Military equipment and aircraft. Russian strategic aviation. Structure of the air force of the Russian Air Force

Russian supersonic strategic bomber Tu-160. Armed with cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of more than five thousand kilometers

The idea of ​​using aircraft on the battlefield arose long before the first airplanes designed by the Wright brothers took to the air. The subsequent development of military aviation was unusually rapid, and to this day airplanes and helicopters have become a formidable weapon in the hands of commanders, second in power only to nuclear missile forces. Without dominance in the sky, achieving victory on earth is incredibly difficult, and often impossible. Aviation is capable of detecting and destroying any target; it is difficult to hide from it and even more difficult to defend against.

What is military aviation?

Modern air forces include special troops and services, as well as a rather complex set of technical means, varied in their intended purpose, which can be used to solve strike, reconnaissance, transport and some other tasks.

The main part of this complex is the following types of aviation:

  1. Strategic;
  2. Frontline;
  3. Sanitary;
  4. Transport.

Additional aviation units are also part of the air defense forces, navy And ground forces.

History of the creation of military aviation

Sikorsky's Ilya Muromets aircraft is the world's first four-engine bomber

The first airplanes for a long time used almost exclusively for entertainment and sporting purposes. But already in 1911, during the armed conflict between Italy and Turkey, aircraft were used in the interests of the army. At first these were reconnaissance flights, the first of which took place on October 23, and already on November 1, the Italian pilot Gavoti used weapons on ground targets, dropping several ordinary hand grenades on them.

By the beginning of the First World War, the great powers managed to acquire air fleets. They consisted mainly of reconnaissance airplanes. There were no fighters at all, and only Russia had bombers - these were the famous Ilya Muromets aircraft. Unfortunately, it was never possible to establish a full-fledged serial production of these machines, so their total number did not exceed 80 copies. Meanwhile, Germany produced hundreds of its own bombers in the second half of the war.

In February 1915, the world's first fighter aircraft, created by the French pilot Roland Garros, appeared on the Western Front. The device he invented for firing through a propeller was quite primitive, although it worked; however, already in May of the same year, the Germans commissioned their own fighters equipped with a full-fledged synchronizer. From this point on, air battles became increasingly common.

German fighter Fokker Dr.I. One of these aircraft was used by the best ace of the First World War, Manfred von Richthofen.

After the end of World War I, aircraft continued to develop rapidly, increasing their speed, range and payload. At the same time, the so-called “Douay Doctrine” appeared, named after its author, an Italian general, who believed that victory in the war could only be achieved through aerial bombing, methodically destroying the enemy’s defense and industrial potential, undermining his morale and will. to resistance.

As subsequent events showed, this theory does not always justify itself, but it was it that largely determined the subsequent directions of development of military aviation throughout the world. The most notable attempt to put the Douay Doctrine into practice was the strategic bombing of Germany during World War II. As a result, military aviation made a huge contribution to the subsequent defeat of the “Third Reich”, however, it was still not possible to do without the active actions of the ground forces.

Armadas of long-range bombers were considered the main strike instrument in the post-war period. It was in those years that jet aircraft appeared, which largely changed the very idea of ​​​​military aviation. Huge “flying fortresses” became just a convenient target for the Soviet high-speed and well-armed MiGs.

B-29 - American strategic bomber of the 40s, the first carrier of nuclear weapons

This meant that bombers also had to become jet-powered, which soon happened. During these years, aircraft became increasingly complex. If during World War II only one aircraft technician was involved in servicing the fighter, then in subsequent years it was necessary to attract a whole team of specialists.

During the Vietnam War, multi-role aircraft, capable of striking ground targets as well as air combat, came to the fore. This was the American F-4 Phantom, which to some extent became a source of inspiration for the Soviet designers who developed the MiG-23. At the same time, the conflict in Vietnam Once again showed that bombing alone, even the most intense, is not enough for victory: combat aviation without the help of ground forces, it is capable of forcing surrender only to a morally broken enemy, prepared in advance for defeat.

In the 70-80s of the last century, fourth-generation fighters appeared in the skies. They differed from their predecessors not only in flight characteristics, but also in the composition of their weapons. The use of high-precision weapons has once again changed the face of air warfare: there has been a transition from massive airstrikes to “targeted” ones.

Su-27 (left) and F-15 are the best fighters of the 80s of the last century

Today, the main direction of development of military aviation has become the intensive use of drones, both reconnaissance and strike, as well as the creation of stealth multi-purpose aircraft, such as the American F-35 or Russian Su-57.

Purpose of military aviation

List of main tasks that are solved with the help of military aircraft and helicopters:

  1. Conducting all types of aerial reconnaissance;
  2. Artillery fire adjustment;
  3. Destruction of ground, sea, air and space targets, small and large, stationary and mobile, area and point;
  4. Mining of areas;
  5. Protection of airspace and ground forces;
  6. Transportation and landing of troops;
  7. Delivery of various military cargo and equipment;
  8. Evacuation of the wounded and sick;
  9. Conducting campaign events;
  10. Inspection of the area, detection of radiation, chemical and bacteriological contamination.

Thus, military aviation can bring enormous benefits, of course, provided that it is used correctly.

