During holidays. Children of working parents during school holidays. Let's spend time together

The summer holidays have begun, and many schoolchildren want to spend this time usefully and are looking for work. is an accessible legal method of obtaining an additional source of income.

So how and where to start?

After all, the status of an organization can be different: it can be commercial structures, and private entrepreneurs, and maybe government agencies who are directly involved in youth employment.

In most cases, teenagers turn to various agencies. Schoolchildren do not yet have sufficient qualifications, so the choice of vacancies is limited. Most often during summer holidays teenagers perform low-paid work: they work as couriers, waiters, perform landscaping work, distribute leaflets and booklets, work as assistants to a system administrator or animator, and in other similar jobs.
Labor legislation in our country provides for employment opportunities young man over the age of 14, subject to the following conditions:

  • work should not be contraindicated for the health of a minor; this must be confirmed by a medical certificate, form 087, which indicates whether the child can work or has any health limitations.
  • work must be performed in free time from study and must not interfere with the learning process;
  • consent of one of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) to the child’s work;
  • consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

When applying for a job, schoolchildren must sign employment contract. It must indicate the organization that hires the teenager with full open details and passport data of the child himself. The contract specifies where he will work, how long his working day is, how much the child will directly receive, and the degree of responsibility of the employer. And all this is sealed, naturally, with the director’s signature and seal. It is very important.

IN Labor Code it is stated that a teenager aged 14-15 years has the right to work no more than 5 hours a day, children aged 16 to 18 years have the opportunity to work 7 hours.

A work book is created for each teenager, in which a corresponding entry is made. And even if he worked for a month, two, three during the holidays, all this time will be included in his total work experience. This is one of the social guarantees.
If the employer does not offer to draw up any documents, but only verbally promises to pay something at some point, then the young employee most likely will not receive any money.

Of course, work for a teenager is another way to assert themselves and feel financially independent from their parents. Even if they give the student a sufficient amount of pocket money, the child is pleased to know that he earned part of the money himself, and, therefore, can spend it at his own discretion.

Of course, not all employers want to hire schoolchildren. Most often, teenagers turn to agencies that offer them to distribute leaflets on the streets. Although the earnings here will not be too large, everyone is hired for such a position, since it does not require special knowledge and experience.
IN large companies Couriers, cleaners, promoters, assistant managers, and other employees are often required. Teenagers are willing to take on this type of work.
In order to get a temporary part-time job, a teenager needs to contact the Employment Center in his administrative district. You can also get temporary work during the summer, autumn, and winter holidays.

Irina Burkhovetskaya
Children's safety measures during the winter holidays

New Year and Christmas are long-awaited holidays that everyone loves. Games, entertainment and fun around the New Year's tree are remembered by children for a long time. Do not forget that it is during the holiday weekend that children may face the most unexpected dangerous situations at home, on walks and at visits.

It is difficult to control a child and limit the possibility of danger, especially during winter holiday time. But most damage and dangerous situations can be avoided. And the prevention of childhood injuries naturally falls on the shoulders of kindergarten teachers and parents.

Child injuries are much more common than adult injuries, which is not surprising. Children are very inquisitive and strive to actively learn. environment. But at the same time, they have very few everyday skills, and they cannot always assess the danger of the current situation. Therefore, childhood injuries are quite common.

Some specialists conditionally divide childhood injuries into several types depending on the place where the child can be injured.

Domestic (injuries that occur at home, in kindergarten);



Domestic injuries - the most common - are the carelessness of parents. Parents who leave their unattended children, and may leave dangerous objects in places accessible to the child, forget to close windows and doors, etc.

Holidays- this is the most carefree time, but it is the responsibility of parents to provide in advance safety of your children.

Below are the basic rules of conduct written in poetic form, which the child will read and be able to easily remember them.

When you go fast on a sled

Straight down from a high mountain,

You may not notice your friend

And, of course, plaster awaits you.

It's so wonderful to ride down the hill,

But the roads are always dangerous.

