

Paradise, the school has become just a heavenly home.

Everything here was dear and familiar to me.

Know that I, school, will never forget you,

And I will remain faithful to the school forever.

How I want to go back to school, dear,

In a distant land without her I’m always a pear

It's a pity those school days

Now I can't return it anymore.

I chose my long and difficult path.

Now I know that my peace has been disturbed.

As I want, my class

Meet you again.

3rd soloist.

Sleep, I remember school at night.

He, our first teacher, is with us.

In vain, once in vain they handed me my certificate,

Now I would be on par with the ninth grade.

I would sit in the same class for two years.

And every year I looked at the same books.


Both day and night, school is in front of me again.

I really want to stay, cool, with you.

Stop, don't leave me, crazy dream.

Let me look at you again, teacher.

Now I certainly won't find peace,

Until I meet you again.

Young woman.

The evening ends

But have a nice meeting

You can't finish without a song.

Young man.

At the moment of parting

Let's sing goodbye.

See you next time, friends!

The song “Bending the Yellow Guitar” is performed with a guitar, and the audience sings along.

Young woman. We wish you good luck and optimism, success in any endeavors and undertakings.

young man. Good health, prosperity, happiness!

Young woman. Come to school, friends, more often!

young man. Goodbye! See you again!

Below is the scenario for the alumni reunion evening. Former graduates are given the opportunity to remember their school life, and a memory game about those times will help them plunge into the school world. Songs-wishes, poems-memories.




"So we met..."

(The hosts of the evening come on stage to the music.)

Presenter 1. Hello, dear friends!

There is a special day in February.

Bright, sunny, big.

The day the school celebrates

All your graduates!

Presenter 2:

And friendly faces

Then everything lights up.

What day is it? Let's answer together:


"It's Graduation Day!"

Presenter 1:

Dear friends:

Graduates of different years, favorite teachers!

We are happy to greet you!

Presenter 2:

Welcome to the evening meeting

To my home school this evening.

Presenter 1:

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Presenter 2:

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Presenter 1:

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,



Presenter 2: Let's remember how it all began...the first bows, the school line on September 1...do you remember? Now the vocal group “Music Box” will sing about this for you, the song “Hello, School.”

The song "Hello, school" is playing

Presenter 1: - We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Presenter 2: - Do you know everyone?

Presenter 1: - Yes, sure! It’s written all over their faces that they are theirs! You can immediately see creativity, positivity and communication! Because they all graduated from school No. 20 in Mineralnye Vody!

Presenter 2 : Dear graduates, as the hospitable hostess of our school, director Natalya Mikhailovna Degtyareva welcomes you.

Director's speech

Presenter 1 : Every day we, students and teachers, rush to this house. And we spend it in it most day, and therefore life.

Presenter 2 : Unfortunately, we understand this when we leave the school walls. And everyone really wants to go back to childhood...

Presenter 1: Let's stop, linger on the steps of the porch... Then let's go in and look at our school with different eyes... Let's remember its past...

Presenter 2: A diary lost somewhere. Parent notations. "Carpet" from the director or head teacher

Presenter 1 : First love. The first "2" and the first "5". And how wonderful the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

Presenter 2 : There is a crush in the locker room. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over! 4th grade student Gurova Victoria will help you remember these feelings with the song “And I wish I could sing and dance!”

Gurova Victoria with the song “And I wish I could sing and dance!”

Presenter 1: 5th grade student Denis Drinevsky dances “Breakdancing” for you.

Dance of Denis Drinevsky

Presenter 1: As children we think: we will soon become adults,
They will call us strictly by our first and patronymic names.
But today you are again - Sashi, Vanya, Marusya and Tanya.
This evening will stretch the thread back to childhood again.

Presenter 2: School is our home, which is impossible to forget,
Memory itself calls here, within these dear walls.
That's why you may be a little worried today,
That our holiday will plunge you back into your school youth.

Presenter 1: In our hall today there are graduates-celebrants for whom school life ended 10 years ago. I ask several members of the Class of 2007 to come up to the stage.

Introduce youreself.

And now we will find out how well the graduates remembered their school years:

What is the name of your first teacher?

Who did you sit at your desk with in 5th grade?

What is your favorite subject and favorite teacher?

How many people were in your 11th grade?

When is your class teacher's birthday?

What was the topic of the essay? final exam on literature?

What was the most interesting thing in your school life?

What is school happiness? (For example, when I lost my briefcase with a diary, where there are a lot of twos; other original answers are allowed.)

Presenter 1: Thanks to our graduates! Take your seats. And Ekaterina Romanenko and Alisa Salo sing for you.

Song “For Dessert” Katya Romanenko and Alisa Salo

Presenter 2: Polina Tikhonravova dances for you.

Dance of Polina Tikhonravova.

Presenter 1: Warmth for a man on hard roads,
In a harsh land from
That somewhere in the world there is a nice school,
There is a good school for him.
And wherever you are, whatever you do,
The school will be home.
He will open the doors and greet you joyfully.
School is our big home!

Presenter 2: The evening is ending, but good-bye
You can't finish without a song.
At the moment of parting, we will sing goodbye:
“See you next time, friends!”

Presenter 1: A former graduate of our school, Diana Molchanova, and her sister, a current 8th grade student, Yana Molchanova, are singing for you.

Diana and Yana Molchanov “Only forward”

Scenario for a humorous theatrical greeting at an evening meeting of school friends (for graduates 25 years ago)

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8 in Atkarsk, Saratov region.