Military aviation equipment

During the First World War, attack airships (Zeppelins) were actively used, however, today there is nothing like this in the Air Force. All equipment used is airplanes (airplanes) and helicopters.


The breadth of the range of tasks solved with the help of aviation forces the Air Force to include vehicles from several different types. Each of them has its own purpose.

F-111 – American frontline bomber with variable sweep wing

Combat aircraft

This type of aviation includes:

  1. Fighters. Their main purpose is to destroy enemy aircraft and gain air superiority, local or complete. All other tasks are secondary. Armament – ​​guided air-to-air missiles, automatic cannons;
  2. Bombers. Can be front-line or strategic. They are used mainly for attacks on ground targets. Armament - air-to-surface missiles (including unguided ones), free-falling, gliding and guided bombs, as well as torpedoes (for anti-submarine aircraft);
  3. Stormtroopers. Used primarily for direct support of troops on the battlefield;
  4. Fighter-bombers are aircraft capable of striking ground targets and conducting air combat. All modern fighters are like this to some extent.

Strategic bombers differ significantly from other combat aircraft in their weapons complex, which includes cruise missiles long range.

Reconnaissance and air surveillance aircraft

In principle, “regular” fighters or bombers equipped with the necessary equipment can be used to solve reconnaissance tasks. An example is the MiG-25R. But there is also specialized equipment. These are, in particular, the American U-2 and SR-71, and the Soviet An-30.

High-speed reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 Blackbird

Long-range radar detection aircraft - the Russian A-50 (created on the basis of the Il-76), and the American E-3 Sentry - also fall into this category. Such machines are capable of conducting deep radio reconnaissance, however, they are not stealthy, since they are a source of powerful electromagnetic radiation. Such reconnaissance aircraft as the Il-20, which are mainly engaged in radio interception, behave much more “modestly”.

Transport aircraft

This type of aircraft is used to transport troops and equipment. Some models of machines included in the transport aviation, are adapted for landing - both conventional and parachuteless, carried out from extremely low altitudes.

The most commonly used military transport aircraft in the Russian army are the Il-76 and An-26. If it is necessary to deliver cargo of significant weight or volume, heavy An-124s can be used. Of the American military aircraft for a similar purpose, the most famous are the C-5 Galaxy and C-130 Hercules.

Il-76 is the main aircraft of Russian military transport aviation

Training aircraft

Becoming a military pilot is quite difficult. The hardest thing is to gain real skills that cannot be replaced by virtual flights on a simulator or deep study of theory. To solve this problem, training aviation is used. Such aircraft can be either specialized machines or variants of combat aircraft.

For example, the Su-27UB, although used for pilot training, can be used as a full-fledged fighter. At the same time, the Yak-130 or the British BAE Hawk are specialized training aircraft. In some cases, even such models can be used as light attack aircraft to strike ground targets. This usually happens “due to poverty”, in the absence of full-fledged combat aircraft.


Although rotary-wing aircraft were used to a limited extent already during the Second World War, after the end of hostilities, interest in “helicopters” noticeably decreased. It soon became clear that this was a mistake, and today helicopters are used in the armies of various countries around the world.

Transport helicopters

Conventional airplanes cannot take off and land vertically, which somewhat narrows their scope of application. Helicopters initially had this property, which made them a very attractive means for delivering goods and transporting people. The first full-fledged “debut” of such machines took place during the Korean War. The US Army, using helicopters, evacuated the wounded directly from the battlefield, delivered ammunition and equipment to the soldiers, and created problems for the enemy by landing small armed detachments in his rear.

V-22 Osprey is one of the most unusual examples of rotorcraft

Today the most typical transport helicopter in the Russian army is the Mi-8. The huge heavy Mi-26 is also used. The US military operates the UH-60 Blackhawk, CH-47 Chinook, and the V-22 Osprey.

Attack helicopters

The first rotary-wing vehicle, created specifically to engage ground targets and provide direct fire support to its own troops, appeared in the United States in the 60s. It was a UH-1 Cobra helicopter, some modifications of which are still used by the US military today. The functions of these machines to some extent overlap with the tasks of attack aircraft.

In the 70s, attack helicopters were considered perhaps the most effective anti-tank weapon. This became possible thanks to new types of guided aircraft missiles, such as the American TOW and Hellfire, as well as the Soviet Phalanx, Attack and Vikhryam. A little bit later combat helicopters were additionally equipped with air-to-air missiles.

The most “brutal” combat helicopter in the world - the Mi-24 - is capable of not only striking ground targets, but also transporting paratroopers

Most famous cars this class are Mi-24, Ka-52, AH-64 Apache.

Reconnaissance helicopters

In Soviet and then Russian army aviation, reconnaissance tasks were usually assigned not to specialized, but to ordinary combat or transport helicopters. The USA took a different path and developed the OH-58 Kiowa. The equipment placed on board this vehicle allows you to confidently detect and recognize various targets at long distances. The weakness of the helicopter is its poor security, which sometimes led to losses.

Of the Russian models, the most advanced reconnaissance equipment possesses the Ka-52, which allows this vehicle to be used as a kind of “gunner”.