Fast cars rush along the roads.

Can you get there?

Directly to them under the tires.

Don't go under the roof

There is snow and ice on the roof.

Icicles may fall

When someone is walking.

When the frost is down to minus twenty,

You go for a walk with friends.

But before we play in the snow,

Remember, you can’t throw ice!

If you went to the skating rink,

Play hockey once.

Be careful, don't rush

Don't hit your friends with your skate!

The guys dug caves in the snow,

They played a game "cubs",

They dug a deep tunnel

But they couldn’t find a way out.

If there's a snowstorm outside,

You go to bed quickly.

And don't leave the house,

Wait out the bad weather.

The snow is flying and spinning,

And it falls under our feet.

Don't put it in your mouth

He's all dirty from the inside.

Dirt is harmful, it is dangerous,

There are microbes in it - that's clear.

- Don’t walk on ice in winter:

Could you get into trouble?

In a hole or in a wormwood

And you will waste your life.

When the frost starts to bite,

Only the walrus goes for a swim then.

If you toughen up

You shouldn't be afraid of frost.

Always remember these rules

So that trouble doesn't happen to you

Remember, there is only one life,

She is the most important.

How to avoid childhood injuries?

Of course, it is impossible to completely eradicate childhood injuries - no one is insured against an accident. But the main objective parents - maximum keep your child safe. Because a large number of Accidents occur precisely because of the parents - they overlooked, did not explain.

We can say with confidence that children are already preschool age can perceive argumentation, and therefore, let him learn about the danger from your words, rather than experience own experience. You just need to tell it calmly, without raising your voice or intimidating your child.

The older children become, the more important the explanation of the rules of technique becomes. security.

It is not uncommon for a child to go to kindergarten, parents shift all responsibility for child injuries to educators and physical education teachers.

Undoubtedly, in time classes, all responsibility for the child falls on the shoulders of the teacher, but parents themselves need to familiarize their child with rules:

Rules of conduct on the road.

1. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green at a pedestrian crossing marked special sign And "zebra". When crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light, you should remember to first look to the right and then to the left.

2. You should not cross the road in front of an approaching car.

Fire rules safety during New Year holidays.

1. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with cloth or plastic toys, and do not cover the Christmas tree stand with cotton wool.

2. Do not light sparklers indoors, wax candles, or use firecrackers.

3. Pyrotechnics should not be used.

Rules of behavior in winter on open reservoirs.

1. Before standing on the ice, you need to make sure it is strong by using a stick.

2. You should beware of places where the ice is covered with snow; ice grows slower under snow.

3. For sledding, skiing, and skating, you must choose places with a strong ice cover, previously examined by adults. If the ice cracks, bends, or water appears on the surface, immediately return to the shore. Do not walk on ice in a crowd or with a heavy load.

Rules of conduct in time hiking and skiing.

In time Hiking or skiing can be subject to dangers such as hypothermia and frostbite.

First aid when hypothermia occurs or frostbite:

1. Move the victim to a warm room as quickly as possible.

2. Remove frozen or wet clothes and shoes from the victim.

Never with frostbite it is forbidden:

1. Rub frostbitten areas of the body with snow;

2. Place frostbitten limbs immediately in warm water or cover with warm heating pads;

3. Lubricate the skin with oils.

Childhood trauma is undeniable serious problem, but dear adults and parents! We can avoid most injuries if we supervise our children very carefully and teach them the necessary rules. security.

In vacation time never leave yours unattended children.

Teach children from the early age follow the rules security. And remember that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

Holiday schedule in schools, universities and secondary institutions vocational education in Moscow are approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other decision-maker. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of a higher authority.

Russian schools live according to two academic “calendars”: quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, and also focusing on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education educational establishments They decide their own holiday dates. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general holidays mean greater opportunities for organizing quality children's leisure time: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Holidays in schools with a quarterly education system

Those who study in quarters have holidays four times a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

– 2019 school year

Of these, the dates of the autumn holidays at the end of October and the beginning of November are less stable: their end date depends on National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4. For example, the autumn holidays of 2018 will not last traditionally from Monday to Sunday, but will last a day longer due to the postponement of the day off. That is from October 27 to November 5.