Goals and objectives:
- unification and cohesion of graduates who graduated from school 25 years ago,
- creative self-expression of gathered school friends,
- education of current students of the school using the example of graduates of past years,
- creating a festive atmosphere and joyful atmosphere.
Purpose of the material: This scenario is intended for head teachers extracurricular activities, teachers, organizers of the alumni meeting, as well as everyone interested creative people(after all, we were all once school graduates) interested in expressing ourselves creatively at a class reunion evening.

Celebration progress:

All the roles of the acting characters are played by graduates of 25 years ago.
1 Graduate
Good evening classmates and fellow students!
How nice it is to meet you today, to meet those with whom we studied for many years at this school.
Remembering those school years, we all now understand that it was the most wonderful time when we were not bound by obligations, did not decide global problems, did not consider financial benefits, and if they intrigued, it was only about how to skip a lesson or confess their love without giving away the secret...
Each of us has our own school of life - it is always different, but our school No. 9 is the same for everyone. This is ours common Home, in which we grew up, matured, were brought up, fell in love, misbehaved and even studied... Although now, we can probably admit that we could have studied much better.
School time is always remembered with a smile, and when you hear the announcement that the school invites its students to a reunion evening, you immediately feel warm in your soul, and you want to call all your classmates and tell them that you haven’t seen each other for a long time, and maybe also sing a heartfelt “ It’s great that we are all here today.”
And even though 25 years have passed since our graduation party, the meeting of school classmates in the school building is always a good holiday of memory, and it is also an exam for friendship.
2 Graduate
Let's remember the year 1991...
Eh, he frayed the nerves of our country!
From the collapse of ideas to the Moscow putsch -
Because of this, the graduate is tempered better.
We are a generation of seasoned ones,
Survivors, honest, beautiful, in love.
25 years have passed since then,
Nothing is impossible for us.
Each person's star shines from the sky,
Each of us in this life is a phenomenon,
Our successes, talents, aspirations,
We drew inspiration from school.
Music from " Star Wars", marching on stage Asterisks with flashing neon sticks in their hands (later the stars become a star choir and remain on stage). At the same time, an announcer's text is heard against the background of music.
One day, news spread throughout the Starry Galaxy about an approaching bright event - a meeting of graduates of school No. 9, graduated in 1991, would take place on planet Earth. Will they recognize each other, have the former students changed much, have they been able to become worthy people and achieve their goals? To answer these questions, an intergalactic squad was created, which included traditional school companions– School Bell, Class Journal, Briefcase, Pointer and Globes. Literally, in a few seconds, these masters of school science will appear in this room.
“Earth in the Porthole” sounds, characters appear on stage, moving as if in zero gravity.
Hello, here we are - your friends from school!
School bell
I am your School Bell!
I am Briefcase!
I am the Journal!
And I am the Pointer!
We are heroes from childhood, we are like from a fairy tale!

School bell performs a song to the tune of “Call me, call.”
Lyrics of the song.
I'm an old school bell
My grandson is electronic.
I did what I could for you,

I have touched your soul more than once.
“Call us, call us!” -
I heard the loud cry of the soul,
I am alive, not electronic,
I am alive, not electronic,
I rang as fast as I could
I'll call again!
In the loss, the Bell runs across the stage and rings.

Cool magazine performs a song to the tune of “I would like my life like a film.”
Lyrics of the song.
You should have your life like a film reel,
Scroll back 20 years,
You were boys and girls,
I keep a series of your ratings.
I won't hide anything
And that’s all I know about all of you,
Don't fool anyone
Hiding your twos and threes.
At the end of the song, the character takes out huge drawn “2” and “3” from a cool magazine.

Briefcase performs a song to the tune of “I am a merman.”
Lyrics of the song.
And I am a briefcase, and I am a briefcase,
I haven't gotten through the door before!
And now life is simpler -
I'm very skinny!
Oh, my life is science!
What a thing!
And I'm friends, and I'm friends -
Only with a laptop!

I'm the only one who hasn't changed!
I know, I dreamed about it at night -
Both a threat and a hint -
Your old Pointer.
I'm smart and I'm precise
And still slim
Well, and you, gentlemen,
You're growing something in the wrong direction,
Come on, together, in order,
Repeat the exercise with me.
The original song by Vera Brezhneva “I know the password, I see a landmark, I believe that beauty will save the world” sounds.” The pointer dances, shows rhythmic movements, the star choir and all the characters standing on stage repeat after it.

Globe 1
Such distances are reflected on us,
But unfortunately, there is no waist!
We will show you the world, as if in flight, in an airbus,
We spin for you - we are globes.
Globe 2
You look at us with all your eyes,
And we can’t help but admit...
Globe 1
All your teachers were wonderful,
But most of all they put their soul into you - you’re awesome!
Globes perform a song to the tune of “Oh, what a woman!” Other globes invite two class teachers to a slow dance.

Lyrics of the song.
1. In the whirlwind of school life,
Laborious, restless,
I don’t know a more reliable person.
The children were taken in 5th grade,
You have averted all the misfortunes,
Kindness warmed the soul.
You loved the class very much, you defended it every time,
And they forgave them any prank.....
I wish everyone had one like this!
Oh, how cool, how cool,
I wish everyone had one like this!
2. The years passed quickly,
Carrying with you adversity,
And the time has come to part.
And in an elegant school hall
You presented the certificates,
They said wishes.
We stood in a tight friendly circle,
And suddenly they wiped away the tears,
Imagining our life differently...
The music starts playing and the Star appears.

What else to read