Over the past decades, the importance of unmanned aerial vehicles has grown significantly. Drones make it possible to conduct reconnaissance and even launch surprise attacks on targets while remaining invulnerable. They are not only difficult to shoot down, but even easy to detect.

Drones are likely to become a priority in aviation development for the foreseeable future. Such vehicles will, in particular, be used as assistants for the most modern tanks and fifth-generation fighters. Over time, they may completely replace manned combat aircraft.

Promising Russian UAV "Okhotnik"

Air defense

To solve problems air defense Both conventional front-line fighters and specialized interceptors can be used. Special attention such aircraft were given priority in the USSR, since American strategic bombers had long been considered the No. 1 threat.

The most famous air defense aircraft were the Soviet MiG-25 and MiG-31 interceptors. These are relatively low-maneuverable aircraft, but they are capable of quickly accelerating to speeds of more than 3,000 kilometers per hour.

Of the American fighters with a similar purpose, the F-14 Tomcat is the most famous. This carrier-based aircraft was the sole carrier of the long-range AIM-54 Phoenix missile and was used to protect carrier strike groups from air attack.

MiG-25 interceptor on takeoff. Taking advantage of their record speed, such aircraft successfully evaded dozens of air-to-air missiles fired at them.

In recent decades, aviation technology has not been developing as rapidly as it was previously. Fighters such as the F-15, F-16, F/A-18 and Su-27 still dominate the air forces of various countries, although these machines first took to the air back in the 70-80s of the last century . Of course, this does not mean that progress has stopped. The composition of weapons is changing, on-board electronics are being updated, and most importantly, the tactics and strategy for using aviation are being revised, which in the future may become largely unmanned. One thing is clear - no matter what technical staff The air force, airplanes and helicopters will remain one of the most powerful means of achieving victory in any military conflict.

The Russian Federation is a powerful aviation power with its own history, whose air force is capable of resolving any conflicts that pose a threat to our country. This was clearly demonstrated by the events last months in Syria, where Russian pilots are successfully conducting fighting against the ISIS army, which poses a terrorist threat to the entire modern world.


Russian aviation began its existence in 1910, but the official starting point was August 12, 1912 when Major General M.I. Shishkevich took control of all units in the Aeronautical Unit of the General Staff, which had been organized by that time.

Having existed for a very short period of time, military aviation Russian Empire became one of the best air forces of the time, although aircraft production in Russian state was in its infancy and Russian pilots had to fight on foreign-made aircraft.

"Ilya Muromets"

Although Russian state purchased aircraft from other countries, Russian soil has never been scarce for talented people. In 1904, Professor Zhukovsky founded an institute for the study of aerodynamics, and in 1913, the young Sikorsky designed and built his famous bomber "Ilya Muromets" and a biplane with four engines "Russian Knight", designer Grigorovich developed various hydroplane designs.

The aviators Utochkin and Artseulov were very popular among the pilots of that time, and the military pilot Pyotr Nesterov amazed everyone by performing his legendary “dead loop” and became famous in 1914 by ramming an enemy plane in the air. In the same year, Russian pilots conquered the Arctic for the first time during flights to search for the missing pioneers of the North from Sedov’s expedition.

The Russian air force was represented by Army and Naval aviation, each type had several aviation groups, which included air squads of 6-10 aircraft each. Initially, the pilots were only engaged in adjusting artillery fire and reconnaissance, but then using bombs and machine guns they destroyed enemy personnel. With the appearance of fighters, battles began to destroy enemy aircraft.


By the fall of 1917, Russian aviation numbered about 700 aircraft, but then the October Revolution and it was disbanded, many Russian pilots died in the war, and most of those who survived the revolutionary coup emigrated. The young Soviet republic founded its own air force in 1918 under the name Workers' and Peasants' Red. Air Fleet. But the fratricidal war ended and they forgot about military aviation; only at the end of the 30s, with the course towards industrialization, did its revival begin.

The Soviet government intensively took up the construction of new aviation industry enterprises and the creation of design bureaus. In those years, brilliant Soviet aircraft designersPolikarpov, Tupolev, Lavochkin, Ilyushin, Petlyakov, Mikoyan and Gurevich.

To train and train pilots, flying clubs were founded as initial pilot training schools. After receiving piloting skills in such institutions, the cadets were sent to flight schools and then assigned to combat units. More than 20 thousand cadets were trained in 18 flight schools, technical personnel were trained in 6 institutions.

The leaders of the USSR understood that the first socialist state was in dire need of an air force and took all measures to quickly increase the aircraft fleet. At the turn of the 40s, wonderful fighters appeared, built at the Yakovlev and Lavochkin Design Bureaus - these are Yak-1 And LaG-3, Ilyushin Design Bureau commissioned the first attack aircraft, designers under the leadership of Tupolev created a long-range bomber TB-3, and the design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich completed flight tests of the fighter.


The aviation industry, on the threshold of war, produced 50 aircraft per day in the early summer of 1941 and three months later doubled the production of aircraft.

But for Soviet aviation, the beginning of the war was tragic; most of the aircraft located at airfields in the border zone were destroyed right in the parking lots without having time to take off. In the first battles, our pilots, lacking experience, used outdated tactics and, as a result, suffered heavy losses.