New Year holidays 2018–2019 academic year

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. The winter vacation will last in the 2018/2019 academic year from December 30 to January 8. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 16 to 25 February.

Spring break 2019 school year

The situation with holidays in the spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on holidays. Spring break falls on last week March and the first week of April. In 2019, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23 to March 31.

Summer holidays 2019 academic year

Summer holidays will begin as usual - on the last Monday of May. In 2019 it falls on the 27th. Thus, from May 27 to September 1 There are three schoolchildren waiting happy month free from lessons.

* For students of first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school classes may be canceled for the following reasons:

Every year the curriculum becomes less accessible to students, compared to previous years: many new subjects are added, the requirement for the level of knowledge increases, etc. Therefore, before loading your child with studies during the holidays, you need to take into account all the wishes of teachers, psychologists and doctors who are more competent in this matter.

Experts recommend that parents put the health of your child first, of course, and give him the opportunity to fully enjoy the rest. After all, you can destroy all children’s expectations and reduce motivation to study if you constantly sit your child down with textbooks. Your student will be so tired that by the beginning of the school year he simply will not have the energy.

The exception to the rule is students who are classified as underachieving. For these guys, during the holidays, study should dominate over rest. But before we start educational process, you need to take into account such an important fact as childhood neuroses. Many doctors believe that the main cause of their occurrence is nothing more than a complex school program. Please note that the main signs that may indicate this disease are the following:

  • the child does not sleep well;
  • circles appeared under the eyes;
  • there is a deterioration in appetite;
  • The baby began to stutter and bite his nails.

Another exception is the male applicants. For many of them, summer is not only a vacation, but also an opportunity to review previously learned material and prepare well for entering a university, college, technical school or lyceum. Now their future depends directly on the level of school knowledge.

But for those parents who believe in the need for summer learning, there are many facts to know. Do not forget that you should not overload the child, as indicated by such external signs like paleness and bruises under the eyes. Judge for yourself, scientists have proven that children who are actively involved in sports visit a lot. fresh air, have high academic performance. It follows from this that the daily routine is very important for a child; the alternation of study and rest should be in equal proportions.

We also cannot omit the fact that additional fiction affects only general development child. Doctors note that overwork is a serious cause of many chronic diseases and mental problems as well. When all the characteristics of overfatigue are evident, you need to immediately stop classes and give the child a full rest. The best option A good night's sleep will serve as a rest for him. You also need to know that summer classes can completely destroy all desire and desire to study in September. After all, during the holidays the child will not have time to miss school - he will not have the strength, the desire and interest in further activities will disappear.

If your child has independently shown interest in the educational process, support him and help him cope with this difficult activity. Do not judge him or try to lure him to a picnic or river. Please note that he will not do more than he can.

To parents who listened to doctors' recommendations and replaced studying active recreation, we advise you to take note of ways to make your holidays bright and unforgettable. So, the most optimal thing for a city child is to relax closer to nature and away from the big fuss. For this purpose, vacations to grandparents in the village can serve, who can fully leave good impressions and charge positive emotions for the whole year. After all, there is a river, a forest, a meadow, a lot of picnics and a lot of games in the fresh air, which is important.

A good option would also be to plan a joint holiday at sea, the advantage of which is both the improvement of the child’s health and new experiences, as well as the opportunity to finally spend time with the whole family.

We, of course, support the idea that the holidays are a time for relaxation, and only extremely necessary circumstances, which were mentioned in this article, can violate this axiom. It’s up to you to decide what to do, because there are so many people, so many opinions, but you definitely need to take into account the recommendations of competent specialists in the field of medicine and pedagogy before accepting this important decision in relation to the child.

Let the holidays for your baby become a sea of ​​positive emotions, because they were created for this, and not a negative imprint on the soul.

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