It was possible to turn this situation around only in mid-1943, when the flight crew acquired the necessary experience and aviation began to receive more modern technology, aircraft such as fighter jets Yak-3, La-5 And La-7, modernized attack aircraft with Il-2 air gunner, bombers, long-range bombers.

In total, more than 44 thousand pilots were trained and graduated during the war, but the losses were enormous - 27,600 pilots were killed in battles on all fronts. By the end of the war, our pilots gained complete air superiority.

After the end of hostilities, a period of confrontation began, known as cold war. The era of jet aircraft began in aviation, and a new type of military equipment appeared - helicopters. During these years, aviation developed rapidly, more than 10 thousand aircraft were built, the creation of fourth generation fighter projects was completed and Su-29, development of fifth-generation machines began.


But the subsequent collapse Soviet Union buried all the initiatives; the republics that emerged from it divided all aviation among themselves. In 1997, the President of the Russian Federation, by his decree, announced the creation of the Russian Air Force, which united the air defense and air force forces.

Russian aviation had to participate in two Chechen wars and the Georgian military conflict, at the end of 2015, a limited contingent of the air force redeployed to the Syrian Republic, where it successfully conducts military operations against global terrorism.

The nineties were a period of degradation of Russian aviation; this process was stopped only in the early 2000s, Air Force Commander-in-Chief Major General A.N. Zelin in 2008 described the situation in Russian aviation as extremely difficult. The training of military personnel was significantly reduced, many airfields were abandoned and destroyed, aircraft were poorly maintained, and training flights practically ceased due to lack of finance.

year 2009

Since 2009, the level of preparedness began to rise personnel, aviation equipment was modernized and overhauled, the purchase of new aircraft and the renewal of the aircraft fleet began. The development of the fifth generation aircraft is nearing completion. The flight crew began regular flights and are improving their skills; the material well-being of the pilots and technicians has increased.

The Russian Air Force consistently conducts exercises, improving combat skills and prowess.

Structural organization of the air force

On August 1, 2015, the air force organizationally joined the military space forces, of which Colonel General Bondarev was appointed commander-in-chief. The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces is currently Lieutenant General Yudin.

The Russian Air Force consists of the main types of aviation - long-range, military transport and army aviation. Radio engineering, anti-aircraft and rocket troops also included in the Air Force. Key Features to provide intelligence and communications, protection against weapons mass destruction, conducting rescue operations and electronic warfare carried out by special troops also included in the air force. In addition, it is impossible to imagine the Air Force without engineering and logistics services, medical and meteorological units.

The Russian Air Force is designed to perform the following missions:

  • Repel any attacks by the aggressor in the air and space.
  • Providing air cover for launch sites, cities and all significantly important objects,
  • Conducting reconnaissance.
  • Destruction of enemy troops using conventional and nuclear weapons.
  • Close air support for ground forces.

Back in 2008, a reform of Russian aviation took place, which structurally divided the air force into commands, brigades and air bases. The command was based on territorial principle which abolished the Army Air Force and Air Defense.

Today, commands are located in four cities: St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don. A separate command exists for long-range and military transport aviation, located in Moscow. By 2010, there were about 70 former aviation regiments, and now air bases, in total there were 148 thousand people in the air force and the Russian Air Force is second in number only to US aviation.

Military equipment of Russian aviation

Long-range and strategic aircraft

One of prominent representatives long-range aviation is the Tu-160, which bears the affectionate name “White Swan”. This machine was produced during the Soviet Union, develops supersonic speed and has a variable sweep wing. According to the developers, it is capable of overcoming enemy air defenses at ultra-low altitude and delivering a nuclear strike. The Russian Air Force has only 16 such aircraft and the question is: will our industry be able to organize the production of such machines?

The Tupolev Design Bureau's aircraft first took to the air during Stalin's lifetime and has been in service ever since. Four turboprop engines allow long-distance flights along the entire border of our country. Nickname " Bear"earned due to the bass sound of these engines, is capable of carrying cruise missiles and nuclear bombs. There are 30 of these machines left in service in the Russian Air Force.

A long-range strategic missile carrier with economical engines is capable of supersonic flights, equipped with a variable sweep wing, the production of these aircraft was launched back in the last century in the 60s. 50 vehicles and a hundred aircraft are in service Tu-22M preserved.

Fighter aircraft

Frontline fighter released in Soviet time, belongs to the first aircraft of the fourth generation; later modifications of this aircraft numbering about 360 units are in service.

On the base Su-27 A vehicle was released that had an electronic electronic equipment, capable of identifying targets on the ground and in the air at a great distance and transmitting target designations to other crews. There are a total of 80 such aircraft in stock.

Even deeper modernization Su-27 became a fighter, this aircraft belongs to the 4++ generation, it has high maneuverability and is equipped with the latest electronics.

These aircraft entered combat units in 2014; the air force has 48 aircraft.

The fourth generation of Russian aircraft began with MiG-27, more than two dozen modified models of this vehicle have been produced, with a total of 225 combat units in service.

Another fighter-bomber that cannot be ignored is the newest aircraft, which is in service with the Air Force in the amount of 75 units.

Attack aircraft and interceptors

- this is an exact copy of the F-111 aircraft of the US Air Force, which has not been flying for a long time; its Soviet analogue is still in service, but by 2020 all machines will be decommissioned; now there are about a hundred similar machines in service.

Legendary Stormtrooper Su-25 "Rook", which has high survivability, was developed in the 70s so successfully that after so many years of operation they are going to modernize it, since they do not yet see a worthy replacement. Today, 200 combat-ready vehicles and 100 aircraft are mothballed.

The interceptor develops high speed in a matter of seconds and is designed for a long range. The modernization of this aircraft will be completed by the twentieth year; in total there are 140 such aircraft in units.

Military transport aviation

The main fleet of transport aircraft are aircraft from the Antonov Design Bureau and several modifications from the Ilyushin Design Bureau. Among them are light transporters and An-72, medium-duty vehicles An-140 And An-148, solid heavy trucks An-22, An-124 And . About three hundred transport workers perform tasks to deliver cargo and military equipment.

Training aircraft

Designed after the collapse of the Union, the only training aircraft went into production and immediately gained a reputation as an excellent training machine with a program for simulating the aircraft for which the future pilot is retrained. In addition to it, there is a Czech training aircraft L-39 and an aircraft for training transport aviation pilots Tu-134UBL.

Army aviation

This type of aviation is represented mainly by Mil and Kamov helicopters and also by the machine of the Kazan Helicopter Plant “Ansat”. After being discontinued, the Russian army aviation was replenished with one hundred and the same number. Most of the helicopters in combat units are proven and Mi-24. Eights in service - 570 units, and Mi-24– 620 units. The reliability of these Soviet cars no doubt.

Unmanned aircraft

The USSR attached little importance to this type of weapon, but technological progress does not stand still and in modern times drones have found worthy use. These aircrafts conduct reconnaissance and film enemy positions, destroy command posts without risking the lives of the people controlling these drones. The Air Force has several types of UAVs - these are "Bee-1T" And "Flight-D", an outdated Israeli drone is still in service "Outpost".

Prospects for the Russian Air Force

In Russia, several aircraft projects are in development and some are close to completion. Undoubtedly, the new fifth-generation aircraft will arouse great interest among the general public, especially since it has already been demonstrated. PAK FA T-50 is undergoing the final stage of flight testing and will enter combat units in the near future.

An interesting project was presented by the Ilyushin Design Bureau; the aircraft and aircraft developed by its designers are replacing the Antonov aircraft and removing our dependence on the supply of spare parts from Ukraine. Commissioned newest fighter, test flights of new rotorcraft are completed and Mi-38. We started developing a project for a new strategic aircraft PAK-DA, they promise that it will be lifted into the air in 2020.

Since the first use of aircraft on the battlefield, their role in military conflicts has been constantly growing. The role of aviation has become especially significant over the past thirty to fifty years. Year after year, combat aircraft receive more and more advanced electronics, more and more powerful tools combat, their speed increases, and their visibility on radar screens decreases. Currently, aviation can play a role even alone key role in modern regional conflict. This in military history humanity has never existed before.

During the aggression in Yugoslavia, NATO aviation decided the course of the conflict practically without resistance from ground forces. The same can be said about the first American company in Iraq. It was aviation that then played a decisive role in the defeat of Saddam Hussein’s large army. The US Air Force and its allies hunted Iraqi armored vehicles with impunity, having previously destroyed Iraqi combat aircraft.

There is an important nuance. Modern airplanes are so expensive (the cost of an Americanfifth generation aircraftThe F-22 costs about $350 million, which only very rich countries can afford to build or buy. The rest can only hope for a miracle or prepare for a guerrilla war.

With the advent of new precision-guided munitions, communications systems and satellite navigation and target designation, the role and power of the air force has increased manifold. Modern and future aircraft are also changing rapidly. The use of modern materials, engines of new designs, and sophisticated electronics makes a modern combat aircraft the crown of scientific and technological progress.

Currently, leading aviation powers are creating a fifth-generation fighter. The United States already has such fighters in service - the F-22 “Raptor” and the F-35 “Lightning”. These aircraft have long passed the testing stage, were put into production and put into service. The Russian Air Force, China and Japan are still lagging behind in this regard.

At the end of the 20th century, the USSR could compete on equal terms with the United States in the skies due to the excellent fourth-generation aircraft Mig-29 and Su-27. They were approximately identical in their performance characteristics American planes F-15, F/A-18 and F-16. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the development of new cars in Russia was suspended for several years. The work was practically not funded, and new developments were often created on the initiative of the aircraft manufacturers themselves and did not find support from the state. Meanwhile, the United States wasted no time: in the 90s, the development of a fifth-generation aircraft was actively underway, and in 1997 a prototype was tested, which would later be designated the F-22 “Raptor.”

The United States is so far the only country to have a fifth-generation aircraft in service. Moreover, the F-22 is prohibited from being sold even to allies. For deliveries abroad, the Americans created another aircraft, the F-35 “Lightning” (Lightning) - but it, according to experts, has more weak characteristics than the F-22. What about Russia? What are the plans of the Russian aviation industry? Are there any promising developments that will replace fourth-generation aircraft in the future?

“Our answer to Chamberlain” - the newest military aircraft of Russia

If we look at what the Russian aviation industry can now offer to the domestic air force, we will mainly see modifications of the fourth generation Su-27 and Mig-29 aircraft. They even came up with a new classification, Mig-35, and they belong to the 4++ generation, thereby indicating that this is almost the fifth generation. There is no doubt, both the Mig-29 and Su-27 are truly wonderful machines that were among the best in the world. But that was in the late eighties. The latest versions of these machines, of course, are seriously modified, the engines are improved, new electronics and navigation systems are installed, but will they be able to withstand the Raptor in battle?

A new generation aircraft has already been created in Russia - this is the PAK-FA (advanced aviation complex for front-line aviation), also known as T-50. With its futuristic shape, the new Russian aircraft is very reminiscent of the F-22. The plane first took to the air in 2010, and in 2011 it was first shown to the general public at the MAKS air show. We have very little reliable information about this newest machine. The aircraft is currently being finalized, but it should go into production in the near future.

In order to try to compare the PAK-FA with its American counterpart, the F-22, you need to clearly understand what a fifth-generation aircraft is and how it differs from previous machines. The military puts forward clear requirements for the new generation vehicle. Such an aircraft must have low visibility in all wavelengths, primarily in radar and infrared, it must be multifunctional, extremely maneuverable, maintain a supersonic cruising speed (go to supersonic speed without afterburner), be able to conduct all-aspect close combat and carry out multi-channel missile fire at long range. A fifth-generation aircraft must have “advanced” electronics, which would greatly facilitate the pilot’s work.

Experts are already comparing the F-22 and PAK-FA, based on the meager information that is available today. The newest Russian aircraft has large dimensions, including a wingspan, and therefore, most likely, it will be more maneuverable than its American counterpart. The PAK-FA has a slightly higher maximum speed, but loses to the “American” in cruising speed. The Russian aircraft has a longer practical range and a lower take-off weight. However, the PAK-FA loses to the F-22 in stealth.

It is not easy to compare these two aircraft, primarily due to a lack of information. There is one more nuance: modern aircraft- This is not only aerodynamics and weapons, but primarily electronics that control all aircraft systems. The USSR has always lagged behind in this area, and the situation is similar in Russia. Radar Russian plane is not inferior to the world's best analogues - but the on-board equipment leaves much to be desired.

Small-scale production of the PAK-FA began in 2014; the start of mass production of the aircraft is planned for 2019.

Here Comparative characteristics two planes.

Flight of the Berkut

Another very interesting car, created at the Sukhoi Design Bureau, is the Su-47. It's a pity that it still remains at the prototype stage. This aircraft has a forward-swept wing, which provides the aircraft with unprecedented maneuverability and rate of climb. The Su-47 made extensive use of composite materials, and the control interface in the cockpit was significantly improved.

The Su-47 was also created as a prototype of a fifth-generation aircraft. But it does not yet live up to the requirements put forward for such machines. The Berkut cannot fly at supersonic speeds without afterburner. In the future, they plan to equip the aircraft with a new engine with variable thrust vectoring, which would allow the Su-47 to overcome the supersonic barrier without afterburner.

The Berkut made its first flight in 1997; only one such aircraft was built. It is currently being used as a test site.

Here are the characteristics of the Su-47 Berkut aircraft.

Another newest aircraft recently adopted by the Russian Air Force is the . In 2014, 12 such aircraft arrived at the Aerospace Forces air regiments; in total, by the end of 2019, 48 Su-35s will arrive in the Air Force. This aircraft, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, belongs to the 4++ generation and has technical and combat characteristics almost at the level of a fifth-generation aircraft.

It differs from the PAK-FA only in the absence of stealth technologies and an active phased array antenna (AFAR). The aircraft is equipped with a new information and control system, phased array radar, and new engines with controlled thrust vectoring, which can reach supersonic speed without the use of afterburner. The airframe of the aircraft has also been strengthened.

With the adoption of this aircraft, Russian military pilots can fight back against the latest generation of aircraft.

Main characteristics of the Su-35 aircraft:

All of the above aircraft have already left the design bureaus and factory floors and have long since made their first flight. Currently, the Ilyushin Design Bureau is developing a new light transport aircraft, which should replace the outdated An-26.

First flight of the future transport aircraft planned for 2019, and the start of its mass production - for 2019. The new vehicle will have a payload capacity of up to six tons and will be equipped with two turboprop engines. The IL-112 will be able to land and take off both from equipped runways and from unpaved airfields. In addition to the cargo modification of the aircraft, aircraft manufacturers are planning to create a passenger version of the aircraft; it can be used on regional airlines.

"Mig" fifth generation

Sergey Korotkov, CEO RSK MiG told reporters that specialists from the design bureau are working on a fifth-generation fighter. As a basis new car, most likely, they will take the Mig-35 (another Russian 4++ generation vehicle). According to the developers, the new Mig will be very different from the PAK FA and will perform completely different functions.

New strategic bomber

Russia is developing a new strategic bomber, which will replace the Tu-160 and Tu-95 aircraft. The development of the new PAK DA (advanced long-range aviation complex) was entrusted to the Tupolev Design Bureau, although it can be noted that the Tupolev team began work on this machine back in 2009. In 2014, a contract was signed between the design bureau and the Ministry of Defense to carry out design work.

There is very little information about the future aircraft, but the leadership of the Russian Air Force stated that the aircraft will be subsonic and will be able to carry more weapons than the Tu-160 and will most likely be manufactured according to the “flying wing” design.

The first vehicle is expected to be ready in 2020, and mass production to start in 2025. It should be noted that work on creating a similar aircraft is now underway in the United States. As part of the Next Generation Bomber project, a subsonic aircraft with low level visibility and a large range (about nine thousand kilometers). According to media reports, the cost of one such machine can reach half a billion dollars.

After the collapse of the USSR, the aviation industry experienced difficult times. Many projects have been delayed for years, and now is the time to catch up. The development of a sixth-generation fighter is yet to come, but for now this is almost science fiction.

Video: new Russian aircraft

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The military-industrial complex of Russia is one of the most modern in the world, therefore Russian military aviation is also one of the most modern on the planet.

The Russian military-industrial complex is capable of producing almost any type of modern military aircraft, including fifth-generation fighters.

Russian military aviation consists of:

  • Russian bombers
  • Russian fighters
  • Russian attack aircraft
  • Russian AWACS aircraft
  • Flying tankers (refuelers) of Russia
  • Russian military transport aircraft
  • Russian military transport helicopters
  • Russian attack helicopters

The main manufacturers of military aircraft in Russia are PJSC Sukhoi Company, JSC RSK MiG, Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil, JSC Kamov and others.

You can see photos and descriptions of some companies' products using the links:

Let's look at each class of military aircraft with descriptions and photographs.

Russian bombers

Wikipedia will very accurately explain to us what a bomber is: A bomber is a military aircraft designed to destroy ground, underground, surface, and underwater targets using bombs and/or missiles. .

Long-range bombers of Russia

Long-range bombers in Russia are developed and produced by the Tupolev Design Bureau.

Long-range bomber Tu-160

The Tu-160, which received the unofficial name “White Swan”, is the fastest and heaviest long-range bomber in the world. The Tu-160 “White Swan” is capable of reaching supersonic speed, and not every fighter is able to keep up with it.

Long-range bomber Tu-95

Tu-95 is a veteran of Russian long-range aviation. Developed back in 1955 and having undergone many upgrades, the Tu-95 is still Russia's main long-range bomber.

Long-range bomber Tu-22M

Tu-22M is another long-range bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces. It has variable sweep wings, like the Tu-160, but its dimensions are smaller.

Frontline bombers of Russia

Frontline bombers in Russia are developed and produced by PJSC Sukhoi Company.

Su-34 front-line bomber

The Su-34 is a 4++ generation combat aircraft, a fighter-bomber, although it would be more accurate to call it a front-line bomber.

Su-24 front-line bomber

Su-24 is a front-line bomber, the development of which began in the USSR in the early 60s of the last century. Currently, it is being replaced by the Su-34.

Russian fighters

Fighter aircraft in Russia are developed and produced by two companies: PJSC Sukhoi Company and JSC RSK MiG.

Su fighters

PJSC Sukhoi Company supplies the troops with such modern combat vehicles, such as the fifth generation fighter Su-50 (PAK FA), Su-35, front-line bomber Su-34, carrier-based fighter Su-33, Su-30, heavy fighter Su-27, Su-25 attack aircraft, Su-24M3 front-line bomber.

Fifth generation fighter PAK FA (T-50)

PAK FA (T-50 or Su-50) is a fifth-generation fighter developed by PJSC Sukhoi Company for the Russian Aerospace Forces since 2002. As of the end of 2016, tests are being completed and the aircraft is being prepared for transfer to regular units.

Photo PAK FA (T-50).

Su-35 is a 4++ generation fighter aircraft.

Photo of Su-35.

Carrier-based fighter Su-33

Su-33 is a 4++ generation carrier-based fighter. Several such aircraft are in service with the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Su-27 fighter

The Su-27 is the main combat fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces. On its basis, the Su-34, Su-35, Su-33 and several other fighters were developed.

Su-27 in flight

MiG fighters

JSC RSK MiG currently supplies the troops with the MiG-31 interceptor fighter and the MiG-29 fighter.

MiG-31 interceptor fighter

The MiG-31 is an interceptor fighter designed to perform missions at any time of the day and in any weather. The MiG-31 is a very fast aircraft.

MiG-29 fighter

The MiG-29 is one of the main combat fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces. There is a deck version - MiG-29K.


The only attack aircraft in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces is the Su-25 attack aircraft.

Su-25 attack aircraft

Su-25 is an armored subsonic attack aircraft. The aircraft made its first flight in 1975. Since then, having undergone many upgrades, it has reliably performed its tasks.

Russian military helicopters

Helicopters for the army are produced by the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil and JSC Kamov.

Kamov helicopters

OJSC Kamov specializes in the production of coaxial helicopters.

Ka-52 helicopter

The Ka-52 Alligator is a two-seat helicopter capable of performing both attack and reconnaissance functions.

Deck helicopter Ka-31

The Ka-31 is a deck-based helicopter equipped with a long-range radio detection and guidance system and is in service with the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Deck helicopter Ka-27

Ka-27 – multi-role helicopter carrier-based aviation. The main modifications are anti-submarine and rescue.

Photo of Ka-27PL Russian Navy

Helicopters Mile

Mi helicopters are developed by the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil.

Mi-28 helicopter

Mi-28 - attack helicopter used by the Russian army of Soviet design.

Mi-24 helicopter

The Mi-24 is a world-famous attack helicopter created in the 1970s in the USSR.

Mi-26 helicopter

Mi-24 is a heavy transport helicopter, also developed during the Soviet era. On this moment is the largest helicopter in the world.

The air force is one of the most important components of the defense capability of each country. Every day, scientists around the world work to create faster and more efficient combat aircraft. Our review today presents 19 of the most best models fighters who have already proven themselves in combat.

1. American fighter-attack aircraft - Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

This model is a modernized version of a military aircraft F/A-18. The sample weighs 14.5 tons, and one full tank will be enough to fly 3,300 kilometers. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful F404 engine, thanks to which maximum speed can reach 1915 km/h. The Super Hornet costs about $67 million.

2. German monoplane fighter - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger

The presented model performed well in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Kurt Tank is the developer of a fighter called the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger, which was created specifically for the German Air Force. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1939.

3. American light fighter - Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon

This model was developed back in 1974, but was put into operation at the end of 1979. The sample length is 15 meters. The sample is equipped with a powerful General Electric F110 engine. Price General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is about 19 million US dollars.

4. Swedish multi-role fighter - Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The presented model has been in service with the Swedish Air Force since 1997. The weight of this sample is 6622 kilograms, while the flight range from one full tank reaches 3250 kilometers. The creator of the aircraft is Saab AB. Costs Saab JAS 39 Gripen approximately 60 million US dollars.

5. Fighter - Su-30MKI (Flanker-H)

The modernized model of the aircraft weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one full tank reaches 3,000 kilometers. This model made its first flight in 2000. The fighter is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine. Price Su-30MKI is 25 million US dollars.

6. Two-seat fighter - McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle

This model was created on the basis of the F-15D combat training fighter. This aircraft can be used for patrolling and providing cover for ground forces. The sample is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F100 engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2655 kilometers per hour. Price McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle is approximately US$31 million.

7. French multi-role fighter - Dassault Rafale

French company Dassault Aviation is the creator of a 15 meter fighter called - Dassault Rafale. The maximum speed of this model reaches 2130 km/h, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3700 kilometers.

8. Experimental aircraft - Sukhoi Su-35

This fighter weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,600 kilometers. The model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft reaches 2500 km/h. Costs Su-27M about 65 million US dollars.

9. Multirole fighter - Eurofighter Typhoon

This model was created by the company Eurofighter GmbH in 1986. The aircraft weighs 11 tons, and its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,790 kilometers. The maximum permissible speed of the aircraft is 1838 km/h.

10. Fighter-bomber - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

American company Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is the creator of a stealth fighter called - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. This model is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed can reach 1930 km/h and the flight range is 2220 kilometers. The sample made its first flight in 2006.

11. American attack aircraft - Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

This model is developed by the company Lockheed Martin. This model is designed to quietly penetrate enemy air defense systems and destroy strategically important targets. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful General Electric F404 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 993 kilometers per hour. Price Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is about 100 million US dollars.

12. Multi-role fighter - Mig 21

This model is equipped with a turbojet engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2175 kilometers per hour. The sample made its first flight back in 1955. Mig-21 is one of the most common supersonic aircraft around the world.

13. English fighter - Supermarine Spitfire

This model is one of the best fighters Second World War. This sample equipped with powerful engines such as: Rolls-Royce Merlin, Rolls-Royce Griffon, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can be 584 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1936.

14. Russian fighter - MiG-35

This model is equipped with a powerful RD-33 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2600 km/h. The sample made its first flight in 2007. One full tank aircraft enough for 2000 kilometers.

15. Multirole fighter - Chengdu J-10

This model is a development of a Chinese company Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.
The presented sample is equipped with a turbofan engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed of the aircraft can reach 2327 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight in 1998. Price Chengdu J-10 is 28 million US dollars.

16. British fighter - Hawker Siddeley Harrier

This model is a development of the Hawker Siddeley company, which in 1960 created a fighter called Hawker Siddeley Harrier. The maximum permissible flight speed of this sample is 1175 kilometers per hour.

17. American fighter - North American P-51 Mustang

This model was created by designer Edgar Schmüd together with the company North American Aviation. This model is equipped with a powerful twelve-cylinder engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 703 kilometers per hour.

18. Russian fighter - Su-47 Berkut

This model is equipped with powerful engines such as AL-31F, D-30, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2650 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,300 kilometers. The Su-47 Berkut costs about 70 million US dollars.

19. Multi-role fighter - Su-27

This model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2500 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,530 kilometers. Costs Su-27 approximately 30 million US dollars.

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